How long does calla bloom at home? Planting bulbs and caring for callas at home

Calla is an exotic-looking perennial plant that can thrive both in the garden and at home in a pot. In our climate, calla lilies are often grown at home, thereby adding a refined touch to the interior.

We will learn how to properly plant calla lilies in a pot, how to care for the plant so that it will delight you with long, delightful flowering.

Calla is a flower found in nature on the banks of water bodies. Translated from ancient Greek, its name means “beautiful, beauty.” Native habitats are river banks and swamps in countries of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Externally, the plants are very beautiful: both the foliage of the calla lily and its flowers are original and exotic. The leaves are bright green, dense, smooth, arrow-shaped. At the base, the leaves expand, acquiring a heart-shaped shape. The flowers are unisexual, located on a vertical thick stem. The flowers are given a special decorative appearance by the bract surrounding them - dense, encircling the flowers with a kind of collar.

The most common calla lily in indoor floriculture is white, however, now colored varieties of the plant are also coming into fashion. Particularly popular are Elliot's decorative calla lily with orange-golden flowers and Remman's calla lily with petals in pink, lilac, and burgundy shades.

Note that colored callas and white callas are grown differently: both flowers have distinctive features and care requirements. They also have different periods of rest. It is therefore important to take this nuance into account when purchasing a plant. It should be noted that white callas are not tuberous plants, while colored ones are just that. Whites reproduce by bulb.

Landing conditions

Let's find out what conditions must be met when planting home calla lilies.


Calla lilies are usually planted before the plant enters active growing season.

Choosing a pot

The best habitat for an indoor calla lily will be a pot with a height of at least 60 cm with a radius of at least 20 cm. Calla lilies grow quite quickly, so you will need enough space for the free development of roots.

The container should be quite wide: therefore, if you are in doubt whether to prefer a narrower or wider pot diameter, choose the second option. The volume of the selected pot should not be less than 3 liters, including for young calla lilies.

Calla loves a moist substrate, so initially place the pot on a tray with sphagnum moss, expanded clay or pebbles moistened with water. Moisten the tray from time to time so that the plant is always in the most favorable conditions.

A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot, a layer of at least 5 cm. The following materials are suitable for the drainage layer:

  • expanded clay;
  • broken brick;
  • small pebbles.

Soil composition

It is advisable to plant calla lilies in acidic soil. A soil mixture with the following ingredients is considered optimal:

  • turf soil (garden) - 2 parts;
  • foliage substrate - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

Requirements for conditions of detention

Let's get acquainted with the most important nuances of keeping indoor calla lilies.


Calla has high demands on the level of illumination. Perhaps this is the most important point when choosing where to place a flower at home.

Sunlight should be plentiful, but indirect. It is good to keep calla in partial shade under conditions of sparse lighting. In summer, it is better to place the plant near a window, but do not forget to protect the delicate flower from direct sunlight.

In the dark winter time, callas acutely feel the lack of sun. And even during the dormant period, plants must be sufficiently illuminated - otherwise development, flowering, and other negative consequences may be delayed.

In general, for normal development and growth, calla lilies must be illuminated for at least 12 hours a day in summer and 8 hours in winter. If your apartment’s climate and location cannot provide such conditions, you will have to additionally illuminate the calla lilies artificially.


In nature, callas grow in warm climates, so they cannot tolerate low temperatures. The optimal year-round temperature is +15-25 degrees: in summer +22-25, in winter +15-18.

White callas love cooler temperatures - during the growing season they should be kept at +18-20 degrees, in winter - at +10-12 degrees. The transition from summer to winter temperatures should be gradual, without sudden jumps.

Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, as such shocks are detrimental to the plant. In the mildest case, the calla lilies will stop blooming. Too much heat is also unacceptable, especially in combination with dry air: such a microclimate can lead to calla lily damage from pests.

It is permissible to grow a flower on the balcony only in summer, but in winter you should definitely move the plant to a heated room.

Air humidity

This parameter should be high - dry air is not suitable for callas. The ideal humidity level for the plant is 70-80%.

And if in summer it is possible to provide the flower with normal living conditions, then when winter comes, working batteries often make the air in the apartment dry. To avoid problems, spray the air around the plant with a spray bottle. You can also place the pot on a tray with expanded clay pebbles moistened with water. Use the same measures in the summer if the weather is dry.


Let's learn how to plant calla lilies at home.

Selection and preparation of planting material

At home, callas are usually propagated by dividing the rhizomes - this is the simplest and fastest option. In order for calla lilies to take root safely, the tubers of the mother plant must be healthy and dense, without damage.

The calla needs to be removed from the pot and its roots cleaned from the ground. Then, using a sharp, disinfected knife or scalpel, the plant is divided into parts. It is important to ensure that each division gets part of the healthy roots.

To minimize the risk of rhizomes rotting in the soil before germination, before planting they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (weak). This procedure disinfects the plant and makes all defects and damage visible. You can simply cut off growths, rot, and other affected areas with a knife. But if you had to cut something off, be sure to treat the cut areas with brilliant green.

Planting process

A hole is dug, approximately three times the volume of the tubers. Each division should be planted in a separate spacious container. The depth of the rhizome is 5-8 cm. The soil around the plant is compacted so that there are no air pockets left in the pot.

The first days after planting, calla lilies are not watered, but it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the top layer is dry, spray the soil with a spray bottle.

You cannot expose calla lilies to bright sunlight for the first week or two after planting; it is better to keep the plant in a subdued, shaded place for the first time. This will help the flower quickly adapt to new conditions.

Important: do not forget that calla lilies are a poisonous plant. Planting and all other work with this flower should only be done with gloves.


Let's find out how to care for calla lilies growing in a pot at home.


This is one of the most important aspects of caring for indoor calla lilies. If you do not provide regular and sufficient soil moisture, calla lilies will stop growing and flowering. White callas are especially sensitive to watering. The earthen ball in a flower pot should always be moist.

In addition to watering, it is also important to ensure sufficient air humidity in the room. The optimal level of air humidity is considered to be 70-80% - it is clear that achieving such conditions in an ordinary apartment is quite difficult.

To ensure optimal living conditions for the plant, spray it more often - at least twice a day, paying special attention to the procedure on dry days. It is also correct to moisten the leaves with a napkin soaked in water from time to time.

Top dressing

The plant develops quickly, and soon after planting, the roots of the calla lily almost completely fill the flowerpot. At the same time, they suck out all the useful substances from the soil. Obviously, the flower will not last long without additional fertilizer.

Attention: the cooler and dimly lit conditions the calla lilies are grown, the more the flower needs feeding.

The flower responds favorably to complex mineral compositions applied during the active growing season once every 10-14 days. Before flowering, calla lilies are fed with urea, eggshell infusion, then with potassium and phosphorus.

“Overfeeding” calla lilies is unacceptable - such a careless approach can even lead to the death of the plant. The first symptom of too much fertilizer is yellowing and drying of the edges of the leaves. At this stage, it is urgent to replant the calla lilies into another soil before the plant dies.

If you overdo it with nitrogen, the calla will actively grow foliage and forget about the need to flower. A lack of nitrogen can lead to drooping foliage, loss of shine, and reduction in the size of individual leaves.


Calla lilies are not pruned - the procedure is permissible only for dried leaves. The foliage is trimmed during the calla lilies' dormant period, that is, in the summer. During the period of active growing season and flowering, there can be no talk of any pruning.


The procedure is carried out when the roots of the plant have already completely filled the volume of the pot and there is no maneuver left for further development. Mandatory - after purchase, in addition, replanting is necessary and when overfeeding the plant with fertilizers, sometimes in case of diseases and pest damage.

Typically, transplantation is carried out annually - after the next dormant period ends. Annual replanting is of particular importance for young calla lilies, as they grow surprisingly quickly.

Choose each subsequent pot with a diameter slightly larger than the previous one, literally by several centimeters. If you transplant calla lilies into a pot that is too large compared to the old one, the plant will direct all its energy to the formation of green mass, and you may not expect flowering this season.

It is not advisable to replant flowers with weak or damaged shoots - calla lilies may not tolerate the procedure. First, it is advisable to treat the plant and let it get stronger. The composition of the soil in the new pot should be close to the old soil - this will facilitate the adaptation of the flower.

Before replanting, the roots of the plant should be freed as much as possible from the old soil - for this, the roots are usually washed. It is especially important not to ignore this measure when replanting due to contamination of the old soil by pests and pathogens. If the roots are not washed, the infection will spread to a new pot.

Autumn is usually chosen for transplantation, since at this time the mother plant has flowered, and the procedure for dividing the tuber can be painlessly carried out.

Some flower growers resort to tricks so as not to carry out another transplant. To do this, they pinch off the side shoots of the plant and simply replace the top layer of soil with a new one. You can’t do this all the time, but as a one-time way out of the situation, it’s quite acceptable.

Care during rest periods

When purchasing a young plant in a store, you should immediately determine when it will have a period of activity and when it will have a period of dormancy. As a rule, calla lilies sleep starting from October-November and wake up in February-March. Depending on the type of flower, conditions of detention, and other reasons, the dormant period can last from two months to six months.

There is no need to artificially immerse the plant into the dormant period too early. You should not prune leaves early or reduce watering - this can negatively affect the overall development and growth of calla lilies. Negative consequences are associated with the fact that if the dormant period is introduced too early, the tubers do not have time to ripen.

Care during this time should include the following measures:

  • maintaining the required temperature;
  • regular, but not too abundant watering;
  • moderate lighting, excluding direct sunlight on the flower;
  • maintaining sufficient air humidity by spraying and using a wet tray;
  • feeding is rare, but complete.

When the time to go to sleep has come, the pot is removed to a cooler room. Frequent feeding is not needed at this time, nor is frequent watering. We are talking about white callas.

Colored varieties do not need watering or fertilizing in principle during the dormant period. These plants are treated as follows: stop watering, waiting for the natural drying of the foliage and tuber. Then the foliage is cut off, and the tuber is removed from the pot, placing it in the sand. Thus, the flower overwinters until the next growing season.

The container with sand and tuber should be kept in a cool room during the dormant period. And around mid-March, they take the tuber out of the sand, plant it in the ground, start watering it, and then feed it. Soon the flower wakes up and begins to gain green mass.

During the dormant period, callas also grow, but at a slower pace. Interestingly, the white varieties bloom in spring and winter, but not in summer. Colored callas bloom in summer and go dormant in winter. And most often, flower growers try to grow white callas, as this allows them to enjoy flowering in winter.

Diseases, pests, other problems

Let's look at the main problems that arise when growing this wonderful indoor plant.

Elongation of stems

This problem occurs if the room temperature is too hot, or if there is not enough sunlight. They solve the problem by eliminating the causes that cause it.

Leaf petiole fragility

A problem arises due to illiterate feeding. It is important that the flower receives nutritional minerals in a complex - a lack of microelements leads to fragility of leaf petioles.

No flowering

Usually this problem is caused by improper maintenance of the plant during the dormant period or the absence of a pronounced rest period.

Powdery mildew

This fungal disease can also affect the flower. A symptom of the disease is a white coating on the foliage. If you notice this alarming sign, you should urgently treat the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per liter of water), or a solution of colloidal sulfur. The drugs Topaz, Skor, Vectra, and a solution of calcined salt with laundry soap can also help.

Gray rot

This is also a fungus that causes a gray coating to appear on the stems and foliage. You need to get rid of the problem without delay using fungicide solutions:

  • Vitaros;
  • Fundazol;
  • Rovral.

Root rot

This is a serious, dangerous disease that can lead to the rapid death of the plant. The disease is transmitted through the soil, so when making your own soil mixture, the ingredients must be doused with boiling water. Excessive soil moisture can also lead to root rot.

A symptom of the disease is the sudden and almost complete shedding of leaves and flowers. To get rid of the disease, watering is stopped, the soil is replaced with a new one, and the plant and its roots are treated with Ridomil or Previkur. Areas affected by rot must be cut off.

So, we found out how to properly plant calla lilies at home. We also learned how to care for this wonderful plant. There is a lot of wisdom - however, the calla flower is unusual and exotic. Using the recommendations from the article, you can grow beautiful, healthy calla lilies at home and enjoy its unique flowering for a long time.

Flowers are most often given in the form of bouquets. Since the era of the Ancient World, great attention has been paid to the design and ceremony of giving these bouquets. The combination of calla lilies was not only a beautiful composition, but also a meaningful message, because each variety and color of the plant had its own meaning.

Floriography, which means "language of flowers", developed in the Middle Ages, when ladies were expected to secretly communicate with their lovers. Perhaps this topic is too broad and multifaceted, so it is advisable to limit ourselves to one flower.

The cruel and merciless leader decided to marry a girl from a neighboring tribe. Not accepting her refusal, he attacked the village, wanting to achieve his goal by force. Having captured the unfortunate woman, the leader began the wedding ceremony.

The bride in a beautiful white dress tried to throw herself into the fire, but the gods spared her and turned her into a wonderful flower. Since then, according to this legend, the calla flower protects girls and helps them to be strong and decisive in the fight for their happiness.

One day, the daughter of one of the gods fell in love with a young man of an Indian tribe. The divine parent made the girl invisible, but could not prevent the lovers from meeting.

The young man felt the presence of his girlfriend during meetings and once gave her a blanket made of beautiful flowers. The father took pity on the lovers' hearts and restored his daughter's appearance. Callas came from a blanket of flowers that fell to the ground.

Description of the plant

The name of the flower means “beautiful” in Greek. Simple and pure beauty - an elegant petal hugs a yellow pyramid or, if you prefer, a candle.

In combination with the subtle aroma of vanilla, this evokes a feeling of enthusiastic admiration, reaching the point of admiration. The purity of the lines and shape of the buds is amazing.

Calla lilies, or calligraphy in other words, is plant of the aroid family. Grows wild in the shade near marshy shores. Originally from Africa, it came to Europe, where it has been grown for two hundred years.

The Ethiopian variety, which grows up to one meter in height, produces white flowers. Other colors come from other species that grow up to half-meter plants.

These plants are unpretentious. By changing the water in the vase every day, you can prevent this flower from wilting for a long time. When planted in pots, these flowers require only moisture.

Plant varieties:

  1. Whitewing.
  2. Calla (Ethiopian).
  3. Zantedeschia.
  4. Richardia.

There are about 28 species in total.


Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a very complex plant. People attribute it with magical properties:

Bouquets, especially wedding ones, or for celebrating anniversaries, are very noble and refined. A bouquet of this plant as an offering to a beloved girl means a lot.

But here we must take into account the fact that some people associate calla lilies with death. Bouquets of these flowers are not uncommon at funerals. Although they are no more flowers of death than any other plants.

Rather, at mourning events they symbolize hope for rebirth in the higher heavenly realms amidst purity and peace.


Calla lilies can help connect two hearts. How? A bouquet of elegant white flowers in your hand will definitely attract the gaze of other people, among whom may be your future chosen one or chosen one.

One of the roles of these plants is that they serve as talismans, protecting family happiness in the house. In the bride's bouquet they are symbols of a strong and happy marriage. They also personify femininity and the beauty of youth.

A bouquet made from callas alone or containing them in combination with other flowers is truly a royal gift. He emphasizes the beauty of a woman or the nobility of the hero of the day, to whom it is given on special occasions. For the petal of this plant looks like a royal robe wrapped around a golden crown in the middle of the inflorescence.

Plants growing in pots on the windowsill fill the room with an atmosphere of pleasant warmth and tranquility. No wonder they, among other things, are symbols of well-being. In the ancient past, it was generally believed that they would protect the family from quarrels.

Another meaning of these plants: according to popular belief, they will protect young girls from gossip and the evil eye. Often miraculous abilities were attributed not only to the flowers themselves, but also to their images. On walls, curtains, curtains, tabletops, vases, jugs, boxes.

These plants increase immunity, give snake venom antidote. At the same time, they serve as a supplier of raw materials, which are one of the main elements of various poisons!

One of the practical properties is weather prediction. In preparation for collecting moisture, the plant opens its luxurious petal to the maximum. Before hot, dry weather, the petal is curled tightly around the central candle.

Popular beliefs

Quite a large number of people consider calla lilies to be flowers of grief; they are often brought to funerals. In Great Britain, for example, it is not even customary to give them to living people.

But this is just one of the beliefs that you don’t have to adhere to, it’s just that white color is not only a symbol of innocence and purity, but also sign of mourning and sadness. And, although white is suitable for expressing grief, it does not attract it into the house.

By the way, some people adhere to the ban on giving white to elderly women, since such a gift, in their opinion, is a harbinger of death. But strictly speaking, calla lilies have nothing to do with it, since such a ban, in the form of a sign or belief, applies to absolutely any white flowers, be it roses, chrysanthemums or other varieties.

Another curious sign: these flowers can be given in pairs, because they are considered an exception to the rule that a bouquet for a gift to a living person must necessarily contain an odd number of flowers. The couple, presented as a bouquet, represents a symbol of family. Strong, united and happy.

So, basically the entire range of meanings of a flower is dual character. On the one hand, purity, youth, family happiness, admiration. On the other hand, there are mournful notes.

If someone is afraid, then, of course, they should not give or accept a bouquet of these flowers as a gift. But others should remember that calla lilies, even those used in mourning ceremonies, are by no means flowers of death. Moreover, other flowers can also accompany people on their final journey.

But no one rejects roses, chrysanthemums and lilies on this basis. Therefore, callas do not deserve oblivion and neglect. And they are very appropriate for special events (weddings, anniversaries, holiday events and official meetings). And these same flowers should serve a good gift to your loved one on a romantic date.

Calla is a low plant with heart-shaped green leaves (6-12 cm long and up to 11 cm wide) on the stem. It grows tall peduncles, turning at the top into a single-petal flower in the form of a funnel with a spadix in the middle. The flowers are snow-white and colored. Colored callas grow about 50 cm. White ones reach a meter or more in height. Calla lilies for home care began to be cultivated not so long ago. This flower is native to South Africa. Some species also grow in the central part of the African continent (Ethiopian calla). In our latitudes there are wild species that have taken root well in swampy areas.

Common types and photo selection of home calla lilies

Thanks to breeding work, today many different varieties have been bred, among which several of the most popular can be identified.

  • calla elliotta- an ornamental crop that blooms profusely. The flower cover reaches 15 cm. The color is contrasting: the outer part is greenish-yellow, and the inner part is yellow. The heart-shaped leaves have white spots. This variety loves well-lit window sills and regular watering.
  • Ethiopian calla- considered the most common type. The leaves are fleshy, dense and grow up to 45 cm in length. The stem with flower can reach 1 meter. The inflorescence is funnel-shaped, white with a yellowish spadix, which is widened at the apex.
  • Calla remanna- differs in small dimensions. The height of the plant does not exceed 50 cm. The flowers are bright pink or red. This species became the starting point for the development of more variegated shades (lilac, dark purple and others).
  • Calla amethyst- characterized by a violet hue and a refined aroma similar to a sea breeze. Reaches a height of 60 to 120 cm. It all depends on the conditions in which the flower is grown. It was customary to decorate the boudoirs of queens and court ladies with Amethyst flowers.

Features of caring for indoor calla lilies

Following the structural features of this crop and its origin, caring for it has its own differences from caring for other indoor flowers.

Watering and lighting

Calla is very susceptible to watering; if watering is not regular, the calla will stop growing.

Proper watering is one of the main stages of growing calla lilies. These flowers respond very favorably to regular watering and moist soil. Dry soil will stop their growth. White calla, which is accustomed to growing in marshy areas, is especially demanding when it comes to watering. When it is actively growing, it should be watered a lot. This should be done when the top soil dries 1 cm. The remaining water should be drained after 15 minutes.

Colored callas should not be watered so much. It is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pan, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature as the soil dries 2-3 cm.

The plant feels comfortable at a humidity of 70-80%, so it needs to be sprayed twice a day. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and place wet expanded clay or moss on the tray.

When the plant fades, the frequency of watering is reduced (for all types). After a month or two, colored calla lilies should be stopped watering altogether. You cannot immediately transfer the crop to the resting phase by stopping watering or cutting off the leaves. The tubers need to be fully ripe. The rest period usually falls from October-November to the end of February. But this time may shift depending on the conditions of the flower.

Calla also needs good lighting all year round. It is better if it is indirect sunlight. In winter, there is a shortage of it. If there is a lack of light, the crop may not bloom, allowing only stems to grow. White callas need to be illuminated even during the rest period. Colored species may lose their characteristic shade if there is insufficient lighting.

Optimal temperature conditions

For blooming calla lilies, a comfortable temperature is 20-24 degrees

For both white and colored callas, high temperatures combined with low humidity are destructive - they are often attacked by pests. Sudden temperature changes entail the cessation of flowering.

During the growing season, white varieties should be kept at +18-20 degrees. When flowering ends, gradually reduce the temperature to 10-12 degrees. The rest period must last at least 2 months. Colored callas feel comfortable at +20-24 degrees. Slight fluctuations in temperature day and night have a good effect on the formation of tubers and leaves. After flowering, for ripening, the tubers are kept for 1 month without watering at +25-27 degrees. When they ripen, they are laid without leaves for dry wintering at +3-5 degrees, sprinkled with sawdust.

Soil composition and fertilizing

During the flowering period, the flower must be fed with urea

Acidified soils are suitable for callas. The optimal substrate is:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

In order for the flower to develop correctly, it needs to be fed in a timely manner. Sometimes in the summer callas are planted in open soil, where they receive normal nutrition. But when kept in a pot constantly, complex fertilizers are required. They need to be applied one at a time every 10-14 days.

To prevent the plant from excessively growing leaves (which affects flowering), you should not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers during the growing season. When flower stalks appear, you need to feed the plant with urea, and during flowering add an infusion of eggshells. You cannot spray the cover of the flower with fertilizers; it may lose its decorative appearance.

Transplanting home calla lilies

After transplanting calla lilies, you need to gradually increase the temperature

When the dormant period ends, the calla lilies are transplanted into fresh soil. With regular pinching of fresh shoots and replacement of the top layer of soil in the flowerpot, calla lilies can not be replanted for 2 years.

White flowers should be planted in pots that are suitable for the size of the tubers (at least 15 cm in diameter), but not very deep. A 5 cm drainage layer and substrate are placed in it. You can purchase a universal substrate for flowering indoor crops.

There is no need to place the calla rhizome deeply, but it is also too shallow. To calculate the correct depth, the diameter of the rhizome must be multiplied by three. When the plant is transplanted, the temperature should be raised little by little. When it begins to actively grow (after 2-3 weeks), you can begin active watering and fertilizing.

The appearance of new bulbs and the reproduction of calla lilies

Calla lilies have bulbous rhizomes. They divide, there are more of them, they grow and occupy an ever larger area. Excess must be regularly dug up and replanted or thrown away. The bulb is transplanted into well-drained soil. You need to choose a sunny place for planting.

After planting the bulbs, the soil must be watered generously.

The bulb should be planted horizontally. The hole should be approximately 10 cm deep. Water the soil generously so that the tuber begins to grow well. You need to separate the bulbs with your hands. Each one must have at least one kidney.

Growing seeds for seedlings

Typically, calla lilies are propagated in this way by breeders. But if you grow it at home, the seeds are first soaked for 6 hours in a natural plant biostimulator - potassium humate. Then they are laid out on a tray with a damp towel. Cover the top with the same towel and place in a warm place for a week. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out. The towel should be damp, not wet. When the seeds germinate, they need to be sown in trays with soil and left in a warm place until shoots appear. Discard ungerminated seeds. Then you can transplant the seedlings into a pot.

Completion of the growing season

The crop continues to grow as long as it is in moist soil. The growing season ends in September – October. The leaves begin to gradually die. As yellowing begins to appear, watering should be reduced. After 2-3 weeks it should be stopped completely. The leaves should dry out on their own, allowing the remaining microelements to enter the tubers.

If calla lilies grow in a pot, you don’t have to dig them up. Move the plant to a cool place (balcony, veranda). It is important that the rest period lasts at least 3 months. Otherwise, the calla runs the risk of not blooming.

Calla lily diseases and care during this period

The picture shows anthracnose in calla lilies

Most plant diseases are caused by bacteria or fungi, including:

  • Gray rot can spread to all parts of the plant. A gray plaque appears caused by a fungus. A flower can become infected in different ways: through soil, water, wind. With excessive air and soil humidity, the risk of fungal infection increases. The diseased plant is treated with Vitarox, Rovral and other fungicides. Before this, you need to ventilate the room.
  • Anthracnose of calla lilies is characterized by the presence of brown spots on the leaves. The leaves dry out and crack over time. They need to be removed and the plant treated with a fungicide.
  • Root rot manifests itself in the form of calla lilies wilting. If you dig up the plant, you can see dry rot on the tubers. This disease occurs due to waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to stop watering the flower, or replace the soil with a less moist one. Fungicide treatment is also needed.
  • Bacterial rot occurs due to bacterial infection of the crop. There are no means to combat it, so it is advisable to dispose of the flower.

Note to flower growers

Calla lily leaves often dry out due to improper watering

Why doesn't calla lily bloom?- this question cannot always be answered with certainty. There may be several factors that can cause this problem. The presence of many bulbs that have not been replanted for a long time, frequent replanting, changing the location of the flowerpot, improper care. All this weakens the mother plant, and the calla does not bloom.

There are many reasons for yellowing and drying of calla leaves:

  • freezing of tubers;
  • lack or, conversely, excess watering;
  • deficiency of important microelements;
  • the air in the room is not humid enough.

The calla has faded, what should I do?

If after flowering the leaves are still green, then you need to continue watering and wait for them to dry out. You need to water less and less each time. After the leaves die off, you can send the plant to rest.

Why calla lilies are called “flower of death”

There are many legends associated with this flower. It looks like a blanket that wraps a yellow cob, similar to a candle. Apparently this is why calla lilies are called the flower of death. Indeed, in some European countries death is associated with the color white. There you can often see calla lilies at funerals.

Nowadays, few people remember this superstition. The myth about why callas are flowers of death has not been confirmed, although it continues to scare some people away from buying this flower.

Caring for calla lilies at home is quite affordable and not very labor-intensive. By following simple growing rules, you can achieve regular flowering, healthy greenery, and as a result, additional decoration of any interior. And finally, we recommend watching the video on this flower, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

Calla is a flower of greatness and beauty. Translated from Greek, the word “calla” means “beautiful.” The second name for calla lilies is calla lily. Its homeland is the wetlands of South Africa. But despite its beauty, unique shape and variety of shades, in its homeland the plant is considered a weed.

Blooming calla lilies are a favorite element of interior designers. It is often used to decorate hallways, living rooms, and halls, especially when the interior needs to create an atmosphere of discreet luxury. The presence of indoor calla lilies in the interior not only decorates the room, but also fills it with a subtle magical aroma. Gardeners also love calla lilies, using them to create fancy landscape compositions. And what wedding bouquet is complete today without calla lilies? We can safely say that calla lilies have long conquered the world and gained a strong position in it.

Varieties of calla lilies

Calla has such a characteristic appearance that even an ignorant person will not confuse it with any other flower. The bare fleshy stem is crowned with a spadix and a spathe, which is a bract and has a funnel shape. It is this that non-specialists usually mistake for a calla lily flower. In fact, it is just a covering leaf that has an amazing shape and serves as a natural protection for the real inflorescence, which consists of small, inconspicuous, but strongly fragrant flowers. The stems of the plant have an average height of 50-80 cm, but some can reach 1.5 m. Dark green leaves with silver inclusions grow from the root and resemble arrowheads in their shape.

There are only 2 varieties of calla lilies, differing in the color of the covering leaf: white and colored. White callas are attractive due to their snow-white covering leaves and large size: this particular variety can reach 1.5 m in height. Colored callas are much smaller, but their beauty lies in their color: they can be yellow, orange, pink, red, purple and even black.

Representatives of both groups differ slightly from each other in appearance, but require different conditions of detention. White callas prefer shady corners and require more water, preferring high air and soil humidity. Colored callas are less demanding on environmental humidity, but need bright, diffused light.

How calla lilies reproduce

There are 2 ways to propagate calla lilies: bulbs and seeds. The more common method of propagation is bulbous. During the season, the calla bulb becomes overgrown with baby nodules, which are carefully separated from the mother tuber and grown in a special way in greenhouse conditions.

Each mother bulb can produce from 10 to 30 baby shoots per season. But it is very important that the plant is young, healthy and well developed.

The tubers separated from the uterus are placed in a specially prepared loose nutrient mixture to a depth of no more than 4 cm. As a rule, the tubers are planted in the form of beds, placing them tightly along the grooves. Density can be up to 500 pieces per 1 m². But once the first leaves appear, each plant will need more space. Now they should be planted at a density not exceeding 300 pieces per 1 m². The air temperature should be maintained at +16…+18 ºС. Regular watering and loosening the soil are required.

As soon as the second leaf appears, the plant begins to be fed with nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus mixtures. In the first year of life, young callas are grown without a dormant period: they continue to be watered, fed and loosened throughout the year. In the second year, in August-September, the plant can be transplanted to its permanent location.

Growing calla lilies from seeds is a much longer and more labor-intensive process. But the most interesting thing is that callas grown from seeds almost never look like their parents. And if you're lucky, you may end up with something completely unique.

If you decide to try to grow calla lilies from seeds, then first you need to germinate them. To do this, the seeds need to be wrapped in a damp, but not wet, towel for 1-2 days and placed in a cool, dark place. After 2 days, all seeds that have not sprouted can be safely thrown away, and those that have hatched should be transplanted into a pot. You should not plant newly hatched seeds in open ground. The fact is that the planting depth is shallow, otherwise the seeds will rot. And for mice and birds it is tasty and affordable food. Therefore, plants from seeds are always grown in pots.

The pots should be small - this is an important condition for the seedlings to be strong and healthy. The seeds are placed under the top layer of soil and, to protect them from rotting, are watered through the bottom of the pot or by spraying moisture from above.

When the seedlings have grown and become stronger, they can be transplanted into the garden or large pots. Before planting in a permanent place, the roots of the plant should be washed with extreme caution so as not to introduce diseases.

Callas are unpretentious flowers, which makes them incredibly attractive for growing both in open ground and in pots. The main requirement for plant care is timely and sufficient watering. This is not surprising, because the birthplace of the flower is the swampy humid tropics.

If you decide to start growing calla lilies in your garden, the ideal place to place the plants may be the shore of a natural reservoir. Naturally, since an artificial reservoir is just a reservoir of water and there is no connection between water and soil, which means that the calla li’s roots will not be able to receive enough moisture from the soil. The wet bank of a natural reservoir, on the contrary, will allow the plant to receive as much moisture as it needs, which will significantly facilitate the care process. In addition, in conditions close to their natural habitat, the plants will quickly grow and create an unusually beautiful corner.

If your garden does not have a pond, then you will have to pay a lot of attention to the watering process, especially on hot summer days.

In order for calla lilies to feel comfortable and delight the eye with their blooming beauty, it is necessary to take care of the correct soil composition and regular fertilizing.

The most suitable soil for this type of flower is acidic and light soil, which contains peat, humus, leaf soil and sand.

Calla lilies usually bloom from June to October. But if the climate of your area allows it, that is, the thermometer never drops below 0 ºС, then you can achieve year-round flowering. To do this, the plants will have to be fed regularly once every 2 weeks. Fertilizers can be either in the form of compost or in the form of liquid mixtures that should be diluted with water.

Flowers will require more fertilizer if they do not receive enough sunlight. This fact should always be taken into account when calculating the amount of feeding mixtures. Excess fertilizer will not benefit plants. If you overfeed them with nitrogen, then don’t be surprised why the calla lilies don’t bloom. Nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass, but prevents flowering. An excess amount of nitrogen in fertilizers will be indicated not only by the absence of flowers, but also by the burnt edges of the leaves.

If the climatic conditions of your area suggest cold winters, then before frost the plants should be dug up and prepared for a dormant period. To do this, the bulbs of the dug up bushes are washed and placed in a dark, dry pantry for 1.5-2 weeks for acclimatization in room conditions. Then the bulbs are cleaned of dried leaves and roots, being careful not to damage the small baby nodules. It is advisable to sprinkle the bulbs with charcoal: it will simultaneously dry them and disinfect them. The bulbs prepared in this way are placed in the cellar, on a closed balcony or in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

Tubers should be stored at temperatures from +2 to +7 ºС for 1.5-2 months. This time is quite enough for the plant to rest, without which they will not bloom.

General rules for caring for calla lilies at home

How to care for calla lilies at home? In this case, the rules of care will be somewhat different, although also simple. As in open ground, calla lilies in a pot require abundant watering. But now you will have to water the plant, taking into account the fact that quite a lot of water is lost in the pot. Fertilizing is needed when the supply of nutrients in the soil is depleted. But there is one subtlety here: if the amount of fertilizer is calculated incorrectly, then over time these fertilizers will accumulate in the soil, creating an excess mass of certain elements, which will immediately affect the condition and appearance of the plant.

Caring for callas at home involves annual replanting into new soil. Otherwise, the bulbs may grow excessively, taking up too much space in the pot; Fertilizers can accumulate in the soil, increasing its chemical toxicity. All this together will lead to undesirable consequences and can destroy the plant.

Secrets of keeping calla lilies at home

In a cold climate with harsh winters and cool summers, calla lilies are unlikely to take root in your garden plot. But this is how a calla lily houseplant can please you, even if you do not live in the Far North.

If you seriously decide to grow calla lilies in a pot, then caring for them at home will require knowledge of some subtleties, in addition to the specifics of watering and fertilizing.

Callas are planted in pots in the same way as in the ground. The depth of planting the bulb should be approximately 10 cm. If you want to plant several bulbs not in a pot, but, for example, in a decorative box, then the distance between them should be at least 12 cm, which will allow them to grow well. The bulbs are planted in such a way that the growing ends are located horizontally.

The process of planting calla lilies in a pot is extremely simple. But further care at home has its secrets.

So, calla lily shoots will become smaller if they are not fed with organic matter. And as organic matter, you can use a wide variety of human food waste: seed peels, used tea leaves, soft fruit peels. Dig a small hole along the edge of the pot, place organic waste there, cover it with soil and water it.

After fertilizing with organic matter, mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil, following the recommendations on the packaging.

Care at home, as in natural conditions, involves loosening the soil. Here, too, you can use a trick - throw earthworms into a pot with calla lilies. Worms will not only do an excellent job of loosening the soil, helping to saturate it with oxygen, but will also speed up the process of processing added organic matter.

As mentioned above, plants need annual replanting, but if you replace the top layer of soil with a new nutrient substrate from time to time, the plant will be able to grow longer in a pot without replanting.

Callas bloom very quickly. To make the plant bloom longer, you can add calcium fertilizer to the soil during the formation of buds, for example, water infused with eggshells.

Anyone who has ever seen calla lilies will forever remember the amazing beauty and delicate aroma of these flowers. There is no chic pretentiousness in them, but their simplicity is solemn and elegant. In the language of flowers, calla lilies communicate admiration, respect and admiration. Strict and impeccable, they look great both in a business bouquet and in a festive one; suitable for both men and women.

Indoor callas protect the house from quarrels and troubles. Since ancient times, they have been considered a symbol of marital happiness. Therefore, they are often included in bridal bouquets. A yellow candle framed by a snow-white blanket reacts sensitively to the weather and can predict rain. How to grow callas at home? Let's talk about proper care for this amazing flower.

Description of the species

House calla lilies are a member of the Araceae family. Its natural homeland is South Africa. In appearance, it is very reminiscent of the marsh whitewing, which grows in damp forests, along river banks, near swamps.

Features of the plant:

  • herbaceous perennial;
  • there are rhizomatous and tuberous species;
  • the stem is shortened;
  • the leaves are oblong, elongated, slightly wavy at the edges, have a long petiole; bright green, shiny;
  • yellow flowers are very small, collected in a tall “candle”;
  • The peduncle-veil has the shape of a funnel, framing the inflorescence-cob.

In calla lilies, this blanket is white. The flower stalks of hybrids can be yellow, red, pink, lilac, dark purple or cream.

Callas are extremely decorative due to their rich foliage and delicate flowers. It is flowering that I want to achieve at home. But plants are somewhat capricious and are not always ready to fulfill the wishes of their owners. How to care for calla lilies?

How to care at home

There are general principles and nuances for caring for tuberous and rhizome species. Let's look at the general first.


    Calla loves cool weather. The ideal temperature for her during vegetative activity is up to eighteen degrees.

    The indoor capricious plant does not tolerate heat and sudden temperature fluctuations. It may even refuse to bloom.


    Calla is suitable for shade and partial shade. Most of all she will like the window sill on the east side. It will feel good in the north too. On hot summer days it is better to remove it from the window altogether.

    The calla flower at home does not tolerate direct sunlight. It has a destructive effect and interferes with development and flowering.

Watering and humidity

    This strict beauty requires abundant watering and high air humidity. During the activity phase, drying out of the substrate is unacceptable. You need to spray the leaves at least twice a day.

    During the resting phase, water less frequently, once a week (the soil should still not dry out). Stop spraying.

    Dry air is contraindicated for calla. In conditions of lack of humidity it will not bloom.


With the beginning of active development, the plant is fed twice a month. In spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In summer - phosphorus-potassium.

When calla lilies enter a dormant period, there is no need to feed them.

Pot and substrate

The plant likes spacious pots, wide and tall. There is good drainage at the bottom. The optimal composition of the soil mixture is leaf soil, turf, peat, humus, sand. To better retain moisture, you can add a little clay.

Rest period

Basically, tuberous callas need rest. When the plant fades, reduce watering. Lack of moisture serves as a signal to the leaves. They begin to dry out. When the leaves disappear, the tuber needs to be properly stored. Methods:

  • place the pot on a glazed balcony (but not insulated);
  • remove the tuber, put it in a plastic container, and put it in the refrigerator;
  • put the tuber in sawdust and take it to a cool place.

The nuances of caring for certain types of indoor callas

Rhizome species, or Fiopian callas (“white” callas).

    Very demanding on the humidity of the substrate and surrounding air.

    The temperature of the content is sixteen to eighteen degrees.

    They do not require a period of rest. After flowering and drying of the leaves, the calla lilies are immediately transplanted into a new substrate. Begin to water moderately. After three weeks - more often and abundantly. And at the end of October, the pot is placed closer to the light and fertilizers are added.

    These species reproduce by seeds or suckers.

Tuberous species, or “colored” callas.

    They prefer partial shade.

    Content temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees.

    In winter they “go to rest.”

    The rested tuber is planted in a new substrate in March.

If you do not properly provide a period of rest, calla lilies will not bloom.
