Loosestrife is a ground cover plant with useful properties. loosestrife - "Unpretentious lysimachia": planting and care Monetary loosestrife aurea planting and care

The bright flowers of loosestrife do not at all resemble willow, but the leaves do have similarities - for which the plant got its name. The scientific name is Lysimachia. This is an unpretentious plant, perennial or biennial from the Primrose family (this family also includes spring primrose ( Primula officinalis), anagallis or full-time color ). The plant is either a small shrub or creeping plant with beautiful decorative foliage or inflorescences.

In the title photo, Aurea monetized loosestrife ( Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’)

The birthplace of the plant is. Most species are native to China.

Species and varieties


Common loosestrife (Lysimachia Vulgaris) - height up to 1 meter. Flowers are yellow, collected in lush inflorescences.

Point loosestrife (Lysimachia Punctata) - up to 80 cm. The bushes are dense, the flowers are yellow, outwardly very similar to the common one.

Purple loosestrife (Lysimachia Purpurea) - height up to 50 cm, flowering in August. The flowers are small, yellow, the leaves are decorative, burgundy.

Black and purple loosestrife (Lysimachia Atropurpurea) - height from 40 to 90 cm. Flowering from July to August. Inflorescences are unusual, dark red, almost black.

Loosestrife or lily-of-the-valley (Lysimachia Сlethroides) - up to 120 cm, flowers unusual for loosestrife, drooping, white, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Flowering is shorter than other species, about 20 days, suitable for cutting.


Monetary loosestrife (Lysimachia Nummularia) - ground cover, height up to 20-30 cm. It has the name "meadow tea". Flowers solitary, yellow. Stems recumbent. Oval, coin-like leaves. Effective groundcover.

Monetary, dotted, ordinary, lily of the valley loosestrife are successfully used in folk medicine. All parts of the plant are used as raw materials, from which herbal tea is subsequently brewed, infusions are prepared and compresses are made to help with colds, stomatitis, headaches, digestive disorders, for washing wounds, and treating psoriasis.

Lysimachia Vulgaris - common.

Lysimachia Punctata - point.

Purple - Lysimachia Purpurea

Lysimachia atropurpureum

Loosestrife is clerical (lily-of-the-valley).

More about coin loosestrife

Why did we decide to dwell on this particular variety in more detail? It is this plant, thanks to new varieties such as Aurea (top photo), that attracts the most attention. The plant has a unique ability - to float on the slopes, that is, the plant forms a carpet not only on a flat or hilly surface, but is also able to create a beautiful frame on, and any vertical surfaces.

It is a perennial, the stems are recumbent, adjacent to the surface, the leaves are also very attractive, opposite ovals on short petioles. The plant blooms in June or later (depending on the degree of illumination of the site) with flowers the same size as the leaves. Flowers appear one at a time in the axils of coin leaves. Its natural habitat is areas with variable lighting, with difficult water conditions (river banks, light forests, meadows).

Given this history, the plant is extremely unpretentious and adapts to a variety of conditions: it can grow both in the shade and in partial shade, is resistant to drought and at the same time tolerates prolonged flooding. It is extremely easy to recover from physical damage - for example, when trampling (which means that the plant multiplies quickly and easily).

golden varieties

Varietal varieties ("Aurea", "Goldilocks") require more delicate handling, but not by much. The variety also tolerates slight trampling well, and can grow in difficult soils. However, it is best to plant the plant in moist, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. In summer, you need to ensure that the earth does not dry out. The plant can be planted in partial shade, but the golden hue of the leaves will be most striking in the sun. It reproduces, like all lysimachias, very simply. Seeds are sown in containers in the spring, transplanted into open ground can be both in early summer and in autumn.

The plant can suppress other crops. Leaves can be affected by rust, but, as a rule, there are no serious problems with diseases and pests.

Lysimachia monetata Aurea in the landscape.

Landing, seat selection

The plant is unpretentious, grows well even on poor soils. His only strict wish is sufficient humidity. The loosestrife is one of those few plants that grow well in the lowlands, and on soils prone to stagnant moisture. Can be planted at a shallow depth of water (up to 10 cm).

It is worth emphasizing: lighting requirements depend on the species. Some species (monetate, lily of the valley) feel good in dense shade, others like partial shade, purple prefers open sunny places.


The plant is quite aggressive, capable of crushing neighbors, so it will need either limiters or growing in containers. Some species are less aggressive than others: for example, lily of the valley loosestrife grows quite compactly.

It is worth monitoring soil moisture, although if the plant is planted in suitable soil and in a suitable place, this is not required. Ampelous plants are regularly watered.

Plants are winter-hardy, do not require shelter in the middle lane.

In the fall, pruning at the root and top dressing will be required.

No more care measures are needed, loosestrife is unpretentious.

In one place, loosestrife grows well up to 10 years, fuss with planting bushes or growing from seeds is not needed.



A rare, albeit relatively simple way. It is more often used for species with decorative leaves that do not require flowering. Seeds are sown either for seedlings, or in open ground at the beginning of summer, or before winter. Flowering - for 2-3 years.

By dividing the roots

The division of the bushes is carried out either in the spring, when they have almost woken up, but have not yet begun to grow, the delenki are immediately planted, deepening a little more than the mother plant and maintaining a distance between the plants of 30 cm, or more - most species grow very quickly.


Easily rooted in soil or water. Cuttings can be taken throughout the warm season.

Root offspring

They appear in large numbers around the plant, they are separated and planted in the right place.

One day, enjoying the beauty of the world around her, the girl noticed a majestic flower - loosestrife. After some thought, she wrote a short poem about this plant. In it, the girl compared the flower with the royal symbol of power - the scepter and called him the ruler of the power of flowers. This is how this sophisticated flower appears before us.

The loosestrife belongs to the genus of perennial plants belonging to the Primrose family. Some of its representatives live one or two seasons. The plant got its name because of the shape of the leaves, which are very similar to willow leaves (as all types of willow trees were called in ancient times). According to another version, the loosestrife got its name in memory of the outstanding commander of Alexander the Great - Lysimachus. For a long time it was believed that it was he who discovered this majestic plant. So it really is or not, but the loosestrife really resembles a colorful royal scepter.

External description of a stately flower

In the natural environment, there are more than a hundred different species of this plant. Most of them grow in the Northern Hemisphere, although some species have been found in the south of the American continent and in Africa. More than 70 varieties of the stately flower grow in China. Many species of loosestrife can be found in Russia, the Caucasus and even Siberia. As you can see, the flower conquered many expanses of the inhabited earth. After reviewing a brief description of loosestrife, you can get to know him better. And someday this flower will become king in your favorite summer cottage.

The plant has erect shoots, on which green leaves are arranged in the next order. The shape of the plate is lanceolate or oval. Charming buds are located along the green shoot, and there are such shades:

They are collected in inflorescences resembling an ear or flower brushes. On some specimens, there are single buds or several in leaf axils.
Loosestrife refers to creeping herbaceous plants with erect shoots. From the side it looks like a miniature flowering shrub.

Features of planting plants and proper care

A majestic flower can be planted and propagated in a summer cottage by sowing seeds and vegetatively. The loosestrife planting and care shown in the photo require simple rules to be followed. First of all, it is important to choose the right place. Almost all varieties of plants love penumbra or shaded areas of the garden.

Purple loosestrife thrives well in open areas, so this fact should be taken into account when planting a flower.

The next stage is fertile loose soil. It can be fertilized with compost or humus. It is desirable that it be sufficiently saturated with moisture. A suitable option if groundwater lies nearby. Some loosestrife species are planted directly into the water, where they thrive.

Leaving and planting loosestrife in open ground is carried out in the usual way. First, dig a small hole. Then, the roots of the plant are carefully placed in it and covered with earth. The topsoil is compacted and watered abundantly.

In order for the plants to receive enough light, air and nutrients from the soil, the distance between them must be at least 50 cm.

When the plant takes root well in the front garden, it starts up a large number of shoots.
After some time, loosestrife grows and occupies almost the entire area of ​​​​the site. Therefore, it must be transplanted in time. Although it can freely grow in one place for a whole decade, the flower should be planted in the second year. The best time for this is early spring or late autumn.

You can also plant loosestrife with the help of seeds. If sowing is carried out in the warm season, they must first be held for 2 months in the cold. The collected seeds are placed in the refrigerator, where the vegetables are stored for the specified period. After that, they are sown. During the autumn planting, the seeds do not need preliminary cold exposure. Winter frosts will do it naturally. And in the spring, friendly young shoots will appear from the soil.

Planting loosestrife by sowing seeds can also be done indoors. Planting material is sown on the moistened surface of the soil, consisting of and sand. Cover the boxes with glass or film, and then put in a bright room. The optimum temperature should be at least 15 degrees. After 2 weeks, green shoots will appear on the surface of the soil. After another week or two, they dive into separate pots, where they gain strength. After that, the flowers are planted in the front garden.

In order for the plants to gradually get used to the outdoor temperature, the room must be regularly ventilated. Thanks to this, young shoots are hardened and feel great after planting in open ground.

You can also propagate loosestrife by dividing the bush. The plant extracted from the soil is divided into several parts. The main thing is that each of them has developed roots. Such plants will bloom next season.

A photo of a coined loosestrife, the care and planting of which is carried out by dividing the cuttings, causes unprecedented delight. The process begins by placing the cuttings in vessels of water. Being in the liquid, they release the roots. After that, they are planted in a shady place in a summer cottage in moist soil. Over time, the bushes will bloom to the delight of the household.

Often for decoration, loosestrife is an indispensable plant. It is used in the formation of flower front gardens, as a background plant. Used to decorate coastal areas of domestic ponds and borders. The loosestrife fits perfectly into the alpine hill, making it an original creation of human hands. Sometimes the plant is simply planted as a free-standing flower to draw attention to the main landscape design. Creeping varieties are used for hanging planters and high flower beds.

high flower beds

Making a home pond with a loosestrife

Monetary loosestrife on an elevated flower bed

Composition: loosestrife at the curb

Coined loosestrife on the shore of a domestic pond

Among the lush kingdom of flowers

Popular types of proud flower

For some summer residents, the proud "owner of the flower power" - loosestrife, is one of the favorites of landscape design. The plant is especially valued for the abundance of various varieties that grow freely in Russia. Looking closely at the stately flower, you can see the many shapes and shades that are inherent in different varieties.

Common loosestrife

This pretty plant has a tall straight stem. It is not covered with bark and does not have any branches. From the horizontal winding rhizome upright shoots rise in large numbers. Most often, flowers reach 50 cm, and some giants grow up to a meter in height. Throughout the stem of the common loosestrife, whorled foliage grows from top to bottom. It comes in a narrow shape with pointed tips. The lower leaves are painted light green, the upper ones are more saturated with greenery. Some specimens are distinguished by a scarlet tint of leaves.

At the very top of the erect stem are paniculate inflorescences. Each of them is decorated with pretty flowers located close to each other. The buds consist of five individual delicate petals that surround the corolla with the ovary and stamens. As a rule, the inflorescences are colored yellow, although orange, burgundy and snow-white options are also found. The plant blooms in summer, after which balls with a large number of seeds appear instead of buds.

Common loosestrife has medicinal properties. Tinctures or decoctions from it are used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is often used as an astringent and choleretic natural substance.

Monetary loosestrife (monetary)

The plant belongs to the family of perennial herbs. It has creeping horizontal stems about 80 cm long. Nodules appear on them, on which small roots grow. Thanks to them, the plant successfully grows throughout the territory. He loves fertile soil and shady places. In nature, it is found in the shade of low shrubs, in wet meadows or on the outskirts of swampy areas.

The leaves of the loosestrife are opposite, slightly rounded in shape. Their edges are solid, green in color. The buds grow in the axils of the leaf plate. They are usually large and solitary. The color is golden yellow, the calyx is funnel-shaped, the petals do not connect to each other. The flowering period is mid-summer.

The monetized loosestrife loves shaded areas of the garden and fertile soil. By fulfilling only these two requirements, one can already achieve success in growing this plant.

Spotted loosestrife

The flower of this variety is distinguished by a brown rhizome, which has several branches. From them under the ground shoots depart. Thanks to this, the plant grows wonderfully throughout the front garden.

The erect stalk of loosestrife has a delicate edge. Unlike other species, there are several branches on the shoots. Along each of them are wide lanceolate leaves lemon or yellow buds are placed in large numbers along a dense stem.

loosestrife lily of the valley

The name of the plant hints at the fact that outwardly it resembles lilies of the valley. And indeed it is. The loosestrife lily of the valley has a stable dense stem, on which next leaves are located from top to bottom. From below they are slightly bluish, and from above they are dotted with small dots. During flowering, the plant puts on spike-shaped buds, consisting of many small flowers. They are painted in a snow-white color and sit at the very top of the stem. A flower grows up to 45 cm and fits beautifully into any landscape design.


This variety of loosestrife is often called lily of the valley, for the similarity of its underground rhizome with it. It has the same pinkish-white color, but is slightly thicker than that of the lily of the valley. The loosestrife has an upright stem (about 20 cm in height), covered with foliage on all sides. The inflorescence is collected in a dense spike, filled with many white buds. It blooms in mid-summer and pleases the eye for 3 weeks.

loosestrife cletroides

This type of plant is also classified as a lily-of-the-valley variety of loosestrife. The flower grows to a height of up to 80 cm. Opposite rounded leaves grow on its high dense shoots. Cletroides loosestrife blooms with snow-white spike-shaped buds. From a distance, it resembles the original green bushes in the bride's white attire. They are used to decorate a personal plot: they are planted as living borders on, in alpine slides and off the coast of artificial pools.

Purple loosestrife (ciliated)

This perennial plant forms miniature bushes with erect stems. All of them are covered with smooth lanceolate leaves of wine-red color. Purple loosestrife is famous for its original inflorescences, which are located on the tops of slender shoots. The buds are collected in small bunches that shine with lemon color in the sun. The flower loves open light areas with moist fertile soil.

Often, the ciliary loosestrife grows up to 45 cm in height, which gives it a majestic appearance. The plant begins to bloom at the end of August and can continue until mid-September. It is not afraid of harsh winters, as it is considered a frost-resistant variety. In its natural environment, it is found in wet meadows near water bodies.

I especially want to highlight the original variety of the ciliated species - loosestrife firecracker. It is able to grow up to a meter high, which looks pretty nice against the background of other greenery. The erect shoots are alternately covered with lanceolate leaves pointed at the tips. Inflorescences appear in the axils of the leaf plates at the top of the shoot. Bell buds are bright yellow and bloom in early autumn. Bloom until October. Frost-resistant. They feel comfortable in the open areas of the backyard territory of the garden.

loosestrife beaujolais

This delightful perennial grows up to a meter high and has unusual inflorescences. They are dark red in color and are collected in dense spikes. Beaujolais loosestrife has silver-green lanceolate leaves slightly corrugated along the edges. They are wonderfully combined with dark buds that appear during flowering. The plant prefers fertile soils that retain moisture for a long time. They are widely used to decorate summer cottages. Planted to mark the territory instead of curbs.

Verbeinik Alexander

Majestic herbaceous perennial grows from 40 to 50 cm in height. On its erect stems are sessile broadly lanceolate leaves. Along the entire shoot, in the middle of summer, many delicate flowers appear. They are collected in small bouquets and shine brightly with lemon color against the background of dense greenery of the plant. Verbeinik Alexander feels luxuriously on fertile land, where there is a lot of air and light. He is especially comfortable in combined plantings of flowers near water bodies.
Often loosestrife is used to create mixborders that bloom continuously until late autumn. Just in such an environment, he looks like the ruler of the kingdom of flowers.

Before designing a flower garden, one should take into account the property of this variety to grow rapidly. Otherwise, loosestrife will force out weak plants, which will violate the overall harmony of the flower bed.

No chance for pests

It is not for nothing that the loosestrife is called the ruler of flower power, because the plant almost never gets sick. It surrenders only to living pests: aphids and weevils. You can cope with the invasion of such ill-wishers as aphids using special preparations.
Weevils impersonate affected leaves. If you find merged specimens, it is advisable to immediately start collecting them. Lost time will lead to the appearance of beetle larvae, which imperceptibly undermine a healthy plant.

Giving an objective assessment of the stately flower, it can be noted that it does not require special care. Easily adapts to new territory. It looks pretty good in landscape design. It has many beneficial properties that improve our health. Among them can be noted astringent, tonic and choleretic effect. Growing such a flower in a suburban area brings only positive emotions. It might be worth trying and enjoying its flowery grandeur.

Video about planting a perennial loosestrife

Monetary loosestrife is a wild plant that is loved for its decorative effect and pronounced medicinal properties. The loosestrife blooms for a long time and profusely, needs light care and grows quickly. Such features made it an ideal plant for creating a beautiful rock garden and other landscape compositions. Let's talk about how to create good conditions for the growth of loosestrife.

Monetary loosestrife, description of culture

The loosestrife is a herbaceous plant that takes the form of a large bush. In the natural environment, loosestrife grass is a perennial, less often an annual. Its stems are erect or profusely creeping.

The popular name of loosestrife arose in connection with the similarity of its leaves with willows. It also has other names - snake root, leech grass, meadow tea. According to one ancient Greek legend, the discoverer of culture was a historical figure - the commander Lysimachus. Hence its international name Lysimachia.

  • The loosestrife belongs to the primrose family. His homeland is the entire territory of Eurasia, as well as Africa and North America. Its close relatives are: cyclamen, primrose, as well as dairy grass and ambilanthus. The loosestrife, as a rule, grows in dense forests, in wet meadows, along rivers and stagnant reservoirs.
  • The most popular and flowering representative of the genus is the loosestrife. This is an actively creeping species, in which the recumbent and densely leafy stem reaches 30-65 cm. This structure of the aerial part makes the loosestrife an excellent ground cover. However, this species is also used in rich ampelous compositions.
  • The shape of the foliage is ovate-round, sometimes coin-shaped (round); leaf plates are found with blunt and slightly pointed ends; their color is light green, the surface is soft, silky to the touch. Leaves on short petioles are placed oppositely, their length is from 6 to 20 mm.
  • Bisexual flowers bloom on long pedicels. They are solitary, located in the axils of small leaves. The calyx is five-parted, the corolla is yellow with a diameter of 2-3 cm; petals are oval, with multiple black strokes and dots.
  • The fruit of loosestrife is a spherical five-leaved box. Small seeds ripen in August.
  • The flowering time of the crop is determined by the level of illumination of the site. In open and sunny places loosestrife blooms at the end of May and pleases with flowering until early June. In shady areas, flowering is a little late.
  • Freshly brewed loosestrife tea effectively cures gastrointestinal diseases. The drink has a pleasant aroma and a sweetish aftertaste. It has been used with great success in alternative medicine as it is a popular medicinal plant. In its composition, substances such as rutin, tannins, as well as saponins and enzymes have been identified.

Beautiful varieties of loosestrife monet

In horticulture, only two varieties of loosestrife are popular - Aurea and Goldilocks.

Monetary loosestrife "Aurea" is an attractive variety with the property to float on the slopes, which is in demand in the landscape. This loosestrife is able not only to cover a horizontal surface, but also to frame fences, steep slopes, walls and other vertical surfaces.

"Aurea" - a perennial variety with lying stems, on which oval and very decorative leaves of a light green color are placed opposite. Flowering does not occur until June, and if there is a little lack of light, then yellow buds will bloom by the end of July.

The variety is hardy. It survives the period of drought well and at the same time does not die during prolonged flooding. Its roots and stems are frost-resistant, and the aerial part tolerates mechanical damage well and recovers quickly.

The loosestrife "Goldilox" is a golden ornamental variety that also tolerates moderate trampling and short droughts. This loosestrife grows well in difficult soils. However, it is better to offer the plant a more comfortable place for it - loose soil with the introduction of organic matter.

The variety has an unusual green with a golden tint. To maintain such a decorative effect, the plant needs a lot of light. In the shade, loosestrife will lose its attractiveness.

The flowers of this variety are bright yellow, their size is only slightly larger than the leaves. The plant reproduces rapidly and can actively suppress other "inhabitants" of the garden.

Monetary loosestrife, planting in a flower bed

Although loosestrife is considered an unpretentious plant, it requires special attention when planting. It is important to choose the right place and composition of the soil, so that later the loosestrife does not create difficulties in care.

Choosing a place for planting a loosestrife monet

The loosestrife can be planted in a slightly shaded part of the garden. But for a brighter color of foliage, for example, like the Goldilox variety, it is better to choose a sunny place.

When planting loosestrife in complex flower beds or rock gardens, it is important to take into account its ability to grow strongly. In order to clearly limit the place where the flower grows, it is advisable to use a suitable plastic fence, a bucket, as well as slate.

What kind of soil does the loosestrife prefer?

An important requirement for the soil is a sufficient level of moisture and nutrition. The quality of rooting and further vegetation of the culture depend on these indicators.

Putrefactive, poorly drained soil is not suitable for loosestrife. Adding crushed stone to the upper soil ball will help correct the situation. Planting a plant is carried out only in prepared soil: it is enriched with compost and drained.

Planting a loosestrife plant is carried out according to generally accepted rules. First, a recess is made in the ground, then a rhizome is placed in it, which is sprinkled with light earth, and at the end, the soil around the pit is superficially compacted.

After planting, it is important to moisten abundantly and gently loosen the soil. The distance between the new bushes of the plant should be 45-60 cm. The optimal time for planting is the end of summer or the first week of spring.

Monetary loosestrife, cultivation and breeding methods

The loosestrife reproduces vegetatively without any difficulty. But if you want to work a little, you can grow young shoots from the collected seeds.

Growing loosestrife from seeds

To grow a young loosestrife from seeds, you will have to do responsible and time-consuming work. Well, in order for all the seeds to germinate safely, you should know the practical methods of gardeners.

Before sowing seed, it needs to be hardened or, as they say, stratified. Before sowing loose verbeynik, the seeds are laid for 1.5-2 months in a home refrigerator, it is advisable to choose a vegetable compartment for this. It is better to bookmark seeds in May.

If the seeds are sown in the fall, they will not need to be stratified, because they will already be well hardened in cold ground. With the advent of spring, seedlings will sprout together in small groups.

You can also sow seeds for seedlings. As a rule, only stratified seeds are used, which are sown in moist soil. It should consist of part sand and part peat. After sowing, the container is covered with a glass or film cover.

It is desirable to keep the air temperature not lower than +15 ºC, the room should be bright. After 14-16 days, the long-awaited shoots will appear.

When the shoots get stronger, a pick takes place in separate shallow containers. And in June, after hardening, the loosestrife is planted in a flower bed. The distance between seedlings should be about half a meter. Flowering should be expected only for 3 years.

Vegetative methods of propagation of loosestrife

The loosestrife reproduces both by simple division of the bush, and by rooting cuttings. With the advent of spring or in October-November, at the time of transplanting adult plants, loosestrife can be propagated by the usual division of the bush.

This is done simply: the bush is dug up and the children are separated. The bush is divided so that all separated parts have a strong and well-developed root, as well as healthy shoots.

After the mother bush is successfully divided, it remains to plant the resulting divisions. You need to care for new bushes in the same way as for an adult loosestrife. New plants will delight in flowering next year.

Among gardeners, loosestrife is often propagated by cuttings. For this, healthy cuttings 12-20 cm long are cut. Rooting of the cuttings is carried out in autumn or spring, since for this they use the cuttings left after the planned pruning of the plant.

Prepared cuttings are immersed in a container of water, and wait for the roots to appear. Then the cuttings with grown roots are planted in loose and moist soil. Choose shady areas of the garden for planting. In the next season, cuttings planted before autumn delight with their chic flowers.

Coined loosestrife, care in the garden

Care for loosestrife requires minimal and provides for moderate watering, top dressing and pruning. There are no serious problems with pests and diseases either. The loosestrife is rarely damaged by insects and only occasionally can aphids settle on it, which Biotlin can easily destroy.

Watering loosestrife in the garden

If the loosestrife is planted in an area with an abundant influx of natural moisture, minimal watering is needed. Only on very hot days, especially when the rain lingers and the soil dries out excessively, the loosestrife should be watered abundantly.

If loosestrife bushes are planted in a sunny place, you will have to regularly check the soil and, at the first signs of drying, water the plant. Watering should be done in the morning or immediately after sunset. Watering in the middle of the day can cause burns on the leaves.

Fertilizer application schedule for loosestrife

It is necessary to fertilize the coined loosestrife in the active phase of the growing season only in exceptional cases. For example, when shoot growth noticeably deteriorated, and subsequent flowering became rare, dull and short-lived. Feeding should be carried out carefully and in small quantities.

But before wintering, it is worth thoroughly feeding loosestrife with humus, as well as mineral composition. After fertilization, the soil is loosened.

Pruning, transplanting and wintering loosestrife monet

Monetary loosestrife blooms annually and gives good growth for 10 years without a transplant. But given the degree of its growth, young branches need to be transplanted from the mother bush. If this is not done, the loosestrife will soon capture all neighboring flower beds and drown out other plants. The best time for planting is the end of autumn.

The loosestrife is pruned annually. The first time the procedure of preventive circumcision is carried out after the end of flowering, the second time - before wintering. In the first case, loosestrife is simply cleaned of dry twigs and inflorescences. For the winter, a complete circumcision of the aerial part is carried out.

Monetary loosestrife in landscape design

Monetary loosestrife, being a ground cover variety, is indispensable for a large rock garden. It perfectly decorates garden buildings, gazebos, low fences.

Due to its moisture-loving nature, loosestrife serves as a living decoration for artificial reservoirs, fountains, and pools. It also enlivens areas of the garden shaded by trees.

Creates a wonderful tandem loosestrife with ferns, hosta or bluebells. This plant looks simply incredible in group plantings with bergenia, Rogersia, phlox, sedge, dwarf irises, and ragwort. Often the culture is planted as lawn grass.

What is the use of loosestrife monet

Officially, loosestrife is not a medicinal crop. But this does not prevent its active use in traditional medicine.

The leaves and flowers are used to make an herbal tea with strong antidiarrheal and antiemetic properties.

There is also a lot of experience in using a decoction from the aerial part of loosestrife in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Use herbal loosestrife tincture and externally. With its help, purulent wounds are treated, inflammation is relieved during exacerbation of rheumatism, swelling is reduced with bruises, and symptoms of hemorrhoids are alleviated.

Vitamin tea is prepared from loosestrife, which is taken for colds and prolonged coughs. And due to the presence of ascorbic acid, loosestrife is considered an immunomodulator.

By planting a loosestrife in your garden, you will acquire an unpretentious plant that will bloom gratefully and delight its owner. In addition, you can always brew yourself an amazingly delicious herbal tea to cheer up and improve your well-being.

Coined loosestrife, photo

Video "Monetary loosestrife: cultivation and care"

Monetary loosestrife is a wild plant popular among gardeners due to its decorative effect, long and abundant flowering, rapid growth and unpretentiousness. It is still used in traditional medicine. In floriculture, it is used as an ampelous and cover plant.

The loosestrife is a herbaceous perennial of the genus Sparrow, family Primrose. As a wild plant, it is found everywhere in Eurasia, from where it was also introduced to North America. The name "monetary" or "monetary" is associated with the rounded shape of the leaves of the flower. The flower received the second name "Meadow tea" because it has long been used to make herbal tea.

Belongs to the group of ground cover and anti-erosion crops. To this end, it is cultivated in wet areas of gardens and parks, on the banks of ornamental ponds. Monetary loosestrife forms a dense dense carpet, both on a horizontal and on an inclined surface. The plant is undemanding, frost-resistant.

The stem has no edging, creeping, creeping, knotty, covered with leaves. Roots can form at the nodes, thanks to which the shoots take root additionally. The length of the stem can reach 20-60 cm. The leaves on short petioles (no more than 5 mm) are located oppositely. Their length ranges from 9 to 25, width - from 5 to 20 mm.

The edges of the leaf plates are solid, with small, rarely placed glands, light green (linden) in color, with a silky surface. The leaf is ovate or rounded. Some beautiful species of loosestrife have heart-shaped or pointed leaves.

The flowers are yellow, placed in leaf axils singly on long (up to 2.5 cm) pedicels. The calyx is divided into 5 pointed petals, heart-shaped or triangular, up to 1 cm long, covered with black dots and strokes.

The corolla has a diameter of 18-30 mm, it is also divided into 5 petals on a short tube. The petals are ovoid, narrowed towards the ends, covered with black dots and strokes and transparent glands on short legs. The plant is pollinated by insects, in particular wasps. The loosestrife blooms from May to August. Seeds are formed in boxes. They can be collected already in August-September.

The loosestrife variety of the coin prefers moist soil: lake and river banks, damp ravines, forest glades. It grows well in swamps.

Popular types and varieties

There are several varieties of loosestrife:

  1. The common loosestrife has tall, straight stems covered with edging. Leaflets are ovate or oval, collected in rosettes of 3-4 pieces. and arranged in a ring around the stem. Bright golden buds bloom in June and fade in late summer. They form complex inflorescences resembling a pyramid. The culture prefers shade or partial shade on the site, well-moistened soil. It can grow in water, but at a depth of no more than 8-9 cm.
  2. Point loosestrife is a perennial species, the vertical stems of which form a dense bush up to 80 cm high. The foliage has an elongated shape. The buds are placed in leaf axils, 1-2 pcs. They have a yellowish corolla with an orange center. Small bells have a star shape. The variety prefers darkened planting sites, moist soil, blooms late - at the end of June. The plant should be limited, as it grows rapidly, crowding out its neighbors. Popular varieties: Alexande with white and Golden Alexander with a golden edging along the edge of the leaf plate.
  3. The loosestrife is distinguished by its decorative effect - a rare species that grows in China and southern Primorye. Unlike other varieties, lily of the valley loosestrife grows poorly. Its developed root lies deep and requires a large amount of soil. The variety loves well-lit areas. Stems erect, tall, slightly branched, pubescent. The leaves are large, lanceolate pointed shape. Another difference of the species is the white color of the inflorescences. The buds are long, bloom by the end of July and bloom no longer than 20 days. The Lady Jane variety has stems 70-90 cm high, suitable for cutting.
  4. Purple loosestrife is another original species that is distinguished by wine-red foliage. Lemon-yellow flowers, placed in the axils of the leaves at the top of the shoot, bloom late, in August-September. This is a short (only 45 cm tall) variety that prefers well-lit, sunny areas.
  5. Another undersized species is ciliated. This is a perennial with erect stems up to 0.5 m high, which branch from the base, less often higher. The leaves are large (up to 15 cm long), oval-lanceolate with a pointed end. Flowers of a lemon-yellow shade in the form of bells with long stalks form a loose inflorescence. In Russia, only the Firecracker variety with wine-colored leaves is cultivated.

Read also: Ampelous flowering plants - bacopa

Beautiful types of loosestrife monet:

  • Aurea is a perennial with decorative golden and yellow-green leaves. Features of the variety: frost resistance, the formation of a cover 5-15 cm high and 30 cm wide. The buds are yellow, the flowering period is all summer. It loves sunny areas, withstands partial shade, but in low light it blooms later, and the leaves have a darker color. Prefers fertile, loamy, moist soil. The variety withstands both lack and excess moisture. It grows well in swamps and on the banks of reservoirs. Resistant to trampling.
  • Goldilocks. The golden hue of leaves and flowers appears when grown in sunny areas. The buds are slightly larger than the leaves. The variety withstands trampling and small droughts, tolerates flooding well. If Goldilox is planted on well-moistened, loose and fertile soil, then within 2 years it will form a dense curtain up to 15 cm high and about 30 cm wide. It is able to completely suppress and evict neighbors.

In order to grow the integumentary loosestrife, care can be minimal. But under proper conditions, the plant grows more intensively, blooms earlier and retains a decorative appearance for a long time.


The main rule of cultivation is well-moistened soil. Sometimes the coin loosestrife is planted directly in the reservoir, but no deeper than 10 cm. It takes root best of all on loose, well-drained soil. To do this, small gravel is added to its upper layer. Often, when planting, loosestrife is fed with complex fertilizer and compost.

Landing in open soil is carried out in late autumn or early spring. Plantations quickly take root and grow, crowding out other crops.

Sometimes you have to limit the growth of a plant by cutting off excess shoots. In one area loosestrife can grow for 10 years, after which it will need to be transplanted. The procedure is performed in October. After planting, the soil is abundantly moistened. The distance between the bushes should be 45-60 cm.

Read also: What are cannes, how to care for them, and why sometimes they do not bloom

Watering and fertilizing

If the selected area is well hydrated, the plant will require minimal watering. You just need to make sure that on especially hot days the soil does not dry out. If the site is located in the sun, abundant watering should be carried out regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. To avoid the appearance of burns on the foliage, watering is carried out early in the morning, in dew or after sunset.

In the stage of active vegetation, loosestrife does not need additional feeding. They are carried out only with a decrease in the growth rate, diseases, a small number of flowers, a loss of their brightness or a short flowering. In this case, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied.

Before wintering, after pruning, loosestrife is fed thoroughly. Humus and a mineral complex are added under it.

Diseases and pests

The loosestrife flower is disease resistant. He is not bothered by pests either. Aphids may be an exception. When it appears, the shoots are treated with special insecticides. Antitlin or Biotlin will do.


Care for loosestrife after flowering necessarily includes annual pruning. The first time the shoots are removed after flowering, the second - before winter.

Since loosestrife is a plant with a short flowering period, the first pruning, which includes the removal of dry branches and inflorescences, is carried out already in July-August, less often in September.

It is important to know: before wintering, the entire above-ground part of the bush is cut off, leaving no more than 5 cm.


In winter, the flower feels great without shelter. After fertilization, the soil is loosened and mulched with peat.


The most effective is the reproduction of loosestrife monetized in a vegetative way - by dividing the bush and cuttings. A perennial bush produces a large number of shoots and branches that take root easily and quickly begin to bloom.

Growing seedlings from seeds is also practiced, but the germination of seed is low. With this method of reproduction, flowering will have to wait 2-3 years.

Like golden coins, the flowers of Monetchaty Verbeinik are scattered on the ground - this creeping plant, usually densely braiding the damp places of our meadows and peat bogs. It can also be found in the garden - loosestrife decorates the edges of pools and flower beds well.

What does Monetary loosestrife look like

Creeping loosestrife stalk reaches a length of 50 cm and easily takes root as it grows with additional roots running along the stem.

Loosestrife leaves Monetary this plant are all deployed in the same plane, they are rounded and sit on very short cuttings.

Flowers loosestrife Monetary arranged 1-2 in the axils of the leaves, their corolla is five-petal, golden yellow, bright.

Application of Verbeinik

flowers loosestrife Monetchaty many years ago they were used as the basis of a tea drink, which is why the people called this plant meadow tea.

Tea leaves from its grass are used for diarrhea and dysentery, for inflammation of the mouth and throat. Outwardly, loosestrife of this plant is used in the form of compresses and poultices for rheumatism, skin inflammations, tumors and bruises.

Verbeinika grass juice, Also. like yarrow, is strong hemostatic and a means of preventing the development of bruises. Gruel from a fresh plant is applied to wounds and cuts, bruises and sprains; this tool is very simple and can be easily used in the field.

Collecting and harvesting Verbeinik

Used for medicinal purposes loosestrife grass. The whole plant is collected together with the flowers, carefully cutting off pieces of the stem with scissors - it cannot be torn, because pulling it up can damage the rooted parts.

Loosestrife ordinary has medicinal properties similar to Verbeinik Monetchaty. Previously, it was used by peasants to treat livestock, since it is very easy to collect it - thickets of yellow flowers of this tall erect plant are visible everywhere in the damp lowlands of flood meadows, along river floodplains.

Common loosestrife quickly fills all the territory he likes, crowding out other types of grasses. This plant is easily recognizable and accessible when harvested, but it is difficult to tear it; it is better to use scissors for this. The medicinal use of these two species of loosestrife is similar.
