How can you uproot trees in a summer cottage? Uprooting trees How to uproot trees on the site.

stump uprooting

The ZEMLECHIST company is engaged in uprooting stumps of any size in the Moscow region. Depending on the complexity and scope of work, stumps are uprooted using equipment - a pneumatic crusher or an excavator. The method of removing a stump on the site depends on its size, depth and free access.

We offer only soil and environmentally friendly ways to uproot stumps and trees on the site.

We also provide such services for clearing the territory from shrubs and small forests, such as cleaning and clearing, cutting down shrubs, sawing down trees, mowing grass and pruning fruit trees.

Prices for uprooting a stump

Stump crushing cost calculator

Barrel diameter:



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The cost of the service depends on the diameter of the stump and the method of its removal. Also, the final price may be affected by the slope of the site, the possibility of access to equipment and other factors. To estimate the budget for uprooting trees, you can use the table below or call the numbers listed on the site. The exact price of uprooting the site can only be determined by our specialist after inspecting the object or from photographs.

Service Price
Manual uprooting of stumps 100 rub. for 1 cm diameter
Uprooting stumps on the site with a crusher
Stump diameter Stump removal depth
10 cm 20 cm 40 cm 60 cm
up to 20 cm (including root paws) 500 rub. 900 rub. 1 500 rub. -
up to 30 cm (including root paws) 900 rub. 1 500 rub. 2 600 rub. 3 900 rub.
up to 40 cm (including root paws) 1 600 rub. 2 600 rub. 4 600 rub. 6 800 rub.
up to 50 cm (including root paws) 2 400 rub. 4 100 rub. 7 100 rub. 10 600 rub.
over 50 cm on request
Uprooting trees on the site with a tractor
Forest area Price (at a density of up to 25 stumps per 100 sq.m.)
up to 7 acres from 5 500 rub. / weaving
8 - 15 acres from 4 500 rub. / weaving
over 15 acres from 4 000 rub. / weaving

The cost of uprooting stumps on the site with a crusher

The minimum cost of an order for uprooting trees with a crusher is 15,000 rubles!

The cost of uprooting trees on the site with a tractor

The minimum cost of an order for the removal of stumps by a tractor is 35,000 rubles!

For preliminary self-calculation of the price for the removal of tree stumps necessary:

  • measure the diameter of each stump at ground level (including root shoots if they need to be removed);
  • if the diameter is difficult to determine, then you can measure the circumference of the stump and divide by 3.14 - you get the diameter;
  • add up all the diameters of the stumps;
  • choose a deletion method;
  • multiply the total diameter by the price per 1 cm from the table.

For example, for three apple trees with a diameter of 10 cm, each cost of manually removing stumps by uprooting will be calculated using the formula 3 * 10 * 100 = 3,000 rubles.

Before and after dealing with stumps on the site

By moving the slider to the sides, you can evaluate how the site has changed after cleaning the stumps from the site. Press the arrows "right" and "left", see photos from different orders.

How can we remove stumps from your property?

METHOD No. 1. Removing stumps with a crusher or grinder

In the photo: removing a stump with a chopper cutter.

For stump removal, a Laski self-propelled crusher is used. When uprooting a stump with it, first the tree is cut as close to the ground as possible with a chainsaw. Further, the pnedrobilka allows you to grind the remaining stump to a depth of 60 cm below ground level. As a result, only a pile of sawdust remains in place of the stump, which can be sprinkled with earth or collected in a bag.

This type of removal is much faster and more efficient than manual stump removal. However, with this method of uprooting, the underground part of the stump, its roots remain in the ground. This can create a problem in the future during construction work or when laying communications.

Also, the removal of tree stumps with a pnedrobilka is undesirable if plowing the land is supposed. Typically, this type of stump removal is used on existing lawns where the stump needs to be removed and minimally disrupt the appearance of the site.


  • High speed uprooting of stumps. More than 30 stumps up to half a meter in diameter can be crushed per day.
  • Preservation of the appearance of the site after uprooting. It is possible to remove the stump even on an existing lawn.


  • Shallow depth for work. The roots remain in the ground and will not allow you to plow the ground in place of the stump.

METHOD number 2. Uprooting stumps with a tractor

In the photo: uprooting the site with a tractor bucket.

We have a JCB backhoe loader and can uproot trees on the site quickly and efficiently with a tractor bucket. We offer this method for uprooting areas where there is a possibility of arrival of large-sized equipment and a large amount of work is expected. Usually these are new forest areas or old apple orchards. As with the manual method, only many times faster, a stump is dug out with a bucket, shoots are cut off and the rest of the tree is pulled out of the ground.

After mechanized uprooting, funnels and soil dumps remain on the ground, which we immediately level. Such a rough layout is done free of charge when ordering the removal of stumps on the site by a tractor.


  • High speed uprooting of stumps. Up to 10 acres of continuous forest can be uprooted per day.
  • Complete root removal. Insignificant small roots remain in the ground, the site is suitable for plowing.


  • Requires the arrival of equipment. It is impossible to uproot the site if there is little space, paved paths and dense plantings.

METHOD number 3. Manual uprooting of stumps

In the photo: manual uprooting of stumps on the site.

This is the traditional way, when the stump is first dug out from all sides. After that, the roots are cut and the stump is removed from the ground. Manual uprooting allows you to remove all the roots and thereby prepare the land for further processing and plowing. Such a process of dealing with stumps is physically very difficult. Large labor costs make such uprooting the stump at the cost of the most expensive.

Garden renewal is invariably accompanied by cutting down old trees and planting new ones. But after that, one problem appears: stumps remain in place of the removed plants, which not only spoil the appearance of the garden, but also reduce the potential area for new plantings.

This article will describe the main ways to destroy the roots and stumps of trees, and step-by-step instructions for the mechanical and chemical removal of wood residues will help clear the garden of old stumps.

Why is it necessary to remove tree roots?

Removing an old stump has not only aesthetic, but also practical value. As a rule, they appear on the site after the old tree has already been cut down and disposed of. Just removing a tree from the site is easy, while removing its overgrown roots and large stump is much more difficult. Many people use the old proven mechanical uprooting, but there are a variety of chemicals on the modern horticultural market that make this process much easier.

If the root and part of the trunk do not bother you, you can turn it into a kind of garden decoration by planting flowers inside it or decorating it in any other way you like. However, there are times when destruction is not just a whim, but a necessity. This happens if the tree was cut down due to illness. If even a small part of it is left in the ground, it can become a source of infection for the rest of the trees in the garden. In addition, the remains of an old plant occupy a usable area, because in their place you can plant a young tree or shrub, which will bring a crop in the future.

Preparing to destroy tree roots

Before proceeding with the removal of the roots, you should decide on the method that you will use for this. Wood residues can be destroyed mechanically or chemically.

If you prefer to manually uproot part of the trunk, you will need a saw, a shovel and an axe. In this case, you will first have to dig a hole around the stump, chop or file its roots and gradually, piece by piece, remove the wood from the soil.

Note: The mechanical method is considered obsolete not only because of the high labor costs, but also because some large specimens are difficult to manually remove, and the remains can only be uprooted from the soil with the help of technology.

The chemical method is considered more modern. The remains of wood are simply treated with a special preparation that accelerates the process of fiber destruction. As a result, in a short time, the remains of the trunk begin to crumble, and you just have to remove it.

Figure 1. Preparatory work

Depending on the chosen method, you will need some preparation (Figure 1). With mechanical removal, you need to dig a hole around the trunk in advance and prepare all the necessary tools, and in some cases, rent special equipment. If you opted for the chemical method, you will need to buy special treatment products, as well as prepare a spray gun and protective clothing.

Ways to remove tree roots

As mentioned above, roots and stumps can be destroyed mechanically and chemically. Since they are fundamentally different from each other, we will look at the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of them in more detail so that you can choose the right one for yourself.

Mechanical uprooting

This method is considered the oldest, since the process uses tools with which the roots are filed, and the stump is simply uprooted from the ground. A more modern mechanical method involves the involvement of heavy equipment (excavators, bulldozers or special pullers), but, unfortunately, not everyone can pay for the rental of such equipment. In addition, it is far from always possible for heavy equipment to enter the site.

Figure 2. Mechanical uprooting

If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to involve heavy equipment, you can remove the stump manually. This will require some preparation. First, the remains of the plant must be freed from the surrounding earth by digging the soil with a shovel. Secondly, you need to prepare in advance the equipment with which the trunk will be removed from the ground (Figure 2).

Mechanical uprooting is carried out as follows:

  1. After freeing the stump from the soil, it must be tied with a cable attached to the winch. It is better to fasten the cable immediately under the saw cut so that it acts as a lever when tipping over. The winch can be tied to a regular car.
  2. If it is not possible to use a winch, the skeleton can be removed by chopping off the remains of the roots with an ax or sawing down with a saw.
  3. Once the trunk is free of lateral roots, it can be easily swung and removed.

This method is the cheapest, and with some effort, a large root can be uprooted in a day. However, this method is accompanied by significant labor costs. In addition, if you plan to carry out construction on this site, a mechanical removal method will not work for you, as the remnants of the roots may remain in the ground.

Chemical removal of tree roots

The chemical method of removing stumps is simpler and more modern, although it also has certain features. As a rule, saltpeter is used to destroy wood residues - a chemical with a powerful oxidizing effect, which quickly destroys not only the aerial part, but also the roots (Figure 3).

Root removal with nitrate is carried out as follows:

  1. In late summer or early autumn, several holes are drilled in the trunk. For this purpose, it is better to use the thickest drills so that the diameter of the holes is large.
  2. Potassium or sodium nitrate is poured into the holes obtained and poured with plenty of water. The liquid will dissolve the chemical and it will penetrate the wood fibers faster.
  3. The top of the trunk must be covered with pieces of wood or covered with a film, tightly tied to the trunk. This will prevent chemical vapors from escaping, and the destruction process will be more active.

The stump prepared in this way should be left until next summer. During this time, saltpeter will saturate not only the trunk, but also the roots. After that, you need to either pour a small amount of kerosene on the remains of the tree, or light a fire around the stump. The tree will begin to smolder, and all that remains for you to do is to remove its remains and dig up the site.

Note: It is important to bear in mind that this method is not suitable for areas with peaty soil, since the roots soaked in saltpeter after ignition can cause a fire in the deep layers of the soil.

This method is good in that its use will require minimal physical effort, and all the remains of the tree will be completely removed. An exception can only be thick and deep-lying roots, but they will be destroyed so much that they will not be able to give young shoots.

Figure 3. Chemical destruction with saltpeter

But when using saltpeter, it should be borne in mind that in large quantities it negatively affects the fertility of the soil, so it will not be possible to grow fruit and vegetable crops in this area for several years.

How to remove the roots with your own hands

Another easy way to remove roots and stumps with your own hands is with the use of urea. This method is also considered chemical, but its advantage is that even large stumps can be removed quickly and with minimal labor.

Preparing the barrel for removal is similar to the method using saltpeter: large holes are drilled in the barrel, into which urea (urea) is poured. Each hole is filled with water, and the saw cut is tightly covered with a film. After 1-2 years, both the trunk and the roots remaining in the soil will completely rot and turn into fertile soil (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Chemical uprooting with urea

The main advantage of this method is considered to be low labor costs. But it should also be borne in mind that when using urea to remove stumps, all wood is destroyed: not only the trunk, but also the roots that go deep into the soil. In addition, after such treatment, the soil is not polluted with chemicals, remains fertile and suitable for growing other crops. Of the shortcomings, only a long period of stump removal can be distinguished: it can take 1-2 years to destroy large specimens, but if you want to maintain high soil quality and not make serious physical effort, this method will be the most suitable.

Safety when removing roots and stumps

When using any chemicals to destroy the remains of a tree, safety rules must be strictly followed. First of all, for processing, you need to wear gloves and a protective suit. This requirement applies not only to saltpeter, but also to safer urea, which should also not be touched with bare hands.

In addition, processing is best done in early spring or autumn, after harvesting, since the fruits of crops growing next to the processed stump cannot be eaten after processing.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for destroying stumps are given in the video.

The question of how to uproot trees on the site is faced by almost every owner of a summer house or a country house. There are many reasons to get rid of a tree.

Before redevelopment of the site, it is necessary to uproot all old trees.

Here are just a few of them:

  • the old age of the fruit tree, when it ceased to bear fruit;
  • preparation of a site for the construction of an object;
  • changing the landscape design of the dacha territory;
  • damage to an object by a tinder fungus;
  • the destruction of a tree by lightning or wind.

The process of sawing poplar or pear is not particularly difficult. But if the trunk and branches can be sawn and removed, then everything is not so simple with a stump. Its root system can extend deep and wide for a long distance. If at first the stumps can be used as a table, the basis for a statue or a swing, then after a few years they become a source of infection and a home for many insects. It is necessary to get rid of such a neighborhood. Next, we will consider the methods by which uprooting of trees is carried out, their positive and negative sides.

Tractor use

The use of heavy equipment saves a lot of time and effort.

With the help of a tractor, you can remove stumps of any size.

Uprooting with a tractor does not take much time, but the tractor will not be able to drive into hard-to-reach places.

In order to carry out uprooting, the stump must be dug up and the roots cut off. In addition, you need to prepare the entrance to the object and remove all strangers.

Stump uprooting using a tractor has the following advantages:

  • high speed of work, which contributes to the rapid cleaning of large areas from trees;
  • the technique is able to cope with an object of any size, which may be beyond the power of manual equipment;
  • profitability under the condition of uprooting a large number of trees;
  • the possibility of using the remaining pits for foundations or mini-ponds.

Along with the obvious advantage, removing trees in this way has certain disadvantages. The disadvantages of using the technique are as follows:

  • the tractor can destroy some elements of the landscape, such as: irrigation system, power line, paths, lawns and flower beds;
  • a stump torn out with great effort can damage neighboring trees and bushes;
  • the use of a tractor is economically unprofitable if only one stump is removed.

It is advisable to use heavy equipment in a spacious area without a fence and buildings. As a rule, a similar process is carried out after buying a summer house to clear it of old and unnecessary trees. For convenience, you need to use a bulldozer. After removing the trees with a blade, you can fill in all the holes and level the site.

Application of chemicals

The achievements of the chemical industry are used not only to fertilize the soil, but also to destroy stumps on the site. The use of chemicals allows you to remove the stump with your own hands, without the use of expensive equipment. With the right approach, you can get rid of the rest of the trunk in one year. The reagent is ammonium, potassium or sodium nitrate.

The stump burning method is as follows:

  1. A large number of holes are drilled into the wood. They should be done as deep as possible, to the roots.
  2. Saltpeter is poured into the holes.
  3. The powder is wetted in the holes.
  4. The stump is hermetically wrapped in cellophane.
  5. Six months later, the insulation is removed and the stump is set on fire. Since it is completely saturated with saltpeter, the wood burns out without residue.

You need to “charge” the stump with saltpeter at the beginning of autumn, before the onset of the rainy period. At this time, the tree is dry and absorbs moisture well. Before removing the stump with chemistry, you need to make sure that it is harmless to humans and the environment.

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • there is no need for preliminary digging of the root system;
  • no special equipment is required;
  • there is no need to invest large amounts of money;
  • all wood is destroyed, including that which is underground;
  • the environment is not harmed;
  • the remains of the tree do not give young shoots.

However, the use of saltpeter has certain disadvantages. These include the following factors:

  • the process is quite long, it may take 2-3 years to destroy large objects;
  • soil around the root system cannot be used for sowing within a year after burning;
  • when loading saltpeter, safety measures must be observed, as there is a risk of burning the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs.

After burning the stump, you can remove the affected part of the soil. If left in place, it will return to normal after 8-10 rains.

At a certain concentration in the soil, saltpeter will turn from poison into fertilizer. This will be a definite help for the owner of the garden.

Destruction of stumps with a crusher

Uprooting stumps with a crusher is a fairly common method of clearing a garden plot. Crushers are small. They can be delivered to any place in the garden without damaging the elements of the landscape. The destruction process is quite simple: the operator sets the equipment over the object and slowly, sequentially crushes its surface.

This procedure has its advantages:

  • rather high rate of destruction of wood;
  • good maneuverability and low weight of the equipment;
  • accuracy of work, which contributes to the preservation of the environment;
  • the ability to fine-tune several operating parameters during crushing;
  • affordable cost of renting equipment that can be transported in a small car.

But this unique method has its significant disadvantages. Uprooting with a crusher has the following disadvantages:

  • this device is very sensitive to solid objects: if a stone or a piece of iron gets into it, the cutting part breaks;
  • wood can be removed to a depth of up to 30 cm below the ground surface, which is not enough in cases where construction, sewerage or tree planting is planned in this place.

Thus, the use of the crusher is limited to only areas of the garden where lawn will be planted, or another area that will not be used for construction. Before work, solid objects must be removed from the soil.

The use of tree mushrooms

This is a rather interesting and exotic way of destroying the remains of cut trees. It is rarely used, partly because few people know about it. It should be remembered that only old wood that has begun to decompose can be sown with mycelium of edible mushrooms. That is, it must be dead and must not produce fresh shoots.

Before sowing with mushrooms, the stump can be actively used as a support for a table or a deck for chopping firewood. In the process of growth, mushrooms will rapidly decompose the stump. After a few years, it will become so rotten that it can be removed with your own hands. It is necessary to constantly monitor that a colony of ants or bark beetles does not settle in it. Such "neighbors" can cause significant damage to all wooden buildings on the site.

The advantages of such an effect on wood are obvious:

  • originality and uniqueness of this method;
  • it is possible at any time to prepare a dish of fresh mushrooms;
  • there is no need to use physical force and waste time.

However, the reverse side of this coin is as follows:

The best place for such a project is the outskirts of the garden, located in the shade.

Do-it-yourself tree removal

Uprooting a stump on your own begins with digging up its roots.

Since most dachas and country houses are located far from the benefits of civilization, the possibilities of using mechanization there are rather limited. In such cases, uprooting of stumps is carried out using physical force and hand tools. It is impossible to carry out such work alone, so it will be necessary to invite friends or neighbors to help.

In order to uproot a stump that interferes with everyone, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • shovel;
  • axe;
  • saw;
  • sledgehammer;
  • cable;
  • levers;
  • winch;
  • protective equipment (goggles and gloves).

The sequence of uprooting a stump from the ground is as follows:

  1. It is being dug around the perimeter. To facilitate the work, high-pressure water jets can be used, which will quickly wash away the root system.
  2. The roots are alternately separated from the core and removed from the ground. This can be done by hand or with a winch.
  3. The deck remaining in the ground is taken out. The process is carried out with the help of levers, cables and brute force.

The advantages of this method:

  • does not harm the environment;
  • you can work in the most cramped conditions;
  • the entire root system is removed;
  • the soil does not need to be restored.

It is impossible not to note the disadvantages of manual uprooting:

  • work only in dry weather;
  • it's incredibly hard work;
  • relatively long period of work;
  • the cost of the services of hired workers can be quite high.

The choice of a method of getting rid of stumps depends on the conditions of a particular site and the financial capabilities of its owner.

Tell me a simple way how to uproot a stump on the site.

When developing a site or updating a garden, the issue of removing stumps becomes relevant. It is not always possible to attract equipment to uproot them, and then you have to do everything yourself. By learning how to get rid of stumps without much effort and watching a video, you will be able to cope with this task.

Do-it-yourself stump removal methods

Stumps can be uprooted on their own in the following ways:

  • manually with the help of an ax, crowbar and great physical effort;
  • using a winch;
  • using chemistry;
  • without chemistry.

The first method is very time-consuming, so we will leave it unattended. The last 3 remain.

Removing a stump with a winch

This method makes it easier to remove high, about 1 m, stumps. In addition to a winch with a lifting capacity of 3 tons, you will need a lever, a rope, an ax and a shovel as auxiliary tools. Having collected all this set, you can get down to business:

Mechanical stump removal

  1. Dig the object, going deep until the root system appears.
  2. Trim the roots or chop them with an axe.
  3. Secure the winch using a nearby support.
  4. Fasten the cable to the stump, put some strong piece of wood under it from the side where the winch is located. It will serve as a support when the stump bends as a result of the applied efforts.
  5. Start winching. The stump will gradually come out of the ground along with the remnants of the roots, and if something remains, the same winch will help to pull it out.

This method facilitates the procedure for removing the stump significantly, but the use of physical force does not exclude it. Therefore, if you want to achieve a result, completely freeing yourself from hard work, then use the help of chemistry.

The use of potassium nitrate and urea

To use this method, cut the stump lower. In autumn, drill a series of holes in it with a diameter of about 6 cm and up to 40 cm deep. In this case, for every 1oo mm of the stump diameter, there should be 1 hole.

Chemical destruction of the stump

When frosts begin, pour saltpeter into each hole, pour water over it, tamp it down, and wrapping the stump with a film of polyethylene, leave it to winter.

Tip: to stimulate the process of absorption of saltpeter, they practice the use of a solution of high concentration, which is replenished for several days in a row.

In the spring, a dry stump is opened, gasoline is poured into one of the holes and set on fire. Everything burns out quickly due to the presence in the body of a stump of a large amount of oxygen released when saltpeter is heated.

Urea decomposes wood, so after a year it will simply disappear. The technology of application is no different from the previous one, only instead of nitrate, urea is placed in the holes. In the spring, having removed the cellophane, you will see that you do not even need the help of fire.

Salt, water and mushrooms

If the stump is located at the place where you plan to build some kind of structure, then the destruction of an unwanted object can be done using ordinary kitchen salt, only coarse. The stump soaked in salt will turn into dust.

Attention: you can not use salt in the garden and on the beds, it will destroy not only the stump, but also the soil around.

Is there an alternative to chemistry? Just the following method is just that. It is not only effective, but also useful, however, one should not expect a quick result, because. the destruction of the stump will last more than 1 year. We are talking about the colonization of the removal object with fungal spores. To do this, holes are made in the stump and the mycelium of mushrooms or oyster mushrooms is covered, watered and covered with a film. The crop is harvested in a year, and the sent organisms gradually do their job - they destroy the stump.

Destruction of the stump by the addition of a fungus

You can also use this simple and fast method:

  1. Dig a hole around the trunk, then step back 0.5 m from the stump and dig another trench in a circle.
  2. Arm yourself with a hose and a jet of water supplied with high pressure, wash the roots from the ground.
  3. Wait until the water in the pit soaks into the ground, chop off the roots and pull out the stump hanging in the air.

As you can see, you can deal with stumps on your own. You just need to choose the most suitable method.

Stump uprooting: video

In order for your land to always look neat and well-groomed, it is necessary not only to make a lot of effort at the beginning, but also constantly. It is necessary not only to take care of the planted plants, but also to clean the area from annoying, pest plants and even trees.

Video - uprooting stumps

In this article, we will figure out how to properly uproot a tree from the soil, what rules should be followed and how long it will take you to put the garden and vegetable garden in order.

If you do not have such experience, but you firmly decided that you can cope with the task, then you need to stock up on the necessary tools and patience.

Stage 1. Cutting off the stem part

To begin with, you will have to mark the territory on which the object is located. Try to cut the trunk as carefully as possible, as you can harm nearby trees. Then make sure where the tree trunk will point when it falls. This is a very important point. After all, you can not only harm plants, but also create a danger to your own life and damage your health.

Stage 2. Uprooting

After you get rid of the main part of the tree, the work will be safer. You will need tools akin to construction scrap. With the help of such a device, you can penetrate the root system of a tree, break it and try to uproot the tree from the root.

Often this method works if the tree is young enough, and its roots have not yet had time to grow tightly into the ground. But if the tree is already old, namely, the owners are trying to get rid of such trees, then more efforts should be made.

  1. Undermining. Along the entire perimeter around the trunk, it is necessary to make undermining that will violate the integrity of the root. They will serve as access to the inside of the trunk.
  2. Split. It is necessary to divide the rest of the root into parts. You can do this if you use an ax, a planer, or the same chainsaw that came in handy when cutting the trunk.
  3. In order for the root to come out of the soil more easily, pour a large amount of water over the entire area around the trunk. This feature is due to the fact that most often the earth around a dry trunk also has a high degree of dryness. , water will penetrate into the inner part of the soil, which will make it easier to remove the remnants of the root system. There is an interesting way associated with the use of water. A few meters from the tree is necessary. Then, using a hose and powerful pressure, wash out the roots of the tree that needs to be disposed of. After a few hours, the water from the pit will completely go away, and the trunk will remain with bare roots.

If none of the above methods fit, then you can resort to rocking the trunk. This is one of the oldest, but quite effective ways. The task is to, by applying force, to loosen the trunk of the tree as much as possible. The process takes a lot of time. When it comes to clearing land for construction, gardeners prefer to use table salt. This material turns the wood into dust, and after a few months nothing remains of the wooden trunk. However, table salt has a very negative effect on the soil. If planting is not planned on the site, and there is a lot of time, then this method will work perfectly.

All of these methods will be useful to the owners, who will have a difficult struggle with the landscaping of the territory. By adhering to simple rules, you can independently, and in the future enjoy the work done.
