Winter peace of nature. Winter - peace of nature (grade 1)

Class: 1

Class: Grade 1, program "School-2100"

Subject: The world

Lesson topic:"Winter - peace of nature"

Didactic goal: create conditions for understanding, understanding and primary consolidation of a block of new information by means of ICT, educational material, creative tasks.

  • introduce children to winter phenomena, teach them to distinguish the signs of winter;
  • to teach schoolchildren to establish the relationship between cooling and the life of plants and animals;
  • to cultivate a sense of empathy, a desire to help animals in difficult times.

Lesson type: combined

Basic didactic methods:

  • problematic teaching methods;
  • partial search;
  • explanatory and illustrative;
  • principles of self-organization of cognitive work of students.

Didactic tools:

  • for the teacher - presentation, phonogram;
  • for students - a textbook-notebook, mood cards, twigs of spruce and pine.

Methodical literature:

  1. Barysheva Yu.A., Vakhrushev A.A., Dokshina S.P., Gaysina G.M., Kozlova S.A., Rautian A.S. Me and the world around. 1st class. Methodical recommendations for the teacher. - M.: Balass, 2003.
  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Bursky O.V., Ivanova N.V., Rautian A.S. The world. Textbook for 1st grade: Me and the world around. In 4 parts. Part 2. - M.: Balass, 2007.
  3. Dyachkova G.T. The world. Grades 2-4: extra-curricular activities on the theme "Seasons". - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  4. Dyachkova G.T. The world. Grades 2-4: Olympiad tasks. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.
  5. Efremova P.G., Pekpaev A.A. Do you know the animals of our region? - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari book publishing house, 1995.
  6. Entertaining natural history. - M.: Omega, 1997.
  7. Isaeva S.A. Physical culture minutes in elementary school: a practical guide. - M.: Iris-press, 2007.
  8. Kudryshov M.I. Do you know your native land? - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Printing and Publishing Plant, 1997.
  9. Pekpaev A.A. We study nature. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari book publishing house, 1995.
  10. Popova G.P. The world. Grade 1: lesson plans according to the textbook by A.A. Vakhrushev, O.V. Bursky, N.V. Ivanova, A.S. Rautian, "Me and the world around" - Vogograd: teacher, 2006.
  11. DVD for Windows BECM, 2006.


  • record player,
  • projector.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Actualization of knowledge and problem statement.
  3. Joint "discovery" of new knowledge.
  4. Independent application of knowledge.
  5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

At night in the fields, under the tunes of a snowstorm.
Dozing, swaying birch and spruce:
The moon shines between the clouds over the field, -
A pale shadow runs and melts:
I dream at night: between white birches
Frost wanders in the fluffy radiance.
I. Bunin

(The teacher reads poems by heart to the music, a picture of the winter landscape Moroz Ivanovich appears on the slide) Slide #1

Moroz Ivanovich has prepared a small surprise for you, which you will learn about at the end of the lesson if you are active and attentive.

II. Actualization of knowledge and problem statement.

Riddles from Moroz Ivanovich will tell you the topic of our lesson.

Pinches cheeks, pinches nose,
But we are not afraid :(freezing)

I say to my brother: - Oh!
Peas are falling from the sky!
The elder brother answers:
- It's your pea. :(deg)

I'm skating forward
Strong under the feet :(ice)

The stars began to spin
They began to lie down on the ground,
No, not stars, but fluffs,
Not fluff, but :(snowflakes)

Winter holiday!
Happy days!
The boys need sleds
Skiing and :(skates)

The cold has come
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared hare gray
Turned into a white bunny
The bear stopped crying
The bear hibernated in the forest
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen? (in winter)

What word is associated with all the words you guessed? (with the word "winter")

What will be the topic of our lesson?

("Winter and animals in winter" and other assumptions of children. The teacher clarifies and opens the topic of the lesson)

The topic of our lesson "Winter - peace of nature" (open)

All the words you guessed, as you have already noted, are associated with the word "winter". Why is she called "peace nature" who's to say?

What is the main question of our lesson? What are your guesses? (Children's guesses)

Why do we need to know this?

So, goal our lesson is to get acquainted with winter phenomena, learn to distinguish the signs of winter, establish the relationship between cooling and the life of plants and animals.

You already know a lot about winter, let's repeat what it is. I know that you are very observant children when you walk, look closely at nature, the world around you, so you can easily answer questions:

  • Why do many animals and birds from the forest thicket cling to human habitation in winter?
  • (Because in winter it is easier for them to find food near human habitation)
  • What winter months do you know? (December January February)
  • What bird breeds chicks at any time of the year, even in winter, among the snow? (Klesty. Klesty feed their chicks with pine and spruce seeds)
  • Do tits bring benefits or harm to a person in winter, when all insects sleep? (Benefit: in winter, tits are looking for hidden insects in the cracks and holes in the bark of trees, their testicles and larvae and eat them in masses)
  • Does a badger bring benefits or harm to a person in winter? (No benefit, no harm; in winter the badger sleeps.)
  • What other animal is sleeping? (Bear, hedgehog, bats)
  • What signs of winter can you name? Slide #2

(In winter, nature puts on a snowy outfit, rivers and lakes are ice-bound)

Signs of winter weather:

  • getting colder
  • the sky is mostly covered with clouds
  • precipitation falls in the form of snow
  • the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer

Has the life of plants and animals changed?

How to connect all these changes? Which one is the most important?

(It got very cold)

What is the reason for the general cooling in winter?

(The sun began to rise late, set early - therefore, the earth receives little light and heat - the days have become short. In a short day, the sun does not have time to warm the air, and it is cold)

III. Joint "discovery" of new knowledge.

Textbook work.

Completing a task "What we meet - we don't meet in winter" on p.50.

Pupils should circle objects of different colors that they meet only in winter, including in winter and not found in winter. Slide #3

Work in pairs at the blackboard.

(Two students work at the blackboard with felt-tip pens.)

Independent work.


Let's see if you completed the task. Guess the riddles and say what color circle you circled this object.

I wasn't raised
Blinded from the snow
Instead of a nose deftly
Put in carrots.
Eyes - coals, lips - knots.
cold, big
Who am I?

(snow woman. We meet her only in winter, circled blue circle)

Down the top grows, up the root grows.

(Icicle, circled in blue)

Two sisters, two braids
From sheep's yarn thin.
How to walk - so put on.
So that five and five do not freeze. ( Mittens)

Expressive text reading "Sounds of Winter" on p.50.

Prepared students read against the background of calm music, the rest follow the textbook. On the slide is a reproduction of a winter landscape that conveys calmness, thoughtfulness, mystery, and the silence of winter nature. Slide #4

Discussion on:

What words can describe the winter weather in the forest?

Who can name more sounds that break the silence of nature, which was mentioned in the story?

What "conversations" do birds have in winter?

Exercise for the development of observation "Find a real snowflake on p.51. Slide #5

Snow talk:

Why does precipitation fall in the form of snow in winter? (Cold)

Snow - what is it? (frozen water)

Listen and say what they say:

Light fluffy,
sparkling, white,
What a pure
How brave! (So ​​they say about the snowflake) Slide #6

Look at the snowflakes on a blue background (p. 51) Circle a real snowflake and explain your choice. (Answers guys)

How are snowflakes formed? Who found the answer to this question at home?

Listen to the story "Snowflakes are flying" V. Arkhangelsky and learn a lot of interesting things about the formation of snowflakes. (The text is read by the student) Slide number 7

Snowballs are flying.

Winter has come.

A cold wind blew from the north, and snowflakes fell from the sky.

They spin in the air and fall to the ground - one is more beautiful than the other! Here is a flower with six petals; here is an asterisk with six rays; here is the thinnest plate with six sides!

Scientists visited the clouds during a snowfall and saw how snowflakes form.

Large flakes of snow fell under the plane, and tiny ice crystals flickered high in the sky. And as soon as the ice sank into the cloud, they immediately became light, delicate snowflakes.

Small pieces of ice in the high sky are frozen water vapor. It is everywhere in the air ocean surrounding us. In spring, summer, autumn, steam turns into raindrops, and in winter - into snowflakes.

The quieter the frosty weather, the more beautiful the snowflakes falling to the ground. With a strong wind, their rays and edges break off, and white flowers and stars turn into snow dust. And when the frost is not strong, the snowflakes roll into dense white balls, and then we say that cereals are falling from the sky.

Falling to the ground, snowflakes cling to each other and, if there is no severe frost, flakes form.

Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes.


Now the magic will happen. (Waltz music plays)

We turn into snowflakes. Take your snowflakes that you made in crafting class. Move according to the nature of the music.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle
It turns out snow.
We whitewashed the trees -
Roofs covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And saved from the cold.
A breeze has blown
And all the snow has gone.

And who among you knows why the snow crunches underfoot?

(It crunches because stars and rays break under the weight of your body)

Winter is coming, snowdrifts are growing, and the snow cover is gradually becoming dense.

And then the sun warms up, the wind does not forget about its work for a minute. Sometimes it swoops in from the south and brings thaws. And when frost hits after a thaw, a thin hard shell forms on the snow. It's called infusion. Slide #9

At such a time, it is difficult for many animals to move through the snow and get food. Elks cut their legs with a sharp crust of snow. With difficulty, moss and leaves are dug out from under the crust.

But the bunny expanse! He walks on loose snow, as if in felt boots, and almost does not fall through, but rushes along the snow, like on a parquet. And no one can keep up with him.

Completing a task "Think and tell." Slide #10

Consider the plot pictures on p.51. What is the bewildered little man asking you about? Help him figure it out. What happened to the snowman.

(Students' answers)

Consider a photograph of a winter forest.

What do you see? (children's answers) Slide #11

What are the characteristics of trees in winter? Do you remember what you saw during the tour?

Pay attention to the fact that most of the trees stand with bare branches bare from the leaves, it seems that the plants are sleeping in a deep sleep, but this is not entirely true. The trees are almost asleep, or rather, they are dozing, as they are well prepared for the cold: under the bark they have a dense cork layer that protects from the cold, the buds are covered with scales, over the summer the trees have accumulated reserves.

(The teacher demonstrates a twig of birch and aspen, cuts the bud. Students look at the buds of birch and aspen in their jars)

But not all trees shed their leaves.

(The teacher demonstrates sprigs of pine and spruce, students examine the branches on their desks)

How to distinguish pine from spruce? (According to the cones and the length of the needles)

Consider the structure of the needles. They are covered with wax. Therefore, they are not afraid of frost.

Challenge game "Identify birds and animals for the winter"

Look at samples of food for winter food for birds and animals: cones, dried mushrooms, grains, tree bark, crumbs, berries, seeds, etc. Match these types of food with the birds and animals shown in the pictures on the board. Take the picture and attach it to the food stand. Now complete the task in the textbook on p. 52: connect winter dwellings and food with their consumers and inhabitants with lines.

Physical education minute "Winter"(To the music)

We got up and imagined that we were in the winter forest of Moroz Ivanovich.

The sun warms the earth weakly, (Hands up and down)

Frost crackles at night (Hands on the belt, tilts to the side)

In the yard at the Snow Woman (Hands on the belt, turn around)

Whitened carrot nose. (Children show their nose)

Suddenly there was water in the river

Motionless and firm (Jumping in place)

Blizzard get angry

The snow is spinning (Children are spinning)

Sweeps everything around

Snow white silver. (Imitate hand movements)

Completing a task "Where did the animals and birds hide in the winter forest"

And the forest is mysterious,
| And the forest is mysterious,
Silent silence:
Animals and birdies -
Winter hid them all.

Which of you will quickly determine who and where the winter hid in the forest?

(Student answers, screen display)

From whom are animals and birds hiding?

What difficulties do they experience in winter?

Not only plants prepared to survive the cold. Many birds flew away to warmer climes in autumn.

Remember which of them flew away?

Why do birds fly away?

(Birds tolerate cold well, since feathers and down are very warm clothes, and bird blood is hot, so birds are not afraid of frost. The reason is different - hunger. In winter, most insects disappear, and it becomes more and more difficult for birds to get food. And yet some stay for the winter.)

What birds stay for the winter? Slide #13

Why do birds visit cities and villages more often in winter? Slide #14

So what did the titmouse ask for? (About food) (p.52)

IV. Independent application of knowledge.

The game "Tic-Tac-Toe".

(Students on the sheets answer the questions, putting "+" if the answer is correct, "0" if the answer is incorrect)

Do insects hide in winter? (+)

Is it true that migratory birds do not fly to warmer climes? ( 0 )

Wintering birds are those birds that remain to winter in their homeland. Is it so? (+)

Swallow, nightingale, starling - wintering birds? ( 0 )

Is it true that crossbills have chicks in winter? (+)

Do you agree with the statement that birds eat fruits, seeds, buds in winter? (+)

Do birds need to be fed in winter? (+)

Is it true that birds do not die of cold and hunger in winter? ( 0 )

Peer review of completed assignments.

V. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Explanation of homework.

At home you have to perform interesting tasks. One of them is creative, simultaneously developing attention and observation.

Frost tried to draw such intricate drawings on the windows. That it is not only difficult for the book monkey to find his friends, but also for us. But still, man is a rational being, he surpassed monkeys in intelligence, so you will be able to find monkey friends in winter window patterns. And to make them expressive, decorate them. (p.51)

Another task is the experimental-observational work that the authors offer on page 52 of the textbook. Play an experiment: send a northern polar bear on a journey. As described in the task of the man Watcher.

On p.53, read the verses and riddles that we will analyze in the next lesson.

If you wish, you can memorize any poem about winter.

Completing the task:

Pick up their continuation to the beginning of the expressions and get folk proverbs about the winter season. Slide #17

No season is so magical. In summer, in spring, the earth is cheerful, the leaves of trees rustle with life, the river rolls its restless waters, the meadows scream with the diversity of flowers, the chirping and squeaking of insects, birds - everything moves, everything is animated and reaches for the warmth of the sun.

Winter is different. All living things hid in the depths of the earth, holes, cracks, hollows and sleeps, waiting for spring and the sun. The trees are bare, the birds have flown away, and those that remain do not sing and fly chilly and leisurely. And the sorceress-winter gives this whole dead desert a new life, "a motionless, mute, wonderful life." This is the life of sleep, the time of unusually white and quiet nature.

How do you guys understand why they say that "Winter - peace nature", what "winter nature sleeps"? (Student answers)

Reading the conclusion on the topic on the red tablet on p.53

Let's check your statements by reading the conclusion on p.53 of the textbook on the red tablet. Slide #19

Guys, what new did you discover in the lesson?

What did you find most interesting?

How would you rate your work in class?

Raise your hands who:

  • worked at full capacity;
  • worked well, but could have worked better. Why?

How do you end the lesson?

Raise your mood cards.

Well done! You worked actively, completed tasks quickly and accurately, listened carefully to your classmates.

It's time to find out about the mysterious surprise of Moroz Ivanovich.


Snow fell from the birch
On Andryushka lumpy - bang!
From Andryushka turned out
Wonderful :(snowdrift)

In memory of today's lesson, Moroz Ivanovich gives you "drifts."

slide 1

Presentation for the lesson “The world around us” in grade 1 on the topic: “Winter. Peace of nature." winter months

slide 2

In winter, as in other seasons, three months. Meet: December is the oldest, last and oldest of the months of the year. January is the first, youngest month of the new year. You see, he stands with a Christmas tree. But in winter it is the second, average month. February is the last month of winter. Now let's find out more about them.

slide 3

slide 4

December is the beginning of winter. This is the first snow month. Winter White fluffy snow Spins in the air And quietly falls to the ground, lies down. And in the morning with snow The field turned white Like a veil All dressed him. A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat And fell asleep under it Strongly, soundly ... The days have become short The sun shines little Here come the frosts And the winter has come. I. Surikov

slide 5

Often snow falls at the end of autumn - in November and even in October. But usually the first autumn snow melts. But the December snow will lie for a long time - until spring.

slide 6

People rejoice in the snow, especially children. Mother! Look out of the window - To know, yesterday it was not without reason that the cat Washed its nose: There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed, It brightened, turned white - It can be seen that there is a frost. Not prickly, light blue Frost is hung on the branches - Look at least you! As if someone with a thorny Fresh, white, puffy cotton wool All removed the bushes. Now there will be no dispute: For the sleigh and uphill It's fun to run! Really, mom? You will not refuse, And you yourself will probably say: "Well, hurry up for a walk!" Athanasius Fet

Slide 7

Plants rejoice in the snow - it covers them with a warm blanket until spring. Animals rejoice in the snow - it hides their houses and minks. Burning frosts will not climb there. Biting winds will not blow. But the snow still hides the last spikelets with grains, acorns and nuts scattered on the ground. It is cold and hungry in winter for the forest people.

Slide 8

It becomes difficult for the birds left to spend the winter with us to look for food. Therefore, people hang special houses for them - feeders. Put grains, seeds and nuts there. Hang pieces of fat. Eat the birds! Eat whites! This is our custom: As soon as the snow falls, The plank house of the bird, Hang on a twig. M. Pozharova Titmouse and sparrows are especially fond of such delicacies, but pigeons, bullfinches, nuthatches, crows and jays fly to feed on the feeders.

Slide 9

Snow: In different weather, different snow falls from the clouds. When it is cold and there is no wind, light and beautiful snowflakes fall and spin. They are all different, each has its own pattern. If the sun comes out at this time, then the snowflakes will shine with small stars. Winter... Snowflakes curl and spin And rush into my room. They fly, light and brittle And more dazzling than the stars, As if in the blue darkness A trembling bridge will be thrown over. brilliant Elena Blaginina

slide 10

If it is not very cold outside, and the snow has gone stronger, thicker, then it becomes even warmer. Snowflakes stick together into soft snow flakes. Heavy snow is called snowfall. Snowfall The day has come. And suddenly it got dark. The world was lit. We look out the window. Snow falls white-white. Why is it so dark? Valentin Berestov

slide 11

And when the wind blows, grits fall from the clouds - small dense lumps of snow. They are very similar in shape and size to millet or buckwheat, which is why such snow is called groats.

slide 12

And sometimes the snow does not come from the clouds, but freezes right on the branches of trees. This is frost. The whole forest becomes fabulously white. Birch White birch Under my window Covered with snow Like silver. On the fluffy branches With a snowy border, White fringe blossomed tassels. And the birch stands In sleepy silence, And snowflakes burn In golden fire. And the dawn, lazily walking around, sprinkles the branches with new silver Sergey Yesenin

slide 13

The city is also beautiful at this time. Winter It won't be spring yet. Winter with bold strokes Everything, as if in a fairy tale or in a dream, Covers flowers with white. Flowering lantern and wires, Fence - like alabaster! And the decrepit pillar, as never before, Today is cleaned with asters! And all the furs are a solid fox, All fur coats have become white ... Well, winter, well, a tomboy! Well, how did you do it? ... Grigor Vitez

slide 14

This is what frost looks like when you look at it up close. Winter Around everything is white and blue, Everything is in a thin lace of shadows. And the forest is covered with fluffy hoarfrost, He fell asleep until the first spring days, And he dreams calm dreams And bird songs at dawn. Slender pines stand silently In heavy winter silver G. Skrebitsky Hoarfrost often happens when fog falls on the ground. Fog is very similar to clouds and clouds. They are all made up of very, very small droplets of water. So small you can't see them. They can hang in the air and not fall. In the cloud, they collide, freeze and make beautiful snowflakes. And in the fog, they stick to cold tree branches, wires, roofs, walls and freeze on them.

slide 15

Rivers, streams, lakes and ponds are covered with ice in December. At first, it is thin, weak, and it is not yet possible to walk on it. But by mid-December, it usually gets stronger. You can get skates. Hooray, let's ride! On the skating rink The skates shine, the skating rink shines, The fluffy snow sparkles, Put on your skates, my friend, Try to ride. Let the frost bite you - Look, don't be afraid. Let him freeze to tears - Do not give in to Him! Don't back down, slide forward, Fly faster than a bird. The angry frost lags behind Those who are not afraid! V. Donnikova

slide 16

December is the darkest month. This is the time of the longest nights and shortest days. The sun rises late and hides early. He does not rise high, and walks along the edge of the sky. Night in winter - like a black cat, day - like a gray mouse ... (in summer it's the other way around) Night - like a gray mouse, Day - a big shiny cat. PS Solovieva And in the very north, in the Arctic, the sun is not visible at all. All winter is dark - polar night.

slide 17

But as soon as the snow falls, it immediately becomes lighter and happier, despite such short days. What is outside the window? Light up in the house! This snow lies like a carpet, The very first, the whitest! E. Trutneva

slide 18

And December is the last month of the year. This month we decorate the Christmas tree for the arrival of the New Year and the new month - January. December In December, in December All the trees are in silver. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, Frost paved during the night, Updated skates, sledges, Brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The Christmas tree cried at first From the warmth of the house. In the morning she stopped crying, Breathed, came to life. Her needles tremble a little, On the branches the lights lit up, as if on a ladder, on a fir-tree The lights run up. .. Marshak Samuil It is believed that the month of December and the old year end at night when 12 o'clock comes. Therefore, on this last night of December, many adults and even children do not sleep. Everyone celebrates the New Year, walks, arrange fireworks.

slide 19

slide 20

And then January came - this is the first month of the year, but the second, middle month of winter. January Open the calendar - January begins. In January, in January There is a lot of snow in the yard. Snow - on the roof, on the porch. The sun is in the blue sky. Stoves are heated in our house, Smoke goes up into the sky. Samuil Marshak

slide 21

This is the coldest month. It is especially cold in clear weather, when the sun shines in the sky during the day, and the moon at night. Snow sparkles from the moonlight, The January night is cold. In a fluffy cloud, like a scarf, Wrapped up in the sky the moon. She floats alone in the sky, She is chilly in the empty height, From the cold people closed themselves in their houses, But there is nowhere for the moon to hide.

slide 22

In such weather, the cheeks and noses turn red and burn, as if someone were chewing on them. It's frost. For this he was nicknamed Frost - a red nose. Frost I ran behind the fence, And Frost stands and waits, He walked beside me - Not one step behind. In the yard our shirts are dancing on a rope with the wind. I'm running - Frost is after me! Frost attacked the linen, Sharp icy dust Penetrated it through and through. He grabbed it and made it hard - And the linen froze. Put it on the snow - it won't fall. Push it - it will go. I pushed just barely - The sheet went first, And the shirt walked, Spreading the sleeves. And the little tailor Frost Pricks her cheeks, cuts her nose. The wind rushed towards me, He jumped on my shoulders. The wind is an icy horseman - whistles loudly behind his back. Frozen spruces crackle, Sleighs creak in the snow. Kvitko Lev

slide 23

And when the clouds come and the snow falls, it gets warmer. It's the other way around! It's not like summer! When the sun is cold, when the clouds are warm. White poems Snow is spinning, Snow is falling - Snow! Snow! Snow! The beast and the bird are glad of the snow And, of course, the man! Gray titmouse are happy: Birds freeze in the cold, Snow fell, frost fell! The cat washes its nose with snow. The puppy has white snowflakes on its black back. ... Sergei Mikhalkov

slide 24

slide 26

The weather is getting milder, warmer than in January. This makes the snow sticky. In such weather it is good to build snow fortresses, sculpt snowmen and snow women. Not alone We didn't eat, we didn't drink, We made a snow woman. The February snow is weak, weak, crumpled at hand. But just for the snow woman. We need one. It was hot for us to work, As if there was no winter, As if February had taken from March Warm day on loan. Smiling as if alive, In the park, in silence, A snow woman stood up In a white zipuna. ... Agniya Barto

slide 27

slide 28

And in February, winds often blow. They blow snow off the ground. They twist it, carry it, throw it. Do you remember how the month of February sings in a fairy tale about 12 months: Winds, storms, hurricanes, Blow as much as you can! Whirlwinds, blizzards and snowstorms, Play out by night! Blow loudly in the clouds, Wind over the earth. Let the white snake run in the fields! Samuil Marshak

Topic:« Winter: peace of nature»

Grade 1 EMC “School of Russia.

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

By structure: problem-dialogic. In the system of lessons on the topic under study - 1 lesson on the topic “Seasons. Winter".

Conceptual goal of the lesson: create conditions for awareness, comprehension and primary consolidation of a block of new information by means of ICT, cognitive interest in creative tasks.

The strategic goal of the lesson: to acquaint with winter natural phenomena, to teach to distinguish the seasons by signs.

Lesson objectives:

deepen and expand students' knowledge of winter phenomena;

to form the ability to find the relationship between cooling and plant life;

Equipment: nature calendar, multimedia equipment

Didactic tools for the teacher - presentation; for students - a textbook. notebook, mood cards; handout - twigs with buds.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment (1-2 minutes).

It's a new day. I see you are in a great mood. Let's straighten our backs, straighten our shoulders, take a deep breath of the freshness of a winter morning, and then exhale and drive away all the troubles and sorrows.

At night in the fields, under the tunes of a snowstorm.
Dozing, swaying birch and spruce:
The moon shines between the clouds over the field, -
A pale shadow runs and melts:
I dream at night: between white birches
Frost wanders in the fluffy radiance.
I. Bunin

(The teacher reads poems by heart to the music, a picture of a winter landscape appears on the slide) Slide #1

2. Actualization of knowledge (5-6 min)

Riddles will tell us what we will talk about in the lesson.

Pinches cheeks, pinches nose,
But we are not afraid :(freezing)

I'm skating forward
Strong under the feet : (ice)

The stars began to spin
They began to lie down on the ground,
No, not stars, but fluffs,
Not fluff, but : (snowflakes)

Winter holiday!
Happy days!
The boys need sleds
Skiing and : (skates)

The cold has come
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared hare grey,
Turned into a white bunny
The bear stopped crying
Hibernated in the forest - bear
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen? (in winter)

What common word can combine all the words you guessed? (with the word "winter")

What winter holiday do both adults and children love the most? Without which fairy-tale characters can we not imagine this holiday?

We received a letter

It was strange.

Instead of stamps - three snowflakes,

And an envelope made of pure ice,

And the letter is not on the sheet,

And on white snow.

Santa Claus sent us a letter in which he asks for evidence that winter has already come and it is time for him to get ready for a long journey in order to congratulate all the children on the holiday. Let's help him.

3. Statement of the educational task.

You already know a lot about winter. I know that you are very observant children when you walk, look closely at nature, the world around you, so you can easily cope with the task.

Work in a workbook. (Work in pairs)

Let's play. The game "What do we meet and do not meet in winter?" Open your workbook to page 36, task #4.

Agree among yourselves: who will work with a blue pencil, and who with a red one.

Exercise. Circle the objects that are most often found in winter with a blue pencil, circle objects that are not found most often in winter with a red pencil.

3. Independent work (3 min)

What items gave you trouble?

4. Check. (1 min) (On slide number 3 I point with a pointer, and the children raise signal cards).



So, friends, let's think: what are we going to talk about today in the lesson?

What will be the topic of our lesson? (Assumptions of children. The teacher clarifies and opens the topic of the lesson)

The topic of our lesson "Winter - peace of nature" (Slide number 4)

What do you think changes around us with the onset of winter? (Children's guesses)

So, goal our lesson is to get acquainted with winter phenomena, learn to distinguish the signs of winter, establish the relationship between cooling and the life of plants and animals.

5. Joint "discovery" of new knowledge (7-10 minutes).

The Russian people endowed winter with various nicknames, which are now preserved in fairy tales and sayings:

Hello Russian girl

Coloring - soul

white winch,

affectionate: winter-mother, winter-sorceress, beauty, swan.

And when the winter was blizzard, frosty, cold, then the people scolded her, scolded her.

Scolding: Likhodeyka, pryberikha, sly, gray-haired sorceress (this is also about winter, but when the nose turns blue from frost).

Establishing signs of winter weather:

What signs of winter can you name?

It's getting colder;

The sky is often covered with clouds;

Precipitation falls in the form of snow;

The days are getting shorter and the nights are longer;

Winter brought strict order to the forests and fields. Everything is tidied up, sparkling white. I distributed warm coats to the trees. They are all in the same outfit. The changes that winter brings have their own charms: the purest, fluffy snow, the transparency of patterned branches, some special lightness of invigorating air, and to all this - great peace that has spilled over into nature.

slide number 6

Our distant ancestors constantly observed nature, the change of seasons, memorized their features, since the life of people, especially in rural areas, depended on these signs (observations). Signs suggested when to sow, when to harvest. Observations suggest that the future harvest depends largely on the winter months.

Today, science based on observations of natural phenomena is called phenology. She uses in her activities the observations of our ancestors "folk calendar",

Forecasters speech.

Forecaster on duty (weather observation diary)

1.Day, month, day of the week

2. Cloudy,

3. Precipitation.

4. Wind

5. Warm or cold.

What does today confirm? What season? Although the weather is not winter outside, it is winter on the calendar.

6. Fizminutka ( 1-2 min ).

Winter of three months lord. As if faithful guards stand these three brothers guarding her rest. Help put the months in the right order.

slide number 10


Slide number 11 (Student reads a poem)

It snowed in December

Gentle, soft as fluff.

I sewed a bedspread in December,

For the earth, so as not to suffer

From the finest delicate threads,

Not colored, but white.

The earth became white

From the care of December.

December is the last month of the year and the first month of winter.

Slide number 12.

In December the days get shorter and colder.

December 22, the winter solstice, is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The people call it jelly (it cools the earth, freezes rivers and lakes), frowning - for early twilight, lute - for a long frosty cold.

January Slide number 13 (Student reads a poem)

Holiday month of January

Opens the calendar

He brings holidays

Asks the kids to rest

Fly from the mountains on a sled

Skis are quick to get

Blind a snow fortress

And do not quarrel - be friends.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. The people call him a section (it cuts the winter in half), blue. Why do you think? (This month the sun shines more often and the blue sky peeps through) January is considered the coldest month of the year. Slide #14

February Slide number 15 (Student reads a poem)

In February, a blizzard rages

Anxious girlfriend

Whirlwinds of snow are circling

Whole nights.

Do not pass, do not pass

The blizzard covered the way

Let her sweep herself

Our house will not get snow.

In the old days, February was called "snowman"? (Slide 16) Why? In February, the deepest snow and the largest snowdrifts. The weather is getting milder, warmer than in January.

This makes the snow sticky. In such weather it is good to build snow fortresses, sculpt snowmen and snow women.

People noticed that the day of February 2 shows what spring will be like. If the sun shines on this day, the spring will be warm. If cloudy - get ready for late frosts and snowstorms. Here is such a sign.

Have you noticed how often we say in winter:

Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard. And what is it? (winter natural phenomena)

A) the wind picks up snowflakes from the ground and carries them, sweeps like a broom. What's this?

The wind with snow was called blizzard.

B) It happens that a blizzard is called a blizzard. Listen to the howl of the wind. Vyuyu-uu-u. I twist-yu-u-ha. So the blizzard called itself - winter storm.

C) Sometimes the wind picks up and throws snow in different directions, circles, sweeps along the ground. In such a blizzard, for several meters nothing is visible around. it blizzard

D) And it happens. Frosty sunny day. The wind carries the snow along the bottom, along the ground itself. What is the name of such a blizzard? Drifting.

Phys. Minute (1-2 min)

The game "It's snowing". One person is a blizzard, and the rest are snowflakes. Snowflakes are spinning, and a blizzard gives commands: fly, stop. If they did not hear the command, they leave the game - they melted away.

7. Primary fastening (5 minutes)

Journey to the winter forest . (Slide number 17)

I suggest you take a trip to the winter forest.

Winter .. We are with you in the winter forest. All around white - white ... Listen to winter: Silence. Silence. Silence. The forest is sleeping. Sometimes you can hear how the snow falls in armfuls from the branches. Plants rejoice in the snow - it covers them with a warm blanket until spring.

How does winter affect plant life? How do trees winter? slide number 18)

Working with the textbook p.85 (signs of winter)

Look at the illustrations and compare them. Make up a story from the pictures.

What season is shown?

How does plant life change with the onset of winter?

(deciduous trees have shed their leaves, conifers stand green)

Winter is a dormant period for plants. Deciduous trees and shrubs appear dead in winter, but they are alive. The trees are almost asleep, or rather they are dozing, they are so well prepared for the cold: under the bark they have a cork layer that protects from the cold. This is easy to verify if you consider the kidney of the plant.

(Twigs of a winter tree are on the children's tables)

8. Research work (7-10 min)

Teacher So, we are in a research laboratory, the object of our observation is a twig of a winter tree (broken by the wind). Does it have leaves? What is left of the fallen leaves?

Student work on observation sheets.(Step-by-step instruction.)

1. Consider a tree branch.

2. There are no leaves on it. What is left of the fallen leaves?

3. Find buds on a branch. Consider them.

4. Separate one kidney.

4. What color is the kidney? Color the cell with this color.

6. Draw a kidney in a box.

7. Open the scales. What's inside a kidney?

You see little leaves. Scales reliably protect them from frost and drying. The leaves sit on a tiny stem that is hidden inside the bud. draw,

Teacher In winter, all the trees seem to be sleeping, but spring will come and young stems with leaves will grow from the buds. (Demonstration of a branch of lilac)

Summary of the lesson.Conclusion:

Teacher. No season is so magical. Whether in summer, in spring, the earth is cheerful, the foliage of trees rustles with life, the river rolls its restless waters, the meadows scream with the diversity of flowers, the chirping and squeaking of insects, birds - and everything moves, everything is lively and reaches for the sun. But in winter it's different. All living things hid in the depths of the earth, holes, cracks. Hollow and sleeping, waiting for spring and sun. The trees were bare, the birds flew away, and those. What remained do not sing and fly chilly and leisurely. And the sorceress - winter gives this whole dead desert a new life, motionless, mute. wonderful life. This is life, rest - a time of unusual white and quiet nature. (slide number 19)

Let's check your statements by reading the conclusion in the textbook on page 87.

9.Reflection of activity (1-2 min).

What did you discover something new in the lesson?

Worked well, but could have worked better.

How do you end the lesson? Drop emoticons into the box.

Teacher Well done! You worked actively, completed tasks quickly and accurately, listened carefully to your classmates. It's time to inform Santa Claus about the upcoming preparations for departure. We will look forward to your arrival. (Slide number 20)

10. Explanation of the home creative task.(at the request of the students) 1 -2 min).

Help Monkey find his friends in frost patterns. And to make them colorful and expressive, color them in a notebook on page 35 task number 1.

And for those who enjoy being explorers, I suggest doing an experiment with a piece of ice. But since it's warm outside, think: how to get ice and complete the task from the textbook on page 88

So, friends, thank you all! (Slide #21)

Methodical development

environmental lesson

Alekseenko I.P.

primary school teachers

MOKU "Kalinovskaya basic comprehensive school"


"Primary general education"


year 2013


1. Introduction…………………………………………………….

2. Methodological substantiation of the topic………………………………………

4. Lesson plan……………………………………………………………………

5. Course of the lesson…………………………………………………………………..

6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….

7. List of sources used…………………………………………

8. Application……………………………………………………………………


This lesson is held in grade 1 when studying the section "Seasons" and is aimed at learning new material. The lesson uses a presentation that opens up great opportunities for explaining new material. Thanks to the use of ICT throughout the lesson, it is possible to maintain not only interest in the material being studied, but also the efficiency of students. Children develop visual-figurative thinking, interest in systematization. The presentation helps to form ideas about the diversity of natural objects, ideas about the relationship between the world of animate and inanimate nature. Mastering the initial skills to conduct observations of nature, formulate conclusions. The structure of the lesson is classical, but the lesson options involve both frontal and independent work. Control methods can be either oral during frontal work or written during individual work. This lesson meets the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Main part.

Methodological substantiation of the topic.

The number of hours specified in the curriculum is small. To give students knowledge on these issues, it is necessary to interest students. The proposed methodological development will allow, within the framework of one training session, to introduce important aspects on the topic “Seasons”. And also to track the results of students' independent work on observations and creating a presentation. The training session will deepen knowledge about winter phenomena. When considering the flora and fauna, students learn about the beauty of nature, about helping animals in difficult times of the year.

1. The topic is designed for 1 hour of the lesson.

2. The lesson begins with the motivation of students to do the work.

3. The lesson requires careful preliminary work: the selection of illustrative material.

4. It is desirable to study the material of the lesson using the possibilities of a multimedia presentation.

Stages of the lesson.

1. Organization of students.

2. Statement of the problem.

3. Front work.

4. Teamwork (student presentation)

5. Co-discovery of knowledge.

6. Show videos.

7. Physical Minute.

8. Independent application of knowledge.

The game "Tic-tac-toe".

The game "The Fourth Extra".

9. The result of the lesson.

Theme "Seasons. Winter is the peace of nature.

Target: to acquaint students with the new season, winter phenomena.

The objectives of the lesson are aimed at the formation of:

1. Personal competencies

1) acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

2) development of independence and personal responsibility for one's ownactions, including in information activities;

3) the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

4) development of goodwill and emotionalmoral responsiveness;

5) development of cooperation skills with adults and peers;

6) formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results.

2. Meta-subject competencies

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

the use of information and communication technologies for solving communication and cognitive tasks;

6) willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readinessrecognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and justify your pointvision and evaluation of events;

3. Subject competencies

development of the desire for knowledge of the world around;

awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, elementary rules of moral behavior by fostering a sense of empathy, a desire to help animals in difficult times;

mastering available ways of studying nature;

development of skills to establish and identify cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world on the example of the relationship between cooling in natureand plant and animal life.

Lesson type: learning new material using multimedia.

Basic didactic methods:

verbal (conversation, explanation);


practical (work with the manual, cards);

partially - search;

explanatory - illustrative.

Forms of work:



steam room.

Didactic tools:

Presentations, textbook, notebook, puzzle cards, spruce and pine twigs (herbarium), tree buds, a glass of snow, videos.

During the classes:

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


(2 minutes.)

It creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support.

Guys, check if everyone is ready for the lesson.

The bell rang for us

Everyone went quietly into the classroom,

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,

greeted politely,

Sit quietly, back straight.

They turned around and smiled.

The lesson starts!

Get ready for the lesson. Welcome teachers. Check readiness for the lesson.

Update and problem statement.

(9 min.)

You will learn the topic of today's lesson if you collect the pictures - puzzles that you have in the envelope and guess the riddles. Open the envelopes, take out and fold the picture.

Shown on slide 2. puzzle pictures.

What time of year is depicted in the pictures you collected?

Solve riddles. Answer all together and amicably.

a) Pinches cheeks, pinches nose,

But we are not afraid: (frost.)

b) The white coat covered the whole world. (Snow)

You have a glass on your desks. What's in it? We'll need it for today's lesson.

c) On skates I rush forward,

Strong underfoot: (ice)

d) The stars began to spin,

began to lie down on the ground,

No, not stars, but fluffs,

Not fluff, but: (snowflakes).

e) Snow on the fields,

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen? In winter.Slide 3.

Open your textbooks to page 84. By what signs did you guess that it was winter?

What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson?

The main question of our lesson: what happens only in winter?

What signs of winter can you name, using your observations?

Let's try to make a plan for getting to know this time of year. Summarize what the children have said.

On slide 4. a plan appears.


1. Acquaintance with the signs of winter.

2. Acquaintance with the weather.

3. Acquaintance with the life of plants and animals in winter.

4. Acquaintance with the life of people in winter (winter games, clothes).

Pair work.

Take out the contents of the envelope. They collect a picture (each couple has its own, but the theme is the same - “Winter”.)

Children's answers:winter. Front work. Solve riddles. Children's answers: frost, snow, snow, ice, snowflakes, in winter.

Ground is covered with snow. The trees are bare. It's cold outside. Snowing.

Using the picture, make your guesses.

Showing a children's presentation (teamwork).

3. Co-discovery of knowledge. (25 min.)

Name the winter months.

Demonstrates the name of the winter months on slide 5.

Tells about the features of each month. Video "Seasons - winter" (a thin cover of winter).

December is the beginning of winter. This is the first snow month. This is the darkest month. This is the time of the longest nights and shortest days. The sun rises late and hides early. He does not rise high, and walks along the edge of the sky. And December is the last month of the year.

January. Video "Seasons -winter" (frost and sun is a wonderful day)

January is the first month of the year and the second month of winter. This is the coldest month. It is especially cold in clear weather, when the sun shines during the day and the moon shines at night. In such weather, the cheeks and noses become red and burn, as if someone is chewing for them. It's frost. For this he was nicknamed Frost - a red nose. And when the clouds come and the snow falls, it becomes warmer. It's the other way around! It's not like summer! When the sun is cold, when the clouds are warm.

February. Video "Seasons - winter" (month of deep snow).

February is the last month of winter. In February, the deepest snow and the largest snowdrifts. Winds often blow in February. They blow snow off the ground, twist it, carry it, throw it. Drift, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, snow storm.

Consider the illustrations and determine which month they can be attributed to. (Textbook work).Slide 5.

Open your notebook to page 37 and look at the Weather Calendar.

We went on a field trip last lesson. Using the statements written in your notebooks, describe your observations.

Summarizes children's responses :

it's getting colder;

the sky is often covered with clouds;

precipitation falls in the form of snow;

the days are getting shorter and the nights longer.

Snow talk.

At the beginning of the lesson, I drew your attention to the fact that you have a glass of snow on your table. What is snow?

Why does precipitation fall in the form of snow in winter?

Talking about snowflakes. slide 6 .

High above the ground, where severe cold reigns, ice floes are formed from water vapor - tiny crystals. Crystals are not snowflakes yet. Crystals grow all the time and finally become beautiful stars. They gather in flakes and fall to the ground. Snowflakes are not just symmetrical in shape, all are exclusively hexagonal in shape.

Exercise for the development of observation. "Find a real snowflake." Slide 7.

Slide 8. Consider the winter forest.

- What do you see?

What is unusual about them?

The trees are almost asleep, or rather, they are “dozing”, as they are well prepared for the cold: under the bark they have a dense cork layer that protects from frost, the buds are covered with scales, over the summer the trees have accumulated reserves (shows branches of birch and aspen).

But not all trees shed their leaves. Which trees don't shed their leaves? Demonstrates sprigs of pine and spruce.

Fizminutka. Music sounds. (Chopin. Waltz No. 7. "Winter")

- We got up and imagined that we were in the winter forest.

The sun warms the earth weakly, (hands up and down)

Frost crackles at night, (Hands on the belt, tilts to the side)

In the yard at the Snow Woman (Hands on the belt, turn around)

The carrot nose turned white. (Children show the nose)

Suddenly there was water in the river

Motionless and firm, (jumping in place)

The blizzard is angry, the snow is spinning (children are spinning)

It sweeps everything around with snow-white silver. (Imitate hand movements).

Continue working on slide 9.

Consider a winter forest. Where are the animals and birds hiding? What are animals and birds hiding from?

What difficulties do they experience? Why are there few birds? Why do birds fly away?

Read how it says in the textbook.

Some birds tolerate cold well, since feathers and down are very warm clothes, and bird blood is so hot that birds are not afraid of frost. These are winter birds.

What birds stay for the winter?

Slide 10. Wintering birds.

Wintering birds are not cold, but hungry. In winter, most insects disappear, and it becomes increasingly difficult for birds to forage. How can we help the birds?

Slide 11. Feeders for wintering birds.

Game-task "Who eats what?"

Connect on your cards, the name of the animal and the name of the food they eat.

slide 12.

Slide Self-Check.

Talk about people's clothes. slide 13.

We are going to the winter forest. What will we wear? Why? What can you take with you to the winter forest?

We have named many changes that occur in nature in winter. And most importantly, peace comes in nature.

Discuss and name the winter months: December, January and February.

Listen to teachers.

Watch videos.

They name to which month the picture can be attributed and prove it.

They talk about their observations.

Do practical work. Consider what's going on

with snow. They conclude:

snow is frozen water.

They call snowflakes by numbers.

Different trees.

Most trees stand with bare branches, no leaves.

Consider the buds of birch and aspen).

They examine the branches of pine and spruce. (Herbarium)

Perform movements.

Consider the illustration.

A fox is behind a tree, a squirrel is in a hollow, a hare is behind a bush, a bullfinch is on a tree branch.

From cold and hunger. Animals and birds are starving. They don't have enough food.

Read the textbook conclusion p.85. In winter, peace comes in nature. Plant life stops. It's a tough time for animals.

Sparrows, magpies, woodpeckers…

Make feeders and feed.

Work in pairs. Connect words. They work with cards.

Check your work on the slide.

They call winter things.

Skis, sleds.

4. Independent application of knowledge. (6 min.)

The game "Tic-tac-toe". slide 14.


Do insects hide in winter? (+)

Is it true that migratory birds do not fly to warmer climes? (0)

Wintering birds are called birds that remain to winter in their homeland. Is it so? (+)

Swallow, nightingale, starling - wintering birds? (0)

Is it true that crossbills have chicks in winter? (+)

Do you agree with the statement that birds eat fruits, seeds, buds in winter? (+)

Do birds need to be fed in winter? (+)

Is it true that birds do not die of cold and hunger in winter? (0)

Work in a notebook.

Connect winter dwellings with their inhabitants. Rate yourself.


Did everything work out right for you?

What were the shortcomings?

Game "fourth extra".

Underline the odd word and explain your choice.

December, January, February, September.

Birch, maple, spruce, oak.

Sparrow, titmouse, chaffinch, bullfinch.

Fur coat, mittens, dress, felt boots.

Answer questions, put "+" if correct, "0" if the answer is incorrect. Check your work on the slide. They work independently. Assess themselves.

5. The result of the lesson. Reflection. (3 min.)

- What did we learn at the lesson today?

What is the main feature of winter?slide 15.

List the main signs of winter.

How would you rate your work?

Did everything work out for you in the lesson?

What discoveries did you make today?

What was interesting and informative in the lesson?

What difficulties did you experience in class?slide 16.

Plant life stops.

It gets cold.


Carry out self-assessment of their own activities, correlate goals and objectives.

They put emoticons in the first grader's personal weekly journal.

List of sources used.

1. The program of primary general education around the world - M. Balass, 2011.

2. A.A. Vakhrushev "The World Around", Grade 1. Guidelines for the teacher to the textbook "I and the world around" - Moscow: Balass, 2012.

3. A.A. Vakhrushev “The world around, grade 1 (“I and the world around”) textbook. M. Balass, 2011.

4. A.A. Vakhrushev “Workbook for the textbook “The World Around” (“Me and the world around”) for grade 1. M.Balass, 2012.

5. Teacher Portal www. uchportal. en

7.www. zavuch. info
