Features of propagation of geranium leaves. Research work "forgotten geranium" Healing and healing properties

Research project on the topic:

"Secrets of Geranium"





Main part




At one of the lessons of the surrounding world, the theme of indoor plants aroused great interest among students in grade 2.Indoor plants play a big role in the ecological and aesthetic education of children, but only if these plants are healthy, well-groomed, properly selected and tastefully placed. . The children were told thatHouseplants can propagate in several ways - seeds and cuttings. The issue of propagation of plants by seeds among schoolchildren "disappeared" on its own, since many of them have repeatedly observed, and some have taken an active part, how parents and relatives in the spring are engaged in sowing and sowing various vegetable crops, flowers, etc. . But the reproduction of plants by cuttings caused a heated discussion and, to some extent, even surprise among second-graders, “How can several plants appear from one ?!”. In connection with the questions that arose and the surprise of the guys, we decided to conduct an experiment and see in practice how the cutting method of propagating indoor plants is used. Having previously studied the information about the methods of propagation of indoor plants available in the class, we agreed on the general opinion that we will put the experiment on a home pelargonium plant (the everyday name of the flower is geranium).

aim Our study was an acquaintance with a houseplant - geranium, its useful ways and propagation by cuttings.

From this goal, the followingtasks :

obtaining information from various sources (encyclopedias, Internet resources, adult stories aboutgeraniums) about the methods of reproduction and the rules for caring for the plant;

conducting an experiment: planting a geranium cutting in the ground, observing the growth of the cutting depending on the lighting conditions and temperature in the classroom, determining in what conditions the plant is best to grow;

discussion of the results of the experiment, preparation of conclusions;

preparation of a research project and summarizing the results of the experiment.

Estimated result : Get a new houseplant.

Object of study: indoor plant -pelargonium home(geranium).

Subject of study: propagation of a plant by cuttings and growing it in various conditions.

Research methods: collectioninformation from various sources andher aanalysis, experimental, observation, description.

Terms of the study: September 14, 2015 - October 18, 2015.

Practical significance works: is that the guys, having learned how to propagate indoor plants and properly care for them, can continue this experience with other plants at home and at school, thereby forming a favorable environment for the interaction of children with the natural environment. In addition, andUsing the knowledge gained about the beneficial properties of geraniums, this plant can be widely used as a medicinal plant to improve health and purify indoor air from bacteria in order to prevent colds. Also, grown flowers will be presented to relatives, which will contribute to a comfortable microclimate in families, and also have a beneficial effect on health, since it is always useful to be in rooms where there are many healthy flowering plants.

Main part

The research work included several stages. The stages of the project implementation are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Stages of project implementation


Implementation period

    Preparatory stage

Studyinginformationfrom various sources:

Periodical literature (special newspapers and magazines about flowers"My favorite flowers", "I love flowers");


Internet resources;

adult stories aboutgeraniums;



    Pilot stage

Planting a geranium cutting in the ground


Observation of cutting growth depending on lighting conditions and temperature in the classroom


    The final stage

Discussion of the results of the experiment.


Preparation and discussion of the project in the class.

    Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage, the collectioninformationabout the methods of reproduction and the rules for caring for the plantfrom various sources. The students did it with great interest, they were assisted by their parents in this direction and the class teacher. Having collected and summarized all the information about geraniums, we got the following results.

In its current "cultural" form, this flower first appeared in Holland in the 16th century. And our wise ancestors considered geranium a talisman, a symbol of comfort and warmth in the house. It is difficult to imagine window sills in a Russian hut without geraniums. .

The origin of the name of this plant has Greek roots. In translation, it means "stork". It can be assumed that this is due to some similarity of geranium fruits with a long-billed bird. Interestingly, geranium in different countries has its own name. In Germany, it is called "stork nose", in England - "crane" (by the way, in Russia you can also find a similar name - "crane"), but in Bulgaria it is called "health resort".

Geranium in the form to which we are accustomed was bred by the famous English gardener-breeder George Tradescan (the ornamental plant Tradescantia of the same name is named after him). Everyone was delighted with the geranium. The ladies of the court decorated their necklines and hats with flowers, and the men placed the leaves of the plant behind the cuffs of their sleeves. .

In folk medicine, geranium is one of the ancient popular plants, its leaves, flowers and roots were used for treatment. In ancient times, they knew that the composition of the plant includes gum, starch, sugar, pectin, gallic acid and tannins, and other useful chemical elements. In the old days, people very actively used geranium as a medicinal plant.

Geranium, or crane (Latin namePelargonium) belong to the geranium family. In total, more than 400 and are known, scattered around the world, as well as in the belt - on the mountains .

This plant has the following characteristics:

Resistant, undemanding plants.

Ttemperature:summer 18–23°C, winter 8–12°C;

ABOUTillumination:bright light;

INwetness:moderate .

We learned from the encyclopedia that pelargonium propagates by cuttings and seeds. Propagation by cuttings can be carried out throughout the year, except for December, when there is very little sun. .

When propagating a plant by cuttings, the following rules must be observed:

1. To begin, select healthy shoots and make a clear cut below the third node. The nodes are very rich in growth hormones.

2. Remove the leaves from the third node. Also, if the upper leaves are too large, they should be cut by 2/3.

3. Prepare the soil and water it well.

4. You can plant the cuttings in separate pots or plant them in one pot so that they do not touch each other. To prevent rotting, plant cuttings no deeper than 2-4 cm.

5. The first watering should be done in a week. Place the plants in a warm, well-lit area at around 20°C. Once the plant is well established and new leaves are emerging, you can move the pots to a cooler spot with good light but out of direct sunlight.

    Pilot stage

As a result of studying scientific information about pelargonium, we decided to propagate the plant using cuttings. Using the theoretical advice on geranium propagation, for the experiment we took cuttings of the common geranium that grew in the classroom, cut off branches from it and cut the cuttings slightly at an angle, about 10-15 centimeters in length with 4-5 leaves.The lower leaves were torn off from the cuttings and the cuttings were planted in the soil mixture. Landing was carried out in plastic cups, at the bottom of which small slots were made in the center in advance so that water from irrigation does not accumulate in the glass, a little sand was poured onto the bottom. The process of preparing and planting plants is shown in Figures 1, 2, 3.

Figure 1. Prepared cuttings for planting.

Figure 2. Planting process.

Figure 3. Planting process.

After planting the plants, the stage beganobservation of the growth of planted cuttings. We put the planted plants on a table against the wall, lit from the south side (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Planted plants.

At the time of planting (end of September), the heating season had not yet begun and the classroom was not heated. Rooting of the cuttings was noticed 3 weeks after planting. But the rooting of the cuttings was not 100%, 8 cuttings died from the low temperature in the room and waterlogging. The remaining cuttings were moved to the window, closer to daylight, and continued to leave. In October, the heating season began and a week later our geraniums grew noticeably. The results of labor are presented in Figures 5, 6.

Figure 5. Plant care.

Figure 6. Grown up, strengthened plants.

During the observation, the students noted that the geranium planted by the bushes “got sick” faster and turned green. They summarized the information they read and heard in the sources that "it turns out that geraniums are not always whimsical."

The work of the students turned out to be fruitless and our experience was useful to other people: when she saw cups of planted geraniums in the class, the grandmother of the student Anna Krasnova became interested in seedlings, asked the children about the method of plant propagation, they, in turn, happily shared with her the information they learned as a result of our research, and also "fired up" with the idea of ​​planting geraniums by cuttings. The fruits of the experience transferred by the students are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Anna Krasnova and her grandmother propagated geraniums by cuttings.

We hope that in the future the fruits of our labor will delight with their lush flowering and purify the air in the classroom. It is planned to continue work in this direction further: in the spring we will master the second method of propagating geraniums by seeds, we will make a comparative analysis of which method is faster and more efficient.


As a result of the research work carried out and a thorough discussion in the class of the results of the work, we made the following conclusions:

Firstly, geranium (pelargonium) can be propagated in 2 ways by seeds and cuttings;

Secondly, cuttings take root better at room temperature and in good light.

In the course of these observations, the following secrets of the successful cultivation of geraniums (pelargonium) can be formulated:

Geraniums are easily propagated by cuttings;

Geranium prefers lit sunny places.

Thermophilic plants.

List of used literature

    Goncharova E. Yu., Kravchenko E. P. Encyclopedia of indoor floriculture. - M .: The world of the book. 2006. 231 p.

    Indoor plants from A to Z. AST Astrel Polygraph. 2006. - 143 p.

    Rudnyanskaya E. I., Cherezova L. B. Ecology lessons in elementary school. Moscow: TC Sphere. 2007. - 144 p.

    url: //url: //

    5 Website Flowers in your home [Electronic resource].url: //http://flowers-grand.ru/catalog/show/populyarnye/pelargoniya-geran.htm.

    Goncharova E. Yu., Kravchenko E. P. Encyclopedia of indoor floriculture. - M .: The world of the book. 2006. P.45.

Petriev Vladislav

Project Manager:

Zyuzina Irina Evgenievna


MOU secondary school No. 91

In individual research project in biology on the topic "Home pelargonium" a grade 2 student explores historical information about the origin and study of a houseplant geranium, describes the structure of pelargonium and its properties, studies its scope for human use.

More about work:

In the process of student research work on biology "Pelargonium home" the healing properties of pelargonium and its effect on the human body are studied, folk signs associated with geranium are given.

Educational project in biology on the topic "Home Pelargonium" contains background information about pelargonium and its use; the significance of the healing properties of pelargonium in human life is being studied and the phytoncidal activity of pelargonium is being clarified.

The materials of the research project can be used as an additional preparation for lessons and examinations in biology, as well as for self-study of botany.

1. Historical information about pelargonium.
2. Description of the structure of pelargonium and properties.
3. Medicinal properties of pelargonium.
4. Signs: pelargonium in the house.
5. Study of the properties of geranium experimentally.


I live in the Voronezh region, the Novokhopersk industrial settlement. This is the center of the Black Earth region. We have very beautiful nature. The Savala and Khoper rivers flow. I love nature. I love walking in the forest, listening to the birds singing. I really like looking at plants. I know that there are many useful plants in nature.

At home I have encyclopedias about plants. I read about plantain, St. John's wort. Also medicinal are valerian, yarrow. These plants are of great benefit to humans. And I asked myself: are there any indoor plants that are useful for humans? I asked my mother.

She said there is. And this miracle is on our windowsill. It turned out that it is. The scientific name is pelargonium. Hence the theme of my work: Pelargonium - green miracle". The main purpose of the work is to study the healing properties of a houseplant-pelargonium on the human body.

The following research methods were used: theoretical - the study of scientific literature on the topic of the project, observation. Practical - experiment.

Hypothesis work is as follows: if others are aware of the healing properties of pelargonium, then people will actively use this plant.

This work was done in order to show the realism of such projects - projects to study the healing properties of plants that grow nearby.

Relevance This research work is due to the fact that in the modern world people are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, which uses medicinal plants. Plants are our most faithful close friends and protectors. Each of us, for sure, at least once in his life treated some disease with medicinal herbs bought in a pharmacy or plucked in the forest.

But many do not suspect that such habitual " flowers in pots» can also be not only decoration, but they purify indoor air from toxic substances that emit plastic coatings, varnishes, glues, detergents, synthetic resins, increase air humidity, kill bacteria and reduce electromagnetic radiation.

I really like to learn something new at school that I have not heard about yet. It is especially interesting when you need to conduct a search, draw some conclusions and then tell your classmates about everything.

Since such a miracle lives in my house, I decided to learn more about this flower. Using knowledge of pelargonium, this plant can be widely used as a medicinal plant to promote health and purify indoor air from bacteria in order to prevent colds.

Goal of the work: To study the healing properties of pelargonium and its effect on the human body.


  1. get acquainted with the literature on pelargonium and its use;
  2. to study the significance of the healing properties of pelargonium in human life;
  3. to find out the phytoncidal activity of pelargonium.

Subject of study:

Object of study: healing properties of geranium, impact on human health.

Research methods: Analysis of information sources, observation of the plant, description of the external structure, analysis of the experiments.

Indoor geranium is a very common house flower today, which is loved all over the world. With proper care, it can bloom almost all year round with large bright inflorescences. Room geraniums are easy to care for and propagate.

Reference! There are countless types and varieties of geraniums, so you can make a beautiful and fragrant collection on your windowsill.

How to propagate?

Geraniums are often propagated by cuttings. This allows you to save all the varietal properties of the mother plant. The main condition here is to maintain a constant high temperature and access to daylight. If daylight hours are no longer so long, we recommend using additional lighting, for example, phyto lamps.

In the case of cuttings, you can also take a leaf cutting. So we can grow geraniums, as the people say, "from a leaf." Next, we will consider this method in more detail.

Propagation by cuttings in spring or autumn is logical and correct to combine with the planned and necessary pruning of the plant. The first cuttings are collected during the spring pruning of the upper and side shoots, and the subsequent ones, when during the shaping of overgrown bushes, shortening too long shoots. If a homemade geranium bush is grown by cuttings, the roots will grow back without problems.

You can find out more about propagating geraniums with cuttings, and in more detail about how easy it is to root geraniums, see.


Propagation of geraniums by seeds is not as popular as other methods. This method allows you to get a plant with completely new properties: the color of flowers and leaves. But it is considered more troublesome.

Attention! The soil must necessarily contain humus and sand, possibly peat, and be loose. It is better to start sowing seeds in early March. If you sow earlier, you will have to provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Before laying the seeds, it is better to treat the earth with disinfectants, as a preventive measure against disease. When planting, it is enough to sprinkle the seeds with a small amount of earth, and create a greenhouse effect by covering with a film or special lids that come with the containers.

You can find out more about how to grow geraniums from seeds at home and care after that, and you can find out more about how geranium seeds generally look and how to collect them at.

By dividing the bush

It is convenient to propagate geraniums by partial division of the bush during a planned transplant. After, for example, it was dug up in the fall for transplanting from the garden to the room or when changing the pot to a larger one, it's time to carefully separate the overgrown bushes into several separate parts.

Is it possible to grow from a leaf: features

As we already understood, geranium reproduces perfectly vegetatively. One of them may be leaf propagation.

You can propagate geraniums vegetatively throughout the year, however, it is best to do this in the spring., because the length of daylight increases, and the new plant has time to give you more shoots. Consider the intricacies of growing from a leaf.

Preplant preparation in water

We carefully examine the bush and choose a healthy leaf with a dense cutting. With a well-sharpened knife or scissors, cut it at an acute angle. Now let's put it in a container of water. We keep the leaf in water until the first roots appear.

Pot selection

The pot must be chosen small, since in a large pot the geranium will give new shoots, but will not bloom. The material from which the pot is made does not matter. Pay attention to the presence of drainage holes at the bottom. They are required, as geraniums, originally from South Africa, do not like excess moisture.

Indoor geranium is not demanding on the soil, but there are still some recommendations. Geranium loves loose enough soil. Land for a flower can be purchased at a flower shop, any substrate for flowering houseplants will do. Specialists, as a rule, use universal soil, and enrich it with fertilizers and other necessary impurities.

Washed river sand, vermiculite and perlite should be added to the substrate. When choosing a universal earth, you need to make sure that there are no insect molds of any kind. Still such a soil should not cake into a lump. The composition of the soil must necessarily include peat then your plant will develop and grow perfectly. The assortment of stores also includes specialized soils for geraniums.

Soil treatment

Before planting a leaf with roots in the ground, it is necessary to disinfect the ground in order to avoid plant diseases at a very early stage. The soil can be calcined in a frying pan, in a microwave oven or oven. But you can go the other way, spilling the earth in a pot with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Let's start the procedure with the correct filling of the container with the contents. We lay out a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot: it can be brick chips, small pieces of foam or expanded clay. Next, we put a layer of soil. The earth should be slightly moistened so that young roots take root faster.

Make a small indentation and place the leaf there. All actions must be extremely careful so as not to damage the young fragile roots. It is not necessary to close with banks and bags.

Home Care and Watering Scheme

The first watering of a new plant should be done no earlier than 10 days after planting. Next, the irrigation regime familiar to all geraniums is built: no more than 1 time 4-5 days. The first fertilizer of a young plant from a leaf should be made no earlier than after 1 month.

Advice! They are fed with special fertilizer for geraniums, and if it is not there, then with the usual universal one. During the period when the plant blooms, choose liquid fertilizers, mineral with a low nitrogen content.

Useful video

We watch a video on whether it is possible to propagate geraniums with leaves:


So, geraniums with the help of a leaf is common and effective. If you follow all the recommendations of geranium leaf propagation specialists, as well as some care rules, you will definitely be able to grow strong and healthy plants in a fairly short time.

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How indoor geranium (pelargonium) propagates: growing from cuttings, seeds, method of dividing the bush.

Ask people on the street about the most common houseplant and most will name the geranium. This flower has long taken its place on our window sills, but pelargonium (such is the scientific name of the familiar geranium) is widespread in the open air in gardens and parks.

Indoor geranium, or as it is also called - pelargonium, like most other flowers, propagates in two main ways: using seeds, and vegetatively (by cuttings or dividing the bush).Of all these methods, cuttings are the most optimal and simple, commonly used by flower growers.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings

You can cut indoor geraniums, in general, throughout the year. But given that in the spring, with increasing daylight hours and more clear days, the growth of shoots will occur faster than in autumn. It is better to do this at the end of March - April.

For this you will need:

Sharp knife.

Geranium specimen with side shoots

A container with soil, where the new plant will take root.

The shoot to be separated should be 5 to 7 cm long and bear 2-3 leaves on its stem. With a sharp knife, cut off the stem and let the shoot lie down for 2-3 hours so that the cut point dries.

To prevent rotting, many flower growers sprinkle the cut with crushed coal.

You can plant a cutting in a pot with soil prepared in the usual way, in which young geraniums will grow in the future.

There is another way - let the new plant take root in the soil of coarse sand. Watering should be moderate (the sand should be damp, not wet). This will help prevent the stem from rotting at the cut point.

When watering, water should not fall on the stems and leaves, and the temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 ° C. It is not necessary to cover the cutting. After the roots appear, after 10 to 12 days, geraniums can be transplanted into permanent soil.

The third way is the method of propagation of geraniums by cuttings in water.

For this, the cutting, after it has been cut, is placed in a glass of water, after it takes root and they grow, the cutting from the water should be transplanted into the ground, where it will continue its development.

In the following video, the process of propagation of geraniums by cuttings is described and shown in as much detail as possible, I recommend that you read:

The division of the bush

Geraniums are not too fond of transplants, but if the plant has grown so much that it began to lack the volume of the pot, of course, you will have to do this too.

Geranium transplantation is the most opportune moment to get a new plant by dividing the bush.

After removing the plant from the pot and gently shaking off the ground, you need to carefully consider the state of the renewal buds. They should not be rotten or dry.

Having chosen a plant site with healthy buds, you need to separate it and plant it in a permanent place of growth.

Watering a separated bush should be moderate for several days, as waterlogging can cause rotting of the roots and base of the stem.

The division of the bush, as well as the transplant, is best done in late spring or early summer. During this period, the plant takes root faster in the new soil and starts growing.

Reproduction by seeds

Many flower growers are interested in growing one or another variety of geraniums from seeds on their own.

In this case, you can use both your own seeds obtained from your own plant, and purchased ones.

It should be noted that hybrid varieties of geraniums grown from their own seeds do not have the properties of the parent plant.

To preserve the desired traits, they must be propagated only vegetatively.

Before planting, you need to prepare your own seeds: carry out the so-called scarification.

The fact is that the shell of geranium seeds is extremely hard and dense. Such seeds, planted unchanged, will not germinate for a long time. Some of the seeds can lie in the ground for 3 months before germinating.

To ensure quick and friendly shoots, geranium seeds are gently ground between two sheets of fine-grained sandpaper. After scarification, seeds can be planted in the ground. After 2 - 3 weeks, friendly shoots will appear. Purchased seeds do not need to be scarified.

How to prepare the soil for germination and what to do next?

You can prepare the soil for germination yourself.

To do this, mix the soddy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

From above, after planting, the surface should be sprinkled with fine sand, moistened with a spray bottle.

Cover the landing with glass, put in a room (possibly in the dark) with a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

To eliminate condensation on the glass, it is cleaned daily and the soil is ventilated.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the planting box is transferred to a bright room, the glass is removed and the temperature is reduced to 16-20 ° C.

After about a month and a half, 2-3 leaves form on young stems. At this moment, it's time to transplant small geraniums into individual pots, deepening to the same level at which they grew before.

Which is better, seeds or vegetative propagation? Summing up, it should be said that for propagating geranium flowers at home, by far, the most suitable way is cuttings or dividing the bush. Seedlings are more capricious, young seedlings often suffer from “black leg”, such reproduction does not ensure the preservation of hybrid properties. At the same time, if you have high-quality seeds, you can grow the desired varieties of geraniums yourself. Each lover of indoor plants chooses for himself what he is interested in.

Article source: http://sad-doma.net/houseplants/dekarativnotsvetushhie/geran/geran-razmnojenie.html
sad-doma.net - all about indoor plants and how to care for them

3rd grade

1. Introduction

Although it is cold autumn outside, a beautiful flower garden is blooming at my house. Plants not only delight our eyes, but also enrich the room with oxygen at home. I really like various indoor flowers, but geranium blooms and smells especially beautiful. And I became interested in learning more about this plant.

The theme of my work is aimed at studying this beautiful plant and reinforcing knowledge about it, with the help of growing experience.

2. Main body

2.1. medicinal plant geranium

Target research work growing indoor plants.


    study the medicinal properties of geraniums;

    learn how to propagate geraniums.

I want to talk about the amazing beauty and beneficial properties of this flower.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of geraniums, from where sailors brought this plant to Europe in the early 17th century. It is from this moment that the history of breeding new varieties of geraniums, these most beautiful flowers, begins. It has long been considered an aristocratic plant, it was bred in the greenhouses of wealthy mansions. In England, France, the USA, Australia, a society of geranium lovers is organized, which arranges exhibitions.

Let's turn to the dictionary: Geranium (lat.Geranium) from the Greek word (geranos) - crane. Therefore, geranium is also called crane. Because geranium seeds look like a crane's beak.

Geranium is also called pelargonium in a different way. Pelargonium (lat. Pelargonium) from the Greek word (pelardjs) - stork.

There are more than 200 types of geraniums in the world. There are three main varieties of geranium: large-flowered, ivy-shaped, zonal.

All types of pelargonium that are grown in the house are united by one name - indoor geranium. The closest relative of room geranium is its wild relatives - this is common geranium, which grows like a weed in vegetable gardens, and meadow geranium, growing in glades.

They are distinguished by the color of the color: with flowers of white, blood red, blue geraniums. The main advantage of geranium is a wonderful variety of colors. Flowers always look beautiful, but in different ways.

Even in ancient times, geranium was considered a medicinal plant.

If you do not know that geranium is medicinal, it will still heal you from afar. The fact is that it releases into the air special substances that kill various microbes, both in the air and inside our body when these substances are inhaled. Also, geranium is widely used as an external means of local exposure.

2.2. Recipes using geraniums

There are so many diseases that are treated with geraniums:

Use geranium at the beginning of a cold, with nasal congestion, drip juice from geranium leaves three drops each.

To normalize the pressure, attach a leaf of geranium to the wrists (where the pulse is).

With back pain, crushed geranium leaves applied as a compress at night help.

To relieve a toothache, hold a geranium leaf behind your cheek.

Apply a geranium leaf to your forehead to relieve headaches.

For otitis, put a geranium leaf in your ear with your fingers.

For cuts and wounds, apply geranium leaves or flowers to the damaged area for healing.

Geranium oil helps with depression, improves mood, increases mental alertness, lowers blood sugar levels, eliminates skin rashes and much more.

To cleanse the lungs every day, put geranium on the table at a distance of 15-20 cm from the face and slowly inhale and exhale the air, smelling the plant. Thanks to this pleasant procedure, not only the lungs are cleansed, but stress is relieved, the nervous system returns to normal, and the body's defenses are strengthened.

2.3. Growing plants

At the lesson of the world around us, they explained to us that indoor plants propagate by cuttings and seeds. I decided to try the second method of breeding plants to make sure I:

I took geranium seeds;

I prepared a pot with soil mixture;

I made punctures at the bottom of the pot so that excess water could flow out;

Filled the container with soil mixture;

Gave top dressing (mineral fertilizer solution);

After that, I planted geranium seeds in this container;

Moistened the soil and placed the pot in a bright room;

After 3 weeks, the first light green sprouts appeared.

Then she continued to leave. I watered them, and after a while I planted them in different pots.

It turns out that geraniums are not whimsical, they are easily propagated by seeds.

3. Conclusion


While working on this research paper, I studied the reference literature on the healing properties of geranium.

For myself, I outlined further prospects for work - this is the cultivation of some species of this plant at home.

I will give flowers to my friends, share with them the experience of growing and knowledge of the healing properties of geraniums.

4. Application

5. References

    Collection "Flowers of your garden", Moscow, 2002.

    A.A. Pleshakov "The World Around Us" Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2003.

    Healing properties of geranium www.treat.su/geran.aspx.

    Atlas-determinant “From earth to sky”, “Enlightenment”, 1998.
