Useful tips: how to properly arrange buildings on the site. The correct location of the house on the cardinal points Where to put the house on the site

Planning and laying out a summer cottage is a big creative process that will require you not only to have certain knowledge, but also to connect your own imagination. At the same time, knowledgeable people recommend adhering to the advice of specialists who will help to complete all the work, as a result, each square meter of the territory will benefit and delight with beauty and comfort every day. How the layout of the suburban area is carried out with our own hands, we will consider in detail step by step.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the preparation of a future site plan, it is necessary to determine the terrain itself, the nature of the relief, the forms of the land plot, the presence of any buildings, as well as other features of the area. For example, in rural areas there are a large number of streams and reservoirs, if one is present on your site, then you can use it correctly.

Pay attention to several features of the placement of the cottage:

  • lowland - upland;
  • the presence or absence of a water source;
  • wooded area - steppe.

Quite often, you have to add or remove soil, make blind areas for walls, and also make organized drains. Only with proper placement of buildings on the site, it is possible to use the summer cottage to the maximum and select all zones.

In order for all the preparatory work to be done correctly, it is best to assess the space and start from the ground.

  1. Relief: hilly, flat, the presence of ravines or mountains. It is from this indicator that the schemes for laying engineering communications will depend.
  2. Soil: clayey, humus, sandy. If you plan to equip a garden, then you should increase the fertility of the soil by fertilizing. The set of plants for the garden and flower beds will depend on the acidity index.
  3. The shape and size of the territory: square, rectangular and elongated.
  4. Ground water: if the level is high enough, you should think about draining the water.
  5. Climatic conditions.
  6. Illumination.

All large buildings and trees are best oriented to the north side. This approach will reduce the influence of the shadow, and the view from the house will be as illuminated as possible throughout the day.

Zones on the territory of the cottage

The layout of the suburban area depends precisely on the zones that will be included here. Each individual case will have its own list, but you can consider the largest example and a list of zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • outbuildings;
  • garden.

Each of them should have its own area depending on the total area. So, with proper zoning, the residential part should be up to 20%. If it is planned to build outbuildings, then this percentage should not exceed 15%. At the same time, the largest plot is allocated to the garden and the garden - 75%. This approach will diversify landscape design and fill it with a wide variety of varieties of flowers and plant species.

  1. The house is placed first. Most often, the central zone is allocated for it, but the buildings are most often located somewhere in the depths. Interestingly and in an original way, they can be masked with the help of decorative plantings that are not afraid of shadows.
  2. A place to rest should be the most comfortable and best. In this case, the nature of the zone can be arranged or scattered. Here you should not forget about the place for the playground.
  3. The garden should be well lit, so it has a sunny side. The shadow from the buildings should not obscure the area.

Plot shapes

Options for planning a summer cottage can be very diverse, but almost everything will depend on the shape of the land. The most common type of site is a rectangular shape, on which it is possible to implement a wide variety of solutions and ideas. There is also an L-shaped type of plot. It is quite complex, so here you will need to think and think about where and how to place everything. The part that protrudes can be used as a place for recreation or a playground.

On a triangular-shaped site, an asymmetric approach can be considered when planning and laying out the territory. Emphasis should be on round elements:

  • lawns;
  • reservoirs;

In remote corners, it is best to place outbuildings.

Planning is a creative business. Experts advise to consider a wide variety of options, but not to copy them completely, but to make some changes.

After the important points have been identified and various layout options have been studied, it is necessary to sketch everything on a piece of paper. You can seek help from specialists, landscape designers who use special programs for project development. But to save money, an ordinary sheet of A4 paper and a pen (pencil) will be enough.

To sketch the plan, consider an example - a summer cottage of 10 acres. It is best if you take a scale of 1:100 and a sheet of drawing paper of the appropriate size - a square of 50 × 50 cm. For convenience, it is better to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler to line the entire sheet into a grid in 1 cm increments. Next - a flight of fancy: arm yourself with colored pencils, clippings from magazines and felt-tip pens, with which you can create a real collage.

When working with the scheme, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the location of the house, taking into account all exits;
  • places reserved for utility and auxiliary buildings;
  • rest zone;
  • playground;
  • tracks;
  • fence;
  • flower beds, rock gardens and front gardens;
  • reservoirs;
  • engineering Communication.

When placing objects in advance, it is necessary to select the optimal place that will correspond to the purpose.

So, as already mentioned, the site should first place the main elements in the following categories:

  • base - house;
  • additional buildings and outbuildings: summer kitchen, garage, well, barn, cellar and others;
  • recreation facilities: terrace, patio, gazebo, playground, swimming pool and outdoor shower;
  • garden and vegetable garden: flower beds, front gardens, beds for vegetables and root crops, greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention not only to their placement and shape, but also to decide on the materials that will be used in construction. Only in this case, a harmonious garden style will be obtained on the site. The playground is no less important: when choosing a place, you should opt for the most visible area so that the kids are always under the visual control of their parents.

We also take into account the requirements in the legislation regarding the norms of distances:

  • from the house to the red line of the street - 5 m;
  • from the house to the neighbor's fence - 3 m;
  • between houses made of stone - 6 m, wood - 15 m, mixed - 10 m;
  • from the fence for the garden house - 3 m, buildings for animals - 4 m, outbuildings - 1 m, trees - 4 m;
  • from the windows of the house to the household of the neighbor - 6 m.

At the end of the article are a variety of examples of finished planning projects for summer cottages. Check them out and draw your own conclusions.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden area of ​​12 acres will allow placing more objects and allocating additional space for recreation areas in comparison with the previous option. In this case, the layout will be distributed as follows:

  • House with a spacious veranda - 150 m2.
  • Household part 50 m 2 .
  • Recreation area and playground - 200 m2.
  • Garden and greenhouse - 200 m 2.
  • Garden plot - 550 m 2.
  • Paths and paths - 50 m 2.

The principle of placement of buildings will be similar to the option of a plot of 6 acres, but in this case there is an additional opportunity for the implementation of various landscaping ideas. So, a large number of not only fruit trees and shrubs, but also decorative ones are connected. They can be planted around each object, as well as along the paths.

In addition, additional square meters allocated to the recreation area will allow you to build a gazebo, swimming pool, barbecue. It is very important to consider decorative lighting here, which will make it possible to spend time in the evening.

Plot of 15 acres

First of all, we note that 15 acres is as much as 1500 m 2 of free territory, on which a wide variety of landscape combinations can be realized. Most often, the site has the shape of a rectangle 30 × 50 m, or 25 × 60 m. There is plenty of space to include everything necessary for a comfortable and functional living not only in summer, but also in winter.

  1. Residential building with an attic and a veranda - 200 m 2.
  2. Summer kitchen - 30 m 2.
  3. Guest house - 50 m 2.
  4. Bath - 50 m 2.
  5. Outbuildings - 70 m 2.
  6. Garage with car access - 30 m 2 .
  7. The recreation area includes a gazebo, a playground, a barbecue and picnic area, as well as benches around the territory - 300 m 2.
  8. Decorative structures (fountain, artificial or natural reservoir, garden bridge, stone sculptures) - 100 m 2.
  9. Garden - 200 m 2.
  10. Flowerbeds and mixborders - 70 m 2.
  11. Garden - 400 m2.

There are no special recommendations for such a site, so pay attention to the first and second options. Everyone will be able to implement any idea here, and even more than one - it is enough to rationally weigh and develop everything so that everything fits and harmonizes very well with each other.

A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so this stage is given a lot of time and effort. A large number of flower beds are planned and laid out, and a large front garden is being built in front of the house.

When developing a plan for your summer cottage on your own, you need to take into account many nuances and points that will help you do all the work correctly and rationally. Take note of the recommendations and tips in the article, and also check out the site plan sketches. As a result, it will be possible to create a summer cottage of your dreams, where it will be comfortable to spend all seasons, regardless of weather conditions.


Lots of great tips in the following video:


When purchasing a plot for the construction of a residential building (or cottage), the new owner, in anticipation, begins to plan what and where to build. Unfortunately, plans are not always feasible. Many of them may not meet the requirements and rules established by law.

When designing a house and developing a master plan, it is very important to choose the right location for the house on the site. The norms regulating these issues will help to optimally arrange not only a residential building, but also the rooms in it in accordance with the cardinal points. This will help protect against cold winds, drafts and let the maximum amount of sunlight into the house. And this, in turn, will save the cost of heating and lighting the building.

Building codes are not the only thing to listen to. You should take into account the experience, both your own and those of your neighbors and acquaintances. Some of the nuances in this case can make life very easy in the future.

Where to begin

First you need to carefully familiarize yourself with your new site. To do this, place pegs around its perimeter, if there is no fence. This will help you inspect your property. Imagine exactly what you want to see. Make a "preliminary" master plan.

The next step is to study the regulatory documents that regulate the location of the house on the site. There are sanitary, fire, urban planning standards. All of them must be taken into account.

It is necessary to take into account all buildings, neighboring buildings, even the location of trees. To do this, you must order the given locality. Documents of this kind are issued by the geodetic service.

Room insolation

The location of the house on the site on the cardinal points must correspond to the standard duration of insolation. Insolation refers to the amount of sunlight entering a room. There are clear requirements for its duration. But they only apply to living quarters. Premises for other purposes (kitchens, corridors, verandas, and so on) are not taken into account.

Residential buildings should be located on the cardinal points in such a way that the continuous insolation period is as follows:

  • More than two and a half hours a day from the north side from April 22 to August 22.
  • More than two hours in the central zone from March 22 to September 22.
  • More than 1.5 hours from the south side from February 22 to October 22.

These values ​​indicate the time during which the sun should enter the room. Moreover, these requirements are not applied to one room. The number of rooms depends on the size of the house:

  • In a one-room apartment - one living room.
  • In the "kopeck piece" or "treshka" - in any of the living rooms.
  • In houses where the number of rooms is more than three - in two living rooms.

In some situations, the duration of insolation can be reduced by half an hour. This applies to houses located in the northern and central zones. And only in the following cases:

  • The houses are built in the central or historical part of the settlement.
  • If the sun penetrates more than two rooms in two-room and three-room houses.
  • If insolation is provided in more than three rooms of a multi-room building.

Cardinal directions when designing a house

The location of the house on the site should be planned taking into account the cardinal points. This will help to meet the requirements of insolation of the premises, save on heating and lighting at home.

The least amount of light falls on the walls located on the north side. Most of the light in the rooms located on the south side. With this in mind, living rooms are recommended to be located on the east and west sides.

Along with finding the sun and its penetration into the house, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose. They are taken into account for each region of the country separately. If we talk about the central part of Russia, then the northern, northwestern and western sides turn out to be less favorable. These are those parts of the world, the winds from which prevail. Such wind currents have a higher speed, lower temperature, that is, they are stronger and colder than others.

Therefore, most often the walls on the northern and western sides are deaf or with a small number of windows. On the north side, it is recommended to place utility rooms, storage rooms, a garage. This arrangement of premises protects living rooms.

The best way to stay at home

The layout of the house on the site cannot be ideal. You can not take into account all the nuances at the same time. But you can try to do it. For this, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Site plan and relief.
  • The location of the entrance to the site from the road.
  • Neighboring plots and buildings on them.
  • The size of the planned house and its shape.
  • Personal wishes of the owners.

Properly chosen location of the house and the bath on the site will help to better relax with the family. If it is necessary to bring communications to the bathhouse, it is located closer to the house. Places of rest (for example, barbecue) are arranged away from home, in the most secluded and beautiful place, away from strangers.

The place for growing plants should be the brightest and most wind-protected corner.

The location of the house on the site on the cardinal points must comply with the most important rule: the shadow from the house should not always be on the site. If this rule is ignored, neither the owners of the house nor the plants planted around will be able to enjoy the heat of the sun.

Historical location of housing

Previously, when there were no regulatory documents yet, the location of the house on the site was chosen taking into account the laws of nature. Particularly the sun.

The building itself was traditionally built on the northwestern side of the site, preferably on a hill.

The porch was made from the southeast side of the house. The children's room was located in the same direction. They seemed to meet the rising sun in the morning.

The windows of the kitchen traditionally overlook the courtyard. And this means - in the north or northwest direction. But the western wall was left blank.

The layout of the house on the site

Building codes are designed for a reason. They help to plan the location of the house in such a way that the most optimal and comfortable living conditions are created.

The requirements of sanitary standards clearly define that there should be no windows in the range of 200-290 degrees north latitude. Windows are installed on the south and southeast sides. This requirement applies to a one-room apartment located in an apartment building. As for a two-room apartment, the window of one of the living rooms should face these sides. In a three-room apartment, two windows should be installed in this direction, and three in a five-room apartment.

On the northern and western sides, the location of the kitchen, pantries, and a bathroom is provided. In this direction, it is permissible to equip the front door.

All other rooms should be located on the south or east side.

Room layout

The location of the house on the site requires separate compromises in solving the problem. Each side of the world has its pros and cons. They must be taken into account when choosing the location of the premises.

Most of the sunlight falls on the south side of the house. Therefore, game rooms, verandas, halls, winter gardens are usually placed in this direction.

The least sun falls on the north side. From this side, little light enters the room. And large windows in this case are not a solution to the problem. They only make it worse. A large glass area will lead to strong heat loss under the influence of cold winds. On this side of the house there are kitchens, garages, utility rooms.

The east side of the house is best illuminated in the morning. But in winter, the sun disappears from the windows early enough. Therefore, bedrooms, offices, dining rooms are equipped on this side.

The western side is the controversial one. It is more exposed to cold winds and precipitation than others. But in the afternoon, the rooms in this direction are flooded with sunlight. Usually, guest rooms, bedrooms (for those who like to sleep longer) are placed on this side.

Feng Shui has become fashionable lately. The location of the house on can also be built according to the laws of this science. But to do it right, you need to seek help from a specialist. This is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, this is a justified step only if you plan to live according to the proposed recommendations. If there is no such desire, you can adhere to only some individual points.

The location of a residential building on a plot of regular shape should approximately coincide with its center. If the stretched area is located closer to the long side. Moreover, the building is not being built from the edge of the site, but in the depths. But there should be more space behind the house than in front of it.

Common rooms are located on the west side. But it is recommended to equip the bedrooms towards the sun, that is, on the southeast side. On the west side of the bedroom is not organized.


The location of the house on the site plays an important role in creating comfortable and cozy living conditions. Traditions, recommendations and requirements of legislative bodies will help to do everything right. But all these norms can change taking into account the climatic zone of the region of residence.

When starting to build a house on a land plot, you should first contact the architecture, where you will be given permission to build it. There you will also be offered a plan, which you will also have to agree with.

To be comfortable for everyone

According to the sanitary norms and rules that currently exist, the house should be located 5-10 meters from the road. This will protect your home from dust and noise, and you can also plant green spaces at this distance. If the building is built further, you can lose the external aesthetics, and there will also be difficulties with the use of the economic sector.

Of course, a lot depends on the length and width of the site itself, if its width is not more than 20 m, then it is better to install the house next to one of the side boundaries of the site. This solution will be beneficial if the front door is located on the side. Then you can use the land as efficiently as possible.

Of course, in many cottage settlements there is a limit on the minimum distance between neighboring residential structures. This is a fire safety requirement. If your house catches fire, the fire should not spread to neighboring buildings. According to fire regulations, the distance between houses should be at least 6 m, and preferably 15 m.

Oh those meters

There are also sanitary standards that determine the distance from one object to another object up to a meter. So, between the windows of your house and the garbage can or toilet should be at least 15 m. From the house to the outbuildings - 15 m. From the house to the bath or shower room - 5, or even 8 m.

From the house to the water well, if any, the distance should not be less than 20 m. The residential building should be located at a distance of 3 m from the border of the adjacent plot. Structures for livestock and poultry should not be built closer than 4 m from the border. Shrubs can be planted at a distance of 1 m from the border, but trees at a distance of 2 - 3 m.

Bedroom windows are best placed between the east and south sides. Rooms that face north will be deprived of the sun. Common rooms are best placed in the direction of the west. If you plan to create a winter garden on the site, then it is better to place it on the north side of the house. Bedroom windows should not be located facing the street.

The house must be built in such a way that it is convenient to both drive up and approach it. It is better if the house has two exits. One - to the street, and the second to your land. If you have a plot with an elevation, then the house should be built on an elevation. From bedrooms, living rooms and terraces, it will be better if there is a view of the opening landscape.

The facade of the house is your face. It is better to make it beautiful than the backyard. The fence should be deaf only from the side of the street, and between neighboring areas it should be mesh. The slope of the roof should be done in such a way that the flowing water falls on your site, but in no case, not to the neighbors.

Alexei is often asked in his thread - how to properly position the house on the site and what caused such an architecture of the building.

According to ani1883, if two or more people are going to live in a cottage, then it is impossible to fulfill the desire of all residents !!! Therefore, in this situation, you must always look for a compromise, and he simply must be found!

How to properly locate a house on a plot of 5 acres

Alexei bought a small plot resembling the letter G: two regular rectangles and a triangle between them. The height difference on the site is from 1.5 to 2 meters. The height of the trees on the eastern side at the border of the site is more than 15 meters.

If earlier buildings were built strictly along the road, now, according to all the rules, after agreeing with the architect, it could be built elsewhere, so Alexey decided to build it on a slope for his own convenience. The position of the building on the site is not accidental. In the month of May, in the morning, the sun appears from behind the trees after 10 o'clock. This arrangement allows maximum illumination of it in the summer throughout the day until sunset at 2200; and access to the garden turned out to be convenient.

How to locate a house on a plot

Alexey believes that when choosing a place it is necessary:

In central Russia, it is better to put the building on the highest point of the site, or make a high foundation (80 cm and above).
- it is better to build it in the sulfur part of the site.
- it must be oriented to the cardinal points.

But in order to do this correctly, you need to know "for five":

A) What is the purpose of the cottage, for seasonal residence or for permanent residence;
B) the number of people living in it;
C) The level of comfort for a pleasant stay in it.

How to locate a house on 5 acres

Answering these questions, a person begins to think. It correlates the size of the future building with the site and, if necessary, decides to build a second floor, a barn or a gazebo. Thinking in detail, depending on the purpose of the room, he places it in a certain place and space.

Alexey will live in the cottage with his wife. Based on their needs, at first they decided that their building would be small and one-story.

While planning the premises on the cardinal points, Aleksey decided that all utility rooms and the kitchen would be located on the north side. It was decided to place a well-insulated entrance hall towards the entrance or entrance to the site. And from the common room you can make a convenient exit to the terrace, relaxation area, patio or garden.

Having determined the place for construction, we move on to another issue, trying to understand what kind of housing you need. As mentioned above, if 2 or more people live in it, then when planning it, you will have to compromise. And Alexei needs to line up, taking into account the fact that there is not much money for construction.

Desires of Alexei and his wife

The requirements for new housing for Alexei and his wife were as follows.

Wife wanted:
A small, low house, with a sloping roof to make it less clean;
There should be maximum amenities - a kitchen of at least 7 sq.m., also next to it there should be a separate dining room, a large bedroom, a good fireplace in the living room, a warm toilet, a washbasin, a shower, a small bathhouse, a spiral staircase (in a one-story building!), a balcony for drinking tea, a terrace, and that all this must be made of wood, and not of any other material.

Alex wanted:
First of all - a garage, a warm workshop, a billiards room, a separate dining room, a large bedroom, a fireplace in the living room, a warm toilet, a washbasin and a shower, as well as a small sauna, a balcony next to the kitchen, a terrace, a stone building

And so, they compiled a list of requests and began to dock them /

The size was determined due to the second-hand floor slabs purchased on the occasion of 6 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. As a result, the final size was 6x6 meters.

Room Size Calculation

It should have: a double bed, a distance for passing around the bed, wardrobes and other accessories, a table - in total they got a minimum area of ​​​​12 square meters. m.

It is calculated only for cooking. It will contain: a refrigerator, stoves, a sink, a desktop - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen turned out to be 330x200 cm or 6.6 sq.m.

Dining room
The size of the dining room was calculated for two. In extreme cases, four people can fit in it. The total size of the dining room is 180x170cm or 3 sq.m.

Thus, the area of ​​urgently needed premises amounted to 12+6.6+3=21.6 sq.m.

For all other premises, according to calculations, only 14 sq.m.

For a toilet with a washbasin 1 sq.m. For heating, a stove combined with a fireplace should be provided, which, by all standards, is about 2.25 sq.m. minimum. Remaining 10 sq.m. which need to be stretched into a billiards and a living room with a sofa and armchairs. A sofa is needed in case guests arrive and it occupies 3 sq.m. with an armchair. The rest is 7 sq.m. It should be borne in mind that the sofa is in the living room, at least three doors open into it, which also want to take up space.

They thought for a long time and decided to build a second floor. In order not to make a tall house, we decided to use the territory of the under-roof space or attic.

With the advent of the second floor, they decided to make a large hall on the second floor and place a billiards in it. Guests do not care where to relax on the first or second floor. The size of the living room turned out to be 25 sq.m. One thing was frustrating - the stairs take up precious space, but they found a way out of this. Under it placed a bathroom. This is how the layout was developed through trial, error and compromise. And so they divided it.

The building turned out to be three-story, namely: in the basement there is a garage, on the second floor there is a dining room, a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, a fireplace with a stove, a staircase, on the third there is a large hall (living room).

To satisfy his wife's desire to make housing low, Alexey decided to deepen it into the ground, and placed it between two straight sections. It turned out that when you look from the upper section (south side), it seems to be one-story, and from the north - three-story.


In order to properly plan the premises in a 6x6 house, they decided to make a layout. To do this, they glued all the furniture from a notebook into a cell on a scale of 1 cell = 5 cm. Then they laid it out on a piece of paper in a box, added the necessary space for walking and drew a plan. It turned out the approximate dimensions of the premises, which, like the furniture, were made to scale.

Then, taking into account the location of the rooms relative to the cardinal points, they arranged: a bedroom on the east side, and its windows look north, a kitchen in the northwest, and the windows look west, a dining room with windows to the north, and a large hall and access to the terrace on south.

After all the arrangements, it turned out that in order to be comfortable enough in the room, it lacks 120 cm in length. And to increase the size, it was necessary to purchase another floor slab and 8 FBS blocks. But the most important thing is that the ground floor had already been completed by that time. And all from the fact that after buying the land it seems that change houses will be enough for housing in the country.

But there is no evil without good. And as if having read his thoughts, a neighbor comes to him and offers - for free - iron pipes with a diameter of 130 mm in the amount of 40 pieces and four channels, all 3 meters long.

After such sudden luck, it was decided to make a canopy. And without increasing the foundation to increase the living area.

new roof

After the unexpected help of a neighbor, the project had to be changed. Nothing has changed on the ground floor. The second floor is more spacious. The main problem remained - the roof. The gable did not suit him - there is little space left. Broken line doesn't fit.

And somehow in the city he accidentally saw a roof that he liked. One of her slopes was steep and the other flat. After thinking for a while, he decided that such a roof would be suitable for his construction, and here's why. He decided to make the northern slope of the roof almost vertical, about 75 degrees. In winter, snow will not linger on it, and due to the small area and heat loss, they are reduced.

The slope facing south will be a gentle 40 degrees. The snow lingers, but melts quickly under the sun and the water flows down well. A large skylight lets in sunlight and warms the room. In the summer, the windows are open for coolness, and so that it is not hot, they are covered with curtains.

Thanks to this roof, most of the room has a height of 3.5 meters. The second is like a balcony above the hall with a fireplace. Plus, the increased volume of the second floor due to the bay window above the tower.

It took a month to make new sketches, and as a result, he got such a house.

Posted by Dom i Dacha forum member ani1883
Editor: Roman Adamov

Before proceeding with the preparation of a residential building project, it is necessary to examine the site provided to you for construction. In other words, you need to start with a master plan, having previously studied the urban planning and fire regulations for the location of a residential building and buildings on the site.

Contact the geodetic service and order a topographic survey of the site, which, in addition to your territory, will show neighboring houses and buildings, if any.

After all, it is from existing buildings that it will be necessary to observe the gaps regulated in such documents as SNiP 2.07.01-89*"Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements, as well as SNiP 21-01-97*"Fire safety of buildings and structures".

You can read the most important excerpts from the above documents in ours.

Master Plan Example applied to the topographic plan, which shows the projected residential building and outbuildings.

A residential building should not be located behind a regulated building line. Fire breaks depend on the degree of fire resistance of buildings.

Fire breaks

Fire distances between residential and auxiliary buildings on adjacent land plots should be taken:

The distance between buildings and structures is the clear distance between external walls or other structures. If there are more than 1 m protruding structures of buildings or structures made of combustible materials, the distance between these structures is taken.

The distance between the walls of buildings without window openings may be reduced by 20%, with the exception of buildings IIIa, IIIb, IV, IVa and V degrees of fire resistance.

Fire breaks must be observed in order to avoid and prevent the possibility of fire spreading to neighboring houses and buildings, as well as for the free maneuvering of fire equipment.

The location of the house on a narrow site according to urban planning and fire breaks can lead to the fact that the designed residential building will be too narrow.

In this case, we recommend “pushing” it deep into the site, and agreeing such an arrangement with the chief architect of the city or district and with all interested organizations, having completed the appropriate justification based on the provided master plan scheme.

Insolation of residential premises

The correct placement of the house on the site, as well as the location of living rooms in the designed house, should also take into account the standard duration of insolation (irradiation of surfaces and spaces with direct sunlight).

The orientation of residential buildings should ensure the continuous duration of insolation of residential premises and territories for zones:

  • northern zone (north of 58°N) - at least 2.5 hours a day from April 22 to August 22;
  • central zone (58° N -48° N) - at least 2 hours a day from March 22 to September 22;
  • southern zone (south of 48 ° N) - at least 1.5 hours a day from February 22 to October 22.

This means that during this period of time, the sun's rays must penetrate into the living quarters.

The normative duration of insolation in residential buildings should be provided not less than:

  • in the living room of a one-room apartment (house);
  • in one of the living rooms of a two- and three-room apartment (house);
  • in two living rooms of apartments (houses) with more than three rooms (multi-room).

In addition, in the northern and central zones, it is allowed to reduce the standard duration of insolation by 30 minutes in two cases:

  • if at the same time insolation is provided in two rooms of two- and three-room apartments or in three rooms of multi-room apartments (houses);
  • if the building is located in the central, historical area of ​​the city.

Insolation in the premises of residential buildings is regulated only in living rooms. Insolation is not regulated in kitchens, on verandas and in other rooms.

The location of the house on the cardinal points

From the side of the facade facing north, which means it is devoid of insolation, it is better to place utility rooms, a garage, a bathroom or a kitchen. This condition can not always be observed, because the northern facade may turn out to be the main one, and it is not correct to place these premises in its part, from the point of view of aesthetics. However, here you can place a common room (living room), stairwell, office.

The southern and western facades, on the contrary, are subject to the active influence of the sun, especially in summer. This is not the best place for bedrooms and kitchens, it will be too hot in these rooms, but if it is not possible to foresee otherwise, then a variety of blinds, blinds or visors will come to the rescue. Bedrooms are best designed on the east side of the house.

Having chosen on the Internet a project of a house you like with an acceptable layout, be sure to adapt it by linking it to a specific site before ordering a project in order to avoid further troubles.

When placing a residential building on the site, think about the insolation of the territory during the day, so that it does not turn out to be in the shade of the house for most of the daylight hours.

Along the way, do not forget to take into account the influence of the prevailing wind direction in winter, so that the area in the area where most of the snow will be blown is well warmed up by the sun.

It is also worth mentioning the location of your house relative to the houses of neighbors. In the event that your site is small and surrounded by neighboring plots, it is also worth considering this factor so that the shadow from neighboring houses does not cover your yard most of the time.

Recently, many people began to use the knowledge of Feng Shui science in the arrangement of housing, the territory adjacent to the house, the garden, which has been practiced by the Chinese for centuries. First of all, it is the science of practical methods of forming a living space in harmony with the surrounding world.

For those who believe in this teaching, it is important to observe the laws of Feng Shui. But the main thing, in our opinion, is to treat the construction of a house with practicality, to compare all the pros and cons of this or that location and orientation of a residential building in order to achieve the most favorable living conditions.

Building and relief of the site

When building up a territory on 6-10 acres, do not overload it with buildings, leave room for a small garden and a cozy corner for a gazebo. On plots of 12-15 hectares, in addition to the main residential building, a garage and a bathhouse, you can place a small guest house, or organize a subsidiary farm, while not forgetting to observe sanitary breaks. The location of the buildings largely depends on whether there will be a garden on the site, planting light-loving and shade-loving plants.

The complex terrain of the site dictates its own conditions for placing a cottage and buildings, a large difference in elevation scares many, but a territory with such a difference can be very interesting to solve and beat.

Be sure to note that, if possible, the house should be located on the highest point of your site. This will help prevent flooding in the future.

Too steep relief makes it possible to combine both utility and residential premises in the basement, or to equip a garage on one side and a terrace on the other with access to the plot from the residential area of ​​​​the house.

At the same time, the site can be divided into several tiers, organizing a recreation area, a garden and a vegetable garden on each of them, dividing them with retaining walls or reinforced slopes, combining them with stairs and ramps.

Approach competently and creatively to the placement of a residential building on the site and the arrangement of the adjacent territory, and your life in the new house will become comfortable and enjoyable.
