Aries zodiac sign birth time. Aries birth dates

Characteristics of the sign

The English name for the first sign of the Zodiac - Aries - comes from the Latin aries, "ram", which the ancients believed the outlines of the constellation resembled.
In Greek mythology, Aries was the ram that carried away the royal children Phrixus and Gella from their stepmother Ino, who was planning to destroy them. Hella fell into the sea, and since then it has been called Helespont. Once safe, Phrixus sacrificed this ram to Zeus, who placed the ram in the sky. The skin of a ram, known as the "Golden Fleece", was the goal of the Argonauts' voyage.
The sign represents the curved horns of a ram, but some astrologers claim that the sign depicts the eyebrows and nose, which, along with the rest of the face and head, are influenced by Aries.
Initiative, activity, entrepreneurship. The sign of the beginning of action means a new cycle in personal development, aggressiveness, straightforwardness. Overflows with seething energy and enthusiasm. Being a cardinal sign, he constantly sets himself new tasks that interest him, until the charm of novelty has disappeared.

Aries people experience an internal need to actively act, to actively defend themselves in life. It is not enough for them to talk about needs, they satisfy them. Aries can achieve a lot if they learn to reason. Impulsiveness and an inability to listen to others lead Aries into difficult situations. Because of impatience, he does not complete the task, leaving it to other, subordinate signs to do it.
Being ambitious, he wants to be the first and the best everywhere. Aries is a born leader. Fame and recognition are more important to him than money and convenience. Seeking authority and dominance, he becomes aggressive and resorts to violence. Always looking for new ways and opportunities. He needs to learn courtesy, friendliness, and the ability to analyze his actions. Many Aries have great willpower, self-confidence, and extraordinary spiritual abilities.
The credo of Aries is “I am.”
Best paired with: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius
Average compatibility with: Libra, Virgo, Taurus
Least compatible with: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Born under this sign: Catherine de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Bach, Descartes, Zola, Van Gogh, Haydn, Hitler, Charlie Chaplin.

Were you born under the sign of Aries?
Then be sure to watch this video

Cardinal sign, ruler- Mars. The element is fire.
Lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
Bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
Good places- stadiums, factories, forests, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, raspberry, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny ones.
Purple- unsuccessful.
Stones– ruby, amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Born from March 21 to March 31
- under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive natures are born,
firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to
bravado and ardent in love.
Lucky Stones: agate, amazonite,
hematite, rock crystal, serpentine, carnelian, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz,
sapphirine, carnelian, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Born from April 1 to April 11
- under the influence of the Sun - proud, generous, noble natures,
courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome
obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.
Lucky Stones: heliotrope, pearl, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx, amber.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Born from April 12 to April 20- under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.
Lucky Stones: diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon.
Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Characteristics of Aries

“They did not want to learn the simplest truths that a red-hot poker will inevitably burn your fingers if you grab it with your bare hands, and if you cut yourself with a knife, you will definitely bleed.”

Have you recently met an exceptionally friendly person with energetic movements, a firm handshake, a radiant smile and a willingness to immediately rush to defend justice? If yes, then you can be sure - this is Aries. He will not be afraid to get into an argument with a policeman or an armed bandit, without thinking about the consequences, although he may regret it. People under the influence of the planet Mars (and Aries are one of them) have a decisive character, are courageous, and never doubt.

But he’s not sleeping either! Like a child, Aries views the whole world only through the prism of his own interests, thinks first of all about himself and
completely incapable of understanding what makes someone uncomfortable. And then there’s his charming smile!

The disarming naivety of Aries in some way explains their fearlessness. The child is not afraid of anything until he gets burned. So is Aries.
However, the pain subsides, the fear passes, and he takes up his task again, having learned nothing. There is not a drop of cunning or guile in him. Aries is extremely trusting and remains so throughout his life. Besides, he doesn't know how to lie at all. There is nothing secretive or complex about his character. Like a child, he is often very defenseless and vulnerable. If an adult or a stronger person offends a small child or tries to take something away from him, he yells and creates such a scandal that the offender hastens to retreat. Aries do the same. They never develop strategies: selfish determination allows them to always achieve their goal.

The appearance of Aries is easily recognizable: sharply defined facial features (less often - soft and blurry), well-drawn eyebrows converging on the bridge of the nose, forming a sign reminiscent of horns, there is often a mole on the face or head, the complexion is closer to purple, the hair is slightly reddish tint. Both men and women have fairly broad shoulders, and they walk slightly bent forward, as if they are about to butt heads. Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism.

People born in March-April, despite their apparent aggressiveness, consider everyone their friends, and if they are mistaken about someone, they worry deeply in their souls, trying not to show it. But if Aries cries, it means that he was wounded in the very heart. In the company of other people, he rarely listens to what others say - what is important to him is what he himself says. Also, do not expect tact, subtle understanding and patience from Aries - apparently, they were absent when God distributed these character traits to people.

Aries are very straightforward; lies and resourcefulness are not inherent in them. But for all their honesty and frankness, they often display an almost childish
spontaneity and do not feel responsible for their actions, which sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. However, this is probably
the kindest and warmest people in the Zodiac.

Aries are desperately brave, brave, determined, not afraid of any monsters like Frankenstein, but absolutely cannot stand physical pain.
Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed as long as possible. They are prone to severe migraines (due to kidney disease),
stomach disorders, bone diseases, pain in the knee joints, cuts and burns are very common, and quite serious, but in general they have good health, you just need to watch it and abstain from alcohol. As already noted, they try not to see a doctor, sometimes for years, even if something bothers them, and they go when the illness has already become serious. And they only become smarter over the years (which happens less often). Thanks to their persistent optimism, Aries rarely suffer from protracted and chronic diseases, which, as astrology teaches and medicine confirms, more often affect melancholics and pessimists. They are more likely to be knocked down by colds with high fever, acute infections and hypertensive crises. The passion for leadership and the conviction that he will never do anything better than him lead to the fact that he drives himself to an ulcer and even to a nervous breakdown: you can’t blame him for anything but laziness.

Although Aries is selfish, he is not cruel. He has sudden outbursts of anger, but he is easy-going and unforgiving. No matter what is said in the heat of a “fight,” there is always a willingness to apologize when it “cools down.” Aries are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts and feelings, their intentions, and they have unique ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice. They can't stand gossip
too busy with themselves to spend time on others, their behavior, secret plans and affairs. Therefore, they divide all people into friends and enemies; they have only two colors - black and white, no halftones.

Despite the excessive straightforwardness that shocks many people, Aries, if he wants, can be a model of secular behavior. He can talk for hours in a fascinatingly interesting way about things about which he has only a superficial understanding, and he does not like to dwell on the details - let someone more prepared do this. Aries will not waste time on trifles, since he does not care about the past or tomorrow: he is only interested in today, or rather the present moment, and the rest does not concern him. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles. In addition, he is an incorrigible optimist in everything - from love to the upcoming baseball match. Being under the auspices of Mars, Aries are generally incapable of admitting defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in the pursuit of success. And if they want, they can be calm, reasonable and serious, but this usually comes to them with age. They rarely succeed in politics - this field of activity is not for them. They show themselves best in business and creative work; balanced Aries are often good organizers.

Aries' metal is iron, which gives him inflexibility and enormous vitality.

Aries man

What is it like in love, in family?

If you are the woman who craves thrills, surprises, and constant celebration, then Aries is your ideal. But if you need a life partner on whom you can rely, with whom you can feel like you’re behind a “stone wall,” then, alas, this is the wrong message. The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another: one minute he is the embodiment of passion, and the next minute he is like ice. If he gets offended by you or loses interest in you, you will immediately feel it, and the whole affair will have to start all over again.

Impatient, brave and self-confident, loves to be the leader, can sometimes be very generous and sympathetic, but also impatient, selfish and demanding if his wishes are not fulfilled immediately. They mature and mature later; they usually look younger than their age.

When Aries is in love, he believes that he has been visited by the greatest love in the world, equal only to Romeo's feeling for Juliet. He is full of poetry, enthusiasm, tenderness, passion and gives himself to his beloved so much that she has nothing more to desire. There are Aries whose behavior is outwardly calmer, but do not doubt that inside they are all boiling with an excess of feelings. If the romance unexpectedly collapsed, he will also passionately try to glue the fragments together and save the situation in every possible way. But when everything is hopeless, he goes in search of a new Juliet in full confidence that his “great love” is yet to come. If you are truly in love, you remain faithful to your chosen one and do not try to look to the left. His honesty and idealism will never allow him to cheat on you. And how is this possible: he loves to the point of insanity. However, if his beloved does not support the illusion that she is a fairy-tale princess, she may lose him. Aries loves freedom and, if he wants, he can come home late two evenings in a row, but don’t try to yell at him - marriage is not a prison for him, and his wife is not a prison guard.

Aries are great owners and extremely jealous. Therefore, even a careless glance thrown by a wife or lover at another man, not to mention real betrayal, can lead to trouble. They put their loved one on a pedestal and pray to her, but don't let him know that you don't like it. When someone hurts his ego, he will come running to you for consolation and support, since behind his external self-confidence and even some aggressiveness lies an inferiority complex, which he will never admit. If you inadvertently offend him, he may say angry and sarcastic words to you that can break your heart if you do not understand him. On the other hand, he is easy-going, the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel and is always ready to help you. Aries appreciates your appearance and abilities, but expects the same from you. He is not stingy, loves to give gifts, but does not tolerate his wife controlling his expenses: this is his money, he earned it and has the right to spend it at his own discretion. And in general, he is the boss at home, although he does not like his wife to do only housework and embroidering napkins. He needs an intellectual life partner - so get out as best you can.

Aries is a wonderful father. While the children are small, he treats them like a loving, devoted nanny. When they begin to grow up, he discovers a tendency to command them and tries to direct their future in the direction he wants. Here it is necessary to remind him that children need independence just as much as he does. Otherwise, Aries loves to play with children, tell them about animals, birds and insects, take boys to football, and girls to an ice cream parlour. Everything will be fine, unless he suspects that the children mean more to his wife than he does. Then he can cool down somewhat towards his offspring. But an intelligent woman will never give her Aries husband a reason for such suspicions.

Aries woman

When Byron wrote that for a man love is only part of his life, but for a woman love is her whole life, he clearly forgot about the Aries Woman. Although she thinks that love is everything to her, Aries is so absorbed in what is happening inside her and in the world around her that this is unlikely to be the case. Of all the women of the Zodiac, they are the only ones who can get along most easily without men. But she also has her own ideal, which she dreams of, but none of the representatives of the opposite sex who actually surround her live up to it, because she believes that she can handle everything herself better than any of them, and certainly faster.

Aries prefers to be the leader in love and usually makes the proposal herself when she deems it necessary. At the same time, a man who remains indifferent to her charms intrigues her, and then she does everything possible and impossible to become desirable. In this regard, Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Margaret Mitchell's famous novel Gone with the Wind, is the embodiment of all the qualities inherent in Aries women. Like Scarlett, she is always surrounded by a bunch of admirers, while her heart reaches out to the only unavailable man; like Scarlett, she does not whine when she has to adapt to new life circumstances. Scarlett was never more “Mars-like” than when she, hungry, was left completely alone, without anyone’s support and, clenching her fists, exclaimed: “I will survive all this, I I will cheat and steal, but I swear to God, I will never go hungry again!" And when, much later, all her dreams collapsed, the child died, and her loved one left her forever, this typical Aries said to herself: "I will still find a way to return him - because there is always tomorrow ahead! "

March-April women love to be admired, but do not overdo it. They are extremely devoted lovers and wives when they know they are loved, but do not tolerate being bossed around by men. In addition, like Aries men, they are very jealous, so instead of a secretary, it is better to get yourself a male secretary.

Aries demands complete freedom for herself both before and after marriage, but she is too decent to love two men at the same time. If she fell in love with someone else, and her former love has faded away, she will definitely admit it honestly.

Aries women are ambitious and strive to make a career for themselves, and they usually succeed in any field of activity no worse than men. If the husband is suddenly left without work, they are ready to temporarily take on all the worries of supporting the family, but in principle they do not respect men,
earning less than them. At the same time, they are quite feminine and carefully monitor their appearance.

Like good mothers, they make sure that their children are always healthy, washed, cleanly dressed and happy, but she will not rush to the child at the first cry and does not try to take care of him too much. Such a mother will teach her children strict discipline and strives to raise them to be independent people. However, her children will not lack affection and love, and she will always find time to tell them a good story before bed.


When Aries becomes a boss, he cannot tolerate quitters and hacks. If he notices that someone is idle, he will immediately give him a good verbal beating, but if he apologizes and promises to continue to work conscientiously, he will be forgiven and will have the opportunity to prove it. When working under the supervision of an Aries, be prepared to stay late, and sometimes come to work on Sunday. But he will turn a blind eye if you are late for work, return half an hour later than your lunch break, or ask for time off for your grandmother’s funeral (to go to a football match), although he would probably let you go if you told the truth. As for bonuses and salary increases, Aries is not stingy, but in return expects his subordinates to give up all personal matters if something important or unexpected requires this for the company.

The Aries leader appreciates and respects initiative employees with a creative streak, but do not try to outshine him, you will not be forgiven for this. Despite his outward self-confidence, he deeply needs the approval and support of his employees, his wife, and even passers-by; can be terribly happy when someone recognizes his merits, and, on the contrary, can become despondent if he finds out that the staff does not approve of his leadership methods and generally underestimates his abilities. Despite his independent character, the Aries boss counts on the loyalty of the team and is ready to pay him the same. So be attentive to him, and he will reward you a hundredfold.


By hiring an Aries as an employee, the manager is either making a very smart move or a big mistake - it all depends on how he plans to use this explosive, uncontrollable creature. If an Aries subordinate is entrusted with monotonous work from here to now, he will soon get bored and begin to shirk. If you give him the opportunity to show his organizational skills and initiative and some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is. And even if he comes to work 2 hours later than others, he will not look at his watch at the end of the working day and, if necessary, will remain alone in the institution until the night cleaning lady arrives. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you shouldn’t disturb him. Despite his disdain for little things, he will do his job to perfection - otherwise it would be contrary to his nature. Money plays a secondary role as an incentive. Of course, they are not averse to getting what they deserve, but recognition and success are more important to them. When their abilities and achievements are recognized and appreciated, they work without sparing effort. Therefore, an astute manager will do the right thing if he promotes such a subordinate to a position, allows him to work independently, or even makes him his deputy. If you don’t give Aries the opportunity to work creatively, invent and implement something, he will still be of no use.


Famous people born between March 21 and April 20:
Bismarck, Vicent Van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Pulitzer, Simone Signoret, Arturo Toscanini, Charles Chaplin, Leopold Stokowski, Peter Ustinov, Nikita Khrushchev, E. Gogoleva, I. Kozlovsky, Yu. German.

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a - Zodiac sign - Aries.

Basic properties:

A person born under the zodiac sign - Aries - is ambitious, perky, irritable and stubborn. He does not give in well to the will of others, and the desire to insist on his own can turn into despotism. A strong will knows no limits, and the heat of passions knows no boundaries, an active mind pushes forward without fear of obstacles.

Properties Description
Date of: Western astrology March 21 - April 20
Indian astrology April 14 - May 14
Constellation according to the Sun April 19 - May 14
Mascot: Hammer, golden fleece.
Symbols: Ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Colors: Bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny (purple is an unlucky color).
Stones: Diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, moonstone, aquamarine, emerald.
Metal: Iron, steel.
Essential oils: Mint, lemon, sage, laurel, sandalwood, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmine, rose, fennel, pine, fir, sage.
Hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.

Temperament and character:

The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, tireless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. But Aries will do anything to avoid boredom and depression. Aries they feel more than they think. They can be extremely generous and love to give gifts and give orders. Very active and even impulsive. Aries is stubborn or focused on one thing that it values. In some situations it can be compared to a child. He appreciates fair treatment. And do not strive to be cunning, and declare yourself directly. A courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and gravitates towards everything new. Sign of pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path; curiosity can turn into immodesty and intemperance. Aries has an element of "me", self-assertion, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. You should never argue with an Aries.

Love and marriage:

Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this and a number of cases, Aries go through domestic conflicts in their youth. They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted by the forbidden fruit and strive to get it at any cost. In return they are ready to give themselves. They are generous and sometimes prudent. When pushed away, Aries' passion turns into obsession. Early pride and rage, and sometimes even to the point of murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down. For Aries, any beautiful adventure or temptation is an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impetuous, and sometimes naive. Almost touching lovers whose whims must be satisfied just like those of a capricious child. Aries cannot stand to be limited in the pursuit of will, ideal, ambition. When you lose yourself for a while, life collapses. If he is not adored, he begins to fear himself. Marriage among Aries is under greater threat than among other signs; it requires loving patience to preserve the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without suppressing his enthusiasm, giving the right direction. In marriage, Aries loves for the partner to emphasize the importance of the direction he has chosen. He really doesn’t like it when people interfere in his personal space, trying to change something there. He is not the best psychologist, but he prefers to do “surgical intervention” on his partner’s emotional problems himself. His biggest possible mistake is perceiving his partner as “he’s a fool.” Aries should avoid Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces in marriage and friendship. Must look for Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.

Choice of profession:

Aries produces dynamic, capable salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, police officers, butchers, wonderful surgeons, and sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. The muscular body of Aries promises a sports career. Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado and showing off.

Attitude towards money:

He often treats money with lukewarmness. For him they are only a means to achieve something greater. Aries is not inclined to waste money. But, if necessary, he can spend a large amount wherever he deems necessary.

Comfort preferences:

Aries's concept of comfort is relative. He loves spartan conditions. And he rests in an environment that irritates the other person, if he is not an Aries, and does not allow him to relax.

Life planning:

Aries doesn't like to plan because plans bring order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide imperfections. Doing many things spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will finish it.


Aries has innate intuition, but he may not trust it. Her revelations come to him too spontaneously. It is easier to follow the well-worn path of social opinion. Here a contradiction may arise: on the one hand, the desire for individuality, and on the other hand, the opinion of society.


The motto of this fire sign is “Always forward!” Aries enthusiastically make plans, but do not always translate them into reality. If you want to give them flowers, the best choice would be tulips or gladioli. They love classic perfume with a strong aroma. Pungent smells activate them, making them more persistent and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to good deeds. Aries is impressed by a gift in a cherry-red package.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9),11.

    Happy days: Tuesday, Sunday.

    Unlucky days: Friday, Saturday.

From March 21 to March 31 - under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born. Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Those born from 1 to 11 - under the influence of the Sun - have proud, generous, noble, courageous natures, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them. Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Those born from April 12 to April 20 - under the influence of Venus - are passionate and gentle, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and the fine arts. Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.


For those born under the sign of Aries, the vulnerable part of the body is the head. Tendency to headaches. They should avoid drafts, colds, sore throats, regularly check their teeth not only for holes and cavities, but also abscesses, gum infections, and pay attention to bad breath. Parents of an Aries child should ensure that there is good lighting when reading and check whether glasses are needed, especially during puberty, which affects Aries due to the early sexual desires inherent in this sign. Aries do not like to eat in a poorly lit room. Aries tends to be carefree about their health. Often these are reckless parents. They get carried away with everything that comes their way and can exhaust themselves to the point of exhaustion, which leads to high blood pressure, insomnia, and creates a susceptibility to heart attacks, as well as hepatitis. Aries is an impatient patient. His attitude towards illness: do not go to bed, move, do not give up, do not abstain from sex. Women either feel great or are on the verge of physical exhaustion. During puberty, girls sometimes lose their vision. Men take 2nd place after men of the Virgo sign in the number of impotent people. The Aries body needs constant training to avoid premature aging, which is more typical for this sign than for others. If the location of the celestial bodies at the time of birth was favorable, the Sun in Aries gives the newborn the ability to resist illnesses. It is very rare to meet disabled carriers of this sign. The will to overcome the disease and the ardent desire to “get involved in active work” turns out to be stronger than the disease. But contempt for illnesses also has a negative side. Sometimes Aries returns to heavy workloads instead of lying in bed. You should listen to the advice of your doctor, friends or relatives. A particular danger to the health of Aries can be posed by the negative placement of planets at the time of birth. In general, however, all those born under this sign should avoid colds and eye strain, visit the dentist frequently, and avoid quarrels and mental stress that may arise due to their temperament. Aries are susceptible to attacks of headaches, fever, skin diseases, memory impairment, neuralgia of the head and face, dizziness and nervous exhaustion. Many, if not all, claim that they could have avoided this if they had followed a routine, diet and self-discipline. Over the years, Aries must find a hobby that helps them avoid depression. Since this is an intellectual sign, there are many activities for him (reading, club activities, creativity in some form of art) that will occupy all his time and allow him to use his life abilities. One more tip. Aries can be prone to accidents (especially if the Sun is negative or Saturn and Uranus are leading in the constellation at the time of birth), so sharp objects or devices should be avoided and should not drive. A thirty-five-year study of natives of this sign in the United States showed that when the Sun is mostly facing Mars, accidents, including car accidents, are especially likely.


Aries, as a rule, are indiscriminate and indifferent to what they eat, unless, of course, there are contradictory instructions in their horoscope. This is not to say that they do not enjoy good food, especially in the company of people. As a host, Aries is very hospitable and tries to treat you to exotic dishes and excellent wine. But when he is alone (which he doesn't like) or with family, he is not interested in cooking. It is advisable for Aries to reduce the amount of food taken in the last decades of life due to a decrease in activity. Fatty foods that cause atherosclerosis should be avoided. Aries are prone to strokes (paralysis) caused by narrowing and blocking of blood vessels in the brain. Therefore, it is also better not to smoke, since tobacco compresses blood vessels, causing them to temporarily block. Although Aries is not characterized by digestive disorders (if the Moon and Venus are located harmoniously), a deficiency of potassium phosphate is still possible, which allows one to restore brain cells and nervous tissue, as well as mental energy, which people of this sign spend so wastefully. A deficiency of this substance causes anger, headaches, nervous dyspepsia and a general feeling of exhaustion. Fortunately, potassium phosphate is found in common foods: beets, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, watercress, spinach, onions, mustard, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, dates, apples, walnuts and lemons. The diet should include adequate amounts of organic iron and muscle-building protein, found in lean meats and beans. Herbs most harmonious with this sign are aloe, basil, bay, capsicum, capers, Oregon grapes, red pepper, peppermint, horseradish.

Exercise times are between 9 and 11 a.m.; Venue outdoors on a sunny day or in a well-ventilated, draft-free room; duration 5 minutes. Sit or stand straight so that your shoulders lean back. The back is straight. Mentally relax, free yourself, expel from your head and consciousness all worldly worries that kept you in tension. Inhale slowly for a count of 7. Pause for a count of 1. Exit slowly for a count of 7. Repeat 8 times. Further. Push out your lips as if whistling. Stretch your tongue forward between your teeth and up to your lips. Holding your nostrils closed with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, inhale slowly through the narrow opening in the hollow of your tongue, counting to 7. Hold your breath for a count of 1, then slowly exhale through your nostrils for a count of 7. Repeat 16 times.

Aries man:

Warlike, but not because he is a born warrior with a weapon in his hands, but because he wants to show himself strong. An Aries man wants to be independent. All his actions are subordinated to this motive. The most humiliating thing is to be considered a child. But this is so, because in cosmic terms he is a child. That is, his soul was just born and began its existence. Therefore, many of the actions of an Aries man are regarded as childish. In the worst case, his immaturity drags on for a long time. In this case, he is cocky, but gives little account of what consequences await him. His main impulse is to prove his individuality to others. Someone sees it in its uniqueness, but the Aries man perceives it as a demonstration of his strength. He can demonstrate it in different situations. Sometimes the situation throws him into extreme conditions of the mountains, sea or mine. Everywhere he demonstrates his capabilities on the brink of survival. In less extreme conditions, protected by the methods of modern civilization, the Aries man demonstrates his intelligence. A real Aries won't put his money where his mouth is and will defend his rightness to the bitter end. His main weakness is that the Aries man does not know how to lose. And besides, he pays little attention to his appearance. That is, his ambition to a small extent motivates the actions of Aries. Thus, the Aries man is usually strong, but has difficulty recognizing boundaries. Therefore, he often tests their strength.

Aries Woman:

The Aries woman plays the role of a feminist for a long time, but then she takes everything at once. If you get to know her, the first thing that may catch your eye is the lack of usual femininity. Don't be surprised if you notice that her shoulders are slightly wider than her hips. Unless, of course, an Aries woman does special exercises to develop the muscles of the pelvic area. Now everything can be adjusted. By nature, the Aries woman, of course, remains a woman, but by nature she often develops masculine traits. In some situations, belligerence appears. Sometimes she can go so far as to deny the role of a man in life. It won’t even be a hindrance here that only women can continue the human race. The role of a man here can be replaced by a test tube or the same man for one night. In any case, these actions of hers are motivated by the fact that she really does not like to make efforts to participate in the construction of any kind of relationship. Here the infantilism of Aries and his belligerence merge. Why are women not accepted into the active army? They often refer to her natural weakness and destiny to give birth to children. Psychologists rightfully believe that raising a child in an incomplete family (one mother) is problematic. But in the case of an Aries mother, this problem is eliminated, especially during the child’s childhood. Then she will be able to replace his absent father, but as the child grows up, when he needs experience in building relationships between a man and a woman, an Aries mother alone will clearly not be enough.

Compatibility horoscope: Aries zodiac sign from what date to what - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aries - the name of the constellation that came to us from myths, is also a zodiac sign that is characteristic of persons born in the period from 21-03 to 20-04. This sign is the first in the horoscope. Aries people also want to be first in everything. They persistently go towards their given goal, even if they have to hit their head against a closed goal. In addition to all this, people like Aries are: capricious; selfish; brave; straightforward.

As a child, a little Aries requires a lot of attention; whatever he wants, you will certainly do. Children born under the sign of Aries are characterized by hysterics and whims. At the same time, they quickly move away from their whims. Little Aries begin to walk and talk faster than anyone else. Discipline must be instilled in such children earlier than in others, otherwise the little lamb will grow into a stubborn ram. An Aries child can be very cruel, but in his soul there is daydreaming and a vivid imagination. Such children are very gentle, although they often get angry and stomp their feet, on the other hand, they are easily vulnerable. They need to be understood and taken into account.

Zodiac sign Aries: March 21 – April 20

Aries is the zodiac sign born between March 21 and April 20. Element Fire, patron planet Mars, lucky color - red, aromas of this sign - rose, clove, bergamot, lemon. Any iron object will bring good luck.

From what date does the zodiac sign Aries begin?

  • ARIES (21.03-20.04) - ZODIAC SIGN


    This is the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries are the children of the Zodiac. Outwardly, they are friendly people with energetic manners and a firm handshake. They always fight against any injustice, without mincing words, and can be very hot and furious in such situations. Aries always express their point of view directly. They put their needs first, think first of themselves, like children, not realizing that this can affect others. They do not feel that they can cause inconvenience and unpleasant moments to others. This innocence surrounds Aries and softens his aggressiveness, so it is difficult even to be offended by him, as if he were a child. This also explains why they are so fearless.

    There is no depravity in these people throughout their lives. They believe everything with all their hearts, there is nothing hidden or complicated about this sign. They are very vulnerable and love to complain. In their actions, Aries never develop a strategy; they go straight to the goal. These people cannot cry openly. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. In Aries you will not find tact and tolerance, as well as patience. When these qualities were distributed to people, Aries, apparently, were still behind the doors. They are, to put it mildly, straightforward in everything. Their main features can be called frankness and honesty, but you should not rely on this, because they lack stability, which is a manifestation of a lack of responsibility.

    Aries absolutely cannot stand toothache; it is impossible to force them to go to the dentist. Their irrational fearlessness often leads to physical injury. The physique is usually full. It is difficult to put them to bed if they are not feeling well, and if they go to bed, they are really sick. The real reason for their illnesses lies in their impatience. They need to consciously develop patience and caution. They are very optimistic, so they rarely suffer from chronic diseases, but they often have high blood pressure.

    Aries is confident that no one else will do the job as well as he does. This can lead to nervous exhaustion; Aries cannot be accused of laziness.

    Aries can be a very warm and generous sign. They are not cruel. If Aries has to choose between fame and money, he will choose fame. Aries's speech can be ironic, it is extremely easy to provoke anger in them, but it passes quickly, they quickly forget grievances. If possible, they can even apologize to their enemy if they feel that they have offended him. In practice, Aries do not lie; they are by no means gossipers. As a rule, Aries has no halftones in assessing people and events, they have enemies and friends, there is black and white, but there is no gray, something can be good or bad, but not average. All Aries live in today, yesterday teaches them nothing, and tomorrow is too far away. For them, only the present minute, hour is important. These are realists, but they can also idealize.

    Aries is incapable of accepting defeat, he simply refuses to see it. They are unusually optimistic in everything, they love obstacles that must be overcome and conquered. Aries never sit idly by, expecting success to come to them on its own, without their help. The energy of Aries drives many people crazy, but in principle they can be calm when they want. Unfortunately, they begin to want peace only in adulthood. Most Aries are lucky in both art and business. Surrounded by Aries, it is difficult for others to show their individuality because Aries love to talk about themselves and their problems. Aries is very trusting, so he is often disappointed in people. They love to do nice things for others, but do not expect the same in return. These are pioneers in all endeavors. But more often they go towards impossible things and goals. They know how to make people happy and they enjoy doing it.

  • In a leap year from March 21 to April 21, in a normal year from March 20 to April 20.
  • in April for sure
  • April 20-21 depending on year of birth.
  • Aries March 21 – April 20.
  • around the 20th, but the date changes from year to year, you need to look at the ephemeris for the year you are interested in

    What date does Aries start from according to the horoscope?

    Astrology is an ancient and mysterious world that will always interest humanity. One of its aspects is zodiac horoscopes. Many people do all the important things in their lives first of all, guided by them. When we meet a new person, we are always interested in finding out who he is according to the zodiac horoscope. This information helps you better build relationships with him.

    Today we will remember what date the Aries zodiac begins. We will also look at the characteristics of a person born during this period of time, what negative and positive aspects of his character are, what can be expected from him in communication, and whether it is worth dealing with him at all. We will try to reveal all the secrets of the person we are interested in.

    What number does the sign of Aries begin with?

    Let's first determine which people can be classified as the sign we are interested in. Taking the zodiac horoscope in hand, we find the necessary information. What are we doing? What number does Aries begin with? Starts on March 21 and ends on April 20. People who were born on these days are considered Aries according to the zodiac horoscope. We invite you to get acquainted with interesting information about the representatives of this sign.

    Ruling Planet

    Astrologers know very well what date Aries begins, so it is very easy for them to determine which planets have their decisive influence on a given sign. First of all, it is necessary to note the following. This is the first sign of the zodiac circle, which leaves a special imprint on it. It symbolizes the beginning of life, movement forward, increased activity. People born under this sign have pronounced leadership traits.

    Many readers interested in astrology know that each zodiac sign is ruled by a specific planet, which gives it its own characteristics. Knowing what date Aries begins, it is not difficult to find out the necessary information. So, let's call this planet Mars. In Roman mythology, he personifies the god of war. It is no coincidence that Aries are always eager to fight. The planet endows this sign with its determination and energy. She constantly motivates them to action.

    Many representatives of this sign, both men and women, are quite flighty people and can change their partners very often.

    • Aries like to talk a lot and for a long time, and they may not even care that no one is listening to them.
    • These people do not like conflicts, but they know how to stand up for themselves. Formally not being a source of scandals, they will defend their dignity and honor to the last.
    • Most representatives of this sign are very good-natured people who do not remember for a long time the insults and troubles caused to them.
    • Toothache is something that Aries cannot tolerate.
    • Many girls and women love to receive various gifts from men. If your chosen one is Aries, you can sleep peacefully. These people, like no other, love to give gifts.
    • These are people who are used to winning. If they lose, they will definitely find a large number of justifying factors.
    • They know how to laugh not only at others, but also, no less important, at themselves.

    Famous Personalities and Character Traits

    We invite you to meet some representatives of the Aries sign. These people are familiar to a large number of people. They are bright and different, but still there are things that unite them. One of them is the zodiac sign. We will try to determine the main character traits of these celebrities in order to draw certain conclusions about Aries. Our list includes the following personalities (you probably know them all):

    • Keira Knightley (born March 26) is a famous Hollywood actress. She is called principled and purposeful, but at the same time vulnerable and tender.
    • Quentin Tarantino (March 27) is a film director, actor and screenwriter. What can you say about this man? Unpredictable and decisive, with a special sense of humor.
    • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (April 1) is a Russian actress and TV presenter. Bright, charismatic, decisive, emotional.
    • Marlon Brando (April 3) is an American film actor. An incredibly talented and charming man.
    • Alla Pugacheva (April 15) - Russian singer, Soviet pop star. Purposeful, bright, stubborn.

    Having studied this small and far from complete list, we can draw a small conclusion that Aries are strong and purposeful individuals who are capable of being leaders and excellently managing other people.

    Personality characteristics

    Now that we have found out what date Aries begins according to the horoscope, we will be curious to know more about these people. We will also be able to determine the manner of communication with them. What can we say about them (especially since we now know what number Aries begins with)? These people are determined and stubborn. They always achieve their goals. They belong best among directors and chiefs of various ranks. If Aries are involved in politics, they make great progress there. The desire to always be first in everything is one of the distinctive features of representatives of this sign. It is no coincidence that a large number of film actors and other celebrities were born under this constellation. No obstacles can stop them; they simply don’t notice them. The symbol of the sign is the ram. He will not think about how to get around the obstacle, but will go ahead.

    Positive and negative character traits

    People born under the constellation Aries are naive and selfless. They are talented in everything they undertake, but the area of ​​activity in which they can achieve the greatest percentage of success is theater, trade, sports, and cinema. It seems to them that the world revolves only around them, and they easily take advantage of this. These people are born fighters, but they also sometimes feel sad and sad.

    Positive character traits:

    Negative character traits:

    Aries – what date does it start and end with?

    People who were born under this constellation can be divided into three groups:

    • Those influenced by Mars. They were born between March 21 and March 31. These are individuals capable of being leaders. Brave, strong, but at the same time slightly aggressive and violating the rules of behavior in society.
    • People under the influence of the Sun. Birthdays are from April 1 to April 11. The sun softens their negative character traits. These people are generous and capable of achieving their goals.
    • The planet with the greatest influence is Venus. This includes people born between April 12 and April 20. What can you say about them? Most often, they are able to find the most unexpected solutions in difficult and sometimes dead-end situations. These people are very gentle and romantic.

    Relationships with other zodiac signs

    After we have found out what number Aries begins with and found out what they are like, it will be interesting to get information about their relationships with other people. Born leaders, they will never be content with second roles. But at the same time, Aries will always take care of those people who show sincere sympathy and care for them.

    To summarize the above

    We hope that you not only found out what day of the month the Aries sign begins, but also received a lot of other useful and interesting information about this sign. Now you know how to communicate with a person born under this constellation and what to expect from him. Listen to the stars, and your life will be brighter and richer!

    What number does the zodiac sign Aries begin with?

    People born

    • By Western Astrology- from the twenty-first of March to the nineteenth of April.
    • By Indian Astrology– from the fourteenth of April to the fourteenth of May.

    Aries, like Leo, has fire as its element.

    A person born under the Sign of Aries is ambitious, perky, stubborn, irritable.

    Always stands his ground, openly shows his despotism.

    The strong will of such a person knows no limits, the intensity of passions of this sign has no boundaries, and does not fear the obstacles that the active mind of Aries pushes forward.

    The zodiac sign Aries begins on March 21 and ends on April 20. The element of Aries is fire. Those born under the sign of Aries are very hardworking, but also very hot-tempered. They are very friendly and sociable, but they can quickly ruin and discord everything.

    Photo of the zodiac sign Aries is just below;

    Those born under the sign of Aries are flexible people and it is easy for anyone to find a common language with them, if they are not spoiled by bad upbringing.

    According to Western astrology, the very first sign of the Zodiac is Aries, which begins on the twenty-first of March and ends on the twentieth of April. The twenty-first of April is when Taurus begins.

    The patron planet of Aries: this is the red warlike Mars, which endows its wards with courage, love of struggle and competition, hot temper, sociability, selfishness, and naivety. But there are also quiet Aries who do not have such a standard set of qualities.

    Characteristics of the Aries sign Detailed description.

    Aries is the first sign in the zodiac circle.

    And the most important among the properties of a person in whose horoscope this sign is clearly highlighted, that is, when several planets fall into it, is precisely that he loves to be the first in everything.

    The first to learn something, the first to master something, the first to present an idea, the first to master some activity, in general, to be the first to reach the finish line in any task.

    Element of the Zodiac sign Aries

    Aries, like Leo and Sagittarius, belong to the fire element.

    All of these signs are masculine, which means they all have similar characteristics characteristic of the masculine polarity, namely: the desire to rise above the environment through the manifestation of strength, power and will.

    People whose Sun is in fire signs are active, open and independent, and quickly make decisions. They have an immediate reaction.

    In addition, belonging to this element will give them all common fiery qualities: ardor, the desire to conquer new spaces and territories, areas of knowledge.

    If we compare the situation with natural fire, we know that it rarely burns with constant intensity.

    The flame becomes strong when new fuel enters the fire, and as it burns, the fire reduces its strength.

    The emergence of new ideas serves as such fuel for them, and fiery people are characterized by impulsiveness and irascibility. They are not able to engage in any one activity for a long time and with the same intensity.

    Living fire in a fire or in a stove always affects a person emotionally, causing either joy or, if handled carelessly, pain.

    People with a well-developed element of Fire in the horoscope are also characterized by emotionality, which usually manifests itself in high spirits, but in other situations they may succumb to irritability or show rudeness and harshness.

    In nature, fire is always noticeable and visible from afar; the darker the night, the brighter the light from the sparkling flame seems. Fiery people are also sincere and open, they are frank, bright to the point of demonstrativeness.

    So, the discussion above was about three fire signs and their general manifestations.

    But they must be different in some way.

    Fire in nature can be different: a violent flame of a fire or tamed in the furnace firebox, the red-hot fire of the Sun or a volley of guns, when the order is given directly: “Fire!” There will be differences.

    In this article we will focus on description of the characteristics of the Aries sign.

    What number does the zodiac sign Aries begin with?

    Months when people under the zodiac sign Aries are born, – March – April, dates range from approximately March 19 to April 20.

    It is on these dates, March 19-21, that the Sun enters the sign, the very first in the zodiac circle, which symbolizes the beginning of a new astrological year.

    That is why, before Peter I, the New Year was celebrated in March. Now this date is celebrated annually as International Astrologer Day.

    In addition, this is the point of the spring equinox, when day is equal to night. The Earth's gravitational forces are so balanced on this day that you can place a raw egg on its blunt end on a flat surface and it will stand.

    Fire Man

    So, if we describe such a phenomenon as a fire, then we will find suitable words for the characteristic features of Aries.

    But we must make a reservation that people with pronounced characteristics of this sign include not only Aries by birth, that is, those people whose Sun is in this sign, but also those whose sign of Aries is well expressed in the horoscope. Pronounced means that it is possible that 1, 2 or more planets are in this sign.

    So, let's imagine such a physical phenomenon as a fire.

    It flares up strongly and powerfully when some flammable material ignites. In the same way, Aries light up very quickly with some interesting and exciting idea and it is almost impossible to stop them while the idea is fueled by their energy. It's like adding fuel to the fire.

    When the fuel runs out or, in the case of a fire, what can burn runs out, the fire quickly collapses and goes out.

    But the fire has not gone away, it smolders, simmers until a certain moment. And as soon as you throw some firewood there, it will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Aries, in a similar way, very quickly burn out and cool down, often without finishing what they started. And, paradoxically, the fuse goes away precisely because a new, fresh idea appears in their head. Newness always attracts them more than what the crowds have already rushed to.

    Aries generally love everything unknown and unexplored by anyone.

    They can easily carry other people along with them, and they themselves will go ahead of everyone. These are the trailblazers and pioneers. They act very quickly and decisively, often ahead, they do not know any workarounds.

    If you bypass something, you will probably no longer be the first, and for Aries, championship is the most important thing. The fire moves in exactly the same way, rushing towards more and more objects that have not yet been engulfed in fire.

    The straightforwardness and uncompromisingness of Aries is sometimes amazing.

    He will break through the closed gate, not noticing that there is no fence on either side of the gate. There will be bumps, but the charge of energy is so powerful that, as a rule, Aries breaks through the gates.

    He makes decisions and acts so quickly that sometimes the action itself is ahead of the thought.

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    That is, first he acts, and then he thinks. This sometimes leads to rash actions and is fraught with consequences: Aries can make enemies or get injured.

    Often it hits the head, because Aries is responsible for this part of the body. Namely, behind the front of the forehead, where the lamb’s horns grow. And for the frontal lobes of the brain, which are actually responsible for activity.

    Their desires also arise impulsively. If it is not satisfied at that very moment, then the next it no longer needs it. Their impulse is not long. They want to get their hands on what inspired them right now.

    The main thing for Aries is to be the first to win, to defeat everyone; they look for kindred spirits and team up with them. And they strive to subjugate those who are alien in spirit. But the desire to defeat everyone does not always make them happy.

    The ideal for Aries is to defeat all enemies, all competitors, all opposition, and indeed everyone around.

    Imagine this picture: Aries has defeated everyone and stands alone above the defeated enemies - the winner. He has achieved his goal, but he is alone, he is left alone, and with whom should he compete now, he is completely alone. And Aries turns into a victim of his victory, or rather, into a sacrificial lamb. His victory is his defeat.

    Aries are very greedy for news, namely sensations. What is a sensation? This is the news you will be the first to know. And here too there is a championship.

    Although it has been noticed that in those moments when a representative of the Aries sign does not have time to get ahead of others, he can play a trick and exclaim:

    “And I already know about it!”

    “Yes, I knew about it!”

    wishful thinking. And this phrase sometimes sounds so often in his speech that it inevitably raises suspicions as to whether this is so.

    How to win over an Aries and how to get rid of him

    We need to let him win, let him come first, there is no need to tug of war with him. If we need to get rid of Aries, push him away, we just need to defeat him. This, by the way, is not so difficult, because Aries is not capable of long-term efforts; he quickly runs out of steam.

    It must be said that characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries for men and women the main parameters are the same. This is how both men and women write about themselves about the properties of their Aries character.

    Manifestation of Aries in practice

    “I always try to make it happen the way I want. I love setting and achieving my goals. She chose her husband and profession, despite public opinion and the opinion of her parents.”

    “I always strive to be a “commander” and a boss. I can be harsh, even rude. I must be in charge in any situation. Then I feel comfortable.”

    “When at work one of the clients suggested that my employee meet him halfway, violating the instructions, I very angrily said everything that I thought about him and this situation: “How dare you say such a thing! What are you thinking about?! Get out of here! The client slammed the door and left.”

    “The principle “you need what you don’t have, when you have it, you don’t need it anymore” often works, including in relationships with people. If someone doesn’t pay attention to me, I’ll bang my head against the wall just to get attention, but as soon as I get it, the interest disappears.”

    “I really don’t like to wait for something, even if it’s a man’s job, I can do it. For example, take a hammer drill and drill a hole in the wall, which really annoys your husband. Or if I come up with an idea at night, I can get up and start implementing it.”

    “My recent trip abroad did not go entirely smoothly, due to the fact that upon approaching the border, it turned out that it was closed indefinitely. We were in the second hundred in the queue. And in order not to stand for a long time with a small child in my arms, I had to, using a little rudeness, get permission to cross the border without queuing.”

    “The very strong influence of Aries can be seen in relationships with a partner. I'm always trying to prove that I'm smarter, cooler, and so on, and I don't know how to feel sorry or sympathize. This does not lead to harmony, but rather to an outburst of hot emotions.”

    “I don’t feel embarrassed communicating with people both higher and lower on the social ladder if I express my point of view, which may be fundamentally different from the generally accepted one. I love adventures, detective stories, rush jobs.”

    “I am very hot-tempered, emotional and not restrained, although with age I have learned to restrain external impulses. If some thought doesn’t give me peace, then I’ll rush around with it like a maniac. And, by the way, I injured my head as a child, right where the “horns” should be. Sometimes everything bubbles inside me from anger, but I don’t get angry for a long time.”

    “This is expressed in the fact that I love bright, fashionable, stylish, expensive, preferably red, clothes. Since childhood, I am sure that when I walk down the street, all passers-by should look at my trail in admiration. I must always be the best and the most beautiful."

    “I always and everywhere try to be the first. There must always be movement. It’s very easy to “ignite” me and make me angry.”

    “When moving towards a goal, I act quickly and decisively. I don’t even have time to think of something to do, but I immediately need to start executing it.”

    Which zodiac sign suits Aries

    As you can see from practical experience, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an Aries man or an Aries woman, the characteristics of the sign will manifest themselves in approximately the same way.

    Just based on the position of the Sun in a sign, compatibility is not clearly and unambiguously determined. In case of compatibility, the position of other planets in the partners’ horoscopes is also taken into account.

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  • Aries is the first sign in the zodiac circle.

    And the most important among the properties of a person in whose horoscope this sign is clearly highlighted, that is, when several planets fall into it, is precisely that he loves to be the first in everything.

    The first to learn something, the first to master something, the first to present an idea, the first to master some activity, in general, to be the first to reach the finish line in any task.

    Element of the Zodiac sign Aries

    Aries, like Leo and Sagittarius, belong to the fire element.

    All of these signs are masculine, which means they all have similar characteristics characteristic of the masculine polarity, namely: the desire to rise above the environment through the manifestation of strength, power and will.

    People whose Sun is in fire signs are active, open and independent, and quickly make decisions. They have an immediate reaction.

    In addition, belonging to this element will give them all common fiery qualities: ardor, the desire to conquer new spaces and territories, areas of knowledge.

    If we compare the situation with natural fire, we know that it rarely burns with constant intensity.

    The flame becomes strong when new fuel enters the fire, and as it burns, the fire reduces its strength.

    The emergence of new ideas serves as such fuel for them, and fiery people are characterized by impulsiveness and irascibility. They are not able to engage in any one activity for a long time and with the same intensity.

    Living fire in a fire or in a stove always affects a person emotionally, causing either joy or, if handled carelessly, pain.

    People with a well-developed element of Fire in the horoscope are also characterized by emotionality, which usually manifests itself in high spirits, but in other situations they may succumb to irritability or show rudeness and harshness.

    In nature, fire is always noticeable and visible from afar; the darker the night, the brighter the light from the sparkling flame seems. Fiery people are also sincere and open, they are frank, bright to the point of demonstrativeness.

    So, the discussion above was about three fire signs and their general manifestations.

    But they must be different in some way.

    Fire in nature can be different: a violent flame of a fire or tamed in the furnace firebox, the red-hot fire of the Sun or a volley of guns, when the order is given directly: “Fire!” There will be differences.

    In this article we will focus on description of the characteristics of the Aries sign.

    What number does the zodiac sign Aries begin with?

    Months when people under the zodiac sign Aries are born, – March – April, dates range from approximately March 19 to April 20.

    It is on these dates, March 19-21, that the Sun enters the sign, the very first in the zodiac circle, which symbolizes the beginning of a new astrological year.

    That is why, before Peter I, the New Year was celebrated in March. Now this date is celebrated annually as International Astrologer Day.

    In addition, this is the point of the spring equinox, when day is equal to night. The Earth's gravitational forces are so balanced on this day that you can place a raw egg on its blunt end on a flat surface and it will stand.

    Fire Man

    So, if we describe such a phenomenon as a fire, then we will find suitable words for the characteristic features of Aries.

    But we must make a reservation that people with pronounced characteristics of this sign include not only Aries by birth, that is, those people whose Sun is in this sign, but also those whose sign of Aries is well expressed in the horoscope. Pronounced means that it is possible that 1, 2 or more planets are in this sign.

    So, let's imagine such a physical phenomenon as a fire.

    It flares up strongly and powerfully when some flammable material ignites. In the same way, Aries light up very quickly with some interesting and exciting idea and it is almost impossible to stop them while the idea is fueled by their energy. It's like adding fuel to the fire.

    When the fuel runs out or, in the case of a fire, what can burn runs out, the fire quickly collapses and goes out.


    But the fire has not gone away, it smolders, simmers until a certain moment. And as soon as you throw some firewood there, it will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Aries, in a similar way, very quickly burn out and cool down, often without finishing what they started. And, paradoxically, the fuse goes away precisely because a new, fresh idea appears in their head. Newness always attracts them more than what the crowds have already rushed to.

    Aries generally love everything unknown and unexplored by anyone.

    They can easily carry other people along with them, and they themselves will go ahead of everyone. These are the trailblazers and pioneers. They act very quickly and decisively, often ahead, they do not know any workarounds.

    If you bypass something, you will probably no longer be the first, and for Aries, championship is the most important thing. The fire moves in exactly the same way, rushing towards more and more objects that have not yet been engulfed in fire.

    The straightforwardness and uncompromisingness of Aries is sometimes amazing.

    He will break through the closed gate, not noticing that there is no fence on either side of the gate. There will be bumps, but the charge of energy is so powerful that, as a rule, Aries breaks through the gates.

    He makes decisions and acts so quickly that sometimes the action itself is ahead of the thought.

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    The main thing for Aries is to be the first to win, to defeat everyone; they look for kindred spirits and team up with them. And they strive to subjugate those who are alien in spirit. But the desire to defeat everyone does not always make them happy.

    The ideal for Aries is to defeat all enemies, all competitors, all opposition, and indeed everyone around.

    Imagine this picture: Aries has defeated everyone and stands alone above the defeated enemies - the winner. He has achieved his goal, but he is alone, he is left alone, and with whom should he compete now, he is completely alone. And Aries turns into a victim of his victory, or rather, into a sacrificial lamb. His victory is his defeat.

    Aries are very greedy for news, namely sensations. What is a sensation? This is the news you will be the first to know. And here too there is a championship.

    Although it has been noticed that in those moments when a representative of the Aries sign does not have time to get ahead of others, he can play a trick and exclaim:

    “And I already know about it!”

    “Yes, I knew about it!”

    wishful thinking. And this phrase sometimes sounds so often in his speech that it inevitably raises suspicions as to whether this is so.
