Photo and crafts workshops.

Making crafts from cones with your own hands is, at first glance, a difficult task. At the same time, it is the most accessible material that can be found in large quantities. Crafts from cones and plasticine cheer up and gray everyday life becomes brighter. This is a good find for all needlewomen.

What can be done

It is only necessary to apply imagination and desire to get unusual toys created by your own hands. To decorate a house or apartment, you can create interesting Christmas wreaths. Snowmen and Christmas trees will have fun under the Christmas tree, and a small zoo will amuse the child.

Job Benefits

Cones - environmentally friendly natural material. He has no age restrictions. Joint work on various topics will give a lot of positive emotions to adults and children, help to decorate the interior of the apartment.


Pine cones have an incredible natural smell that is used to add fragrance to a room. It is necessary to properly process the material, otherwise it begins to release a thick resin that spoils the appearance of the cone and things.

Processing guide:

  1. Collect cones that are suitable for crafts.
  2. Then place in an airtight bag, tie and put away for a few days.
  3. Take out the bag, fill the bowl with warm water, and then add the dish soap. Pour out the bumps and leave for about 30 minutes, then rinse, dry and place on a newspaper.
  4. After complete drying, varnish them.

If this material has been lying for a long time and has not been used, then consider some tricks when working. So, at room temperature, the material can change shape, so it must be fixed. To do this, place in the glue for 30 seconds, and then dry.

If the material is deformed, then plain water will return the shape. It is necessary to lower it into water and moisten until the petals begin to bend. Then take it out and dry it with the help of ropes.

Necessary materials and tools

The main material for work is, of course, spruce or pine cones. To diversify the creative process, auxiliary tools are used. Thus, the product or decoration will become more attractive to the eye.

Necessary materials:

  • spruce or pine needles;
  • acorns, chestnuts;
  • herbariums from herbs or leaves of trees;
  • plasticine;
  • paper of different colors;
  • paints;
  • threads, wire, ribbons;
  • beads;
  • remnants of fabric, felt;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton wool etc.

When working, you will need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • brushes;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • paper clips, buttons, etc.

Decor on the theme of autumn

The beginning of classes in schools and kindergartens makes parents think about new crafts. The bright colors of autumn are inspiring and uplifting. Come up with a lot of interesting things that will please the eye.


To work you need:

  • cones (about 50 pieces);
  • hot glue;
  • wire of two sizes;
  • cardboard.

Basket weaving starts from the base. Wrap a thin wire around the cone and twist the two ends of the wire. Attach the second and also wrap and twist with wire. You will get a ring with the fluffy side inward. Next, create a second row, but two pieces less. You can add a third if you wish. All blanks are glued together.

For the handle of the basket, it is necessary to make a frame of thick wire and fix the material on it with a thin wire. Next, connect to the base. The bottom of the basket can be made from cardboard and glued.

autumn bouquet

It is necessary to prepare:

  • hot glue;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • tapes;
  • beads, sequins;
  • paints.

Attach cones or beads to the ends of the wire with glue. They can be dyed or sprinkled with glitter. Connect individual long sticks or branches into a bouquet and tie with a ribbon. Fill the resulting void with satin bows and acorns. You can put this wonderful bouquet in a vase or give it to your loved ones.

colorful bouquet

For such decoration use:

  • branches of the desired length;
  • hot glue gun;
  • paints and brushes;
  • oilcloth (on the table).

Decorate the branches and set aside to dry. Next, you need to paint the material with a brush or pour paint into a glass and dip it. Wait until it dries completely and glue the branches and cones together with hot glue. Got a flower.

Fasten the bouquet or put it in a vase, as shown in the photo. A light autumn bouquet with the scent of spring will delight the whole family.

Children's decorations

Make a funny menagerie at home, because the child will be happy with new friends. Lots of funny crafts to make, from big bears to cute little hedgehogs and cone owls.


You will need:

  • twine;
  • glue;
  • beads for the eyes;
  • plasticine.

Wrap the twine around the bump for the head, after sticking plasticine on it, and the second for the bear's belly. Glue small eyes and paws onto the twine.



  • hot glue;
  • scissors;
  • sample;
  • felt of different colors;
  • coin.

The step by step process is:

  1. Cut out the elements.
  2. Glue the eyes and nose onto the squirrel's face.
  3. Glue the tail on the other side.
  4. Glued a small coin to the base from the legs will give stability.
  5. Glue the parts of the acorn.
  6. Glue the paws and acorn and the cute squirrel is ready.

Plasticine products

Soft, flexible plasticine is the most popular material. Children are delighted with multi-colored plasticine blocks, from which wonderful animals can turn out. They can decorate a room or play a fun game. Use your imagination, because this is how creativity develops. Applications with the help of cardboard sheets and molded products will harmoniously fit into the interior.



  • plasticine orange, green, white and black;
  • autumn leaf;
  • stack.

From orange plasticine, it is necessary to blind the nose and ears, then the tongue. A round black nose ball is attached to the bump. From white plasticine, roll out the eyes in the form of a semicircle and from the green oval shape of the pupils. Then stick the tails of the leaves on the eyes, these will be the cilia.

The tail and paws are blinded from orange and cut out the incisions with a stack. Attach all the accessories to the material and plant the fox on the autumn leaf.


You will need a plasticine knife and colors of different shades.

Roll the head and two wings out of black. From orange - two paws and a nose. For the eyes, you will need two round round cakes and two small black balls. Stick on a bump and the penguin is ready.


You will need fluffy spruce or pine cones of an elongated shape and multi-colored plasticine.

From brown, roll up the muzzle of an oblong shape and stick it. In the form of sausages, build two paws. Make eyes out of white and black.

Complete the hedgehog with a filling apple and a pretty mushroom on the back.

Christmas toys

A huge number of different New Year's crafts can be made from cones. Use your imagination and start with small compositions of Santa Claus or a Christmas tree, and continue decorating the interior with a panel or garland. Fill your home with a fabulous atmosphere.

herringbone tree


  • hot glue;
  • wine cork;
  • brushes;
  • paints;
  • star, glitter.

Paint the product green, leave to dry. You can paint the tips of the petals with white. Sprinkle the Christmas tree with glitter.

Cut a wine cork in half with a knife and hot glue it to the bottom.

Place a star on top - the tree is ready.


For work you will need:

  • twine;
  • a can of golden paint;
  • glue for gold leaf;
  • varnish spray;
  • sponge;
  • hard brush;
  • leaf of gold leaf;
  • hooks;
  • pliers.

Gather and clean debris with a stiff brush. Apply glue with a sponge, then dry. You can apply only to the upper tips of the petals.

Prepare hooks with a loop at the end, cover with paint and leave to dry.

Wrap the material in gold leaf and press down. After waiting a bit, brush off the foil with a stiff brush. Fix the coating with varnish. Next, carefully twist the hooks with pliers.

Repeat all the steps with the rest of the cones, and then proceed to the final stage. Cut as much twine as you need and attach the cones by tying knots to keep them from rolling on the rope.

A new accessory for your home is ready.



  • several types of wire: thick and colored;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters.

Using thick wire, build a round frame from several rings. Gradually, with the help of colored wire, wind the cones tightly to each other with the fluffy side up, starting from the inner ringlet.

You can come up with any decor and decorate a wreath of cones, using many ideas for inspiration.

Christmas ball


  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • balloon;
  • water;
  • paints;
  • ribbons.

Pour water in a ratio of 1: 2 to PVA glue, dip toilet paper into the solution. Leave.

To prepare the balloon, inflate to the desired size, wrap it with toilet paper from the solution and leave to dry for about a day.

Paint the resulting ball, then start gluing the natural material, but very carefully so that the ball does not burst. Glue close to each other. Leave to dry.

Decorate the Christmas balls at your discretion.


You will need:

  • felt;
  • glue;
  • head ball.

Cut out caps and scarves from felt. Glue them on the head of the gnome, and the head to the bump. Decorate the cap with a bell.


Nessesary to use:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • wire;
  • glue.

On thick cardboard, draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm, and inside a small circle with a diameter of 10 cm. Cut it out.

On the resulting base, glue the cones in a circle. Next, decorate the candle holder with sprigs of spruce and orange peels for fragrance.


For work you will need:

  • flower pot;
  • foam ball;
  • dye;
  • glue gun;
  • mounting mixture;
  • thick stick for the base;
  • pins.

Glue the foam ball with a stick that needs to be painted in advance. Fill the flower pot with the mounting mixture, leaving about 3 cm on top. Insert the stick with the ball inside and hold for a few minutes to fix.

Insert the bump on the head of the pin with glue. Insert pins into the crown of the ball and distribute them closer to each other. Cover the mounting foam with moss and spread around the perimeter of the pot.

Needlework is a great tactile activity for parents and toddlers. Practical exercises develop hand motor skills, and an environmentally friendly product will not adversely affect health.

Combine business with pleasure, because you can create many more wonderful figures from cones and plasticine:

  • monkey;
  • rooster;
  • turtle;
  • bear;
  • snowman;
  • a bird;
  • peacock;
  • little man;
  • goblin;
  • swan;
  • chimpanzee;
  • shell, etc.

DIY video

In the video you can see new ideas for inspiration and reproduce them in reality.

Ideas for crafts can be found on the Internet or rely on your imagination. To create compositions, you can not only use spruce, pine or cedar cones, but also other natural materials (leaves, acorns, chestnuts).

With the use of cones, you can create various decorative Christmas decorations. A wreath on the door or a composition with candles will add coziness to your home and create a festive atmosphere.

It will be interesting for children to make animal crafts. A bear, a hare, a penguin or an elephant will not leave your child indifferent. And creating crafts with your own hands will bring pleasure not only to the baby, but also to you.

Involve children and adults in the process of creating a composition and you will create a wonderful decoration that will decorate the interior of your home.

Cone processing

To work with cones, try to select dry, clean material. But if necessary, rinse the bump with running water and let it dry completely.

If the dirt is minor, you can clean the bump with a brush.

When working with cones, remember that completely unopened cones in the process of work can open up and ruin the craft. To open, put the cone in the oven, slightly open the door. Unopened buds will open up and dry out.

If your art requires a closed cone, dip it in wood glue to avoid opening, and hold it for less than a minute.

You can also change the shape of the cone by soaking it in hot water. Then give the desired shape by tying the cone with twine, and dry.

Decorations for the new year

There are a lot of ideas for New Year's decor.

Christmas tree decorations

From the cones you can make original decorations for the Christmas tree. You will need glue, glitter and satin ribbon.

Cover the bump with glue and sprinkle liberally with glitter. Let the glue dry. Make a hole with an awl and insert a satin ribbon. Let's go decorate the tree!

New Year's wreath

A New Year's wreath of cones will perfectly fit into the New Year's interior of your apartment.

Cut out the base for the future wreath from cardboard or plastic. If you want the wreath to be voluminous, wrap it in newspaper and decorate with a cloth.

Stick the cones in a checkerboard pattern on the circle, you can alternate the cones with other elements, such as dried flowers or spruce branches. This will add character to your wreath. After the glue dries, you can decorate the New Year's wreath with tinsel, beads, ribbons and sparkles.

A garland of cones.

Prepare all the necessary materials: cones, a piece of twine, paint, decorations.

Paint the cones in different colors, let them dry. For decoration, you can sprinkle them with sparkles.

While the cones are drying, prepare the rope and make marks on it where the cones will be located. Don't forget to leave the ends of the rope so that it is convenient to tie the garland.

Glue the cones to the garland. After drying, you can decorate your Christmas tree.

  • To decorate the New Year's interior, you can make snowflakes from cones, having previously painted them white.
  • Undoubtedly, a Christmas tree made of cones will become an original gift or decoration.

To complete, you will need cardboard, glue, New Year's tinsel and cones.

Fold the cardboard into a cone and glue the cones to it. The gaps between the cones can be filled with tinsel.

Cone Animals


For crafts you will need:

  • One large fir cone;
  • Pine cones for the paws of the future bear;
  • Buttons;
  • Cloves or black peppercorns;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Awl.

The biggest bump is the body of our bear, choose two bumps for the hind legs, and two smaller ones for the front. The large pinecone will be the head. Glue all the pieces together and let the glue dry.

From the buttons make his ears, and from the carnation eyes and nose.


For a hedgehog, you only need plasticine and cones.

In order to make a hedgehog, you only need one cone. Sculpt a muzzle of a hedgehog from plasticine and attach a pine cone to it. From plasticine make eyes and a nose. Your hedgehog is ready!


In order to make an owl, make a blank for the eyes and tail of the bird. The eyes and tail can be made from paper or plasticine. Just attach the blanks to the cone and the craft is ready!

By this analogy, you can make various animals. Experiment with different materials and your child will be satisfied.

Decor Ideas

Crafts from cones look good not only for the new year, but also at any time of the year. To diversify the decor, you can make a topiary of cones, and it will perfectly fit into the interior of your kitchen, and a candlestick decorated with cones will look harmonious on the dining table.

Topiary from cones

You will need:

  • cones;
  • Branch for the trunk;
  • Basis for crafts;
  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Alabaster or plaster;
  • Dye;
  • Glue;
  • Threads or ribbon for decoration.


  1. Glue the cones onto the base ball, leaving room at the base for the trunk.
  2. Insert a branch into the lower part, and fix it with glue.
  3. Decorate the gaps with the remaining cones.
  4. Spray paint the buds, and after drying, decorate the gaps with various ribbons, pine branches, beads or flowers.
  5. Dilute the alabaster in the base pot and insert the craft into the solution.
  6. A topiary pot can be decorated with the remaining cones or pine branches.

Show your imagination, and the result will not be long in coming. After all, there are a lot of crafts from cones. Use cedar, pine, spruce cones to create New Year's compositions and just for crafts with children. By taking a little time to be creative, you will create a wonderful masterpiece!

Children have a high creative potential that can be successfully developed. At first, with the help of parents and teachers, and then on their own initiative, they can make toys and simple souvenirs for gifts. Especially the kids love to make fairy-tale characters and various animals.

We suggest that you and your child complete a craft - a bear made of cones. The bear is the constant hero of folk tales and a character beloved by children, so your baby will gladly accept the offer to make an interesting souvenir toy. When making a bear out of cones with their own hands, an older preschooler or a younger student learns elementary ways of placing and connecting parts, he develops the ability to act in accordance with the instructions. And, of course, the baby gets used to making unique items to decorate the interior of the home.

Master class: a bear made of cones

You will need:

  • one large cone (cedar or spruce);
  • four small pinecones and one medium-sized pinecone;
  • a skein of coarse yarn (rope);
  • thin wire.

How to make a bear from a cone?

Teddy bear from one cone

Parents whose preschool child is still small will be interested to know how to make a bear from a cone with a baby? The proposed craft is available for manufacturing even to a four-year-old child. The only difficulty is that it is necessary to break off two parts from the cone. For a very young child, a father or mother will help to do this.

You will need:

  • one large fir cone;
  • plasticine brown (or yellow) and black;
  • stack.

The resulting craft - a bear made of cones, can be hung on a Christmas tree as a decoration or presented as a gift to grandparents, who will surely be glad that their grandson or granddaughter is growing up so skillful!

Teddy bear made of fir cones

To make it, you need several spruce cones of different sizes.

Beautiful do-it-yourself crafts made from cones are often found at children's competitions and exhibitions. This natural material is available, it is convenient and safe to work with it. The main thing is to have time to collect it in time and prepare it correctly.

Forest dweller from cones

Topiary from acorns and cones

What cones are suitable for children's crafts

To make crafts from cones to school or kindergarten, you need to know the following rules:

  • still unopened cones should be collected - they take up less space;
  • if it is necessary for the bump to open, it is simply not covered with anything;
  • if it is planned to make crafts from an unopened cone, immediately after collection it must be dipped into the adhesive composition.

original topiary

It is most reliable to cover the cones for crafts with wood glue, which has been previously diluted with water to a liquid consistency. You need to take the workpiece with tongs and dip it into the adhesive solution several times. Then put on oilcloth. Periodically, the cone must be turned over. It will dry for about three days.

Composition of cones

How to make a big bump for crafts flexible

The natural shape of a cone is not always suitable for creating a specific composition. So, it happens that you need a bent material. To soften the surface of the workpiece and give it a specific shape, you need to put the cone in boiling water and cook for about 5-10 minutes. After cooling a little, “roll” with your hands to the side and fix with a rope or adhesive tape.

Wreath of small cones

What crafts can be made from cones

Children's crafts from cones can be different. Funny figurines of animals and men, decorative elements for the home, compositions and paintings - this material gives freedom to creativity. On the eve of the New Year holidays, Christmas tree decorations can be made from them.

beautiful wreath

New Year's decor

Wreath decorated with balls

Do-it-yourself gift from cones

Craft from cones for elementary school - hedgehog

If a child was instructed to make a beautiful craft from cones with his own hands, parents should definitely tell him in which direction to move. Quite simply, such a hedgehog is made:

Hedgehog from a cone

You need to take a bump, plasticine. Form a muzzle from the latter and attach to the back of the wooden base. It is better to make eyes and a nose from plasticine of a darker color so that they stand out well against the general background.

Hedgehog needles should be decorated with grass, leaves. You can mold the mushrooms and carefully attach them on top.

Funny hedgehog with sharp needles

The craft, in which several pine cones are involved, looks interesting:

big hedgehog

Christmas tree made of pine cones for the exhibition

To make a Christmas tree from pine cones, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue gun;
  • cones;
  • decorations for homemade forest beauty.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from cones

It is necessary to make a cone from cardboard, and then paste over it with hot glue with opened cones. From above, it is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree with some flowers, beads, sparkles, ribbons, so that it looks more elegant. If you want to change the color of a homemade Christmas tree, you need to spray paint on it from a spray can before decorating.

There is another way to make a forest beauty from cones. The materials will be the same, but the order of work will be somewhat different. Here you don’t have to make a cone-shaped base - you just need to cut a circle out of cardboard and start shaping it as follows:

Making a Christmas tree from cardboard and cones

Bear made of cones

A beautiful bear is easily made from cones.

His body must be formed from the longest blank, paws - from four small bumps, nose - from peppercorns, ears - from acorn caps. If some of the natural materials necessary for decorating a forest dweller were not at home, it should be replaced. So, ears, nose and eyes can be made from plasticine, croton, colored dough.

Bear from different cones

It's great if cedar, pine and spruce cones are combined in one composition. Then it will look more interesting and neat.

Huge bear made of cones

small bear

What other craft can be made from cones

With cones, you need to experiment. Since it is very easy to connect them to each other, you can create shapes of a wide variety of shapes.

This bunny is done very quickly:

Bunny from a cone

For its manufacture you will need:

  • one open cone;
  • multi-colored plasticine;
  • toothpicks (can be replaced with spruce needles).

The forest squirrel also looks unusual:

DIY squirrel

To complete the owl, you need only two cones:

Owl from cones

If a child asks to make penguins for an exhibition at a school or kindergarten, parents should not be afraid of such a task.

Cone Penguins

To make the body of animals white will help watercolor paint, varnished on top.

Baskets of cones

A basket of cones can be made both for an exhibition in a garden or school, and for decorating the interior of an apartment. For its manufacture, you need a flexible wire. It is necessary to alternately connect the cones to each other, and then form rows of them.

Basket making

decorative basket

small basket

Large container of pine cones

You can decorate the basket with flowers, acorns, dry grass.

Making a basket of cones

Let's try again this time to make something from natural material, but from larger parts.

Clubfoot bear made of cones

Let's start with the well-known clubfoot bear- the owner of the forest. Although, the mistress of the forest can be done in the same way.
Main details:
  • spruce cone;
  • four half-open pine trees cones;
  • open pine cone with a round top;
  • hat acorn.
The bear's body is a fir cone.

Method “scale under scale” the rest of the details will be attached to it.

To connect the cones "scale under the scale", you need to move them towards each other so that the scales of one fall under the scales of the other. To fix the connection, you must first apply glue (place a piece of plasticine) under the scales of one of the cones. Then, when connecting the scales, the other cones will stick.

A good bud has very elastic scales, so breaking them is not at all easy. When connecting the cones "scale under the scale", do not be afraid to press them harder.

The paws of the bear are half-opened pine cones. In this case, the hind (lower) paws should be slightly larger.

Place the fir cone on the top of your head and attach the hind legs. In order for the bear to sit comfortably, the paws must be set on one side of the cone-body, slightly apart, as you see in the photo.

Make a bear head from an open pine cone. On the highest point of the crown of this cone (slightly away from the center), glue the acorn hat so that the bear's muzzle stretches forward.

A dark nose and eyes can be made from peppercorns or plasticine. Glue the nose to the tip of the muzzle. Place something light under the eyes so that they stand out: circles of light birch bark, white (light) plasticine. If the pupils are moved to the nose, the bear will have a good-natured look. In any case, the eyes should cover the center of the top of the bud head.

Strengthen the front (upper) legs over the hind legs.

Ears can be cut from birch bark or acorn caps can be used, but flatter than for the muzzle. Strengthen them by inserting cones-heads under the scales.

That's all. If you want to do something differently, or add some details, then no one will bother you. Crafts made from natural materials give so many opportunities to fantasize and embody your fantasies!

Of course, the bear is a big animal, but it is very trusting. In many fairy tales, the bear is deceived, and even laugh at him. And the most intelligent and cunning forest animal is considered fox. Let's try to make a forest beauty.

Sly Fox

Main details:
  • large open pine cone with a round head,
  • large open pine cone with flat head,
  • medium open pine cone with a round head,
  • medium closed pine cone ,
  • two small half-open pine trees cones ;
  • spruce cone(with scales that break easily);
  • birch bark.

Make the body of the fox from two large open pine cones.

Take a cone with a round top and insert the flat top of the second cone under its central scales.

Having fixed this connection well, place a cone with a flat top, scales down, on the desktop. (If the central scale prevents it from standing, break it off). To keep the round-topped cone in position, take two small, half-opened pine cones and reinforce them underneath the cone (closer to the round crown) in a scale-like fashion.

You have a fox body with front legs. Hind legs do not need to be done.

A fluffy tail for a fox can be made from a spruce cone.

First, break off all the scales of this cone. Then, "peel" the bump as if it were a carrot. You can "clean" with a knife or a scissor blade in the direction from the former crown to the spout. If you don't know how to peel carrots yourself, ask an adult to help you.

"Unsuccessful" tails can be used for other jobs. For example, I got a duet of Chernoukha and Redzhuli - elegant English cats, which I will tell you about later.

From the two remaining cones, make the head of a fox. At an open pine cone, break out (cut off with scissors) the central scale and 2-3 closest to it. Connect this cone in the "under the scale" way with the body of the fox. In place of the removed central scales, insert a closed pine cone.

To make the fox come to life, you need to do the most important thing - the small details of the head.

Glue the birch bark so that the lower (dark) layer is outside on both sides. Cut out the ears from it and insert them under the scales of the head.

From the bottom layer of birch bark, cut out two circles the size of a small coin. Bend each of them in half (with a light layer inside) and make eyelashes.

To do this, use small scissors to make four deep cuts in the direction of the fold line (you should end up with five narrow strips), and then carefully cut off the corners on each side of the resulting strip.

Apply glue to the dark surface of any half of the part and glue eyelashes to the muzzle. Pupils for the eyes can be made from a dark seed of an apple or pear. Glue the pupils on the lower lashes, close to the fold line.

Now cut out a circle the size of a small coin from the birch bark. Bend it in half. With small scissors, cut off part of the part from the end of the fold line to the middle of the arc. Make 3-4 cuts and cut off the corners of the resulting strips only from the side closest to the wide end of the part. Expand the detail. (She looks like a Christmas tree). Apply glue along the fold line and glue the part so that its wide part "hangs" over the sharp end of the muzzle.

From a thin layer of pine bark or birch bark, cut out a small circle - a spout - and glue it on top.

To make everything clear to you, I will explain: on the muzzle of the fox, near the nose, whiskers grow. And one more thing: the spout will not be noticeable if you do not put a lighter piece under it.

You can make a fox with a body from a spruce cone, and pick up thin twigs for paws (preferably pine). You can decorate the head using plasticine and pine needles (for eyelashes and mustaches).

What will be your fox, you decide for yourself.

If the weather is good on the weekend, we play in the yard for most of the day. Around the playground, a certain smart person planted a dozen chestnuts, nuts, maples and mountain ash. A little further on wild grapes, mulberries and apricots grow.

I must say that in autumn, colorful trees present an incredibly colorful sight. It is a pity that there are no artists in our family. Juicy colors, and accompanied by sunny weather, at times cheer up and inspire creativity.

After playing outdoors, my daughter and I set off to make crafts from natural materials collected in the yard. From last season, we still have cones of the Crimean and ordinary pines, as well as a fairly dried chestnut peel. Namely, from them today we will make a wild beast - a brown bear. Join now!

For work you will need:

  • - Crimean pine cone,
  • - plasticine,
  • - chestnut peel quarters
  • - autumn leaves for decorating crafts.

First, we will distribute responsibilities with the child. The daughter sculpts plasticine parts, and the mother corrects possible defects. We need two round flat ears, eyes, an oval brown muzzle with a black nose - a button.

The masters coped with the difficult task with excellent marks, but the mother will have to attach the finished elements to the bump on her own. Jewelry work does not tolerate haste, it is necessary to firmly press the plasticine parts to the scales so that they do not lose their shape.

We set the torso with the head of the craft aside and take on the prickly paws of the beast. Last year's chestnut peel quarters are the perfect material for decorating the limbs of all shaggy animals. If necessary, the parts are reduced in size, and sharp corners are also cut with scissors.

We will attach the paws to the body of the craft using pieces of plasticine. The bear must be stable on its feet and not tip over.

Here he is, a forest predator, raised his paw in greeting. Now the beast will roar at the whole impenetrable thicket.

We spread fresh and slightly crushed leaves around the hero. It turned out to be a real autumn composition.

Work on crafts made from natural materials is completed. We hope that our bear will be liked by all the guys without exception.

Crafts for children from natural materials.
Main details: fir cone; four half-opened pine cones; an open pine cone with a round top; acorn hat. The bear's body is a fir cone.
Using the “scale under the scale” method, the rest of the details will be attached to it. To connect the cones "scale under the scale", you need to move them
towards each other so that the scales of one fall under the scales of the other. To fix the connection, you must first apply glue
(put a piece of plasticine) under the scales of one of the cones.
Then, when connecting the scales, the other cones will stick.
A good bud has very elastic scales, so breaking them is not at all easy. When connecting the bumps "scale under the scale", do not be afraid to press them harder. The paws of the bear are half-opened pine cones. In this case, the hind (lower) paws should be slightly larger.
Place the fir cone on the top of your head and attach the hind legs. In order for the bear to sit comfortably, the paws must be placed on one side of the cone-body, slightly apart, as you see in the photo.

Make a bear head from an open pine cone. On the highest point of the crown of this cone (slightly away from the center), glue the acorn hat so that the bear's muzzle stretches forward. A dark nose and eyes can be made from peppercorns or plasticine. Glue the nose to the tip of the muzzle. Place something light under the eyes so that they stand out: circles of light birch bark, white (light) plasticine.

If the pupils are moved to the nose, the bear will have a good-natured look. In any case, the eyes should cover the center of the top of the bud head.
Strengthen the front (upper) legs over the hind legs.
Ears can be cut from birch bark or acorn caps can be used, but flatter than for the muzzle. Strengthen them by inserting under the scales
That's all. If you want to do something differently, or add some details, then no one will bother you. Crafts made from natural materials give so many opportunities to fantasize and embody your fantasies!
Of course, the bear is a big animal, but it is very trusting. In many fairy tales, the bear is deceived, and even laugh at him.

