Do-it-yourself bomb shelter at the dacha. How to build a bunker with your own hands: materials and stages of work

The house is considered a protective fortress for every person. Within the framework of this conventional concept, many began to think about more reliable buildings. The question arises of how to build a bunker. It is located underground, nothing better can be imagined. If a person is afraid of natural disasters and simply tries to stay in a protective place, there are special projects for such a structure.

You can build it on your own site, often this is done at the dacha. There are a number of advantages to this shelter, although it does not always save. If you decide to build, you will have to take useful instructions as a basis and implement the project according to it. There are no difficulties, just prepare all the tools and materials, because the house underground has its own construction features. What exactly are the features, we will consider further.

There will be no paperwork

When thinking about how to build a bunker, many take this issue into account. Is there any paperwork required? The first advantage, according to experts, is that there is no need to prepare documentation or obtain permission for such a structure. But this is provided that everything is done on a personal plot. Although there is an exception. If there are communications of central importance under the soil, it is more difficult to make a bunker. The structure may be damaged, and this is a serious violation.

Before building a bunker, all these issues should be clarified. This is the first step towards constructing protective housing. It will not be possible to do it alone, so an assistant must be present, or better yet more than one. Only after this the main work begins. It is important to take into account the proximity of groundwater during construction.

Proximity of groundwater

Before building a bunker, you will have to understand at what level the groundwater is. If you ignore this, you will end up with not a living space, but a large swimming pool. To do this, it is important to know at what depth the waters are. But can such procedures be performed independently? According to experts, the process is not so complicated: attention is directed to the nearest wells and any bodies of water. The difference between the ground and water levels will become the principle of occurrence of ground flows. It is not difficult to make accurate calculations; it is important to take your time at this stage. The instructions for performing the work are elementary - everyone who creates their own in-depth home must come to this goal with certain knowledge.

Opinion of experienced architects

Another assistant is deep-water wells. In the process of their creation, it becomes more clear at what level the ground flows occur.

The house underground should be formed above the streams, the minimum distance is 50 centimeters. The bigger, the better. Here is the calculation: if the groundwater is at a level of 5 meters, then the foundation pit for a new building is made at 4.5 meters. Although when groundwater lies above 4 meters, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged house underground. Because attention is paid to comfort, protection, ease of existence for a long time. Reliability is not the last thing, so every little detail will have to be calculated.

How to choose a place?

Many people think about how to choose a base and calculate the depth of the bunker. Sometimes ideas arise to build a shelter under the house, in the basement. Architects believe that this is a bad idea and should not be implemented. And all because disasters occur - hurricanes, winds, flooding. The main structure will collapse, and the entrance to the shelter underground will be showered with fragments. We'll have to look for something more suitable. If the size of the plot allows, construction begins.

Although such a structure is allowed if there is an additional entrance to the bunker, at a distance of up to 10 meters from the house. Communication is essential for a fulfilling life. If they are autonomous, this is the best solution. Communications should not be connected to the house; in the event of a collapse, there will be no electricity supply to the bunker. This is emphasized by all architects and specialists in the construction of residential premises.

In addition, you will have to hide the entrance area. It is located in the place of outbuildings on the site. Often the construction of a bunker with your own hands is carried out from the entrance. Let him be in the garden among the trees and bushes. It will not be visible to anyone - only the owners will know how to get into their

What area?

An important point in every home is to check the dimensions. The basis is that people will stay in it for a short period of time. During a natural disaster, a hurricane, the following calculation of the area is made - 4 m 2 per resident. In these conditions, it will be comfortable to wait out unfavorable conditions on the surface of the earth.

If there are three people in a family, then it turns out to be 12 m2, it is not difficult to implement such a project. The calculation is carried out by multiplication. If the area around the house is large, then the area increases, but not to the detriment of comfort. Bunkers are built for temporary and long-term stays. The choice of some parameters depends on this.

Short period

Architects believe that in order to stay inside the shelter for a short period of time, a septic tank made of durable material may well be suitable. What is being done:

  • Purchase a durable container.
  • It is buried in the ground at a certain distance.
  • The size is calculated based on arrivals.

You can wait out hurricanes and tornadoes in it, and it also does not require additional care for many years. There is no need to invest in this building, install ventilation and heating. To exhaust the air, two natural ventilation pipes going to the surface are enough. There is no need to supplement the structure with special cleaning devices.

You will need to install a standard filter for cleaning. Sometimes it is done with your own hands. You buy gauze and glass wool - they are fixed to the pipes. Electricity is connected to the main system. It is worth making batteries so that there is a supply for a long period.


This is an open question. Because the ground does not freeze more than one and a half meters. Maximum heat is not required for temporary stays. Experts advise having a reserve:

  • Warm things.
  • Blankets.
  • Blankets.
  • Thermal underwear.

The price of such a shelter is around 400 thousand rubles. The required volume of the septic tank is 19 m3; preparing the pit will not take long, and everyone can handle it quickly. It’s easy to hire workers for about 30 thousand rubles.

For a long stay inside

Before building a long-term underground bunker, it is worth considering each room. Its total area is no less than 15 m2. A separate room is provided for the location of generators and other necessary components.

For such a structure, drainage is made under the foundation. It must be at least 25 centimeters, and the wall - 27. To prevent the soil from creeping, it is strengthened using accessible, inexpensive material. The bottom of the pit is leveled before construction begins. After the foundation dries, the walls begin to be erected after 30 days. For reliability, the reinforcement should be fixed every three rows. The size of the drainage under the foundation is created arbitrary.

The roof must be reliable. Durable metal is used. We must not forget about heat and waterproofing. A ladder for descent and a tightly closing door are installed. In order not to call such a shelter a trap, an emergency exit is made. Before you begin interior decoration, it is worth creating durable, high-quality waterproofing for the walls. There are many materials for this. Next, a partition is made between the main housing and the engine room. The cost will be around 150 thousand if you do it yourself.

To stay in such a protective shelter for several days, it is worth considering:

  • Autonomous electricity. A generator running on diesel or gasoline is suitable. For fuel storage, two-tier installations are made.
  • Ventilation with air filtration.
  • Conditioning. Thanks to this, air is supplied with purification; the installation cost is high.


If your stay involves several days, then you cannot do without supplies. One of the important components is water (at least 300 liters). The number of people matters. It is important to have canned food, cereals, and other products that are packaged and have a long shelf life.

You can't do without a first aid kit. It includes:

  • Bandage, adhesive plaster.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Thermometer, tonometer.
  • Scissors, tourniquet.
  • Masks, heating pad.

A set of tablets is inserted individually. Painkillers and antipyretics are a must. If you have chronic health problems, you need to take more auxiliary medications. Since nutrition will deviate from the norm, digestive tablets are required.

What else is taken into account?

In addition to food and a first aid kit, it is necessary to create conditions for comfortable rest and sleep. Clothing is changeable, but the main thing is that you can go out into the light. If chemical exposure is implied, then you cannot do without personal protective equipment - gas masks, protective clothing, a flashlight. The last item on the list of important things is quite useful for internal moving in order to save electricity.


To fully be in the bunker, you need to individually create conditions for yourself. Each person gets used to his own - food, warmth, general atmosphere. Today, such buildings are in great demand. It’s not difficult to build them, even without experience. But if you do everything alone, this process will drag on for a long time.

A bunker is a well-fortified structure that is designed to provide shelter from various types of dangers. It is usually built underground or semi-buried. The most expensive part of building a bunker is the pit and concrete box. The most difficult thing is ventilation. Everything else is done over time and with your own hands. In my case - with the hands of my husband.

We prepared a pit (take as an example the minimum size of 6x8 m). Depth 4 meters. We are drilling a well so that the shelter does not depend on central supply. On average it will cost 30,000 rubles. The well is either in the pit itself or right next to it. To always have access to the room where filters and other equipment for the well will be located.

Autonomous sewerage includes equipment designed for the removal and disposal of wastewater, ensuring its accumulation and purification. You can keep within the range of 30-50 thousand. Although, there are also ones that cost a hundred thousand.

There is all the information on the Internet about the installation of such systems. But just in case, you can buy a couple of bio-toilets:

The capacity of the receiving tank is 10 liters, with a waste filling indicator, and a two-way flush of the toilet bowl. The volume of the receiving tank allows the toilet to be used both individually and for families. Be sure to order sanitary liquid and shampoo. Two liters of liquid is enough for 3-6 months for a small family (info from the Internet). The average cost is 4 thousand rubles.

There must be an emergency exit from the shelter (the main one is in the house). We dig a trench from the prepared pit. A pipe of the required diameter from 1 to 1.5 m is laid in the trench (such a pipe costs about 30 thousand rubles). The trench and pipe are filled with concrete from above and then covered with earth. The exit must be disguised as a sewer hatch with a double bottom. The walls of the hatch are concrete rings. One ring, on average, depending on the size, costs from 2000 rubles.

Then we start pouring the walls of the shelter. As an antiseptic, we pour liquid glass between the ground and concrete walls (although someone may suggest another means, better and more reliable). The thickness is approximately 10 cm. In my opinion, this thickness is sufficient. Then we pour the concrete. The wall thickness must be at least 1.5 m along the entire perimeter of the shelter, with the exception of internal walls. An average of 500 thousand rubles will be spent on the pit, large-panel formwork, concrete walls, floor and ceiling. (if you prepare the solution yourself and pour it yourself, and rent the formwork).

During pouring, you need to remember about the laying of communications, water flow and sewage drainage.

The shelter will be powered by solar panels. This makes it possible to equip the “bunker” with an electric stove and other necessary electrical appliances, including space heating. (There is a lot of information about solar batteries on the Internet. And there is an opinion that Chinese ones are cheaper and better quality). They won't be cheap, as they also require batteries, etc., but the prices are reasonable.

The shelter will have a refrigeration chamber, which is a quickly assembled, collapsible structure made of three-layer sandwich panels filled with polyurethane foam. The chamber is designed for storing chilled and frozen food, semi-finished products, fruits and vegetables at medium temperatures. The chamber is made from panels of different thicknesses. Overall dimensions can be selected from a standard matrix or ordered individually. The internal volume of the chamber is cooled by monoblock refrigeration machines or split systems.

The cost of a low-temperature chamber varies, but you can meet the minimum cost of 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Entrance to the shelter is through a hidden access hatch located in the house. Floor hatches are made of aluminum profile and equipped with a seal. The manhole cover is a rectangular container with reinforcing mesh. The lid is filled with concrete flush with the floor, after which laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc. are laid on the lid and floor. floor coverings (information about them can be found on the website of Perspektiva LLC, etc.). The cost of the hatch also depends on its size. Price from 1550 rubles.

The company “DELUXBUNKER” (they generally estimate the construction of bunkers at least 20 million) offers the following homemade system: “You need to take a small pipe 9 and a half meters long. Then the first 6 meters are cut by welding into pieces, each of which is 25 centimeters. Next, you need to sharpen one side of the piece for a blade or screwdriver and place the sharpened end against the roof of the bunker. Having driven them into the roof of the bunker almost completely, weld a second piece to them. We drive and weld the third, then the fourth, and in this way we make 3 meters deep. We get rid of the soil inside the pipes (necessarily in the direction of the bunker -> surface). Then we make a second pipe of the same type and weld two more pipes, each 3 meters long, to both pipes. After this, we weld a metal box like an air purifier to the lower piece of the pipe (already in the bunker). We insert the air purifier itself into the box and seal the box. All that remains is to weld a plug to the box, which will completely cover the air cleaner at the outlet to the bunker. Thus, by slightly opening this lid, it will be possible to create draft in the shelter. Undoubtedly, the technical characteristics of a bunker in which air purification will be arranged in this way will be slightly inferior to current methods of air protection, but this method is also good enough to save life.”

I believe that ventilation installation should be left to a professional. I couldn't find prices on any of the sites. You need to call and find out.

Well, then there’s the interior decoration of the shelter.

That seems to be all.

Maybe someone really will find this shelter option useful.

People, as you know, love to be afraid. This weakness is successfully used in their business not only by filmmakers, but also by builders and real estate agents, whose new hit of sales has become comfortable bomb shelters. The range is wide - from minimalist structures, more like a cistern dug into the ground, to luxurious underground mansions.

In 1949, after the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test, President Harry S. Truman created the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA), asking Congress for millions of dollars to build a nuclear defense system. At the end of the 50s, funding began for local civil protection departments, whose responsibilities included organizing and supplying air-raid shelters. However, the strongest impetus for their construction was given by the young President John Kennedy (John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy), who in 1961, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, called on his fellow citizens to show consciousness and take care of their own security. Citizens began to build private shelters from the Soviet nuclear bomb.

Funded by local and federal authorities, thousands of public shelters were set up across the country, providing shelter for two-thirds of the population. In Washington alone, about 1,300 public shelters have appeared with more than a million beds - enough to accommodate all the city's residents and even some of its guests. However, these were not specialized structures. As a rule, semi-basements of residential buildings, churches, schools and public buildings were used for these purposes, the walls of which were reinforced with concrete to protect against radiation, after which the necessary supplies of food and medicine were stored there.

In 1965, in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, an experiment was conducted in which 34 Navy officers spent four and a half days in such a basement, eating "shelter" food - cookies, tomato soup, peanut butter and jelly. The subjects lost an average of 2.36 pounds of weight, were in a bad mood and complained of constipation.

There were much fewer private bomb shelters built - according to some estimates, about 200 thousand of them appeared between 1945 and 1961. On the one hand, it was expensive: in 1961, it cost $2.5 thousand to build a shelter in the backyard of a family home. On the other hand — created the ground for friction with neighbors, since it posed a dilemma: to take them or not to take them into a close family shelter if something happened? The question is all the more difficult because digging a “hole” in the backyard most often became the subject of ridicule from these same neighbors.

A typical family bomb shelter in the garden, measuring three by four meters in area and accessed through a hatch, took two years to build. In 1961, 38-year-old Charleston, West Virginia resident Michael Preiser, inspired by President Kennedy's call, founded Shelters Inc., which became very successful. The secret of success was that the company sold standardized bomb shelters. It was essentially a set of corrugated metal parts that did not require professional construction skills to assemble. On average, such a shelter cost $685, broken down into monthly payments of $15.

Some enthusiasts created more powerful structures. A certain head of a family from Washington state built a four-level underground fortress with an area of ​​130 square meters under his three-story house. m, with several rooms, numerous passages and a three-ton door opened and closed by an electric motor. Life support systems ran on a generator that occupied a separate room. By the way, this house is now on sale for $259 thousand.

There were also special offers for the rich. In California, Hungarian-born architect Paul László, who built houses for such Hollywood stars as Gary Grant and Barbara Stanwyck, even developed the entire concept of Atomville USA ("Nuclear Village USA"), according to which it was possible to escape the consequences of a nuclear strike in special underground settlements, the structures in which would be connected by a cable car. While the idea was being considered at the Pentagon, the architect built a private bomb shelter in Woodland Hills. In keeping with the architect's signature style, with an emphasis on luxury and comfort, the air raid shelter was a spacious room with telephones and other amenities and could be used as additional living space. Another famous architect at the time, Robert Stacey-Judd, born in London, also designed bomb shelters to order, making them similar to the structures of the ancient Mayan tribe, whose culture he was interested in.

In the 70-80s, when the anti-nuclear movement tried to convey to everyone that the explosion of even one nuclear bomb would make salvation impossible, bomb shelters began to fall into disrepair. The authorities began to close public shelters, some of the supplies were thrown away, some were distributed to the poor. Their owners converted private bomb shelters into wine cellars and mushroom growing workshops. Local civil defense departments have finally merged with the federal Ministry of Emergency Situations. And if in the 50-60s, programs to protect the population were 90% designed to combat the nuclear threat and only 10% to deal with natural disasters, now the ratio is exactly the opposite, with 10% “reserved” for the nuclear threat. quickly reorient themselves to combating the consequences of terrorist attacks.

After September 11, there was renewed interest in bomb shelters. In the spring of 2002, the UC Santa Barbara Branch Museum of Art even organized an exhibition entitled “Nuclear Families: The California Nuclear Shelter Movement, 1950-1969.” It featured, among other things, shelter plans designed by Paul László and Robert Stacy-Judd.

Local branches of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have noted an increase in calls: people are interested in the addresses of bomb shelters and how to build them. Private entrepreneurs, unlike the state, instantly responded to the growing demand. Manufacturers of shelters in the US claim that their sales have increased by 500%. A typical mass-produced shelter resembles a buried tank and costs about $30,000. But you can choose something more fun that preserves your usual lifestyle as much as possible.

F-5 Storm & Fallout Shelters, based in Baskin, Louisiana, has been making vent units with filters sourced from Switzerland since the '50s and selling them nationwide. Without taking into account installation costs, they cost from $8 thousand to $20 thousand, depending on the configuration. Harden Structures of Virginia Beach, Virginia, sells "survival tents" that purport to protect against chemical, biological and nuclear threats and start at $7,500. For $66,000, Radius Engineering of New Hampshire offers a product called The P10 Disaster Shelter is a ten-person fiberglass structure that fits underground and has bulletproof hatches.

Kleen Air Technologies Inc. of Frisco, Colorado, works for even more demanding clients: the 18 shelters it has already sold have wood floors, a kitchen and even a laundry room, walls more than half a meter thick, and a minimum area of ​​about 100 square meters. m, although orders mostly come for much larger premises. Mirrors create the effect of expanding space, false illuminated windows create the illusion of a sunny landscape outside the window, and a meditation library should help overcome depression.

In addition to luxurious baths, there are decontamination rooms and a state-of-the-art control room with a generator, internal surveillance cameras, radiation meters, shortwave transmitters, police wave scanners and much more. Starting price: $600 thousand.

20th Century Castles LLC, based in Dover, Kansas, converts closed underground missile bases into bomb shelters for luxury private homes. The former Atlas-F rocket launch base in Adirondack Park, New York, has been converted into a $1.7 million mountain retreat. m with a private landing strip there is a spacious accommodation with three bedrooms. The former Atlas-E rocket launch center in Wamego, Kansas, has been converted into a 1,400-square-foot underground fortress. m for ten people, with a sauna, kitchen and a massive 47-ton garage door (sold for $1.2 million).

Over the past decades, not only the appearance, but also the concept of shelters has changed. After the films “Panic Room” with Jodie Foster and “Dark Areas” with Bradley Cooper with special rooms, which are increasingly called “panic rooms”, their purpose is to hide a wealthy family from raiders or kidnappers and help them hold out until the police arrive. Such a room could simply be a closet with a reinforced door and a telephone inside.

However, a more typical option is a room separated from the rest of the house by reinforced walls and a hidden magnetic door. It is equipped with a ventilation system and telephone lines, as well as a toilet. For the most demanding clients, we offer Kevlar-armored bulletproof internal walls, indoor television surveillance systems for the house, a generator and other technical support. It is not known how many of these rooms have already been built, but it is known for sure that their owners live mainly in prestigious areas of Manhattan and Hollywood, and it is not surprising - a fully equipped room costs up to $500 thousand.

Shelters are also being built in Europe. In October last year, the home of well-known realtor Christian Pellerin was demolished for violating planning regulations on the Azur coast in France. In an estate worth $23 million (bought at one time for $100 thousand from an American woman), underground structures with an area of ​​743 square meters were discovered. m, the construction of which was carried out without permission. This was the reason for the demolition of the house. The underground facility, described by authorities as “a stunning combination of luxury and vulgarity,” included swimming pools, fountains, Jacuzzis, thermal saunas and a bomb shelter.

Programs for the construction of air-raid shelters exist in a number of countries, for example in Switzerland, as well as in Singapore, where a special law in 1998 made their construction mandatory in residential buildings. Since 1983, when the project began, 87 thousand have been built in municipal residential buildings and about 1 thousand in private ones. They can shelter 700 thousand people.

(2 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

Recent events in different countries indicate that the peaceful situation in the country can change in a matter of hours. Many of us do not think about what weapons the enemy army might use. Accidents at nuclear power plants and other man-made disasters are a direct threat to the lives and future health of people.

To give yourself and your loved ones the opportunity to survive unsafe events, you can build a bomb shelter or bunker with your own hands. This is especially true for land owners.

Preliminary activities

It is not advisable to hire specialists for the construction of this facility - it is expensive, and it is very difficult to find such specialists. It is worth considering that the construction of this structure will require significant material costs for full operation. Before starting construction, you need to determine the type of structure, its purpose, area and necessary equipment.

Then make an estimate. It is advisable to establish whether centralized utilities are located underground at the site of the proposed bunker construction. Permits are not required to build a bomb shelter or bunker on your own site.

Before starting excavation work, it is advisable to determine at what depth the groundwater flows. You can do this yourself. Pay attention to nearby bodies of water and the water level in your neighbors' wells. Your bunker should be at least half a meter above the groundwater level. The optimal depth for building a bunker is at least four meters. If the waters in your area lie closer to the surface, then the construction of an underground shelter in this area is not advisable.

Basic requirements for bunkers and underground shelters

A bunker is necessary to protect people from the destructive effects of the elements, nuclear explosions, and artillery shelling. What are the requirements for a bunker:

  • the shelter must provide reliable protection from adverse effects;
  • the facility must be equipped with several exits;
  • be resistant to increasing amounts of moisture in the soil;
  • provide conditions for the full functioning of people during the period of placement in the shelter;
  • comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.

The characteristics of a shelter depend on many factors:

  • level of protection from external influences;
  • location relative to a residential building;
  • spaciousness;
  • duration of stay in shelter;
  • speed of construction of the structure;
  • the presence of a ventilation system and its power.

In the case of a structure for short-term use, it reduces costs and facilitates the construction process.

Let's start construction work

Foundation and floor

After completing the preparatory work, you can begin marking the area for the future underground shelter. A pit of the required size is dug along the marked boundaries. It is advisable to make it larger than the planned dimensions of the bunker for the convenience of working with the walls by treating them with waterproofing materials. Afterwards we prepare the basis of the future structure:

  • it is necessary to level the bottom;
  • backfill with clay, fine gravel, and sand on top;
  • if desired, lay a vapor barrier film;
  • Fill the floor with cement mortar using reinforcing metal mesh.

When pouring, it is necessary to leave cavities for future utilities and highways. The reinforcement frame used to fill the floor must be tied to the overall structure. After pouring, the screed should dry for two weeks.


For the construction of walls, it is optimal to use concrete or expanded clay blocks, but the best option would be monolithic concrete walls. To increase the strength of the structure, it is recommended to fill the walls and internal partitions of the shelter with concrete mortar. When building an underground shelter, concrete must be of the highest quality with the addition of moisture-repellent additives. The height of the walls must be at least 2.2 m. The outer side of the walls must be treated with moisture-resistant impregnations, resins or slabs.


After erecting walls and partitions, take care of the installation of utility lines. Route electrical cables to the structure. After that, proceed to the roof. For a bunker, the strength characteristics of the roof are checked by hitting a projectile. It is optimal to start work by laying the metal I-beam on which the roof frame is built. Next, lay a sheet of metal 40mm thick. Next, you need to lay a vapor barrier.

The next layer can be made of concrete screeds followed by pouring concrete mortar. For entry, leave a hole necessary for unimpeded entry into the bunker if necessary. A hatch or door is selected to ensure maximum tightness. To descend, build a reliable ladder.

Before starting interior decoration, it is necessary to carry out moisture-proofing treatment indoors. To do this, use waterproofing or liquid glass. Afterwards, if necessary, partitions are erected to zone the space.

Engineering Communication

To extend the period of stay in a shelter, it is necessary to take care of an uninterruptible power supply and ensure high-quality ventilation of the room using air filtration systems. To save space, sleeping places are arranged in the form of beds in two tiers. If it is possible to install a sewer system, this will solve many sanitary and hygienic problems. If water supply and sewer pipes are located nearby, it is worthwhile to provide for the supply of mains to the shelter.

Strategic reserve

To ensure life in extreme conditions, it is necessary to leave a reserve in the shelter:

  • drinking water, at least 300 liters, technical water, at least 100;
  • shelf-stable canned foods, cereals and spices in sealed packaging;
  • The first aid kit should contain dressings, antiseptics, antibacterial agents, a thermometer, water disinfectants, adhesive plaster, scissors, a tourniquet, gauze bandages, and a set of medications as needed;
  • protective clothing, shoes;
  • lanterns;
  • gas mask, respirator;
  • means of communication with the outside world.

The bunker is covered with soil from above, masked around the entire perimeter of the roof, leaving a hatch on the surface for entry.

If a sudden or expected threat to the health and life of a person and his loved ones arises, you can rely on the help of the state, but it is possible to ensure safety on your own.

Bunker is a guarantee of safety

A bunker is an underground protective structure that has the life support systems necessary for the comfortable existence of several people. A well-designed and high-quality structure creates conditions for shelter from danger for several months, and sometimes many years.

Companies specializing in the construction of protective facilities organize a bunker that meets all necessary norms and standards.

When constructing a structure, natural conditions and terrain features must be taken into account:

Specialized organizations that value their reputation and are focused on potential clients approach each customer individually and, when developing a project, take into account his requirements and wishes.

Several years ago, comfortable and reliable shelters were the privilege of only top officials of states; today, every owner of a plot of land, a country house or a cottage can take care of their safety. A bunker is a serious investment in personal safety and protection of family and loved ones.

The structures do not take up much space and in peacetime can be actively used as a meeting room, a storage room for valuable items, a wine cellar or a warehouse. The unique construction makes it possible to equip it for different needs and requirements of the owner.

A protective bunker with the necessary communications,
will reliably protect people in situations:

Terrorist acts;

Major fires;

Military actions;

Coups and revolutions;

Biological weapons;

Nuclear power plant accidents and radiation releases;


Man-made disasters;


Natural disasters and disasters.

Owning a bunker increases your chances of survival several times and helps you calmly assess the situation that has arisen as a result of an extreme event: from a flood to a nuclear threat.

Main types of protective structures

Protective structures can be of several types:

The last type of shelter is the most reliable, as it can effectively protect against various types of threats to life.

Before building and equipping a bunker, four basic questions must be answered:

The construction process occurs in several stages. First, the facility is carefully designed by qualified specialists in accordance with the requirements and established fire safety standards, SanPiN and SNiP.

All structures are subject to extremely stringent planning requirements:

As a result of the actions of specialists, technical specifications are drawn up. The design and estimate package of documents is the basis for starting construction. At the request of the client, the construction site can be adapted for use in peacetime: as a closed club, personal office or meeting room.

Features of the design, frame and life support systems

Shelters are built from high-strength materials that can withstand maximum physical and other loads.

Depending on the budget and customer requirements, the facility may have one or several levels on which functional premises are located:

Hopper frame

Strong and reliable buildings have a reinforced reinforced structure and are located at a certain depth. External walls need high-quality and practical insulation. Materials used for interior decoration should not have a negative impact on the health of a person of any age. At the same time, they must have specific characteristics and be moisture resistant and fireproof.

The simplest option for a protective structure is considered to be a vertical shaft with a spiral staircase. For such a structure, a pit is dug with a diameter of two meters and a depth of five. A tunnel about two meters long is made from the shaft with branches in which there are residential, utility and functional premises.

The frame of the bunker is made of durable and practical reinforced concrete using a monolithic method, intermediate insulation and external waterproofing are carried out in several layers. Cinder block concrete is a rational and optimal option for the material used. It contains lead, which effectively protects against the effects of radiation.

Forced ventilation, a special water and air purification system, and climate control equipment make it possible to create optimal living conditions.

Entrance doors

A prerequisite for a reliable bunker is the presence of completely sealed doors, which guarantee:

The risk of unauthorized persons entering the shelter area is eliminated; the doors are equipped with a special locking system;

The doors do not allow air to pass through and guarantee complete isolation from the external environment;

The products are made from armored sheets, therefore they are reliably protected from explosions;

The doors can withstand prolonged contact with an open flame;

The products do not deform under sufficiently severe mechanical loads;

The hermetically sealed design eliminates the risk of flooding in the event of a flood;

Functional doors protect against radiation.

Bunkers have several exits:

Autonomous systems

Facilities must be equipped with autonomous systems that provide the necessary living conditions. In most cases, a separate artesian well is made for the bunker, which allows you to save a person from the hassle associated with the supply and storage of water.

The facility is equipped with sewerage and pumping units for autonomous water supply.

Autonomous power supply system. Bunkers must be equipped with the necessary source of electricity, which can be a battery cluster or a gasoline or diesel generator.

Air filtration

If the autonomy of underground premises is more than 36 hours, the structures are classified as effective structures. Facilities use monitoring of air entering through a filter system. This may include:

Multi-stage cleaning system

Purified water can be used for water procedures and wet cleaning. After ultraviolet irradiation, the liquid becomes suitable for consumption.

Communications in the shelter

The structure is a strategic facility; it must be equipped with effective and reliable means of communication. The reinforced structure of the walls of the facility will shield radiation waves and communication signals.

Communication can be provided using several technologies:

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to achieve the best results in creating a reliable bunker. Concrete of heavy-duty grades and unique designs of load-bearing metal structures, tightness, effective autonomous systems of water supply, purification, filtration, power supply and other types guarantee human safety and comfortable living conditions even for a long period of time.
