Yucca is nice. Yucca home - care, photo, reproduction

A wonderful houseplant, yucca is distinguished by many species that have significant differences from each other. Therefore, if you want to diversify your home greenhouse, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the 10 most common types of yucca palm.

Among the varieties of yucca, this species is the most popular, which is due to the attractiveness of this houseplant and the lack of lateral shoots.

Under natural conditions, aloe yucca can be found in the southern countries of North America, in Jamaica and Bermuda, where it can grow even in very dry conditions, which immediately indicates the unpretentiousness of the plant for irrigation.

This yucca grows very slowly, but under natural conditions it can reach a height of almost 8 m. An ornamental house plant cannot boast of such a bush height, but it is also characterized by an appearance resembling a tree with a spherical crown.

The stem of the flower is woody, the leaves are very tough, fibrous, creating a very dense and attractive rosette. At the same time, they have a dark green color, jagged edges and one spike at the tip.

The aloe yucca also has very attractive flowers that appear in summer and are creamy white with purple hues. The inflorescences of the plant are paniculate, the flowers are bell-shaped, rather large.

Important! For propagation of yucca, you can use not only seeds, but also the upper part of the stem or daughter rosettes that form on a stiffened stem. For rooting, you just need to leave them in a pot of wet sand.

This type of houseplant can also be found in natural conditions in the southern part of the American continent.

Yucca Whipple is a bushy plant with a short stem. It is also distinguished by fibrous leaves, which are collected in large rosettes and have a greenish-gray color. It blooms in the same way as the above-described species of yucca.

Did you know? Yucca is an excellent remedy for skin dermatitis. As a medicine, it is recommended to use the leaves of the plant, which are ground to a mushy state and applied to problem areas on the skin.

The beak-shaped yucca in the house can grow to very large sizes and has a very lush crown. Its crown is decorated with a large number of leathery and very long leaves, which are also very thin and narrow, distinguished by the presence of a bulge in both directions.

This variegated yucca, since its leaves, in addition to the thorn-like surface, are distinguished by a striped color with yellow edges.

Like all other species, the beak-shaped yucca pleases with beautiful flowering in summer. The peduncle with attractive white paniculate inflorescences can rise very high above the "crown" of a houseplant. It has practically no smell.

This view is just giant yucca, which, under natural growing conditions in California and Arizona, turns into a large tree up to 9 meters high.

An ornamental plant is also large, and very often it is difficult for it to fit in an ordinary city apartment, although it grows very slowly. Yucca short-leaved loves sunlight, is not demanding on frequent and plentiful watering.

The leaves of the plant are strongly branched, while they are very short and densely arranged. In their shape, the leaves resemble a triangle, since they have a significant expansion towards the base.

There are many grooves on the surface of the leaves, which, along with a brown color and white-greenish edges, makes them especially attractive. But the plant also attracts with its flowering, which appears on a short peduncle and is distinguished by a pale yellow color.

Important! In the care of yucca, it is very important not to overdo it with watering. In winter, you can even water the plant once every two weeks. In summer, watering becomes more frequent, but only after the soil in the pot dries to a depth of 5 cm. At the same time, it is better to water it abundantly, but rarely, otherwise the yucca roots may rot from an excess of moisture.

This type of yucca is native to Mexico. In nature, the thread-bearing yucca can reach 10 meters in height, it is distinguished by strong branching of leaves at the top of tree-like stems.

Thick yucca leaves are distinguished by their dark green color, as well as the presence of attractive threads along the edges. The plant usually blooms in summer, forming very long hanging inflorescences with cream-colored flowers.

The filamentous yucca also settled in our apartments after moving from North America, however, thanks to this, the plant has good resistance to pests and drought, it loves heat and sunlight very much.

As such, the plant does not have stems, since a huge number of leaves grow directly from the ground, which have a bluish-green color. The leaves of the evergreen yucca are also distinguished by the presence of a pointed top and a large number of very thin white threads that wrap around their edges.

Flowering appears on the plant 1-2 times a year, while the peduncle is formed very high and densely covered with yellowish-white flowers. After flowering, round-shaped fruits are formed on the plant.

Flower growers very often call this type of yucca " Spanish dagger". In shape, it is either a spherical bush or a small attractive tree with a spherical crown.

The stem is tree-like, often solitary, but very often branches form near it, which makes the plant look like a bush. The leaves are located on the crown very densely, because of their length they are bent down.

This tree-like yucca also blooms predominantly in summer with plenty of sunlight and is distinguished by bell-shaped flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences and painted in a delicate cream color with a purple tint.

Did you know? The value of the yucca plant also lies in its ability to purify the air in the room in which it grows. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it in the children's room, as well as in the kitchen.

Yucca ivory is the most interesting for home floriculture, since this the species is widely used in folk medicine. Its juice is the basis for the production of hormonal drugs. But, in addition to medicinal properties, its rough leaves are also used to make strong ropes.

Lily family - Liliaceae.

Used parts: leaves.

Botanical description. Yucca glorious is a perennial evergreen tree-like shrub with a fibrous root system and horizontal lateral roots. The trunk is simple or branched, rounded, up to 150 cm high. The leaves are large (up to 70 cm long and 3.5 cm wide), linear, rigid, with needle-shaped tops, form rosettes, sometimes collected in bunches. The flowers are white, in racemose flower arrows up to 1-2 m tall. The fruit is a box filled with black seeds. Blooms in June. The fruits ripen in September-October. Homeland - subtropical and tropical zones of North and Central America, South Carolina, Florida, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. It is cultivated in the Crimea, in the south of Ukraine, in the Transcaucasus, in Uzbekistan, as well as in Algeria, India and other countries. It is grown for medicinal purposes and as an exotic plant. Yucca is a perennial tree plant belonging to the agave family. It grows naturally in North and Central America. There are about 40 species.

Yucca aloe is a plant with a trunk reaching 1.5 m in height. The leaves are bright green, long, pointed, with serrated edges, collected in bunches. There are varieties with variegated color of the leaves.
Yucca glorious is a squat plant with long, pointed, brown leaves along the edges and pink flowers.
Yucca elephant - the most popular type, looks very beautiful in a pot. It has a straight trunk and green, long, curved leaves, collected in bunches. The plant needs a lot of light, so it is best to place it near a south-facing window. In the summer months, it is recommended to take it out to the balcony or garden and shade from direct sunlight. In winter, you can install the plant in a cool place, a bright room (the optimum air temperature is considered to be 7-12 degrees C). At higher temperatures, the yucca begins to shed its leaves.

In summer, yucca should be watered moderately, in winter - slightly, the soil should be almost dry. Waterlogging is bad for the plant. During the period of active growth, organic and mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil once a month. A young plant needs to be transplanted once a year, an adult - once every two to three years. All species grow very quickly, they can stretch up to 30 cm per year, so it is necessary to cut the trunk and side shoots. Yucca should be propagated by apical shoots - they are cut from an adult plant and planted for rooting in wet sand. The main pests are scale insects and spider mites. With improper care, the leaves turn yellow, and the trunk begins to rot. Water stasis is introduced for the roots. For safety reasons, the sharp tips of the leaves are recommended to be cut off.

active ingredients. The leaves are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves contain the steroidal saponin tigogenin (up to 1-2%), which is a stereoisomer of sarsapogenin. Yucca leaves serve as an industrial raw material for the production of steroidal saponins used for the synthesis of hormonal corticosteroid drugs.

Application in medicine. The plant has anti-allergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. In dermatology, glorious yucca is prescribed externally as a bath decoction for many dermatoses: eczema, neurodermatitis, pruritus, lichen planus, psoriasis and others; plant juice smears rashes with viral blistering dermatosis, photodermatosis, psoriasis, lichen planus and other skin diseases.

Garden palm or yucca today grows with many owners of garden plantations, and this phenomenon will not surprise anyone.

Many gardeners can rightly be proud of the amazingly beautiful plant that resembles a palm tree and grows on their plots. But some are afraid to grow such beauty, mistakenly believing that the plant is too demanding on growing conditions and care. In fact, reproduction and care for this plant does not require much effort and expense.

Description and origin of the garden palm

Description of yucca

The homeland of the evergreen yucca is America. This plant belongs to the Asparagus family, in its appearance it resembles the Mediterranean agave, but unlike the latter, its leaves form a dense spiral rosette.

Domestic representatives of this family have a well-developed stem, while specimens growing in the open ground have almost none, the rosettes are located tightly pressed to the ground. The peduncle is represented by a large panicle, the flowers of which are lowered down like bells. It protrudes from the central part of the sockets, reaching a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. An exotic palm tree propagates by root offspring.

In America and Mexico, industrial cultivation of agave, a relative of yuca, is practiced on huge plantations. The world-famous tequila is produced from its stem.

The exotic appearance of the plant, it would seem, suggests comfortable natural growing conditions, but the tropics and subtropics of America, the natural habitat of yucca, do not have such characteristics at all. The plant is adapted to prolonged drought and sudden changes in temperature. Such amazing endurance allowed the plant to settle from the southern regions to the middle strip of the continents.

Yuka appeared in Russia over a century ago. But if only the parks of famous palaces could boast of this amazing plant in the last century, today it is full of squares and city parks, as well as many household plots.

What are the types and varieties

filamentous yucca

Among the F. variegata filamentose hybrids, the following interesting varieties are distinguished:

  1. Bright Edge - bright bluish-green foliage, girded with a yellowish-crimson ribbon;
  2. Color Guard - wide leaf plates of yellow color, edged with a green stripe;
  3. Gold Heart - yellow foliage, green edging, passing through the leaf plate with blurry borders;
  4. Ivory Tower - green foliage, whitish border.

Garden palm care and planting in the garden

Despite its unpretentiousness and endurance, yucca feels especially comfortable in elevated places with good lighting. Representatives growing in dark places are characterized by thinned, loose rosettes and pale leaf blades.

When and how to plant a flower of happiness

Spring is the most favorable time for planting, but temperatures should not fall below + 10C. The dense structure of the leaves can lead to numerous cuts and injuries to the hands, so gloves must be used when transplanting the plant. The plant itself is transplanted in the spring, but the preparatory work must be carried out in the fall: dig up the ground and form a hole for the spring plant transplant.

What kind of soil do you need

Yucca can grow on almost any soil, but you need to remember that air should be supplied to the roots in large quantities, and the soil should not be excessively moist, preferably without groundwater nearby, to avoid decay.

But most of all, garden yucca prefers calcareous, sandy, clay-stony soils and black soil.

If the soil in which the plant grows is poor in nutrients, it is saturated with humus.

Before transplanting, the hole is filled with coarse gravel or sand with the addition of two handfuls of ash. After planting, the soil should be pressed (compacted) and watered.

  • The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the plant itself.
  • Adult plants will need a recess up to 50 cm deep and up to 1 m in girth.
  • Young specimens will require less space, but it is necessary to take into account the area necessary for the growth of young growth.

For easier adaptation purchased plant to outdoor conditions, the plant is advised to harden for 11-14 days, regularly taking the plant outside, gradually increasing the time it stays outdoors. Only after such preparation can the bush be safely transplanted to the garden plot.

Watering and feeding

In the processes of watering and fertilizing - the main thing is to know when to stop. Excessive watering threatens to rot the roots, and a lack of moisture will certainly affect the condition of the leaves. They will begin to curl into tubes. Proper watering will help straighten the leaf blades. Often watering the plant is not necessary and only when the topsoil is dry. It is useful to spray the leaves, which is carried out in the morning or evening hours, when there is no longer scorching sunlight.

When does yucca bloom? The flowering of this exotic plant occurs when it grows 3-4 years. To start this process, at the beginning of summer, the stem of the plant is surrounded by superphosphate, which, dissolving in water, penetrates to the roots of the plant, starting the process of formation of numerous buds.

Top dressing of the plant should be completed 30-40 days before the onset of autumn cold weather. During this period, the plants will have time to prepare for the winter season and severe frosts.

When to transplant yucca garden

If the plant grows in conditions that are comfortable for it and with the same good care, then it can perfectly live in one place, without requiring a transplant, up to 20 years. Yes, and a plant transplant may be required only when the bush has grown excessively. This happens especially painlessly for the plant if the age of the specimen has not yet reached three years.

Filamentous yucca transplant video:

But even an adult, overgrown plant needs a transplant. Often, plants do not tolerate transplants.

Experts give some advice when transplanting this plant, because you need to take into account some features of the planting.

  • The transplant period is spring or late summer.
  • When transplanting, remember that the roots of the plant can be located at a depth of up to 80 cm, so you need to dig out carefully without damaging the root system.
  • All shoots must be separated from an adult specimen and planted separately.
  • The place, which is intended for transplantation, according to the conditions, should resemble the previous one, have good illumination, without drafts.
  • The first top dressing after transplantation is best done no earlier than two weeks.

Yucca breeding: how to do it right

For breeding, there are the following methods.

  • Root division
  • cuttings
  • Breeding from seed
  • stem

Yucca reproduction at home in a simple way - plant division. In the process of transplanting, the sockets are easy to separate, while not forgetting to dry and sprinkle the cut points with cinnamon powder or charcoal. Otherwise, infection or pests can penetrate them.

If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then the root of the plant can be divided into cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm. Such cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, after cutting off the top of the stem and treating it with coal. Sprouts with this method appear from dormant buds.

Outdoor garden yucca sets seeds, which are harvested at the end of summer. They are sown in a mixture of earth, which is represented by soddy, leafy soil and coarse sand in equal proportions. Plants grown in this way begin to bloom only three years after planting.

Yucca can also be propagated by stem. At the same time, the cut section of the stem is dried and planted in a horizontal position in river sand. The substrate near the stem must be constantly kept moist. When sprouts appear, the stem is cut into fragments, each of which must contain a sprout and planted in the substrate.

You choose the most acceptable way for yourself how to plant a yucca.

How to cut yucca at home

Trimming the plant rejuvenates it and helps to get strong young seedlings. This method is also used for frostbite of flowers and their decay. In the spring, when the plant is no longer under winter shelter, the stem is pruned. At the same time, further growth of the plant stops, and dormant buds begin to wake up, which will give rise to new rosettes with leaves.

  • Before pruning, the plant must be watered.
  • It is necessary to cut the stem below the growing leaves by 6-9 cm.
  • The places of cuts after drying are sprinkled with charcoal.

Flowering and why yucca does not bloom

Yuccas bloom with chic flowers of various shades and combinations of colors, in their appearance they look like delicate bells placed on a giant rod.

The arrangement of numerous bright flowers-bells on one leg endows the plant with decorative properties. But there can be several such peduncles. And you can’t even imagine what an amazing beauty it is.

The snow-white color of numerous bluebells is perfectly visible even at dusk and from the far corners of the garden. Delicate and not sugary aroma attracts the attention of both people and many insects.

What year does yucca bloom?

  1. Sometimes it can bloom after transplantation only in the 4-5th year.
  2. The reason for this can be severe winter frosts, which can damage the aerial part of the plant.
  3. Lack of lighting can also slow down the flowering process.

If the growing conditions and care of the plant were good, this will certainly affect its appearance, flowering will be plentiful and last up to 2-3 weeks, which necessarily fall on the first two summer months. Blooming yucca is an unforgettable sight.

How to cover for the winter

Is there a need to dig up yucca before frost?

It is enough to warm the plant before the cold season comes. Plants endure spring and autumn short-term cold quite easily. It is important that the fallen snow melts quickly. Frost-resistant specimens perceive such temporary inconveniences especially easily. But real long frosts during a snowless winter are certain death for garden yucca.

The foliage of the yuca is wrapped with twine to gather together and the plant is covered with a box, on top of which the spruce branches or fallen leaves are laid. This composition is fixed by a covering material wrapped with adhesive tape. In such a shelter, the yucca will easily overwinter without fear of any frost, especially when a large layer of fluffy snow falls on top.

In the spring, when the temperature regime becomes stable, it is time to free the plant from its winter shelter. Do not delay this for a long time, otherwise it may threaten the appearance of mold.

Yucca flower, how to care if you have problems

Yucca, like all plants, can be attacked by pests or diseases.

The most common are slugs, whiteflies, scale insects, and aphids.

The latter easily falls on the flowers, which quickly dry out and fall off. Wood ash in combination with a soap solution will help in the fight not only with aphids, but also with other insects.

You need to take 0.250 wood ash, pour water (10 l) and bring to a boil, adding 0.50 g of ordinary laundry soap (grated). When the resulting solution has completely cooled down, immediately treat the affected leaves.

Possible problems

  1. Dry air and cold drafts contribute to the formation of untidy brown leaf tips that ruin the look.
  2. Brown spots all over the leaf may indicate fungal diseases caused by possible over-watering.
  3. Bright sunlight can affect the appearance of light dry spots.

In landscape design

If yucca grows in the garden, then the surrounding landscape immediately acquires a Mediterranean hue. It will look great even in the driest areas and territories.

It is the appearance that resembles a palm tree that gives the garden plot a special southern atmosphere, especially if other southern representatives are located in the neighborhood, for example. Even if the yucca grows as a single plant, it is able to conquer its appearance during the flowering period and become at that moment the brightest and most colorful spot on the plot.

Some species are used in the design of verandas, stairwells and other architectural structures. Such options do not involve winter shelters or special rooms for the winter season.

Blooming yucca in the garden video review:

The exotic appearance of the yucca, which is an ornamental leafy plant, has made it popular in floriculture. It looks spectacular in every home or office, and in regions with a warm climate it is used in landscape design. Yucca species differ from each other in size and some details, but they all have spear-shaped leaves, due to which the plant is called "Adam's needle" or "Spanish dagger". How to choose a yucca and care for it?

Deciding to purchase a yucca, first of all, you should study the information about it and the description of its species, although, unfortunately, it is often not indicated in stores. It is important to pay attention to the health of the plant. There should be no signs of pests on it and the surface of the substrate, and the earth itself should not smell of rot. It is better to choose young specimens with attractive foliage.

Usually on sale you can see a yucca, which is a stump, separated from an adult specimen and then rooted. 2 or more points of growth depart from it with green leaves tending upwards. This plant looks very attractive. But potential buyers need to be aware that the acquisition has a very important drawback.

To make yucca happy for many years, you need to choose a young plant

The life span of yucca, which is a part of the trunk, is very short, and the plant may die in a couple of years. The fact is that such prunings form a weak root system, which is not able to ensure the proper development of the plant. But the process is very fast, so flower growers use this method for commercial purposes. When the green part becomes large and needs nutrients, the roots will not be able to provide enough of them, which will lead to death.

In order for yucca to please for many years, you need to choose a young plant. If you can’t find it, you can buy a “stump”, separate the shoots from it and root them yourself. Of course, you will have to wait a couple of years until the trunk forms, but such a yucca will be beautiful and healthy.

Gallery: types of yucca (25 photos)

Yucca: growing (video)

Yucca: the birthplace of the plant and botanical features

Yucca belongs to the Agave family. The homeland of the plant is the tropical zone of North America. This is a perennial with a powerful stem, on which growth points of long, spear-shaped leaves are formed.

Yucca blooms with drooping white bells, sometimes with a light green or cream tint. Their length can be 5–7 cm. All flowers are collected on erect panicles that grow from rosettes of leaves. But in room conditions, this splendor can not be expected, because flowering homemade yucca is rather an exception to the rule. Although panicles sometimes release plants with a respectable age, if ideal conditions have been created.

Outwardly, the plant looks like a palm tree, although from a botanical point of view it has nothing to do with it. Inexperienced flower growers can also confuse it with dracaena or cordilina.

When grown in artificial conditions, yucca is an unpretentious flower, the care of which is not difficult. But it looks stylish in any interior, and the rich green tone of the leaves has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Yucca blooms with drooping white bells, sometimes with a light green or cream tint

Description of varieties of yucca

About 40 varieties of yucca are known. Some of them are real "giants", and in the wild their height exceeds 7 - 8 meters, others have more modest dimensions. Species differ in distribution area, leaf length and other details.

Yucca gray

The gray yucca reaches a height of 2 meters. It comes from the west coast of the states. The length of the leaves is 60 cm, and their leathery surface is green with a blue tint. They are assembled into bulk sockets. The height of the flowering panicle is 1 meter.

Yucca gray

Yucca rostrata

This yucca is also called beak-shaped. It has a thick trunk, on which traces of already dead leaves are clearly visible, which makes it especially similar to a palm tree. At the end of the stem is a rosette of long leaves in the shape of a lancet. This is a large species, so it is recommended to grow it in large areas (living rooms, halls) or in a winter garden, where it can release a yucca arrow strewn with dozens of white bells. An unusual variegated variety has been bred, in which the edges of the leaves are decorated with stripes.

Yucca rostrata

Yucca radiata

The second name of the radiant yucca is high, because in nature it is a real tree above 7 meters. The leaves, gradually tapering towards the base, are very close to each other, and their white edges are often covered with thin filaments.

Yucca radiata

Yucca schidigera

This is a large rosette in which long leaf plates are collected. It blooms with white bells, placed on a powerful shoot-peduncle. This type of yucca is used for the manufacture of drugs in pharmacology and veterinary medicine. The substances that make up the plant have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.

Yucca schidigera

Yucca shortleaf

Short-leaved, or tree-like yucca, is also called giant. Its homeland is Arizona and southern California, where this plant grows up to 9 m, and the diameter of the thick trunk is 50 cm. Closer to the top, such an exotic tree begins to branch. Thick leaves are not long - no more than 3 cm, have thorns and denticles along the edge. In the rooms of a standard house, a short-leaved yucca is unlikely to be grown - it needs more space.

Yucca shortleaf

Yucca ivory

Yucca ivory owes its name to the resemblance of a thick tree-like stem to an elephant's foot. A distinctive feature of the species is a strong branching. Lanceolate leaves up to a meter in length form a real crown at the top of the yucca. Rosettes are located on short branches, so this plant is very similar to a real tree. There is a thorn at the tip of each leaf. Yucca ivory blooms in the summer, releasing panicles 1 meter long, on which large (5 cm) bells are collected.

Yucca ivory

Yucca glorious

The homeland of the glorious yucca is the southwestern United States. In nature, it grows in the form of a tree up to 2 meters high or a spherical bush. Branching is not characteristic of this species, and the plant usually has a single, stiff stem.

Lance-shaped leaf plates reach a length of 60 cm, have a leathery surface. They are green with a blue tint. The edges are serrated, and end with a spike. Large creamy inflorescences on a panicle 2.5 meters high are painted in cream colors with a slight purple tone.

Yucca glorious

Yucca aloe

Aloe leaf yucca is found in nature even in Bermuda. This species is characterized by very slow growth, but old specimens are about 8 meters high. Young aloe-leaved yucca almost does not branch, all its strength goes to the main trunk. With age, the plant develops crowns located on lateral shoots. The length of the fibrous leaves is 50 cm. They are very similar to aloe leaves, for which this species got its name. There are sharp teeth along the edges, and the very tip is crowned with a spike. The inflorescence is small, its height is only 0.5 m, and white bell flowers are cast in purple.

Family: asparagus (Asparagaceae).


Most yucca species are native to the United States and Mexico. Many species are also found in southern Europe.

Form: treelike evergreen plant.


Yucca is a perennial plant, depending on the species, resembling a tree or shrub. The height of the tree-like stalk of a yucca can range from a few centimeters to several meters, tall stems can be straight or slightly branched. Lanceolate-linear or xiphoid leaves are collected at the ends of the stems in dense bunches. Large white bell-shaped yucca flowers form multi-flowered panicles, sometimes reaching two meters in length. Yucca fruits are round, dry or fleshy multi-seeded capsules with large, up to 1 cm in diameter, black seeds.

The genus Yucca has about 50 species in three sections.

Yucca giant (Y. gigantea), or Yucca ivory (Y. elephantipes) - one of the most decorative representatives of the genus. Adult plants, similar to palm trees, reach 9 meters in height and have a lush crown up to 4.5 meters in diameter. Heat-loving, drought-resistant.

(Y. filamentosa) is an almost stemless plant with a crown up to 70 cm in diameter. Green leaves with a bluish bloom along the edges are pubescent with thin white threads. Numerous large flowers can be white or cream. Blooms in June-August. The species is frost and drought tolerant.

(Y. glauca) - a plant with a short, almost imperceptible stem and bluish-green leaves up to 50 cm long. High, up to one and a half meters, inflorescences with large white or cream bell-shaped flowers appear in June, flowering continues until August. Frost-resistant, drought-resistant.

Yucca glorious (Y. gloriosa) - a tree-like shrub with a low straight or slightly branching trunk. The leaves are green, large, up to 70 cm in length. The flowers are white, collected in lancet racemose inflorescences. Blooms in June-July. Suitable for growing in subtropical climates.

Growing conditions

All types of yucca prefer the most sunny exposure, and only a few of them tolerate partial shade relatively well. Yucca is undemanding to the composition of the soil - it can grow even on poor rocky and sandy soils. An important condition is good drainage, excluding even minimal stagnant water. Dry, well-lit areas are ideal for planting yucca.


The yucca plant is extremely decorative, and during flowering it looks simply exotic. However, for cultivation in the open ground of the temperate climate zone, only two of its types are optimal - filamentous yucca and gray yucca, which tolerate temperatures as low as -20 ° C. Other species may be grown as such and housed outdoors during the summer.

Garden species and varieties of yucca are great for landscaping too dry, rocky or sandy areas of the garden. They are great for landing in, along paths, in and landscapes. A long-blooming luxurious yucca with bluish-green leaves can become an exquisite decoration of a monochrome.

Plants are magnificent both in single, and in group plantings. In compositions, yucca is especially spectacular - here it almost always dominates due to large inflorescences and lush foliage, so it is better to combine it with undersized plants of bright or pastel shades.

Yucca is not only a beautiful garden plant, it is used in medicine, the food industry, and the fibers obtained from the plant are added to fabrics intended for sewing jeans in order to increase their wear resistance.


Caring for garden yucca does not require much effort and time.

In spring, the plants need to be cleaned of dead leaves and fed with mineral fertilizers. For the winter, the plant is recommended to be warmed. Yucca practically does not need watering. So, garden specimens growing in the climate of the Moscow region do without additional moisture even at the height of summer.


For propagation of yucca, seed and vegetative methods are used.

It is better to sow yucca for seedlings at the end of winter. The soil for planting should be dry and well-drained. After sowing, the soil is moistened with a small amount of water. Seedlings dive as they grow. Young plants are planted in open ground in the third year of life.

For cuttings, yuccas are cut off the tops of the stems and placed in a container with water or directly in the ground. It is recommended to treat the cut of the mother plant with a garden pitch, and the cut of the cutting with a rooting agent.

Yucca also produces root offspring that can be separated and planted as independent plants.

Diseases and pests

After winter, yucca can suffer from bacteria and pests that appear with excess moisture. In this case, measures must be taken to drain the soil around the plants and treat them with insecticides.

Popular varieties

Varieties of yucca filamentous:

  • ‘Bright Edge’- blue-green foliage with yellow-crimson edging;
  • 'Color Guard'- yellow foliage with green edging.