What is he thinking about. Guessing "what he thinks of me" is the key to his heart

Fortune telling on cards appeared almost simultaneously with the appearance of the cards themselves. Interpretations of cards are very different. Man has learned to interpret various signs in order to predict his future. Nowadays, fortunetellers follow the rules of fortune telling on cards, following which you can easily tell about the past, present and future of a person. What does the person of interest think of me? Does he love me? Maps will help answer these and other questions.

"Gypsy Oracle"
Fortune telling online on gypsy cards is fortune telling for the future. The Oracle draws one card. Think about what or who you are guessing at. Concentrate on the object of your divination. Click on the "Guess" button and hold the mouse button down, the oracle will start choosing a card for you. When it feels like it's time to end the shuffle, just release the button and you'll see your card.

"Divination Madame Lenormand"
There are several versions. One - a gypsy introduced her to fortune-telling on cards, from whom Maria received an old deck of cards as a gift. According to another, she accidentally discovered this deck at home, after returning from the monastery. She thought the cards were moving. She began to touch them: one was warmer, the other colder. Then, more and more clearly, she began to see the image of each card: the living faces of strangers, in which their fates were guessed.

"The Oracle of Madame Endora"
The amazingly beautiful oracle of Madame Endora represents the myths of the Old World, it feels the spirit of the work of Paracelsus and Regardie. The oracle of Madame Endora has an internal structure, concise and specific interpretations. Madame Endora's cards are more suitable for people who love specific answers, and not for those who prefer digging into the wilds of psychology and canonical symbolism. Each card, except for the name, has a brief meaning.

Incredible Facts

These signs will help you know if the person you are interested in is thinking about you.

At some subconscious level, we are all able to feel the emotional and physical state of a loved one.

This ability is called clairsentience, and although most of us have it innate, many do not know how to use it.

Have you ever wondered why you can't get a certain person out of your head? This happens because we physically and emotionally feel the mood, feelings and energy of another person.

When we become emotionally attached to another person, an invisible bond develops between us. Even if you are no longer close and don't talk to this person, you can feel whether he is happy or sad. This kind of emotional communication exists outside of time and space.

How do you know if this person is thinking about you? Here are a few signs:

Does a person think of me

1. An unexpected rush of emotions

© Ruslan Guzov / Shutterstock

Imagine that you are having a great time and having fun, how unexpectedly for a split second you are seized by an incomprehensible sadness.

These sudden bursts of emotion often make us think of a particular person. If something like this happens to you, it is likely that they are thinking about you, especially a close person. It could be your ex-partner or an old friend.

2. You had a dream about this person

© Sylwia Ramach / Shutterstock

Perhaps you never dreamed of your acquaintance or friend, but last night he appeared in your dreams. You can see what this person is doing, what they look like, and what they say. Since we are all energetically connected to each other, this can tell something about his current life and suggest what might happen to him in the future.

Most likely, his appearance in your dreams is due precisely to the fact that he thinks about you, and that through a dream he is trying to contact you. Try to write or call this person and ask him about life, and you will find out if your friend or loved one thought about you.

3. Desire to be closer

© Paul Biryukov / Shutterstock

Many believe that fate makes us fall in love with some person. In fact, we fall in love because we subconsciously feel that the person who thinks of us is able to satisfy our deepest needs.

This explains why we look for ways to bring him into our lives and close the distance between us. Therefore, if a certain person is often around, this is a sure sign that he thinks about you and subconsciously reaches out to you.

4. Long smile

© baranq / Shutterstock

Notice what you do first when you meet an old friend you haven't seen in a while. You smile and the smile stays on your face for more than 10 seconds.

Your subconscious tells you that you like this person. The same thing happens when someone thinks of you. When a person meets you, he experiences the same feelings as when meeting an old friend, and his smile does not leave his face for a long time.

The person who is thinking about you will not talk to you in their usual neutral manner. If he thought about you, he will experience an inner feeling of happiness, and this feeling will manifest itself in an outer smile while talking with you.

5. You are often in sight of a person

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When someone thinks of you often, their subconscious will always want you to be in their field of vision. This person will deep down want you to be closer and become a part of his life.

For this reason, the interested person will want to know what you do, who you spend time with, and who you associate with. He may not even look directly at you, but he always wants to see you in his field of vision at every opportunity. If a person constantly thinks about you, they most likely really like you, or they have deeper feelings for you.

6. The person's legs are pointing in your direction.

© Maryna Pleshkun / Shutterstock

Our feet naturally turn in the direction we are heading. There is a subconscious connection between our intentions and the direction our feet are pointing.

If you are in the company of people, your feet will always be turned towards the one you like the most. If you notice that a person’s legs are looking at you, then this is a clear sign that this person likes you, and he thinks about you.

7. Interested in your friends

© Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

You will know if a person is thinking about you if he tries to talk not only with you, but also with your friends. Friends have a great influence on our lives, and therefore, when we are interested in someone, we try to be closer to the person's friends, trying to please them.

If you are in a company, and your interlocutor, after talking with your friends, is the last one to talk to you, you can be sure that he thinks of you.

8. Approaches you for no reason.

© Iakov Filimonov / Shutterstock

When a person is interested in you, his subconscious will look for ways to attract you into his life. He will want to approach you, even if there are no objective reasons for this. Perhaps this person is constantly thinking about you, and he has more serious feelings for you.

9. You often think about this person

© Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley / Shutterstock

Of course, when we are infatuated with someone, our thoughts are completely absorbed in the object of our desires. However, if for no reason at all you began to think about a person, then it is likely that he also thinks about you.

This is especially true for situations when the thought of him arose from scratch, and nothing foreshadows its appearance. If something like this happens, you are most likely occupying the thoughts of this person. Perhaps you should even expect a message from him.

How to find out what they think of you

10. Your ears are burning or itchy.

© Vladimir Gjorgiev / Shutterstock

Many consider this a simple sign, but one cannot deny the fact that our body and brain are closely connected, and we are not always able to understand this connection. If your ears suddenly start to burn or itch out of the blue, obviously someone is thinking about you.

Of course, if you suffer from allergies or sunburn, you can rule out this symptom. But if there are no objective reasons, then most likely you have aroused someone's interest.

It is believed that when your left ear itches, someone is discussing your shortcomings. If the left ear itches and turns red, the person may speak disgustingly about you.

On the contrary, the right ear, which burns or itches, indicates that someone loves you, speaks well of you and believes in you. If both ears itch, then you may need to clean your ears.

11. Sudden sneeze

© goodluz / Shutterstock

Many will consider this an old belief, but it has some truth.

If you suffer from allergies or a cold, then this sign cannot be considered reliable. However, a sudden sneeze out of the blue can mean that they are thinking about you. It is believed that unexpected sneezing indicates not only what they think of you, but also a sign that someone misses you a lot.

If you sneeze just once, you are thought and spoken well of. A double sneeze means just the opposite, and someone is talking bad about you. Three sneezes are considered a good sign. If someone says the phrase "Be healthy" after you sneeze, then everything will end well for you.

12. Burning cheeks

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We often blush when we feel shame or embarrassment. However, if your cheeks start to burn when you are not in an awkward situation, this may indicate that someone thinks of you and speaks ill of you.

Such a sensation is similar to the heat after a slap in the face, which, in fact, happens when a person strikes with "words".

13. Discomfort while eating

© Thomas Foldes / Shutterstock

If you are choking, coughing, or have a tickle in your throat while eating, this may be a sign of an upcoming quarrel. The sudden feeling that you might choke is due to the tense atmosphere around you.

Your subconscious feels tension from the other person, and your body reacts to it. If you are sitting alone and almost choked, then perhaps you are trying to unconsciously build such a situation in your head.

14. Itchy eyes

© 9nong / Shutterstock

Itchy eyes may simply indicate that you have allergies or very sensitive eyes.

If suddenly your eyes began to itch, then this may indicate that there is a person whose thoughts you constantly occupy.

It is believed that if a woman's left eye itches, someone praises her and thinks well of her. If the right eye itches, the person’s thoughts are negative. For men, it's the other way around.


When we are in love, we often remember the object of our sympathy and, naturally, we become interested in whether our feeling is mutual and what occupies the thoughts of a loved one. This is especially important if there is no relationship as such yet, but I would very much like to start one. Tarot spread "Does he think of me?" will help to "look" into the head of the object of affection and understand if there is any sympathy or interest on his part.

Is it possible with the help of Tarot to find out what a person is thinking about now?

Tarot can answer absolutely any question. But, in fact, trying to find out the momentary thoughts of a person is not a good idea. See for yourself: in the head of each of us every second different thoughts and ideas rush through. Even in a couple of minutes, you can have time to think about work, relationships, everyday issues like “What to buy in the store?” or “What dish to cook for dinner?”. Even if we are in love, we mentally remember the image of a loved one not every second, do we? So does it make sense to conduct a fortune-telling “Does he think about me now”? Isn't it better to just ask the cards to show the feelings, attitude, interest that a potential partner has? Why upset yourself once again, receiving a negative answer from the cards only because the person you are interested in is now busy solving a work issue or is thinking about the health of a distant relative?

Summing up the above, I would like to note that fortune-telling to the question “Does he think about me at least sometimes?” in fact, it does not make sense, because sincere interest and sympathy can be read according to the usual scenario for relationships. In the end, we are all far from children, so all these “Does Vasya think about me now?” I propose to leave aside and consider a few simple, but informative layouts of a more professional level. After all, we are tarologists, which means we are serious people, right?

The layout of "What does he think of me" on three cards

Instead of finding out from the Tarot whether a young man thinks of me, we will consider the simplest three-card divination about the impression that you make on the object of your sympathy. You just need to focus on the question of interest, imagine your beloved man in front of your eyes, and then pull out three arbitrary cards from the magic deck.

There are two interpretations. Choose the one you like more. In the first option, number 1 will show the thoughts of the object of sympathy, 2 - his feelings, 3 - the behavior or mask that the person puts on when communicating with you (if the card clearly contradicts the first two positions). When using the second option, the first card describes the general impression you make on a man, the second - the emotional sphere, feelings, and the third - a subconscious attitude towards you, which he may not even be aware of.

Tarot divination "What does he think of me" for 7 cards

What can you learn from this informative Tarot divination: does a man think about me, what plans does he make, what does he feel, how does he behave. We carry out the layout in the classical way, asking a question and shuffling the cards. From the shuffled deck, we select at random seven Arcana, laying them out as the picture shows.

The value of the positions in the layout

  1. Thoughts of the object of sympathy about the querent
  2. His true feelings
  3. Demonstrated attitude, how a man behaves with a querent in public
  4. True ratio (may differ significantly from position 3)
  5. The goal of a man, what he wants from this woman
  6. His behavior in the near future
  7. Prospects, outcome, the possibility or impossibility of building relationships

Simple fortune-telling "Yes-No" for a specific answer to a question

Probably the simplest and easiest way to get a clear, intelligible answer is to guess "Yes-No" on a single card. Even a beginner can master this technique, since we do not use any complex schemes and a large number of Arcana. We just ask a question that can be answered unambiguously - yes or no, and pull out one card from the deck - it will be the desired answer. What questions can be used in fortune-telling: does he think about me, does he remember our meetings, does he feel sympathy, does this man like me, does he want to start an affair or not, etc.

The most important nuance here is interpretation. It is best if it is intuitive, since each tarologist perceives the same card in his own way. So, for example, for someone, the Arkan Moon can mean "yes, but he hides it," but for someone it's a definite "no." Therefore, before conducting a fortune-telling, decide which cards will respond positively and which negatively. Some generally use a simplified system, taking any upright card for a “yes” answer, and an inverted one for a “no” answer. Other tarologists determine the answer according to the semantic shade of the card: for example, problematic Arcana like the Devil, Three, Five, Nine, Tens of Swords, as well as the Five of Pentacles, the Tower and some other cards, in their opinion, answer in the negative, and obviously joyful - the Sun , Star, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Cups and others - positively.

You can analyze the cards in a different way, applying their meaning to yourself. Look: we ask the question “Does Nikolai like me?”, And then we look at the Arcanum that has fallen. Let's say we get the Nine of Swords - a card of frustration. Let's think about which answer, yes or no, will upset us more - that one will correspond to the truth. If, for example, we didn’t like this Nikolai at all, but friends and acquaintances tried with all their might to bring us together (the same thing happens too!) And we would get, for example, the Sun, then it would be logical to assume that Nikolai does not feel any sympathy which certainly makes us happy. If, on the contrary, our heart burned with passion for this imaginary Nicholas, then the Sun would confirm mutual sympathy.

It is also worth paying attention to cards in the unambiguous sense of which you doubt. So, for example, Moderation, Justice or Lovers clearly speak of some kind of duality, so we can safely assume that they will mean the answer “I don’t know”, “incomprehensible”, “unknown”. Similarly, you can match all other cards in the deck. The main thing is to be guided by your own feelings, and not by book interpretations, because even the same Death or the Tower is perceived by many tarologists more as a positive Arcana than a negative one. In a word, practice and personal feelings are important in everything.

Click the picture below to complete the divination. Think about the person you are rooting for. Hold down dice until it feels like it's time to throw.

Divination on the bones - What does he think of me? This method allows you to find out what the hidden person thinks about you. The answers are most often very definite and understandable, thanks to them you can correct something in yourself and "correct" in order to improve relations with your chosen one (chosen one). It is not advisable to do this divination very often, as it is not suitable for this. When making this prediction, tune in as seriously as with card fortune-telling, since bones are exactly the same fortune-telling tool as cards and tarot. The rules for making this prediction will be discussed in more detail in the section " Dice roll technique"

Dice roll technique

To fulfill this prediction, you will need two dice and a glass to mix them. Here you do not need to calculate the sum of the cubes, but have the values ​​of the first and second cube, respectively, there can be 21 values ​​from 1-1 to 6-6. Before the ritual, think of a person for whom fortune-telling is carried out and tune in well. Mix the cubes well in a glass and throw them on a flat surface, look and interpret the result. For divination with our help, click on the cube located below on the page.

Loves or not, adores or just pretends, is faithful or secretly looks at another? Surely, every girl in love or even a married woman would like to get exhaustive answers to these questions! To lift the veil of secrecy online fortune-telling "what he thinks of me" will help. To get an answer, click on the image of the magic mirror, and wait a few seconds until the fog of uncertainty dissipates.

Click on the mirror for the answer!

You may be interested in other online divination:

Fortune telling "what does he think of me now" has been very popular at all times. What fortune-telling techniques were not used by young ladies who wanted to know about the feelings of their gentlemen! Someone turned to gypsies so that someone would perform rituals with a candle and a mirror. The most daring girls even turned to evil spirits for help (“Damn it, show me what my dear thinks about me!”).

If you set out to find out “what a person thinks about me”, then online fortune telling will be the easiest way to do this. You do not have to pay fortune tellers or arrange complex and not always safe rituals. All that needs to be done is to mentally imagine a loved one and click on the image of the mirror.

How to use online divination

1. If you are not serious, then the answers will also be comic. Fortune telling "what he thinks of me" is desirable to use only once per person. If you wish to immediately "recheck" the result, then you can get a completely different answer. And it is unlikely that he will be sincere.

2. Online guessing “what a person thinks about me” answers only love questions. With it, you won’t be able to find out how your boss treats you, or what your relatives think about you (if you need answers to these questions, then go to). Therefore, guess only at your loved one.

3. To get the most accurate answer, focus on the man you are guessing at. You must imagine his face, say his name to yourself, remember his voice. Only then ask the question that interests you (“Does so-and-so love me?”, “Does he like me?”, “What does he say about me when I'm not around?”, “Does he think of marrying me?” Etc. .P.).

4. If you wish, you can create the right atmosphere to tune in accordingly. If fortune-telling occurs in the evening, then turn off the artificial lighting and light a candle. If in the morning or in the afternoon - then close the curtains. It is desirable that no one distracts you, does not prevent you from thinking about your beloved.

What determines the accuracy of the prediction

Secondly, sometimes the result is influenced by astrological factors - the unfortunate position of the planets. Moreover, each person has such an “unsuccessful” combination individually, in order to calculate it, you need to have an astrological natal chart on hand. However, the likelihood that you use the online divination "What does he think of me?" on a “bad” day, it is very small. But if you still have doubts about the result, then try to guess the next day.
