DIY manicure hood. Vacuum cleaner for manicure - principle of operation

To perform modern modeling and fashionable nail design, we use special equipment, reliable manicure tools and materials so that our well-groomed fingers always look perfect. The popularity of nail extensions with gel or acrylic is growing noticeably, since many of us have quite thin nail plates. But during filing of an artificial nail to give the desired shape to the free edge, a large number of microparticles get onto the surface of the manicure table and into the air. How to deal with this unpleasant problem if you often do nail extensions at home or perform artificial nail modeling for your clients?

Vacuum cleaner for manicure (hood, dust collector)- This is an almost silent device with a durable plate body, equipped with a powerful fan and replaceable dust bags. The hood can be either built-in into a manicure table or mobile for convenient movement of the device.

It is important to note that protective fabric masks, which are traditionally used by manicurists and pedicurists during nail modeling, protect the respiratory tract from dust by 50-70%. And the microparticles floating in the air after polishing artificial nails contain a large amount of substances harmful to health and even carcinogenic. Once in the lungs, these substances can provoke the development of allergies, asthma, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, this dust can cause headaches and eye inflammation.

The powerful manicure vacuum cleaner instantly sucks up all the dust and remaining material while filing gel or acrylic nails, protecting your body from harmful chemicals. From this article you will learn how to choose a dust collector for individual nail correction at home and which vacuum cleaner will be better for manicures and pedicures when serving clients. By the way, modern models of hoods are easily mounted on pedicure stands, which facilitates the process of modeling toenails using different attachments for hardware pedicure.


☛ Desktop vacuum cleaner.

A compact mobile device, usually designed in the form of a convenient palm rest. Such vacuum cleaners are quite functional, have good power and are inexpensive. If you often have to travel to clients for home service, then such a transportable device is most suitable for your work. Some models are equipped with backlighting and a timer with automatic start;

☛ Built-in vacuum cleaner.
This is a stationary device that is built into the countertop of the manicure table. For convenience and optimization of the working space, it is installed under the hole with a grid in the tabletop. This vacuum cleaner is very powerful, reliable and quite durable;

☛ Hood-vacuum cleaner with filter.
There are both desktop and stationary built-in models. The main difference of this device is the presence of a filter to absorb odors and purify the air. It is important to install such a vacuum cleaner in a beauty salon when you have to serve a large number of clients per day.



Very good reliable and inexpensive models with powerful 65W fans.

Tabletop Max Ultimate 2 (Max Safe protective grille, 3d multi-layer pouch, Max Pro variable power control)

Built-in Max Ultimate (the visible part of the vacuum cleaner is made of brushed aluminum, stepless power control)

An excellent option for home use with a power of 32W.

Tabletop Max Storm

Built-in Max Storm

Hoods are manufactured using professional equipment. There is virtually no noise from the fan. Reliable device with a long warranty period (24 months)

Professional American vacuum cleaners for manicures with a unique filtration system (with activated carbon in the filters). The models are very reliable, but quite expensive. Recommended for equipping cabinets in beauty salons and for equipping the workplace of a medical pedicure/manicure specialist.

They produce high-quality stationary vacuum cleaners built into manicure tables. The fan operates almost silently, the bags for soap and garbage are very spacious.

Quite high quality hoods made in China. Popular due to their low price and wide range of models with cases of almost any color. The bag can be removed and replaced very quickly, and the device can be very easily cleaned of debris.

American dust collectors with a unique dust suction system and powerful fans. An ideal solution for cosmetology clinics and beauty salons. The company produces convenient desktop models that are convenient, practical and will last a very long time without repair.


It is not necessary to buy a manicure table with an already built-in hood. Usually the price of such tables is quite high, and for home use, a home-made workplace design is quite suitable.

So, in order to carefully install a stationary hood with your own hands, we will need:

Two stools;

Sharp knife;

Compass and pencil;


Wire holders;

Jigsaw (jigsaw blade);

Four self-tapping screws 3.5*16;

Two screwdrivers;

Wood drill (diameter 8 mm);

Switch and plug;

Two copper wires.

- click on the photo and expand the step-by-step instructions


Both in nail salons and at home, when working on fingernails and toenails, a lot of dust is generated. Small particles - these are pieces of nails, skin, old varnish - fly in the air, get on the mucous membranes and into the lungs. This is not just unpleasant, but allergic reactions and respiratory diseases can become constant companions for people doing manicures. To collect such dust, a special device was created - a manicure vacuum cleaner, which collects microscopic particles in the master’s working area. All modern salons already have such devices; many purchase them for home use.

What types of manicure vacuum cleaners are there?

  • portable, they can be taken to the client’s home or moved around the salon;
  • stationary, as a rule, more powerful, built-in or located directly at the master’s workplace.

It is necessary to analyze in detail both options for manufacturing equipment.

Important! If you wish, following the instructions provided, you can make a manicure vacuum cleaner of the required design and power with your own hands from scrap materials.

How to make your own vacuum cleaner for manicure

To make a device yourself, you don’t need to be an electrician or a carpenter; the main thing is to do everything slowly, carefully, and with the electrical equipment unplugged. The main working part of our device is an electric motor, which, by rotating the blades, will create the thrust necessary to remove small particles from the working area. The electric motor can be taken from an unnecessary kitchen hood, fan, hair dryer. Everything will depend on its power - a motor that is too powerful will not only consume more electricity, but will also create more noise. A weak motor will not give the desired effect. Ideally, electric motors of 30-60 W are suitable for stationary devices. If you don’t have a suitable motor at home, you can buy one at a hardware store, with blades and a power supply, preferably with a speed controller. In addition, you may need wires for switching, plastic sleeves (pipes) of different diameters and material for decorative finishing - plastic, fabric, protective mesh. All this is also available in such stores.

Exhausting a computer cooler: step-by-step instructions

This type of device is the easiest to manufacture; it can be made in one day, and it will bring a lot of benefits.

Built-in vacuum cleaner for manicure: step-by-step instructions

A vacuum cleaner built into the desk is the best solution. It is convenient to work at such a table; nothing interferes with or limits the movements of the master. A powerful hood copes not only with microparticles, but also with odors. To make such professional equipment, you may need the help of men.

Attention! The protective mesh must have small cells; a high-power electric motor can cause serious injuries if a finger gets into the rotation zone.

4. Garbage collection bag. The bag can be made of dense material and attached to the fan using a cord or rubber band.

5.Switch. It would be nice to equip such a stationary structure with a switch that will always be at hand.

As you can see from the review, there is nothing complicated in making a manicure vacuum cleaner - if only you had the desire!

For 90% of women, the word “vacuum cleaner” evokes quite predictable associations. This is a room cleaning device that quickly and with a minimum of effort collects dust and dirt from horizontal surfaces and leaves zero waste. A vacuum cleaner for manicure performs the same cleaning function, but it only concerns the moment of processing the nail plates with a special device or polishing them with nail files. ExpertsProstoNailWe decided to analyze the models on the market, choose the most practical ones and tell you how to make a vacuum cleaner for manicure with your own hands. Let's not keep the intrigue, you will find the answers to all these questions below.

Why do you need a nail vacuum cleaner: laziness is the engine of progress

The nail service industry is constantly modernizing and developing due to its extreme popularity among the fairer sex. New tools and materials are constantly being developed that can transform even the most problematic fingers in a matter of minutes. Nowadays acrylic or gel extensions, ultra-resistant or and have become commonplace. True, as in any other profession, manicurists have a pronounced problem with timely cleaning and maintaining high standards of hygiene.

When filing the free edge with a file, while working with a cutter, or while removing the previous coating, dust accumulates, containing a number of aggressive chemicals, among which potassium oxides and other toxins are especially dangerous. With prolonged inhalation of such polluted air, mucus accumulates in the lungs, causing the urge to cough and even attacks of suffocation. Doctors also observe a number of typical “manicure diseases”: rhinitis, tracheitis and bronchial asthma. Over time, this can even lead to disastrous consequences - the occurrence of a stable allergic reaction. Of course, nail technicians can use a protective mask and goggles, but this would be somewhat selfish towards their clients, since their respiratory tract is not protected in any way. The second preventative option is regular ventilation. But even here there are a number of nuances, since it is simply impossible if there is a heavy flow of visitors in the salon.

The most convenient and practical assistant for a master will be a manicure vacuum cleaner, the primary task of which is to 100% eliminate dust from the air and the work surface. Although it appeared on the market and for free sale relatively recently, only in 1995, development and improvement have been carried out since 1986. A vacuum cleaner for manicure does not take up much space on the table surface, and upon completion of extensions or hardware care, it is simply put away on a shelf or in a storage compartment. That is why it is sometimes called a “tabletop hood”.

Despite its compactness and ergonomics, the device effectively cleans the air and prevents diseases of the upper respiratory tract of both the client and the technician. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the material from which the dust collector is made, since it is in it that the bacterial mass should be vacuum and hermetically stored. Another undeniable advantage of using a vacuum cleaner is record low electricity consumption. It is enough to connect the accessory to a standard network and press the button, and it will begin its silent operation. Dust is sucked through a small window from a distance of up to 10-15 cm, and the outer body of the device itself is made of durable, wear-resistant, but lightweight plastic that does not react chemically with materials used for decorating or nail extensions. By the way, do not forget that the dust collection bags themselves also need to be changed periodically, just like with their direct analogue - a household vacuum cleaner.

Remember that a nail vacuum cleaner is a general concept, but if you delve into the topic, you can see dozens of varieties of this invention. What is the difference between each model and what additional functions do they provide? Look for your needs in our information table, carefully compiled by ProstoNail experts:

A type of manicure vacuum cleaner How is it characterized?
Classic table vacuum cleaner Perhaps the most primitive, but no less functional model of a nail vacuum cleaner. It works mains or autonomously and is similar to a regular palm rest with a vent. Ergonomic and comfortable, lightweight and transportable. Ideal for beginners who do not want to spend a lot of money on a purchase, as well as for those professionals who prefer to work on the road
Built-in manicure vacuum cleaner A more expensive model of the gadget, which has both a number of undeniable disadvantages and a number of advantages. The disadvantages include: non-transportability and high price; The advantages are good power, noiselessness and significant savings in the workspace of the master. As a rule, such a device is literally built into the tabletop, on which only the part with the grill is visible, and the motor is located in a special compartment under the table
Miniature manicure device Most often you can see it built-in, but not in a table, but in a device for hardware manicure. The cost of such pleasure, frankly speaking, is stinging. So, good copies can be purchased from 50 US dollars. Of course, such a purchase is not available to everyone, but its practicality and functionality are undeniable
Manicure vacuum cleaner in the form of a hood Probably the most convenient device, which is the most popular and loved by nail technicians. It is also compact and ergonomic, similar in appearance to a classic manicure vacuum cleaner, but in addition to the standard “absorption” of dust and dirt, the hood can also effectively eliminate unpleasant odors in the air. This opportunity arises due to the presence of a special filter with a higher degree of air purification, which it is advisable to change from time to time so that accumulated dust and contaminants do not enter the room again. For the convenience of the master, such devices can be equipped with a lamp so that the lighting of the work area is of better quality, and can also be equipped with special timers that control their operating time
Floor hood for manicure A separate type of manicure hoods, characterized by the highest productivity. In a relatively short period of time, this hood will cope with any amount of dust and odors. Most often, this device is a bulky, massive plastic case with an electric motor, fan and dust collector installed under the table, and an exhaust hose connects the unit to the workplace. Despite the greatest efficiency and cleaning speed, floor hoods consume a lot of electricity and take up a lot of space in the cabin

It becomes quite obvious that buying a manicure vacuum cleaner is not a matter of fashion or a sign of the status of the salon itself. This is a direct reflection of a careful attitude towards your health and the health of your clients. Do not neglect the greatest value, which cannot be compared with the cost of the gadget.

Homemade manicure hood - a jack of all trades

Surely after reading this material you are thinking about purchasing such a necessary and important unit. We are ready to please you, if you have a soldering iron in your home arsenal, and your hands grow from the right place, then assembling such a simple device yourself is a feasible task even for a girl. A homemade vacuum cleaner is in no way inferior to a purchased one, but will allow you to save money on the purchase of new varnishes or nail files.

Scouring the World Wide Web, you can find a thousand and one videos on how to use improvised materials to make a built-in device for purifying dust from the air. To do this you will need:

  • computer cooler or miniature fan no larger than 80x80 mm;
  • power cord;
  • a switch button or a special lever (can be purchased at a hardware store);
  • power supply with cord (can be used from a laptop or any other autonomous household appliance). It converts the mains voltage to the value indicated on the fan. Typically this value is 12 V;
  • non-woven fabric (needed for sewing dust bags);
  • ventilation grille (for safety purposes and to prevent hand injuries).

Once you have everything you need, feel free to get to work. Fortunately, you have our detailed instructions:

  • Having preheated the soldering iron, connect it to the power supply and cooling fan with the network cable;
  • for greater comfort of use, install a previously purchased switch button or lever on the cable;
  • On the dust suction side of the cooler, a protective ventilation grill should be secured to protect the client’s fingers and prevent foreign objects from getting into the fan blades. The grille can be glued or bolted;
  • Now let’s remember our school cutting and sewing lessons: From non-woven fabric you need to cut a strip measuring 16.5x40 cm, fold it in half along the long side and sew it on both sides. Sew a border on top and thread an elastic band into it;
  • The finished bag is fixed on the back side of the cooler, and the fan itself is installed in the place that is relevant to you. Voila, the device is ready for regular use.

You can also slightly modify and improve your homemade vacuum cleaner by making a plastic case for it. To do this, use a small sheet of plywood, from which you need to try to make an impromptu roof for the birdhouse. The angle between the two slopes should be approximately 120°. You need to cut a hole in one of the sides and cover it with a protective grill. The assembled ventilation product should be attached to this hole from the inside. Place the dust bag on the cooler and start working.

How to make a powerful manicure hood

A powerful extractor for manicure does not have to be purchased. You can also make it yourself; only a few details will be different in the design. You should still use a computer cooler, but to increase the performance of the device it is better to buy several mechanical fans at once:

  • Now designate a place on your desktop where the tool will be placed. To do this, it is better to use a water-soluble or alcohol-containing marker, traces of which can then be easily removed with micellar;
  • now cut a hole on the tabletop according to the marks made in advance;
  • Fix the structure assembled from several coolers with bolts under the table cover (see the previous instructions if you are interested in the internal technology of fastening the device);
  • Place a dust bag on the cooler. You can also attach a corrugated exhaust pipe to the fan, at the end of which you need to place a bag made of fabric with a non-woven backing. Due to their larger size, dust collectors in this case will have to be changed much less frequently;
  • Mask the hole on top of the countertop with a previously purchased plastic grill.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for manicure

There is absolutely no need to rush headlong to the nearest hardware store, buying bolts, a soldering iron and other parts for a manicure vacuum cleaner. Especially if you are far from confident in your abilities as a craftsman and have previously had nothing to do with even the banal assembly of household furniture. It is better to carefully study the market to see if the ideal hood is available. And our advice, regulating many important aspects, will become the main selection criteria for you:

  • built-in or stand-alone? This question worries every master. Let's take a closer look. Of course, the built-in mechanism does not require additional investments, but its price cannot be called affordable. In addition, in the event of a breakdown, such a device will only need to be repaired by a professional. And during this time, you will not be able to freely use your workplace to provide quality customer service. An autonomous hood will appeal to those girls who periodically do outdoor manicures at the client’s home;
  • power. Another important aspect that requires your close attention. It is necessary to purchase a mechanism with a power of at least 24 W, and preferably 40 W. It does not “eat up” a lot of energy, but at the same time guarantees a high speed of revolutions, which is important for in-demand specialists;
  • guarantee. Naturally, when you buy a hood in a branded or manicure store, you will be provided with a guarantee. It comes in two types - directly from the store and a guarantee from the brand. The second option is more preferable. The standard warranty period averages 12 months;
  • noise level. There are even special computers that measure the noise level of household appliances. For a hood, it is enough that it produces a slight background noise that does not irritate either you or the client;
  • quality of material. Most often you can find devices with a plastic outer casing. It is light and moderately elastic, quite durable and resistant to external damage. But the main thing is that plastic does not react chemically with gel, acrylic or any other drugs. Dust collection bags should be made of synthetic non-woven fabric. It can be washed multiple times, does not tear and does not allow dirt to pass through the fibers;
  • equipment. Most often, mechanical vacuum cleaners are sold immediately with additional bags for collecting dust (about 4 pieces per box). But it is better to check their availability with a consultant;
  • presence of a timer and automatic start. A particularly important point if you are going to work at an active pace, using several devices for modeling and cleaning at once;
  • additional lighting. Some new models of vacuum cleaners even have this function. It helps to complete the cleaning process more thoroughly, eliminating every speck of dust;
  • the presence of a special filter to clean the air and absorb odors. Devices with this function can be either built into tables or portable. The cost of such a device is much higher than usual and requires additional costs for regular filter replacement.

Let's look at some of the most popular models of manicure vacuum cleaners that have won the recognition of many practicing nail service professionals:

  • Ultratech. Ultratech produce some of the highest quality and quietest devices with a maximum warranty period of 24 months. Their price is higher than similar tools for the same purpose, but with a power of only 24 W, you can filter 3.3 cubic meters within 1 minute. air. Separately, we note the heavy-duty case, which is not afraid of frequent interaction with bactericidal and antiseptic solutions;
  • BOFA. Devices produced by the BOFA brand are made for beauty salons and. They quickly and effectively eliminate not only dust, but also unpleasant odors hanging in the atmosphere of the room. Inside the mechanism of these crumbs is a special high-tech filter with the addition of activated carbon. When it becomes clogged and becomes unusable, a special sensor signals the need for replacement;
  • Air Magic. Currently the only manufacturer that designs manicure vacuum cleaners with a filter that does not require replacement. The Air Magic hood quickly conditions the air, removes unpleasant odors and dust, it is lightweight and maneuverable, and can also be used to correct nails on the hands and feet;
  • Salon Professional. One of the most popular devices due to their low cost. Due to their unusual shape, they can be used as a rest for the client’s hands, and due to their lightness, they are easily transported for on-site procedures;
  • Lady Victory. Devices of the Lady Victory brand are almost complete analogues of devices from Salon Professional. Main feature: the dust bag can be replaced within a few minutes, the device is very easy to wash and clean. It has good characteristics and effectively cleans the room of dirt.

Value your health and show concern for the health of your clients, only then will you earn love and appreciation, becoming in demand in the field of nail service.

For any manicurist, a necessary thing in their work is an extractor hood. It is needed to draw in dust that appears when filing a helium nail. Thus, the air in the salon will be much cleaner, neither the master nor the client will inhale chemical particles, and the area around the workplace is always clean.

Why do you need a manicure hood?

Most women use special devices equipped with an electric milling cutter to process their nails. It's high quality, doesn't take much time and makes your nails look flawless. But during hardware manicure, a large amount of dust is generated. For safety, it is necessary to use special filtering equipment that operates in suction mode, also helping to prevent the spread of viruses.

The manicure extractor literally turns chemical odors into environmentally friendly ones. Vapors from various chemicals and solvent liquids are completely absorbed by the filter, which contains carbon.

Types of hoods for manicure

Manicure hoods are usually silent. There are different types of hoods, you can buy them in the same place where everything for nail extensions is sold. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer, the power of the equipment and the warranty.

Let's take, for example, a specialized air purifier from dust Air-Magic for professional salons and manicure workshops. This cleaner is currently new on the market. Its use does not require holes in the walls and air outlet to the street. It has good lighting and adjustable draft, which makes the specialist’s work easier, as well as a built-in filter that does not require replacement.

An important factor is that it can be moved without problems and its position adjusted both horizontally and vertically, at the discretion of the master. Another plus is that this type of hood is almost silent (depending on the power), which is important for the comfort of people in the cabin. The choice of power is determined by the needs of the cabin.

A built-in manicure hood will not take up additional space on the work area. The built-in hood is suitable for both salons and small office rooms. They do not require additional space. As a rule, they are installed under the master’s work table; the metal grid is built into the table. This type of hood is somewhat more expensive than tabletop hoods, but for the comfort of the client, many craftsmen spare no expense.

Tabletop manicure hoods are usually compact and lightweight, which allows them to be removed after finishing work. They are also often used as a rest for the hands of the master and the client.

Everyone knows that troubleshooting embedded equipment can be quite problematic. As practice shows, repairing a desktop vacuum cleaner plus a desktop costs the same as purchasing a fully equipped table. Many experts will confirm that a powerful hood-stand for manicure gives one hundred percent confidence in the cleanliness of the desktop. Almost every such machine provides a satisfactory level of comfort, thanks to additional mounts for the dust collector.

How to choose a hood?

Everyone understands that the hoods on the market have both pros and cons. The main thing for the buyer is that the equipment fulfills its stated purposes. For example, this is the ability to remove odors or dust from a room, silent operation, pleasant appearance, simple replacement of parts (so-called consumables), warranty and, of course, the possibility of maintenance.

According to reviews, it is imperative to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for installing equipment. It is important to understand that the longer the suction tube and the more bends and sections it has, the less efficiently the device will extract dust, and even more so, the smell. If, after all, the pipe is of a decent length, then the fan must be more powerful than usual, and this, of course, affects the cost of the equipment.

If you have any special requirements, you need to discuss this with the seller; it is quite possible that a hood will be made to order for you. In case none of the hoods on the market suits you, there is an option to make it yourself. It's quite simple, with tools and materials that can be purchased at any construction market. There is no need for special equipment for this - you can practically make a hood on a staircase. The total cost of producing such a hood is about two thousand rubles, which is much cheaper than buying it in a store.

Video on the topic of the article

In order for a long cosmetic procedure to take place in comfortable conditions, a nail technician needs a well-organized workspace.

The easiest way to solve this issue is to install a comfortable manicure table at your workplace.

Furniture manufacturers offer a wide variety of ready-made manicure tables of various shapes and configurations.

However, even budget models made from cheap laminated chipboard cost from 5-6 thousand rubles. In this article we will tell you how to make a stylish and comfortable one with your own hands. natural wood manicure table, spending three times less on it.

When designing any table, the first thing that is taken into account is not its shape or configuration, but parameters such as height, width and depth.

For the most part, manicure tables are made with standard sizes:

  • height - 73-75 centimeters;
  • width - 110-130 centimeters;
  • depth - 45-55 cm.

The optimal height of the desktop tabletop in accordance with recognized standards is 75-80 centimeters (with a chair height of 45-48 centimeters). Such indicators provide maximum ease of use and eliminate the development of spinal disorders.

As for the width of the manicure table, it (if space allows) can be larger - up to 150-160 cm. The wider the working surface, the more convenient it is to place the necessary tools and materials on it. The minimum permissible width of a manicure table is 1 meter, but in this case there will be clearly not enough space.

The most comfortable depth of the work table is 45-55 centimeters. If you make it wider, then there will be too much distance between the master and the client and they will have to reach for each other, which causes extreme inconvenience just a few minutes after the start of the procedure. If you make it less than 45 cm, then their knees will rest against each other.

The table model discussed in this article fully meets the requirements:

  • working height of about 75 centimeters (73 centimeters leg + 18 mm tabletop thickness) will provide a comfortable position at the table for people of average height;
  • a width of 120 centimeters will be enough for a large number of materials, tools and accessories;
  • The depth of the table is chosen optimally for convenient interaction between the master and the client.

The table is equipped with a tabletop of an unusual figured shape, which does not have any dangerous sharp corners. The design provides an ergonomic cabinet with open shelves and a convenient top shelf on the side stand (you can make 2 or 3 of them if desired).

On one side the tabletop “lies” on the cabinet, on the other it is supported by a stable metal leg with a diameter of 60 mm. The entire structure is very stable, which is important when performing delicate work.

Required materials and tools

To make a manicure table for your home with your own hands, we will need a pine furniture board grade “A” or “B” of standard size. You can purchase it on the construction market or in hypermarkets such as Leroy Merlin, MaxiDom, Castorama, MegaStroy, etc.

For our table you will need 3 sheets of the following sizes:

  • 1200x400, standard thickness - 18 mm (price at Leroy Merlin - about 300 rubles);
  • 1200x600 (costs about 450 rubles);
  • 1500x300 (about 300 rubles).

You also need to purchase the following items:

  • round leg 710x60 mm with height adjustment, choice of color - “chrome”, “nickel”, “bronze”, etc. (price at Leroy Merlin - 450 rubles);
  • furniture screed - 16 pieces (about 50 rubles);
  • decorative plugs for euroscrews - 16 pieces (about 50 rubles);
  • rectangular thrust bearing 18x35 mm, plastic - 4 pieces (20 rubles);
  • furniture corners 4 pieces;
  • wood screws 16 mm - 12 pieces;
  • silky-matte varnish Dufa Parkettlack 0.75 l (about 500 rubles) or any other furniture or yacht varnish of increased wear resistance.

Tools you will need:

  • drill;
  • drill for confirmations (euroscrews);
  • jigsaw;
  • fine-tooth hacksaw;
  • hex key for confirmations;
  • pencil;
  • rope;
  • roulette;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • brush.

Drawing of a simple manicure table

Making a manicure table step by step - instructions

All work consists of several successive stages:

  1. Cutting (marking and slicing) of material. We recommend starting with a simpler task - cutting furniture panels to assemble a cabinet. We leave the standard sheet measuring 1200x600 as is, since it suits us perfectly for the high right wall of the table. We cut a shield measuring 1500x300 with a fine-tooth hacksaw into 4 parts: 73 cm - 1 piece, 24 cm - 3 pieces.

The most difficult and crucial moment is cutting the tabletop, since it has fillets with a variable radius. In accordance with the sketch, we apply the outline of the future tabletop to the surface of the sheet. The radius element (in the sketch - D 41) can be drawn more accurately using a rope, measuring a radius of 21.5 cm. The remaining lines are drawn by hand. Next, we work with a jigsaw along the finished contour and sand the cut area with sandpaper. From the remaining scraps we cut out the upper shelves with rounded corners.

  1. Table assembly. We start with the nightstand. To do this, we drill holes in the side walls and ends of the shelves with a drill bit for confirmations (euro screws) in accordance with the sketch. In this case, the distance between the shelves can be changed at your discretion (some can be made higher, some can be reduced). Using euroscrews and a hex wrench, we assemble the cabinet.

We turn the tabletop over and install a metal leg - it is attached to 4 self-tapping screws (if the fasteners are not included in the kit, you need to purchase them). After this, we install the tabletop on the cabinet and fasten it using furniture corners and self-tapping screws. We adjust the height of the leg so that the structure is stable. That's it, our manicure table is ready!

  1. Treatment. All that remains is to coat it with varnish. It was no coincidence that we chose Dufa Parkettlack varnish on an alkyd-polyurethane basis: after drying, it forms a wear-resistant coating that can withstand cleaning using detergents. If desired, you can choose a different paint coating. It is enough to process the body elements once; the surface of the table top must be covered in 2-3 layers.

Do-it-yourself manicure table hood

Manicure dust, which always forms during nail correction, as well as when removing gel polish and other artificial coatings, not only interferes with work, but also harms the health of the artist and the client.

To prevent harmful particles from ending up in your lungs, you should install a built-in hood in the countertop of the manicure table(vacuum cleaner). This compact device absorbs and retains up to 99% of all dust, creating a comfortable and safe working environment.

Installing the hood takes 10 minutes. A groove of the desired shape is cut out in the tabletop using a jigsaw, the device is installed in it and secured with self-tapping screws.


To cut a groove, you first need to drill a hole with a diameter of about 12 mm in the tabletop (a jigsaw file is inserted into it). To obtain an even cut without chipping or scoring, it is recommended to use files with fine teeth
