What seas is the Pacific Ocean connected to? Pacific Ocean ~ Seas and Oceans

Geographical position

The Great, or Pacific, Ocean is the greatest ocean on Earth. It accounts for about half (49%) of the area and more than half (53%) of the volume of the waters of the World Ocean, and the surface area is equal to almost a third of the entire surface of the Earth as a whole. In terms of the number (about 10 thousand) and the total area (more than 3.5 million km 2) of islands, it ranks first among the rest of the oceans of the Earth.

In the northwest and west, the Pacific Ocean is bounded by the shores of Eurasia and Australia, in the northeast and east by the shores of North and South America. The border with the Arctic Ocean is drawn through the Bering Strait along the Arctic Circle. The southern border of the Pacific Ocean (as well as the Atlantic and Indian) is considered the northern coast of Antarctica. When identifying the Southern (Antarctic) Ocean, its northern boundary is drawn along the waters of the World Ocean, depending on the change in the regime of surface waters from temperate latitudes to Antarctic. It runs approximately between 48 and 60°S. (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The boundaries of the oceans

Borders with other oceans south of Australia and South America are also conditionally drawn along the water surface: with the Indian Ocean - from Cape South East Point at about 147 ° E, with the Atlantic Ocean - from Cape Horn to the Antarctic Peninsula. In addition to a wide connection with other oceans in the south, there is communication between the Pacific and the northern part of the Indian Ocean through the interisland seas and the straits of the Sunda archipelago.

The area of ​​the Pacific Ocean from the Bering Strait to the coast of Antarctica is 178 million km 2, the volume of water is 710 million km 3.

The northern and western (Eurasian) shores of the Pacific Ocean are dissected by seas (there are more than 20 of them), bays and straits that separate large peninsulas, islands and entire archipelagos of continental and volcanic origin. The shores of Eastern Australia, the southern part of North America and especially South America, as a rule, are straight and difficult to access from the ocean. With a huge surface area and linear dimensions (more than 19 thousand km from west to east and about 16 thousand km from north to south), the Pacific Ocean is characterized by a weak development of the continental margin (only 10% of the bottom area) and a relatively small number of shelf seas.

Within the intertropical space, the Pacific Ocean is characterized by accumulations of volcanic and coral islands.

Ocean floor, mid-ocean ridges and transition zones

There are still different points of view on the question of the time of the formation of the Pacific Ocean in its modern form, but, obviously, by the end of the Paleozoic era, a vast reservoir already existed on the site of its basin, as well as the ancient pro-continent Pangea, located approximately symmetrically with respect to the equator . At the same time, the formation of the future Tethys Ocean began in the form of a huge bay, the development of which and the invasion of Pangea subsequently led to its disintegration and the formation of modern continents and oceans.

The bed of the modern Pacific Ocean is formed by a system of lithospheric plates bounded on the ocean side by mid-ocean ridges, which are part of the global system of mid-ocean ridges of the World Ocean. These are the East Pacific Rise and the South Pacific Ridge, which, reaching a width of up to 2,000 km in some places, join together in the southern part of the ocean and continue to the west, into the Indian Ocean. The East Pacific Ridge, extending to the northeast, to the coast of North America, in the Gulf of California region, connects with the system of continental rift faults of the California Valley, the Yosemite Trench and the San Andreas Fault. The median ridges of the Pacific Ocean, in contrast to the ridges of other oceans, do not have a clearly defined axial rift zone, but are characterized by intense seismicity and volcanism with a predominance of ejecta of ultramafic rocks, i.e., they have the features of a zone of intensive renewal of the oceanic lithosphere. Throughout the entire length of the median ridges and adjacent sections of the plates are crossed by deep transverse faults, which are also characterized by the development of modern and, especially, ancient intra-plate volcanism. Located between the median ridges and bounded by deep-sea trenches and transitional zones, the vast bed of the Pacific Ocean has a complexly dissected surface, consisting of a large number of basins with a depth of 5000 to 7000 m or more, the bottom of which is composed of oceanic crust covered with deep-sea clays, limestones and silts of organic origin. . The relief of the bottom of the basins is predominantly hilly. The deepest basins (about 7000 m or more): Central, West Mariana, Philippine, South, Northeast, East Caroline.

The basins are separated from each other or crossed by arched uplifts or blocky ridges, on which volcanic structures are planted, often crowned with coral structures within the intertropical space. Their peaks protrude above the water in the form of small islands, often grouped into linearly elongated archipelagos. Some of them are still active volcanoes, spewing basaltic lava flows. But for the most part, these are already extinct volcanoes built on coral reefs. Some of these volcanic mountains are located at a depth of 200 to 2000 m. Their peaks are leveled by abrasion; the position deep under water is obviously associated with the lowering of the bottom. Formations of this type are called guyots.

Of particular interest among the archipelagos of the Central Pacific Ocean are the Hawaiian Islands. They form a chain 2500 km long, stretched north and south of the Tropic of the North, and are the tops of huge volcanogenic massifs rising from the ocean floor along a powerful deep fault. Their visible height is from 1000 to 4200 m, and the underwater one is approximately 5000 m. In terms of their origin, internal structure and appearance, the Hawaiian Islands are a typical example of oceanic intra-plate volcanism.

The Hawaiian Islands are the northern outskirts of the huge island group of the central Pacific Ocean, which bears the common name "Polynesia". The continuation of this group up to about 10°S. are the islands of Central and Southern Polynesia (Samoa, Cook, Society, Tabuai, Marquesas, etc.). These archipelagos, as a rule, are elongated from the northwest to the southeast, along the lines of transform faults. Most of them are of volcanic origin and are composed of strata of basaltic lava. Some are crowned with wide and gentle volcanic cones 1000-2000 m high. The smallest islands in most cases are coral buildings. Numerous clusters of small islands, located mainly north of the equator, in the western part of the Pacific lithospheric plate, have similar features: the Mariana, Caroline, Marshall and Palau islands, as well as the Gilbert archipelago, which partially enters the southern hemisphere. These groups of small islands are collectively known as Micronesia. All of them are of coral or volcanic origin, are mountainous and rise hundreds of meters above sea level. The coasts are surrounded by surface and underwater coral reefs, which greatly impede navigation. Many small islands are atolls. Near some of the islands there are deep ocean trenches, and to the west of the Mariana Archipelago there is a deep-water trench of the same name, which belongs to the transition zone between the ocean and the Eurasian continent.

In the part of the Pacific Ocean bed adjacent to the American continents, small isolated volcanic islands are usually scattered: Juan Fernandez, Cocos, Easter, etc. The largest and most interesting group is the Galapagos Islands, located near the equator near the coast of South America. This is an archipelago of 16 large and many small volcanic islands with peaks of extinct and active volcanoes up to 1700 m high.

The transitional zones from the ocean to the continents are distinguished by the structure of the ocean floor and the features of tectonic processes both in the geological past and at the present time. They encircle the Pacific Ocean in the west, north and east. In different parts of the ocean, the processes of formation of these zones proceed differently and lead to different results, but everywhere they are very active both in the geological past and at the present time.

From the side of the ocean floor, the transition zones are limited by arcs of deep-sea trenches, in the direction of which the lithospheric plates move and the oceanic lithosphere sinks under the continents. Within the transition zones, the structure of the ocean floor and the marginal seas is dominated by transitional types of the earth's crust, and oceanic types of volcanism are replaced by mixed volcanic-explosive volcanism of subduction zones. Here we are talking about the so-called "Pacific Ring of Fire", which encircles the Pacific Ocean and is characterized by high seismicity, numerous manifestations of paleovolcanism and volcanic landforms, as well as the existence within its limits of more than 75% of the planet's currently active volcanoes. Basically, this is a mixed effusive-explosive volcanism of medium composition.

Most clearly all the typical features of the transition zone are expressed within the northern and western margins of the Pacific Ocean, that is, off the coast of Alaska, Eurasia and Australia. This wide strip between the ocean floor and land, including the underwater margins of the continents, is unique in terms of the complexity of its structure and the ratio between land and water area, it is distinguished by significant fluctuations in depths and heights, the intensity of processes occurring both in the depths of the earth's crust and on the water surface.

The outer margin of the transition zone in the north Pacific Ocean is formed by the Aleutian deep-sea trench, which extends for 4000 km in a convex arc southward from the Gulf of Alaska to the shores of the Kamchatka Peninsula, with a maximum depth of 7855 m. This trench, towards which the movement of lithospheric plates of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean faces, from the rear it borders the underwater foot of the chain of the Aleutian Islands, most of them are volcanoes of the explosive-effusive type. About 25 of them are active.

The Pacific Ocean (a world map makes it possible to visually understand where it is located) is an integral part of the world's water area. It is the largest on the planet Earth. In terms of water volume and area, the described object occupies half the volume of the entire water space. In addition, it is in the Pacific Ocean that the deepest depressions of the Earth are located. By the number of islands located in the water area, it also ranks first. It washes the shores of all the continents of the Earth, except Africa.


As mentioned earlier, the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean is determined in such a way that it occupies most of the planet. Its area is 178 million km2. By volume of water - 710 million km 2. From north to south, the ocean stretches for 16 thousand km, and from east to west - for 18 thousand km. The entire Earth will have an area less than the Pacific Ocean by 30 million km2.


Allows him to occupy an impressive area in both the southern and northern hemispheres. However, due to the large amount of land in the latter, the water area noticeably narrows to the north.

The borders of the Pacific Ocean are as follows:

  • In the east: washes the shores of the two American continents.
  • In the north: it borders the southeastern part of Malaysia and Indonesia, the eastern edge of Australia.
  • In the south: the ocean rests on the ice of Antarctica.
  • In the north: through the Bering Strait, which separates American Alaska and Russian Chukotka, it merges with the waters of the Arctic Ocean.
  • In the southeast: along connects with the Atlantic Ocean (conditional border from Cape Drake to Cape Sternek).
  • In the southwest: meets the Indian Ocean (a conditional border from the island of Tasmania to the shortest meridional point off the coast of Antarctica).

Challenger Abyss

Features of the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean allow us to speak of its unique mark, which characterizes the distance from the bottom to the surface of the waters. The maximum depth of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the entire World Ocean as a whole, is almost 11 km. This trench is located in the Mariana Trench, which, in turn, is located in the western part of the water area, not far from the islands of the same name.

For the first time, they tried to measure the depth of the depression in 1875 with the help of the English Challenger corvette. For this, a deep-water lot (a special device for measuring the distance to the bottom) was used. The first recorded indicator during the study of the trench was a mark of just over 8,000 m. In 1957, a Soviet expedition took up the measurement of the depth. Based on the results of the work carried out, the data of previous studies were changed. It is worth noting that our scientists got closer to the real value. The depth of the gutter, according to the results of measurements, was 11,023 m. This figure was considered correct for a long time, and was indicated in reference books and textbooks as the deepest point on the planet. However, already in the 2000s, thanks to the emergence of new, more accurate instruments that help determine various values, the real, most accurate depth of the trench was established - 10,994 m (according to studies in 2011). This point of the Mariana Trench was called the "Challenger Deep". So unique and especially the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean.

The trench itself stretches along the islands for almost 1,500 km. It has sharp slopes and a flat bottom stretching for 1.5 km. The pressure at the depth of the Mariana Trench is several tens of times higher than at shallow ocean depths. The depression is located at the junction of two tectonic plates - the Philippine and Pacific.

Other areas

Near the Mariana Trench there are a number of transitional areas from the mainland to the ocean: the Aleutian, Japanese, Kuril-Kamchatka, Tonga-Kermadek and others. All of them are located along the fault of tectonic plates. This area is the most seismically active. Together with the eastern transitional regions (within the mountainous regions of the western outskirts of the American continents), they form the so-called Pacific volcanic ring of fire. Most active and extinct geological formations are located within its limits.


The description of the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean must necessarily refer to the seas. Near the outskirts of the ocean coast there are quite a large number of them. They concentrated to a greater extent in the Northern Hemisphere, off the coast of Eurasia. There are more than 20 of them, with a total area (including straits and bays) of 31 million km 2. The largest are Okhotsk, Barents, Zheltoye, South and East China, Philippine and others. Off the coast of Antarctica there are 5 Pacific reservoirs (Ross, D'Urville, Somov, etc.). The eastern coast of the ocean is uniform, the coast is slightly indented, difficult to access and has no seas. However, there are 3 bays - Panama, California and Alaska.


Of course, a detailed description of the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean also includes such a feature as a huge amount of land located directly on the territory of the water area. There are more than 10 thousand islands and island archipelagos of different sizes and origins. Most of them are volcanic. They are located within the subtropical and tropical climatic zones. Formed by a volcanic eruption, many of the islands are overgrown with corals. Subsequently, some of them again went under water, and only the coral layer remained on the surface. It usually has the shape of a circle or semicircle. Such an island is called an atoll. The largest is located on the border of the Marshall Islands - Kwajlein.

In this water area, in addition to small islands of volcanic and coral origin, there are also the largest land areas of the planet. This is quite natural, given the geographical position of the Pacific Ocean. New Guinea and Kalimantan are islands in the western part of the water area. They respectively occupy the 2nd and 3rd place in terms of area around the world. Also in the Pacific Ocean is the largest archipelago of the planet - the Greater Sunda Islands, consisting of 4 large land areas and more than 1,000 small ones.

The Pacific Ocean is the first ocean in terms of depth and water surface area on Earth. It occupies about half of the hydrosphere and covers one third of the entire earth's surface.

The Pacific Ocean basin is larger than all the continents combined: its area (178.68 million sq. km) exceeds the total land area (148.94 million sq. km).

Powerful air currents formed during the evaporation of ocean waters cause destructive tropical cyclones (typhoons in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, hurricanes in the eastern part), strong winds and currents prevent ships from sailing. However, why is it so surprising that such a powerful and dangerous ocean was called the "Pacific Ocean"?

: The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean basin in the world. Its average depth is about 4 km, and the deepest point, the Mariana Trench, reaches 11 km. Moreover, the Pacific Ocean is considered the warmest ocean.

south sea

Vasco Nunez de Balboa saw the eastern Pacific for the first time

The peoples of Asia and Oceania have traveled the Pacific Ocean since prehistoric times. Travelers from the Indonesian and Western Pacific Islands sailed into the central Pacific, establishing settlements in even the most remote places, such as Rapanui (Easter Island) or Hawaii. However, the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean was discovered by European navigators at the beginning of the 16th century.

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Spanish conquistador Vasco Nunez de Balboa, with a fleet of one brigantine and ten canoes, passed through the Isthmus of Panama, which connects the continents of North and South America, in 1513. The navigator went to the eastern Pacific coast and, finding himself at a mountain range in the Darien region (Panama), from the top of the mountain he saw far on the horizon the waters of the great unexplored sea. The members of the expedition went on a short reconnaissance voyage by canoe, becoming the first Europeans to navigate the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the New World.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa named the waters the "South Sea" (Mar del Sur in Spanish) because the ocean was located south of the coast of the Isthmus of Panama, from where the navigator first saw it.

The Pacific Ocean was originally also named after its discoverer - the Balboa Sea.

calm sea

In 1519, the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan, hired by the Spanish king Charles I, set out on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to find a western route to the Moluccas (Spice Islands) through South America.

The Strait of Magellan connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

F. Magellan, commanding a fleet of five ships, entered the Atlantic Ocean and headed south along the eastern coast of South America in search of a strait that was supposed to lead to the Spice Islands. The ships entered the strait located between the island of Tierra del Fuego and the mainland of South America on November 1, 1520. On this day, the feast of All Saints fell, so F. Magellan assigned the appropriate name to the water channel - “The Strait of All Saints”.

Geographical position. The Pacific (or Great) Ocean is a unique natural object of our planet in terms of size and features of nature. The ocean is located in all hemispheres of the Earth, between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, North and South America in the east and Antarctica in the south.

The Pacific Ocean occupies more than 1/3 of the planet's surface and almost half of the World Ocean. It has an oval outline, is somewhat elongated from the northwest to the southeast, and is widest between the tropics. The coastline is relatively straight off the coasts of North and South America and is highly indented off the coasts of Eurasia. The Pacific Ocean includes a number of marginal seas of East and Southeast Asia. There are a large number of archipelagos and individual islands in the ocean (for example, as part of Oceania).

Bottom relief. The Pacific Ocean is the deepest. Its bottom relief is complex. The shelf (continental shallow) occupies a relatively small area. Off the coast of North and South America, its width does not exceed tens of kilometers, and off the coast of Eurasia, the shelf is measured in hundreds of kilometers. Deep-sea trenches are located in the marginal parts of the ocean, and the main part of the deep-sea trenches of the entire World Ocean is located in the Pacific Ocean: 25 out of 35 have a depth of more than 5 km; and all trenches with a depth of more than 10 km - there are 4 of them. Large uplifts of the bottom, individual mountains and ridges divide the ocean floor into basins. In the southeast of the ocean, the East Pacific Rise is located, which is part of the global system of mid-ocean ridges.

An almost continuous chain of active volcanoes is connected with the system of deep-sea trenches and mountain structures on the continents and islands adjacent to the ocean, forming the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. Ground and underwater earthquakes are also frequent in this zone, causing giant waves - tsunamis.

Climate. The Pacific Ocean stretches from subarctic to subantarctic latitudes, that is, it is located in almost all climatic zones of the Earth. Its main part is located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones of both hemispheres. The air temperature over the water area of ​​these latitudes is from +16 to +24°С throughout the year. However, in the north of the ocean in winter it drops below 0°C. Near the coasts of Antarctica, this temperature is maintained even in the summer months.

The circulation of the atmosphere over the ocean is characterized by zonal features: westerly winds prevail in temperate latitudes, trade winds dominate in tropical latitudes, and monsoons are pronounced in subequatorial latitudes off the coast of Eurasia. Strong storm-force winds and tropical cyclones - typhoons are frequent over the Pacific Ocean. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in the western parts of the equatorial belt (about 3000 mm), the minimum - in the eastern regions of the ocean between the equator and the southern tropic (about 100 mm).

currents. The Pacific Ocean is quite strongly elongated from west to east and therefore latitudinal water flows predominate in it. Two huge rings of water movement are formed in the ocean: northern and southern. The Northern Ring includes the North Trade Wind, Kuroshio, North Pacific and California currents. The southern ring is made up of the South Equatorial, East Australian, Western Winds Current and Peruvian Current. Currents have a significant impact on the redistribution of heat in the ocean and on the nature of the adjacent continents - site. Thus, trade wind currents drive warm waters from the western tropical coasts of the continents to the eastern ones, therefore, at low latitudes, the western part of the ocean is much warmer than the eastern one. In middle high latitudes, on the contrary, the eastern parts of the ocean are warmer than the western ones.

Water properties. All types of surface water masses are formed in the Pacific Ocean, except for the Arctic ones. Due to the ocean's large area between the tropics, its surface waters are warmer than other oceans. The average annual water temperature between the tropics is +19°C, in equatorial latitudes - from +25 to +29°C, off the coast of Antarctica - drops to -1°C. Precipitation falling over the ocean generally dominates evaporation. The salinity of the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean is slightly lower than in the Atlantic, since the western part of the ocean receives a lot of fresh river water (Amur, Yellow River, Yangtze, Mekong and others). Ice phenomena in the northern part of the ocean and in the subantarctic belt are seasonal. Off the coast of Antarctica, sea ice persists throughout the year. Antarctic icebergs with surface currents rise to 40°S.

organic world. In terms of biomass and number of species, the organic world of the Pacific Ocean is richer than in other oceans. This is due to its long geological history, huge size, variety of environmental conditions. Organic life is especially rich in equatorial-tropical latitudes, in areas where coral reefs develop. In the northern part of the ocean, there are many different types of salmon fish. Fishing in the Pacific Ocean accounts for more than 45% of the world's catch. The main fishing areas are areas of interaction between warm and cold waters; shelf areas in the west of the ocean and areas of deep water rise off the coast of North, and especially South, America.

Natural complexes. In the Pacific Ocean there are all natural belts, except for the north polar one. The northern polar belt occupies a small part of the Bering and Okhotsk seas. In this belt, there is an intensive circulation of water, so they are rich in fish. The northern temperate zone occupies vast water areas. It is characterized by the interaction of warm and cold water masses. This contributes to the development of the organic world. In the west of the belt, a unique aquatic complex of the Sea of ​​Japan is formed, which is distinguished by a large species diversity.

The northern subtropical belt in the Pacific Ocean is not as pronounced as the temperate one. The western part of the belt is warm, the eastern part is relatively cold. The waters are slightly mixed, blue, transparent. The number of plankton and fish species is low.

The Northern Tropical Belt is formed under the influence of the powerful Northern Tradewind Current. There are many separate islands and archipelagos in this belt. The productivity of the belt's waters is low. However, near the underwater heights and islands, where the vertical movement of the waters increases, accumulations of fish and other marine organisms appear.

In the equatorial belt, there is a complex interaction of winds and various currents. At the boundaries of flows, eddies and gyres contribute to the rise of waters, therefore their biological productivity increases. Aquatic complexes near the Sunda Islands and the shores of Northeast Australia, as well as coral reef complexes, are the richest in life.

In the southern hemisphere in the Pacific Ocean, similar natural belts are formed as in the northern hemisphere, but they differ in some properties of water masses and the composition of organisms. For example, notothenia and white-blooded fish live in the waters of the subantarctic and antarctic belts. In the southern tropical zone between 4 and 23 ° S.l. a special aquatic complex is being formed off the coast of South America. It is characterized by a steady and intensive rise of deep waters (upwelling), the active development of organic life. This is one of the most productive areas of the entire oceans.

Economic use. The Pacific Ocean and its seas wash the coasts of the continents, on which there are more than 30 coastal states with a total population of about 2 billion people. The main types of natural resources of the ocean are its biological resources. The waters of the ocean are characterized by high productivity (about 200 kg / km 2). Mining began on the ocean shelf: deposits of oil and gas, ores of tin and other non-ferrous metals; from sea water, table and potassium salts, magnesium, and bromine are obtained. World and regional shipping routes pass through the Pacific Ocean, and a large number of ports are located on the ocean shores. The most important lines run from the shores of North America to the Far East shores of Asia. The energy resources of the Pacific waters are large and varied, but are still underused.

Human economic activity has led to severe pollution of some areas of the Pacific Ocean. This was especially evident off the coast of Japan and North America. The stocks of whales, a number of valuable species of fish and other animals have been depleted. Some of them have lost their former commercial value.

Pacific Ocean- this is the largest, and far from the most Pacific Ocean on Earth, washing the shores of the five continents of our planet.

Pacific Ocean

The seas in the Pacific Ocean, washing the eastern shores of our country, make up the group of the Far Eastern Seas (Bering, Okhotsk and Japan). They are the deepest, of those washing the territory of Russia. And by the way, here it is.

Pacific Ocean on a world map and a map of currents

Pacific Ocean - current map

Inhabitants of the Pacific

A huge number of inhabitants live in the Pacific Ocean. Half of the biomass of the living organisms of the World Ocean considers it their home.

As in all the oceans of our planet, the bulk of the inhabitants, in addition to plankton, algae and corals, are sharks, whales, jellyfish and, of course, turtles, of which there are more than a hundred species in the Pacific.

Over the past decades, human activity has had a very strong impact on the flora and fauna of the Pacific Ocean, but in spite of everything, it continues to be the richest pantry of the planet and the breadwinner for many countries and peoples.

Why is the Pacific Ocean called the Pacific

In 1513, Vasco de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama from north to south and called the ocean "Great". After 7 years, in the fall, Magellan went a long way (up to 3 months) Tierra del Fuego - the Philippine Islands. During the journey, the ocean was so calm that the traveler, struck by its sounds, or rather their absence, called him Quiet.

By the way, I advise you to turn on this video before going to bed, the sounds of the ocean, the sound of the surf and the splashing of the waves, it’s simply unrealistic to help you fall asleep and have great dreams)))))))

Quiet is divided into regions, northern and southern, but earlier it was divided into three - northern, central and southern. The tropics were the border. Pacific Coast surrounded by a ring of volcanoes. Many of them are dormant, but many are active. They were called "Ring of Fire". In the east, mountain ranges approach the very coast. The sounds and roar of volcanoes and eruptions are also harmoniously woven into the "silence" of their ocean areas.

Islands in the Pacific

In the Pacific Ocean there are lonely islands that have nothing to do with nearby continents, continental islands and. They number up to 25,000. This number exceeds all others in the three oceans.

Individual islands of volcanic origin are interesting. They are scattered throughout the ocean. The abundance of vegetation on them, clean air and clean water seem to be unforgettable paradises for people. That is why some of the islands are nicknamed - Paradise Islands

Many islands in the pacific surrounded (like) by coral reefs. Fish, molluscs, and mammals have found shelter here. Many of the islands are in a tropical climate where there is a lot of rainfall, which in turn favors thriving vegetation. Often they turn into a real jungle.

There are several types of islands.

  1. Coral - they "grow" from. Usually it happens like this - an active volcano after the last eruption rises above the water and fades away. Coral reefs surround it, reaching the bottom. The volcano gradually subsides or collapses under the influence of water, and the corals remain. This type of islands is a favorite place for tourists.
  2. Volcanic islands. The movement of the crust and lava flows raise it above the surface of the waters and a mountain is formed in the center. Fertile soil allows vegetation to grow rapidly. A variety of animals inhabit them, and polyps form reefs around the entire island, holding back the stormy onslaught of waves. These islands are slowly sinking into the water. The process can take millions of years, but even outwardly noticeable, increasing on the shore of the lagoon.
  3. Raised atoll. During earthquakes, coral reefs rise above the water up to half a meter. They form a kind of plateau, they do not have long beaches. Often they are used as a transfer point.

Garbage Island in the Pacific Ocean

Depth of the Pacific Ocean

Depth of the Pacific Ocean depends on the location. On average, it reaches about 4,000 m, but there are also deeper places. Ridges and uplifts, depressions and trenches can be considered noteworthy. Not far from South America, two uplifts Chilean and Galapagos begin. As an example, we can mention the underwater plateau above which the Solomon Islands are located.

Troughs and depressions can be located close to the coast. They form near volcanic mountains. The most famous of them Galatea, Challenger, Emden, Ramapo.

Seamounts found at the bottom of the ocean. It is believed that these are former volcanoes that are washed away by waves.

depression in the pacific ocean

South of the Mariana Islands is Mariana Trench. it deepest part of the pacific ocean. It is more than 11 kilometers. It has a V-shape. Its length is 1500 km, the bottom is quite narrow from 1 to 5 km. The pressure in the depths of the depression is 1000 times greater than atmospheric pressure, but living creatures have been found there too.

Tsunami in the Pacific Ocean

Despite their name, up to 80% of tsunamis originate in the Pacific Ocean. They occur after earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides. And in the Pacific Ocean there is too much seismic activity, so the largest number of tsunamis happens here. During an earthquake, one part of the bottom sinks and the other rises. A large volume of water is pushed up, so a high wave is formed.

During a volcanic eruption, a cup-shaped shape is formed. Water, filling it, forms long waves. Unlike high waves that travel along the surface, a tsunami lifts the entire water column. A tsunami has several waves. The first is not of great destructive power and misleads people. She, as it were, prepares the coast for the second, stronger wave. A second wave may come in a few hours.

Pacific Ocean and World War II

During the Second World War Pacific Ocean became a real theater of war. It was above him that the war in the air was going on. Japanese and American and then Soviet air squadrons clashed there. And it was in its basin that the military operations of the allied forces against Japan took place.

I will not describe the course of the war here, the article is not about that. I will simply describe the main battles and milestones of this war in the Pacific.

  • Pearl Harbor
  • singapore defense
  • Battle of the Ryukyu Islands


  • in the Solomon Islands
  • Burmese


  • Malay
  • Philippine (1941-1945)
  • Dutch East Indies
  • Gilbert-

I think anyone who wants to know more will find all the information in these phrases. And we will return to the theme of our beautiful ocean. How beautiful it is, you can see for yourself by looking at the photo.

Pacific Ocean - photo
