How to deal with wilting tomatoes. Fusarium wilt of tomatoes: treatment

The gardener involved in cultivation should be aware of the diseases that can affect this crop at different stages of its growth and development. This is a mandatory requirement for those who wish to get a healthy and generous harvest with good taste. Further in the article we will talk about fusarium - a very common one. We will find out what it is, what are the main signs of the presence of the disease, and also figure out how to deal with it.

What is the disease and where does it come from

Fusarium is a common and very dangerous fungal disease. This infectious disease can be caused by fungi from the genus Fusarium. It can manifest itself in almost all climatic regions.

Fusarium affects tissues and the vascular system. The plant withers, the roots and fruits begin to rot. The problem is also the fact that the pathogen is able to stay in, as well as on the remains of vegetation for a long time, after which it can infect newly planted crops with renewed vigor.

Previously affected planting and sowing material can also provoke the onset of the disease. Still, as the experienced ones note, the lack of lighting and the thickening of the plantations can also cause the appearance of fusarium.

The environmental factor is also important. If large-scale industrial production is located nearby, then it can also negatively affect the yield of tomato crops.

Among other things, closely located groundwater, an excess or shortage of chlorine-containing fertilizers, excess or insufficient, errors in can cause fusarium wilt.

Did you know? For a long time they were considered not only inedible, but also poisonous. Gardeners of European countries grew them as plantings, decorated the space around them. Beginning with mid-19th century, this crop began to be grown on the territory of Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

What is dangerous

Before you learn how to deal with fusarium, you need to understand what danger it poses to this crop. Fusarium begins its negative impact with the fact that the root system rots.

The fungus initially penetrates from into the smallest roots, after which it moves into larger ones as it develops. Then the disease enters the stem through the vessels and spreads to the leaves.

The lower leaves quickly fade, while the rest take on a watery appearance. Vessels of petioles and foliage become weak, sluggish, begin to sag along the stem. If the air temperature drops below 16 ° C, then tomato plants will die pretty quickly.
If you do not take any measures for the purpose of treatment, then in 2-3 weeks the crop will be completely destroyed. That is why it is very important to start fighting such a disease as soon as possible.

Signs of defeat

Symptoms manifest themselves in the direction from the bottom up.

  1. At first, the disease can be noted on the lower leaves of the tomato culture. After some time, Fusarium affects the rest of the bush. The foliage turns pale or turns yellow, the veins begin to lighten.
  2. The petioles of the leaves are deformed, and the leaves themselves are twisted into tubules, after which they fall off.
  3. The upper shoots of tomato culture begin to fade. After some time, the plant completely dries up and dies.
  4. The last stage of the disease is the death of the root system.
  5. In wet weather, a light-colored coating may appear on the roots, and in the heat, the symptoms are even more intensified.

How to prevent illness

Here are the main methods of prevention that will help reduce the likelihood of fusarium.

Crop rotation

Preventing Fusarium wilt is much easier than treating it. First of all, it is important to observe crop rotation standards for. It is recommended to plant a tomato crop every year on a new one.

Good predecessors are as well. It is also highly desirable to make a large amount for the predecessors.

If this is done, then there will be no need to revitalize with nitrogen-containing ones, which can provoke the formation of fusarium.

Preplant seed preparation

To protect plants from fungal disease, it is recommended to treat the seeds before sowing them. For this, the means of the benzimidazole group are used, which includes Benazol.

They need to pickle the seed two weeks before sowing. Approximately 5-6 g of the drug will be needed for 1 kg of seeds.

The drug must be dissolved in water, after which the finished solution is poured into a manual spray gun. Seeds must be placed in a container. Using a spray bottle, you need to spray the seeds and mix them, evenly distributing the product over their surface.

After 20–30 min. seed should be scattered to dry completely, then placed in bags and left to be stored until the sowing period.

Soil disinfection

Before planting on, you also need to disinfect from Fusarium. Before planting a tomato crop, soil disinfection should be carried out, 70 g of which must first be diluted in one bucket of water.

Also, you can add either chalk to the soil, which will also help reduce the likelihood of Fusarium, because pathogenic fungi do not like the neutral type, in which there is a lot of calcium.

In autumn, after the crop is harvested, you can additionally add lime (100 g per 1 sq. M). Also in the autumn period, you can work out a solution or a mixture of powdered sulfur.

Dip the roots of the seedlings in the solution

Some gardeners practice processing not only seeds and soil, but also before planting. The tomato root system can be dipped into a solution of an antifungal drug for a few seconds, then dried a little and planted in the ground.

Did you know?It contains chromium, which helps to speed up the process of satiety and dull the feeling of hunger. Interestingly, in the process of heat treatment, useful qualities only improve. But low temperatures affect tomatoes adversely, so it is recommended to avoid storing them in a refrigerator.

Other preventive measures

Among other things, the gardener should be aware of other methods of preventing fungal disease:

  1. Excessively moist soil and high air humidity can provoke the development of Fusarium. In this regard, it is necessary to ventilate as often as possible if they grow in it, and not in an open garden.
  2. It is also important to disinfect it before planting tomatoes. It is necessary to sterilize with alcohol all working tools - knives, scissors, threads, wire (garter material).
  3. Tomato culture requires a sufficient amount of light. Therefore, if there is a lack of natural light, it is necessary to use incandescent lighting.
  4. It is important to provide temperature conditions in the range from 16 to 18 ° C.
  5. Seed material must not only be dressed, but also warmed up before sowing.
  6. Tomato bushes are recommended to be spudded from time to time to a height of 13–15 cm.
  7. Pathogenic fungi can be inhibited, which should be planted.

Preparations against fusarium

Drugs that help fight fusarium are divided into biological and chemical. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Biological preparations that are used for the treatment of fusarium do not contain any chemical components. This is a collection of bacteria that help fight the fungus.

The principle of their effectiveness is quite simple: the more good bacteria in the soil, the less harmful microorganisms there are. The ways to use them are as follows:

  1. applied to the substrate for tomato seedlings. Take 2 g of funds for each bush.
  2. The same "Trichodermin" can also be applied to the soil at the rate of 1 kg per 10 square meters. m.
  3. , which are already planted on, with a solution of "Planriz" or "Pseudobactrin-2". The solution is prepared according to the instructions. One bush will need about 100 ml of liquid.

Other biological agents that can be used in the fight against fusarium are Trichocin, and. For those growing tomatoes on a large scale, avirulent isolates may be of interest.
These are means for large-scale processing of the territory. They are able to populate the site with beneficial bacteria, thereby increasing the resistance of the culture to pathogenic organisms.


Chemical agents are more effective than biological counterparts. But they have a very important drawback: after treating the site with such means, you cannot consume the fruits that grow there for several weeks.

This must be remembered and processed at least 3 weeks before the expected harvest.

As practice shows, to combat Fusarium wilt, it is worth adding a large amount of lime or dolomite flour to the soil. You can also treat tomato bushes with a preparation containing copper and a solution of potassium permanganate.

Is it possible to struggle in the active phase of development

Fusarium is a very dangerous disease, since both the spores and the fungi themselves that provoke the disease are very resistant to chemical attack. The fact is that the bulk of the fungi is not outside the plant, but inside, which is why it is extremely difficult to remove them, and sometimes impossible at all.
Seedlings that have been severely affected by the disease are no longer amenable to treatment. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the tops along with the root and burn it, since it will not be possible to harvest the crop anyway, and the infection from the diseased bush will spread to healthy ones.

If the gardener does not take any action for a long time in order to treat the tomato crop, then the crop will be destroyed in just 2-3 weeks.

resistant varieties

Which do not give in to withering, practically does not exist. But there are those that have increased resistance to Fusarium. These are hybrids "Subject", "Carlson", "Rusich" and "Sun".

Also, as practice shows, those varieties of tomatoes that have an extended period of fruit formation are relatively resistant. These can be called varieties, "Swallow", "Meron F1", "Orko F1", "Pink Giant" and others.

As you can see, Fusarium wilt is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. It is very important to diagnose its presence on the site in time in order to take measures as soon as possible and start treating plants.
The best option is high-quality prevention and proper crop rotation.

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Fungal infections in tomatoes are widespread. Fusarium wilt is one such disease. It is highly contagious and difficult to treat, so it is easier to prevent or detect early than it is to cure.

The fungus that causes Fusarium wilt is activated in hot and humid weather, when the nights turn cold and dew falls on the leaves in the morning. During the day, the top of the bush begins to wilt, and the lower leaves turn yellow. At the height of the disease, these signs intensify - the tomato stops growing and withers, the number of ovaries decreases sharply, almost all leaves, starting from the lowest ones, turn yellow and dry.

Fusarium infects the vascular system of tomatoes, penetrating into it through the root growth points, and quickly spreads to all parts of the plant, including seeds. Infection is promoted by soil nematodes. Pests damage the small roots through which the fungus enters.

During the development of the fungus, the products of their vital activity accumulate in the tissues of tomatoes, which reduce the water permeability of the cells. This leads to disruption of water metabolism and tissue dehydration.

Fusarium wilt can be most accurately diagnosed by the following signs:

  • the leaves become pale yellow, the veins also lighten;
  • yellowing of the leaves starts from the stem, sector by sector between the veins;
  • stem vessels turn brown;
  • the core of the stem becomes hollow, dies off;
  • Longitudinal white stripes are visible on the stem.

Inexperienced gardeners may confuse Fusarium wilt with another common fungal disease - late blight. Their main difference is that with late blight, the top of the bush does not fade, and the leaves for the most part turn brown and dry, bypassing the yellowing stage.

Phytophthora mainly affects plants in the open field, and Fusarium wilt is more often manifested in greenhouses.

Causes of damage to tomatoes

The factors provoking the development of Fusarium wilt include:

  • dense plantings, when, in order to save space, tomatoes are planted more often than recommended;
  • large doses of mineral fertilizers;
  • high level of groundwater occurrence;
  • insufficiently long daylight hours;
  • low lighting and high humidity in the greenhouse;
  • poor ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • soil infestation with nematodes.

It should be noted that under such conditions, not only the causative agent of Fusarium, but also many other pathogenic fungi feel good, so the signs of diseases can overlap one another, creating difficulties in diagnosis. Fusarium wilt is characterized primarily by a decrease in tissue turgor.

Fusarium wilt control

To combat the fungus, a number of measures are required aimed at creating a normal microclimate in the greenhouse, thinning out plantings of tomatoes, observing the principles of crop rotation, and using biological and chemical means of protection. Folk methods are suitable for the prevention or treatment of Fusarium wilt in the initial period.


Biosecurity agents are being used more and more every year. Skillfully using natural preparations, you can protect the planting of tomatoes from diseases and do without the use of chemicals. Bioprotective products include:

  • Pseudobacterin - they are watered with seedlings after planting in the ground;
  • Gliocladin - tablets are buried in the ground next to the roots;
  • Trichodermin - with solutions of different concentrations, the aerial part of the tomatoes is sprayed and watered;
  • Batsikol - spill contaminated soil for disinfection.

Fitosporin, well known to everyone, is widely used throughout the growing season - they process seeds, shed soil, spray tomato bushes.

Chemical protection

If the Fusarium fungus managed to thoroughly spoil the tomato plantation, you can no longer do without chemicals. Before you start “chemizing”, you need to reduce the amount of the pathogen - inspect the bushes and remove the most affected ones, cut off diseased leaves from those tomatoes that can still be saved.

All plant residues are burned, and the surviving plants are treated with one of the following preparations:

  • Quadris is an effective fungicide against many pathogenic fungi;
  • Optimo - additionally protect the bushes from rot;
  • Previkur Energy - a new drug for fungi;
  • Bayleton - they are sprayed, strictly observing the time and frequency of treatments.

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of Fusarium, since the pathogen penetrates into the vascular system of plants. Chemicals only hinder its development. They should be used until the bulk of the fruit is poured, after which the tomatoes are removed, washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and the tomato bushes are dug up and burned. It is impossible to take seeds from such fruits.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk remedies are effective as a measure for the prevention and treatment of single manifestations of Fusarium wilt on tomatoes. If this time is missed, you will have to move on to more radical methods. If the Fusarium disease was detected at the very beginning, simple and safe folk methods will help to thoroughly spoil the life of a harmful fungus and slow down its reproduction.

Like any other mushroom, the Fusarium does not like an alkaline environment, so ordinary wood ash will help for treatment. Her infusion spills the soil under the tomatoes, you can also dust it with dry ash. The infusion is prepared as follows - a glass of ash is diluted in a bucket of water, mixed and allowed to brew for several hours. Then water the tomato bushes with the resulting solution.

For the treatment of Fusarium wilt on tomatoes, the following recipes are also used:

  1. For 1 liter of milk, take 25 drops of iodine and 20 grams of grated laundry soap.
  2. The head of garlic is crushed, poured with a liter of water and insisted for a day. Then diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed with tomatoes.
  3. Prepare a mixture of 1 liter of whey, 20 drops of iodine and 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies are used as often as possible, especially infusions of ash and garlic.

How to treat Fusarium wilt

Treatment of Fusarium wilt of tomatoes is reduced to inhibition of the development of the fungus until the bulk of the fruit is harvested. Then the affected bushes must be destroyed. It is possible to reduce the activity of the Fusarium by creating conditions unsuitable for reproduction.

To do this, you need to carry out activities such as:

  • arrangement in the greenhouse of normal ventilation;
  • rarefaction of plantings, that it is necessary to remove the most affected specimens and cut off excess leaves from healthy ones;
  • decrease in humidity in the greenhouse, for this they equip drip irrigation and mulch the trunk circles of tomatoes.

Then the tomatoes are sprayed with one of the suitable chemicals. If the soil is infected with a nematode, it is spilled with a remedy for it. After a few days, it is desirable to improve the soil by adding any biological preparation. As a rule, they contain strains of hay bacillus, the waste products of which inhibit pathogenic fungi.

How to prevent fusarium damage to tomatoes

Preventive measures are aimed at creating conditions unacceptable for the development of fusarium:

  1. Compliance with crop rotation, when tomatoes are returned to their original place no earlier than after 3 years.
  2. Reduce fluctuations in day and night temperatures in the greenhouse.
  3. Maintain normal humidity.
  4. Seed dressing before sowing.
  5. Destruction of plant residues after harvesting.

If cases of tomato damage by Fusarium wilt have already been noted on the site, varieties and hybrids that are resistant to this pathogen should be selected.

Varieties and hybrids with disease resistance gene

For open ground, breeders offer varieties Aggressor, Azhlun. Biathlon, Abundant, Iskander, Lapillo.

Aramis, Graceful, Intuition, Belogorskaya Slivka, Rihanna, Ashdod are suitable for growing in greenhouses.

Gardeners who grow tomatoes for a long time in one place in a greenhouse or garden sooner or later meet with the fact that one day their seedlings wither, although the soil under it is wet. In fact, this is a disease of tomatoes - Fusarium wilt. Spots on tomato leaves are its symptoms. This disease manifests itself during the formation of fruits and leads to their death. What causes Fusarium wilt and how can it be prevented? Is the fight against fusarium effective?

The nature of the disease

Fusarium is a fungal disease. A fungus called Fusarium oxysporum penetrates the young plant and begins to inhabit it. The spores of the fungus are getting bigger. They not only fill the entire space around, but also emit substances harmful to the plant. Gradually, these waste products of the fungus clog the vessels through which the juice and nutrients move.

Fusarium wilt affects not only the vascular system, but also the roots, leaves, stem, and fruits. A plant can become infected with Fusarium at any time. And it reaches its greatest development during the formation and ripening of fruits. At this time, the plant is weakened, because it spends all its strength on their development.

How do mushrooms get inside a tomato?

They live in the ground and are almost everywhere. Especially a lot of them are collected in places where nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants) have grown for many years. This happens when growing in greenhouses, if the land does not change from year to year.

The wounds that the plant receives during pinching can serve as a source of penetration of pathogenic fungi into the body of the plant. They secrete waste products, from which the tissues of the tomato are dehydrated, and they fade. Gradually, the roots of the plant die off, and it disappears.

But, maybe, if the tomatoes are not pinched, then they will not become infected? Fusarium of plants finds other ways of penetration. And the thickening of non-stepson plants only contributes to their rapid reproduction.

The spores of the fungus remain in the ground for several years. In the cold season, they are at rest, but always find food for themselves. For this, dried or rotten plant residues are suitable for mushrooms.

When the air temperature rises above 20 degrees, the fungus wakes up and begins to multiply. It is especially active at high humidity. A large amount of fertilizers containing nitrogen contributes to this process.

Fusarium of tomatoes can also be obtained through the seeds of infected plants.

They are transmitted by planting seedlings, weeding and contact with infected garden tools.

Factors contributing to the defeat

  • Non-observance of crop rotation.
  • Cushioned landing.
  • High temperature and humidity during the day, cold - at night.
  • Using too much chemical fertilizer, especially using chlorine.
  • The bed is located in places where groundwater occurs.
  • Location of the site in the industrial area.
  • Short day.
  • Weak watering and drying of the root system.
  • Insufficient lighting.

Signs of illness

The leaves change their natural color to yellow-green (become chlorotic) and wither. The veins on them light up. Tomato leaves are curling. Petioles change shape. After a while, the leaves fall off. Vessels at the bottom of the plant on the cut become brown. A brown coating of fungi forms on the root collar.

Then the signs of the disease rise to the upper tiers of the plant. The upper shoots, trunk, fruits, roots wither and dry. In the rainy season, they are covered with a white coating. The plant dies. And the reason is Fusarium wilt of tomatoes.

It is better not to treat a plant with Fusarium. We need to root it out as soon as possible. But do not throw it away in the garden, do not use it for composting. Indeed, in this way you will transfer the fungus to favorable conditions, where it will have a lot of food, and then spread it with compost throughout the garden. Sick plants should be burned. Along with it, the fungi that caused Fusarium wilt of tomatoes will also die. The treatment of this disease is ineffective. Usually, several of these plants are found first in the garden. If they are removed in time, the disease may not spread to the remaining tomatoes.

The problem is that signs of damage become noticeable already in the middle stage of damage, during flowering and fruit formation.

Usually gardeners manage to get a high yield of tomatoes. To do this, they have developed a whole range of measures to prevent infection with various diseases, one of which is Fusarium wilt of tomatoes. Control measures consist of prevention.

Prevention measures

  • Do not leave dry plants for the winter.
  • On the site you need to dig deep into the soil.
  • Seeds before sowing should be treated with fungicides or warmed up, and sown in warm soil.
  • You can not collect the seeds of diseased tomatoes for growing seedlings.
  • Only healthy plants should be planted.
  • Keep the temperature during seed germination and seedling production in the range from 14 to 27 degrees.
  • Stepchildren should not be removed by hand, but with a knife or secateurs.
  • It is advisable to disinfect the instrument with alcohol or potassium permanganate after this operation.
  • Spud tomatoes periodically to a height of up to 15 cm.
  • Mulching with a black film inhibits pathogenic fungi.

Preventive measures in greenhouses

Sometimes gardeners explain the infection of tomatoes by the fact that in open ground they are more susceptible to various negative factors. But when grown in a greenhouse, they face no less problems. The effect of low temperatures disappears, but the problem of crop rotation, stagnation of air and high humidity appears.

Therefore, the owners of greenhouses to get a high yield of tomatoes need to follow some rules:

  • The soil in the greenhouse when growing tomatoes in it should be changed as often as possible, preferably once a year.
  • The air temperature during the day should be between 22 and 24 degrees, at night not lower than 16 and not higher than 18 degrees.
  • Humidity should be no higher than 65 percent.
  • You can not water the beds too abundantly.
  • In the heat, the glass of the greenhouse is painted over with chalk.
  • Tomatoes are planted in the same place only after three to four years, or the soil is changed every year.
  • A greenhouse for tomatoes is not placed in a place where potatoes grew a couple of years before. They have common illnesses.

Soil disinfection

  • The soil before planting is disinfected with copper sulphate, diluting 70 g of it in a bucket of water.
  • By introducing chalk or dolomite flour into the soil, they reduce the risk of fusarium disease. The fungus that causes this disease does not like neutral soils with enough calcium.
  • In summer, in order to prevent Fusarium wilt of tomatoes, treatment and prevention is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of boric acid. Each plant is poured under the root of such an amount of solution that can well wet the roots and the ground around it. Such an operation can stop Fusarium wilt of tomatoes for a long time.
  • Treatment with folk remedies involves shedding the soil with lime in the fall after harvesting, applying it at 100 g per square meter. After processing, close up the remains of lime with a rake.
  • In autumn, the area is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Mixing ash with powdered sulfur, powder the soil.

Strengthening immunity

The introduction of "Trichodermin" when sowing and planting seedlings will help prevent Fusarium wilt of tomatoes.

Treatment of other tomato diseases helps to protect them from Fusarium disease.

After the appearance of the first fruits, tomatoes cease to be fertilized with nitrogen preparations, replacing them with potash ones.

Liquid fertilizer "Effekton-O" is used not only to accelerate growth, but also to prevent fusarium.

Means for processing tomatoes

After each rain, the plants are treated with preparations to prevent Fusarium wilt. Especially if the air temperature is high. Such conditions cause increased growth of the fungus, which causes Fusarium wilt of tomatoes. Treatment of plants in the early stages of infection or preventive treatment is carried out by various means. One of them is the biological preparation "Trichodermin". It must be used at air temperatures above 17 degrees and humidity in the range from 65 to 70 percent. Then the action of "Trichodermin" is enhanced. It has a positive effect on the soil. Treat seeds and plants.

In addition to it, from biological preparations, Baktofit, Fitosporin, Previkur, Fundazol are used - chemical agents for the control and prevention of fusarium.

What can fusarium be confused with

Tomatoes wither with improper watering. If the soil under the bush is dry, moisten it and mulch the trunk circle. Young seedlings need to be watered a little every day. Seedlings planted in a permanent place are moistened after a few days. Adult tomatoes need to be watered abundantly, but not often. Water for irrigation is taken settled and warm.

Signs that are a bit like Fusarium are observed when plants are overheated. Tomato leaves curl, turn yellow, plants stop growing, leaves, buds fall off. If the temperature rises to 38 degrees, the leaves begin to fall off. But black spots on the leaves of tomatoes are not observed. If the plants are in a greenhouse, they are shaded, air movement is arranged in the greenhouse, but not in its lower part.

Tomatoes are less likely to be affected by Fusarium wilt if the bed they grow on is well maintained. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the soil, remove weeds, use healthy seeds of resistant varieties.

Fusarium wilt of tomatoes - This is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum (Schlecht.) f. sp. lycopersici (Sacc.), it has several forms and causes irreparable harm to the plant. The pathogen penetrates into the cells of the bark and the water supply system of the plant, germinates and disrupts water metabolism, which contributes first to wilting, and then to the death of the plant.

The complexity of Fusarium wilt of tomatoes as a disease is that the disease lies inside the plant and damages the most important arteries that provide life. Severe damage can destroy the plant and crop. To prevent this situation, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures even before sowing seeds. Recognizing the first symptoms of the disease is an opportunity to defeat it without losing the crop.

Although the disease has symptoms similar to other tomato diseases, careful observation of the state of the plant will help determine its characteristic features:

  • change in color of leaf blades and veins from green to light green or yellowish;
  • leaf petioles are deformed, and the leaves themselves are twisted;
  • in wet weather, a white coating appears on the root system;
  • the tops of the shoots wither and the leaves in the lower part quickly die off, and then the whole plant;
  • on the cut, the vessels of the stem have a dark brown color, longitudinal white furrows appear.
  • the core of the stem dies.

How it spreads

The causative agent of the disease penetrates from the soil through the damaged lateral roots of the plant, then germinates in the cells of the bark of the plant, captures the vessels of the plant from the leaves to the stem and fruits. The mycelium of the fungus paralyzes the water supply system of the tomato, which impairs the supply of nutrition to the tissues.

As a result, the spread of the disease begins from below, and the tops of the shoots begin to wither, since the affected vessels of the stem are not able to provide them with a sufficient amount of juice.

From the onset of infection to the identification of characteristic signs of Fusarium wilt, depending on the conditions, it can take from 7 days to one month.

Conditions for the development of the disease

  • Timing of illness.

Infection can occur through seeds, then the spores of the fungus germinate inside the tissues of a young plant, and during the beginning of fruiting, when the load on the plant increases, wilting begins. The same happens with infection through the roots.

  • Temperature.

The spores of the fungus are very resistant and viable over a wide range of temperatures, but the most comfortable temperature for germination is between 20 and 28°C. The alternation of rainy days with hot, at low night temperatures is what is needed for the rapid growth of mycelium along young shoots.

  • Humidity.

The pathogen progresses rapidly in conditions of high humidity, but even when the soil dries up, followed by abundant watering, changes in humidity and temperature, favorable conditions are created for the development of the disease. In areas with close groundwater, the risk of disease increases. Constant relative humidity of 60-70% weakens the activity of the pathogenic fungus.

How to spray tomatoes from Fusarium wilt

The spores and mycelium of the Fusarium fungus cause great harm to tomato plants and are quite resistant to various drugs, so the selection of funds should be taken seriously.

Preparations for the treatment of fusarium

  • Fitosporin-M.

The drug is a microbiological agent that has a preventive, therapeutic and plant resistance-enhancing effect. It is used at different stages of development, as well as during pre-sowing tillage:

  1. The powder is scattered over the surface of pre-moistened soil and dug up or irrigate the soil with a solution of 1.5-2 tbsp. l. drug in 10 liters of water.
  2. Before planting, the roots of the seedlings are kept for 1-2 hours in a freshly prepared solution.

Spraying plants during the growing season with an interval of 7-14 days. It is better to carry out processing in cloudy weather or in the evening, as useful phytosporin mushrooms die under the influence of sunlight.

  • Pseudobacterin 2.

It is a biological contact fungicide that destroys pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases. The drug is recommended for the treatment of seedlings after planting in the ground at the rate of 100 ml of a working solution prepared according to the instructions for 1 plant.

  • Gliocladin or Trichodermin.

They contain spores and mycelium of the fungus Trichoderma lignorum, which destroy the fungus - the causative agent of Fusarium. Solutions of the drug treat the soil for growing seedlings, sterilized or steamed soils, as well as holes when planting seedlings in the ground. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 100 liters of the drug per 10 liters of water and used according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Batsikol.

The active substance of the drug is a spore-crystalline complex with insecticidal components (Bacillus thuringiensis), which block the germination of Fusarium spores and mycelium. Processing is carried out by fine-drop spraying with a sprayer in dry weather.

  • Fertilizer Barrier.

This is a product designed to improve the soil, stimulate the growth and development of plants, harmless to humans and animals. It contains beneficial soil bacteria that inhibit the development of not only Fusarium fungi, but also many other diseases.

Folk remedies

You can treat folk remedies like this:

  • Milk, soap, iodine.

For one liter of milk add 25 g of laundry soap and 35-40 drops of iodine. The composition is thoroughly stirred and sprayed with tomato plants before ripening.

  • garlic solution.

Grind 200-300 g of garlic cloves and insist for a day in 10 liters of water. The antifungal properties of garlic will well complement 2-3 g of potassium permanganate. The solution is used for spraying plants and the soil under them.

  • Wood ash.

Dry ash is used for tillage, scattering it over moist soil in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe distribution of the root system. Ash can also be used in soil preparation. Plants are sprayed with a solution both before flowering and during the formation of the first ovaries. To prepare it, 3-4 liters of ash is poured into 10 liters of water, insisted for 2-3 days, then the light part is drained, and the infusion is diluted to 25-30 liters. To prevent the solution from running off, add 30-35 g of soap.

  • Serum.

Mix with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and spray the plants and soil with a spray bottle. To enhance the effect, add a little iodine.

Features of processing tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground

  • In a greenhouse.

Indoors, at high temperature and humidity, favorable conditions are created for the germination of fungal spores and the growth of mycelium. It is necessary to strictly control the humidity and provide ventilation.

Prophylactic treatments are carried out with biological preparations at intervals of 7-14 days. When signs of the disease appear, chemical preparations are used.

  • In open ground.

A special place in prevention is occupied by soil disinfection, the introduction of dolomite flour, the moderate use of nitrogen fertilizers and preventive spraying of plants.

Tillage after infected tomatoes

  • Disinfection.

Due to the fact that tomatoes are often grown in the same place, especially in greenhouses and greenhouses, disease prevention is especially important. Disinfection must be carried out twice:

  1. Structures, equipment, surfaces and plant residues are treated with a solution of copper oxychloride immediately after harvesting the fruits and kept for 20-24 hours.
  2. After removing plant residues, it is recommended to remove 1-2 cm of soil. If this is not possible, comprehensive disinfection measures are carried out. The structures are treated with Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol, the greenhouse is fumigated with sulfur, and the soil is dug up and treated with a fungicide.
  • Digging.

In open ground, after harvesting plant residues, the soil is worked out with one of the fungicides and the soil is immediately dug up so that the spores do not spread. For recovery, green manure is sown, which is subsequently plowed into the ground.

There are no varieties that never undergo Fusarium wilt. But quite resistant varieties are available:

  • Amaneta F1.

Indeterminate, early maturing variety with a strong greenhouse root system.

  • Macarena.

Mid-season, indeterminate, high-yielding variety for protected ground, well established in extended culture.

  • Raisa.

Hybrid, indeterminate, compact variety with a strong root system for growing on any substrate in any type of greenhouse.

  • Semko partner.

Mid-late, determinant, hybrid salad variety for cultivation in open ground and film structures.

  • Minaret F1.

The variety is semi-determinant, early, large-fruited, recommended for film greenhouses.

  • Malik.

Hybrid, early ripe, large-fruited salad variety for greenhouses and open ground.


The causative agent of Fusarium, affecting the internal organs of the plant, becomes difficult to treat, so it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in combination to prevent infection.

seed processing

Seed dressing is the most important preventive measure to prevent the development of fungal diseases. It is carried out two weeks before sowing seeds.

For seed treatment use:

  • potassium permanganate solution (1%). Withstand 30 minutes in a warm solution (50-60 ° C), rinse in warm water and dry.
  • solutions of fungicides Benazol or Fundozol in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. These are chemical, rather aggressive preparations, and they should be used only if the seeds were collected from plants with signs of the disease.

Agrotechnical measures

  • cleaning and destruction of all plant residues;
  • disinfection of soil, all elements of greenhouses and inventory;
  • pre-sowing treatment of seeds with disinfectants;
  • deep autumn and spring digging of the soil;
  • prevent damage and erosion of the roots and carry out hilling seedlings in a timely manner;
  • disinfection of hands and tools during pinching;
  • observance of crop rotation and the choice of predecessors.

Timely implementation of preventive measures and proper agricultural technology will save plants from insidious diseases and get a high-quality crop of tomatoes.
