How to increase the speed of thinking: practical recommendations. Exercises for the speed of thinking How to develop the speed of the brain

Has it ever happened to you, replaying in your head the negotiations that have just been held or your participation in a heated discussion, with annoyance to admit that, unfortunately, only now, after some time, the necessary argument for partners or an exact remark in defiance came to your mind? To your opponent? And the train, as they say, has already left. What determines the speed of decision-making and how to develop the speed of thinking?

Let's look at a simple comparison. Have you noticed how the speed of the information flow differs between a movie in the cinema and a series on TV? Directors, when shooting a film, have a good idea of ​​the environment in which the audience will watch it, and depending on this, they choose the appropriate speed for the development of the plot. In the cinema, you are fully involved in what is happening on the screen.

The pace of information presentation is so high that in order to facilitate perception, the rest of the stimuli are removed by turning off the lights in the hall. On the contrary, at home you watch the series at a measured pace, you have the opportunity to run to the refrigerator for something tasty, get distracted by a phone call and still stay abreast of events taking place on the screen.

The brain of different people also works at different tempo-rhythms. Someone easily navigates the information flows that fall on him like frames of an action movie, while someone is able to process only the speed of the soap opera tempo. The speed of processing incoming information available to a person is called the speed of thinking.

The development of the speed of thinking is one of the directions for the development of a disciplined mind.

The speed of thinking is determined by the speed of the main nervous processes: excitation and inhibition. These are psychophysiological characteristics, and they cannot be influenced by a simple effort of will. But what can really be done is by training your mind to increase the speed of information processing.

So, here are 10 effective exercises for developing the speed of thinking.

1. Scenario "What if ..."

When preparing for complex negotiations or a meeting where you are required to respond quickly to a rapidly changing situation, think over possible scenarios in advance. Ask yourself what you will say in response to such and such a question, or how you will act in such and such a situation, or how you will parry your opponent's remark.

Such training is useful in that it encourages you to build probabilistic models of the future in your head. Use the preventive calculation of possible events as a simulator, because by imagining the situation, you can arbitrarily speed up or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

2. Practice the purity of your speech

As long as your vocabulary is littered with this verbal husk, the tempo of your thoughts will be slower than the tempo of which you are actually capable.

3. Practice thinking in another language

When the opportunity arises to reason outside of rigid time frames, force your brain to reason in a foreign language, not your native language. By forcing the brain to build the logic of reasoning in a non-native language, you train it so that it can then do the same in its native language much faster.

4. Reading with a stopwatch

Read a chapter of any book as quickly as possible. Record the time it takes you to read. Now note the time again and quickly retell the main information you just read. Do this exercise regularly, each time trying to reduce both the time for reading and the time for retelling what was read. So you develop both the speed of perception and the speed of information reproduction.

5. Speed ​​alphabet

Put a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet in front of you. Come up with 3 words as quickly as possible, starting with each letter of the alphabet: three words for "a", then three words for "b" - and so on until the letter "i". Gradually increase the number of words to come up with up to 10.

To make this exercise more difficult, use the stopwatch again. Measure how long it takes you to pick up 30 words. Then try to reduce this time by speeding up the pace of the task.

7. Expensive calls

Sometimes money for international calls on a mobile phone leaves very quickly abroad. Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth a lot of money. Remembering a conversation that you just had with someone, make it a rule to mentally repeat it in such a way as to minimize its time. Think about how you could clear this conversation of unnecessary informational noise - unnecessary phrases and questions that you could do without.

Practice engaging in business dialogue with someone if the situation allows. Imagine that you are talking on such a phone, where calls are very expensive. Try to speed up the dialogue, speak and think faster than you usually do. Focus only on the main thing, select only the most accurate words, do not get distracted from the topic, speak and respond quickly.

8. Set Your Priorities

To train quick thinking, use the practice of prioritization. Everything you deal with, make contacts with, surrounds you, you can rank from important to optional and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

Just as it is easy for you to find the right things where they are located in a certain order you know, it will be easy for you to find the information you need to make a decision. Although this recommendation can hardly be classified as a developmental exercise, following it means preparing your brain in advance for quick decisions.

9. Read humorous stories

Not only stories. You can also make a rule to watch humorous drawings. A sense of humor is always associated with a high speed of response to a situation. Plus, the ability to see an unobvious contradiction and designate it in the most vivid and precise formulations is connected here. All this together is the speed of thinking.

Do not just read or memorize witty jokes, but strive to understand what is the essence of the joke, why does it cause laughter?

Collecting a collection of puns will bring no less benefit to your mind. By accumulating such an unusual response experience, you train your brain to produce something similar at the right time.

10. "Upside down"

This exercise is similar to exercise 3, but is much easier to perform. And also more fun. When you pick up a magazine, or a book, or a newspaper, turn it over so as to change the top and bottom, and scroll through, looking at the drawings and photographs placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. This is how you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals, to navigate in the situation of “shifters”. And most importantly, do not be satisfied with the first answer, but delve into the assessment of the situation. You can place "upside down" a complex intricate picture on your computer desktop.

Strict observance of the daily routine allows our brain to function as efficiently as possible. A series of daily rituals (getting up early, having a full breakfast, work or other activity, the right ritual of going to bed) help the brain to tense up and relax during the day.

The correct and frequent change of tension and relaxation of brain activity helps to improve the quality of thought processes, speed up the adoption of important decisions, find an acceptable alternative, etc.

The brain activity of a person who strains his brain too much or relaxes too much is significantly reduced, which leads to lethargy, a quick loss of interest in something, absent-mindedness, apathy.

go in for sports

Playing sports at the level of the layman is very useful for brain function.

The more active a person is physically (training in the gym, individual or group classes, daily morning exercises), the more active the brain is.

Therefore, devote time to your physical development! Do it systematically. This will help improve memory, increase concentration.

Show interest in life

It is a well-known fact that the more we strain our brain, the better it works. This is a kind of muscle that can be trained. Get yourself a rule. Every day, ask yourself the question “Why?” 5 times:

  • Why is the earth round?
  • Why is the grass green?
  • Why are children crying?

It is quite difficult to answer such seemingly banal questions. This will take some effort and time. Open an encyclopedia, read an article, search for information on the Internet, or ask a friend. Thus, you will not only replenish your knowledge base and cultural level, but also develop the speed of your thinking.

To develop the speed of thinking, constant food is needed: to think, learn, clarify, analyze, etc.

Develop yourself and take an interest in the space around you! The area of ​​expertise you work with doesn't matter. The main thing is to ask yourself questions.

And do not forget to alternate tension and relaxation in the brain.

Eat right

Compliance with the diet. Its quality is an extremely important factor in the functioning of the brain.

Vegetable food with minimal heat treatment, less fat and cholesterol, alcoholic beverages - affect not only the feeling of vivacity of the whole organism, but also the work of those parts of the brain that are responsible for memory and spatial perception.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, drink plenty of pure water and this will become the basis for streamlining thoughts, increasing the speed of decision making.

Crossword puzzles

A wonderful way to develop thinking is to use a variety of logical games and tasks. Finding them in modern life online is quite simple. For every taste.

Solving crossword puzzles also stimulates the development of the brain, like riddles.

There are special printed or online publications for smart people, where you can choose a task for every taste and entry level.

Develop fine motor skills

The development of thinking is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. Therefore, games and creativity using manual labor are so popular in early children's institutions today.

Beadwork, modeling from plasticine, painting small details of the picture - all these activities are very effective.

Change your dominant hand

A very useful exercise for developing thinking and increasing its speed is changing the dominant hand.

If you are right-handed, try writing with your left hand. If you're left-handed, try darning the sock with your right hand.

Continuing research on the topic of a healthy lifestyle, columnist HELLO! Julia Bordovskikh has found nine simple ways to improve memory and speed up thinking. And I was convinced that food for the mind can be both spiritual and physical.

I have a friend who has two adult sons and a husband who is a businessman and athlete. And all three are so smart that it's a feast for the eyes! I used to scold her for feeding her men scrambled eggs every day. However, the new knowledge turned my life upside down, and I understood why my friends' children are so smart.

But first things first. Recently, due to family circumstances, I had to deal with such a process as neurofeedback. Instead of serious pills, we were advised an absolutely safe method of correcting brain processes. You are taken an encephalogram and then, depending on the indicators of the device, therapy is prescribed. With the help of this technique, many things are corrected: depression, hyperactivity, anxiety, eating disorders, and so on. I have seen athletes, businessmen, children, housewives come to the doctor... We can say that this is brain training. After all, we train our body, why then can't we do the same with the brain? But here's what's interesting - not only the body, but also the brain must first of all organize proper nutrition. And this is not coffee and chocolate, which, like drugs, last only 15 minutes.

In addition to a balanced diet, the brain needs exercise. And even if this does not lead you to the Nobel Prize, then at least you are provided with a promotion at work. The same actions day after day dull our brain, it starts to be lazy. A flexible and sharp mind is not a given, but the result of work on oneself. Just as you can build endurance in the body in the gym, you can strengthen the neural connections in your brain, and this will create a reserve of intellectual power.

We do not know what fate has in store for us, but it is we who are the masters of our lives and we decide that freshly squeezed juice is better than coffee, because it contains antioxidants; we decide whether to add rosemary, cinnamon, basil, or turmeric to our food (these spices help prevent Alzheimer's); we decide whether to spend time on pleasant communication or not. By the way, it has been proven that chatting with colleagues in the office corridor for ten minutes is very useful. This is the same social interaction that sharpens memory and triggers other brain functions. After all, every time you are required to process information, for example, to determine whether the opponent is ironic or serious.

And in general, in short about the most important thing: do not be afraid to be curious, ask why and why all the time, play games, communicate with people who inspire you, remember only the good and be sure to relax!

9 ways to increase neural power:

1. Let the neurons cool down! Find 20 minutes in your work schedule to close your eyes and rest in silence.

2. Change the type of activity. Watched TV? Relax and unravel

3. Start learning foreign languages, it's good for the brain and for communication.

4. Go in for sports. Have you ever felt your head clear after exercising?

6. Do not turn on the navigator if you know how to drive.

7. Learn the lyrics of a song you like.

8. Remember the phone numbers of at least close people.

9. Read at least 15 minutes before bed. Scientists say that reading reduces the likelihood that you will come to old age in the same condition as the heroine of the film "Still Alice", for which Julianne Moore received an Oscar, suffering from a memory disorder.

Food for brain

The most important product that improves brain function turned out to be chicken eggs! The doctor told me after the neurofeedback session that two eggs a day is the norm. Eggs are one of the highest quality sources of protein. In addition, they contain a large amount of selenium - an important trace element that our brain needs. And these products also contain choline and lecithin, which help us focus, and also improve the ability of neurons to conduct nerve impulses.

Almonds and walnuts are another source of protein and omega-3s. They increase levels of serotonin, a substance that fights depression. They also contain lecithin, which activates the brain. In general, a handful of nuts should always be on hand.

Salmon is a product with a crown on its head. Salmon and other fatty fish, such as mackerel, contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, from which our body produces the substance myelin. It is necessary for the brain to quickly and reliably transmit information from one cell to another. That's why in the Soviet Union everyone was given fish oil as a child.

The liver is also a favorite Soviet product. It must be eaten, despite the pessimism of some nutritionists. Because the high content of iron in it increases the efficiency of mental work, accelerates the movement of blood in the cerebral hemispheres.

Avocado is a fruit rich in vitamin E, which is able to rejuvenate brain cells. And what a delicious one!

Purple berries - blueberries, blueberries, blackberries - contain antioxidants that free our body from harmful substances. The brain also needs this to maintain cognitive function and memory.

Broccoli and any other cabbage is one of the main sources of vitamin K,
which improves brain function. It also contains the chemical element boron, which increases brain activity.

Lentils - green or red, orange or black - energize the brain.

Apples are the best fruit on earth, beneficial to every cell of our body. The brain trembles with love for apples, because only they strengthen and heal the vessels of the brain, increase their elasticity, and therefore reduce the risk of hemorrhages and strokes.

Bananas reduce the electromagnetic activity of the brain, giving peace and good mood.

How to develop thinking - Pump your brain!

What benefit can you derive from a highly developed mindset?
- What increases the speed of thought?
— Training the speed of perception of the text according to the method of Viktor Kotka
How can you develop a mindset that helps you succeed?
8 Strategies to Help You Reframe Your Thoughts
- 9 effective exercises for developing the speed of thinking
- Conclusion

In our time, friends, knowledge is no longer the power it used to be. They are still very important and they need to be received, but it is thinking that comes to the fore in importance. Whoever has it more developed is stronger, or, if you like, more successful in life.

And knowledge today quickly becomes obsolete, and it is available to many. Today, almost everyone can get the necessary knowledge, the necessary information - at any time and in any place. In the same cell phone, you can download as much information as you will not be able to master in your entire life. And search engines answer any questions faster and more accurately than any, even a very smart person.

Therefore, it is not so important to know a lot, it is much more important to be able to correctly use the knowledge you have and find, or even better, invent new knowledge and create new information. And in order to work productively with different information and benefit from it, you need to have developed thinking. It will help you quickly solve any problems and tasks. About you can learn from the articles on our website.

If you really intend to get serious about solving the problem, how to develop the speed of thinking of the exercises suggested here will help you:

1) Respond promptly to a problem situation.
2) Do not regret that the right decision came to mind late.
3) Protect your brain from early aging and devastating diseases such as Alzheimer's.

- What increases the speed of thought?

Everyone's speed of thought is different, and it's not always realistic to achieve what you want when you see how quickly and easily someone completes a task that takes a lot of time for you. But it is quite possible to increase the speed of your thinking. It contributes to:

1) Facial gymnastics.
When the face is not rumpled, the face is “cold”, thoughts get lost, words are difficult to find. If the face is kneaded, the head works much better, faster. This is effective!

2) The speed of eye movement and ease, the speed of facial movements.
Disaccustom yourself to walk with a sour, sluggish, inexpressive face and sleepy eyes, it not only does not paint you, but also knocks out your brains. If you have accustomed your face to liveliness, your thinking becomes more lively.

3) Selection of templates, a collection of algorithms.
Look for solutions, memorize, collect a collection of solutions and algorithms.

4) High internal tempo.
The internal tempo is your overall internal speed. Unwind the inner motor in yourself - and the speed of all internal processes will increase.

5) Head massage.
During the shower, when jets of water vigorously massage the scalp, the work of the vessels of the brain instantly improves and a bunch of great ideas immediately come to mind. And if you finish the shower with cold water dousing, the whole body becomes vigorous and alive, the head becomes fresh and the next few hours will be great to think about.

6) Master auto-training and remove fears.
In particular, practice “Non-Standard Actions”, train courage and develop positive: this is really useful not only for the speed of thinking, but also for life in general.

— Training the speed of perception of the text according to the method of Viktor Kotka

The method is unique in its simplicity and efficiency. For training, you need a meaningful book rather than a popular science plan. You are reading, next to you your coach is tapping the time to read each page. Gives you three minutes - you read three minutes.

"Two and a half minutes!" - okay, fit in this time. "Two minutes!" — is more difficult. "Three minutes!" - get high on excess time. Again “Two minutes” - tension, “One and a half minutes” - hard, “Two and a half minutes!” — is already easy. Then again: "120 seconds", "100", 90, - 120, 100, 80 - and so on.

After two months of such training, you will begin to read at a speed of 5 to 1 second per page ... Checking the learned material is normal: the page that you read in 3 seconds, you must tell as clearly as the first reading in 3 minutes.

8 Strategies to Help You Reframe Your Thoughts

1) Don't be helpless.
Each of us finds ourselves in situations where we feel helpless. The question is how we respond to this feeling. We can either learn the lesson and move on, or give up. Many successful people would not become successful if they succumbed to a sense of helplessness.

2) Surrender to passion.
Inspired people incessantly pursue their passions. There can always be someone more talented than you, but what you lack in talent can be made up for with passion. Thanks to passion, the desire for perfection in inspired people does not weaken.

3) Take action.
By taking action, we transform worry and anxiety into positive directed energy.

4) Walk an extra kilometer or two.
Stopping is tantamount to death. If you set limits on your abilities, physical or otherwise, they will extend throughout your life. For work, morality, for everything else. There are no limits. There are temporary stops, but you can not linger on them, you need to move on. If it kills, then it will kill. A person must constantly improve his level.

5) Expect results.
Growth mindsets understand that they will fail from time to time, but that doesn't stop them from expecting results. Expecting results keeps you motivated and pushes you to improve.

6) Be flexible.
Everyone faces unforeseen difficulties. When life is challenging, strong people will look for options until they get results.

7) Don't complain when things don't go the way you planned.
Complaining is an obvious sign of people with a fixed mindset. Growth mindsets look for opportunities in every outcome, they don't have time to complain.

8) Follow all of the above points.
Every day, watch how you react even to small events. And always try to respond correctly. Just like a person with a growth mindset would.

Read also about what it is and why it is needed.

- 9 effective exercises for developing the speed of thinking

1) Scenario “What if…”
Ask yourself what you will say in response to such and such a question, or how you will act in such and such a situation, or how you will parry your opponent's remark.
Such training is useful in that it encourages you to build probabilistic models of the future in your head. Use the preventive calculation of possible events as a simulator, because by imagining the situation, you can arbitrarily speed up or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

3) Practice thinking in another language.
When you have the opportunity to reason outside of rigid time frames, force your brain to reason in a foreign language, not your native language. By forcing the brain to build the logic of reasoning in a non-native language, you train it so that it can then do the same in its native language much faster.

4) Speed ​​alphabet.
Put a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet in front of you. Come up with 3 words as quickly as possible, starting with each letter of the alphabet: three words for "a", then three words for "b", and so on until the letter "i". Gradually increase the number of words to come up with up to 10.

5) Expensive calls.
Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth a lot of money. Remembering a conversation that you just had with someone, make it a rule to mentally repeat it in such a way as to minimize its time. Think about how you could clear this conversation of unnecessary informational noise - unnecessary phrases and questions that you could do without.

6) Set your priorities.
Everything that you deal with, make contacts with, surrounds you, you can rank from important to optional and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

7) Read humorous stories
Not only stories. You can also make a rule to watch humorous drawings. A sense of humor is always associated with a high speed of response to a situation. Plus, the ability to see an unobvious contradiction and designate it in the most vivid and precise formulations is connected here. All this together is the speed of thinking.

8) "Upside down".
When you pick up a magazine or a book or a newspaper, turn it over so as to change the top and bottom and scroll through, looking at the drawings and photographs placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. This is how you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals, to navigate in the situation of “shifters”. And, most importantly, not to be satisfied with the first answer, but to delve into a deeper assessment of the situation. You can place "upside down" a complex intricate picture on your computer desktop.

9) Change the speed.
Do the same thing, changing the speed of its execution. For example, you can brush your teeth at different speeds, drink a glass of water, read a letter received by mail. By deliberately speeding up and slowing down your actions, you accustom your brain to work in different tempo-rhythms. Slow execution, try to gradually make it even slower. And, on the contrary, speed up the fast execution every now and then.

These exercises will not work if they are not done regularly. Doing one task every day will stimulate your brain to develop in the right direction.

- Conclusion

Success comes only to those who are ready to accept it and constantly work hard on themselves. Any person who strives for success needs to constantly develop and improve their skills. Developed thinking will greatly simplify this work. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on training and the results will not keep you waiting.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

How insulting it is to come up with dozens of witty answers and moves when what happened has already acquired the status of the past. Have you ever thought about why some people know how to dump a word on the move, and you are inspired to respond only after? The reason is simple - your speed of thinking, to put it mildly, is not quite fast.

However, everyone can work on themselves and achieve progress. Before you tackle the topic of how to develop quick thinking, remember that different people have different speeds, moreover, the same person, depending on the situation, can manifest both excellent quick wit and outright “slow thinking”.

Thinking Correction

Mindfulness exercises should keep you engrossed. If they are routine, you will only worsen your abilities. Therefore, we suggest that you start your self-development from everyday situations.

Morning exercises for the brain

Let's start in the morning. Have you noticed that in the morning you think more slowly. It's not because you didn't get enough sleep. It's just that when a person thinks, his mimic facial muscles also work. And in the morning they are sedentary, not mashed. To develop the speed of thinking, do not neglect water procedures in the morning, and also make a little face to warm up in front of the mirror.

Useful pastime

We are accustomed to updating our news feed in free minutes, playing shooters, chatting on the phone. All these free moments of living can be spent with benefit. To do this, get intellectual games, chess, checkers, rebuses, puzzles and crosswords. Collective mind games are an ancient tradition of mental competition. They will not only be exercises for quick thinking, but will help increase the gambling spirit in your home.

Learn all your life

Those who get along well with the exact sciences usually have difficulty mastering foreign languages. According to the methodology for studying the speed of thinking, the same rule applies and vice versa. This only says that mathematics and the like are developed by one, and the humanities are different. That is why, if possible, strain your mind with both mathematical calculations and the study of foreign languages.

Our brain tries to adjust sudden events to its past experience, already solved tasks in the past. The more we train him, the faster he will cope with life's surprises, thereby, our speed of thinking will noticeably increase.

