Soil preparation in the greenhouse in the fall - disinfection, treatment from pests and diseases. Autumn work in a greenhouse: how to properly prepare the soil for winter and process the frame How to fertilize the soil in a greenhouse in autumn

Those who keep a greenhouse for themselves and their families always try to use "as little chemicals as possible." Indeed, in a greenhouse, the main thing is that there is always fresh air and there is no condensation, and that the plants do not get sick. And fertilizers for the soil in this regard are mandatory. After all, plants in closed ground are watered quite often, and nutrients are naturally washed out of the ground. In addition, one cannot ignore such a moment. Under natural conditions, in open ground, a variety of nutrients are present on their own - due to the process of decomposition of plant and animal residues. A spider crawled through the bed, and remained there, or the roots of other plants were rotted somewhere - this is fertilizer for the earth. But in the greenhouse, the soil, one might say, is sterile - no weeds, no buzzing or fluttering biological diversity - a kind of closed ecosystem. And in order to grow a good crop in it, the plants need to be provided with all the necessary trace elements - and this will have to be done manually. But what types of fertilizers are, you will learn from this article.

Organic fertilizers: a century of gardening experience

Organic fertilizer is the most natural for the soil. They saturate it with nutrients and significantly enhance the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms, due to which these same substances are easily absorbed by plants. It is organic fertilizers that directly affect the air, thermal and water properties of greenhouse land and give it valuable carbon dioxide.

The very classification of organic fertilizers is quite simple: humus, bird droppings, manure and peat. And such fertilizers for plants are introduced into the greenhouse in the form of compost - with peat, plant residues and special mineral fertilizers.

So, the easiest and cheapest way is to enrich the land with manure. It has all the nutrients for a good harvest: nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. They decompose and provide carbon dioxide, transfer hardly soluble substances into more accessible ones for plants. Soil fertilized with manure is better both in structure and in physical properties: clay soil will become looser, and sandy soil will become more connected and moist. And manure is brought in in the fall for digging - if fresh, but rotted can be in the spring. To clarify: fresh is more used to create warm beds in the greenhouse, because. during debate, its temperature can reach 70 ° C. And yet - diluted ten times with water and used as a liquid root top dressing.

Another valuable organic fertilizer is humus. It is obtained after the complete decomposition of leaves, manure and plant roots. Muck has a high nutrient content and is ideal for growing seedlings. Indeed, in the soil after humus, microbiological processes are significantly enhanced and plants are supplied with all the elements necessary for a rich harvest. This fertilizer should be applied at the rate of 40-60 kg per square meter.

But bird droppings must be used carefully. This is a particularly highly concentrated fertilizer, in which there is even an excess of nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The bird is bred as follows: 0.3-0.7 liters per 10 liters of water, and the water is warm (22-25 ° C), and one or two liters are used per plant.

Peat is also actively used for greenhouses - light riding or dark lowland, as well as transitional. In its pure form, it is not used due to its high acidity, but is used only in composts. This is how it is prepared in the summer: we pour a layer of peat for half a meter, then - for 20 cm of manure, and again peat for 60-60 cm. Cover and leave it like that for a whole year. In the spring, we bring in when digging the beds in the greenhouse at the rate of 6-8 kg per square meter.

Deciduous and sod land is also good for a greenhouse: we collect fallen leaves, put them in a wooden box, moisten with water, mix with superphosphate (0.5 kg per 1 m3) and two tablespoons of wood ash and let it rot. This mixture can then be applied to the soil for vegetables. And to obtain high-quality sod land, layers of sod are specially removed, stacked upside down in a stack 1 meter high. Each layer is watered with water or a solution of bird droppings, sprinkled with wood ash and superphosphate.

But the most useful option for future plants is prefabricated compost: a mixture of peat, earth, manure, fallen leaves and wood ash with slaked lime. We mix all these components, pour water and mix well again. It is necessary to stack in piles of 1.5-1.6 meters with shelter on all sides with sawdust and peat.

Mineral fertilizers: the main thing is proportions!

If you want to get a really high yield in a greenhouse, then you need to combine both organic and mineral fertilizers. With the correct use of mineral fertilizers, the yield of vegetable crops can be increased by 2-3 times!

So, there are fertilizers that are aimed at feeding greenhouse plants with a specific element - phosphorus, potassium or nitrogen, for example. These are called simple. And some are used for the purpose of providing seedlings with several nutrients at once - and these are already called complex or mixed.

Phosphate fertilizers

The most popular for greenhouses is superphosphate simple. It must be introduced into greenhouse soil when digging. To do this, 12-25 grams are poured with 10 liters of water and insisted for three days. After that, the upper part of the solution is carefully drained and the plants are fed with it, and the sediment is added to the compost heap. Disadvantage: cannot be used together with chalk and lime.

Suitable for such fertilizer and phosphate rock- but it has half the phosphorus.

nitrogen fertilizers

Ammonium nitrate they are used mainly for root dressings in this calculation: 5-10 grams per 10 liters of water for liquid dressings and 10-20 grams per square meter for dry ones. The only drawback: the soil is slightly acidified from this.

IN urea or urea, also a lot of nitrogen - as much as 46%. It is suitable for feeding all vegetable crops. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 15-20 grams, and apply every 10-12 days.

Least of all nitrogen in sodium and potassium nitrate- 15-16%. It is taken at 20-30 g per square meter.

potash fertilizers

Potassium sulfate contains at least 45% potassium, and as a fertilizer, it is still considered the best of its kind. You need to make 20-40 g per meter for liquid feeding and 10-20 g for dry.

In potassium chloride - 53-63% potassium. It is introduced into greenhouse soil in the fall after liming, because. he himself is oxidizing. Calculation: 5-10 g per meter.

Wood ash is a unique fertilizer. It contains a lot of useful elements for greenhouse plants: iron, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and much more. And it perfectly neutralizes the acidity of the soil - and this is a valuable fact. It should be applied in spring or autumn, 50-200 g per square meter. And it will last for two whole years.

Good for a greenhouse and nitrophoska - it contains 11% phosphorus, 14% potassium and 16% nitrogen. It dissolves well in water - you need to take 20-30 grams for every 10 liters, or use it dry - 50-60 grams per square meter.

Calculate fertilizer based on the type of soil and the types of plants you plant. Watch the harvest, keep records - and you will find your perfect recipe for your greenhouse!

After the harvest has already been collected, and the jars of pickles are rolled up, it's time to take care of preparing the soil in the fall. This is necessary so that next year the plants can be planted in soft, moisture-saturated soil. Also, a range of tillage works will help to avoid the occurrence of pests.

Stages of greenhouse processing

  1. First of all, it is necessary to collect all the remains of plants that remain in the ground.
  2. Among other things, you will have to collect the larvae. Some of them will die during digging, while others will not, so this stage of work is mandatory. Do not forget about sifting the soil.
  3. What to do when the larvae are collected? Clean the dirt from the walls and floor of the greenhouse.
  4. The next step is holding.
  5. After disinfection, the greenhouse is ventilated, and the walls of the building will need to be thoroughly washed.
  6. Then they dig up the soil and fertilize it with manure, peat and humus at the rate of half a bucket per 1 square meter.
  7. Further, a mixture of sand and ash is placed on top of the fertilizers; you can also put straw.

Wall and frame processing

The film coating is washed before dismantling. Soap solutions are used as a means for washing. Disinfection can be done with. After the film dries, it is carefully folded and stored in a warm room.

How to process the frame? For these purposes, a solution of bleach is used - about 400 grams of lime per 1 liter of water.

Important! The solution should be infused for 4 hours. The sediment of the mixture is an excellent tool for processing the frame and garden tools. Lime application tool - brush.

Strengthening the frame

What to do? Strengthen the product with special props. You can also use special arcs or create supports in the shape of the letter "T". The calculation of the required number of supports is carried out as follows: 3 pieces are required for a greenhouse of 6 meters. If there is a threat of accumulation of a large amount of snow, it is better to double the number of supports. Another important point: when installing reinforcing parts in the fall (so that they do not fall through), pieces of wood are placed at the bottom of the greenhouse, which will act as a support. At the top of the greenhouse, the supports are attached to the crossbar.

Preparing the greenhouse for winter (video)

Soil protection and fertilization

It has already been noted that in order to fertilize the soil correctly, it is necessary to use humus, manure and peat. Next, sand and ash are brought in, straw is placed on top.

Important! Fertilizer used in the fall must be of high quality.

After the first snow falls, fertilizer is brought into the greenhouse and abundantly sprinkled with soil in a layer equal to 20 cm. This way you will not only protect the soil from freezing, but also protect it from moisture in the spring.

Disinfection: types

Disinfection is necessary so that pests do not start in the greenhouse. The work is carried out in September, while the air temperature should not exceed +8 degrees. Disinfection can be:

  • wet;
  • gas.

If you are going to carry out gas disinfection in the fall, you should take care of the good tightness of the greenhouse. The process involves fumigation with sulfur. At the same time, 80 grams of sulfur will be needed per 1 cubic meter of the greenhouse. With the defeat of the greenhouse, the dosage increases - 150 grams.

Before you treat the greenhouse with sulfur, pay attention to whether there are gaps in it. If there are, they will have to be covered up. The burning of sulfur takes place on baking sheets that are filled with burning coals.

Trays are located in different parts of the greenhouse. The doors to the building are tightly closed. To obtain the effect, you will have to wait three days, then the greenhouse is ventilated. It is necessary to carry out work on burning sulfur in a gas mask.

Disinfection can be carried out correctly in a glazed greenhouse only by spraying. For this, a solution of bleach is used. Formalin (40%) can also be used for wet disinfection. It is worth remembering that this operation is toxic, which means that it will also have to be carried out in a gas mask.

Restoring soil fertility in a greenhouse is a key factor in getting a good harvest next season. There are many types of organic and mineral fertilizers, each with its own specific application. Many of them are quite aggressive and require precise dosage.

What fertilizers to apply to the greenhouse in autumn and how to do it? This article will tell about this and some other features of land cultivation.

organic fertilizers

As organic compounds are widely used:

  • Manure;
  • Humus;
  • bird droppings;
  • Peat.

Compost is applied in spring or autumn. Usually, peat, the remains of decayed vegetation and a small amount of mineral additives are mixed in certain proportions. After the nutrient layer is evenly distributed over the soil surface, the beds need to be dug up.

The use of manure has many advantages:

  • Improves soil structure. Clay - becomes looser, and sandy is viscous;
  • The introduction of fertilizers into the greenhouse in autumn enriches the fertile layer with carbon dioxide, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of sparingly soluble substances;
  • Increases the level of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc. in the earth.

Tables of active substances of organic fertilizers for the greenhouse for the winter

Important! You should adhere to a comprehensive method of preparing for winter. It consists in a special cultivation of the greenhouse land in the fall: cleaning, fertilizing, general care - disinfection or complete replacement.

Before fertilizing the soil in the greenhouse in autumn, it is necessary to completely clean the soil and disinfect it.

Bird droppings - is a concentrated fertilizer, which, in addition to phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen, contains magnesium and other elements. It is used as an aqueous solution of 0.3-0.7 liters per 10 liters of water.

Peat - in its pure form is used extremely rarely due to its high acidity. It is used as a base, mainly in combined formulations, the ingredients of which significantly normalize the acid balance of soils.

Mineral fertilizers

The main minerals are:

  • Phosphate;
  • Nitrogen;
  • Potash.


The most popular type among gardeners is simple superphosphate. It is applied after the autumn harvest, but before digging the soil. How do they fertilize the land in a greenhouse for the winter with phosphates? 15-25 gr. insist 3 days on 10 liters of water. The liquid is poured over the soil, and the sediment is added to the compost heap.

For your information! Phosphate mixtures cannot be used in conjunction with slaked lime.

Table of compatibility of phosphate mixtures for fertilizing the land in autumn in a greenhouse


The most common are:

  • Nitrate ammonium;
  • Urea;
  • Urea;
  • Sodium and potassium nitrate

The volume that is used for top dressing is 10-30 g per 1 m 2. It must be remembered that the use of nitrogen compounds in the greenhouse significantly oxidizes the earth.

When fertilizing the greenhouse soil in autumn, they must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the earth.


Potassium sulfate - contains up to 45% of the active substance. Available in the form of a liquid solution, 20-40 ml or granules - 10-20 gr. on 1m 2 of land. At the moment it is considered the most effective substance of its type.

Potassium chloride - fertilizer is introduced into the greenhouse in the fall immediately after the disinfecting liming of the earth. It has a strong oxidizing effect and restores the balance of the earth's acidity.

Table of correspondence of volume to weight of some types of mineral fertilizers

Universal combined mixes

Nitrophoska - the mixture is ideal for greenhouses. It contains phosphorus (11%), potassium (14%), nitrogen (16%). Can be used as a solution for irrigation, 20-30 gr. for 10 l. Or as dry granules 50-60 gr. on 1m 2.

Wood ash - applied in autumn or spring. It neutralizes the acidity of the soil and contains many microelements useful for plants: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, iron, etc. The required amount is 50-200 g / m 2, depending on the acidity of the earth. Application is allowed every 2 years.

Autumn is not only a time of great joy due to the end of the summer season, the harvest, a great summer, but also the beginning of the next stage in caring for your favorite garden. Simply collecting all the garbage and dead leaves is not all the necessary procedures that a gardener who loves his site needs to do.

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse. This is one of those places where comfortable conditions are created in summer for the growth and development of not only plants, but also all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. It is also very important to properly prepare the greenhouse for wintering, so that (especially if it is made of) it will winter well and be ready for planting in the spring.

What does a complete list of autumn work in the greenhouse include? Not as many points as it seems, but the work really needs to be done a lot.

Autumn work in the greenhouse is:

  • cleaning the territory from garbage;
  • thorough washing of the entire structure;
  • greenhouse disinfection;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • preparation for the winter period.

Autumn preparation of the greenhouse is a very important stage

Now let's take a step-by-step look at each stage of the autumn preparation.

Greenhouse cleaning

Greenhouse cleaning work begins with cleaning debris and washing the structure. And the first stages are carried out even before the start of frost.

Attention! Pests remaining on the plant part of the representatives of the flora easily endure the winter, and in the spring they begin to actively multiply and spread. That is why it is especially important to burn the remains of plants if the crops living in the greenhouse were sick in the summer.

Attention! The soil in the greenhouse cannot be replaced with the one in your summer cottage. It must be brought from another place, or better - bought in a store.

Fortunately, in not quite neglected cases, the earth may not be changed - it is enough to disinfect it, but this is the next stage in preparing the greenhouse for winter.

Step 3 Dig up the top layer of soil (about 5-10 cm) with a shovel and sift through a large sieve. This will help to select pest larvae from it that have settled for the winter, as well as remove the remnants of roots and leaves.

Step 4 Now proceed to other work that relates to cleaning the greenhouse structure itself. Carefully inspect the frame and coating for cracks and crevices. If there are any, seal them with a regular sealant.

Step 5 If you find chipped paint and rust on the metal frame, then clean these places with sandpaper, prime and paint. This will prevent corrosion. If the frame of the greenhouse is wooden, then remove or clean out those places where moss appeared.

Chips and cracks need to be cleaned, primed and painted

Attention! Places where moss grew should be treated with herbicides.

Step 6 It's time to clean up the greenhouse. Prepare a soap solution by diluting a little grated laundry soap (about 1/3 of a whole piece) in warm water, and wash the entire covering of the greenhouse inside and out with a rag or sponge dipped in it. Pay special attention to joints, gaps and small details. Rinse off the soap with water, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at least twice. By the way, do not wash the polycarbonate greenhouse in hot weather - this can adversely affect the coating.

On a note! To clean the joints between the structural parts, use an old toothbrush.

Step 7 Let the structure dry thoroughly.

Step 8 If the greenhouse is covered with a film, then remove it (the film), roll it up, put it away until spring. If pathogens were noticed in the greenhouse in the summer, then wait with this stage: remove the covering material only after disinfection.

After the greenhouse has been washed from all sides, you can proceed to the next stage of preparing it for winter and the next season - disinfection.


Disinfection can be carried out in various ways and is necessary to cope with rot, late blight and other misfortunes that are dangerous for horticultural crops. One of the simplest and most popular methods is fumigating the structure from the inside with a sulfur bomb. It is sold in almost any gardening store. If it is not available, you can also purchase ordinary sulfur (consumption 80 g per m 2).

Step 1. Take a metal sheet or any strong container or stand and place sulfur in it.

Sulfur blocks require strong stands

Step 2 Ignite the prepared substance.

Step 3 Exit the greenhouse quickly and close all doors tightly behind you. Sulfur burns for about an hour - all this time, observe the process in order to keep the situation under control if something happens.

Step 4 Do not enter the greenhouse for 2-3 days. Then air it out.

Advice! Use a gas mask or at least a respirator and gloves while burning sulfur in the greenhouse. In the event of an unforeseen situation, these simple personal protective equipment will keep you healthy. Sulfur is a very toxic substance.

Table. Means suitable for greenhouse disinfection.


Suitable for processing both soil and greenhouse frame, especially wood. Dilute 400 g of the substance in 10 liters of warm water and let it brew for about 4 hours, stirring the liquid occasionally. With the resulting solution, treat the soil by spraying lime, and thoroughly coat the entire frame with sediment. Such processing will allow the structure to last longer, and it will ensure complete purification from pathogens. For disinfection in a solution of lime, you can soak all garden tools.

Depending on the concentration, both the soil and the greenhouse cover can be treated with this substance. To disinfect the coating, dilute 100 g of vitriol powder in 10 liters of water, preferably warm, and wash glass, film or polycarbonate with this preparation. In order to spill the soil, dissolve 5 g of vitriol in a bucket of water. Liquid consumption - 2 liters per m2.

The best option for tillage. The composition is simple: dilute 100 g of vitriol in 5 liters of water, also dissolve 100 g of lime in other water, pour vitriol water into milk of lime, mix everything. Bordeaux liquid is ready. It can also process the greenhouse structure itself.

We fertilize the soil

Fertilization is also included in the autumn stage of soil preparation. Over the summer, the soil has become very depleted, it needs new nutrients so that next spring and the coming summer the plants receive them in sufficient quantities.

Experienced gardeners advise in the autumn period to add organic fertilizers to the soil. It can be compost, peat, humus, manure. Many are afraid to add the last source of organic matter to the soil, but in the fall this can be done safely - the plants do not grow in the greenhouse already, which means that manure will not harm anyone.

Step 1. Dig up the soil well.

Step 2 Distribute manure over its surface at the rate of 10-20 kg per m 2 and dig again.

The soil needs to be dug again.

Step 3 Sprinkle everything with ordinary ash.

Step 4 Cover with clean grass.

Step 5 After snow falls, cover the entire surface of the soil with it. The layer of white "blanket" should be about 20 cm. In the spring, this measure will allow the soil to immediately be saturated with the necessary moisture.

Attention! Manure and humus can themselves become a source of weed seeds getting into the soil. Be prepared for this.

By the way, snow will help even out the temperature in the greenhouse and in the open space, which is important for ensuring the safety of the structure during the winter. And the soil will freeze less in the cold months.

Conservation and care in winter

Having cleared the greenhouse of debris and disinfected it, you might think that the autumn preparation of the house for plants has been successfully completed. But it's not. It remains to physically prepare the greenhouse for the upcoming cold weather, snowfalls, winds. This is especially important for structures made of polycarbonate.

Take care to strengthen the frame of the greenhouse. Yes, most modern structures are not afraid of high pressure, which will be created by a thick snow cover, comfortably located on the roof of the greenhouse. But it is unlikely that such a roof will withstand a load of more than 400 g / m 2. And it’s not even the cover material itself that can fail, but the frame of the structure. It will be a shame if all your work on building a greenhouse or the money spent on acquiring it simply goes down the drain due to laziness that prevented you from putting up props.

Attention! It is necessary to strengthen the frame by installing additional supports in the greenhouse, even in those regions where there is little snow and warm winters. Believe me, you will sleep much calmer in this case.

During the winter, in some regions, sometimes a lot of snow falls, and in order not to dangle to the dacha after each snowfall, just put up props - this way the greenhouse will last until spring.

Step 1. Saw pieces of the required length from wooden bars - they should be as high as the greenhouse itself.

To harvest a rich crop of cucumbers and tomatoes from the greenhouse, you need to take care of the quality of the soil. To enrich the soil, it is recommended to use special mixtures that can be purchased at gardening stores. If it is not possible to buy ready-made mixtures, you can use other methods of soil preparation in greenhouses. Farmers will tell about the secrets of preparatory work on the site in the greenhouse.

Autumn work

Soil preparation in the greenhouse begins in the fall immediately after harvesting. From the site it is necessary to remove all the remnants of sprouts and branches. The soil should be dug up with high quality, removing the roots and leaves that could remain in the depth of the soil. To disinfect the structure, it is necessary to dilute lime in warm water and treat metal and wooden elements with the resulting solution. Glass or film must be treated with chlorine solution. To disinfect the soil, you can also use bleach, which is introduced into the soil and distributed with a rake.

spring processing

Before sowing crops, biofuel must be introduced into the soil. It could be:

  • Horse or sheep manure.
  • Cow or pig waste.

In order for top dressing to bring maximum benefit, it must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the greenhouse. The thickness of the mass must be at least 30 cm. After even distribution, we cover the manure with a layer of earth. Then, at a distance of each meter, we make holes, and pour hot water into each of them. Under the influence of hot liquid, the manure heats up and releases a large amount of heat, which contributes to an increase in the temperature in the greenhouse. After a week and a half, the temperature regime will be set at +35 degrees.

10 days after laying the manure, the soil should be moistened with warm water and beds should be formed. A week before the proposed planting of seedlings, the soil must be fertilized with ammonium nitrate or potassium sulfate.

Preparing for planting cucumbers

Soil preparation in the greenhouse for cucumbers begins in the fall. Immediately after harvesting, the area is cleared of stems and other debris. For cucumbers, it will be useful to fertilize the soil with ash from burnt stems and dry leaves. Moreover, fertilizer is applied before digging the earth. Thanks to this approach, useful substances are evenly distributed over the surface and in the depth of the soil.

To harvest a rich crop of cucumbers, in the fall, the soil must be fertilized with compost and superphosphate. This is especially true for depleted areas. If top dressing was not carried out in the fall, this can be done in the spring, pouring fertilizer directly into the wells. Well enriches the earth with humus, used at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 sq. area meter.

In autumn, during the period of digging up a plot in a greenhouse, clods of earth should not be broken. In this case, the moisture accumulated during the winter will seep out and moisten the lower layers of the soil. This will allow the cucumber seeds to sprout faster and grow with strong stems. If you dig the soil to the depth of a bayonet, and do not break the clods, then insect larvae and weed seeds will die under the influence of frost.

Seedling feeding

Soil preparation in the greenhouse in spring should include fertilizing the soil with fertilizers. When planting cucumbers and tomatoes, fertilizer should be applied to the wells. If this has not been done, the first feeding is carried out 7 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Then, after another two weeks, a second portion of fertilizers is applied.

If there is a weak growth of seedlings, it is recommended to use organic compounds in addition to mineral supplements. In polycarbonate structures, soil preparation in a greenhouse for tomatoes in spring is carried out using manure. Manure is pre-soaked in water and settled for 2-3 days. Then, after thoroughly mixing the composition, for every 10 liters add 20 grams of superphosphate and fertilize the seedlings.

Basic Rules

In order for tomatoes and cucumbers grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse to have an excellent taste, it is recommended to carry out the following actions every season:

  • After harvesting in autumn, carefully clean the area from dry branches and leaves.
  • Greenhouse construction treated with bleach.

  • When digging the soil, do not break the blocks.
  • Apply fertilizer.
  • In the spring, re-dig the site and fertilize with mineral additives.
  • To enrich the soil, use green manure plants.

You can learn about the proper preparation of the soil in greenhouses from the video clip.

As a result

Getting a large crop with excellent taste depends on the correct and timely preparation of the land in the greenhouse. Given the depletion of the soil, it is important to carry out autumn and spring top dressing of the soil. It is not recommended to plant the same crop on the site every season. The change of crops and the use of green manure plants, in combination with top dressing, will allow you to get a large crop of tomatoes and cucumbers.
