Reproduction of lilies by scales in summer. Reproduction of lilies: methods and technology

Lilies (Lilium) - surprisingly refined and refined flowers of the Liliaceae family, which will become a wonderful decoration for any flower garden, and in the garden they will create a unique atmosphere filled with delicious fragrance.

They are cultivated almost everywhere: in Canada, India, California, Japan, Florida, the Iberian Peninsula and here in Europe.

In addition, the reproduction of lilies allows you to grow these beautiful flowers on your own and without any problems.

Reproduction of lilies at home

At first glance, these delicate and fragile flowers seem hard to touch, but they can be grown by a person who has very little experience in caring for plants.

Reproduction of lilies can be carried out in different ways, which allows you to increase the number of specimens for your garden, give them to neighbors, friends, or simply exchange them, replenishing the collection with new unique varieties, and earn extra money.

Reproduction of lilies can be carried out in different ways, depending on what kind of planting material you have at hand.

Lilies can be propagated not only traditionally - by seeds or bulbs - by children - but also in other ways:

Bulbs taken when dividing nests

Scales from bulbs

Bulbs that form in the axils of the leaves

Leaves cuttings

Reproduction methods

1. Reproduction by bulbs - children - The easiest way. Many types of lilies (lilies white, long-flowered, saffron, umbrella, golden) produce many small bulbs that are easily separated from the mother. The result is a lot of planting material suitable for growing a new full-fledged plant.

If the baby separates easily and immediately, then she has matured and is ready for independent development. If this does not happen, it means that the onion is not yet ripe and it is better to wait a little with reproduction.

If you are not indifferent to large beautiful flowers, then it will be useful to know when to plant gladiolus so that they quickly take root and bloom profusely.

In order for lilies to bloom magnificently, they should be replanted every few years.

The bulb nest grows rapidly, and there are problems with growth and flowering. Lilies begin to bloom poorly, and eventually stop altogether. Therefore, every 3-4 years the flowers must be replanted.

With the right transplant, up to six new lilies can be obtained from one nest.

2. Reproduction by scales - not only simple, but also the most profitable way. In autumn, 3-4 outer scales are separated from the mother bulb and planted in a nursery. After 1.5 - 2 months, bulbs are formed, and a little later, leaves. The remaining bulb is transplanted into a flower bed or flower garden.

Reproduction of lilies is a simple and very effective process, whether it is cuttings, propagation using leaves, scales or bulbs.

3. All hybrid specimens on stems form bulblets . You need to collect them when they begin to dry out and fall off. If such bulbs are planted in the ground, then in a couple of years they will turn into a real bulb that can be planted in the planned place for flowering.

4. When cuttings Lily peduncle is divided into small (10 - 15 cm) cuttings with 3 - 7 leaves. In addition to the top leaflet, all the rest are removed. Rooting cuttings are added dropwise to wet sand to the level of the top sheet.

5. Also possible propagate lilies with leaves . To do this, the leaf of the plant is half-dropped into the sand, which is constantly kept slightly moist. After a couple of months, a small onion appears at the base of the leaf.

Lily will decorate any area, so it is important to know how to properly propagate these beautiful flowers.

Reproduction of a lily, regardless of the chosen method, is not particularly difficult. Each novice florist will be able to choose the most convenient option for himself and grow beautiful flowers on his own.

Lilies reproduce easily due to their biological characteristics, and this can be done in several ways.

To obtain a large amount of planting material, four methods of lily propagation are most effective:

  • bulb scales;
  • buds with buds (bulbs) formed in the axils of the leaves;
  • leaves;
  • shoots.

These methods of reproduction of lilies do not require special equipment and allow you to get a lot of high quality planting material.

Reproduction of lilies by scales of bulbs

This method is suitable for almost all types and varieties of lilies, it can be used all year round. But it gives the highest yield of planting material in the spring.

If there are enough lily bulbs, then in the fall I time the procedure for their reproduction with scales by the time of digging and transplanting the bulbs.

To apply this method in winter or early spring before the soil thaws, I dig up lily bulbs in autumn, wash them off the ground, dry them and store them at a temperature of 3-4 ° C in sand, moss or other substrate.

The procedure for propagating excavated lilies with scales is as follows. From pre-washed healthy bulbs, with a light touch, I separate the scales at the very base of the bulb. I remove no more than 2/3 of the number of all scales, I leave the rest on the bulb (with careful observance of agricultural technology, the remaining bulb after planting in the ground will grow and develop almost the same as the whole one).

Sick or dry scales are discarded, and the rest are washed with water and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per 1 liter of water) for 20-30 minutes. Then I dry the scales until the water drops completely evaporate, mix with a moistened filler (for example, sphagnum moss) and place in a plastic bag. Sphagnum maintains optimal moisture content in lily scales and has bactericidal properties. But in this case, the use of ordinary sphagnum moss is not always convenient, since the roots growing in mini-bulbs will be strongly intertwined (it will be possible to unravel them only after soaking them in water for a while). Therefore, basically, for the germination of bulbs on lily scales, I use only heavily crushed moss as a filler (and it can only be crushed in a dry form).

The filler can be crushed charcoal with the addition of a small amount of fungicide. You can use fresh, slightly damp coniferous sawdust to germinate lily scales.

Young lily bulbs formed at the site of a broken scale

I tie bags with lily scales and filler, attach labels and store in a dark place at room temperature. I look through the contents of packages from time to time; if necessary, moisten the filler and remove diseased scales.

After the formation at the base of the scales of young lily bulbs with a diameter of about 0.5 cm (this happens after about 4-6 weeks), I transfer the packages for 3-4 weeks to the refrigerator for stratification at a temperature of 3-4 °. Then I separate young bulbs from each scale and plant them in boxes with earth or in open ground (depending on the season).

A significant increase in the multiplication factor (by more than 50%) allows the treatment of separated lily scales with growth regulators, for example, succinic acid (100 mg / l). I put the scales in the solution for 6 hours at a temperature of 20-22 °. The treatment of scales with succinic acid, in addition, contributes to an increase in the size of the resulting young bulbs, which further accelerates the development of plants.

The beginning of May is the best time to propagate lilies by separating the scales from the bulbs. In the spring, you can do this without digging the bulbs out of the garden until sprouts appear. I carefully rake the earth to the side, without disturbing the roots of the plant, and separate several scales from the lily bulb. I spill the base of such bulbs for disinfection with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with clean sand, and then with the earth that was raked.

Method 1 .

Scales removed from lily bulbs and used for propagation should be healthy, white, without spots. I thoroughly wash them, then stand for 20 minutes in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. I dry the processed scales, mix them with the filler and put them in a clean plastic bag, tie it up and place it in a dark place. For about a month and a half, I keep bags of scales at room temperature (+ 22–24 ° C).

Then I put the bags for a month in a cooler place where the temperature does not exceed + 17–18 ° С. Then, before planting, I always keep them in the refrigerator (at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C) or in the storage where vegetables are stored, protecting the scales from rodents. By the time the bags are moved to the refrigerator, rather large bulbs (several pieces on each scale) with roots are already formed on the lily scales.

After cold storage, the resulting lily bulbs are separated from the scales and planted in specially prepared ridges (approximately after July 20) or in seed boxes, which I then install in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Method 2

In early May, lily scales can be treated differently.

I wash the scales broken off from the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate, then plant them in seed boxes filled with nutrient mixture and sand at 2/3 of their height. I cover from above with a plastic film or a layer of moistened sphagnum moss. I place boxes with planted scales in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse.

After 2-4 months (depending on the type and variety of lilies), onion-babies are formed on the planted scales. After the appearance of green leaves in them, I plant the bulbs on the ridges or in a greenhouse for growing.

Lily babies, bred from bulb scales in the summer in a seed box, are separated from the mother scales at the stage when they have roots and a pair of leaves. I plant such children in the fall in the garden on the ridges in a protected place. Before the onset of severe autumn cold, lily babies should take root well. For the winter, I carefully cover them with peat, leaves, and other insulating material (a layer of at least 7 cm). From above it is desirable to cover it with plastic wrap. Rooted lily babies successfully winter under shelter and snow cover.

If there is not enough time for the rooting of children in the open field in the fall, then I dig in the entire box with planted scales and lily babies in the garden for the winter. In this case, be sure to carefully insulate them to protect the scales with children from winter freezing.

Also, lily babies can be left to winter in boxes, placing the boxes in a greenhouse and warming them over the frames (sawdust, leaves, spruce branches, film).

Propagation of lilies by stem buds

Bulbs, or buds, are formed in the leaf axils of some species and varieties of lilies (they are called bulbous). Most often, bulbous lilies are found among the Asiatic Hybrids, although they are also found in the Tubular group.

The number and size of bulbs formed on the stem of a lily is influenced by a number of factors: varietal characteristics, age of the plant, agricultural technology, number of flowers, and environmental impacts. Young plants produce more buds than old ones. Proper agricultural technology helps to increase the size of the bulbs and increase their number. Sufficient rainfall during the growth period of lilies also favors the formation of bulbs. And some varieties of lilies form bulbs only if the weather is wet for a long time.

It is possible to provoke the appearance of buds in some non-bulbous varieties of lilies, as well as to increase the size of the bulbs and their number in bulbous varieties, by removing the buds (decapitation). The maximum effect is achieved if the buds are removed at the beginning of their formation. Later decapitation - in the phase of a colored bud or during blooming - affects the formation of bulbs to a lesser extent (or does not affect at all).

With proper agricultural technology, in the first half of August, aerial roots and leaf rudiments appear in bulb lilies from the Asian hybrids group.

I prepare boxes 70x20 cm in size and 12 cm high for planting lily bulbs. At the bottom of the boxes I drill several holes for water drainage and better aeration. I fill the boxes with a slightly acidic soil mixture of clay garden soil, sand, peat, humus and fresh pine sawdust (in equal parts) with the addition of wood ash.

Having collected ripe bulbs from lily stems, I immediately plant them by variety in grooves 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 4 cm from each other (with this arrangement, 70 buds are left per box). I dig the box into the ground in a semi-shady, dry place in the garden. After 3-4 weeks of planting, I feed the plants with an infusion of fermented weeds in combination with an ash extract and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In late autumn, I cover the box with a dry leaf in case of a little snowy winter and plastic wrap. Here, young lilies remain until mid-September next year, when they are planted in a permanent place.

You can plant the collected bulbs in open ground ridges. But in open ground, care is worse than in boxes, and it is a little more difficult to cover rarer plantings.

Before sowing, it is advisable to stratify the bulbs of lilies in a refrigerator (at a temperature of 3-4 °) for 3-4 weeks.

In the open ground, the planting depth of the bulbs is 2-3 cm, the distance between the bulbs in a row is 5-6 cm, between the rows is 20-25 cm. After planting the bulbs, I water the ridges. In the case of prolonged warm weather, lily shoots may appear in the same autumn.

Reproduction of lilies leaves

During the lily budding period, I carefully cut off the leaves (with the base) from the top of the stem and plant them in a pot with drainage holes or in a box. I pour drainage at the bottom of the container, then - a nutrient substrate (5-6 cm layer), on top - a layer of sand (3-4 cm). I deepen the leaves of lilies to half their length in an inclined position. I water the soil moderately.

If I plant leaves in a pot, then I build a small greenhouse: I stick support sticks into it and put a transparent plastic bag on them, fixing the edges of the bag along the rim of the pot with an elastic band. It is necessary to air the leaves daily, briefly removing the bag and shaking off the condensate, and then return the bag to its place, turning it inside out.

To preserve moisture, I cover the box with planted leaves with glass, which needs to be wiped and turned over daily.

At the base of the planted leaves of lilies, bulbs soon form, which give roots and let out leaves. For the winter, a pot (box) can be placed in a cool greenhouse or buried in a garden with insulation (10-15 cm layer of manure or leafy humus). In spring, young lilies grown from leaves are planted in the garden.

Reproduction of lilies stems

To propagate lilies, I separate their stems from the bulbs during spring digging, and also carefully pull the stems out of the ground after the lilies bloom or the seeds ripen.

Lily stems are immediately planted in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, where they quickly take root. 1.5 months after the stem is planted underground, bulbs form on it. To increase their number (up to 40 pieces), before planting the stem on its underground part, I make shallow longitudinal cuts. Plants obtained by stem propagation of lilies will bloom for 1-2 years.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Belarus)
[email protected]

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As I promised, in this article I want to invite you to familiarize yourself with several of the most common ways lily breeding. Lilies can be propagated both by seed and vegetatively.

Lily breeding seeds is more complex and troublesome, it is usually used by breeders when breeding new varieties.

And among amateur flower growers, vegetative propagation methods are more common. Let's take a look at them.

The first way - with bulbs

This method is the simplest and all types and varieties can propagate. Its only drawback is the low multiplication factor.

3-4 years after planting, a whole “nest” of 4-6 bulbs is formed underground, which we dig, divide and plant each bulb separately. The number of bulbs formed can be easily determined by the number of stems.

The most optimal time for propagation by bulbs is autumn. But if necessary, it is possible to carry out separation and transplantation in the spring. Just pay attention to the fact that the height of the plants should be no more than 5-10 cm, otherwise they will not take root well.

Planted large bulbs will bloom already in the year of transplantation, since flower buds have already been planted in them since autumn. Small bulbs - only for the next year.

It is best to plant bulbs immediately after digging. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately plant the bulbs in a permanent place, then in order to prevent the roots from drying out, you need to temporarily dig them into moist soil or sprinkle them with a moist substrate (peat, sand).

The second way - onion-children

At the base of the stem of the lily, onion-babies are formed, the number of which depends on how deep the bulb itself is planted. It goes without saying that the deeper the planting, the greater the number of children formed.

Most varieties of lilies can be easily propagated by stem baby bulbs.

In order to increase the multiplication factor with this method, I recommend applying decapitation or, in other words, removing buds. Decapitation will lead to an increase in the bulb itself and the formation of children.

And you can do even more radically: after decapitation, we carefully separate the stem with supra-bulbous roots from the bulb, plant it in the shade and water it abundantly. And on the underground part of the stem, by the autumn we have a very large baby.

The third way - with scales of bulbs

Each scale of a lily bulb is able to form new bulbs at its base. The third method of reproduction of lilies is based on these properties.

This is the method with the highest multiplication factor, since from 1 to 3-4 bulbs are formed on each scale, which means that from 1 adult bulb it is possible to get 15-150 new plants.

In time, it takes 2-3 years - this is the period from the moment of separation of the scales to the development of an adult plant. Lilies can be propagated in this way throughout the year, but still the best time for this is spring (the beginning of the growing season) and autumn - the period of digging and transplanting, and even later, before the soil freezes.

So what are our actions with this method of reproduction:

  1. We wash the dug out bulb, by pressing the fingers we separate the scales at the base. For reproduction, we take from 1/3 to ½ of the bulb, since the outer scales are more productive. The remaining central part of the bulb can be planted in the ground.
  2. For reproduction, we choose healthy large scales and without spots.
  3. Then the scales are thoroughly washed in water and kept in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of any fungicide for 20-30 minutes.
  4. In order to increase the multiplication factor, you can additionally keep the scales in a solution of zircon, epin or succinic acid for 12-16 hours.
  5. Next, the scales are slightly dried and placed in small plastic bags, pouring them with a substrate (perlite, sphagnum moss) or sand. You can even just put the scales in bags without pouring anything.
  6. We tightly tie bags with scales and put them in storage in a dark place for 6-7 weeks. The temperature should be 22-23 o C.
  7. After that, for another 4 weeks during storage, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 17-18 ° C.
  8. Scales with small bulbs appearing at the base are now ready for planting. If it is not possible to plant immediately, then before planting we store them at a temperature of 4 ° C.
  9. Those scales that we removed in the fall will be ready for planting in boxes in a greenhouse or in another bright room in February-March. And then we plant the seedlings in May-June in the ground.
  10. If we were engaged in reproduction in the spring, then the bulbs, together with the scales, can be immediately planted in open ground.

When lilies are propagated by scales, already in the 2nd year after planting, about 50% of the plants bloom.

The fourth way - bulbs

Another good breeding material is air bulbous bulbs, which develop in the axils of the leaves of some lilies (especially Asian hybrids).

The efficiency of reproduction by buds (bulbs), as well as their number and size, depend on a number of conditions, such as:

  • features of a particular variety of lilies, for example, varieties Aelita, Kalinka, Pink Haze can form a large number of large bulbs, and varieties Sea Foam, Autumn Song, Polyushko give a very small number of small bulbs;
  • the age of the plant, the younger the plant, the more buds are formed;
  • abundance of flowering;
  • climatic conditions during cultivation, for example, more bulbs are formed in damp summers, and in some varieties of lilies they form only if wet weather lasts for a long time;
  • applied agricultural technology, for example, with the help of decapitation, it is possible to achieve the appearance of buds even in some non-bulbous varieties, as well as increase their number and size in bulbous varieties (we will achieve a greater effect if we remove the buds at the very beginning of their formation).

Bulbs usually form at the end of flowering, and when their formation ends, they crumble to the ground. It is at this time that they must be collected for sowing.

Bulbs can be sown immediately in open ground or in boxes and pots. If you want to plant in pots, then fill them to the brim with the substrate, then compact it a little to a level 1 cm below the edge of the pot and plant the bulbs, slightly pressing, on the surface of the substrate and sprinkle them with sand flush with the edges of the pot.

The distance between the planted buds should be about 2-3 cm. Bulbs planted in this way must be transferred to a cold greenhouse until next autumn.

Bulbs should be sown in open ground at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other in grooves 2-3 cm deep. The optimal distance between the grooves is about 20-25 cm.

There are several more ways to propagate lilies (stem and leaf cuttings), but these four methods are the most common and, it seems to me, the most easily performed and accessible to us amateur flower growers.

See you soon, dear readers!

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  • Propagation by cuttings is carried out as follows:
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  • Feeding of seedlings can be started 2 weeks after picking. For top dressing, a flower fertilizer mixture is usually used at the rate of 20 g (one tablespoon) per bucket of water. Fertilizer watering is done once a week, after watering with clean water. In the beds, seedlings dive at a distance of 5-7 cm in a row and 25 cm row from row. The first top dressing is done a month after planting in the ground, the second in early July and the third in early August. The feeding liquid is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of mullein infusion - 10 liters of water and 100 g of wood ash. Seedlings after planting are recommended to be mulched with humus to prevent drying. The soil must be kept at all times in moderate humidity and not allowed to dry out. In the first winter, seedlings are covered with a layer of leaves, which will need to be removed as soon as the snow melts.

Step 1

It is very desirable to add humus to the prepared hole, mix it slightly with the soil, lay the bulbs, carefully straightening the roots, then sprinkle them with the next portion of humus, mulch the soil on top and spill it well with water. Planting depth is standard - three bulb heights, the distance between plants is 20 cm for low varieties, 30-35 cm for tall lilies. Do not forget to mark the landing site.​

Step 2

It should be shallow, but at the same time they should be completely covered by the ground. Such a depth will be enough for their safe wintering.

Step 3

In good strong bulbs, only the EDGE scales should be removed and this should be done very carefully, pulling the scales down so as not to damage their base;

Reproduction of garden flowers: roses, irises, lilies

There are simple

Dig a hole and fill the bottom with a mound of earth. Dip the roots into the hole and gently spread them over the mound. Planting depth - no more than 2-3 cm. Cover the roots with earth and compact with your hands - the planted plot must be firmly fixed in the soil.

Rose breeding

Choose shoots that are already brown and woody at the base. Cut off cuttings 5-8 cm long from them. In this case, the lower cut should be under the kidney, and the upper one - half a centimeter above the kidney. Try to make both cuts at an angle of 45 degrees. It is good if there is one (with 2 branches) or two internodes on each cutting. Before rooting the finished cuttings, remove the lower branch and the upper leaves of the remaining branches from them, and then treat with zircon: dilute one ampoule of fertilizer in 2 liters of water and place the cuttings in the resulting solution, immersing them to a depth of 2-3 cm. Leave for 15 hours.​

Preparation of cuttings

​This is the most effective way and works for almost all lilies. Scales are removed throughout the season, but it is best to do this in spring or autumn when transplanting lilies.

Part 1 - Storage and protection against diseases and pests of bulbous and bulbous crops


The stem on which the flower will bloom is divided into cuttings with three to seven leaves, after which all the leaves are removed, except for the top one. Then each piece is added dropwise to the sinus of the top sheet in the sand.

Lilies need to be transplanted regularly, about once every three to four years.



Bulbs with sprouts should not be discarded during autumn planting; flowering of such bulbs will not begin next year, but in a year. This is explained by the fact that such young sprouts on bulbs with “knocked down” terms of growth processes (as a rule, this happens due to improper storage) will surely die off in the first winter, but in due time, having overwintered the second winter, lilies will surely please with their flowering. ​

Reproduction of roses (video)

lily bloom

Iris breeding

Scales from purchased bulbs must be etched in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l) or in a solution of a special preparation;

lily growing tips



a mixture of coal and sulfur

Part 2 - Digging and heating the bulbs

top dressing

Cuttings with leaves are done like this:

Reproduction of irises (video)

Lily breeding

If this is not done, then over time the bulb nest will grow, and problems will begin: the lily will not show its maximum potential in flowering and growth.

More about breeding lilies


In one place, lilies can grow up to five years, Asiatic lilies quickly form nests of bulbs, so they are planted earlier - after three years.

, propagated in this way, comes in the third year.


From time to time, the scales stored in the substrate should be checked for the presence of any fungal diseases or the appearance of mold on them;

Facilitating the care of this plant, so they must be known and observed. So, let's talk first about the various methods of breeding lilies.

If irises grow well after planting, then in the first year they can not be fed. In the future, the flowers should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers three times a year: at the beginning of growth, during the formation of buds and after flowering. Irises usually bloom in the second year after transplantation. Material about erythronium (canine fang) will be useful.

Reproduction of lilies (video)

Lilies breeding methods, planting lilies | GREEN BLOG

Plant cuttings in pots straight or at a slight slope to a depth of 1-2 cm. Use a mixture of earth and sand as soil. Water the ground before planting.

lily bulb ​...​ During flowering, the leaves are separated from the upper part of the stem and buried halfway in the sand. After one to two months, tiny bulbs will appear at the base of the leaf.

Reproduction of lilies by nest division

And over time, flowering may stop altogether. Despite the fact that lilies seem so touchy, anyone can grow them. And their ability to reproduce in different ways allows, if desired, to earn extra money.​SUBSCRIBE TO GREEN BLOG NEWS​

How to propagate lilies with scales

Seeds are formed after the flowering of lilies, matured seeds can also be collected and used as planting material. It should be taken into account that the onset of flowering of plants will be later than when using other methods of reproduction. This method requires certain skills, as a rule, it is used by breeders to obtain new varieties of lilies. You can store the package with scales at room temperature, but it is better if it is in the refrigerator or on a cool windowsill, this will prevent premature formation of bulbs, which is highly undesirable; This is the easiest way to reproduce. Lily bulbs tend to overgrow with new young bulbs, so after three to four years, a nest consisting of 5-6 bulbs forms in place of one planted bulb. Such nests should be divided and seated, observing the usual

The most common and easiest way to propagate lilies is by dividing bulb nests. It is based on the fact that several new buds are formed at once in the bulb, giving rise to daughter bulbs. They are separated and transplanted to another place. Growing, the separated bulbs form an independent root system.

  • potassium permanganate solution
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  • But among the huge number of ways to propagate lilies, each grower chooses the most optimal one for him.
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Reproduction with baby bulbs

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This method is resorted to in case of a shortage of planting material, which can be obtained by other methods described. As a rule, valuable specimens of lilies are propagated by cuttings. The term of the work is the beginning of budding. The selected stem is cut into cuttings about 8 cm long, the leaf closest to the lower cut is removed and planted obliquely in light soil, deepening to a pair of upper leaves. Landings are shaded, regularly, but not plentifully watered.

  • In the spring, formed onions can be planted along with the mother scale.

Reproduction of lily bulbs

Rules for planting lily bulbs

To prevent the soil from drying out, spray the cuttings every day with water at room temperature. The first roots of the cuttings will appear after 14 days, and the plant takes root in 3-4 weeks. tassel

Part 14 - Solemn gladioli Our advice

Reproduction of lilies by seeds

With the right transplant from one bulb, you can get at least six new ones in four years.

Lily cuttings

Baby bulbs

Reproduction of lilies leaves

How to propagate lilies by seeds. As in the previous version, to Such baby bulbs are formed on the underground part of the stem and at the base of the mother bulb. You can collect babies from the stem without even digging up the plant itself. After harvesting, the babies should be immediately planted on a temporary bed with light nutrient soil for growing. The depth of planting the children in the soil is 4-5 cm. When a thin stem forms on them (next year or a year later), the plantings are carefully transferred to a permanent place.

General rules for planting and transplanting lilies

(They are described below). Cut the stems of the lilies very close to the surface of the soil. Then dig up the bulbs. In order not to damage them, it is better to do this with a garden pitchfork. Then clean the bulbs from the ground, remove all scales with stains and traces of rot. Cut the roots, leaving 10-15 cm. Disassemble large nests into bulbs. If they don't separate on their own, do it with a knife. Pickle clean bulbs with roots for 20-30 minutes. in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or the preparation "Maxim".

Rake the ground, trying to disturb the roots as little as possible, remove the bulb and, gently pressing on the scales, break out 5-6 outer scales from the bottom of the bulb. The place of breakage must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of crushed charcoal and sulfur. Then return the bulb to its original place and sprinkle with earth.

Part 15 - More about lily breeding

If you are interested in increasing the number of baby bulbs, then separate the flower buds, and then rake the stem a little with soil.

When to collect bulbils

Kidney bulbs Lilies reproduce in so many ways: by seeds, by dividing the bulbs, by daughter bulbs, by cuttings of leaves and scales, by axillary bulbs. The most effective way is considered to be seed, although this business is very troublesome and long. When propagated by seeds, all types of lilies, with the exception of hybrid ones, mainly retain their maternal forms. Such reproduction is very popular also because we get healthy planting material with you, which is already adapted to local conditions, and there is also a possibility of obtaining new hybrid forms. In order to get normal shoots in the year of sowing in lilies, the seeds of which germinate slowly, we will use the method of the North American breeder J. de Graaff.

How to propagate lilies from seeds

lily breeding



Seed sowing and care of seedlings.

For more information about roses, see the articles Growing Garden Roses and Caring for Roses in the Garden.​

Disinfect the scales with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat with a solution of heteroauxin. After processing the scales, dry and powder with a mixture of crushed coal and sulfur.

​Part 16 - Lily: Oriental Hybrids​

After the onion-children appear, bend the stem and cover it with earth up to half its length.

We propagate lilies

Bulbs formed on the stem and in the axils of the leaves

To do this, lily seeds are mixed with slightly moist peaty soil and placed in a glass jar, which must be closed with a lid and kept at room temperature. After 2-3 weeks, the seeds swell and small air bulbs form. After you find the bulbous seed jar, place it in the refrigerator for three months. After three months, the bulbs are removed from the glass jar and planted in picking boxes or on well-prepared beds. After a few days, you will be able to see small leaves. If you start germinating seeds in January-February, then in May the lilies will already give normal shoots.

With the help of leaves they resort when valuable plants need to be propagated. Its essence is as follows: from the upper part of the stem in the middle of the growing season, before flowering, it is necessary to cut the leaves with a small part of the stem and plant them obliquely, slightly deepening, in prepared boxes with a light nutrient mixture. After about a month, roots form on the leaf cuttings, and small bulbs form in the axils of the leaves. Watering plantings should be moderate; for the winter, seedling boxes are dug into the ground and insulated. It is possible to transplant rooted cuttings from a seedling box immediately into open ground for further growing.

  • If the plant is not allowed to bloom, that is, the bud is removed, the lily bulb will become larger and, as a result, more child bulbs will form on such a bulb.
  • reproduction by scales
  • Prepared bulbs are best planted immediately, but if you need to wait, then do not allow the roots to dry out. To do this, put the bulbs in boxes and sprinkle them with wet peat.
  • When separating the scales in spring, they can be planted directly in open ground - after 5-6 cm, with row spacings of 20-25 cm, deepening them by 2/3 of the height. Mulch the soil with peat chips or humus, shade the plantings. Don't let the soil dry out. In autumn, small bulbs formed from scales can be planted for growing. Author Valentina Dvortsova
  • Part 17 - Hyacinths and crocuses: what to do with bulbs after forcing?
  • In plants with supra-bulbous roots (monochrome, bulbous, tiger, magnificent, regal, Daurian, sulfur-yellow lilies), the stem must be torn out or cut off with a knife above the bulb itself.

Many types of hybrids form bulbs on the stems. They are harvested after flowering, when they begin to fall off.

Separation of bulbs when dividing their nests

Lily seeds that germinate in the year of sowing are soaked in water for 2-3 days. This greatly accelerates germination. When soaking, all empty (germless) seeds float to the top.

Preferred (but not required)

Bulbs are formed in the axils of the leaves, this feature is not observed in all types of lilies. The larger and healthier the lily bulb and the plant itself, the larger the bulbs grow on the stem of the lily. In large bulbs, roots begin to form directly on the stems of the plant and thus become completely ready for planting. After maturation, some bulbs fall to the ground, creating large colorful arrays of blooming lilies.

uncomplicated. To do this, the selected scales are transferred with a wet, loose substrate, for example, moss (any, but sphagnum is better), sawdust, peat, and kept in a closed CLEAN dark plastic bag (garbage bags can be used) for a period that lasts several autumn-winter months. At the end of this period, small roots grow at the base of the bulbs, and then small bulbs, which serve as breeding material next spring.

Part 18 - Planting tulips, daffodils and other bulbs Then, in a shaded place or in special boxes, the stem separated by the above method with supra-bulbous roots is planted on the site, and the lower part of the stem is sprinkled with fertile soil to form larger children.

Reproduction by scales


For sowing lily seeds, an earth mixture is used, which can be prepared by mixing 2 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of well-decomposed humus and 1 part of washed sand. Sowing is done in boxes in winter or early spring and on a bed in late autumn, before winter.

Deadline for planting and transplanting (reproducing) lilies

Planting is done on a temporary bed, you can use the space between adult lilies. In the first year after planting the bulbs, only one leaf is formed on them, then a thin stem appears, this moment serves as a signal for transplanting young shoots to a permanent place.
