"Vulgarity was his enemy..." The composition “vulgarity was his enemy (stories a

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - famous Russian writer, master short story. A wonderful, noble man, he dreamed that people were beautiful, happy and free. He said: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts." Unfortunately, in real life there were few beautiful people, more often the writer had to deal with rudeness, rudeness, heartlessness and groveling - with all that Chekhov calls vulgarity. In the name of love for a person, he ridiculed philistinism, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures the soul. Gorky said of Chekhov: "Vulgarity was his enemy, and he fought against it all his life." Especially Chekhov was unbearable self-humiliation of man, servility, servility. In a number of stories, the writer mercilessly ridiculed servitude, the slavish psychology of people. In The Death of an Official, Chekhov tells of the little official Chervyakov, who, sitting in the theater and accidentally sneezing, splashed the state councilor. The very name of the hero speaks of the essence of the behavior of this person. He wriggles like a worm in front of a higher rank and after repeated apologies, without calming down, terribly worried, he dies.

Another short story is "Thick and Thin". At the station, two friends met by chance: a fat one and a thin one. They are both happy to meet, embrace. But when the thin one suddenly finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of privy councilor, he suddenly turns pale, embarrassed and begins to behave differently: “So much reverence, sweetness and respectful acid were written on the face of the thin one, that the privy councilor vomited.”

People of this type take revenge on the subordinates. Chekhov depicted such a hero in the story "Chameleon". In the course of the story, the policeman Ochumelov, who was trying to figure out who the dog belonged to, constantly changes his behavior depending on who was called in the crowd. If it was a high-ranking person, the hero was ready to "walk on his hind legs" and curry favor with the dog. When they called a person of low rank, Ochumelov behaved rudely, in a businesslike way. Chekhov was also worried that vulgarity was also infecting the intelligentsia. In the story "Mask" the writer denounces licentiousness, permissiveness. Vulgarity has many faces. Often the heroes of Chekhov's stories are doctors - after all, the writer himself is also a doctor. The hero of the story "Ward No. 6", Dr. Ragin, is in charge of the hospital, knowing full well that the conditions in it are unbearable - here, unsanitary conditions reign, the sick are poorly fed, beaten. The hospital is like a prison. But Ragin does not react to what is being done in the hospital, justifying himself by the fact that life cannot be changed. He convinces himself that man must suffer. This philosophy of reconciliation leads the hero to the fact that he moves away from worldly worries, reconciles with evil and begins to commit it himself. Chekhov also called this psychology of reconciliation vulgarity. In Ward No. 6, the writer talks about an already established personality, and Chekhov writes about the fall of a person, his gradual degradation in the story “Ionych”. This is a story about how a good person with good inclinations gradually turns into a stupid, greedy and indifferent layman. The hero of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, is a young doctor, full of energy and strength, so passionate about his work that even on holidays he had no free time, interested in literature and art. He feels lonely among the townsfolk, he has nothing to talk about with them. But gradually Startsev gets used to the boring philistine environment, and his family name is “Ionych”. The hero puts up with the environment and turns into a well-fed, important, indifferent to everything tradesman. Now he willingly plays cards in the evenings, and when he comes home, he counts money with pleasure. In four years, Startsev's soul hardened, and his activities turned into a means of acquiring capital.

Chekhov seeks to uncover the causes that give rise to Chervyakovs and their ilk. First of all, it is herself social reality. In society, there were, as it were, two classes: those in power and slaves. In the service, unquestioning obedience was accepted, which gave rise to fear, worship, self-humiliation. Another reason that generates vulgarity is the social environment. In the story "Ionych" it is seen how the philistine mud sucks Dr. Startsev. There was a library in the city that no one visited. When Startsev spoke about honest work, they did not understand him and were offended by him. The only "interesting and educated" family in the city was the Turkin family. But, having recognized family members, the reader immediately understands that they are boring and mediocre. Around Startsev reigned petty-bourgeois satiety, indifference, a calm, idle life. This environment had a detrimental effect on the hero, and he gradually turned into a mean, boring person. But Chekhov believed that much depends on the person himself, that a true person is able to resist the influence of the environment. Such is Dr. Dymov from the story "The Jumper". The idle, empty life that his wife leads did not suck him in because he is selflessly devoted to his work, he is all in the work that he loves very much. He even dies saving a sick child. Nadia in the story "The Bride" found the strength to escape from the swamp of philistine, "case" life and leave to study in the capital. Thus, Chekhov believes that only the environment cannot be blamed, there is a wormhole in the person himself. If the inclinations, high aspirations are not realized, then the person did not have inner strength and firm convictions.

Chekhov believed that a person should have a high life goal, and when it is insignificant, then the person becomes small. Such is the hero of the story "Gooseberry", who all his life dreamed of getting rich, acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries in it. By the end of his life, his dream came true. The hero has turned into a savage man, a stupid, fat man in the street. Chekhov said that a person needs not three arshins of earth, but the whole Earth so that he can apply his strength, vigor, youth: “While young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good!”

Chekhov was convinced that labor guides and ennobles a person. In addition, the writer considered the ability to feel, to love important for people. Love kills vulgarity, its germs.

A noble goal, work and love - that's what can defeat vulgarity. This is what Chekhov called for in his works. Chekhov's stories are still relevant today, since many of the vices that the writer scourged have not yet been eliminated.

The magnificent stories of Chekhov brought up a human personality in me, made me kinder to people, taught me to love and sacrifice myself for the sake of happiness on earth.

"His enemy was vulgarity..."

(about the stories of A.P. Chekhov)

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, a master of a short story. A wonderful, noble man, he dreamed that people were beautiful, happy and free. He said: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Unfortunately, in real life there were few beautiful people, more often the writer had to deal with rudeness, rudeness, heartlessness and groveling - with all that Chekhov calls vulgarity. In the name of love for a person, he ridiculed philistinism, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures the soul. Gorky said of Chekhov: "Vulgarity was his enemy, and he fought against it all his life."

Especially Chekhov was unbearable self-humiliation of man, servility, servility. In a number of stories, the writer mercilessly ridiculed servitude, the slavish psychology of people. In "The Death of an Official" Chekhov tells about the little official Chervyakov, who, sitting in the theater and accidentally sneezing, splashed the state councilor. The very name of the hero speaks of the essence of the behavior of this person. He wriggles like a worm in front of a higher rank and after repeated apologies, without calming down, terribly worried, he dies.

Another story is "Thick and Thin". At the station, two friends met by chance: a fat one and a thin one. They are both happy to meet, embrace. But when the thin one suddenly finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of secret adviser, he suddenly turns pale, embarrassed and begins to behave differently: subtle was written so much reverence, sweetness and respectful acidity that the Privy Councilor vomited.

People of this type take revenge on the subordinates. Chekhov depicted such a hero in the story "Chameleon". In the course of the story, policeman Ochumelov, who was trying to figure out who the dog belonged to, constantly changes his behavior depending on who was called in the crowd. If it was a high-ranking person, the hero was ready to "walk on his hind legs" and curry favor with the dog. When they called a person of low rank, Ochumelov behaved rudely, in a businesslike way. Chekhov was also worried that vulgarity was also infecting the intelligentsia. In the story "Mask" the writer denounces licentiousness, permissiveness. Vulgarity has many faces. Often the heroes of Chekhov's stories are doctors - after all, the writer himself is also a doctor. The hero of the story "Ward No. 6", Dr. Ragin, is in charge of the hospital, knowing full well that the conditions in it are unbearable - unsanitary conditions reign here, the sick are poorly fed, beaten. The hospital is like a prison. But Ragin does not react to what is being done in the hospital, justifying himself by the fact that life cannot be changed. He convinces himself that man must suffer. This philosophy of reconciliation leads the hero to the fact that he moves away from worldly worries, reconciles with evil and begins to commit it himself. Chekhov also called this psychology of reconciliation vulgarity.

In Ward No. 6, the writer talks about an already established personality, and Chekhov writes about the fall of a person, his gradual degradation in the story "Ionych". This is a story about how a good person with good inclinations gradually turns into a stupid, greedy and indifferent layman. The hero of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, is a young doctor, full of energy and strength, so passionate about his work that even on holidays he had no free time, interested in literature and art. He feels lonely among the townsfolk, he has nothing to talk about with them. But gradually Startsev gets used to the boring philistine environment, and his family name is "Ionych". The hero puts up with the environment and turns into a well-fed, important, indifferent to everything tradesman. Now he willingly plays cards in the evenings, and when he comes home, he counts money with pleasure. In four years, Startsev's soul hardened, and his activities turned into a means of acquiring capital.

Chekhov seeks to uncover the causes that give rise to Chervyakovs and their ilk. First of all, it is social reality itself. In society, there were, as it were, two classes: those in power and slaves. In the service, unquestioning obedience was accepted, which gave rise to fear, worship, self-humiliation. Another reason that generates vulgarity is the social environment. In the story "Ionych" it is seen how the philistine ooze sucks Dr. Startsev. There was a library in the city that no one visited. When Startsev spoke about honest work, they did not understand him and were offended by him. The Turkin family was considered the only "interesting and educated" family in the city. But upon recognizing the family members, the reader immediately understands that they are boring and mediocre. Around Startsev reigned petty-bourgeois satiety, indifference, a calm, idle life. This environment had a detrimental effect on the hero, and he gradually turned into a mean, boring person.

But Chekhov believed that much depends on the person himself, that a true person is able to resist the influence of the environment. Such is Dr. Dymov from the story "The Jumper". The idle, empty life that his wife leads did not suck him in because he is selflessly devoted to his work, he is all in the work that he loves very much. He even dies saving a sick child. Nadia in the story "The Bride" found the strength to escape from the swamp of philistine, "case" life and leave to study in the capital. Thus, Chekhov believes that only the environment cannot be blamed, there is a wormhole in the person himself. If the inclinations, high aspirations are not realized, then the person did not have inner strength and firm convictions.

Chekhov believed that a person should have a high life goal, and when it is insignificant, then a person becomes small. Such is the hero of the story "Gooseberries", who all his life dreamed of getting rich, acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries in it. By the end of his life, his dream came true. The hero has turned into a savage man, a stupid, fat man in the street. Chekhov said that a person needs not three arshins of earth, but the entire globe so that he can apply his strength, vigor, youth: "While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good!"

Chekhov was convinced that labor guides and ennobles a person. In addition, the writer considered the ability to feel, to love important for people. Love kills vulgarity, its germs.

A noble goal, work and love - that's what can defeat vulgarity. This is what Chekhov called for in his works. Chekhov's stories are still relevant today, since many of the vices that the writer scourged have not yet been eliminated. .The magnificent stories of Chekhov brought up a human personality in me, made me kinder to people, taught me to love and sacrifice myself for the sake of happiness on earth.


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"His enemy was vulgarity..."

(about the stories of A.P. Chekhov)

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, a master of a short story. A wonderful, noble man, he dreamed that people were beautiful, happy and free. He said: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Unfortunately, in real life there were few beautiful people, more often the writer had to deal with rudeness, rudeness, heartlessness and groveling - with all that Chekhov calls vulgarity. In the name of love for a person, he ridiculed philistinism, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures the soul. Gorky said of Chekhov: "Vulgarity was his enemy, and he fought against it all his life."

Especially Chekhov was unbearable self-humiliation of man, servility, servility. In a number of stories, the writer mercilessly ridiculed servitude, the slavish psychology of people. In "The Death of an Official" Chekhov tells about the little official Chervyakov, who, sitting in the theater and accidentally sneezing, splashed the state councilor. The very name of the hero speaks of the essence of the behavior of this person. He wriggles like a worm in front of a higher rank and after repeated apologies, without calming down, terribly worried, he dies.

Another story is "Thick and Thin". At the station, two friends met by chance: a fat one and a thin one. They are both happy to meet, embrace. But when the thin one suddenly finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of secret adviser, he suddenly turns pale, embarrassed and begins to behave differently: subtle was written so much reverence, sweetness and respectful acidity that the Privy Councilor vomited.

People of this type take revenge on the subordinates. Chekhov depicted such a hero in the story "Chameleon". In the course of the story, the policeman Ochumelov, who was trying to figure out who the dog belonged to, constantly changes his behavior depending on who was called in the crowd. If it was a high-ranking person, the hero was ready to "walk on his hind legs" and curry favor with the dog. When they called a person of low rank, Ochumelov behaved rudely, in a businesslike way. Chekhov was also worried that vulgarity was also infecting the intelligentsia. In the story "Mask" the writer denounces licentiousness, permissiveness. Vulgarity has many faces. Often the heroes of Chekhov's stories are doctors - after all, the writer himself is also a doctor. The hero of the story "Ward No. 6", Dr. Ragin, is in charge of the hospital, knowing full well that the conditions in it are unbearable - unsanitary conditions reign here, the sick are poorly fed, beaten. The hospital is like a prison. But Ragin does not react to what is being done in the hospital, justifying himself by the fact that life cannot be changed. He convinces himself that man must suffer. This philosophy of reconciliation leads the hero to the fact that he moves away from worldly worries, reconciles with evil and begins to commit it himself. Chekhov also called this psychology of reconciliation vulgarity.

In Ward No. 6, the writer talks about an already established personality, and Chekhov writes about the fall of a person, his gradual degradation in the story "Ionych". This is a story about how a good person with good inclinations gradually turns into a stupid, greedy and indifferent layman. The hero of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, is a young doctor, full of energy and strength, so passionate about his work that even on holidays he had no free time, interested in literature and art. He feels lonely among the townsfolk, he has nothing to talk about with them. But gradually Startsev gets used to the boring philistine environment, and his family name is "Ionych". The hero puts up with the environment and turns into a well-fed, important, indifferent to everything tradesman. Now he willingly plays cards in the evenings, and when he comes home, he counts money with pleasure. In four years, Startsev's soul hardened, and his activities turned into a means of acquiring capital.

Chekhov seeks to uncover the causes that give rise to Chervyakovs and their ilk. First of all, it is social reality itself. In society, there were, as it were, two classes: those in power and slaves. In the service, unquestioning obedience was accepted, which gave rise to fear, worship, self-humiliation. Another reason that generates vulgarity is the social environment. In the story "Ionych" it is seen how the philistine ooze sucks Dr. Startsev. There was a library in the city that no one visited. When Startsev spoke about honest work, they did not understand him and were offended by him. The Turkin family was considered the only "interesting and educated" family in the city. But upon recognizing the family members, the reader immediately understands that they are boring and mediocre. Around Startsev reigned petty-bourgeois satiety, indifference, a calm, idle life. This environment had a detrimental effect on the hero, and he gradually turned into a mean, boring person.

But Chekhov believed that much depends on the person himself, that a true person is able to resist the influence of the environment. Such is Dr. Dymov from the story "The Jumper". The idle, empty life that his wife leads did not suck him in because he is selflessly devoted to his work, he is all in the work that he loves very much. He even dies saving a sick child. Nadia in the story "The Bride" found the strength to escape from the swamp of philistine, "case" life and leave to study in the capital. Thus, Chekhov believes that only the environment cannot be blamed, there is a wormhole in the person himself. If the inclinations, high aspirations are not realized, then the person did not have inner strength and firm convictions.

Chekhov believed that a person should have a high life goal, and when it is insignificant, then a person becomes small. Such is the hero of the story "Gooseberries", who all his life dreamed of getting rich, acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries in it. By the end of his life, his dream came true. The hero has turned into a savage man, a stupid, fat man in the street. Chekhov said that a person needs not three arshins of earth, but the entire globe so that he can apply his strength, vigor, youth: "While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good!"

Chekhov was convinced that labor guides and ennobles a person. In addition, the writer considered the ability to feel, to love important for people. Love kills vulgarity, its germs.

A noble goal, work and love - that's what can defeat vulgarity. This is what Chekhov called for in his works. Chekhov's stories are still relevant today, since many of the vices that the writer scourged have not yet been eliminated. .The magnificent stories of Chekhov brought up a human personality in me, made me kinder to people, taught me to love and sacrifice myself for the sake of happiness on earth.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, a master of a short story. A wonderful, noble man, he dreamed that people were beautiful, happy and free. He said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts. Unfortunately, in real life there were few beautiful people, more often the writer had to deal with rudeness, rudeness, callousness and groveling - with all that what Chekhov calls vulgarity. In the name of love for a person, he ridiculed philistinism, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures the soul. Gorky said about Chekhov: "Vulgarity was his enemy, and he struggled with it all his life." Especially Chekhov was unbearable self-humiliation of a person, servility, servility. In a number of stories, the writer mercilessly ridiculed the veneration of rank, the slavish psychology of people. In "The Death of an Official" Chekhov tells about the little official Chervyakov, who, sitting in the theater and accidentally sneezing, splashed a state councilor.

The very name of the hero speaks of the essence of the behavior of this person. He wriggles like a worm in front of a higher rank and after repeated apologies, without calming down, terribly worried, he dies. Another story is "Thick and Thin". At the station, two friends met by chance: a fat one and a thin one. They are both happy to meet, embrace. But when the thin one suddenly finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of secret adviser, he suddenly turns pale, embarrassed and begins to behave differently: subtle was written so much reverence, sweetness and respectful acidity that the Privy Councilor vomited.

People of this type take revenge on the subordinates. Chekhov depicted such a hero in the story "Chameleon". In the course of the story, the policeman Ochumelov, who was trying to figure out who the dog belonged to, constantly changes his behavior depending on who was called in the crowd. If it was a high-ranking person, the hero was ready to "walk on his hind legs" and curry favor with the dog.

When they called a person of low rank, Ochumelov behaved rudely, in a businesslike way. Chekhov was also worried that vulgarity was also infecting the intelligentsia. In the story "Mask" the writer denounces licentiousness, permissiveness. Vulgarity has many faces. Often the heroes of Chekhov's stories are doctors - after all, the writer himself is also a doctor. The hero of the story "Ward No. 6", Dr. Ragin, is in charge of the hospital, knowing full well that the conditions in it are unbearable - unsanitary conditions reign here, the sick are poorly fed, beaten. The hospital is like a prison.

But Ragin does not react to what is being done in the hospital, justifying himself by the fact that life cannot be changed. He convinces himself that man must suffer. This philosophy of reconciliation leads the hero to the fact that he moves away from worldly worries, reconciles with evil and begins to commit it himself. Chekhov also called this psychology of reconciliation vulgarity. In Ward No. 6, the writer talks about an already established personality, and Chekhov writes about the fall of a person, his gradual degradation in the story "Ionych". This is a story about how a good person with good inclinations gradually turns into a stupid, greedy and indifferent layman.

The hero of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, is a young doctor, full of energy and strength, so passionate about his work that even on holidays he had no free time, interested in literature and art. He feels lonely among the townsfolk, he has nothing to talk about with them. But gradually Startsev gets used to the boring philistine environment, and his family name is "Ionych". The hero puts up with the environment and turns into a well-fed, important, indifferent to everything tradesman. Now he willingly plays cards in the evenings, and when he comes home, he counts money with pleasure. In four years, Startsev's soul hardened, and his activities turned into a means of acquiring capital.

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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, a master of a short story. A wonderful, noble man, he dreamed that people were beautiful, happy and free. He said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.”

Unfortunately, in real life there were few beautiful people, more often the writer had to deal with rudeness, rudeness, heartlessness and groveling - with all that Chekhov calls vulgarity. In the name of love for a person, he ridiculed philistinism, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures the soul. Gorky said of Chekhov: "Vulgarity was his enemy, and he fought against it all his life."

Especially Chekhov was unbearable self-humiliation of man, servility, servility. In a number of stories, the writer mercilessly ridiculed servitude, the slavish psychology of people. In The Death of an Official, Chekhov tells of the little official Chervyakov, who, sitting in the theater and accidentally sneezing, splashed the state councilor. The very name of the hero speaks of the essence of the behavior of this person. He wriggles like a worm in front of a higher rank and after repeated apologies, without calming down, terribly worried, he dies.

Another story is "Thick and Thin". Two friends met by chance at the station: a fat one and a thin one. They are both happy to meet, embrace. But when the thin one suddenly finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of privy councilor, he suddenly turns pale, embarrassed and begins to behave differently: “So much reverence, sweetness and respectful acid were written on the face of the thin one, that the privy councilor vomited.”

People of this type take revenge on the subordinates. Chekhov depicted such a hero in the story "Chameleon". In the course of the story, the policeman Ochumelov, who was trying to figure out who the dog belonged to, constantly changes his behavior depending on who was called in the crowd. If it was a high-ranking person, the hero was ready to “walk on his hind legs” and curry favor with the dog. When they called a person of low rank, Ochumelov behaved rudely, in a businesslike way. Chekhov was also worried that vulgarity was also infecting the intelligentsia. In the story “Mask”, the writer denounces licentiousness, permissiveness. Vulgarity has many faces. Often the heroes of Chekhov's stories are doctors - after all, the writer himself is also a doctor. The hero of the story “Ward No. 6”, Dr. Ragin, is in charge of the hospital, knowing full well that the conditions in it are unbearable - unsanitary conditions reign here, patients are poorly fed, beaten. The hospital is like a prison. But Ragin does not react to what is being done in the hospital, justifying himself by the fact that life cannot be changed. He convinces himself that man must suffer. This philosophy of reconciliation leads the hero to the fact that he moves away from worldly worries, reconciles with evil and begins to commit it himself. Chekhov also called this psychology of reconciliation vulgarity.

In "Chamber No. 6" the writer talks about an already established personality, and Chekhov writes about the fall of a person, his gradual degradation in the story "Ionych". This is a story about how a good person with good inclinations gradually turns into a stupid, greedy and indifferent layman. The hero of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, is a young doctor, full of energy and strength, so passionate about his work that even on holidays he had no free time, interested in literature and art. He feels lonely among the townsfolk, he has nothing to talk about with them. But gradually Startsev gets used to the boring philistine environment, and his family name is “Ionych”. The hero puts up with the environment and turns into a well-fed, important, indifferent to everything tradesman. Now he willingly plays cards in the evenings, and when he comes home, he counts money with pleasure. In four years, Startsev's soul hardened, and his activities turned into a means of acquiring capital.

Chekhov seeks to uncover the causes that give rise to Chervyakovs and their ilk. First of all, it is social reality itself. In society, there were, as it were, two classes: those in power and slaves. In the service, unquestioning obedience was accepted, which gave rise to fear, worship, self-humiliation. Another reason that generates vulgarity is the social environment. In the story "Ionych" it is seen how the philistine mud sucks Dr. Startsev. There was a library in the city that no one visited. When Startsev spoke about honest work, they did not understand him and were offended by him. The only “interesting and educated” family in the city was the Turkin family. But upon recognizing the members of the family, the reader immediately understands that they are boring and mediocre. Around Startsev reigned petty-bourgeois satiety, indifference, a calm, idle life. This environment had a detrimental effect on the hero, and he gradually turned into a mean, boring person.

But Chekhov believed that much depends on the person himself, that a true person is able to resist the influence of the environment. Such is Dr. Dymov from the story "The Jumper". The idle, empty life that his wife leads did not suck him in because he is selflessly devoted to his work, he is all in the work that he loves very much. He even dies saving a sick child. Nadia in the story "The Bride" found the strength to escape from the swamp of philistine, "case" life and leave to study in the capital. Thus, Chekhov believes that only the environment cannot be blamed, there is a wormhole in the person himself. If the inclinations, high aspirations are not realized, then the person did not have inner strength and firm convictions.

Chekhov believed that a person should have a high life goal, and when it is insignificant, then a person becomes small. Such is the hero of the story "Gooseberry", who all his life dreamed of getting rich, acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries in it. By the end of his life, his dream came true. The hero has turned into a savage man, a stupid, fat man in the street. Chekhov said that a person needs not three arshins of earth, but the entire globe so that he can apply his strength, vigor, youth: “While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good!”

Chekhov was convinced that labor guides and ennobles a person. In addition, the writer considered the ability to feel, to love important for people. Love kills vulgarity, its germs.

A noble goal, work and love - this is what can defeat vulgarity. This is what Chekhov called for in his works. Chekhov's stories are still relevant today, since many of the vices that the writer scourged have not yet been eliminated .. Chekhov's magnificent stories brought up a human personality in me, made me kinder to people, taught me to love and sacrifice myself for the sake of happiness on earth.

  1. All Chekhov's stories evoke a deep emotional response in the reader, because each work is written off from nature. One of the properties human life, unfortunately, is a huge, ...
  2. For what purpose does Leo Tolstoy turn to the past? Unlike Lermontov, Gogol, who turned to the past in search of heroic characters, Tolstoy in the story “After ...
  3. In Russian literature, there were many writers who explored in their works the problem of the formation of a person's personality. She has always been of particular interest to Russian writers. One of...
  4. In any book, the preface is the first and at the same time the last thing; it either serves as an explanation of the purpose of the essay, or as a justification and answer to criticism. But...
  5. In Chekhov's early stories, in accordance with the genre of short humoresque life situations deliberately simplified, the characters are simple, endowed with comic features, and the situations are often anecdotal. Chekhov...
  6. I turned to the topic of Chekhov's work, as he is one of my favorite classical writers. Chekhov's personality strikes with a combination of spiritual lightness, intelligence, nobility with strength ...
  7. “Charming Details” in the Yalta story “Lady with a Dog” Natalya Ivanova, Veliky Novgorod The statement of N.K. Mikhailovsky is widely known, who noted that Chekhov “has lovely ...
  8. At the time of the highest creative flourishing, Chekhov wrote a number of stories on the theme of the intelligentsia. Following Gorky, who fought in his works with the "intellectuals", nothing...
  9. “Vulgarity was his enemy, he struggled with it all his life. No one before him could so mercilessly, truthfully draw people a shameful and dreary picture of them ...
  10. I would very much like to tell you about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, one of the most famous Russian writers. Surprisingly bright, educated and intelligent, Chekhov wrote not only stories full of ...
  11. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog in the family of a merchant of the third guild. His father and grandfather were serfs in the village of Olkhovatka, Voronezh province....
  12. Option 1 In his stories, A.P. Chekhov extols a pure, honest, noble soul and ridicules narrow-mindedness, lack of spirituality, vulgarity, philistinism - everything that disfigures people ....
  13. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov entered Russian literature at the very beginning of the 80s of the XIX century. This era was poor in large historical events and even began to be called ...
  15. In his works, Chekhov responds to the moral and ideological quests of his contemporary intelligentsia. In the center of his attention is a measure of the spiritual value of a person, regardless of his...