Hawthorn planting and care in the open. Large-fruited hawthorn - like a groom in the garden

Many gardeners are well aware of a plant with small, bright, round fruits. This is hawthorn. Planting and caring for it is not difficult, because the shrub perfectly tolerates severe frosts, summer heat and is not picky about the soil.

What are the types of hawthorn

With the help of breeding, scientists have bred many new species of hawthorn, so in summer cottages you can find a variety of representatives of the medicinal plant. The most popular are:

  • common hawthorn. A small tree covered with thorns and reaches a length of up to 5 meters, blooms well and bears fruit with red berries with orange flesh.
  • Siberian hawthorn. It grows up to 6 meters, actively blooms with white and pink flowers from late spring to mid-June. It has fleshy dark red round fruits.
  • Chinese hawthorn. It differs from other species in that it is practically without thorns.
  • hawthorn Scarlet. A tall tree in spring is completely covered with beautiful pink flowers collected in inflorescences. It rarely bears fruit and belongs to the category of ornamental plants that are planted to decorate the backyard.

Hawthorn flowers and berries are harvested, dried and used to make medicinal tinctures and teas.

If you want the hawthorn to take root and grow well in the country, you need to choose the right place for planting it. It should be sunny and warm. In the shade, the shrub will develop poorly, grow slowly and bear little fruit.

Hawthorn is planted with 2-year-old seedlings in spring or autumn. In the chosen place, a hole is dug about 60 cm deep and the same width. Shrubs are planted at a distance of about 1.5 m from each other. It is very important to update the tips of the root system and remove all dried, diseased processes.

Although the plant is unpretentious, it will feel better in fertile soil. It is desirable for him to provide good drainage.

  1. Lay out a 12 cm layer of fine gravel at the bottom of the hole. Pour 10 cm of sand on top.
  2. Take half a bucket of humus, add 100 g of superphosphate to it and a half-liter jar of wood ash.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add enough earth from the garden to them to fill the dug hole with the prepared mixture by a third.
  4. Pour the soil with fertilizers into the pit, put a layer of ordinary soil on top and pour a bucket of water on it.
  5. Wait until the liquid is absorbed, place the seedling in the center, carefully spreading the roots, and cover it with earth.
  6. Lightly tamp and pour another bucket of water over. Sprinkle damp soil with a thick layer of peat. Dry grass or straw can be used instead.

Important! After planting, do not forget to trim the branches, leaving no more than 2-3 buds on each. And do not plant hawthorn in close proximity to an apple, pear or cherry tree. These trees have common pests, and it will be more difficult to deal with them.

Under favorable conditions and good care, the plant will begin to bloom and bear fruit in 6-7 years.

How to properly care

Growing hawthorn does not require scrupulous care. Closely monitor the appearance of diseased, dry branches and cut them in time. In the spring, cut the young plant. A year after planting in the soil, cut off all branches to a level of 15 cm from the ground. Cut the main shoots in half the next year. Reduce the side branches even more, leaving a couple of centimeters.

In subsequent years, a haircut should be carried out 2 times a year. April and July. This procedure helps to awaken dormant buds and enhance the growth of side shoots. With the help of competent pruning, the plant can be given the most intricate shapes and make the backyard unusual and beautiful.

Hawthorn care involves watering. It must be produced once a month, using 13-14 buckets of water for this. If the summer turned out to be too hot, and you notice that the plant is drying out, it is allowed to water it more often until the heat subsides.

It is necessary to systematically loosen the earth and remove weeds. In early spring and autumn, be sure to dig up the soil on the bayonet of a shovel. This will enrich the soil with oxygen.

Important! So that young shrubs do not freeze in winter, it is recommended to cover them with the onset of cold weather. Straw or dry leaves are suitable for this.

Plant nutrition

Growing a shrub will be more successful if it is regularly fertilized. Starting from 2 years after planting and before the appearance of the first fruits, it is necessary to apply top dressing 2 times a year.

The first is produced during the blooming of the leaves. Nitrogen-based fertilizers are suitable for her. Dilute in 20 liters of water 4 tbsp. l. urea and fill the bush with this liquid.

The second feeding is done at the end of September. Measure out 4 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, stir them in 20 liters of water and pour the solution over the plant.

A fruiting shrub also needs fertilizer. They need to be applied three times a season.

  1. In the spring, add 3 tbsp. l. sodium humate for every 10 liters of water and pour at least 30 liters of liquid under one shrub.
  2. When the flowers bloom, measure out 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, prepare 40 liters of solution for one bush and apply it to the soil early in the morning or in the evening.
  3. The next nutrient mixture is prepared during fruit ripening. You will need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of sodium humate in 20 liters of water and fertilize hawthorn with liquid.

Advice! Some summer residents try not to use chemicals for feeding and fertilize the plant with slurry. Dilute fresh mullein in a ratio of 1:5 and water the bush with 10 liters of solution. This should be done once a season before flowering begins.

At the end of September, it is useful to pour 1 half-liter jar of wood ash under each hawthorn bush.

How to propagate hawthorn seeds

There are several ways to propagate this shrub, so every gardener is able to choose the best option for himself.

The most difficult and time-consuming way is growing a plant from seeds. It is necessary to collect slightly unripe berries, remove the seeds from them, wash and put in a glass of clean water for 3 days. Then clean with sand and wash again. At the end, prepare a 1% solution of potassium nitrate, immerse the seeds in it and insist there for 2 days.

Prepared seeds are planted in open ground in early November. When sprouts appear from them and reach a height of 65 cm, they are cut to a level of 15 cm from the ground, side branches are removed, except for the two necessary for crown formation.

The difficulty is that shoots sometimes have to wait for several years, and there is no guarantee that they will appear at all.

Reproduction by cuttings

Planting hawthorn cuttings is as follows:

  • you need to dig up the root offspring of the shrub and cut them off from the main root without damaging it;
  • shake off the soil adhering to them and carefully cut into pieces 10 cm long;
  • prepare holes in the greenhouse, put the cuttings there at an angle and dig in a small amount of earth.

When planting, it is important not to confuse the direction of the shoot and plant the cutting in the ground with the thicker side, otherwise it will not take root. When the first growth appears in the greenhouse from the cutting, the plant can be transplanted into open ground.

Reproduction by layering

An easy way to get a new plant is to propagate by layering, as they take root quickly.

Dig small grooves around the shrub in the spring. Select powerful annual shoots, tilt them, place them in a ditch, press down with a metal bracket and sprinkle with earth. One tip should remain above the soil surface.

Dug layering must be systematically watered and fertilized 3 times during the growing season. For top dressing, a weak solution of ammonium nitrate is suitable. Gradually, the top will begin to grow upward. When this happens, it must be sprinkled with earth.

In October, check to see if the cutting has developed a rhizome. If it is well developed, separate the cuttings from the mother plant and plant in a separate hole. It is advisable not to touch a weak root and leave the shoot without a transplant until spring.


Experienced gardeners know well what copulation is. This is the grafting of a plant from a cutting. It should be done in early spring, before the first buds appear. To plant a hawthorn, you need to choose a stock. It can be a mountain ash or a hawthorn bush, which bears little fruit.

On the stock and the handle, they make an oblique cut, make tongues in both trunks according to special calculations, connect them to each other, tie them with tape and cover with polyethylene. When buds about 1 cm in diameter appear on the handle, the polyethylene can be removed.

If the vaccination was successful, the plant begins to bloom violently and bear fruit for 5 years.


To kill pests, you can spray the plant with soapy water or use chemicals. Good help:

  • karbofos;
  • chlorophos;
  • nitrafen.

They must be diluted and applied according to the instructions.

Sometimes hawthorn becomes infected with powdery mildew or spotted rot. If this happens, you need to remove the affected shoots and spray the shrub with fungicide-based preparations.

Growing hawthorn will bring great benefits. After all, he is not only beautiful, but also a storehouse of vitamins. In order to get sick less often with a cold, it is recommended to eat several dried berries daily.

Hawthorn is also indispensable in landscape design. To use it as a shrub, you need to plant close to each other and twist the young shoots. This plant is a great option for the original design of cottages, parks and squares.

7 minutes to read

Hawthorn is a long-lived shrub common throughout Russia that does not need special care. Depending on the species, it can reach a height of up to 7 meters. It can be used both in landscaping and gardening.

Plant features

In different varieties, the leaves have a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The flowering of the shrub comes in June. Ripe fruit may be orange to black in color. Ripening occurs in late summer - early autumn. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of crop.

Hawthorn Paul Scarlet

The fruits and flowers have strong medicinal properties. They are used to lower blood pressure, with shortness of breath, asthma, cough, insomnia. Also, the fruits of certain varieties are used to make drinks, jams and dessert dishes.

The maximum fruiting of the shrub is manifested by 10 years.

Hawthorn can be used as a base (rootstock) for grafting rowan, pear, chokeberry and apple trees.


Due to the great popularity of hawthorn in horticulture, now you can find a large number of varieties, species and hybrids of this plant.

hawthorn bicolor

Common hawthorn is a tree up to 5 m tall. Differs in good frost resistance. Deep red fruits. There are several decorative varieties:

  • Paul Scarlet - has terry inflorescences, painted in crimson and white;
  • Bicolor - flowers with purple edges of the petals, whitening towards the core.

Siberian hawthorn can reach a height of up to 6 m. It has sparsely planted long spines. White flowers with purple anthers. Suitable for decorating alleys. In urban conditions, other varieties are superior in decorative qualities.

Hawthorn is soft. A tree whose height can reach 8 m. The crown is dense, spherical. Decorative due to colorful fruits and leaves. Characterized by tasty fruits. Due to densely growing branches and dense foliage, it is well suited for creating a hedge.

Hawthorn single-petal. An ornamental bush with a dense, fast-growing crown. Suitable for forming hedges. Berries have medicinal properties.

Hawthorn green. Abundantly fruiting bush with a dense crown. The flowers are white with dark stamens. Differs in tasty fruits of black color with green pulp.


Reproduction of hawthorn is carried out in any convenient way - with the help of seeds, layering, by grafting or root offspring. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this plant germinate very slowly, in some varieties they can sprout only after a year. Planting by seeds is recommended only for the usual forms of the plant, common in central Russia.

Siberian hawthorn

The decorative forms of the plant will look appropriate in the form of a graft on a trunk up to 1.5 m high.

For breeding certain varieties of hawthorn on the site, it is necessary to graft them onto seedlings of mountain ash or blood-red hawthorn. Planting by seed can lead to the loss of their varietal properties. Cuttings are best planted during sap flow, in early spring. This is done by budding into a T-shaped incision. Such plants will begin to bear fruit in two years.

Cuttings with green parts of the plant are used very rarely, since such planting material takes root very poorly.

It is quite easy to propagate the plant from root cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to dig hawthorn rhizomes in the fall, free them from the ground and cut into pieces about 10 cm. Roots 20 cm thick are best suited for this. The resulting cuttings are buried in the hole with a thick side up at a slight slope. It is necessary to dig them in to a depth of 2 cm. Planting should be done in a greenhouse. The cuttings need careful care - the soil in which they are buried should not dry out. Cuttings can be transplanted into open ground in early spring.

Plant propagation by layering is very popular. This method is possible if there is already a full-fledged bush on the site. So, its lower side branches must be completely or partially laid under the ground and covered with soil. Such shoots take root well and quickly.

A large number of seedlings can be obtained using vertical layering. To do this, the lower part of the bush is covered with soil to the mark of the distribution of branches. After a while, each of the branches covered with earth will take root and it will be possible to separate it.

Preparing for landing

In terms of soil, the shrub is unpretentious, it can grow on any soil, up to drained peat bogs. An excellent option would be heavy fertile drained soil, which you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to combine sand, peat, leaf flour and humus.


It is also advisable to add a small amount of lime to the mixture and mix well - the roots should not touch it.

Attention! Before planting, it is very important to ensure high-quality drainage from gravel or broken bricks with the addition of sand.


Planting shrubs with seeds is done in late autumn, for this, unripe planting material is selected. Seeds must be defended in warm water, wiped with sand and washed with water. Then they are infused for two days in a 1% solution of potassium nitrate and planted in open ground.

Advice! It is possible to force the process of seed germination with the help of stratification. Fresh planting material is soaked for a day in a 1% solution of potassium nitrate. After that, they must be placed for 7-8 months in a textile bag and stored at a temperature of +2-3°C.

After the seedling reaches a height of 55-65 cm, it will need pruning - it is necessary to leave 3 buds from ground level. Side shoots also need to be removed, leaving a couple for further growth.

Planting a hawthorn

Planting a hawthorn in a permanent place can be done upon reaching the age of two in the autumn or spring.

The planting scheme is determined depending on what the plant is intended for. So, to create a hedge, it is necessary to plant seedlings in one line at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

If it is planned to grow to collect fruits, the plant is planted in groups, the distance between the planting pits should be at least two meters. The depth of each hole is 60-70 cm. With this arrangement, the plants are well pollinated even in the absence of wild bees or an apiary nearby.

When planting seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is located at ground level. After planting, the seedlings need care - watering and mulching with 4-5 cm peat.

Attention! Best of all, the hawthorn develops, blooms and bears fruit under bright sunlight. Even in a plot with partial shading, the fruiting and flowering of the plant comes to naught.

Further care

For the normal development of the bush, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition. As necessary, pruning of dry, diseased and interfering shoots and branches should be performed.

Plant care consists in removing weeds, timely renewal of mulch, loosening the soil. In autumn, you can dig a bush to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Hawthorn is distinguished by a deep root system and a young plant lends itself best to transplantation - no older than 4-5 years. By the age of five, the shrub acquires strong and long roots, which are easily damaged during transplantation.

Pruning of the plant can be arbitrary, but it is best if it retains the shape of a bush. To do this, it is necessary to leave 5-7 main branches at the hawthorn and, when pruning, leave their height within 2 meters.

Despite resistance to adverse factors, hawthorn is susceptible to drought and gas pollution. With normal humidity, it is enough to add a bucket of water under a bush once a month. During dry periods, the number of waterings can be increased to 2-3 per month.

The use of hawthorn to create a hedge

Young decorative forms of the plant require special care. So, in winter it is better to cover them with a dense layer (up to 10 cm) of dry leaves to preserve the root system from freezing. In order to avoid frostbite of branches, young plants in the cold season should be covered with burlap. Bushes older than 5 years do not need to be covered, they tolerate low temperatures well.

Hawthorn care should also include pest control. So, with rust, the affected branches should be pruned. As a preventive measure, it is necessary in the spring, before bud break, to spray the plant with a 3-5% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

In case of damage by a hawthorn bud mite, the diseased branches should be pruned in the fall and spring and the plant should be treated with colloidal sulfur. For prevention, you can spray the plants again after flowering.


For normal growth and development of the shrub, it is enough to shed it with slurry before flowering. This supply of nutrients will be enough until next year.

If it is necessary for the bush to bear fruit abundantly, it must be fertilized three times a season with solutions of sodium humate and nitrophoska:

  • at bud break
  • at the beginning of flowering
  • during the fruiting period

Hawthorn in landscape design

Due to the large number of shoots and strong shoots, the hawthorn can be used as a hedge. In order for such a “fence” to grow, the seedlings must be planted close to each other, intertwining their shoots with each other.

Regular pruning is required to maintain the density of the hedge. So, in the first year, all shoots are pruned to a level of 15 cm from the ground. In summer, to stimulate growth, you can shorten the side branches. In early spring, pruning of side branches occurs almost to the base (leaving a couple of centimeters), the main branches need to be cut only by half. In summer, the side branches shorten again. In the third year, the bush will need to be slightly trimmed, after which once a month until the fall you need to maintain the desired shape with secateurs.

Pruning allows densely planted shrubs to give the shape of a pyramid, square, ball.

Hawthorn is a genus of deciduous shrubs and low trees of the Pink family. It is a long-liver among many plants, because it can grow for about three centuries. It has useful properties, is used for decorative and medical purposes. Planting hawthorn is a little different from planting other trees. Plant care includes not only pruning, mulching and watering, but also the fight against various diseases and pests. As for reproduction, the shrub can be grown from seeds, by cuttings, and also by grafting. In watering, the plant is unpretentious, as well as in fertilizing with fertilizers. One bucket of liquid manure will be enough for him before flowering begins. In the middle latitudes of our country, several of the most popular varieties of hawthorn are grown.

Varieties and varieties

The genus of plants includes about 200 varieties of hawthorn, not counting various hybrid forms. In our country, 50 species are known and more than 100 have been introduced.

  • Crimean hawthorn- tree-like shrub or tree of medium height. It grows on the Crimean peninsula, near Simferopol and Feodosia. Can be found in group plantings of deciduous trees. The shoots are covered with hairs, have a rich cherry color, dotted with numerous spines. The leaves of hawthorn are wedge-shaped with a dark green color at the edges and a lighter shade at the base. Has large flowers.
  • Chinese hawthorn(pinnate) - a plant whose birthplace is China and Japan. In Russia, it can be found in the Far East. Likes bright places with good lighting, but also tolerates shady areas. The height of the Chinese hawthorn can reach 6 m. This species differs from others in the complete absence of thorns on the shoots. Leaves are deep green. The fruits are rounded, dark red color, glossy.
  • Hawthorn softish- a species common in America. It grows on slopes with high humidity and forest edges. Frost-resistant variety, undemanding to the composition of the soil. It can reach a height of 8 m.
  • prickly hawthorn(ordinary) - deciduous shrub, characterized by very slow growth. It grows in the Urals, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It has thorns on which leaves can grow. Hawthorn fruits are used in cooking for making jam, jam, decoction, compote, as well as in medicine and scientific research. The plant has diversity. So in hawthorn you can find whole, serrated, three or five-lobed or separate leaves.
  • hawthorn blood red- a small tree or shrub. The people received the name "lady" or "boyar". It grows mainly in Siberia. Photophilous, but tolerates shade. Can grow for a long time without watering. The maximum height of blood-red hawthorn is 6 m, and the average duration of growth is about 4 centuries. In one kilogram of hawthorn, there can be up to 2 thousand fruits.

Hawthorn: planting and care

Hawthorn prefers rich soils. A prerequisite for its landing is the presence of drainage. It is used as a crumb of brick, crushed stone or gravel. The height of the drainage in the dug hole should not be less than 15 cm.

Advice. To plant a plant, you need to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus with the addition of leaf flour. Hawthorn also loves lime, but it should not come into direct contact with its root system.

The ideal place for planting a tree would be a sunny area of ​​the garden, otherwise the plant will grow poorly and bloom, respectively.

Shrub transplantation to a permanent place is carried out only in the second year of life. It is better to do it in spring or autumn. The plant is planted to a depth of about 50–65 cm. Immediately after planting, the hawthorn should be watered and the soil around it should be mulched. It is worth being patient, because the tree will begin to fully bear fruit only by 10 years.

As for watering, a bucket of water per month will be enough for a shrub or tree. In drier times, it is necessary to increase the number of waterings up to several times.

Special plant care is not required. Removing weeds, loosening the soil and cutting dried branches - that's the whole basic care for hawthorn.


Of course, like any plant, hawthorn is not indifferent to fertilizers. It will be enough for him to feed in the form of one bucket of slurry in the spring, before flowering begins. After such top dressing, a shrub or tree will grow more actively, and flowering will be more abundant.

Hawthorn propagation

Reproduction of hawthorn is carried out in three main ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. cuttings.
  3. Inoculation.

Growing a plant from seeds very long process. The seeds have a thick shell. In this regard, they must go through a long process of stratification, which will help them germinate faster. Stratification can last up to one year. Even the best seeds can only germinate after a couple of years. The reason for this is a considerable number of empty seeds.

In general, hawthorn seeds are harvested when they have not yet had time to ripen. They are left for 72 hours in water. Then wipe with sandpaper or sand and rinse. Then the seeds of the plant are placed in a 1% solution of potassium nitrate for two days, and only after that they are sown in the ground. Sowing is carried out in late autumn.

reproduction root cuttings a little easier. They take the roots, cut them into pieces of 10 cm and drop them into the ground at an angle with the thick side up. Both autumn and spring are suitable for cuttings. But planting is still better in a warm place. For example, a greenhouse.

For vaccination the common hawthorn or single-petal hawthorn is perfect. Although any kind of plant is suitable for grafting. Get vaccinated in August.

Diseases and pests

Pest control is the use of chemicals. For example, chlorophos, karbofos, nitrafen, as well as green oil concentrate and soap solution.

The use of hawthorn

Hawthorn is a very useful plant, it is rich in B vitamins, pectins, vitamin C, carotene and other trace elements.

It is used to purify the blood, and since the 20th century it has been used as a medicine for cardiovascular diseases. It helps to eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia and hypertension. During the Great Patriotic War, the plant was used to replace heart drugs due to their shortage. As a medical preparation, hawthorn is available in two versions: tablets and tinctures.

Advice. For the prevention of viral diseases, it is recommended to take a decoction of the plant or eat several berries a day.

The fruits are also used in cooking. They are used as a filling for pies.

Hawthorn is also widely used in landscape design. It makes excellent fences and hedges. You can achieve this result by planting plants very close to each other. And also intertwining their branches. Another condition for the original design of the site will be the choice of plant variety and timely cutting of branches. Hawthorn can be given absolutely any shape: a square, an oval, a circle, etc. And the best option for decorating a garden would be single-petal hawthorn, Maksimovich, Pauls Scarlet and plum-leaved.

Hawthorn is a useful plant. For the most part, unpretentious. Planting it will require a certain sequence of actions, but care consists in loosening the soil, cutting off old branches, watering and infrequent top dressing. You will have to be patient until the plant begins to fully bear fruit. But the result will undoubtedly exceed all expectations. The plant is not only a great option for decorating a summer cottage, but also a storehouse of vitamins. It is used for medical purposes, as well as folk recipes. Its main focus is to improve the functioning of the heart.

Features of caring for hawthorn: video

Growing hawthorn: photo

The plant spread widely in Rus' during the time of Peter the Great, as it was considered the main cure for heart disease. Hawthorn is no less popular now. Hawthorn is a melliferous shrub of the Pink family. It grows from two to six meters in height. It can often be found in household plots. It can perform two functions at the same time: to plant greenery on the site, to have many medicinal properties and to contain a sea of ​​vitamins. It is unpretentious in care and boasts an attractive appearance. In the article we will tell you how and where hawthorn is planted in the fall, and we will also give methods for proper care of the plant.

When is the best time to land

Many people think that in autumn it remains only to harvest, remove fallen leaves and you can rest until spring. In fact, the best time to transplant a plant is autumn. At this time, prices are more favorable, and the range is larger. Many seedlings are sold with several fruits so that the buyer can see what he is buying. Minimal care is required in autumn, as prolonged warm weather and regular rains create favorable conditions for rooting.

Despite the fact that the plant is in a dormant period, the root system continues to grow until the soil temperature drops below +4 degrees Celsius. The main thing is not to miss the time of planting the seedling so that the young roots have time to form even before the onset of frost. Such roots will grow faster in spring than seedlings transplanted in spring. Also, the advantages of hawthorn include the fact that during the winter the plant hardens. Such seedlings will be stronger than their relatives planted in the spring.

When choosing a location, decide on the purpose of the hawthorn. To create a hedge, seedlings must be planted around the perimeter of the site.

"If you want to get a good harvest - choose a well-lit place in the northern part, the plant is not afraid of direct sunlight."

Soil preparation and seedlings

Experienced gardeners recommend preparing the site two to three weeks before the bush is transplanted. Previously, the area must be dug up or cultivated. Test the soil for acidity before transplanting the plant by dropping a little table vinegar on it. If foam and hiss appear, this indicates an alkaline environment. This soil is not suitable. It is necessary to lower the acidity level by adding lime, cement dust, chalk or ash to it (200-300 grams of powder per 1 square meter). Next, dig a trench or hole for planting, depending on the root system. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom (expanded clay, broken brick), on top of it, fill in 1/3 of a fertile substrate from a mixture of clay, humus and peat. Cover the prepared place with a film to create the necessary microflora.

After you have prepared the area, proceed to the selection of seedlings. Since the root system of hawthorn goes deep into the ground, biennial plants are well suited for breeding. When choosing planting material, pay special attention to inspecting the root system; it should not be stained, damaged or rotten. Visually, it should look hydrated and fresh. Check the condition of the bark: if it is wrinkled, the seedling will not fit, it was dug out a long time ago. Pinch off a piece of skin, if the exposed surface is green - the seedling is suitable, brown color indicates that it is better not to take such planting material. In height, the seedling should reach no more than one and a half meters.

Planting hawthorn in the fall begins with an inspection of the seedling. If you notice dry branches, leaves or roots, cut them off with a pruner. It is necessary to deepen the seedlings by 50-70 centimeters, and at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other, depending on the variety chosen. Open a pre-prepared place or prepare a new one. Gently straighten the roots and place the plant in a recess, cover with soil on top so that the root neck is flush with the ground, tamp the ground a little. After abundantly water and mulch the hole around the trunk with a mixture of compost, humus and peat. Cut the shoots up to 10 centimeters above ground level.

If you want to grow a hedge, then before planting it, familiarize yourself with the features of this format. To create a living fence, choose single-pistal or thorny varieties, as they grow, the branches can be intertwined. With this method of breeding, seedlings are planted not in pits, but in trenches - at a small distance relative to each other. A year later, you can start interlacing the branches of the bush with each other. Recommended varieties: prickly hawthorn, clawed, soft.

Rules for the care of hawthorn

One of the benefits of hawthorn is its ease of care. Periodically inspect the shrub, and if you find dry, affected or extra branches, cut them off. Hawthorns need to be trimmed each spring to give them a neat appearance or desired shape. From time to time remove the debris between the trunks of the bush. Bushes are cut at the required level when creating landscape design, or at a height of two meters if the shrub is used as a hedge.

Since the culture tolerates drought well, it is enough to water the bushes once a month with a volume of water of 10-15 liters. Over watering can lead to root rot. If the summer turned out to be sultry, increase the amount of watering. For abundant flowering of hawthorn, additional watering is required during the formation of buds. After each watering, do not forget to loosen the soil in the hole and remove the weeds, this contributes to better nutrition of the roots and moisture retention in the ground.

It is necessary to carry out top dressing twice a year: before flowering and after leaf fall. For top dressing, a solution of mullein or bird droppings is used in a ratio of 1 to 10. For large-fruited varieties, top dressing is carried out three times: during flowering, during fruit ripening and in autumn.

Possible diseases

Like all plants, hawthorn is not immune from pests or diseases. The most common are: Powdery mildew - the formation of a white coating on the leaves of a plant, which, in the process of drying, twists the leaves. Infected shoots must be cut off, and the plant must be treated with fungicides. After 14 days, re-treat the bush;

Leaf rolling - caterpillars feed on leaves, folding them into tubes with their cobwebs, and then eat buds, leaves and ovaries. To combat it, treat the hawthorn with chlorophos, and for prevention in the spring, treat it with nitrofen;

Butterfly-hawthorn - is content with the nectar of a flowering plant and lays its eggs on the outside of the leaves, subsequently the caterpillars eat both the buds and the leaves. To combat them, Karbofos is used.

The most common breeding methods

Several propagation methods are suitable for hawthorn: cuttings, seeds and layering. Summer residents can try each of them and choose the most suitable one. It is not easy to propagate hawthorn seeds, since the period of germination and germination of seeds is very long, and can last from one to two years.

At the same time, there is no guarantee that there will be a result, that is, the seeds may not germinate at all. Seeds are extracted from unripe fruits. Next, they must be soaked in water for 72 hours, and then rubbed with sand and washed again. Next, the seeds insist two days in a 1% solution of potassium sulfur. Prepared seeds are planted in open ground in November.

"When the first shoots are 65 cm tall, cut them back to 15 cm above ground level and remove side branches."

The next method is propagation by cuttings. Dig up a bush, select roots that are 20 cm thick and dig them out. Divide the selected material into several parts 10 cm long. Plant it in a hole prepared in advance, at an angle, so that the thicker part is on top, and sprinkle with earth. Transplantation is carried out in early spring or autumn.

The most common method is propagation by layering. To do this, in the spring, the lateral process, without separating it from the entire bush, is laid in a trench and fixed with staples, and then added dropwise with earth, leaving the upper part intact. Water and feed the sprouts abundantly a couple of times per season with nitrogen fertilizers. When you notice the growth of the upper part, you can transplant the layering. In order for the layering to begin to take root on its own, drag it at the base.

With the onset of cold weather, the plant must be prepared for wintering, in order to avoid freezing of the roots. To do this, cover the base of the stem with fallen leaves or straw by 15 cm. If you want to have a plant that fits perfectly into any landscape design and at the same time has a whole range of useful properties and vitamins, purchase hawthorn. It is so easy to breed and care for that you will not even have questions: how to plant a hawthorn and how to care for it. Having given him quite a bit of your time, you can surprise your friends with a spectacular and effective decoration of your site.

» Hawthorn

Hawthorn grows in the form of shrubs great height. The plant has received its wide distribution in decorative design.

Also hawthorn used for medical purposes due to its beneficial properties. Hawthorn berries are eaten.

This article will describe the hawthorn, varieties and its useful qualities. Consider tips on planting, growing and caring for this plant and much more.

The berries and flowers of this plant are very useful. for human health. They are used either for preventive or curative purposes.

Hawthorn components normalize blood pressure and digestive processes, prevent fatigue, reduce the risk of nervous diseases. Hawthorn should be consumed by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Even in ancient times, the berries of various varieties of hawthorn were used for medicinal purposes in Asian countries. In the sixteenth century, different types and varieties of the plant were grown.

To begin with, hawthorn was used to combat diarrhea. And only then this plant was used to improve the performance of the cardiovascular system.

The main benefit of hawthorn is that its berries contain carotene needed to strengthen the immune system.

Also they contain a huge amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and many other chemical elements that are needed to improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

When using hawthorn fruits in the form of a decoction or infusion, it benefits each organ separately.

How to plant and grow: in autumn or spring, choosing a place to grow

This plant needs clay soil., but which contains many minerals and is rich in humus. After you have dug a hole (its depth should be 65 centimeters), you need to prepare the planting mixture.

It should consist of humus, sand and peat. At the very bottom of the dug hole, crushed stone should be poured about 20 centimeters high.

The plant is important to plant in a sunny place. or it will not be able to produce a bountiful harvest.

An adult hawthorn has very long roots. Therefore, transplanting can only be done at a young age of the plant, that is, up to five years. After that, it is no longer necessary to transplant it, as the hawthorn will acquire a strong and durable root system.

Planting hawthorn should be done in spring or autumn. Regardless of the planting period, the plant will produce the same fruit yield. Until the plant is two years old, you need to decide the usual place where the hawthorn will grow.

After planting, the soil must be watered and cover with peat or ordinary earth for about seven centimeters. When planting, you need to take into account the distance between the rest of the plants in the garden, it should be two or three meters.

Hawthorn begins to bring a huge harvest five years after planting. The hawthorn will bring the greatest number of fruits ten years after planting.

The expert will tell you about hawthorn, its features, planting and care:

Shrub care after planting and transplanting: fertilizer, pruning, how to water

One of the main benefits of hawthorn is its easy care. You need to be careful. Important timely cut branches or shoots that are dry or sick.

In order for the plant to look neat, it should be constantly cut. Cut the plant in the spring, and the removal of dried and diseased parts can be done at absolutely any time of the year.

There is a need for constant weed removal and loosening of the soil cover. You can fertilize hawthorn with ordinary manure just before the flowering period of the plant.

Water abundantly in summer and spring. only needed once a month. 12 liters of purified water should be poured onto one bush. But if the summer period is dry, then it is important to increase watering up to three times.

Propagation by seeds (bones) at home

Hawthorn can be propagated in several ways.

Propagation of seeds or seeds of this plant at home is a rather difficult process, because the stratification of the plant lasts approximately one year, and the first seeds germinate after a long period. Many seeds won't germinate at all.

Prepare the seeds in advance and follow the following algorithm:

  1. They must stand in purified water for 72 hours in a room at room temperature (23 degrees Celsius).
  2. Then they just need to be thoroughly wiped.
  3. Prepare potassium nitrate (combined mineral fertilizer) and dip the seeds there for 48 hours.
  4. Plant the seeds in the ground. Landing should be carried out in the last month of the autumn period (November).
  5. As soon as the seedling has reached a height of 60 centimeters, it must be cut. Shortening pruning includes removal of three buds. There is also a reduction in shoots, there should be two of them left - this is necessary for the further proper growth of the plant.

Varieties and types

Crimean hawthorn. Crimean hawthorn - the species looks like a tree of small height and grows in the Crimea. The plant is almost impossible to meet alone, it is planted in a group with other shrubs.

The berries of the plant are cherry in color with a dark tint, and the bark of the tree is also brown with a dark tint. Leaf color is green. This variety grows on rocky slopes.

Chinese hawthorn. Since it most often grows in China, this species got its name. Chinese hawthorn is also grown in other countries on the banks of various rivers. In Europe, the plant appeared in the nineteenth century.

This species loves the sun, but can be grown in partial shade. The height of the tree reaches more than five meters. The bark of the trunk is gray with a dark tint.

The main feature of the Chinese hawthorn- it has practically no spines. The leaves have a green color with a bright tint. The inflorescences of the plant have an average diameter of seven centimeters.

The color of the berries is red with a very bright tone, almost. The berries themselves have the shape of a regular ball. The diameter of the berry is an average of 16 millimeters.

soft hawthorn. This species is most common in areas of the United States of America. Forest edges are the main distribution area of ​​the soft hawthorn. It tolerates low air temperatures and can grow in soil that is not rich in minerals.

The tree has a powerful trunk, and its height reaches nine meters. The spines of the plant are chestnut in color, and their length is ten centimeters. The length of the leaves is 6 or 7 centimeters. The flowers, which have a diameter of three centimeters, create inflorescences consisting of 12 flowers.

Berries - an orange flower with a red tint. The flowering period begins at the end of the spring period (May), and the softish hawthorn begins to bear fruit at the beginning of the autumn period (September).

Hawthorn "Arnold". This variety is native to North America. Distinctive features: thick shoots and large leaves that reach four centimeters in diameter and ten centimeters long.

The flowering period begins either in late spring (May) or early summer (June). In general, the plant begins to bloom only eight years after planting.

Hawthorn "Arnold" brings early harvest. Berries can be harvested almost every year.

Hawthorn "Maximovich". This variety was given such a name thanks to its discoverer from Russia. The fruits are small, have the shape of a ball, and their diameter is only one centimeter. One kilogram contains an average of 1800 berries.

The flowering period begins in the last month of spring (May), and this variety of hawthorn begins to bear fruit in late summer (August) or early autumn (September).

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the plant began to spread to other parts of the world. The leaves are diamond-shaped with a pointed end.

This is only a small part of the species and varieties of hawthorn.

Each species and variety has its own distinctive features. The main advantage of hawthorn is its unpretentious care. Certain varieties are able to bring a huge harvest.

In the future, you can eat berries for preventive or medical purposes. If you suffer from any cardiovascular diseases, then this plant is suitable for you.

Remember: hawthorn can bring you many benefits and joy.
