Feng Shui Talismans for Love and Marriage. Pyramid of three turtles - a talisman to strengthen the connection between generations

A wise woman selflessly takes care of her home. Cleanliness, order, cozy atmosphere - it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain all this.

But this is not enough! In any case, this is exactly what the followers of Feng Shui believe. The ancient system of knowledge teaches us to change our lives by transforming the surrounding space.

In almost every house, zones of various purposes can be distinguished - at the same time, in each such specific zone, the situation should be completely special. Let's take a closer look at the traditions of ancient Chinese civilization.

What are these zones for?

Proper zoning helps energy circulate freely, balance the energy flows of your home, fill good mood all its inhabitants.

In the practice of Feng Shui, they work with virtually all household items. But a very special role is played by semi-precious and precious stones.

What is the power of gems?

Our ancestors knew well about the healing and magical power of stones. Recognizes this fact and modern medicine. The secret of healing properties is revealed by crystal therapy (quantum medicine). The power of stones is in vibrations!

Stones are natural crystals that accumulate energy for centuries. Electrical impulses affect the electromagnetic field of a person and increase individual energy.

But not everything is so simple. You need to know how to work with stones correctly. Stones need to be able to choose correctly. They need to be adjusted in a certain way.

According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, stones can be animate or inanimate. Moreover, the same stone for one person can be alive, and for another - inanimate. The energy of the stone is not revealed to everyone. And if it is revealed, it is not at all accidental!
Learn: How to choose your feng shui stone

Stones and stone figurines natural materials, have a certain effect on the areas of your home. The vibrations of each stone stimulate specific systems of our body and push us to very specific thoughts and actions. That is why it is necessary to know exactly where and why you need to put a pebble in your home.

In total, there are 7 main energy zones in feng shui - the zone of wealth, the zone of fame, the zone of marriage, the central zone, the zone of knowledge and wisdom, the zone of success and career, and the zone of friends.

wealth zone
The wealth zone is located in the southeast. The most favorable stones for this zone are rock crystal, malachite, emerald, jade, pyrite, and marble. Place a marble vase on the table or place a beautiful sparkling pyrite crystal on a shelf. It is for such purposes that cute stone figurines made of stones are sold - frogs, turtles, fish and so on.

special offers for you

Placing the listed stones in the southeastern zone of your home will help stabilize your financial situation, open up new sources of income and invest material resources correctly. The Chinese, according to ancient tradition, put compositions from branches of petrified trees in the zone of wealth. The energy of stone and wood concentrates the energy of growth, which contributes to the material well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

glory zone
In the southern zone of the house, jewelry and red stones are placed - red jasper, amethyst, ruby, garnet, carnelian. The zone of glory belongs to the element of fire, so any objects of red-fiery shades are appropriate in this territory. Do not interfere in the interior, as well, pyramids (glass, wood, metal). The ends of the pyramids directed upwards direct the energy flows of your house into the expanses of the Universe, attracting fame and recognition to the owner of the premises. From the figurines it is better to choose birds - an eagle, a peacock, a rooster. Stone trees are suitable for this zone.

marriage zone
For anyone who wants to strengthen their marriage, or is in search of a second half, Feng Shui recommends focusing on the southwestern area of ​​​​the house. Red and pink color symbolize love, so it is necessary to work with the appropriate energy with the help of stones of this color. The ideal stone is rose quartz. Its gentle subtle energy stimulates the sensitive spheres of a person, helps to build relationships, achieve almost intuitive mutual understanding and spiritual harmony.

Also, it is recommended to place tourmaline, rock crystal, charoite, selenite in the marriage zone. From the figurines, it is better to choose paired figurines in the form of dolphins, swans, cranes, hearts - pomegranate hearts are especially suitable. It would be nice to put vases of yellow and red stones on a table or shelf in this area.

Central zone
In the center of the house or apartment there is a central zone - a zone of harmonization of the general situation. It is here that all the energies that pass through you and your home meet. It is this zone that is responsible for the harmonization of all the elements.

Feng Shui recommends placing stones in the central zone - onyx, jasper, amethyst, selenite, rock crystal, marble, calcite. Amethyst will cleanse the room from negative energy, jasper will strengthen physical and mental health, onyx will reduce overall stress. Of the figures in the central zone, it is better to put turtles, stone balls.

Zone of Knowledge and Wisdom
The northeast zone in your home is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. In this place, it is recommended to use stones aquamarine, beryl, jasper, dolomite, amethyst.

All these stones and minerals contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of knowledge, the achievement of clarity of mind. As you know, the symbols of wisdom are a snake, an owl, a turtle. It is these figures that must be placed in the zone of wisdom.

Pay Special attention on crystals - rock crystal, quartz and others. Natural crystals are conductors electromagnetic energy, as well as keepers of information and mental programs. No wonder the latest electronic systems are based on the operation of crystals. Your body heat activates the crystal's outgoing energy. At the same time, the powerful energy of crystals allows us to balance our own energy, eliminate blockages, and open up new spheres of consciousness.

The pearl is another symbol of concentrated information. One pearl in a shell on your desktop will help mobilize your efforts during your studies or creative process.

Zone of success and career
For a successful career, you need to take care of the northern zone of your home. Here, the interior can be decorated with calcite crystals, as well as such an unusually beautiful mineral as fluorite.

This stone helps to cope with emotions, helps to instantly find a solution in the most difficult situations and achieve success. Help you move quickly career ladder figurines of fish, frogs and turtles. Stone fountains and waterfalls are very appropriate in the success zone.

Friends Zone
In the northwestern part of your house is the friends zone. It is in this place that it is best to arrange a living room and, accordingly, receive guests. The best stone for the friend zone is malachite. The stone is very friendly, positive. Put it on the shelf. Or decorate the table with a vase and malachite figurines. The energy of the stone will have the most positive impact on all those present in the room.

Bronze figurines, items made of silver or gold, white jade, as well as calcite, pyrite, fluorite stones located in the zone of friends will have a very good effect on your energy. Choose figurines or images of dolphins for this room, as well as mosaic portraits.

Decorate your home useful natural decor and remember: it is not recommended to overload living quarters with stones, minerals and other energetically active elements of the natural world. This threatens with an imbalance of energy zones, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and other negative consequences.

These birds represent home comfort, purity and success in love relationships, as well as numerous offspring.

How and where to place feng shui swallows

The image of these birds will be appropriate anywhere in your house or apartment.

Butterflies in feng shui will bring joy to your relationship

Butterflies are a talisman of love, joy and fulfillment of desires. Butterflies should be arranged in pairs or flocks, as if they naturally flew into your room.

How and where to place feng shui butterflies

Fluttering butterflies can decorate the walls of the bedroom to energize romantic relationship to add a fresh stream to the sexual life of partners and bring cherished dreams into reality. Butterflies in the bedroom will help to quickly establish a personal life for single people and keep the fire of existing relationships. Every morning, when you open your eyes, you will see butterflies fluttering and start the day with joy and new hopes.

Mandarin ducks in feng shui harmonize love relationships

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui according to Chinese beliefs are mandarin ducks. They are indeed very affectionate and sweet creatures. A pair of tangerines symbolizes a strong and tender love bond.

The duck is generally an emblem of good luck. The king duck or mandarin duck got its name for its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. This talisman will give your family well-being, prosperity and good luck, shake up cold feelings and significantly improve marital relations.

If you are single, mandarin ducks will save you, because they tend to attract good luck in romantic relationships.

Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In Feng Shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relations, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner for themselves once for life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity.

Legend has it that a Chinese mandarin decided to divorce his wife and send her to her parents' house. In the evening, before telling her about his decision, he decided to take a walk along the lake. He walked for a long time, thinking about the upcoming conversation with his wife, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a noise - two mandarin ducks sat on the water. The mandarin involuntarily admired them: they so gently bowed their graceful necks to each other, cleaned each other's feathers with such love that the man remembered all the wonderful moments that he had experienced with his wife. The love that had been extinguished flared up in him with renewed vigor. So the ducks saved a marriage that was on the verge of collapse.

How and where to place feng shui mandarin ducks

Mandarin ducks are one of the best Feng Shui talismans for activating the sector of love and marriage. The optimal place for this symbol is the southwestern sector of the apartment, the sector of love and relationships, or the bedroom, regardless of the sector in which it is located. If you already have a partner, then the ducks are placed next to each other so that they seem to say: "we are sailing through life together." Well, if they are fixed on the same stand. If you want to attract new love relationship, then it is better to place the ducks so that they are directed towards each other, that is, they symbolize the search and meeting.

Geese will save you from infidelity

Geese symbolize fidelity in marriage and the spiritual unity of the spouses. It is believed that geese miss their soulmate very much and never fly alone. Geese are so devoted to their partners that they never re-marry,

which makes them also a symbol eternal love. The Chinese even say about those who remain faithful to a loved one who has passed away, that they have the soul of a goose.

If the lifestyle of your family is such that you are forced to spend a lot of time apart (frequent business trips, work away from home, unforeseen circumstances that provoked separation), then an image or figurine of a pair of flying geese will help you not to lose spiritual closeness with your soul mate.

How and where to place feng shui geese

A paired image of geese is appropriate in the southwestern sector of the house.

A couple of lovers for positive energy

The energy of love is very alive and strong. Keeping this in mind and dreaming about a life partner, you will be able to realize your thoughts into a real picture, that is, after some time, your chosen one will visit your house, winning your heart forever.

Images that embody love in our understanding create an appropriate atmosphere, tune in a certain way, enrich us with romance and sensuality.

Such a picture not only promotes harmony in our lives, saturates us positive energy and self-confidence, but also positively affects success in other areas of life. This image symbolizes natural compound two principles - male and female.

How and where to place the image of a couple of lovers in feng shui

In the love sector (southwest), almost any paired symbols and talismans work well. And a picture of a couple in love would be very appropriate here!

Two doves in feng shui to strengthen the marriage union

Two kissing doves with open wings mean love, friendship and marital fidelity. A pair of pigeons is also used to maintain long-term partnerships.

How and where to place doves in feng shui

This symbol will be appropriate in the southwestern sector.

Feng Shui symbol "double happiness" (double luck) for the stability of relationships or new love

The "Double Happiness" symbol, drawn on red paper or cut out of it, decorated with gold, the Chinese place in a conspicuous place at any wedding. This symbol is very effective for activating romantic luck.

This talisman has its own legend. During the Tang Dynasty, a student went to the capital to take a very important exam for him, according to the results of which candidates for ministers were selected. But, passing through a small mountain village, he felt sick. The village healer and his daughter took the student in. Thanks to the skill of the doctor (and maybe not only him), the guy quickly recovered, but when it was time to move on, he realized that it was difficult for him to part with his savior's daughter. Young people fell in love with each other. In parting, the girl wrote to the student the first part of the poem-changeling and asked him to compose the second. In a very free translation (otherwise it would be impossible to translate verses from Old Chinese), the stanza sounded like this:

"Green trees in the sky are carried away by darkness. Spring rain."

“Well, I can handle it, even if it’s not easy. But only after the exam,” said the student. The young man passed the exam best of all, and the emperor himself noted him. The monarch personally spoke with the winners and offered them several riddles. One of them was to supplement the poem with the first stanza. The second one was like this:

"Scarlet flowers in the grass are swaying in the breeze. The earth blushed in a kiss."

The young man realized that the first stanza that the girl gave him was ideal for this text, and immediately wrote it. The emperor admired the talent of the young man so much that he appointed young man Minister, and before taking office allowed him to see his family. The boy returned to the girl and read the Emperor's verse to her. They soon got married. Before the wedding, they wrote on red paper two connected Chinese characters"si" ("happiness") and hung a piece of paper on the wall. And so the symbol "Double Happiness" was born. It is double, because it is intended for both spouses.

How and where to place the double happiness symbol in feng shui

This symbol can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. If your life is desperately lacking in love, place a double luck symbol in your bedroom. You can put the appropriate amulet under the mattress or carry it with you in your purse. The sign of "Double Happiness" decorates the marital bed, chairs and other furniture that is used in the bedroom. In addition, it is applied to silks and brocades intended for wedding celebrations.

Red Chinese lanterns in feng shui will help bring back lost feelings

Lanterns are used to attract good luck and prosperity. Red Chinese lanterns- this is a very effective talisman for the love zone. It is customary to hang Chinese lanterns in pairs, since paired things in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns further enhances their effect. Place two flashlights in the southwestern sector of the apartment, and they will help return the lost ardor of feelings. In addition, they create comfort and decorate the interior, thereby attracting positive energy and activating almost any sector of Feng Shui.

How and where to place red feng shui lanterns

They can be hung in the bedroom, kitchen, living room or hallway, and believe me, your festive look they will bring your home to life. You can hang Chinese lanterns from front door, thereby attracting positive energy into the house and preventing it from going outside.

Chuanggong and Chuanmu - feng shui talisman for married couples

Since ancient times, in the East, near the marital bed, especially for newlyweds, hung images of the deity of the marriage bed Chuanggun (“master of the bed”) and his wife, Chuanmu or Chuanpo (“mother of the bed”). They contributed to harmonious relations in marriage, guarded the bedroom of the spouses and helped to give birth to numerous offspring.

Where and How to Place Chuang Gong and Chuan Mu in Feng Shui

The figurines of these deities are best placed in the bedroom, as close to the bed as possible.

Pyramid of three turtles - a talisman to strengthen the connection between generations

Three turtles in the form of a pyramid: the largest one is below, the middle one is on it, the small one is on the middle one - this is a wonderful symbol of family unity, in which everyone supports each other and takes care of each other. The largest turtle is the head of the family, on which the whole house rests. This talisman is especially good for families in which several generations live together - parents, children, grandchildren ... Such a talisman will bring peace and tranquility to the family.

Where and how to place a feng shui pyramid of three turtles

The best place for this symbol is the eastern sector. And also any room in the house (regardless of the sector), where all family members like to get together, for example: dining room, living room, etc.

Makara snail (dragon snail) - will create harmony between lovers

This mythical animal is a hybrid of a snail, a crocodile, a snake and a dragon. Agree, a very unusual combination! An image or figurine of a Makar snail helps to maintain harmony in the house, in relations between loving friend friend by people. The presence of this symbol dramatically reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts between spouses, as well as among children (which is especially true if there are two or more children in the family). This symbol also represents the search right decision and finding a compromise in quarrels in the family.

How and where to place the feng shui makara snail

It is best to place the makara snail figurine in the family sector (east) or in the room where households most often gather.

Dzaoshen - keeper of the hearth

Zaoshen - guardian hearth, and also it is a symbol of the fulfillment of desires, health, happiness, wealth and prosperity. Zaoshen protects the house from destructive influences, helps to overcome family problems, brings peace, reliability and family happiness. Sometimes he is depicted with a round tablet in his hand, where all the needs and wishes are written down. On December 24, Zaoshen goes to heaven and reports to the heavenly office on how he guards the house and helps in the household, conveys all wishes, and they are surely fulfilled.

Zaoshen often has attributes that symbolize health and longevity, such as a magic peach, a gourd with clean water, deer. If a bag is depicted next to Zaoshen, then to the wishes of health and happiness, you can add the wishes of wealth and prosperity.

How and where to place Feng Shui Zaoshen

Traditionally, the Zaoshen figurine is made in the style of netsuke. It is favorable if you have such a figure located in the eastern sector, or in the living room, regardless of the sector of the room.

Unicorn in feng shui - a symbol of fertility for those who want to get pregnant

In principle, this kind and magical animal will bring good luck in many endeavors. We know about unicorns mainly from medieval knightly legends and fairy tales, but in India this animal is revered as a symbol of fertility (pregnancy).

Where and how to place a feng shui unicorn

Feng Shui talisman stork for an early pregnancy

The stork symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, is an Annunciation bird, and also an assistant in the speedy appearance of an heir in the family.

AT different cultures the stork as a talisman has a slightly different meaning. For example, among Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, reverence, is considered a symbol of new life. According to Russian folk beliefs, stork - a bird that brings happiness. The stork patronizes the birth of children. Among the Egyptians, he personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork feeds his parents in old age. AT Greek mythology the goddess of storks was depicted as a woman - the giver of life, the nurse and was an attribute of Hera. Among the Romans, the stork symbolized respect, filial affection.

It is especially favorable if you purchase a Lao Tzu figurine on a stork. Lao Tzu - ancient sage, in his hands he holds a peach (a symbol of longevity and good health). Lao Tzu flies on a stork, which symbolizes the imminent birth of a child.

Where and how to place a feng shui stork

The stork figurine can be placed in the hallway, as if it flies to your house, at the entrance to the bedroom or in the western sector.

Quan Yin - patroness of women

The name Kuan Yin means "he who listens to the sounds of the world." As the Buddhists say, Kuan Yin hears all people's prayers and helps everyone who turns to her.

Altars dedicated to this Mother of Mercy can be found in temples, houses, roadside grottoes throughout the East. She is revered as an image of the Mother, a divine mediator who takes to heart the daily affairs of all who turned to her. The role of Kuan Yin as a Buddhist Madonna can be compared to the role of Mary - the mother of Jesus - in the West. In China, as well as in Korea and Japan, Kwan Yin is perhaps the most popular image of a Buddhist saint among the people.

Faithful devotees of Kuan Yin often visit local temples and make pilgrimages to larger ones when important events or when they are particularly burdened by some problem. Every three years, festivities are held in her honor on the nineteenth day of the second month (her birthday is celebrated), the sixth month, and the ninth month of the lunar Chinese calendar.

Often Kuan Yin can be seen in the image of the "Patroness of Children", which is in many houses and temples of the East. A large white veil covers her entire figure, and she herself sits on a lotus. Sometimes Kuan Yin is depicted with a child in her arms, at her feet or on her knees, or with several children standing around her. AT Eastern tradition It is generally accepted that Kuan Yin grants longevity, youth, fulfillment of desires and immortality for many thousands of years, and also helps those who wish to have children, protects pregnant women and facilitates childbirth.

Where and how to place Quan Yin in Feng Shui

A figurine or image of Kuan Yin can be placed in the northwestern or western sectors, as well as in the bedroom near the bed, for example, on a bedside table.

Pomegranate fruit symbol of multiple pregnancy

The pomegranate was a symbol of fertility in Greek and Roman mythology. It was also a symbol of Pluto's wife, Proserpina, who returns from the underworld every spring to renew the earth.

In the East, the flowers and fruits of the pomegranate symbolize friendship, therefore, when visiting, they often take a pomegranate as a gift. And also the fruits of the pomegranate symbolize multiple pregnancy.

In the Bible, the pomegranate is mentioned as a symbol of the unity of the universe. In Christian culture, the pomegranate has become a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Where and how to place pomegranate fruits in feng shui

Pomegranate fruits or pomegranate tree (you can have a picture that shows pomegranate with fruits) is appropriate to place in the western sector of your house or apartment.

Glomerulus-amulet (five elements) protection of pregnancy

This symbol protects children and pregnant women, brings peace and peace of mind. It symbolizes the five primary elements: Space, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth. The ball helps to maintain the harmony of the elements even in an unfavorable place and protects its owner from all evil.

The amulet is a thread twisted into a small ball, where one color smoothly turns into another. In principle, you can make such a ball yourself: take five threads different color(green, red, yellow, blue and white), twist them together and twist a small ball. In the East, it is made according to the old Tibetan method, passed down to us by the Tibetan master Sa Che.

Where and how to place a feng shui amulet glomerulus

This ball can be placed in the baby's crib (for example, under a mattress or pillow), and future mothers can carry it with them or put it in their bed.

In the world of Feng Shui, there are no useless items. Absolutely everything that surrounds us carries with it this or that energy, which necessarily affects the quality of our life. In China, there is even a classification "", some of which people began to honor many centuries ago.

I want to start with peach, because it has long been called (and today the attitude towards it has not changed) "heavenly fruit", which brings love, prosperity and mutual understanding to the family. In addition, it symbolizes wealth, prosperity and good luck, therefore, to give it to someone means to wish the person all of the above benefits.

No less powerful in terms of energy is orange. Not only does it have an optimistic orange color associated with Yang energy, Feng Shui followers say that its fragrance has a refreshing and cleansing power from the body. In China, it is associated with oranges interesting tradition- they are put in a basket 9 pieces at a time and placed in the kitchen or living room, believing that these fruits will help them find good luck. After all, according to old stories, an orange is endowed with the power to scare away failures, thanks to which its owners can count on soon prosperity and success in various endeavors.

Green grape called nothing more than a symbol of abundance. And it concerns both money and food in the house. Among other things, he helps to find a family for those who do not have one, or to strengthen the marriage ties of those who already have them.

Exotic a pineapple worth loving not only for its original taste. He deserves to be at the table because he personifies great wealth and success in financial matters. It is curious that in translation from Chinese the word "pineapple" means "luck is coming to you."

Apples, especially red ones, bring peace and health to the house. They can be anything in size and skin color, but they must be ripe and juicy.

The symbol of fertility in Feng Shui is called ripe, red pomegranate densely filled with ripe seeds. Young and already living together for a long time couples it brings real happiness, and for those who are just trying to conceive a child, it helps in the form of the speedy birth of their first baby.

Beloved by many persimmon is a symbol of foresight, longevity and kindness. But most of all she can interest herself individual entrepreneurs, because if it is placed next to tangerines, then success in all commercial endeavors will be simply stunning.

Special treatment deserved any fruits purple hue . After all, according to the Chinese sages, they symbolize nobility, inner spirituality, inspiration and purposefulness. This group of products includes blackcurrants, blueberries and more.

In order for this or that fruit to work properly, it just needs to be kept in the house. It can be a special fruit basket or a simple plate in the kitchen, on which all the necessary products will be laid out in a beautiful order. They should always remain ripe and fresh (those that rot must be thrown away).

Finally, we note that Feng Shui is a relative science and it is a little naive to fully believe that 9 oranges can somehow help immediately after they appear in the apartment. Instead, it would be wiser to enjoy their taste and only then leave a couple of orange oranges somewhere.

Yes, and thinking about the properties of a particular fruit (if it is not on this list), you can simply evaluate its color and, based on this information, judge the qualities. In Feng Shui, literally every shade has its own meaning, and information about this is quite easy to find.

  1. Apples have always been a symbol of peace, health and harmony in the home. If someone in your house is sick, then put a basket of apples at the head of the bed. It is very important that the basket is made of wicker.
  2. Pears serve as protection against diseases. Place fruit in a square dish, preferably clear. In addition, a pear can bring longevity to your home.
  3. And to cleanse the house of bad energy and improve your health, put grapefruits and lemons in the form of a cone on a flat dish.

Strong family and obedient children

Women who will soon be lucky enough to become mothers should place an image of a pomegranate in the northern part or put a cut fruit on a plate. It is not only a symbol happy pregnancy and healthy children, but it will also help you in the future in raising a baby.

Comfort, well-being and tender relationships will always reign in your home if you place an image of a pomegranate in the nursery. And a picture depicting berries such as cherries, raspberries, strawberries is better to hang in the kitchen not far from the stove.

When choosing fruits or berries to activate this or that energy, be sure to listen to yourself - what sensations do they cause in you, do you like their taste and smell? Filling the symbolic basket with magical fruits, wish yourself the speedy execution of all your plans.

Career and wealth

  1. To actively circulate monetary energy, place a crystal vase with orange fruits in the southeastern part of the house. If there is no crystal vase, take a wicker one. It is desirable that there were 9 pieces of fruit. And at work you can put citrus tree with fruits. This will help you grow in your career.
  2. Persimmon and apricot are a symbol of longevity, wisdom and foresight. Persimmon is especially useful for entrepreneurs. If you put a persimmon in the same mountain with apricots and oranges, you get a powerful energy alliance that will attract good luck in all areas. entrepreneurial activity. Place these fruits on a round metal tray, which will also contribute to attracting finance.
  3. And to attract successful deals, put a pineapple and a bunch of grapes. In addition, it is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and they will also help rapid career growth. However, for these fruits to work, you need to put them in the southeast in the kitchen.
  4. If you want to protect yourself from poverty, then create a collage of all the money fruits and hang it in the kitchen opposite the window or in the hallway to the south.

Love and relationships

  1. A juicy peach can give you sincerity in relationships and a long love affair. If you have not been able to find your soul mate for a long time, and loneliness is already a burden, then set it in the bedroom on west side vase with peaches. A mirror in front of the fruit will only double the impact.
  2. If you put a vase with plums in the southwestern part of the house, then this will help you not only meet mutual love but also to find a strong harmonious family. However, fruits should only be placed in a ceramic green vase.

Fruit plays a big symbolic role in feng shui.

Would you like to have a home that brings not only beauty and comfort to your home, but also brings health, abundance, good luck and longevity? Such a basket exists and can be yours! It has been created over thousands of years and includes the most favorable fruits for our life.

In Feng Shui, fruits play a huge symbolic role. The energy of fruits is the energy of fulfillment, enjoyment of what has been achieved and the implementation of plans. It is also the energy of enjoyment. Ancient texts speak of fruits as symbols of longevity, wealth, prosperity and fertility. Fruits can be used as a feng shui medicine, that is, with the help of them you can correct unfavorable areas in the house and improve the situation in it.

When choosing images of fruits for the interior, trust your feelings. What do you feel when you look at this or that fruit? Let yours be only yours! When choosing fruits or their images, also pay attention to their color, quantity and symbolism of each of them.

Fruit basket on your table

And now it's time to learn about each fruit separately.

Peach - a symbol of longevity

The peach is one of the most popular feng shui fruit symbols. This tender and juicy fruit symbolizes immortality. It is also called the heavenly fruit. It is present in many ancient Chinese legends with the immortal gods. Over time, the peach has also become a symbol of wealth, health, abundance, and longevity. It is also a symbol of love and marriage. In China, there is even an expression - "Fortune of peach blossom" - meaning good luck in love.

Pomegranate - a symbol of fertility

The pomegranate is a symbol of fertility because it has many juicy seeds inside. This fruit can be used as a cure for fertility problems. The pomegranate also symbolizes family happiness and good luck for the younger generation. In China, feng shui consultants often advise young couples to purchase an image of a pomegranate to bring good luck and the birth of healthy children.

Grapes are a symbol of both abundance of food and material wealth. It also symbolizes abundance and good luck in the near future, belonging to the family. It is also a symbol of fertility, which turns bad luck into good luck.

Grapes - a symbol of abundance

An apple is a symbol of peace, health and harmony in your home. AT Chinese the words "apple" and "world" even sound similar! Red apples are most favorable. But this does not prevent Feng Shui symbolism from using apples of other colors - green and yellow.

The apple is a symbol of health and peace

Pineapple is a popular and traditional symbol of wealth, prosperity and abundance. Chinese name for this exotic fruit sounds like "luck is on your way."

Pineapple is a symbol of wealth

Orange is a fruit that, thanks to its orange color has the qualities of "yang". This juicy fruit also has a refreshing, cleansing aroma. Oranges are often used in Feng Shui as a medicine. Usually they are placed in the living room or in the kitchen in the amount of nine pieces. It attracts good luck and prosperity. Orange belongs to citrus fruits, and this kind of fruit scares away bad luck, so limes, tangerines and lemons are also used as "keepers of good luck" in feng shui.

oranges bring good luck

It is best to put fresh fruit on the table. Their energy heals the room. In addition to fresh fruits, you can also use their symbols: paintings, panels, amulets and even crystals in the form of fruits.

Now you know what fruits can be put in the basket of happiness.

Good luck and prosperity!
