Visualization wall how to arrange it correctly. Wish visualization board

How many times have you thought about creating a visualization board of your dreams? Or maybe you think that the whole idea is childishly stupid and funny? You are wrong. The wish board is a visual embodiment of your goals and aspirations. Think of it as your photo album of the future. Dreams live in each of us, and they are more likely to come true if you "put" them on paper. A wish board will give you a sense of clear direction on the path to your goals. And she works! What positive can you take from creating such a dream map for yourself personally?

Illustration by Roberto Weigand

1. Increase productivity

In order to succeed in life and make your dreams come true, you must understand and accept the principles of successful people, and then apply them to your life. Creating such a board is one of the best and most effective methods of defining and setting goals. Visualizing your goals on paper will help you focus your energy in those areas. You can simply create a picture of what you want. And looking at this collage of drawings and photographs, you will more clearly and clearly understand what and how to do. Consequently, your productivity will increase, and the results will improve markedly.

2. Motivation

Dreams are not achieved instantly, they still take time and effort to realize. Sometimes, however, we are also disappointed after a series of setbacks and failures, especially if there are no understanding and supportive people nearby. Believe it or not, a collage of pictures on the wall is a real help in such a situation, as it inspires, motivates and stimulates. On the other hand, remember that your dreams should be based on reality, and not on the banal word "I want."

3. Entertainment

The Wish Board is one of the most exciting and fun craft projects where you can use all your imagination and creativity, as well as boldly improvise with materials. If you create a really stylish little thing, such a wish board will easily serve as a unique addition to your interior.

So, if you have made the decision to visualize your own desires and aspirations, how can you do this, and what is required for this?

1. Clearly define your dreams

The first step is defining your dreams. Sit in silence for a while, thinking about your life, accomplishments, and desires. This is a very important step in understanding what kind of future you want. You can write down everything that comes to your mind, even the funniest and wildest dreams. You can then combine some of the ideas that will eventually become a set of goals. Don't know where to start? Think about where you want to go, who you want to be, and what you end up with.

2. Pick your materials and get creative

The wish board is created from drawings, magazine clippings, photographs, and you can decorate it as you wish with the help of colored paper, shreds of fabric, bright colors and felt-tip pens. Arm yourself with scissors and glue, take thick white paper or cardboard of any size as a basis. Choose one of your best and favorite photos and place it in the center of the composition. This is an important point, because your favorite photo usually reflects positive emotions that you want to save and carry into the future. Then select the appropriate magazine clippings that reflect your desires and glue them around your photo. This includes such vital categories as family, health, love, career, hobbies and friends. But the final choice, of course, is yours.

3. Live your dreams

When the board is ready, hang it in a highly visible place, such as near your bed so you can see it in the morning and evening, or above your workspace so you can see it all day. You must believe in it and in everything that is depicted on it. Looking at all its details, you need to imagine your dreams and how they are realized. Over time, you will see that half of the pictures on the board can be removed, because they will come true and become a happy reality.

Good day to all! This article is for those who plan to make their dreams come true. And if you were here , then you are aware that there are many methods by which it is possible to speed up the process of materializing fantasies, and today I will talk about one of them in more detail, namely, what is a desire visualization board and how to make it correctly.

Advantages of this technique

According to the film, the secret is that if you watched it, you already know that each of our thoughts has energy, so it is so important to clearly present the positive results of our activities and not think about the bad, so as not to attract it. The collage will constantly remind us of what we have planned, with its help we will send the right thought forms to the Universe, which will definitely hear us.

I found a number of advantages and useful properties of this particular technique:

I have already said that harmony and balance are important, therefore, in addition to the most cherished fantasies, it will be right if you find pictures and photographs from each of the areas below:


The best option would be if you find a photo in which you smile and radiate joy and health. Make sure you like her. You can, for example, make an application by gluing your face to the body of the person whose figure you are striving for. You can even sign "I am healthy, happy and improving my figure."

financial well-being

If you want money, be sure to indicate the amount that is needed. Because the very concept of “a lot” is identified for everyone with a completely different number of banknotes, because the needs are very different. If this is a car, take a photo in a car dealership or with the desired car, the main thing is that you are present next to it. If a house - recreate all its nuances, up to the interior.


For those who are looking for their soul mate, I recommend placing pictures of wedding accessories. If you are already married and want to change your relationship a little, breathing long-forgotten feelings into them, place a common photo in the center, adding something like this affirmation on it: “We are happy together, we appreciate and love each other.”


Those who crave accomplishments and achievements can pick up cups, awards, or glue themselves on a photo with successful athletes or businessmen.


It differs from the realm of love in that it includes significant people, such as parents or close friends, with whom you want to build a relationship or are concerned about their well-being and health.


Maybe someone is waiting for the appearance of the baby, or takes care of already born children, godchildren and other little ones.

Hobbies, hobbies

This is a place for the realization of creative energy, so that there is inspiration and the opportunity to engage in it, because sometimes, due to the stress and saturation of life, it is not always possible to find time for yourself.


We have already said more than once that in order to succeed, a person must always strive to develop and search for new information. Place images of books, open pages of textbooks. If you dream of entering a university, then his photo, and even better - yourself against his background.


To find a prestigious job - put your face on the image of a person with the desired profession, the same to get promoted. If you want your business to develop, the instruction is just as simple, you should choose an image of some large enterprise, the specifics of which are similar to your business.

Trips. To feel the fullness of life, discover something new and feel satisfied, it is important to determine a place for a vacation during which you can travel to those countries and cities that you have dreamed of.

  1. Pictures should be chosen the most vivid, emotional and beautiful, so that they evoke such aspirations even in an outsider who sees them.
  2. Desires can be completely different, but there is one rule - they should exclude options for thinking about how to hurt or harm someone. You should not dream of competitors leaving the market, it is better to rephrase it in such a way that you will become the most popular for buyers.
  3. Be sure to include deadlines. If a trip, then only in the summer of 2017, if a child, then, for example, in the middle of 2018. Be specific, then you will bring more clarity to their implementation.
  4. The image quality should be the best, because if the photo is blurry, torn, stained, then what kind of positive result can we talk about?


  • South: a place for glory.

What are you dreaming about? Each of us has a dream or goal that we strive for, we dream in a free moment and fall asleep with the thought of it.

Everyone has their own dream: to win a car in the lottery or celebrate a wedding, give birth to a child or go on a trip, get rich or achieve an ideal figure, find a good job or make repairs in an apartment, buy a house in the country or write a bestseller, knit a blouse or build

Unfortunately, having a dream, we do not always strive for it, finding excuses and reasons, just not to tear through to it.

On the Internet, we have found a way to attract energy to fulfill our fantasies - a visualization board. Let's look at this unusual way to express your desires to fate and attract positive energy to their fulfillment.

The wish visualization board is a magical collage that contains all your dreams in photos or notes. There are many ways to design your wish board, but we'll talk about that later, but for now, we need to figure out what the wonder of this board is.

Users of the World Wide Web believe that by visualizing their desires and placing them in a prominent place, the author will quickly achieve their goals. Each time when a person's eyes meet the image of his dream, he will fill it with the energy of possession, calling for desire to materialize. This is the main secret, according to which, as is commonly believed, the visualization board works. Here, for example, place on your board an image of banknotes, a money bag and sign: "I have the Nth amount per month." Look at this picture, each time endowing it with a sense of possession. Over time, you will get used to looking at your board with a sense of confidence, self-respect, and the amount you have chosen will certainly come to you. Inspiring, right? Does it really work?

Does it really work?

We cannot but agree with the skeptics who do not believe in absurd miracles and fantastic energy that can fill the printed pictures on the board with some kind of power, it sounds implausible, but let's look at how the visualization board works from the other side.

Let's start with a philosophical question: what is a dream?

A dream is something personal, cherished, somewhere difficult to fulfill, but the achievement of which will bring a storm of joy, boundless happiness and infinite bliss into your life.

Unfortunately, in our time, the cherished dreams of different people are more or less similar to each other and, in fact, dreamers want the same thing: the desires listed above, such as a good car, repairs in an apartment and a strong family. For better or worse, each of us dreams about it and, with varying degrees of perseverance, strives to achieve it, overcoming obstacles.

And the path to the dream, like herself, everyone has their own.

One dreamer draws diagrams, builds graphs, planning his long journey to achieve his cherished desire. The other lives by abstract categories and relies on them for achievement. And the third, having planned a strategy, goes ahead.

But there is also that small percentage of people - the owners of figurative thinking, who represent their goal in images and pictures. These people have a visual vector. This percentage is amazing people with excellent thinking and unlimited possibilities. For visual people, visualization is a strong potential for creativity. A person with a visual vector is able to create a heartbreaking movie that can leave a mark on the heart of the most callous person, draw a picture that can captivate the viewer with a palette of colors, write a book - a real bestseller.

Everything that surrounds such people, all those images and pictures hovering around them are projections of sensations and feelings, their emotions and experiences, which is why the picture with a ski resort on the wish board means not so much the vacation itself, but the desire to experience this drive, this extreme , inhale this fresh frosty air and drink hot tea from the cold.

It is for this type of people that the way to achieve a dream is suitable - visualization on the board, in various bright pictures, conveying emotions, sensations that await people to achieve this goal.

Well, if you are still a skeptic, then the board with dreams can also be treated as a beautiful home decor, reminiscent of planned activities, fantasies, goals, like a sticker on the refrigerator with a list of products.

To create a visualization board, it is not at all necessary to believe in miracles, it is enough to occasionally look at your collage of desires, remembering what you are striving for and what reward awaits you for your efforts.

Having figured out how the visualization board affects the owner, let's find out what boards are.

Board types

Having studied which boards are created by dreamers, several types can be distinguished:

  • The first type - you know what desires you want to attract. In this case, you specifically know which wishes to place, which makes the task of creating a wish visualization board much easier.
  • The second type is you don't know what you want. In this case, you just need to flip through a couple of newspapers, look at pictures on the Internet, choose those that attract your attention and cheer you up, they will attract the energy of happiness, harmony and prosperity.

Creation methods

Have you already wondered how to make a visualization board? Let's start by highlighting several ways to create wish boards and going over each one.

Virtual Wish Board

If you often use your computer or phone, then creating a virtual desire board is right for you - it will always be in front of your eyes.

After compiling a list of your desires, look on the expanses of the worldwide network for pictures that attract you. With the help of Photoshop and other special programs, combine the selected applications into one collage, placing everything as you see fit. You can place such a collage on the desktop of a computer or other gadgets. In addition, the finished collage can be printed or saved to a USB flash drive and viewed on TV.

Do it yourself

There are several options for how to make a visualization board: place your desires in feng shui or in the way that pleases the eye.

Let's start with the last option. Let's figure out how to make a do-it-yourself wish visualization board correctly.

Prepare everything you need to create it:

  • The basis on which your goals and desires will be based is cardboard, whatman paper, wooden, cork or chalk board, depending on your idea.
  • Newspapers or printed pictures from the Internet and your photo.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Glue or pushpins, carnations and pins.
  • Pens, felt-tip pens, markers.
  • Other items to decorate the wish board.

First of all, prepare images, leaf through several bright magazines and newspapers, choose pictures that match your desires, please your eye and fill you with a good mood. Cut out a few.

It is not necessary to have a photo on a simple visualization board, but Internet users believe that by placing a photo in the center of their desires, the probability of attracting the energy of possession will increase several times. To enhance the impact of your photo, you can use the background on which it was taken. For example, take a photo in front of a beautiful, rich house or next to your dream car.

With your photo in the center of the board, start posting your wishes.

Do not overdo it with pictures, this is the mistake of many people. A large number of desires placed on your board will interfere with energy focus. Whatever your board can accumulate will be spread over a large number of images. Thus, a lot of pictures do not specify your desires, but scatter energy. Pay attention to the desire visualization board in the photo, nothing more.

Position your images around your photo. You can attach pictures not only with glue, but also with adhesive tape, and pushpins. Decorate your board as you like, you can not just place pictures, but arrange them in a certain order, decorate with various decorations, for example, drawings, decorative tape and sparkles. Fantasize or create a collage for the interior of the room in which it will be located. In any case, you will get the right visualization board.

The advantage of paper clips over glue is that you can replace the desire on your board at any time, for example, after it has come true, and allow energy to be concentrated on others. You need to sign your desires as if you already have them, for example, "My car" or "I live in this mansion by the sea with my big family."

Please note that desires must be truly yours, and not imposed on you by relatives or society. The desire to "Go to law school" will not work if you dream of being a housewife and do not need a university.

Feng Shui

Now we will tell you how to make a feng shui visualization board correctly. Its creation differs from the usual, but not much. For proper creation, you will need to divide the base of the board into 9 parts. It is more convenient to divide a square paper or cardboard, but do not worry if your base is in the shape of a rectangle, you can place your photo in the center, as in the previous method.

Each of the nine Feng Shui parts has its own meaning. To begin with, the 8 life goals have the names of North, South, and so on, but unlike a geographical map, the feng shui visualization board is upside down. See how the feng shui images are arranged on the visualization board in the photo.

Each part (sector) has its own name and color.

1. Center - health. Yellow sector.

This sector is you, your photo should be here. Be careful when choosing a photo on the wish card, you should like yourself on it, be in a good mood. If you want to change something in yourself, use Photoshop - reduce your volumes or increase where necessary.

2. South - Glory. Red sector.

If you dream of recognition, a large audience, your fame, or maybe you want your work to be appreciated higher, fill out this section. Mark your desire to be recognized as an author, popular singer or famous artist. Add images of awards or famous people here.

3. Southwest - Wealth. Purple sector.

The sector of prosperity, good income, development of one's own business. If you do not have enough money luck, you dream of a car, a rich house and a prosperous business - place images with desires here and reinforce them with "mine" inscriptions.

4. Southeast - Love and relationships. Pink sector.

Do not confuse this sector with the next - the family sector. Here you can place your love dreams, images can be replaced with hearts and other symbols. But if you want to get married, do not paste photos of other people, because your desires may contradict strangers.

5. East - Family. Green.

The green sector will maintain warm relations in your family, here you can post photos of family members or a general photo.

6. West - Creativity. Children. White sector.

This sector contains photos of children or images related to your hobbies and hobbies, the white sector will attract inspiration for you.

7. North - Career. Black sector.

This is where your desires for a job are placed, such as a new job, a pay raise, or a promotion. Draw it, attach a photo of an office, a picture of money, or a career advancement.

8.North-West - Wisdom. Blue sector.

If you want to become wiser, acquire new knowledge, then this is your sector, place images of diplomas, courses, photos of books here.

9.North-East - Travel and Help. gray sector.

The travel section contains beautiful photos of resorts, vibrant places and cities that you want to visit. Here you can also place images of places that you have already visited.

Decorate the board also brightly, beautifully, fill it with the necessary deeds, inscriptions, so that it is filled with the energy of possession, and you will get an excellent feng shui visualization board.

Board online

If you don't have a lot of time to "get confused" and create a visualization board, then we can offer you a much easier way. Creating a board online will spend much less of your time. It involves creating a board on sites that have templates, template pictures from different groups of desires. You can leave your wish board on the site or keep it for yourself. You can also print it out and keep it where you can see it.

Make out your wish board only in a good mood, a bad and depressed mood will be transferred to your board, which means that it will accumulate just such energy.

Auspicious days for creating a board are the growing moon and the new moon, the first days of the new year, birthdays and other days that imply the beginning of a new one.

The days of a lunar or solar eclipse will not bring happiness - postpone the creation of the board until the best of it.

How to store the visualization board

Finally, we figured out how to properly make a visualization board. We need to understand how to properly store it, where it belongs.

User opinions differ. Someone thinks that this is a very personal thing, and it is better to keep it next to you, for example, in the bedroom or other personal room. But in any case, it is up to you to choose where to place it. The wish board as an interior can be placed anywhere, but taking into account the attitude of your guests to it. If your friends and family don't share your faith, think your dreams are stupid, or are simply unkind to you, it's best to keep it out of the public eye.


The wish visualization board needs to be activated in order for it to start working, accumulating energy. It is very simple to do this, make one small wish from the board yourself. Write on it: "Buy a cake", and buy it. After that, your board will start working. After the embodiment of desire, erase it, remove it or glue it with a new one.

Start a tradition - look at the board of desires every evening, get used to the fact that all this can become yours, so your subconscious mind will know what to strive for and what to achieve.

Your visualization board can look whatever you want, be creative and create.

Text by Alina Gess

The Universe fulfills our desires, if it is right to tell her about them, - says Alina Gess, motivator, blogger. She told Womenbz readers how to make a Wish Map - one of the main visualization tools. We propose to put aside our “Plans and Tasks for 2018” for the time being and dream as much as we can.

“Now I have a wonderful life. Husband and two Christmas kids. The daughter was born on January 7, 2009, and the son was born on December 25, 2014. Moreover, even the birth time of children is the same! And this is not an accident. These are my wishes that came true. There are many such stories in my life, below I will tell about some more.

Alina Hess. Personal history

My life has not always been smooth sailing. But it was the difficulties that prompted me to search for new knowledge that would help me correct the situation. The desire for self-development played a huge role. Since childhood, I loved books: I read everything that fell into my hands. That's how I got my first books on positive thinking - I was 18 years old. I thought maybe that was the key to the solution. Therefore, I began to study new literature, tried various techniques on myself that allowed me to fulfill desires and change reality for the better. She was glad when it worked, and tried to figure it out if something didn’t work out. It was not easy to get into it, but it was interesting.

Then for many years I attended various seminars and trainings, plunging deeper and deeper into this knowledge. And in the end, I put together my own step-by-step system for managing my desires.

Alina Gess

What is a Wish Map

Our subconscious creates our reality. It is it that conveys our desires to the Universe. Often the subconscious interprets our desires in its own way and transmits not at all what we need. But this process can be managed. To do this, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your request.

Over and over again, I am convinced that the Wish Map helps the best in this. It is a kind of basis with our "Wishlist" in the form of pictures. With its help, visual images are created - the subconscious remembers them well.

The Wish Card has its own rules. And I will tell about them.

From the personal archive of the heroine

What wishes does the card fulfill?

Be very responsible in shaping your desires. On the Internet you can find a lot of "fashionable" cards with yachts and palaces pasted on them. Don't stick it on your card just because you think it's pretty.

Desires that you make not from the heart will either not come true at all, or will come true, but not with you or not in the way you wanted.

Therefore, always listen to your soul, make sure that your desires cause you exclusively pleasant emotions, and not a feeling of discomfort.

In this technique, a very important component is your energy, with which you fill and charge your desires. You radiate this energy when you select pictures, then place them, look at them. It is very important! Therefore, I do not recommend making an electronic map.

How to make a wish card

The Wish Map includes 9 equal sectors.

Each sector is related to a certain area, so it is very important to respect the boundaries.

I suggest choosing pictures on the Internet and printing them on photo paper, and not cutting them out of magazines. It looks very neat and beautiful, it is possible to adjust all the pictures to one scale, and also choose from the whole variety exactly what suits and resonates within you.

9 sectors of the Wish Map

Map Center - "Health Sector"

In this sector, right in the center, we place our photo.

Most importantly, the photo should evoke joyful emotions in you! In no case do not take photos from sad events or moments when you felt unhappy.

Further in the same sector, along the perimeter of the photo, we place all the pictures related to health, sports, beauty. Do you dream of a beautiful snow-white smile, a toned athletic body, and good health? Find relevant pictures and place them next to your photo. How it should look, see below.

My example. I always wanted to pay enough attention to sports, but the gym never attracted me, and group fitness did not bring the desired result. I wanted to try my hand at yoga, but it was not clear where and to whom to go. I posted my wish on the board. Less than a month later, I won a monthly yoga membership. So I found a suitable group for myself and still continue to study.

Upper right sector - "Sector of love and relationships"

If you are looking for:

  • Pick up pictures of happy couples in love, you can just have a photo (of a stranger to you!) Of the person you would like your future companion (companion) to be like.
  • Do not paste in this sector a photo of a real person that you like, but you do not know if he likes you. And in general, if you paste someone real, then only with his consent, or if this is your spouse, with whom you have been married for a long time.
  • If in reality there is already a person for whom you feel sympathy, but for some reason you cannot say about it, then paste a photo of someone similar and, for example, from the back.

If you already have a partner:

  • Add photos of happy moments together to this sector.
  • Also, any pictures symbolizing love and harmony are suitable for this sector: hearts, flowers, a pair of swans or doves.

Middle right sector - "Sector of children and creativity"

An important rule: we paste pictures of children here only if you want to have more of them. If you have a child and you are not planning any more children, you do not need to glue either your own or someone else's child.

If, for example, you have a son and you dream of a daughter, then glue a picture of a little girl in this sector, you don’t need to glue your son there at all.

Everything related to creativity also belongs to this sector.

Maybe you dream of learning to sew, knit, embroider. Or learn to take pictures. Or learn to play the guitar/dance/make origami/stand on your head. All these desires can be glued to this sector.

3 completed sectors of the Wish Map

Lower right sector - "Sector of assistants and travel"

In this sector, you can break away and let your imagination run wild. Stick here all the places you dream of visiting, even if they seem unattainable to you at the moment.

Since it is also called the "Sector of Helpers", you can stick a photo of your friends (for example, if you want to meet more often or dream of a trip somewhere together). If you do not have friends and you would like to have them, pictures of friendly companies, joint hobbies, trips can help you.

Also in this sector you can stick a photo of the group whose concert you want to attend. Or a photo of a person who inspires you, your mentor. If you dream of moving to another country, then select a picture of the country you are interested in and glue it to this sector, signing something like this: I moved permanently to the country I dream of.

My example. When I was making my first Wish Map, I came across a photo of a beautiful cruise ship in a magazine. This photo caught my attention so much that I decided to add it to the Travel Sector. I hid the map in an inaccessible place and forgot to think about the photo of the liner. A few months later, my husband and I received an invitation to go on a cruise!

The most amazing thing is that on my Wish Card in the same place, in the "Travel Sector", the Roman Colosseum was pasted. And our cruise started in Rome!

Alina Gess with her husband on a trip

Lower central sector - "Career sector"

In this sector we place everything related to work or business. Career growth, sales growth, profit growth, salary increase - do not be modest, make all your dreams into real goals.

  • If you dream of opening your own business, decide on a theme and select pictures that symbolize this activity.
  • If you already have a business and want to develop it, choose pictures that show the growth of customers and sales. For example, you have a clothing store. You can stick a picture with a shop window, and next to it is a queue. You can sign something like this: every day more and more clients come to me.

Lower left sector - "Knowledge sector"

This sector symbolizes any knowledge, whether it is getting an education, attending any courses or just personal growth, spiritual development.

If you are still studying or dreaming of enrolling, you can stick a picture with the desired diploma or a photo of the educational institution where you want to study.

Also, maybe you have been dreaming of learning a language for a long time, then you can safely stick a picture of language courses.

Maybe you want to learn how to drive a car and pass on the rights, this also applies to this sector.

If you don’t want any knowledge for yourself, maybe you have such wishes for your child? Then select the appropriate pictures and sign them with the wording of the following content: I am glad that my child is making progress in school; I am glad that my child successfully entered / defended his diploma / received his rights.

6 completed sectors of the Wish Map

Middle left sector - "Family sector"

In this sector, you can glue photos of your children, husband and other family members, including pets.

Choose pictures that reflect happiness and harmony.

If you do not yet have your own family, select pictures of the family that you would like to have.

Also, everything related to housing for you and your family is suitable here: apartment, house or cottage; furniture, repairs, interior items, pets that you dream of - all here, in the family sector.

Upper left sector - "Wealth sector"

Let me tell you right now that you don't have to put it on here.

Please avoid all those enticing photos of suitcases of money, chests of gold and so on. Don't take this sector so literally!

If you really want to stick a pack of money or a hand with money, be sure to sign such pictures, because the interpretation can be ambiguous: both that you are given money and that you give it away.

You can paste here the desire to receive a bonus at work, a salary increase or profit from a business. As well as any material values: cars, jewelry, phones, household appliances, electronics, wardrobe items and so on.

Upper Central Sector - "Sector of Glory"

My example. My brother, who works as a chef, posted in this sector his desire to act in a film, and after a short time, Channel One invited him to shoot a series of documentaries.

One more example. Thanks to my brother, one day, without my knowledge, another wish of mine came true. He sent my photos in a bathing suit to the competition of a well-known men's magazine. And I got into a hundred, whose photos were printed in a magazine. Only after some time I saw a picture with a magazine in my Map.

9 completed sectors of the Wish Map

A few more important points

Make sure that none of your sectors is empty. This disrupts harmony and creates an imbalance that will lead to problems in various areas.

Sectors should not overlap, and desires should not be placed in several sectors at the same time.

Since the Map is a Feng Shui tool, it must be done on the right days. The best period of the year is considered to be 2 weeks after the Chinese New Year, which will be February 16th. But if you missed this period, then the period of the growing moon is also considered auspicious days.

The map is best placed away from prying eyes. Everyone has their own energy, and it will not be very good for your desires if someone rewards them with their evil energy.

The validity of the Wish Card is on average 1-3 years. If your Card has worked, you can replace it with a new one, but with one important condition: You can only have one Card.

Wish Card Activation

After you have finished issuing your Card, you need to activate it!

To do this, you post a photo of any symbolic desire that you can fulfill yourself and in a short time. For example: buy yourself ice cream, go to the cinema, meet a friend. As soon as you fulfill your desire, your Map begins to work!

How to make a Wish Map

Recently, various services have appeared that offer to make you a Wish Map according to your wishes. I really don't recommend you do this. Indeed, in this technique, a very important component is your energy, with which you fill and charge your desires. You radiate this energy when you select pictures, then place them, look at them. And this is very important!

Option 1: on whatman paper

Most often, a wish card is made on whatman paper. At your disposal is a large area of ​​paper, which is easily divided into 9 sectors and allows you to place any desires so that they do not interfere with each other.

Pictures can be cut out of magazines, drawn or taken on the Internet and printed at the nearest printing house. The most interesting thing is to take pictures from the Internet, because there are a lot of them and everyone can find something of their own, plus you can easily adjust the size of the pictures to fit them all on whatman paper.

Option 3: on paper with paints

For the most creative and assiduous, there is a more difficult task. You can draw your own Wish Map. Pencils, paints, crayons are at your disposal. You can reflect all your dreams with the help of drawings, or choose one and put your whole soul into its image.

Photo: online drawing school "Merry Owl"

It has long been proven that all our thoughts are material and often a very strong desire helps to realize a dream. But just wanting is not enough, you also need to make great emotional and psychological efforts. The main help in this is the board of visualization of desires, and everyone can create it.

Visualization board - what is it?

Bright and colorful images of what you would like to have are attached to any flat surface. Such pictures are easy to pick up, the main thing is that they bring you joy and give. You need to put this board so that you can constantly see it every day. This method of visualizing desires is very effective, the main thing is to apply it correctly. You need to conduct a session only in a good mood, because the board activates all energy reserves, therefore this energy should only be positive.

Visualization method in psychology

Many patients initially doubt whether the visualization of desires works, such an attitude immediately negatively affects the result. In psychology, the visualization method is one of the most popular. Doctors are sure that such work activates the work of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for images, and harmonizes the work of the brain. You need to want not only with your mind, but with all your emotions, with every cell of your body - then the visualization of thoughts and desires will work in full force. Psychologists often use the visualization method when working with sports stars, students, and schoolchildren.

Rules for visualizing desires

  1. Tune in to your desire, imagine that it has already come true, and you are enjoying the results of your dream with might and main. Try on a new fur coat, drive an expensive car, relax on exotic islands.
  2. You must be in the lead role, and not see yourself from the outside, the immersion must be complete.
  3. Engage all the senses: hearing, smell, taste. Feel the delicate fur of a coat on your shoulders, the smell of leather in the car, inhale the spray of the sea, which was brought by the wind on the beach.
  4. Capture the best shot from your movie about desire, it will bring you back to your dream and help you concentrate. Psychologists call it "anchor frame".
  5. Let go of desire. No need to worry about whether a wish will come true or not, only the correct visualization of desires leads to success.

Desire visualization map - how to do it?

To create a wish map, we need to know the rules for its compilation, a clear and specific idea of ​​​​what we want, in order to successfully visualize what we want and launch the law of the materialization of thoughts in full force. Just glued pictures will not help much - it is important to place them correctly in the zones and work continuously with the board, as described in the rules above.

feng shui wish visualization board

Visualization cards are the inclusion of your body in the work on the realization of desire, so they should be bright and positive. How to make a visualization board of desires?

  1. The main thing is to correctly select images that illustrate your dream.
  2. The simplest of all is the value map. You need to find an image of what you dream of and stick it in the center of the card, next to your photo.
  3. The easiest to perform is the universal wish card. Place your photo in the center of the sheet, and around - pictures that illustrate the fulfillment of your dream. In random order. This will help create your own film about the realization of desire.

visualization board - zones

The scheme for the distribution of zones is the same. Above your photo you need to attach an image of your dream.

  1. North - top of the sheet, career.
  2. Opposite is the zone of glory, where you can paste images that you would like to achieve.
  3. To the left of your photo is a creative zone, here you can also add pictures of the desired future and dreams about children.
  4. To the right of your photo is a place for a family.
  5. Between the areas of career and creativity, you need to place photos of interesting trips.

Further clockwise from the career zone, pictures are placed for sectors, finances and personal relationships. You need to put them in free places between already occupied zones. A visualization board is a very powerful tool in the fight for your desire, so you need to think carefully about its creation.

Pictures for the wish visualization board

There are 3 ways to create pictures: computer, real and combined.

  1. Computer. Create a whiteboard using computer files. Only you will have access to it. Many people add a visualization board to their mobile phone.
  2. real way. In fashion magazines, find the photos and pictures you need, print them out and stick them on a sheet.
  3. Combined method offers to find pictures for the visualization board on the Internet, print them out and paste them on the board.

slimming visualization board

Does the visualization of desires work with the dream of losing weight - yes, but only working with the board will not be enough. As with any other desire, the visualization board will help if you pay attention to the figure. Effective visualization of desires in this case depends not only on the correct wording, but also on the correct picture.

  1. You can take your photo as a basis, where the figure was beautiful and slender, but it is much more effective to use Photoshop, with this program it is very easy to make the figure perfect.
  2. This photo should be placed in the center of the visualization board.
  3. Next, you can arrange the images as you see yourself in your dreams.
  4. Working according to the rules of visualization, imagine yourself slim, thinner, try to feel the flexibility of your body.