Slugs on peppers in a greenhouse. How to get rid of slugs in a greenhouse

All owners of home gardens and gardens, especially in wet areas, are familiar with an unpleasant to the touch and sight pest - the slug, which not only eats the leaves of garden crops, but also spoils tomatoes, strawberries, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. Crawling with plant to plant, it also spreads diseases, such as gray rot and powdery mildew. And it is quite logical that garden bed owners are actively interested in the question of how to deal with slugs.

In order to get rid of slugs in the garden forever, people have come up with a variety of effective pest control methods. First, you need to consider all possible places for their habitat: old piles of mown grass or branches, piles of garbage and damp soil under stumps, basements, piles of fallen leaves or brushwood. From the very beginning of autumn, slugs begin to crawl into houses and sheds. Stepping on this guest in the dark is quite unpleasant.

There are many methods for controlling snails and slugs:

  • special obstacles;
  • manual method (the most painstaking method);
  • assistance from representatives of the animal world;
  • traps;
  • disposal using chemicals;
  • planting repellent plants.

Preventive measures- this is not a method of control, but with their help you can reduce the number of slugs in the area.

To do this, you need to destroy all possible areas of their habitat. It is necessary to collect branches and foliage and remove them from the garden. Clear away debris from old boards or other construction debris. When there is a compost pit in the garden, expect that slugs will soon breed in it. Pieces of old linoleum or boards located between the beds are an ideal refuge for pests.

How to get rid of slugs in the garden

Every summer resident can suddenly discover plants and crops damaged by pests. Traces of minor damage appeared on the leaves, tree fruits and berries, as if they had been rubbed in places with a small grater. This is the first sign of slugs and snails.

During the day, slugs prefer shaded areas with high humidity and temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius. Eggs are laid in spring and late autumn, maturation period is about 3 months. Let's take a closer look at how to deal with slugs in the garden, and why to do it.

The harm and benefits of slugs in the garden

Slugs are nocturnal, so you can notice that the beds have been visited by a mollusk only by the silvery trail of dried mucus on the leaves and by spoiled plants and fruits.

Slugs eat:

  • young greens and sprouts of any seedlings;
  • fruits of fruit trees;
  • strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • cabbage, cucumbers, peppers.

Slugs in the garden can feed on lichens, mushrooms, fallen leaves, perform a kind of cleaner role and help in processing organic matter. Fishermen can use them as bait, and some summer residents specially breed them to feed chickens.

Preventive methods of protection

Before using chemicals, it is recommended to try preventive methods, since getting rid of slugs in the garden is more difficult than preventing their appearance.

Slugs in the garden - fighting with environmental methods

The number of dark, damp areas should be reduced as much as possible, garbage and organic residues should be removed, and weeds should be weeded. In the fall, dig deep into the soil; this precaution will help destroy the eggs of not only slugs, but also many other pests in the area, as they will freeze in the winter.

Attract the slugs' natural enemies: birds, frogs and hedgehogs. Build birdhouses for birds, a small pond for frogs, install a hibernation house for hedgehogs, lay out bait, and feed them with milk.

If slugs appear in the garden, nature will tell you how to fight it. The most economical and environmentally friendly way to protect against the appearance of slugs on your property is to use aromatic herbs that they do not like. Garlic, sage, and rosemary are planted around the perimeter of the beds.

Folk remedies to protect your area from slugs

Since it is not always effective to fight slugs in the garden using ecological methods, folk preventive remedies are used together with them. After planting seedlings, periodically spray the plants with a solution of ammonia and vinegar: dilution proportions - 1:6 with water.

Also used for processing mustard powder 5-6 tablespoons per 10 liter bucket of water. Some gardeners recommend using strong instant coffee for spraying.

Treat all parts of the plant (leaf blade on both sides) and the soil nearby in the evening in dry weather. After rain, the procedure is repeated.

Ways to control slugs

If pests have already appeared on the site, more effective methods are used. Before destroying slugs in the garden, prepare homemade traps.

Fighting slugs in the garden with folk remedies

Overnight, you can leave wet burdock leaves or pieces of roofing felt on which mollusks will collect. In the early morning, remove slugs with gloves or with tweezers, since the mucus is difficult to wash off and may contain pathogenic bacteria.

Cornmeal is a deadly treat for shellfish and is used as an effective slug repellent in the garden. Flour is poured into a jar and placed on its side. In the morning, dead slugs and snails are collected and taken away from the site.

Slugs are attracted to the smell of fermentation, so gardeners use traps by pouring beer or kvass into containers, preferably dark varieties. Most often, they use the bottoms of plastic bottles cut off by 1 cm, placing them around the area. Periodically, the traps are cleared of any mollusks that have fallen into them.

Pests often damage berries, but chemical treatment during the fruiting period is impossible, so control of slugs on strawberries is possible only with protective methods. Sprinkling the rows of the beds with salt and mulching with ground eggshells, small pebbles, shells or pine needles are used. Salt destroys mucus, and mulch damages the slug's body.

Fighting slugs in the garden using special equipment

As a last resort, 21 days before the harvest ripens, use a granulated chemical repellent for slugs in the garden (Thunderstorm, Meta, Ferramol, Anti-slug), which is scattered along the rows at the rate of 15 grams. for 5 sq.m.

The active substance metaldehyde attracts shellfish and repels birds, but is dangerous for pets and can accumulate in fruits. After using such special means, after harvesting the crop, it is thoroughly washed in hot water.

Fighting slugs on cabbage

Cabbage is the favorite delicacy of slugs and snails. Early varieties can be completely destroyed by mollusks during the period of growth and head formation.

To prevent slugs from growing on cabbage, the fight against them begins with proper planting. Seedlings are planted from each other at a distance of up to 50 cm, so as not to create dense, humid and shaded areas for the favorable development of mollusks.

Each plant can be fitted with a ring cut from a plastic bottle. The edges are cut unevenly with nail scissors, inward into the neck, and cabbage seedlings are threaded through. The sharp edges of the plastic will damage the delicate body of the slug if it decides to feast on the plant.

When the developing cabbage grows lower leaves that touch the ground, they are torn off to limit access. Also, to protect cabbage, a folk remedy for slugs in the garden is used - nettle or wormwood leaves, which are laid out under the heads of cabbage, changing them every day. Nettle burns, and wormwood repels with its unpleasant smell.

Additionally, control methods such as evening watering of closed leaves with hot water (plus 50 degrees Celsius) are used for cabbage. Plants can withstand this temperature without getting burned, and the slugs die.

Spraying with a solution of hot pepper, for the preparation of which 100 grams is crushed, is widespread. capsicum red pepper. It is soaked in 1 liter of water and infused for 2 days, after which it is boiled and infused for 24 hours. One hundred grams of the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water, adding soap shavings. Store the solution in a cool, dark place.

Bottom line

Getting rid of slugs in the garden is not that difficult. Sometimes it is enough to remove their access to favorable conditions and wet areas. If timely preventive measures are taken and proper care of plants is taken, the question of how to destroy slugs in the garden will not be a concern, since pests will not appear on the site.

Slugs in a greenhousesignificantly harm more than 140 plant species, including such popular crops as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. By eating through leaves and fruits and eating into holes and stripes on root crops, they depress plantings and help reduce their yield. In addition, crawling from one plant to another, slugs carry viral and fungal diseases, ranging from downy mildew to late blight.

Slugs in the greenhouse: how to fight?

It is easier to prevent the appearance of such pests than to deal with an already multiplied population. Preventive measures are not so complicated and are quite applicable even in greenhouses with large areas:

    do not thicken plantings;

    loosen the top layer of soil;

    tie up plants;

    remove weeds;

    plant red-leaved plants or aromatic herbs around the perimeter of the room.

It is better to water in the morning so that the soil becomes hard and dry by the evening, when the mollusks begin to crawl out in search of food. Slugs prefer damp and cool places, being active at 15-19 degrees. When the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, they stop feeding, and after some time they die without producing offspring.

How to remove slugs from a greenhouse?

If preventive measures do not help, you should use one of the effective means of combating slugs - the sulfur bomb “Pawn C”. Unlike the mechanical method, which requires a lot of labor: laying out traps, collecting and destroying shellfish, checkers are simple and easy to use, and do not require the purchase of expensive spraying equipment and a lot of time spent processing plantings.

Sulfur checkers “Pawn C” are not as harmful to plants and humans as special chemicals fromslugs in the greenhouse, which act on pests only in high concentrations. Each of them contains a minimal amount of molecular sulfur, which, due to aerosol sublimation, falls on the unprotected skin of mollusks, provoking the release of large amounts of mucus, and causing the death of individuals. Since the checkers have a long residual effect, they destroy even those slugs that were in the soil during treatment.

Along the way, sulfur bombs “PESHKA S” successfully fight against many other plant pests, as well as pathogens of viral and fungal diseases. Plus, molecular sulfur does not have a corrosive effect on the metal parts of greenhouse structures, since it produces a minimal amount of sulfur dioxide and, as a result, sulfurous acid.

Processing technology

The effectiveness of treating greenhouses against slugs directly depends on the correct use of sulfur bombs. Experts recommend following a number of rules:

    carry out processing only after complete removal of plantings, tops and weeds;

    Before aeration, dig up the soil, since smoke can penetrate to a depth of 5 cm, which is not enough to remove all the larvae laid by pests for the winter;

    Fumigation should be carried out only in sealed rooms with closed ventilated openings and sealed cracks;

    Before disinfection, remove people and animals from the premises;

    after processing and exposure 8-10 hours- be sure to ventilate the greenhouse for 1.5-2 hours.

Checkers only need to be placed throughout the entire area of ​​​​the room at the rate of 1 unit per 150-200 cube . meters, and then set it on fire. It is better to carry out the treatment twice - in spring and early autumn in the evening hours, when pests crawl out of dark and damp shelters in search of food. This way you can get rid of it foreverslugs in the greenhouseand annually receive a good harvest of greenhouse crops.

PAWN-S checker is the best checker for diseases

The PESHKA-S checker is used against pathogens of bacterial diseases and rot, as well as mites in greenhouses and greenhouses, granaries, elevators and mills, vegetable storehouses, fruit storehouses, and warehouses.

Checker net weight 500 g, D.V. - 450 g/kg sulfur
Packaging - boxes (14 pieces)
Registered in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation -
Registration No. 1635-09-101-364-1-0-0-0 dated 08/20/09

Harmful objects 1 checker per room volume (m 3)
Greenhouses, warehouses, granaries, vegetable stores and bacterial diseases 150 - 250
Pliers 50 - 80

ATTENTION! Sending of goods (checkers) is carried out on the basis of full prepayment, only for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs!

Minimum quantity: 1 box (14 pieces).

Order a checker PAWN-S

One of them is the slug, a mollusk whose “diet” includes more than a hundred cultivated plants. He is always not averse to eating stems, buds, leaves and the fruits of many vegetables, so every self-respecting gardener should know how to get rid of this annoying and unwanted “neighbor”.

general information

The first sign of the presence of slugs in the garden are small holes with traces of a silvery color that appear on the leaves of vegetable and fruit crops. There are many in nature.

Moreover, these pests give the greatest preference to plants with juicy large leaves, for example, cabbage or beets, eating not only their green part, but also the fruits themselves.

Garden slugs are also a common cause of plant diseases such as powdery mildew, so it is very important when planting them to think about how to protect yourself from this unpleasant problem and, if necessary, get rid of it as quickly as possible.

How to fight?

On cabbage

Cabbage slugs and caterpillars can be a real disaster for a gardener. Cabbage pests can be seen in the photo. So, slugs on cabbage: how to deal with them? You can poison them in these ways:


  1. Metaldehyde. Granules of this pesticide must be scattered on beds with vegetables and berry bushes. The slugs eat it and soon die from acute intestinal poisoning. This remedy is considered the most effective.
  2. Slaked lime and copper sulfate in powder form. After watering or rain, they pollinate the cabbage rows. Caustic substances that get on the belly of a mollusk will cause severe burns on its delicate skin, resulting in the death of the slug. It is better to carry out such treatments during the period of high slug activity, which occurs in the evening.
  3. Furnace ash and bleach.
  4. Tobacco dust, etc.

See the photo below for what slugs look like on cabbage.

Traditional methods:
How to treat cabbage against slugs?

  • Stale beer. To do this, you need to place plastic cups near the heads of cabbage, half filled with beer, digging them into the ground for stability.
    The very next morning after such an operation, you will see dead pests that have feasted on the foamy drink.

    The procedure needs to be repeated two or three times, and the slugs can be safely forgotten until the end of the season;

  • Grapefruit peel. In halves of peel removed from an exotic fruit, make small openings and entrances and place them throughout the site.

    Lured by a pleasant aroma, slugs will climb into such traps, but will no longer be able to get out of them. So in the morning all that remains is to collect them and destroy them;

  • If slugs eat cabbage: what to do? You can use roofing felt, scrap boards and pieces of burlap. Such traps should be placed in vegetable beds and leave for a day. When the slugs crawl in there for the night, you need to collect them and destroy them.

On pepper

The slug often eats the leaves of sweet bell peppers, eating huge holes in them, which causes enormous harm to plants and negatively affects their development and productivity. Thus, slugs on peppers cause great damage to the gardener.

Naturally, the first thought that comes to every gardener’s mind is: how to save peppers from caterpillars and slugs and how to process the crop in order to enjoy their delicious, juicy fruits at the end of summer.

Protection occurs as follows:


  1. Preparations based on metaldehyde (“Thunderstorm”, “Meta”). Such a “treat” will attract mollusks and lead them to inevitable death. In addition, metaldehyde-based chemicals have low toxicity and do not harm the environment, including earthworms living in the beds.
  2. Superphosphate. To achieve the desired effect, peppers need to be powdered with this fertilizer, taking it at a rate of 30-40 mg/m3.

Slugs on peppers: how to fight them using folk methods?

  • White vinegar solution. To prepare the working solution, take ½ cup of table vinegar for a 10 liter bucket of water. The plants themselves and the soil under them are sprayed. It is best to do this in the evening, when the pests go to feed;
  • Boiling water. The soft, delicate body of slugs is very afraid of elevated temperatures. Moreover, even 40 degrees Celsius, which is harmless for many plants, can become destructive for them. So, in order to remove slugs from bell peppers, you just need to water them with water brought to a temperature of +60 degrees Celsius;
  • Eggshell. Another good way to get rid of the “annoying neighbor” in our garden: scatter broken eggshells on the beds, the sharp edges of which injure the delicate skin of the mollusks, leaving deep cuts on it. This way they will be destroyed in a short time.

On cucumbers

One of the most popular agricultural crops, grown in many summer cottages are cucumbers. However, slugs do not bypass them either, spoiling the quantity and quality of the future harvest. In most cases, they choose young fruits, which raises the question: How to protect yourself from slugs on young cucumbers?

Moreover, they feel completely calm not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses and greenhouses.

That is, gardeners are faced with a rather serious problem: how to preserve and preserve vegetables, to get a good harvest of cucumbers in the shortest possible time?

To do this, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Regularly inspect plants and maintain cleanliness in the greenhouse. It should not contain plant waste, pieces of covering material and other debris. This way you can prevent slugs and other pests from appearing in it.
  2. Construction of obstacles to the movement of mollusks. A good option: clean river sand, which will make their movements even slower and more difficult.
  3. Creating trap shelters from old rags, burdocks, boards and pieces of cardboard.

On tomatoes

Tomatoes are also one of the favorite “dishes” of slugs, which they eat with great appetite and eagerness.

Therefore, the most important task of any gardener is a prompt and competent solution to the issue: How to remove these unpleasant creatures from your site?

You can do this as follows:

  • spreading dried nettles under the tomato plants, which these pests fear like fire. Such a simple manipulation will discourage them from “encroaching” on these plants;
  • making “obstacle courses” for slugs from ash and slaked lime;
  • watering garden crops with infusion of garlic or onion, which mollusks cannot tolerate “spiritually”;
  • do not allow plantings to thicken. Optimal planting pattern: 60x70 and 70x70 cm.

Moreover, in this way, you can plant not only tall, but also low-growing varieties, making sure that their branches do not end up on the ground.

On potatoes

The ubiquitous and almost omnivorous slugs do not bypass another vegetable, enjoying great love and respect from many gardeners. This is, of course, potatoes, the foliage and tubers of which they eat, causing great harm to plants.

That is, it is very important to know how to protect this crop and, if necessary, quickly remove the voracious pest from it.

To remove slugs from potatoes, you can use one of the simple but effective methods, for example:

  1. Spray potato tops with wormwood tincture.
  2. By placing horseradish leaves and roots between the potato bushes, which will repel pests.
  3. Scatter finely crushed river shells over the beds.

When fighting a mollusk in this way, you must always ensure that so that the “rough barrier” does not create loopholes through which the pest can easily penetrate the potatoes and other plants.

On strawberries

If the slug is rather cool towards potatoes and tomatoes and eats them in fairly rare cases, he eats juicy, ripe strawberries with great pleasure, see the photo on the right.

Often on eaten and deformed fruits, appearing in the beds after a pest's night hunt - a picture quite familiar to almost every gardener.

What to do in such cases? Of course, fight. Moreover, there are very simple ways that allow you to get rid of slugs on strawberries quickly and effectively.

For example:

  • mulching the ground between berry bushes with pine needles(preferably spruce). Despite their gluttony, these mollusks will not risk approaching them along the prickly “coniferous carpet” and your plantings will be safe;
  • planting strawberry beds around the perimeter and parsley in its center, which is an excellent pest repellent;
  • treating berry bushes with a strong solution of table salt.

If shellfish appear on ripe berries, under no circumstances should you treat them with chemicals, as harmful substances will penetrate into the fruit and make them toxic!

On the cherry

Fight slugs that appear on cherries, This can be done using so-called “sweet traps” made from jars or boxes of sour cream or yogurt, filled with kvass, fruit drink or juice and secured around a tree trunk.

Climbing into such traps, they won't be able to get out of there so they will only need to be collected and destroyed. Traps need to be updated every day, in the morning.

The favorite habitat of slugs is soils with strong moisture, overgrown with thick grass, in which they hide from the sun's rays. So, their appearance in the garden can be prevented by diverting standing water from the garden plot and removing excess vegetation from it.

That is, the best prevention against these pests will be regular weeding and mowing the grass on the side of the site. It is also necessary to promptly remove household and construction waste from it, since slugs love to settle on its heaps.

Good help in the fight against annoying shellfish can be caused by their natural enemies: animals that eat them with great pleasure.

Want to know how to remove slugs from your property once and for all? Place a hedgehog, gray or green toads on it, and this issue will be resolved by itself.

In addition, you can surround garden crops by collecting plants that the pest does not like. These include mint, wormwood, lemon balm and tansy.


In a word, fighting slugs in the garden, or, will be quite effective subject to regular and high-quality care.

This is exactly the case when timely prevention can give a really good result, therefore, it should not be neglected under any circumstances.

If the “insidious villain” nevertheless managed to penetrate your garden, you can get rid of him without much difficulty using one of the folk methods convenient for you (methods of fighting slugs are described in detail).

Almost all of them are quite simple, safe and effective. Well, in severely advanced cases, you can use chemicals containing metaldehyde. And you can forget about unpleasant neighbors once and for all.

Useful video!

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Slugs eat young shoots and shoots, leaves, plant stems, and parts of roots and tubers protruding above the ground. Strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops, cabbage greens also suffer from voracious creatures - mollusks are able to settle inside and eat away the pulp.

Even if the damage is insignificant, the presentation of the product deteriorates and the plant itself is weakened. Slugs transmit viral and fungal infections by crawling from one plant to another. This can often cause more damage than the fruit eaten.

Excessively moist areas located in lowlands are especially affected by them.

There are many ways to combat slugs in the garden, chemical and folk. You need to start activities as early as possible, in the spring, as soon as it’s time to start gardening work. To understand which method is better to choose, consider them all.

Agrotechnical prevention

Proper agricultural practices in the garden area serve as preventive measures to get rid of it. In particular, reducing humidity, as well as interfering with the unhindered movement of pests across the surface and destroying their natural shelters.

Basic Techniques

Mulching garden strawberries, according to the website, reduces the slug population in the garden several times.

Agricultural techniques are simple and accessible, the only thing is that you need to do everything on time and constantly. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of plant damage.

Natural enemies

There are animals in nature that help get rid of slugs, although they are not their main food. It’s great if the area is often visited by hedgehogs, frogs and toads, ground beetles, and various small birds.

To attract them, according to gardeners, it is useful to place containers with water, or build something like a pond away from the main plantings. However, if the soil is quite wet, frogs and toads will appear on their own, the main thing is not to drive them away.

There are plants whose smell repels shellfish. The following is used as green protection:

  • Parsley
  • Garlic
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Marigold.

All of these are plants with a strong spicy or pungent odor. They can be planted along the edges of beds, or to compact crops. It won't hurt them, and you'll get some greenery for the table.

Planting garlic in garden crops (in the photo - among strawberries) will help get rid of many pests.

There is another enemy of slugs, practically invisible to the human eye. This is a nematode - a microscopic worm. If it is difficult to attract hedgehogs and birds to the site, then things are different here: it is the owners who can populate the site with these creatures harmful to mollusks.

Photo of the packaging of the drug Nemaslug (Nemaslag).

It is not sold in Russia and Belarus, but it is easy to buy online at. The price, including delivery to Russia from England, will be about 20 dollars (less than 1,500 rubles at 2016 prices). The drug should be stored in the refrigerator.

Manual collection

The easiest way to get rid of slugs in the garden is to inspect the garden plot in the morning and collect them from the plantings.

Favorite habitats are metal and wooden surfaces, dark, damp places. For example, the tap where water is drawn from, iron watering cans or buckets, the bottom of the porch, irrigation hoses covered with condensate. They often hide in the shade of plantings, near the rhizomes of cabbage, or in a rosette of strawberries.

The sooner you inspect, the more slugs you can find.

Manual collection justifies itself as the very first step in high concentration.

Protective barriers

The essence of the method is to block the path of pests. The soil around the perimeter of the site, around the beds, is sprinkled with something rough and sharp. In addition to sand and nut shells, more effective slaked lime, wood ash, and crushed river mollusk shells can be used.

Dry mustard, dry coffee grounds, and superphosphate are also good in this regard. It is advisable to make several narrow strips at a distance of 10-20 centimeters from each other.

If you need to protect isolated trees, shrubs, and large flowers from slugs, you can pour a bank of sand around the hole.

Under mulching material of natural origin - pine needles, sawdust - moisture can accumulate, which, on the contrary, will attract slugs. Therefore, the mulch must be turned periodically.

You can also protect plants in the garden using ordinary water. Fill any long containers or grooves with it and place it around the beds. Once in the water, the slugs die.

Interestingly, copper can help. Any materials containing copper - wire, or covering material containing this metal - will cause a current discharge upon contact with the mollusk.

Mustard helps in the fight not only against slugs in the garden, but also against insects. More details about this in the video:

Traps and bait

An alternative to manual collection is the use of special devices. Traps and baits according to folk recipes are usually made from improvised material. They need to be checked periodically and any pests found should be destroyed.

The most effective traps against slugs

What to do with collected slugs? The humane way is to take it further into the forest, or throw it into a pond to feed the fish. If there is a bird on the farm, they will serve as an excellent treat for it.

Chemical methods

Many drugs against slugs have been developed based on the pesticide Metaldehyde. The most popular are “Thunderstorm” and “Slug Eater” - both are available in the form of granules or lilac powder. The operating principle of "Thunderstorm" is simple: the mollusks attracted by it eat it and die within 1-3 hours.

(Photo of packaging enlarges by clicking)

The method of using "Thunderstorm" against slugs and other poisons based on metaldehyde is the same. The powder is scattered over the area in a dosage of 15-20 g. for 5 m2. A more economical option is the targeted distribution of the substance around the beds and free-standing plants. This creates an impenetrable barrier for pests.

The manufacturer claims that bird-repellent additives have been added to the active substance; however, you should not use it if chickens and other domestic animals may accidentally be nearby.

It is important to remember that metaldehyde-based products are toxic. They do not harm earthworms or insects, but can be dangerous to pets and humans. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude cats, dogs and other pets from eating pellets.

Instructions for use of "Slime Eater" produced by JSC Firm "August", Russia (enlarges by clicking).

Vegetables and fruits near which the drug was placed must be thoroughly washed. Harvest can only be done three weeks after the last treatment.

There is a drug called “Ulicide” that is safe for humans and all animals. Its active ingredient is iron phosphate. These are blue or blue granules, used similarly to products with metaldehyde.

Chemicals should be used only when the number of slugs is very large and other methods do not help.

Folk remedies

A number of methods have been developed to combat slugs in the garden using household substances. We offer several recipes from the collection of popular advice.

There is a large video on our channel that contains all the tips for fighting slugs in the garden:

When choosing means of combating pollution, you need to start with the most environmentally friendly and gentle ones. These are, first of all, agricultural techniques, then collecting pests manually or using traps. The most powerful are chemicals.

However, even their use does not cancel following the rules of agricultural technology. An integrated approach will best help rid your garden area of ​​slugs.
