Prayer to give birth to a boy. Prayer appeal to Alexander Svirsky to conceive a boy

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Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbearing stopped. They began to pray to God that He would give them a son to comfort and support them in their old age. The fruit of their prayers was Alexander Svirsky. Then, after his death, they prayed to the saint to have male children, and the prayers of the believers were fulfilled.

O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us all that is useful for this temporary life, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, before the Lord against enemies visible and invisible. May His faithful servants, crying out to Him day and night in sorrow and sorrow, hear a painful cry and bring our belly out of perdition. May the saint abide deep in the world Orthodox Church Christ, and our fatherland is built in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Wake us all, holy miracle worker, quick helper in every sorrow and circumstance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer, and intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, may we be honored together with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

O reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Be us servants of God (names), miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and circumstance a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Prayer if you want to give birth to a boy

In order for a boy to be born in the family, they pray to the Monk Alexander of Svir. Before his birth, Alexander's parents prayed to God to give them a son, and as a result, Alexander Svirsky became the fruit of their prayers. And now everyone who wants to have a male child prays to this saint.

The words of the prayer, if you wish to give birth to a boy, addressed to the Monk Alexander Svirsky, are as follows:

Oh, sacred head, an earthly angel and a heavenly man, our reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy monastery and to everyone who flows to you with faith and love! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, the ruler of our country. And may the holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in the world. Wake us all, miracle-working saint, in all sorrow and circumstances ambulance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Mother's prayer for her son and protection over him

Parental prayer has extraordinary power, because there is an invisible close connection between parents and their children. Even folk wisdom says that motherly prayer is able to get from the bottom of the sea. It so happened that most of the difficulties in life and dangers await male children, since boys from childhood grow up more active and desperate. A mother's prayer for her son will help protect the child from life's adversities, evil and all kinds of dangers, create protection over him and guide him on the right path.

There are many prayers with which parents can turn to the Lord, asking for the protection and blessing of their children. Each of them has great power. You can pray for children - for a son, for a daughter - at any time and any number of times, because prayer does not have a strict framework for use. A mother's prayer for a child, coming from the very depths of the soul, can work amazing miracles, since it is the mother's love for her child that is the strongest and most sincere.

Powerful motherly prayers for the success and health of her son

The prayers below are some of the most effective. By using them, you will ensure your child reliable protection that will protect him on all roads of life. These prayers, having become a talisman, will provide support and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Mother's prayer for son's happiness

Do you want happiness to become a constant companion of your son? Then read this prayer as often as possible. Text:

Maternal prayer for the well-being of the son (prayer-protection)

Regular recitation of this prayer is a guarantee that your beloved son will always be under the reliable protection of the Lord. Text:

Mother's prayer for the health of her son and protection from all evil and enemies

Every person has detractors. However, the evil emanating from them will not be scary for your son if you say this prayer as often as possible. Text:

A few short prayers for my son

To pray for the well-being and protection of your son, it is not at all necessary to use complex and long prayers. There are many short texts, which act no worse than expanded Orthodox prayers. Some of them are listed below - they also have no restrictions on the frequency of use.

Prayer if the son leaves his father's house

Children sooner or later grow up and fly away from the safe and comfortable parental nest. The prayer, the text of which is given below, can be used by a mother when her son leaves to study in another city, begins to build his life separately from his parents. Words are recommended to be pronounced twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

“Lord, my son is in your mercy, for his sins, save him from temptations and guide him on the true path.”

Prayer for my son to help him find true friends

New acquaintances of a child are always an exciting process for parents. This prayer helps the son to acquire only true friends, protects him from negative impact and traitors. Text:

“Lord God, teach my son to understand people. Give him wisdom to recognize people who are pure in their thoughts. Bring my son to people who will help him go the true way and serve the Lord God.”

Prayer for the family happiness of an adult son

When a young man realizes that he is ripe for the creation of his own family, he rarely listens to his parents when choosing his life partner. So that God sends a good and faithful girl to your son’s wife, read this prayer every day before going to bed:

“Lord, help my son find a faithful companion who honors God and her husband. Bless God's servant (son's name) for a happy family life and further childbearing. Amen(3 times) !”

Prayer for a son to help him find his life purpose

Properly chosen profession, a matter to one's liking is the key to the well-being and happiness of any person. To help your son with this, use the following prayer:

“Lord, I ask you: give God's servant (son's name) a clear understanding of his purpose. Open his eyes to life, let him go through life only his own way. Amen!"

Prayer to protect son from adversity

“God Almighty! Grant God's grace to my son. Let all adversity bypass him.”

Prayer for the prosperous life of the son

“Lord, keep my son on the road. May evil fate not follow him, may love and happiness accompany him in life. Amen!"

Any prayer is, first of all, a sincere appeal to God and the forces of light, from the best of intentions. Unfortunately, many parents, when praying for their children, make the mistake of asking for what they themselves consider right for their child, i.e. simply proceed from their own selfish aspirations. Meanwhile, a child is a person with his own soul, and God determines his fate. The best protection for him will be to entrust this soul to the Lord and let him give your child what is destined for his own destiny.

The main motive for parents to use prayer for their son should be sincere wishes maximum good for your child. Praying, first of all, is necessary for the soul of your child, for its development and improvement. Only then will the higher powers lead him along the bright path of fate and protect him along this path. The Lord must be asked that the son grow up as a worthy person, and only then can one pray for health, happiness, wealth and other blessings of life.

It is not necessary to look for ready-made texts of prayers - parental prayer in its own words, sincere and coming from the heart, works just as well. In the process of prayer, you need to think about your child. You can’t turn to prayer from some of your own feelings, emotions and intentions (pain, fear, desire, etc.) Ask the Lord for strong patrons to protect your son (Guardian Angels), ask for energy and spiritual protection (especially in difficult situations) .

Wish your child well, development and growth - personal, spiritual, professional, etc. Thus, you will be able to set the right direction in his life, lay a reliable foundation, and the son will be able to create everything else on his own, with his own hands. And you will definitely be overwhelmed with pride for him!

Thanks a lot! I learned a lot of new things for myself. I will definitely pray for my only son!

She always prayed for her sons, but in her own words. They grew up wonderful people, unlike many of their peers. I can safely say that I am proud of them!

Lord, Saint Michael the Archangel! Protect my son, the servant of God, Michael and his companion, the servant of God, Mary, from all troubles and misfortunes. Give them have a nice rest and well-being. Amen.

Merciful Lord, I ask you to help my son, your servant Michael, and his companion return home safe and sound. Amen

Merciful Lord, I appeal to you, Holy Archangel Michael, help me and protect me from thieves and return to me what they have stolen. Amen.

Lord, merciful Holy and almighty Archangel Michael, I thank you for the mercy shown to my son, your servant Michael and his companion, your servant Mary, that they safely returned home. Amen.

Merciful Lord, enlighten my son, your servant Michael, and help him become reasonable and responsible, I ask you. Amen.

Lord, save and keep my son Daniel. Amen

Lord, save and save my son Maxim. Amen.

I ask God and all the holy heavenly forces to grant my son Vladimir health, to forgive him all his sins committed by him out of unreason. I trust in higher powers and believe that health will return to him. I thank the Lord and all heavenly patrons for saving my son Vladimir. Thank God for all.

Lord, save and save my son, your servant Michael. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy.

God save my son Sergius. Amen

Mother Mother of God of Kazan, help my son David on the road, in starting a new path. Help him in military service, protect from bullets and enemies. Give him physical strength pass FIZO, and moral endurance for new tests. Mother, give my son David, his wife Varvara and their daughter Zlatushka health, kindness, prosperity and happiness. I thank you, Mother of God of Kazan, and I pray to God for the well-being of David, Barbara and Zlata.

Lord, help my son Konstantin and guide him on the true path. Protect him from the bad girl and have mercy on him.

God! Have mercy r. B. Sergei. Give my son a permanent, decent job.

Lord, enlighten and instruct my son and your servant Sergei on the true path. Amen.

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Sergei, and guide him on the true path. Save him from bad people.

I thank the Lord God and all the saints and heavenly forces for my prayers for my son. With the help of my prayers, it became easier for my son to believe that my prayers addressed to God when the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints with a request to grant health to my son Vladimir will always be heard. I thank all the saints. glory to you, Lord! Amen!

Lord Almighty, give your blessing to my son and protect him from all misfortunes and lawsuits of fate. Forgive him a sinner and have mercy. Send him salvation. Amen

Lord, save and save my son, a slave Nicholas of God from troubles and misfortunes. Forgive me and him sins voluntary and involuntary. Amen

God save and save my son Eugene from misfortunes and troubles amen

nikolay saint of god begged for my son evgeny help in finding a job amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladislav, and direct him to the true path. Save him from bad people.

Mother matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladimir and direct him on the true path, deliver him from bad people amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Artyom and guide him on the right path, save him from bad people. Amen.

I love.

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Prayer to Alexander Svirsky for the birth of a son

In a sincere prayer for the birth of a son, turn to God's intercessor Alexander Svirsky. I offer you the text in understandable Russian. Read it at home.

There is nothing sinful if you want to see a male child.

The main thing is that the child is healthy.

If a daughter is born, please do not anger Jesus Christ.

And may your love be mutual.

Go to the Orthodox Church, buy 6 candles and an icon of Alexander Svirsky.

Place 3 of them to the image of the Lord God, inaudibly imploring him to give him a son.

At any time of the day or night, retire to a locked room.

Light the remaining candles. Next, put the icon of Jesus Christ and St. Alexander Svirsky.

Slowly read the prayer, each time being baptized and believing in holy Orthodoxy.

Oh, Reverend Alexander Svirsky, I fall to you with a prayer, do not reject me with formidable contempt. I dream of the birth of a son, I hope in Christ with my soul. Intercede for me before him, and forgive me if we do evil. May your will be done. Amen.

The best solution would be if each of you ask the Elder Alexander Svirsky for blessing and remission of sins.

God bless you!

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbearing stopped. They began to pray to God that He would give them a son to comfort and support them in their old age. The fruit of their prayers was Alexander Svirsky. Then, after his death, they prayed to the saint to have male children, and the prayers of the believers were fulfilled.

Prayer one
O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us all that is useful for this temporary life, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, before the Lord against enemies visible and invisible. May His faithful servants, crying out to Him day and night in sorrow and sorrow, hear a painful cry and bring our belly out of perdition. May the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in peace, and our fatherland is built in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Wake us all, holy miracle worker, quick helper in every sorrow and circumstance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer, and intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, may we be honored together with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two
O reverend and God-bearing Father Alexander! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Be us servants of God (names), miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and situation, an ambulance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, and let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of Esma, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Most detailed description: a prayer for the birth of a healthy boy - for our readers and subscribers.

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Prayer if you want to give birth to a boy

A child is always a gift from God, which must be accepted gratefully and humbly. Therefore, it is not so important what gender the child will be born, the main thing is that he will be born and will be born exactly with you. Nevertheless, in the old days, mothers often prayed specifically for the birth of boys, since they were excellent helpers in the house and, unlike girls, did not eventually leave for someone else's family, but, on the contrary, brought a wife to the house who helped her mother-in-law with the housework. I promised to share with you, my dear readers and students, everything that I know myself, so I will tell you about this prayer addressed to St. Alexander of Svir. Her words are as follows:

O sacred head, an earthly angel and a heavenly man, our reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those living in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love. Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, the ruler of our country Russia. And may the holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in the world. Wake us all, miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and situation, a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, appear to us, intercessor, merciful, let us not betray the ordeals of the air power of the evil world-keeper, but let us be vouchsafed an unshakable ascent to the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, even if we are unworthy of Esma, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer if you want to give birth to a boy

In order for a boy to be born in the family, they pray to the Monk Alexander of Svir. Before his birth, Alexander's parents prayed to God to give them a son, and as a result, Alexander Svirsky became the fruit of their prayers. And now everyone who wants to have a male child prays to this saint.

The words of the prayer, if you wish to give birth to a boy, addressed to the Monk Alexander Svirsky, are as follows:

Oh, sacred head, an earthly angel and a heavenly man, our reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy monastery and to everyone who flows to you with faith and love! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, the ruler of our country. And may the holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in the world. Be to all of us, miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and circumstance, a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the birth of a boy

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbearing stopped. They began to pray to God that He would give them a son to comfort and support them in their old age. The fruit of their prayers was Alexander Svirsky. Then, after his death, they prayed to the saint to have male children, and the prayers of the believers were fulfilled.

O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us all that is useful for this temporary life, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, before the Lord against enemies visible and invisible. May His faithful servants, crying out to Him day and night in sorrow and sorrow, hear a painful cry and bring our belly out of perdition. May the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in peace, and our fatherland is built in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Wake us all, holy miracle worker, quick helper in every sorrow and circumstance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer, and intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, may we be honored together with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

O reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Be us servants of God (names), miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and circumstance a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Orthodox prayers for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

Nature has placed the greatest responsibility on a woman - the responsibility for bearing and giving birth to a child. But, unfortunately, not every representative of the weaker sex succeeds in experiencing the happiness of motherhood, for one reason or another. Forced childlessness sometimes cannot be cured even by the most professional doctors. In such desperate situations, Orthodox prayer helps childless couples to get pregnant and give birth healthy child, - she can create a real miracle even when there is no hope for him at all.

The power of Orthodox prayer for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

Of course, in our age of high technology, quite a few people do not believe in the power of prayers, they show a skeptical attitude towards them. However, praying to get pregnant and have a healthy baby really does work. Proof of this is the example of many couples who, thanks to her, managed to become happy parents.

A truly believing person will never begin to think about whether turning to the saints will help in his trouble. He just prays and hopes for positive result, and God and God's holy helpers heed his requests. Daily appeal to higher powers has helped many families to give birth to a small heir or heiress. Each such case is a real miracle bestowed by the Lord.

Any Orthodox prayer is called upon to express the humility and obedience of the believer before God. The first thing a woman who wants to get pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby with the help of prayer, must do is to be ready to accept God's will.

Sometimes it may happen that prayer to the saints does not bring the desired result. This fact does not mean that a married couple should give up all hopes of having a child. Often in this way, higher powers give a signal that spouses need to adopt a child from orphanage and give the little man the opportunity to grow into loving family. As a rule, it is after the adoption of a baby that many families have their own children.

The most effective prayers to help get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby

There are quite a few Orthodox prayers designed to help a woman conceive, keep, bear and give birth to a healthy child. Most often, with a request for pregnancy, they turn to:

  • Lord God;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • the Holy Spirit;
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow;
  • Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Righteous Joachim and Anna.

Prayer to the Lord, helping to conceive a child, is the first

With this prayer, a woman can turn to God with a request for a blessed conception. It is recommended to do this in front of the icon of the Savior, in the light of a lit church candle. Prayer text:

In order for prayer to quickly bring the desired result, one should cry out to the Almighty with it daily. A quick effect will be achieved if the petition is pronounced at the dawn of the morning.

Prayer to the Lord God for the conception of a child - the second

Another prayer with powerful energy. Before using it, a woman who wants to become a mother must definitely confess and take communion in the temple of God. Prayer should be read daily:

Prayer to the Almighty for a healthy and easy pregnancy

Powerful prayer to help you get pregnant short terms. It is desirable that both spouses read it - both husband and wife. Text:

Prayer to the Lord God for help in childbirth

The delivery process also affects the health of the unborn child. Childbirth is an unpredictable phenomenon, the risk of developing any complications is always present in them. The thought of childbirth terrifies any woman who carries a baby in her womb.

Help expectant mother, to calm her down and mentally prepare for the upcoming meeting with a new little man, an Orthodox prayer to the Almighty can. An old prayer text for help in childbirth can be recited in the late stages of pregnancy, closer to the “X” hour, as well as in the process of contractions:

An ancient prayer to the Lord for a successful pregnancy and the preservation of the child

Even after the long-awaited conception of a baby, there is always a risk of any pathologies and abortion. The prayer of a pregnant woman to save the child will help the expectant mother avoid miscarriage, successfully bear her baby and give birth to him (her) without complications. Prayer text:

Strong prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, helping to get pregnant

The Most Holy Mother of God, as a Mother, understands better than all the saints the aspirations and hopes of a woman who dreams of pregnancy. Therefore, many representatives of the weaker sex, with a plea to bestow the joy of motherhood, turn to her. There are several prayers for pregnancy, appealing to the mercy of the Mother of God. One of them, for example, sounds like this and is pronounced before any icon of the Virgin Mary:

Prayer of the Most Holy Mother of God for pregnancy and healing from female diseases

It often happens that infertility is a consequence of diseases of the female reproductive system. To heal from her illness, which does not give the opportunity to conceive a baby, a woman can turn to Mother of God with the following prayer:

Under the influence of this text, the disease should recede and give way to the birth of a new life in a woman.

Prayer of the Most Holy Mother of God for the Preservation and Birth of a Healthy Child

A woman who uses this prayer while carrying a child will provide herself powerful amulet in the form of the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayer will protect the future baby, help him to be born safely and on time. Text:

Listen to Orthodox prayers for a safe birth in this video:

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for Pregnancy

A short prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit will help childless couples to become parents soon. It is necessary to read it every morning after waking up - until the test shows 2 long-awaited stripes. Prayer text:

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for pregnancy

Another saint who helps women who dream of pregnancy is the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. The prayer of the Matrona of Moscow for the conception of a child sounds like this:

Prayer of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg for pregnancy

Prayer to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg also helps to get pregnant with a long-awaited child. The words in it are:

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg for a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

An already pregnant woman can turn to St. Xenia of Petersburg with another prayer that contributes to the successful course of pregnancy and easy childbirth. Prayer words:

Prayer for pregnancy to the righteous Joachim and Anna

Married couples who are unable to conceive a child can appeal with prayer to the righteous Joachim and Anna. Joachim and Anna themselves experienced all the torments of infertility, and only in their advanced years did God give them the long-awaited daughter - the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was destined to give birth to Jesus Christ. Joachim and Anna pray for pregnancy like this:

How to pray for pregnancy and childbirth

In order for the prayer for pregnancy to have the best effect, it is recommended that a number of specific conditions be met:

  • the words of the prayer petition must be sincere. You can’t keep negativity in your soul, think about a child with anger. The intentions of the praying woman must be pure and kind;
  • before turning to higher powers with a request to help with the conception and birth of a baby, it is advisable for a woman to go to church, confess and take communion. Her husband can do the same;
  • prayers to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child should be said in cycles. One cycle should last at least 3 weeks, and preparation in the form of a week-long fast and confession is obligatory before it. Also, at least once before the start of the cycle, it is necessary to pray within the walls of the temple in front of the image of the saint to whom the future prayer will be directed;
  • certainly in the church you need to put candles in front of the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Mother of God;
  • do not make any attempts to conceive a child on the eve and during fasting, on the eve and on days of major church holidays. This time is considered sacred and it is impossible to defile it with carnal pleasures.

Asking the Creator and His saints for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child is allowed not only with the use of the above-mentioned Orthodox prayers. A prayer can be composed in your own words. The main thing in this matter is a sincere, deep faith in help. higher powers, the regularity of pronunciation and life beyond sin, because even from ancient times the birth of children was considered God's blessing, and the absence of children was a punishment for committed mistakes and sins.

Our family owes the birth of our long-awaited daughter to St. Matronushka. For a long time it was not possible to get pregnant, my husband and I were already desperate and wanted to give up all attempts. But one friend advised me to go to Matrona and ask her for help. Since both my husband and I are believers, they did not postpone this matter. The result was not long in coming, they begged for their blood.

Thanks a lot. We really want children with my husband, but for 6 years nothing has been working ... I will definitely pray!

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How to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby through prayer

A child is a gift from Above, a miracle of Heaven, given by the Lord God. With the advent of the baby in the house, everything around begins to spin at an incredible speed: breast-feeding, the first trip to kindergarten, school, etc. Therefore, every married couple dreams of kids. However, not everyone gets pregnant on the first try.

Strong prayer to get pregnant

Some are forced to undergo constant examinations, procedures and take medications, but there is no sense from this. For what reason, pregnancy is not available to all women, we will not speak. But we will try to help in this problem. Prayer to get pregnant is one of the most effective options stimulation of pregnancy.

The problem of the inability to conceive a child

The problem of infertility existed several centuries ago. And, despite the fact that at present there are more and more childless families, infertility was known in ancient times. But if today this problem can be dealt with with the help of medicine (IVF, stimulation, etc.), then such procedures were not even thought about. To get pregnant, some used a conspiracy, others - folk remedies, and still others preferred to pray to the Saints, asking them for God's blessing for the speedy conception of a baby. For centuries, prayer to get pregnant has been popular among those couples who want to become happy parents as soon as possible. It was pronounced by millions of women in perfect different times, and she helped many to achieve their desired goal.

There were also prayer appeals for the birth of a healthy baby. Those parents who were already able to get pregnant resorted to their help. But first things first.

Prayer will help a woman get pregnant in the near future, if you follow the rules for carrying out acts of this kind, which we will talk about now.

We pray correctly

Praying mentally or in a whisper - everyone decides for himself. And if you come across reviews where people recommend saying prayers out loud, then this is all fiction. A person can address the Almighty in any way he wants, even out loud, even mentally. If you choose the right words, then the Almighty will hear you, even if you just mentally ask him for help. And yet, in order for prayer to help you quickly get pregnant, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Before asking God for help, both future parents should confess in the temple and take communion. With a purified soul, your prayers will be heard much faster.
  2. When pronouncing a prayer to get pregnant, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it is Muslim (Islam) or Orthodox, you should turn to the Lord not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of the man from whom you want to get pregnant. It is good if your spouse himself expresses a desire to pray with you.
  3. When turning to the Saints with prayer requests to speed up the process of conceiving a fetus, you need to find out as much information about them as possible so that it does not turn out that you are asking to get pregnant at the face of that Saint to whom people pray for repentance or the repose of the soul of the deceased. Therefore, it is very important to know who to pray to in order to get pregnant.
  4. Sincere intentions will help you become happy parents faster. If you want to become parents by dry reading a set of phrases, then, unfortunately, you will not achieve your desired goal. Only sincere faith and the power of the Lord will help you find the happiness you ask for.
  5. Prayer must be read consciously. Only sincerely believing people receive what they ask the Almighty for. And that you are going to turn to God for help, it is better not to tell anyone. Just believe in what you ask the Almighty. Your faith will be enough for the Lord to hear your prayers. And from evil tongues and thoughts it will only get worse.
  6. Do not resort to the help of all the Saints with prayers, being in a negative mood. So, a prayer should be read only when a person can fully open up before the Almighty, getting rid of angry thoughts, resentment, anger and hatred.
  7. Ask the Saints to give you good health, endurance and patience, thanks to which you can survive all difficulties.
  8. First of all, you need to resort to the advice of qualified doctors who know what drugs are prescribed for infertility, and can also point out the causes of this kind of problem.

Prayers to get pregnant

There are a lot of prayers that can speed up the process of conceiving a fetus. We will consider some of them, which, according to the public, are the most effective.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

This prayer must be said in front of the icon Holy Mother of God. You can go to the temple, or you can turn to the Saint at home if you have an icon of the Virgin in your house.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, the Great Martyr, the Most Holy Mother of the Father of our Most High, our protector. I send my prayers to Your face and bow with sincere faith. Our most humble, look into my eyes, who have sinned more than once, I fall before Your face. I want to ask, may my unforgettable prayer be heard by you. I pray, they trust in Your Son, to illuminate my darling, darkened by the face of Divine grace, and let him help cleanse my mind of dark thoughts, and pacify my yearning heart and heal the deepest wounds on it. May he put my thoughts in order, direct me to all sorts of good deeds and strengthen my darling with healthy thoughts, may I be forgiven for all the evil done. I ask you, O Glorious Mother of God, deliver me from torture and implore Your Son, may He not deprive me of His Kingdom of Heaven, may He descend to me. As a mother, I trust in you, Healer. Do not refuse my request, help me find a miracle of Heaven, give me a desired child. Oh, our Holy Great Martyr, You complained to everyone to turn to You with purified and sincere faith. Do not let me drown in the deepest routine of my heavy sins. I complain about You and sincerely believe in my salvation and hope for Your protection, O Glorious Mother of God. I thank and glorify our Lord, who sent me boundless marital happiness. I beg you, Blessed Virgin, only with your prayers the Almighty will send a miracle from Heaven to me and my husband, child, so long awaited, may God bestow fruit on my womb. May he grow stronger in me as the will of the Lord and to His Glory. Change the mourners of our little darlings for the happiness given to our parents. Amen".

Prayer appeal of a childless couple to the Lord

A strong prayer that helps speed up the process of pregnancy. With faith in the Power of the Lord, the prayer appeal will be heard, and you will be able to become pregnant with a child.

“I pay attention to You, our Almighty. We appeal to all the saints. Hear the prayers of my and my husband, Thy servants (your name and the name of your spouse), Lord, Merciful and Almighty. Yes, answer our prayers, send Your help. We beg you, come down to us, the Almighty, do not disregard our prayer speeches, remember Your laws on the extension of the family and the increase of the human people and become our patron, help with Your help to preserve what You predicted. God, You created everything out of nothing with Your mighty power and laid the foundation for everything in this world without edges: You created the human body in Your likeness and rewarded the marital union with the church with the highest mystery. Have mercy on our Lord, over us, united by marriage and trusting in Your help, may Your Almighty mercy come to us, may we also be ready for reproduction and we can become pregnant with a girl or a boy and contemplate our children, up to the third and up to the fourth generations, and to the deepest old age we will live and come to Your kingdom. I beg you, hear me, O our Almighty Ruler, come to me and bestow a child on my womb. We will not forget Your grace and will serve You humbly together with our children. Amen".

After the prayer is said, it is advisable to regularly visit temples and take communion. A prayer that helps to conceive a child is read constantly until pregnancy occurs.

Prayer to Matrona for an early pregnancy

Many people who want to become happy parents in the near future resort to the help of the Matrona of Moscow, turning to her with prayer appeals.

So, in order to get pregnant faster, a woman and a man need to go to the temple and make requests to the Matrona of Moscow, standing in front of her face. Or if you have an icon of this Saint in your house, then you can pray at home. But before that, it is desirable to confess and take communion.

So, with a purified and communed soul, in order to quickly feel parental happiness, you need to read the following prayer:

“I appeal to our Blessed Matronushka. You, the most humble, always accepting and listening to those who have renounced everything, heed my prayers and hear me, grief in my soul, bowing before You. Even now Your compassion towards me, a sinner and disobedient, will not be taken away. I pray, help heal the illness of our friendly and sincerely believing family, deliver us from torture and the unclean, help us to bring our Cross, given by the Lord God to us. Our most blessed one, trust in the Almighty, pray to him to have mercy on our sinful souls, may he forgive us for all the evil we have done. Let us forgive our sins, anger, hatred, resentment and unclean thoughts. Trust him to give us a healthy and kind girl or boy. We believe and complain about Your condescension and our Lord God to have a strong, rightly looking into the future and exuding warm feelings for all our neighbors. I turn to the Blessed Matrona. Hear our prayers, do not deny us our request. Amen".

Prayer to the Matrona for the rapid conception of a child

There is another prayer that helps to get pregnant with a child in the near future. You can pray to Matrona in any Orthodox church where the relics of this Holy or her face are present.

We turn to Matrona with these words:

“Oh, our Blessed Matronushka, standing with her darling in heaven before the Lord’s throne, resting on the earth with her relics, and endowed with grace from Above, radiating all kinds of miracles. Look with Your condescending gaze at me who have sinned more than once, in sorrows, illnesses and various temptations of the Unclean. Comfort my exhausted prayers, help me heal from a terrible illness, deliver me from my misfortune, which is eating me up from the inside. Let me feel, as a woman, the happiness of a mother who has a son or daughter. Pray for me before the Lord God, may I be forgiven by him for all the evil committed by me, for all the fall and iniquity, for I am guilty before Heaven and bow before you, Blessed One, I ask for your mercy from Heaven. Don't leave me alone with my problem. I hope and lament for your help and our Most High, I place hope in your heavenly power. I appeal to the Merciful Matrona. Amen".

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in conceiving a child

People, in order to become happy parents, often turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help, in the hope of his pardon and miraculous power. After all, getting pregnant with a child is nothing but a miracle given from Heaven by the Lord God himself.

To bring the moment of conception closer, you need to come to the temple and pray to the Lord, asking him for a Blessing. And only when you turn to God, you can stand in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and read this prayer:

“Oh, our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of God. Listen to our prayers, hear us sinners, turning to Your face and asking for a miracle. We call on You for help, Christ's Servant, help us become happy parents, give us a daughter or son, healthy and kind, like You. Do not refuse those who ask You for Blessings. Let the mother feel the troubles of parenting. Help heal from the worst disease. Saint Nicholas, Divine Servant, pray to the Lord for us. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona to get pregnant with a girl

Many families, at the stage of planning a baby, want to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender. According to statistics, most of the representatives of the stronger sex want a girl to be born to them. And if the spouse agrees with her lover in this desire, then she wonders how to get pregnant with a prayer with a girl. From time immemorial, in order for the life of her own sex to be born in the womb, it was necessary to pray to the Holy Matrona.

So, before going to bed, a woman should put on pinkish-red underwear, spread a blanket in the same color and try not to get up until the first rays of the sun. Washing with soap in the morning color pink and drink a pink liquid - fresh, decoction of berries, etc. Then say this prayer:

"Matronushka Great Martyr, Strong in Soul. I pay attention to your Heavenly gaze. You, who help all those who suffer and protect all those in need, help me in solving an urgent problem. I ask the Almighty through You, cling with prayers to Him for me and ask Him to have mercy on me and my sinful soul. I ask that I (my name) give birth to a new life, a healthy and good-natured daughter. You helped many to become happy parents of their daughter, so help me, no matter what I would be. I am a sinner before You, but I complain about Your mercy and indulgence. Be a miracle giver for us. Amen".

Prayer appeal to Alexander Svirsky to conceive a boy

And for a woman to give birth to a boy or become pregnant with twins, you should turn to Alexander Svirsky with a prayer request.

A prayer that helps to conceive a son is as follows:

“Oh, helping all those who suffer, Alexander, helper of the guardian angels of Heaven, God-bearing, humble servant of our Mother of God. We, like others who live with Your mercy with faith and sincere feelings for You, turn to prayers for help. Complain about our souls to the Lord Almighty, ask him for mercy and indulgence towards us. May he grant us, the servants of God, about the child so desired, the new life of your sex. Ask from Your side, Alexander, peace for family union ours and consent. Amen".

Prayers for a Healthy Child

In addition to prayers that help speed up the process of conception, there are other prayer services that help to safely endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.

prayer to get pregnant - "Amazing"

In this video you will learn which icons of the Virgin and how

Highly powerful prayer, accompanied by a mantra on a beret

Prayer appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the preservation of pregnancy

When a woman’s pregnancy is difficult, tormented by toxicosis or threats of interruption, she can pray to the Holy Mother of God and ask her for blessings for support.

The prayer looks like this:

“Oh, Blessed Mother of God, have mercy on me, a servant of God (your name), help me in a difficult moment. I trust in Your mercy and support before the Lord God. You, as the mother of the Almighty, who gave him life, the Savior of troubled souls, have mercy on me and pay attention to my prayer to Your attention. And according to Thy inexhaustible Mercy, grant me, Thy servant, the Grace of God. As you helped others, so help me to feel the joyful feelings of a mother. Hear me, O Most Holy One, remove my prayer from my lips and look up at me, exhausted, with Your Grace. Amen".

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4 strong prayers Saint Alexander, Wonderworker of Svir

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Prayer to the holy reverend Alexander Svirsky for health

“O reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Be us servants of God (names), miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and circumstance a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever."

Prayer to Saint Alexander Svirsky for the birth of a son

“O sacred head, an earthly angel and a heavenly man, our reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those who live in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us all that is useful for this temporary life and necessary for our eternal salvation. Help and intercession with your intercession, servant of God, against enemies visible and invisible, may the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in the world and be founded in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Wake us all, holy miracle worker, quick helper in every sorrow and circumstance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer and intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, may we be honored together with you and with all the saints, unworthy, in the villages of paradise to glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer of the Monk Alexander Svirsky to the Lord God and the Most Holy Theotokos.

“God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me, and forgive me, Lord God, Merciful Savior! Give me, Lord, a Christian end with the Most Pure Body and with the Holy Blood, with tears and repentance. Deliver, O Lord, eternal torment, unquenchable fire, unsleeping worm, and boiling tar. Lord, You created me, Lord, have mercy on me. Lord, I am Your creation.

Most Pure Lady of Mercy, Queen of Heaven, pray to the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Your Son, for me, Your sinful servant (name of rivers). Give me, Madam, a Christian end with the Most Pure Body and with the Precious Blood and with tears and repentance. Deliver, Mistress, eternal torment, unquenchable fire, and unsleeping worm, and boiling tar. Most Pure Lady, Merciful Queen of Heaven, You are the Prayer Service to the Lord God and Save our Jesus Christ for me, Your sinful and accursed servant (name of the rivers), You are the Helper, You are the Intercessor from all evil and comparability, do not forget, Most Pure Lady, the poor Yours to the end."


“Intercessor Zealous, Compassionate Mother of the Lord, I resort to You, accursed and most sinful person above all. Listen to the voice of my supplication and hear my cry and groaning. Like my iniquity, having surpassed my head, and I, like a ship in the abyss, I plunge into the sea of ​​​​my sins. But You, All-good and Merciful Lady, do not despise me, desperate and perishing in sins. Have mercy on me, who repents of my evil deeds, and turn my deceived, accursed soul to the right path. On You, my Lady Mother of God, I place all my hope. You, Mother of God, save and keep me under Your shelter now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer of hegumen Alexander Svirsky for every day

“My soul, my soul, why do you complain about the Lord? Like your laziness is an eternal intercessor. If only she knew the gift of God, she would cry with burning tears, groaning with a sigh, grieving over every sin, small and great. Cry to your Lord, let not the fury of the possessor with an almighty righteous hand precede you. But, having a sinful and lazy and flattering tongue, how can I pray to my Master, may the Lord deliver me from the Last Judgment? I always tremble with the thought in my heart about the Last Judgment, may it save me from eternal torment, and the unsleeping worm, and pitch darkness, and from the unwarmable thunderstorm. Have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant (name of the rivers), like Paul the Apostle, whom you love more than anyone else, and from us, the poor, do not turn away Your face on this Terrible Day, my soul trembles and the compositions of my body are horrified. Lord, deliver me a terrible hour, so that I do not fall away from Your mercy. But I pray the holy angels and archangels, and the prophets, and the martyrs, and all the saints, that they pray to God for my soul. For the sake of your prayer, may the Lord return His requirements from me, a sinner. And you, Most Pure Lady Virgin, having boldness towards the Son about Your servants, do not forget the labors of Your servant ( the name of the rivers). Lord Savior, I pray to You from the wretchedness of my soul, deliver me from the sorrow of my sins and lead me into the joy of an endless life, where the All-Holy is glorified Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

The holy martyrs to whom Orthodox believers pray help in various undertakings and troubles. One of the big problems for a family is the inability to have children, despite their passionate desire and effort.

Prayer to Alexander Svirsky refers to such intimate conversations with God. This man lived a bright and full of blessings and miracles life, and after his death he was honored to be numbered among the saints. Very often, clergy say to families wishing to conceive a child, "Pray to Alexander Svirsky."

Icon of St. Alexander Svirsky

Life of a Saint

Before praying, Alexander Svirsky should learn about his life, which can serve as an edification to believers.

The parents of Amos (the name of the saint at birth) were God-fearing people who long years asked the Lord for a son. One of the reasons why they pray to the Monk Alexander Svirsky for the gift of children is precisely because he was begged from the Lord by his parents and was born already at their advanced age.

In his youth, Amos decided to take the tonsure and become a monk, while receiving a new name - Alexander. Spending his days in a monastery, the monk whiled away his days in a cave and asceticism, completely renouncing any worldly blessings. After several years of selfless service in the monastery, Alexander decided to found a new monastery - a male compound on the banks of the Svir River. Subsequently, by the name of the river, the monk Svirsky was nicknamed.

Many miracles have been documented that happened through the prayer of the abbot. So one noble person for a long time could not give birth to a son-heir, despite his desire and desire with his wife. They made a pilgrimage to the monastery to Father Alexander, who prayed for them and blessed them. Some time later, the boyar baptized his first child with him.

Icon of the Appearance of the Holy Trinity to St. Alexander Svirsky

After Alexander's death at the age of eighty-five, he was quickly canonized by the church. His relics have been miraculously preserved and can be visited at the Holy Trinity Monastery.

What to pray for

What requests should be made to the Monk Alexander of Svir? Usually the saint is asked about:

  • blessing children;
  • the birth of a healthy baby;
  • successful childbirth;
  • maintaining pregnancy.
Advice! Requests are usually made on Sundays, in the morning and evening services. The saint was merciful to those who ask during his life, and does not reject them even after death.

Prayers for the gift of a son

Sacred texts are read to the monk in common days in need, as well as on the day of memory and before the relics.

They ask for the birth of a son, because Alexander himself, the begged-for firstborn, asks for an heir, for the birth of a child, for protection for those young men who have taken tonsure and serve the Lord in the monastery.

Other articles:

O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, our reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, a fair servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercy to those living in your holy abode and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us all that is useful for this temporary life, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Contribute to your intercession, servant of God, before the Lord against enemies visible and invisible. May His faithful servants, crying out to Him day and night in sorrow and sorrow, hear a painful cry and bring our belly out of perdition. May the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in peace, and our fatherland is built in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Wake us all, holy miracle worker, quick helper in every sorrow and circumstance. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer, and intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, may we be honored together with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

There are many testimonies when parents who were diagnosed with infertility and after the intercession of the Svir saint, they were able to give birth to a healthy baby and more than one.

Important! Nothing is impossible for the Lord. It should be remembered that a child is asked with a pure heart and sincere desire.

You should not do this to fulfill your selfish desires or to bind a man. The baby is a gift from the Lord and it is necessary to beg for it with humility and reverence.

Temples and monasteries were built in honor of the monk, people come to venerate the relics and serve a festive liturgy on the day of remembrance - August 30. For parents who are especially eager for the birth of an heir, one should attend the liturgy on this day and read another sacred text in front of the relics:

Prayer to the Monk Alexander Svirsky

O reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra! Ask us everything for this temporary life, useful, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Wake us, the servants of God (names), a miracle-working saint, in every sorrow and situation a quick helper. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, let us not betray the evil world-keeper in the ordeals of the air power, but let us be honored with an unshakable ascent into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our prayer book is dear! Do not disgrace our hopes, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, let us be honored together with you and with all the saints, if not worthy of us, in the villages of paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Prayer of Rev. Alexander Svirsky, read in the monastery at the relics

O Reverend and God-bearing Father Alexander! Humbly falling to the race of your honest relics, we pray diligently, raise up your hands for us sinners to our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, as if she would remember His ancient mercy, the image promised to be persistent from your monastery; and will give us strength and strength against the enemies of the soul, leading us away from the path of salvation, but having appeared victorious, on the day of the Last Judgment we will hear from you this laudable voice: Behold and the children I have given me, O God! and we will receive the crown of victory from the conqueror of the enemies of Christ, the Son of God, and we will receive the inheritance of eternal blessings with you; glorious Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your gracious intercession and intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to Saint Alexander, hegumen of Svir

Troparion, tone 4

From youth, God-wise, having moved into the desert with a spiritual desire, you desired the one Christ, diligently walking after your feet; the same and the angels repair the sight of you, wondering how with the flesh to the invisible wiles, wiser, you defeated the regiments of passions with abstinence, and you appeared equal to the angels on earth; Reverend Alexandra, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8

Like a bright star, today in the Russian countries you have shone, father, having settled in the desert. You zealously desired to follow Christ's feet, and that holy yoke on your frame is an honest cross; The same cry to you: save your flock, hedgehog gathered thou, wiser, let us call to you: Rejoice, reverend Alexander, our father.

At the same time, you can ask for the petition of Alexander Svirsky at any other time, just remember that everything is given by the Lord at a sincere request with a pure heart.

Video about the prayer to the Monk Alexander Svirsky
