Kermek or limonium: features of care, cultivation, reproduction. Limonium - planting and caring for a Kermek broad-leaved flower growing

Flower beds are an integral part of any suburban area, even if it is focused only on growing the necessary vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers. A decorative element will be present even here, and preference will be given to the most unpretentious instances. For example, such as limonium, or statice. Lush bushes will gladly decorate the free area near the country house and do not require special care for them.

Despite its “speaking” name, limonium has no family ties with citrus fruit, since the word came from the Greek language, where limonium is “meadow”. Of course, such a translation is not without meaning: it directly indicates the habitat of the plant - in natural conditions it fills sunny glades and lawns, as well as areas near salt lakes. A flower accustomed to a lack of moisture tolerates a dry summer well and does not suffer from an excess of direct sunlight. Here it is impossible not to mention the other name of limonimum - statice, which means "dried flower". And again, the translation is “speaking”: even when dried, the stems, leaves and flowers of limonium retain their original attractiveness, as a result of which it is often dried for various compositions or simple bookmarks.

This plant has up to 200 varieties, and all of them are characterized by unpretentious care and splendor of bushes with openwork inflorescences in the shape of a ball or more elongated. The color range is extensive, from simple scarlet or even green petals to delicate white flowers with purple centers, and each of them retains a bright calyx. The height of the bush varies depending on the species and variety: the lowest ones hardly exceed 30 cm from the root, the highest ones can stretch up to 1 m, while the spreading of the bush is not lost. The flowering period of limonium is short - from the last days of July to September. The stems are lignified, dense, the leaves are located not only along their length, but also at the root. The main root can go into the ground for a length equal to the height of the bush, while having several small secondary short roots, which explains the resistance of magnolia vine to drought. However, such a root system also becomes a disadvantage of the plant, since it makes its transplantation risky. The lateral roots are easily damaged, and the main one cannot always be pulled out completely, which leads to the death of the kermek.

The attractiveness of the statice lies in the fact that among a wide range of species and varieties, you can choose both a perennial and an annual. This allows each gardener to try to plant lemongrass on his plot and decide whether it is worth growing it further, and also to select the most suitable place for him, each year occupying a new area with annual bushes. Perennials are common and broad-leaved limonium, as well as Gmelin limonium: the latter barely reaches a height of 50 cm and gives a not too lush bush, while the broad-leaved limonium resembles a fluffy ball strewn with flowers, and the traditional one has a long bare stem with sparse leaves in base and a "candle" of inflorescences at the top. In the middle lane, as annuals, Chinese limonium is grown, high (up to 80 cm), with yellow small flowers collected in a panicle; Limonium Bonduelle - even taller (up to 90 cm), whose flowers also have yellow or cream petals, but are distinguished by thin, flexible stems; as well as notched limonium - no less tall, but decorated with blue or gray-lilac flowers. Schisandra arborescens should be mentioned separately: it stands out a little from a slender row of bushes from 30 to 80 cm high, since it can reach 120 cm in height. Its stems are dense, hard, branched, the leaves are rough, leathery, and the flowers are bright pink, almost neon in color, and tree-like lemongrass is also grown as an annual.

Limonium Suvorov: characteristics

Among all the species and varieties of the plant, Suvorov's limonium, remembered for its lilac-pink "candles", deserved special recognition from gardeners. Due to their size, annual bushes are more often located not in flowerbeds, but along the perimeter of certain areas: they reach a height of 80-85 cm, which makes Suvorov's limonium a good choice as a natural partition. In addition, it is also beautiful in winter dry bouquets: the shade of the petals darkens slightly when dried, and the dense stems do not lose their shape, as a result of which thin “candles” fit perfectly into almost any composition and can decorate a room for a long time without requiring replacement for several years .

Limonium Suvorov begins to bloom in mid-July and will keep its appearance until severe frosts, and it should be cut off for dry bouquets when all the flowers on the “candle” are fully opened, but the lowest ones do not begin to fade. This is a great resident for any mix group: it does not conflict with other flowers and decorative foliage bushes, but usually plays a major role, so Suvorov's limonium looks best with low (up to 40 cm) bushes and single flowers, whose petals are made in neutral or white-blue gamma. If statica is grown from seeds through seedlings, there is a chance to speed up flowering by shifting its beginning to the last decade of June. However, the total duration of this period will not increase: it is always 45-60 days.

Due to the fact that Suvorov's limonium belongs to the group of annual plants, the issue of transplanting it disappears: after the seedlings reach "adult" age, they are immediately transferred to the selected area, where the bushes will sit until frost. After severe cold weather, they are dug up by the roots and fertilized with them: this is a great option if you want to change the pattern of your garden and its “inhabitants” every year. If you are so interested in limonium that you would like to plant it and see it in the same place for several years, you should pay attention to perennial species: ordinary kermek or broad-leaved limonium.

Features of growing a plant from seeds

Growing statice from seeds is carried out in 2 ways: immediately in open ground, which is suitable only for the southern regions, or through seedlings, which is important for areas in late spring and a sharply continental climate. The last option is carried out in March or early April: if you have a good greenhouse, you can sow limonium in it, after simply transplanting the seedlings to the desired area. Or a greenhouse is created at home, and seedlings are grown in an apartment.

Before sowing, the seeds of limonium are poured with warm water so that empty, incapable of germination specimens can be selected. Those that sink to the bottom are taken out and scattered on a paper towel, after which they are given 30-40 minutes. to get rid of moisture. The ribbed shell should not be removed: the seeds are laid in a moistened substrate with it - this will not affect their germination. The sown limonium seeds must be covered with a thin layer of earth, after which glass or a plastic sheet is placed on the box, and the container is placed in a bright and warm place. The presence of direct sunlight throughout the cultivation of statice is a mandatory factor on which the condition of the plant depends. Additionally, it is important to follow the schedule of daily watering with warm, settled water.

Sprouts hatch for 10-12 days, but if the conditions are not met, you may have to wait up to 16-18 days. When 2-3 leaves appear on each of them, the seedlings dive into separate containers. Professionals advise taking cardboard cups, from which in the future you will not have to remove limonium, which reacts sharply to any movements. If the temperature of the earth allows, you can immediately plant the statice in open ground by digging a hole in depth equal to 2 heights of a young stem.

The soil for limonium should be loamy, with good air and water conductivity. For this purpose, you can introduce drainage into the hole, as well as add sand. In addition, professionals say that the statice will react positively to the introduction of a saline solution into the substrate: 1 tbsp is taken for 5 liters of water. table or sea salt. In addition, the site must be selected so that the sun's rays constantly fall on it, and it is not in a lowland: otherwise water will constantly collect here, which will lead to waterlogging of the soil and destroy limonium. And between the bushes a distance of 30-35 cm is maintained so that the overgrown specimens do not interfere with each other.

Different types of Kermek conquered a vast territory, settling in North America, Australia, Africa, Western Siberia and Europe. In the Mediterranean, they cover the dry slopes of the coast of the seas (even on saline soils) and lakes, forming a carpet of different shades, for which they received one of the names Limonium, which means “meadow” in Greek. Due to the wide geography, different peoples gave this plant different names: statica, Tatar grass, sea lavender, etc.

Carl Linnaeus cataloged this species for the first time, gave it the name Statice sinuate, assigned it to the genus Kermekovye. In the modern classification of Kermek or, as its name sounds in Latin, Limonium belongs to the Plumbaginaceae family.

Of some species growing in the steppes and deserts, a tumbleweed is formed. Thus, they disperse seeds, expanding the boundaries of their habitat.

Limonium is found as a perennial and biennial herbaceous crop. In horticulture of central Russia, annual species are more often used. The root system is pivotal and very long, adapted in dry areas to receive water from great depths. Plant height ranges from 20 cm to 2 meters. The leaves are either collected in a lanceolate basal rosette, or elongated narrow. Rare and very small leaves are found on the stem. The leaf blade is often green or gray-green in color, in some species it is wavy with a jagged edge.

The flowers are bell-shaped, with five petals, collected in a paniculate or corymbose inflorescence. In temperate latitudes, flowering begins in July, ends with the arrival of the first frost. In regions with a subtropical and Mediterranean climate, flowering begins a few months earlier. The palette of inflorescences is very diverse. There are white, yellow, pink, lilac, violet, blue, purple colors.

Some species, such as Kermek Gmelina and Kermek Broadleaf, are used not only in landscape design and floristry, but also as a honey plant.

Species and varieties

Many species came to gardening from the wild, practically unchanged, for example, Kermek Broadleaf and Kermek Gmelin are found in the wild in the steppes, on the edges of the tracts of Europe and the Caucasus. Not a single variety has been bred for landscape design, but the plants are so winter-hardy and decorative that they remain popular among gardeners.

Kermek Tatarsky

The habitat of Kermek Tatarsky is distributed in the south of the European part of Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Caucasus. In the steppe regions, after flowering, this plant forms a tumbleweed. The root is taproot and very long, the leaves are wide, leathery. The height of the plant is only 30-40 cm. The shape is rounded. The peduncle appears in June, the bud consists of five dry white petals. Growing Kermek Tatar does not require much effort. It suits poor dry and stony soils. The plant will grow on both chalky and acidic soils. You can grow a lush plant with abundant flowering by enriching the soil with humus.

Shelter for wintering in the middle lane is not required. You can sow seeds for seedlings in March, seedlings are planted in a permanent place in August and September. Vegetative division is possible, but the survival rate is very low. This species can also be propagated by dividing the outlet. In the garden, the plant is ideal for a well-lit place on an alpine hill. Can be used as a dried flower.

Kermek Tatarsky

Kermek Broadleaf

Kermek Broadleaf got its name due to the wide leathery leaves collected in a basal rosette. Small inflorescences on strongly branched shoots are painted purple, rise to a height of 50 cm. Flowering begins in July, ends after 1.5 months. Flowering is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The bush grows up to 50 cm in diameter, in landscape design it looks good as a tapeworm. In the wild, it prefers the dry steppe slopes of the Caucasus, and therefore does not tolerate stagnant water in the garden. For planting, it is better to immediately choose a permanent sunny, open place. There is another name in the literature - flat-leaved kermek.

Kermek Broadleaf

Statice Suvorov dried flower

Statica Suvorov or Suvorov's plantain is a close genus to the Kermeks. It is grown in gardens as an annual plant. Statica seeds are sown in April, in a permanent place - in May or June, to avoid night frosts. The flower stalks of the plant resemble spikelets of plantain, reach a height of 20 to 80 cm, are painted in lilac and pink colors.

Statice Suvorov

Kermek Caspian

A heat-loving variety of Limonium, prefers the salt marshes of the seas and salt lakes. The height of the plant reaches 70 cm. The peduncle is distinguished by the presence of small, often branched shoots that look like leaves. Inflorescences are pale purple, very small. It freezes out in the open ground of central Russia. In heat-loving regions, the flower is grown for bouquets. Very well preserved, after drying does not change color.

Kermek Caspian

Kermek Notched

Kermek Notched or Notched. This species is native to Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and North Africa. The leaves are weakly expressed, pinnate, form a basal rosette. On the sides of the stem are broad-winged ribs. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. The flowers are collected in dense spikes, mostly blue, purple, pink, white or yellow. After flowering, a fruit is formed - an obovate box.

In the temperate latitudes of Russia, it is grown as an annual. On the site it is very important to provide the plant with maximum lighting, since even a small reduction in lighting will affect the quality and duration of flowering. Grown abroad and in the southern regions of Russia for floristry, like bouquet flowers. When dried, the petals do not change color or shape.

Kermek Notched

Kermek Gmelin

On saline soils of sea coasts and river valleys, Kermek Gmelin feels good. Widely distributed in the steppe regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia, Central Asia, Mongolia, Northern China and central Europe. Tall (up to 50 cm) perennial plant. In contrast to the very close species of Kermek Broadleaf, the peduncle of this species is less sprawling, collected in dense brushes. The color of the petals is lilac, in rare cases white. The leaves are painted gray-green and collected in a basal rosette. In central Russia, in winter, it is advisable to cover Kermek Gmelin, and in spring to shade from the bright sun.

Kermek Gmelin

Kermek Bonduelli

In North Africa, Kermek Bonduelli is widely used. For ornamental purposes, it is grown as an annual plant. The height of the bush is up to 90 cm. On thin stems, lush inflorescences are painted yellow or white.

Kermek Bonduelli

Kermek Chinese

Under natural conditions, the plant is a perennial, while in temperate latitudes it is cultivated as an annual. The basal rosette is formed from glossy leaves. The peduncle grows up to 70 cm in height. The inflorescences are yellow with white perianths. Breeders bred varieties of Confetti and Elegant from this species.

Kermek Chinese

Kermek ordinary

A perennial plant with a high stem up to 50 cm. The stem is straight and bare, the root system is pivotal, reaches a depth of 1 m. The leaves are green, oval in shape, collected in a rosette. It blooms for a little over a month with purple flowers collected in a panicle inflorescence, up to 50 cm in diameter.

Kermek ordinary

plant care

Kermek Gmelin is the most common species in the gardens of the temperate latitudes of Russia. Most species thrive in the winter without shelter. May suffer from waterlogging of the soil in the spring, from sunburn in early spring. The main requirement for the soil is good drainage. If you grow Limonium for flowers, then it is advisable to take care of fertilizing once every two weeks, as well as mulching and loosening the soil. On heavy and clay soils, flowering and plant development will be noticeably worse. Despite the fact that the plant is drought-resistant, it is better to water it additionally on hot summer days.

Diseases and pests

Statices are very hardy plants, practically unaffected by pests, with the exception of aphids. You can get rid of it by regularly spraying the affected plant with insecticides. During a period of strong moisture, the plant may suffer from root rot. Controlling the moderation of watering and good drainage during planting will help to avoid infection.

Transplant and reproduction

Statica is a perennial plant, but in central Russia, most varieties are grown as an annual. Perennial species include: Kermek Gmelin, Kermek Caspian, Kermek broad-leaved and Kermek ordinary. Annual species often found in gardens are Kermek Bonduelli, Kermek Chinese and Notched. There are several ways of reproduction: sowing seeds in open ground, seedlings and vegetative.

Growing Kermek

Seed germination is low, about 20-30%, the plant does not like transplants. Sow seeds in open ground in early spring, when the possibility of night frosts has passed and the earth warms up well. A more efficient way to grow Kermek from seeds is seedlings in early March. Each germinated seed is initially planted in a separate pot, from which it is later transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation of plants for the garden

In the garden, the plant reproduces poorly by seeds on its own, most often the seeds do not have time to ripen. Vegetative propagation is also fraught with difficulties, since the root system is very long and it is almost impossible to divide the maternal outlet without damaging it. Planting shoots is best done in early spring or autumn.

medicinal properties

Kermek has a number of useful properties. In folk medicine, the root of the plant is used to prepare decoctions and infusions. Flowers are included in some collections.

Kermek root

Kermek root is a unique preparation. The raw material is dried and ground into powder to obtain a 20% aqueous or 10% alcohol solution. For the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding, an infusion of wine is used.

Contraindications to the use of Kermek

For the use of preparations based on Kermek, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage. Kermek medicinal preparations are not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for people suffering from constipation and high blood clotting.

Useful properties of Kermek

The therapeutic characteristics of Kermek are associated with its astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties based on ellagonic acid, glycoside, alkaloids and tannins.

Application of Kermek

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of drugs based on the root of kermek for the treatment of diseases such as dysentery, catarrh of the stomach, painful menstruation, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Use in landscape design

A rich color palette of inflorescences and undemanding soil makes this plant indispensable for rock gardens and gardens with poor rocky soil. Undersized species in mixborders and on the sides of the paths will delight in flowering from mid-summer until frost. Due to the unpleasant smell during flowering, it is better to avoid planting near the house and arbors on the site. When dry, the smell disappears. Dried flower Kermek can remain unchanged for up to several years. In bouquets, they use Kermek notched, Gmelina, broad-leaved. In bouquets, they last up to two weeks and enjoy well-deserved love from florists.

A thick cap of bright inflorescences-clouds, as if hovering over delicate greenery, is Kermek, the longed-for dream of many gardeners. The multi-colored handsome man is not like other flowers growing in our gardens, and stands out for his original appearance. Until recently, only the most sophisticated flower growers knew about this amazing representative of the kingdom of Flora, but recently Kermek has gained unprecedented popularity.

It should be noted that the plant is not only beautiful, but also has a flexible character. Many species are perennials, that is, they do not need to be planted every year. In addition, kermek, for the most part, is frost-resistant and easily withstands the winters of central Russia.

The unusual name of the flower has Turkic roots. However, this flowering plant has other names, such as limonium, which comes from the Greek word for meadow or lawn. In our country, kermek is often called statice or statice, and abroad - sea lavender or marsh rosemary.

Limonium is not only beautiful, it has useful properties that have been known since ancient times:

  • Some species are used to obtain multi-colored dyes used in leather and carpet production.
  • Kermek root contains tannin, which is used in leather tanning.
  • Limonium also has medicinal properties. In folk medicine, the flower has been recognized as an effective wound healing and hemostatic agent.

But, of course, the most important purpose of limonium is to decorate gardens and delight the eye with bright airy flowers.

From the point of view of botany, Kermek (lat. Limonium) is a numerous genus that is part of the family of lead or plumbags (lat. Plumbaginaceae), and its closest relatives, known in decorative floriculture, are lead, armeria and goniolimon. These are herbaceous, rarely shrubby, perennial or biennial plants, the maximum height of which in the wild can reach 2 meters. Simple whole or lobed leaves, as a rule, are collected in a dense basal rosette, and small flowers - in dense spikelets, which, in turn, are collected in complex corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. The color of the petals varies, depending on the variety, from white and yellow to dark purple. And the most common shades of flowers are purple and lilac.

The homeland of Kermek is considered to be the Mediterranean and Central Asia, although at present the plant has spread widely throughout the globe, including Russia. Moreover, some species are found even in regions with a harsh climate: in Siberia and Altai.

According to various sources, from 150 to 360 species belong to the genus, and at least 30 are used as decorative ones.

[!] A widespread ornamental perennial - Tatarian kermek, previously belonging to the genus of the same name, is separated into a separate genus of goniolimons.

Recently, interest in culture has grown markedly, new forms and varieties appear, and designers willingly include kermek in landscape compositions.

Types and varieties of Kermek

All types and varieties of limonium grown in Russia as ornamental crops can be divided into two groups:

  • perennial,
  • annuals.

Perennials include:

Kermek broadleaf or flat-leaved (lat. Limonium platyphyllum). Herbaceous densely pubescent plant, the maximum height of which is 60-70 cm. Large, rich green leaves are collected in a dense basal rosette. There are no leaves on the peduncles growing from the center of the rosette. Small purple flowers are collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences. In the midst of flowering, broad-leaved limonium looks very impressive and resembles a large lace ball. Of the varieties, the following can be noted:

  • "Violetta" (Violetta) is a medium-sized (about 60 cm) plant with strongly branching shoots and lavender-colored inflorescences.
  • "Robert Butler" (Robert Butler) - differs in a rich lilac tone of flowers.
  • "Grandiflorum" (Large-flowered) - a variety with large inflorescences.
  • "True Blue" (Real blue) - dense blue-violet inflorescences.
  • "Blue Cloud" (Blue cloud) - a fairly large variety with spreading stems, the ends of which are decorated with purple flowers.

K. "Violetta", K. "Robert Butler", K. "Blue Cloud"

Kermek Gmelin(lat. Limonium gmelinii). A species used primarily as a medicinal plant. In decorative floriculture, Gmelin's limonium, although common, is less common than broad-leaved. This is a medium-high (up to 50 cm) plant with a branched stem, a basal rosette of bluish-green leaves and corymbose inflorescences, consisting of a large number of small flowers.

Kermek ordinary(lat. Limonium vulgare). Herbaceous perennial with large basal leaves and very small purple flowers in paniculate inflorescences.

Kermek Caspian(lat. Limonium caspium). A plant with graceful peduncles, decorated with pale lilac flowers. Not common, tk. does not differ in frost resistance and is suitable for cultivation only in the southern regions.

K. Gmelina, K. ordinary, K. Caspian

There are about the same number of species grown in Russia as annuals:

Kermek notched or dark blue limonium (lat. Limonium sinuatum). A perennial plant about 60 cm high with pale green pinnate leaves in a basal rosette and tall erect shoots, at the end of which corymbose inflorescences are formed. Dense shields consist of a large number of small flowers, collected in spikelets and painted in a variety of colors: white, yellow, pink, purple.

To date, many varieties have been bred, differing mainly in shades of inflorescences, and both multi-colored and plain mixtures are on sale:

  • "Forever mix" (Consistency, mixture) - a mixture of bright multi-colored varieties.
  • "Forever Gold" (Gold forever) - long-flowering (July-September) annual with bright yellow inflorescences.
  • "Ice Berg" (Iceberg) - beautiful snow-white flowers.
  • "Petite Bouquet" (Petite bouquet) - a multi-colored mix of undersized (up to 30 cm) varieties.

K. "Forever mix", K. "Forever Gold", K. "Ice Berg"
  • "Midnight Blue" (Midnight blue) - dense inflorescences of a lavender shade.
  • "American Beauty" (American beautiful) - the flowers have a very pleasant burgundy-pink color.
  • "Nachtblau" (Dark blue) - as the name implies, the petals are painted in deep blue.

K. "Midnight Blue", K. "American Beauty", K. "Nachtblau"

Here are just a few of the more popular varieties. In fact, there are many more of them and every year more and more new ones appear.

Kermek Chinese(lat. Limonium sinensis). A species that has recently become widespread as an ornamental and has gained popularity in a short time. Its distinctive features: large glossy leaves, collected in a rosette, from the center of which smooth shoots appear with yellow, white or cream-colored inflorescences. The height of a cultivated plant does not exceed 70 cm.

Kermek Perez(lat. Limonium perezii). An exotic, rare species, whose homeland is the Canary Islands. Its main difference is large bright inflorescences and thickened oval leaves in a basal rosette. Color of flowers - all shades of blue or lilac. It blooms only under the condition of a long hot summer, so it is better suited for the southern regions.

K. Chinese, K. Perez

Decorative use of kermek

Kermek is not in vain so fond of flower growers and designers. It looks great both in a group with other species, and individually, as a tapeworm. Colorful inflorescences look like fluffy clouds lying on a soft green pillow. The plant can decorate a variety of compositions: rock gardens, rockeries, mixborders. Low-growing varieties are not forbidden to be placed along paths or paths, forming a kind of flower borders.

[!] Some types of limonium have bright cups that decorate the plant after flowering is over. They are called "eternal flowers".

As partners for Kermek, perennials that contrast in color should be selected. For blue, pink and purple varieties - yellow and orange marigolds and calendula, for white and yellow - pink armeria or pyrethrum.

Medium-high and high species will look good with lower flowering ground covers: saxifrage,.

[!] Broad-leaved Kermek should not be planted near the house, veranda or gazebo: the flowers of this species have a sharp unpleasant odor. Dried flowers of broad-leaved limonium have no aroma.

Limonium is often harvested for drying. The fact is that the dried flowers do not lose their brightness and retain their color for a long time. Kermek should be harvested for dried flowers only in dry, warm weather, giving preference to blue and yellow varieties that almost do not fade in the sun.

A beautifully flowering perennial is often used as a cut flower. Delicate airy inflorescences perfectly set off the larger and brighter flowers of other plants.

Kermek: cultivation and care

In general, limonium is considered a plant that is easy to maintain. The main task of the grower is to create conditions close to natural. Only in this case, the kermek will look healthy and bloom perfectly.

Location, soil, watering

When growing both perennial and annual species, it is extremely important to choose a suitable site for them. Kermek grows well only in the open sun, reacting negatively even to slight shading. The fact is that in nature, limoniums settle in well-lit arid places, so it is very important to plant a plant on the south side.

The composition of the substrate is also of great importance for Kermek. The southern guest does not tolerate heavy clayey chernozems. The soil should be light, well drained, water and breathable. For greater looseness of the soil mixture, before planting, it is necessary to add a certain amount of clean coarse sand.

Soil acidity should be neutral or alkaline (pH 6.5 to 7.5). Too acidic substrate can be neutralized by liming.

[!] On poor soils, limonium looks more compact and neat, without growing too much. Nutritious soils, on the contrary, provoke strong branching and stretching of shoots.

Due to the long rod-shaped root that goes deep into the ground, Kermek is able to independently receive the necessary amount of moisture, so the plant does not need frequent watering. Watering is necessary only on the hottest dry days and only when signs of dehydration appear (leaves and shoots droop). Too much water is very damaging to limonium, causing root rot that can kill the flower.

As a rule, kermek grown in household plots blooms every year from the beginning of July until the first frost. However, some gardeners complain about the lack of buds. In order for limonium to bloom profusely, several conditions must be met:

  • Planting the plant in the open sun, without shading.
  • Loose neutral or alkaline soils.
  • Warm, long summer.
  • The absence of large neighbors blocking the kermek.

In addition, do not forget that perennial species begin to bloom only in the second or third year, after sufficiently powerful roots are formed.

Collecting seeds, preparing for winter

In order to obtain seeds after flowering suitable for planting next year, you should first prepare the plant, leaving only 3-4 of the strongest inflorescences. The rest must be removed and used for a bouquet or herbarium.

In autumn, after the flower petals burn out, and the shields themselves turn brown, the flower stalks are cut off and dried in a dry room. After drying, long black-brown seeds must be extracted from them. As a rule, the seeds are difficult to extract, so you can plant a whole shield or broken into several parts, although in this case, seedlings will appear much later. The germination of Kermek seeds lasts for 3-4 years.

[!] In a cold, rainy summer, the seeds, as a rule, do not ripen, and it is impossible to harvest them.

Most perennial statice are frost-resistant species that winter in central Russia without protection, however, in a particularly cold winter, the plant may die. In order to protect the kermek from frost, you can arrange a light shelter using dry fallen leaves or a special covering material for this.

Propagation of Kermek by seeds

As mentioned above, limonium has a long rod-shaped root that cannot be cut without injuring the plant. That is why reproduction by division is not applicable to Kermek. You can get new plants only from seeds.

Seeds are sown:

  • in late February - early April for seedlings,
  • in the second half of May in open ground.

In central Russia, preference should be given to the first method, because. Limonium seedlings are very tender and can die from even a slight drop in temperature.

To get seedlings you need:

  1. Prepare separate containers-pots. Due to the long root, the plant does not respond well to transplanting and diving, so you need to sow in such a way that later, together with a clod of earth, transfer the sprout to open ground.
  2. Fill the containers with a light peat-sand mixture.
  3. Soak the seeds for a day in water at room temperature.
  4. Gently moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. Scatter the seeds over the surface without deepening them.
  6. Lightly sprinkle with dry, clean sand on top.

[!] Sometimes kermek begins to bloom in seedlings. Such peduncles should be removed so that the plant does not expend energy on buds.

When planting limonium seeds in open ground, the algorithm of actions is the same, only you need to start sowing no earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June, after the earth has warmed up enough.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

The main ailments that occur on kermek are usually associated with improper plant care: excessive moisture, planting in the shade or in wet lowlands, ignoring the shelter of non-frost-resistant species. Moreover, the most common mistake of flower growers is too frequent watering, which the flower does not need at all. Because of this, dangerous root rot can develop, which is especially harmful to young shoots. Unfortunately, the treatment of this disease is useless, and the affected plants can only be removed and burned.

Sometimes ugly brownish spots and specks may appear on the leaves. This disease is called rust. It is necessary to thin out the plantings and cut off the affected leaves, and spray the remaining ones with a fungicide, the main active ingredient of which is penconazole (Topaz).

The pest that most often threatens limonium can be called aphids, which can be fought with the help of tobacco infusion or chemical insecticides.

It is worth noting that with proper and timely care, kermek will not cause any trouble to its owner.

Kermek is a spectacular and beautiful flower that grows well where other species cannot stand it: in the open sun, in arid places. Lilac, white and pink clouds of inflorescences will look great in any garden, attracting everyone's attention.

Even if the summer cottage is intended solely for practical purposes, that is, for growing vegetables and fruits, flower beds on it, albeit in small numbers, are present. As a rule, in such situations, preference is given to unpretentious colors, which include limonium or otherwise statice, kemek. Lush bright bushes will become a worthy decoration of the backyard and will not require special attention.

How to grow limonium, the photo of which the reader sees on this page, how to care for a flower? Let's get to know him better.

Limonium - growing from seed

Lemongrass is grown in two ways. First of which is only suitable for regions with a warm climate - the seeds are immediately planted in open ground. For the northern regions, in which spring comes late, it is recommended to use ready-made seedlings.

Seedlings are grown in greenhouses, sowing seeds in the month of March. When it gets warmer outside, and the shoots rise and get stronger, it is transferred to the open ground. If there is no greenhouse, seedlings can be obtained directly in the apartment.

Before sowing the seeds, they are poured with warm water, those that are incapable of germination (empty, damaged, darkened) are removed. Healthy and viable seeds will settle to the bottom. They need to be collected and laid out on a paper napkin for 30-40 minutes. Ribbed scales do not need to be removed, their presence will not affect germination.

Seeds poured into the ground should be covered with a thin layer of soil. From above, the container must be covered with glass or transparent plastic and placed where it is warm and light. Seedlings should not lack sunlight. Seeds covered with earth should be watered daily with settled water at room temperature.

After 12-14 days, the first shoots should appear. If care is not followed thoroughly, pecking may occur a week later. When 2-3 leaves are formed on the shoots, they are seated in separate cups. Experienced flower growers recommend using paper cups, from which seedlings do not need to be removed when planting. Over time, the paper will get wet and limp, it will not interfere with the growth of limonium.

Before planting, pits should be prepared, the depth of which is twice the length of the stem. The soil should be loamy and breathable. Drainage can be introduced into each hole and sand should be added. A saline solution prepared in the proportion of 1 tbsp will have a good effect on the state of the static. a spoonful of salt per 5 liters of water.

A plot with a flower bed should not be in a lowland, otherwise the plants may simply rot from an excess of moisture. It is necessary to observe the distance between the bushes (35-40 cm). An abundance of sunlight is a prerequisite for good flower growth.

Limonium is beautiful on its own, but it looks most attractive in combination with other flowers:






Video how to plant Limonium seeds

The most interesting views

Limonium Suvorov reaches a height of 80 cm. The inflorescences are grouped into long winding spikelets of a lilac-pink hue. For dry compositions, Suvorov's limonium is considered the most suitable.

Dried bushes retain their rich color and shape for several years, which does not require special treatment.

Limonium notched attracts with its bright blue color. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Kermek Gmelin- perennial undersized shrub (40 cm). Flowers have a rich purple color.

The next instance is kermek treelike

famous for its gigantic stature. The height of the bush reaches 120 cm. The plant is perennial, has dense basal leaves resembling belts.

Record holders for the duration of flowering are limonium sinuata

AND limonium bondwelli.

Despite the unpretentiousness of shrubs, they do not tolerate transplantation, which is due to a well-developed root system that extends deep into the soil. Transplanting often leads to the death of the plant. Regarding pests, limonium is quite resistant.
