How to make a support for clematis from slats. Supports for clematis: design ideas

Ornamental clematis plants are vines with lush greenery and a large number of large, bright flowers. They bloom in the spring and decorate flower beds, buildings, and fences all summer with their colorful palette. Recently, owners of their plots have been making hedges from clematis and arches. These unusually beautiful and at the same time unpretentious plants are gaining more and more popularity among gardeners and summer residents every year.

Description and varieties of clematis

The genus Clematis, according to some sources, has about 380 species. These are shrubs, subshrubs and herbaceous vines. Today we will look at the most unpretentious clematis varieties adapted to central Russia, which require pruning at the end of the season. To decorate the site, the following varieties are most often grown:

  1. “Tuchka” is a vine up to three meters long with purple-violet flowers. Can be planted near fences and trellises. Able to climb bushes and form arches.
  2. “Solidarity” is a variety with bright red buds, the diameter of which reaches 16 cm. It is used for framing trellises, nets, and arbors.
  3. "Cardinal Vyshinsky" - is distinguished by its resistance to frost, compactness and bright red inflorescences. The variety is most often grown in flower beds and containers.
  4. “Ballerina” is a liana that even beginners in floriculture can grow. This plant is not afraid of diseases, pests, and temperature changes. In addition, it blooms profusely and for a long time.
  5. “Integrifolia” is a herbaceous group of clematis up to one and a half meters high with a powerful skeletal part and abundant flowering. The bush produces many lashes that can be used to wrap around hedges. But at the same time, the lashes must be tied up, since they do not cling to the supports at all. Intergriforia flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, can be pink, bright red, dark red, or purple.
  6. “Alyonushka” - a variety with bell-shaped flowers can be intertwined with other plants and used as ground cover or balcony decoration.
  7. "Jacmana" is a hybrid bred by crossing several plant species. The liana grows up to 4 meters in height, is characterized by winter hardiness, large leaves and purple flowers.
  8. "Nelly Moser" is a variety that grows well and blooms in the shade. The flowers are lilac-pink. The vine does not grow very quickly, but it requires support. It is a good option for trellises, gazebos, pergolas.
  9. “Piilu” - clematis bred in Estonia gained popularity in Russia for blooming with both regular and double flowers on one bush. The vine will grow up to one and a half meters in length. The petals of its flowers are lilac-pink.
  10. “Burning” is a highly ornamental plant that is not afraid of frost. Excellent for growing in the Northern regions.

Clematis in landscape design

To decorate the garden, hybrids are most often used, which do not require shelter for the winter and radical pruning. Every year, landscape designers offer more and more solutions for decorating a site with a variety of clematis:

  1. Lianas can be used both for vertical gardening and as a colorful carpet on the lawn.
  2. Some not very tall varieties that do not need support can grow in flowerpots and boxes, decorating verandas, gazebos, balconies and loggias.
  3. By planting several types of clematis near the arch and intertwining them, you can get a beautiful multi-colored entrance to the garden or plot.
  4. Soft colors in the background will highlight the personality of the roses, which can be planted in front of clematis.
  5. Bare tree trunks will look beautiful if they are entwined with flowering vines.
  6. The lashes will be given an original twist by plants that will seem to crawl over the stones.
  7. Plants with large flowers look most impressive near low walls, in central flower beds, in front gardens and ceremonial places.
  8. The shady alleys that are located in the background of the garden are decorated with bright, colorful flowers.

But most often, clematis are used to decorate fences, arches, gazebos, hedges, and walls. On hot days, on the veranda or in the gazebo, which is entwined with vines, you can escape from the scorching sun.

The growth and flowering conditions of roses and clematis are approximately similar. This is probably why the British love to grow these gorgeous plants together.

However, clematis grow a little faster, so roses are planted first, which will serve as supports for the vines. When planting these plants, you must follow some rules:

  • It is better to plant clematis varieties with small flowers to climb roses;
  • when planting, the vine needs to be slightly tilted towards the central part of the rose bush;
  • plants are planted and cling to supports so that they do not interfere with each other, and each of them is able to enjoy the sun's rays;
  • you should choose varieties that have approximately the same height and volume;
  • It is recommended to place a partition between the roots of the seedlings;
  • Only those roses that are well adapted to the area are planted.

Clematis can simply be planted on the ground between the roses, and over time it will grow around the bushes. Each gardener can independently choose his own combination of colors.

  • To make the composition bright, White roses can be replanted with vines with crimson flowers.
  • Pink roses and blue clematis will look tender.
  • Vines with purple and violet flowers pair well with yellow roses.
  • Red roses will stand out among the delicate buds, and any bright flowers will suit tea roses.

Clematis with other flowers

The neighbors of a lush vine can be:

  • coniferous plants;
  • black elderberry, fragrant acacia, willow pear, willow, hops;
  • Mackerel, barberry;
  • buddleia, viburnum, forsythia, spirea;
  • grape, ;
  • lilies;
  • mock orange

Supports for clematis

Because clematis belong to climbing plants, they need support to grow. It can serve as a fence, gazebo walls and other buildings. But you can make supports with your own hands, using available materials that are found in every garden.

Rod supports

To make a cone-shaped structure you will need:

  • vine or willow twigs;
  • axe;
  • leg-split;
  • several high poles.

In the place where the plant is planned to be planted, stick I have pointed poles at the bottom. You need to form two rings from the vine or branches and press them tightly to the poles, securing them tightly with twine. The lower ring should be larger in diameter than the upper one.

Now you can install an intertwined vine inside the rings, the ends of which need to be fixed to the circumference of the rings.

Mesh supports

Installed and still undecorated mesh it doesn't look very nice. But as soon as clematis entwine it, you can get the most spectacular composition in the garden.

You make your own support from thin supports, metal wire, mesh and an old electrical cable, which can be replaced with something similar.

The most difficult stage in this work- stretching the mesh, which constantly gets tangled and tries to twist again. But you still need to try to stretch it from support to support. The task will be facilitated by an electrical cable laid on the ground and secured. You will need to attach a mesh to it.

At the next stage, side supports are installed, which should extend approximately 20 cm into the ground. To make the structure stable, another support is threaded through the mesh from above. Using thin wire, the supports are attached to the mesh.

The finished structure is installed in the chosen place in the garden. Most often it is installed near a building or fence. The side supports of the structure are immersed in the ground, and the top is attached to the building with screws.

Clematis arch

Ready-made arched structures and are quite expensive, therefore they are often made by gardeners with their own hands.

Required materials and tools:

  • five duralumin pipes 0.5 m each;
  • two duralumin pipes 3 m each;
  • stainless steel screws;
  • enamel;
  • welded mesh in PVC.

Stages of making an arch:

  1. Two long tubes are bent into identical arcs and installed (driven into the ground) at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  2. The resulting arched bases are connected using short pipes, which are attached to them with screws.
  3. The structure is covered with enamel.
  4. The grid is measured. Its length should exactly match the length of the arch, and its width should be two cells larger than the width of the structure.
  5. Using wire cutters, protruding twigs are formed along the edge of the mesh. They will act as fasteners.
  6. After the mesh is attached to the arch with twigs, design can be used, planting clematis seedlings near it.

Supporting structures for clematis, especially massive ones, should be interesting in themselves and fit harmoniously into the design of the site. This is explained by the fact that in spring and late autumn the vines no longer cover the supports.

When choosing supports for clematis, you can use the trunks of tall trees. Tall vines with large flowers can form chic compositions, entwining the crowns of trees. They can first be twisted around the trunk, and then throw a carpet on the ground.

If there is no mesh or trellis, you can get by with wire attached to a wall or fence. The direction of the vine is given; it will climb along it to the top of the building.

How to properly tie up clematis?

To make the vine beautiful curled around the support, it must be tied up correctly and in a timely manner. For this you can use simple or colored twine, raffia. Rods can be tied to wooden structures using wire. If clematis is grown in a container, then a paper-coated cord is used, which can be removed without any problems. Whichever no support was used, the vine stems must be tied at the bottom. They, together with the support, need to be wrapped with a cord several times.

If the clematis variety has tendrils and suckers, then in the future the twigs will simply need to be given the direction, and the vine will wrap around the support and hold on well on its own. Only small-flowered varieties will need to be tied to the net.

The plant requires good lighting, so the stems are tied to the support in one layer. There should be no neglect. Otherwise, the plants will suffer from diseases, and yellow and rotten leaves will appear on their stems.

Top dressing

Abundantly blooming beautiful liana you won't grow without feeding. Therefore, clematis are fertilized in the spring twice a month with small doses of the following solutions:

  • mullein solution (10 parts water – 1 part mullein);
  • ammonium nitrate (20 grams per bucket of water).

A large bush needs a bucket of this fertilizer.

Clematis respond well to humus, so fertilizer should be added at the time of planting. And subsequently add humus under the bushes every year.

Additionally you can use mineral fertilizers, which are introduced in the fall. This could be a half-liter jar of ash per bush or 25 grams of superphosphate.

Clematis amazes with the variety of its shapes and colors, so almost every gardener tries to grow this type of climbing plant on their plot. They decorate the walls of buildings, gazebos, and verandas. And more experienced flower growers make incredibly beautiful arches from clematis with their own hands, which all the neighbors come to admire.


Clematis are beautiful climbing plants with star-shaped flowers of simple and double shapes. They are perennials and bloom almost all summer.

Therefore, among plants for vertical gardening, clematis occupy a leading position. But in order for this luxurious flower to fully display its beauty, it requires support - decorative, strong and durable. Many gardeners make such structures themselves. And this is not surprising. After all, a home-made clematis support can have any design and size, be made from different materials - everything according to your wishes.

We invite you to evaluate the ease of manufacturing several options for such supports.

Metal mesh - inexpensive support for clematis

Clematis are well held on a metal mesh with large cells

All you need for this:

road mesh (cells 10x15 cm, rod thickness 4-5 mm, width - 2.5 m);

2 metal fittings (d=15-20 mm, length - 3 m);

green enamel for painting.

Reinforcement is welded to the road mesh sheet on the sides.

On the underside of the mesh, the reinforcement forms “legs” protruding 0.5 m. The metal is painted with two layers of enamel to prevent corrosion. The “legs” are dug into the ground to a height of 0.5 m - this will make the structure stable and not fall over in gusts of wind.

A mesh wall can be covered not only with clematis, but also with any other climbing roses: climbing roses, virgin grapes, morning glory, kobeya, etc.

Option #2. Mesh cylinder support

A cylinder support will help to decorate vertical objects: pillars, dry tree trunks, etc. Similar types of supports for clematis create the appearance of flowering pillars 1.5-2.5 m high - an unforgettable impression!

Do-it-yourself clematis support made from mesh

Clematis, especially weakly clinging varieties, can also be planted inside a mesh cylinder

To make this support you will need:

road mesh or PVC coated mesh;

two “leg” fittings;


The mesh is twisted into a cylinder, the two sides are fastened together with wire. On opposite sides of the cylinder, 2 reinforcements about 1 m long are welded so that 0.5 m remains free. They are dug into the ground for structural stability.

If road (reinforcement) mesh was used for support, it must be painted. It is advisable to use green enamel, which, as the clematis grows, will completely merge with the greenery of the leaves and shoots. Metal mesh coated with PVC does not need painting.

Clematis are planted next to the cylinder support. To create a pole completely entwined with greenery and flowers, just plant 2 clematis on opposite sides.

Option #3. Support made of stretched cords (threads, ropes)

Clematis climb well on any fairly thin support. Including dense threads that can withstand the weight of heavy clematis stems.

Based on this idea, a support was invented in which the “supporting” elements for clematis are cords.

Homemade support for clematis

Instead of a metal pipe, a plastic water pipe can be attached to the base of the structure

To make such a support you will need:

bicycle wheel;

metal pipe;


wire hooks.

A pipe 2-3 m long is welded into the center of the bicycle wheel. Then it is dug into the ground 0.5 m. Homemade wire hooks - 8-10 pieces - are placed on the circumference of the wheel. Each hook is hung with a rope with the same hook at the end. These hooks are fixed into the ground in such a way that the ropes are taut.

The advantage of these supports is that they make it easy to remove the clematis stems in preparation for hibernation. To do this, the lower hooks are untied and the ropes are pulled up. The lashes slide off easily without being damaged. After this, they can be trimmed and covered.

Option #4. Wall trellis

Wall trellises are very popular for clematis due to their ease of manufacture and highly decorative results. It is important that the slats from which such a trellis is made are not too wide and thick. It is optimal to use 40x10 mm bars. The cells should freely allow clematis leaves to pass through, that is, be at least 5x5 cm. But no more than 20x20 cm, otherwise the plant will not be able to catch on to the next petioles and will have to be tied up.

Wall trellises most often have the form of a frame, on top of which slats are placed in the form of a lattice. But we want to offer a more interesting version of such a trellis - multi-tiered. In this design, 8 vertical slats are packed onto 6 horizontal slats. Slats are used in different lengths to form several flower tiers.

Do-it-yourself wooden support for clematis from slats

A wall trellis made of wooden blocks can reach 3-3.5 meters in height and decorate the entire wall of the house, up to the roof

The most difficult part of creating this trellis is attaching the horizontal slats to the wall. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall and the slats are “hung” using “quick installation” dowels. Vertical slats of different lengths are stuffed on top in increments of 10-15 cm.

Thin slats of wooden trellis

For wooden trellises, use thin slats, no more than 30-40 mm wide.

Option #5. Wooden trellis

A trellis is almost the same as a trellis. Only it consists of several sections, mainly three.

The photo below shows a trellised trellis suitable for most climbing plants.

Wooden trellis consists of three trellises

For stability, the design includes support pillars (4 pcs.) and horizontal struts (4 pcs.).

Scheme of a wooden trellis made of beams

Specification of materials for trellis

Specification of materials required for the construction of the trellis

Work process:

1. Assemble the frame of the central section. To do this, horizontal slats are placed on the vertical supports and the connection is secured with glue and self-tapping screws.

Assembling a frame from wooden slats

2. Inside the frame, on the reverse side, assemble a diamond-shaped lattice. Diagonal slats are fixed parallel to each other. The ends of the planks are filed at an angle of 45°. At the points of their connection with the frame bars, they are fastened flush with self-tapping screws.

Fastening the slats with self-tapping screws

3. The frame is turned face up. Diagonal slats are secured over the back lattice.

Assembling the trellis mesh

4. The intersections of the diagonal slats are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Fixing the joints of trellis slats

Fixing the joints of vertical and horizontal trellis slats

5. The large arch of the central section of the trellis consists of 5 segments. Using a paper template, the outlines of the segments are transferred to the board and cut out. The ends of the segments are formed at an angle of 22.5°.

6. An arched arc with an outer radius of 470 mm is assembled from the segments. The ends of the arch are connected to the vertical posts of the central trellis.

The segments are connected to each other using glue and staples

7. A small arc is cut out of the board with an outer radius of 100 mm and an inner radius of 60 mm. Fix it on the outside of the grille, in the center.

8. The rays of the arch are secured on the wrong side.

The rays of the arch will become additional supports for climbing clematis

9. Cut out 4 arch finials. They are installed in places where beams with a large arch are attached.

10. Make side trellises. First, 2 rectangular frames are assembled, and horizontal and vertical slats are attached to them to form a lattice.

The two side trellises are frames with rectangular cells

11. The support pillars are secured to the base (path, concrete platform, etc.) using metal corners. The trellises are attached to the support posts with the same corners.

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How to plant clematis in landscape design: 4 ways

Clematis in landscape design are used to decorate gazebos, walls, fences, verandas, arches, and pergolas. They are chosen for their fast growth, lush flowering, and variety of varieties. Bright volumetric shapes help decorate and zone the territory. But first things first!

Why clematis?

Unpretentious plants appeal to every amateur gardener. Clematis is not picky about the composition of the soil or watering. Pleases with good growth and flowering in all climatic zones.

Having several clematis at the dacha, the plot will be attractive all summer. The variety of species allows you to create colorful flowering compositions. The choice is great: 300 species and 2 thousand competing varieties.

When buying a seedling in a nursery, you can focus on the main subgroups:

  • liana-shaped - up to 3 meters;
  • tall - up to 6 m;
  • bush;
  • early and late flowering;
  • compact creeping.

Regardless of the type, the stem and leaves of clematis seek support and tend upward. This is an ideal crop for landscaping vertical structures.

Compared to other climbing plants, clematis are distinguished by long flowering and annual renewal of the ground mass. Almost all varieties begin to grow from ground level. In June, it is already a fully formed plant, gathering buds.

Groundwater is harmful to clematis. If the water level is 1–1.2 m, then there is a possibility of poor growth. Abundant flowering and active vegetation are observed in well-lit areas.

The composition of the soil is not so important for the root system. But severe acidification of the soil is not the best option. The ideal soil would be sandstone, loam, flavored with humus. Many species planted in harsh climates require winter shelter.

The proximity of water is neutralized by the creation of drainage. The thickness of the gravel/stones in the planting hole can be 10–40 cm.

Decoration of the site

Clematis is a universal tool for designers. The plasticity of the stem, the variety of textures and colors are ideal for decorating any area. This vine can be the center of attention or serve as a background, ideally combined with many garden crops.

Method 1. Vertical gardening

Near the house, in the recreation area, near the gazebo, on the lawn, a flowering vine is planted. It effectively decorates any place. The only caveat is that you need support.

Depending on the location, different supporting structures are installed:

  • trellises,
  • arches,
  • pillars,
  • trellises,
  • screens.

In some cases, a chain-link mesh is used. It is fixed in the form of a pillar. A part of the mother bush is planted next to or inside the circle.

Vertical plantings are made from one variety or several. Complex combinations cause delight when plants are selected according to flowering time, height and size of buds.

Method 2. Horizontal gardening

Small-flowered clematis are used as ground cover crops. They are winter-hardy, grow quickly, and bloom profusely. The size of the buds in creeping species is small: 2–4 cm.

Groundcover clematis include:

  • Tunguska,
  • Oriental,
  • serratifolia,
  • Burning,
  • Mountain,
  • Paniculate.

Small varieties are also used to decorate the edges of garden paths, flower beds, and coniferous compositions. Interesting combinations of ground cover clematis with low-growing thuja, juniper, and spirea are obtained.

Method 3. Trees and bushes

Early flowering shrubs can be used as a support for clematis. They are planted next to lilac, mock orange, forsythia, spirea, rose hips and other shrubs.

After the end of flowering of the base bush, a flowering cap of perennial vines is formed. This option is suitable for bare trunks of fruit and coniferous trees in the garden.

  • Flamintenos,
  • Golden Gate,
  • Semtufei,
  • Ilse Krohn,
  • Lagoon,
  • Nellie Moser,
  • Cardinal,
  • Multi Blue,
  • Alpine,
  • Laura,
  • Sunset,
  • Arabella.

Method 4. Walls of buildings

Clematis is used to decorate the walls of a house, barn, or veranda. Be sure to use supports, trellises made of slats and stretched wire. It is important to avoid excessive soaking during rainy periods.

The distance between the support and the wall is selected within 30 cm or more. This depends on the roof slope, the presence of gutters and is calculated individually. The planting pit is created for the same purpose - waste water does not fall into it. Usually maintained between 40–60 cm.

Varieties blooming June-August:

  • Ville de Lyon,
  • Nika,
  • Wine,
  • Volition,
  • Turquoise,
  • Victoria,
  • Mirage,
  • Angel.

Joint plantings

Clematis does not like overheating of the soil. Any selected options are subject to the planting rule: “Root in the shade - crown in the sun.” If there are no other plants near the bush, the earth is mulched.

Herbaceous plants:

  • marigold,
  • calendula,
  • phlox,
  • daylilies,
  • Siberian iris,
  • peonies.

Lianas and vines

Designers combine clematis with other types of vines in vertical gardening.


  • actinidia,
  • wild grapes,
  • hop,
  • ivy,
  • honeysuckle honeysuckle,
  • Kampsis (southern regions),
  • fruit grapes.


  • morning glory,
  • decorative beans,
  • sweet pea,
  • climbing nasturtium,
  • kobeya.

Clematis and roses

The classic combination of “clematis and rose” is popular in design. In such variations, buds of the same tone are selected or they play in contrast. What species are paired with climbing roses?

Photo Varieties

  • Santana;
  • Polka;
  • Don Juan
  • Indigoletta;
  • Casino;
  • Elfe.

  • Super Excelsa;
  • Snow Goose;
  • Super Dorothy;
  • Rambling Rector.

Container plantings

Large flowers with limited growth (1.2 m) are grown in pots/containers. Such plantings are mobile and decorative. They are used in city loggias and in creating blooming mini-gardens.

The most unpretentious varieties of this group:

  • Picardy- with lilac petals with bright red stripes and a brown center.
  • Fairy Blue- double inflorescences of blue-lilac shades with a blue center.


Spring planting of clematis is considered the best option. If the plant had to be planted in the fall, do it 3-4 weeks before the onset of frost. A bush grown in a container can be planted at any time of the year - the survival rate is 90%.

The intervals between plants are at least 50 cm. It is recommended to plant tall vines less often - 1–1.5 m. Immediately after planting, a support is installed.

Supporting structures must be strong. Their task is to withstand green mass and gusts of wind. For reliability, the legs of the support should be deepened by 0.5 m.

A place for the seedling is chosen with good lighting, preferably sheltered from strong winds. Do not forget about the tendency of roots to rot when the soil is waterlogged. The proximity of drains, roofs without drainage, and lowlands are detrimental to the plant.

Care consists of removing weak branches and feeding with complex mixtures. It is enough to apply fertilizer twice: before flowering and after. Then your pet will delight with large flowers.

Clematis is not affected by pests and diseases and does not need to be treated with chemicals. But spraying with growth stimulants gives an excellent effect. At the beginning of the growing season, when setting buds and flowering, spraying with Zircon and Epin is recommended. As a result, the lateral buds are activated and flowering becomes more abundant.

A five-year-old bush with a dense crown needs to be divided. Mandatory division is carried out every seven-year period. Some species require autumn formative pruning. They develop flower buds on last year's shoots.


The thick green mass, decorative inflorescences and unpretentiousness make clematis a leader in the group of liana-like plants. With clematis, your plot will attract admiring glances.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Tell us in the comments about your favorite varieties and share your growing experience!


Choosing material for support

Clematis can be grown as annual or perennial plants. It all depends on your preferences. For seasonal clematis, supports made of wood or plastic are suitable. It is also acceptable to use wicker structures.

As for perennials, they need support made of durable and strong material. This is metal, mesh made of strong fiber, wire.

Materials can be combined. For clematis, a wooden support with a metal mesh or a metal column with wicker inserts are suitable. To make the latter, straw and willow twigs are used.

Wooden supports:

The advantages of wooden supports are financial accessibility, light weight, and environmental friendliness. If necessary, the structure can be moved to any location without any problems.

Wooden structures have a number of disadvantages. Products need systematic updating, which involves applying paints and varnishes. It is worth noting their short service life - wooden products are susceptible to rotting and the negative influence of environmental factors. They will have to be dismantled and stored in a dry room every year.

Read also:

How to feed clematis in spring for long and luxurious flowering

Metal supports:

The structures are characterized by stability; there is no need to put them away for storage in winter. Can be used for many years. If they are coated with excellent quality, renovation work should be carried out every 3-4 years.

Metal wire and mesh are characterized by good flexibility, due to which they take any shape when installing the structure. To securely fasten all elements, welding work will be required.

The material is not budget, therefore, if it is not possible to purchase it, old unnecessary elements will do.

The structure has an impressive weight, which means that it will have to be moved to another place using appropriate equipment. In order for the support to be safe, its base will have to be strengthened, and this implies additional financial costs.

Combined supports for clematis:

A design whose production does not require serious financial investments. Leftovers are suitable as parts that you won’t be sorry to throw away in a few years. Assembly is carried out in a short period of time.

If you give free rein to your imagination, you will get original, elegant supports. The metal arch and garden swing are made to order or purchased ready-made in the appropriate stores. A beginner cannot make them without certain skills.

Important! Consider the stability and reliability of the base. Take care of safety: secure pergolas and trellises so that they are not blown away by strong winds.

When fantasy knows no bounds

If you have no ideas on how to design the support structure, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the photographic material.

Clematis can amaze anyone with its luxurious blooms. So I couldn’t resist his charms and was inspired to plant this handsome guy on my plot. Without thinking twice, I learned all the secrets of caring for it and acquired the treasured seedlings.

But this is a climbing plant, so the question immediately arose about such an important stage in the cultivation of clematis as arranging a support for these vines. Making them with your own hands is not difficult; the main thing is not to ignore the characteristics of your own garden and the needs of the plant itself.

Clematis is a climbing plant, a kind of liana. Without reliable support, its branches will simply spread out on the ground, constantly getting underfoot. And with the help of a suitable support, you can easily decorate your garden, gazebo, or walls with a screen with clematis.

This method of cultivation contributes to the full development of the vine and its more luxuriant flowering. In addition, it performs a sanitary function, since plants spread out on the soil are not ventilated, the liquid stagnates, and as a result a favorable microclimate is created for all kinds of diseases.

Features of supports for clematis

You should start with a detailed study and selection of options that are suitable for you. Decide on the type of support that fits well with the design of your garden, determine the list of materials needed for its construction.

An important aspect in this matter will be the variety of your clematis. Moreover, the biological and decorative characteristics of different varieties are often the determining factor.

So, “Cosmic Melody” and “Anniversary 70” are perfect for an interesting composition in the form of a carpet. A characteristic feature of these varieties is that their inflorescences are evenly distributed from the roots to the very top. For beautiful garlands and cascades, “Mountaineer”, “Crima Serenade” and “Turquoise” are successfully used.

To create a cylindrical element as a support, plant varieties that do not cling as they develop - these are “White Dance”, “Alyonushka”, “Blue Bird” and others.

When creating a support, also think about the fact that it is possible to cover it with a vine only in the summer, and in the cold season it will be open. Therefore, its appearance should be quite decorative and fit well into the surrounding space, even in winter.

The characteristics of the soil in your garden play an important role, because the structure, first of all, must be strong and reliable, capable of easily supporting the weight of an adult bush. Depending on the type of structure, gratings, stairs, wooden and metal arches, rope and much more are used as the material used to construct the supporting structure.

Supports can be attached to the walls of a house and buildings, decorate windows, doors, paths, trees or separate structures.

Remember that only plants of one variety are placed on a small support, but on a large one you can create a harmonious composition of several varieties at once.

Making a support for clematis

Wicker support made of twigs

This is the type of support that looks impressive even without the presence of a vine. To build it you will need an axe, willow twigs (you can replace them with vines), twine and several high perches.

  • The base of the poles is sharpened, then they are firmly stuck into the soil at the site where the clematis will be planted.
  • Two rings are woven from vines or branches, which should be of such size as to be pressed as tightly as possible against the vertical poles.
  • You can install the poles not parallel to each other or make the support itself not equilateral, but then the rings are made unequal.
  • Next, the rings, at your request, are installed on poles, the protruding tops of which are cut off.
  • For strength, the rings themselves are well secured with twine, and intertwined vines are installed in the inner plane of the rings, fixed along the perimeter of the rings.

Trellis made of beams

  • To create an interesting trellis you will need slats and bars with a thickness of 5 cm.
  • The frame itself is made up of beams, and slats are laid out on it as a lattice. In this case, the horizontal ones are superimposed on the front side, and the vertical ones, running perpendicular to the first, on the reverse side. It is advisable to fix them with self-tapping screws, so the structure will be stronger. This is especially true for the intersections of slats.
  • In the place where the trellis will stand, it is necessary to secure the support pillars. If this place is near the path, then the trellis is additionally reinforced with metal corners. In the same way, the trellis itself is attached to the pillars.
  • For maximum reliability, it is better to build additional supports. So, a trellis located close to the wall of the house is supported on it with auxiliary beams.

Chain-link mesh support

One of the simplest, but no less interesting, methods is to create a support for clematis from the most ordinary chain-link mesh. To create it, you will not need any expensive material or special effort; this support is simple, economical and at the same time effective.

  • You will need a chain-link mesh of a size corresponding to the desired size of the structure, a roll of thin wire, 3 thin supports made of plastic or any suitable material and a piece of old electrical cable.
  • The most difficult part of this process will be stretching the mesh, because it tends to constantly curl and get tangled. To make your task easier, the cable, divided in half, is laid out parallel to each other on the ground, while maintaining a distance equal to the width of the mesh.
  • Secure the cable sections well, this will make it much more convenient for you to attach the chain-link to them. Once you've completed this task, it's time to work on the supports.
  • 2 of them should be located on the sides of the net, and the remaining one should be on the top. Now the side supports are threaded into the mesh stretched over the cable so that 20 cm is left free at the bottom. This part will be underground. The third pipe is stretched along the top of the mesh to make the structure more stable. All joints are well secured with wire.
  • The resulting structure is installed in its place. As a rule, such supports are used to camouflage and decorate fences. The legs of the support are driven into the soil about half a meter from the fence, the upper part is leaned against it and secured with self-tapping screws.
  • Quite often the porch of a house is decorated with clematis. To do this, trellises are constructed using wire and fixed at one end above the entrance to the house, the other end is tied to a peg stuck into the ground near the bush.

Clematis looks interesting growing near a fence and stretched over a volleyball net. The lower part of the mesh is secured to stakes driven into the ground, and the upper part is attached to the fence using hooks or bent nails.

Arch for clematis

The arch can be called the most beautiful design for climbing plants. Ready-made options sold in stores undoubtedly amaze with their variety, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, many craftsman gardeners make arches on their own.

To make them you need a pair of long three-meter duralumin tubes, 5 pieces half a meter long, welded mesh in PVC insulation, stainless screws and enamel.

  • Bend the long tubes into a pair of identical arcs. The easiest way to give them the desired shape is to pull them through a pipe. Then they are driven into the soil 20 cm from each other, short tubes are attached to the bases with screws, connecting them together. The finished structure is painted with enamel.
  • Then two pieces of mesh are cut so that their width exceeds the width of the structure by a couple of cells. Their length should be exactly the same. Then, using nippers, the protruding cells are turned into protruding twigs about 4 cm long. It is with their help that the mesh will be attached to the arch. Twist each twig around the tubes, then install the arch, plunging it into the soil at least 50 cm.

Secrets of the Clematis Garter

Regardless of the type of support, plant staking must be carried out according to certain rules.

Using twine, the stem of the plant is first tied to the bottom of the structure, and then it is wrapped several times with the same rope around the tubes or mesh. In the future, the procedure is repeated as needed.

Most often, the vine itself develops along the desired route, with the only exception being small-flowered varieties; they require periodic tying and direction of their growth.

It is important to wisely select varieties suitable for a particular corner of the garden. So, in a small cozy area, near low fences, it is recommended to place varieties with large inflorescences.

They are luxurious on a site whose size does not exceed 5 square meters. They are good in central flower beds and front gardens. The height of such plants reaches 3 meters.

Beautiful compositions of large-flowered clematis with evergreen bushes and trees. Tall trees are often decorated with small-flowered vines, characterized by powerful shoots and active growth.

In both cases, clematis beautifully entwines tree branches and descends to the soil in a thick carpet of emerald foliage with bright inflorescences, creating a composition of extraordinary beauty.

Clematis is an ideal option for creating luxurious partitions, barriers and other garden decoration elements. The main thing is to choose the right support for it, taking into account not only your desires, but the variety and external characteristics of the vine.
