Business plan polyurethane foam insulation sample. Step by Step Guide to Starting a Polyurethane Foam and Polyurea Spray Business

The attractiveness of the business in the field of thermal insulation by spraying foam is very high:

  • low initial investment
  • the shortest payback periods in the presence of orders
  • no need to maintain production facilities and a large staff of workers
  • high speed of work
  • business mobility
  • the highest thermal insulation properties of polyurethane foam
  • features of polyurethane foam processing (instant result, minimum preparatory and construction work, adhesion to most materials, etc.)
  • relatively simple technology, no need for specialized education
  • wide scope of polyurethane foam (from balconies to industrial roofs)
  • and etc.

All these positive factors often lead to PPU business a rather large percentage of amateurs and adventurers, along with conscious entrepreneurs who understand the properties of PPU and the basics of working with this material. In some cases, negligent "newcomers" discredit PPU in the market of thermal insulation materials. In this regard, we consider it our duty to continue with this article to acquaint future entrepreneurs with all the nuances of PPU spraying even before starting a business.

In this article, we want to touch upon aspects of business organization that are specific to the field of PPU spraying. Here we will not talk about the peculiarities of choosing the organizational and legal form of an enterprise, bank, loan, or advertising. Although these basic things are essential, they deviate little from the general laws of business.

Profitability of the PU foam spraying business

When is it profitable to start a PU foam spraying business, and when is it better to just use the services of professionals

Quite often, I heard from customers who want to insulate their own cottage that they would rather buy the installation and raw materials for spraying PPU themselves, in order to provide services to the public somewhere and sometime in the future. Most often, the idea turns into the fact that your cottage will be insulated, and the installation will continue to lie in the garage or be resold. This is primarily due to 2 factors. Firstly, for such reasons, the simplest and cheapest installation is usually bought, which does not allow us to talk about running a serious profitable business. At the same time, the quality of the PPU processed by this installation, and even by a beginner, is likely to leave much to be desired. And this experiment is carried out on their own home. Secondly, the market for PU foam spraying services is often more competitive than it seemed at first glance. Now it is far from enough to just buy a unit and tell your neighbors about it. Today, the customer is concerned about the price, the timing, the quality, the work experience, and the availability of small marketing tools (booklet, business card, foam samples, etc.).

At the same time, the economy of the event (usually up to 500 sq.m) speaks in favor of buying services from professionals. This is due to the need to purchase raw materials in multiples of whole barrels, and the lack of wholesale discounts for a beginner, and the need to purchase additional consumables, etc., not to mention the lost time.


You can give a simplified formula for assessing the profitability of purchasing equipment for spraying foam for your own needs:

The cost of a PPU spraying unit with a spray gun, compressor, hoses, etc.

The cost of raw materials for the object is a multiple of the container (usually drums of 220 kg of component A and 250 kg of component B)

Consumables (solvent for flushing hoses and sprayer, protective clothing, gas mask or mask with filters, small tools, etc.)

The cost of polyurethane spraying services when ordering from professionals

If the calculation according to this formula showed that all your costs are more than the total cost of services provided by foam spraying companies, then the idea will not justify itself.

Event budget

Now let's talk about real business. Suppose that you have figured out what polyurethane foam is and how to spray it, you have an understanding of who and how to sell your services, and even have the means to start. Let's try to make a preliminary estimate for cost items so as not to miss anything:

Line item Cost estimate
Foam spraying machine - low pressure or - high pressure kits, if necessary with a raw material heating system and a recirculation system. from 65,000 to 700,000 rubles. or from 500,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.
Means of transporting the plant and raw materials - an existing light vehicle (when using a small plant and a small container of raw materials) or - a truck (for example, Gazelle Next, Mercedes Sprinter, Volkswagen Crafter 35, Renault Master L3 H3, Ford Transit Van, Iveco Daily H2, Fiat VAN LWB H3 35). Calculate the load capacity based on the weight of the unit, compressor, 2 sets of raw materials (1 ton) and other materials. Also take into account the additional costs for re-equipment and re-equipment of the car body for the transportation of the installation, raw materials and other needs. 0 rub. or from 500,000 to 2,500,000 rubles.
Compressor with oil and moisture separator, the model is selected depending on the recommendations for installation from 15 000 rub.
Diesel generator if autonomous operation is required without access to the electrical connection from 150 000 rub.
Overalls and consumables (solvent for washing hoses and sprayer, protective clothing, gas mask or mask with filters, adhesive tape, laser tape measure, small tools, etc.) from 15 000 rub.
Additional equipment for work in winter conditions: - drum heaters, if there is no raw material heating system at the plant itself - heat gun - hose and air heating system from 15 000 rub. from 10 000 rub. from 25 000 rub.
Scaffolding or scaffold tour - rent of scaffolding or tower tours or - purchase of scaffolding or tower tours 0 rub., rent if necessary or from 15,000 rub.
Advertising budget (website, Yandex Direct, printing of booklets and business cards, placement of ads and articles in magazines, participation in construction exhibitions, etc.) everyone sets their own budget
Warehouse rental - own garage or truck bed or - a small warehouse to accommodate raw materials, installation and other 0 rub. or from 5,000 rubles / month.
Wage Fund - piecework wages of the operator, workers and managers or - hiring full-time employees, first of all, the operator Do not forget to take into account taxes. 0 rub./month, depends on the amount of work and is included in the cost part when calculating the cost of services or from 15,000 rubles/month. depending on staff
Commercial and overhead costs associated with the expenditure of time and money to receive and fulfill an order, including telephone and Internet communications, gasoline individually
Unforeseen Expenses I highly recommend that you include this article in any business planning. This will avoid disappointments and acute budget deficits if something goes wrong. 10-15% of the total budget

Everyone will calculate the final budget for himself, depending on the planned scale of the business and the choice of one or another type of equipment. We spoke in sufficient detail about the choice of the type of installation in the previously published article “Equipment for spraying high and low pressure polyurethane foam - what is the difference? ', so we won't dwell on it here.

In the estimate, they deliberately did not indicate the components for spraying PPU, since they can be purchased with funds received as an advance from the customer to perform a specific amount of work.

Profit estimate
  • the cost and quantity of polyurethane foam components that will be spent to spray the object, taking into account the thickness of the layer, the brand of raw materials used, weather conditions, topography and the tendency to sorption of the sprayed surface, and other factors;
  • logistics costs, namely for the delivery of PPU components from the manufacturer's plant, for the delivery of a PPU spraying unit and workers to the place of work;
  • the cost of consumables that will be irrevocably used during the work (solvent, protective suit, adhesive tape, etc.);
  • wage fund for the operator and auxiliary workers, taking into account the mark-up for the complexity and height of work, the number of floors of lifting raw materials and equipment, piece rates;
  • costs for the use of scaffolding or tower tours (rent, collection / disassembly, delivery and return);
  • the cost of a manager's bonus or agency fee for providing an order (if any);
  • taxes and other expenses.

After all the above cost items have been calculated, you can evaluate and add the expected profit to the cost of the invoice issued to the client. The calculation of the cost of providing services is an individual matter and depends on the strategy for entering the market, the method of mathematical calculation of costs and the desired profit for each specific object.

Practice shows that the rate of return in the field of polyurethane foam spraying is in the range of 25-60%, which makes this business very attractive and quickly pays off. Sometimes even one large facility can fully recoup the investment made to enter the foam spraying business.


Business is always a balance of opportunities and risks. Who does not take risks does not drink champagne. We are confident that if you carefully approached the study of the market situation, business planning and well understood the technology of spraying polyurethane foam, then success will accompany you.

Be sure that suppliers of equipment and raw materials will be indispensable partners in your undertaking. After all, they are “vitally” interested in the development of your business, in the quality and quantity of the services you provide. At first, it is they who will help you calculate the required number of foam components, select the brand of raw materials, commission the installation, advise or even arrive at the spraying site in case of difficulties.

In contact with

Polyurethane is a modern material that is used for the manufacture of various parts and other products. Polyurethane products have increased resistance to loads, therefore they are used in various mechanical devices, as well as as a structural material in many industries. For example, bushings, oil seals and other gaskets for cars are made from polyurethane. From this material, you can make various decorative forms for pouring concrete, containers for storing all kinds of substances, etc.

Polyurethane is considered a versatile material that is very popular in all industries and utilities. Organization of a business for the manufacture of polyurethane products is quite a profitable business, however, it requires special control, knowledge and investments in the purchase of special equipment.

Business premises for rent.

For the successful operation of the business, it will be necessary to have a technical room with the possibility of placing production equipment there. It is worth choosing those buildings that already have all the necessary communications, namely electricity (including 380V), water supply connection, gas and ventilation. Finding an area with these requirements is quite problematic, but possible. Former garages or a small production workshop will do.

Also, if desired, you can agree with another entrepreneur to jointly rent a large production facility, divide it into parts and produce your own products. The required area is about 450 square meters, for the first time this volume is quite enough to start production. The average cost for three large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov) varies around 6,000 rubles. Accordingly, 450 x 6,000 = 2,700,000 rubles per year, the total amount that will have to be spent on renting a room. This does not include utility bills.

Expenses for the purchase of special equipment.

The production of polyurethane is considered a complex technological process, therefore, it is simply impossible to do without the necessary, special equipment. All you need is a few machines and installations, power tools and small kits for their self-service. You will need a press machine, a gas oven, a drilling machine, a cutting device, a sorting table, an air compressor, a conveyor, a milling machine, and more. The purchase procedure should be treated with attention, and purchase only from trusted dealers.

Average prices for the necessary technical equipment:

Press machine - 22,000 rubles;
- milling machine - 44,000 rubles;
- gas stove - 57,000 rubles;
- drilling machine - 25,000 rubles;
- cutting device - 20,000 rubles;
- sorting table - 12,000 rubles;
- air compressor - 11,000 rubles;
- belt conveyor - 45,000 rubles;
- typesetting tool - 4,000 rubles;

It should be noted that the cost of each instrument is calculated based on the average prices for the largest retail outlets in Moscow, Rostov and St. Petersburg. The total amount of costs required for the purchase of technological equipment and tools is 22,000 + 44,000 + 57,000 + 25,000 + 20,000 + 12,000 + 11,000 + 45,000 + 4,000 = 240,000 rubles.

Working staff and purchase of necessary raw materials.

An enterprise producing polyurethane products will require qualified personnel with the necessary knowledge and experience. First of all, working people must be responsible for the performance of their work, namely, strictly observe the production technology and not disrupt the work process. The manufacturing technology of polyurethane products is quite complex and has many nuances. It would be great, even at the beginning of the selection of workers, to conduct tests on knowledge of this product, technology, and so on. In total, about 5 workers are needed: a process engineer, a machine operator, a milling machine operator, a mechanic and a loader-handyman.

Average salaries for the main specialties in Moscow:

Process engineer - 46,000 rubles;
- operator for the machine - 35,000 rubles;
- milling machine operator - 30,000 rubles;
- locksmith - 28,000 rubles;
- loader-handyman - 25,000 rubles;

Properly selected working staff will produce high quality material. Total waste of funds for personnel: 46,000 + 35,000 + 30,000 + 28,000 + 25,000 = 164,000 rubles per month, for one year 164,000 x 12 (months of work) = 1,968,000 rubles. At the same time, embezzlement does not take into account the payment of bonuses, incentives and other possible allowances.

The main and most popular methods of advertising are: the Internet, street leaflets, press and radio. Each of the methods has its own advantages, and a combination of all can give an excellent effect and business promotion. Creating your own Internet resource allows you to provide information about the product to each user as accessible as possible. The client visits the site on their own, browses the catalog of finished products, the latest manufactured items, and so on.

Proper design and advertising will significantly promote the business. In addition, you can create your own, full-fledged online store. The cost of creating a website for a store with initial promotion varies from 160,000 rubles. The main advantage of a web resource is the fact that it can be associated with almost any type of advertising.

Distribution of ready-made street flyers remains the most popular and effective way to announce the existence of your company. The cost, taking into account the hiring of workers for distribution, can vary from 35 to 45 thousand rubles.

Advertising in the press and on the radio is also often used by many entrepreneurs, for this it is enough to fill out an application, pay for services, and you can listen to your own advertising on a certain wave or view it in a glossy magazine. The cost of these advertising methods depends on the popularity of the radio wave or the magazine itself, the newspaper where the ads will be placed. Rates can vary significantly.

Service implementation plan and payback periods.

High-quality polyurethane products are always in great demand. These things are purchased by many wholesale commodity organizations, hardware stores, automotive markets and more. The most profitable solution is to sell products in bulk in large quantities.

A good impetus to development can be given by participation in various exhibitions and competitions for the best products, it is at such events that the largest number of potential buyers gather. Properly presenting your product, you can get about 10 stable buyers, in fact, who will bring the company a stable income.

If the manufacturing enterprise will have at least 5 stable buyers, it is possible to calculate the approximate profit in advance. One batch of a certain type of product costs about 30,000 rubles, respectively, if you sell about 5-7 batches per week, you can have a stable profit of 200,000 rubles / week, per month 200,000 x 4 \u003d 800,000 rubles, per year 800 000 x 12 (months) = 9,600,000 rubles.

If there are several stable buyers, the profit will be about 9,600,000 rubles. Expenses for business development are equal to 5,113,600 rubles per year. Net income is 9,600,000 - 5,113,600 = 4,487,000 rubles per year, subject to the active work of the enterprise and the presence of stable orders. Accordingly, the profitability, payback of the business varies in the region of 8 - 12 months.

Back Forward -

The business of insulating the facades of buildings with polyurethane foam is seasonal, which is why it should be considered as an additional source of income for an existing business - construction work or specialization in building materials. Although during the season you can earn so much that it will be enough to sunbathe in Thailand all winter.

Rigid polyurethane foam has good performance in terms of sound and heat insulation, while being lightweight, durable and easy to use, it can be applied to any clean and dry surfaces. The process of insulation using this material is quite simple, its only weak point is low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, but this can also be solved by applying a protective paint coating over the polyurethane foam layer.

Insulation with polyurethane foam is a service in demand. It is difficult to compete with major players serving powerful, impressive projects, although not every construction organization provides this type of work. But private and commercial customers - this niche of the client audience can be covered by a small start-up company.

So, opening your own business should begin with an analysis of the market, the presence of competitors and the evaluation of proposals. Then you can register your business. Since construction licenses have been abolished, it is best to join the SRO (self-regulatory organization), which will make it possible to engage in construction and finishing work without obstacles.


At the first stages, you can do without renting an office space. Meetings with the client are usually held at the facility. From its condition, area, the order of prices and terms of order fulfillment are formed. Having experience in the construction industry, these functions are taken over by the business owner, he acts as a foreman, controls the quality of the work of his subordinates. Subsequently, when there are enough orders and there is no need to save on rent and payroll, you can open a small office, preferably close to real estate under construction.

Equipment .

For applying polyurethane foam insulation, special high-pressure installations (imported and domestic production) are used. According to the method of supplying polyurethane foam, they are divided into electric, pneumatic, hydraulic. It is better to give preference to not the most expensive samples with low productivity, but mobile, easily transported and moved from one place to another. The cost of one such device starts at $ 1,600. Each type of equipment is designed to use its own type of raw material, it is offered by the manufacturer, who also trains personnel in the basics of application and surface treatment.


The staff of the polyurethane insulation company consists of several teams, each of which includes at least 2 people: an operator and his assistant.
The foreman can, in addition to quality control and mutual settlements with the customer, preliminarily assess the condition of the facility, notify the client about the need for additional work, bring and take large equipment, stock of raw materials and operators to the place of work.
As it is already clear, you cannot do without your own transport - you can buy a used car for $ 6500-7000 or rent a minibus, a small van.
Although polyurethane foam is not toxic, safety requirements require employees to work in respirators, protective suits and gloves.

Cost of materials .

To improve the performance of the heat-insulating layer, various additives are used, often, for example, waterproofing components are introduced into the mixture. They are not cheap - 28-30 USD. for 1 kg. In general, a standard set of a sprayer for a polyurethane foam installation, when purchasing large quantities in bulk, will cost 4.5-5 USD. per kilogram. The consumption of raw materials in this case is up to 4 kg per 1 sq.m. surfaces.
The lower the density of the material, the cheaper its cost. To purchase the first batch, you must have $ 1,500 at your disposal.

Service price.

The cost of spraying with polyurethane foam depends on the density and thickness of the layer. The average figure is 20 dollars per sq.m. As you can see, this surface treatment method is not the cheapest, but worth the money. Having at your disposal several teams performing work in parallel on objects of different sizes, with a sufficient number of orders, you can get a good income.
Prospects for business development: the development of new, progressive methods of surface treatment, for example, the now popular waterproofing "liquid rubber", the provision of other construction services.

Quality products will always be in price, and polyurethane foam is the highest quality insulation on the construction market.

With the help of Fakel equipment, you can start a polyurethane foam spraying business alone, you will not need large teams. The units are mobile and light. In addition to spraying with Fakel installations, polyurethane foam can be poured into the ventilation gap of walls and various shapes.

During a working day, one specialist can spray up to 200 square meters of insulation 3-5 centimeters thick. Two people will make 100-150 square meters more, as one person will be engaged in spraying, the other ancillary work and vice versa.

Polyurethane foam is much easier to install than traditional insulation, which allows you to get started without special skills, additional training and a large amount of additional equipment.

In order to start a polyurethane foam insulation business, you need the following:

1. Study the local market for thermal insulation and waterproofing services. Decide on the possible volumes and understand what orders you can expect and what performance equipment is better to purchase.

According to our experience, regular and frequent customers are individual customers, insulation of walls, roofs, attics. The spray area varies from 50 to 300 meters. The most marginal clients.

In second place are legal entities with small orders up to 500 square meters. Insulation of roofs, foundations, walls, vans, tanks, residential and non-residential mobile containers. Just enough marginal clients

Third place - large orders, more than 1,000 square meters. Such orders "shoot" not often, usually require participation in a competition or tender. The advantage of such orders is to provide the company with employment. The amounts are large, but the margin is less.

A few examples of real orders for spraying polyurethane foam:

1. Garage

30 sq. meters

Required materials - 60 kg.

Cost price - 9 600 rubles.

Earnings - 9,000 rubles.

Working time - 2 hours

2. Attic

Required materials - 200 kg.

The cost of materials - 32,000 rubles.

Earnings - 38,000 rubles.

Working time - 8 hours.

3. Facade of the house

Required materials - 250 kg.

The cost of materials - 40,000 rubles.

Earnings - 60,000 rubles.

Working time - 2 days, taking into account equipment setup, assembly and disassembly of scaffolding

4. Boiler room wall

Required materials - 106 kg.

The cost of materials - 17,000 rubles.

Earnings - 18,000 rubles.

Working time - 6-8 hours.

2. Buy Torch equipment. Choose the best equipment. Without heating, if you plan to work only in summer. Equipment with heating is required when the temperature drops to plus 12-15 degrees.

3. Purchase components for the production of polyurethane foam. The most commonly used components for the production of polyurethane foam are closed-cell foams with a density of 30-40 kilograms per cubic meter. The so-called "Classic" foams. You can read about them in a separate article - components for polyurethane foam.

4. Learn how to use equipment, materials and make test samples. Spend 30 minutes to read the instruction manual and watch the video instruction and you can spray or fill. Make prototypes with which you will come to the client.

The most convenient sites for advertising are Avito, TIU, From hand to hand, and other similar sites. Also use local, regional, classifieds sites. Active sales as a potential insulation contractor to construction companies.

Polyurethane foam - first thoughts

Why do people usually turn to polyurethane foam?

All our clients come to us with only one goal - to EARN. And it doesn't matter if they buy potting equipment to open a beehive or shell shop, spray equipment to provide PU foam insulation services, or want to insulate their home. All our clients want to EARN by selling services, goods or saving on heating or cooling.

When you come to the conclusion that you spend a lot of money on heating your home or that your clients need polyurethane foam insulation, the next step is to search for information, a more detailed dive into the topic.

You study the difference between PU foam and other materials that can be competitors and substitutes, look for truthful information about why PU foam is better. After all, you need to find reasons to get into polyurethane foam and sell it to your customers.

Immersion in the topic takes place on the Internet and through conversations with experts. At the same time, specialists most often charge for frank and detailed advice, while company employees intend to sell their products to you and present information one-sidedly.

At the same time, you need to clearly understand why you are purchasing equipment. For spraying or pouring. For pouring which products, the dimensions of the products. Make a business plan, cost plan.

After you have decided on your needs, the selection of equipment comes. I advise you to read the articles Choice of equipment for spraying, Choice of equipment for pouring, Heating, Components. This will give you a complete and clear understanding of what they eat with what and what you should pay attention to.

Contact us, together with you we will calculate all investments in your new business.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

In modern construction, many methods are used to apply special coatings that provide structures with protection from environmental influences. Almost always, the building must be insulated with one or another material, among which polyurethane foam has become especially popular. In construction, the so-called rigid polyurethane foam is used, which consists of an inert gas phase. Due to this, it practically does not let heat through, while remaining very light. In addition to thermal insulation, it provides good sound insulation of the room, which is why it is an almost universal material for protecting facades and walls.

It is used on different types of objects, which distinguishes it from other analogues such as rubber, latex, polyethylene foam and cellulose sponge. An insignificant disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its vulnerability to ultraviolet rays, but it can be easily eliminated by applying additional protection, for example, paintwork. All this allows you to start your own business based on the insulation of facades with PPU spraying.

A significant number of construction companies offer their clients a similar service, but still not every company can find it in the list of proposed works. In big cities, there will certainly be several competitors, which makes it possible for many companies to earn money in this direction. However, it is worth studying the market offers in order to know exactly in which segment you will have to work and whether such an undertaking is generally advisable. Insulation with polyurethane foam is relatively in demand in both commercial and private construction, but if the object is being built by a large construction company, the customer almost always cooperates with only one company, and he will not turn to a third-party organization just for the sake of insulation.

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A novice entrepreneur can find his clients among those homeowners who renew their insulation in houses, and among people who are engaged in private construction, and therefore rarely turn to large construction companies, ordering a significant part of the work from construction teams, small firms, or even doing it on their own. It is also worth noting that such insulation is relatively expensive, therefore it will not find its client among the low-income segments of the population and among those who seek the economy on absolutely everything. However, working alone is not always profitable, and therefore an entrepreneur can assemble his own team, which will cooperate with a small developing construction company that offers its customers only construction and engineering work, but cannot provide them with waterproofing, thermal insulation, soundproofing and the like. works. When an entrepreneur who is engaged in the application of polyurethane foam gets access to all the facilities under construction, which are carried out by his partner, which greatly simplifies his search for customers.

For a partner construction organization, this type of cooperation is beneficial in that it can offer its customers a wider range of services, which means it improves its image. In this direction, there is a risk that the partner, sooner or later, having earned his own reputation and improved his financial situation, decides to engage in such services himself, and he will no longer need a separate organization. Also, the polyurethane foam application service can be successfully combined with some other types of services, such as liquid rubber waterproofing, general repair and construction work, and the like. In this case, it is possible to reach a wider audience, and clients who are interested in this or that work can be offered additional services.

It is worth noting that, like any construction or construction-related work, insulation by applying polyurethane foam is a seasonal business that is of interest to the population, as a rule, only in the warm season. Moreover, polyurethane foam cannot be applied at air temperatures below 0 °C. In this regard, such a business must be combined with some other type of entrepreneurship in order to provide yourself with income all year round.

To start your work, you need to register as a business entity, and in this case it is easier to remain an individual by registering as an individual entrepreneur. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a limited liability company, because in this case, as with individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available. This will allow transferring no more than 6% of income or 15% of operating profit to the state. How to indicate the OKVED code correctly, and such activities fall under the definition (OKPD 2) 43.39 Other finishing and finishing works in buildings and structures, although additional classifiers may be required for other types of services.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Currently, there is no need to obtain a special construction license, but for legitimate business in this area, you need to obtain membership in a self-regulatory organization. In order to join the SRO, you need to contact the selected non-profit enterprise, which will indicate the requirements for new members. It is membership in a self-regulatory organization that makes it possible to engage in any construction work indicated during registration, and a work permit is issued by the self-regulatory organization itself. From a legal point of view, there are no more restrictions on work.

The next rather important stage in organizing your own business is determining the location of the future company. In this direction, at first it may not be advisable to maintain your own premises, because clients will not need representation, all negotiations can be carried out at the client's site. An entrepreneur who decides to go into the business of insulating the application of polyurethane foam must himself understand the principle of work, and it is also desirable to independently participate in this process, that is, personally perform the services offered. In this case, he will act as the head of the team, who can control the quality of the work performed and the honesty of his employees. In any case, you will have to find trusted people who have a good reputation, and even better verified by the entrepreneur himself. However, when an entrepreneur himself participates in the work, he can immediately negotiate without an intermediary, independently evaluate the object and name the cost of the proposed work.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For a small, growing company, it is especially important to be able to cut costs, and rent can become a significant cost in the first months, which will not even cover expenses, not to mention profits. If an entrepreneur is personally involved in the process, he saves on labor, which also has a positive effect on income. Thus, such a business is recommended for those businessmen who have sufficient experience in the construction industry.

However, sooner or later you will have to find a place for your own office, and in this case it is best to be located near private real estate blocks under construction. That is, you need to be as close as possible to potential customers. The representative office itself does not have to occupy a large territory, because it will simply hold negotiations and provide information about the company to consumers. This all applies to an organization that deals only and exclusively with the application of polyurethane foam, some other services involve the lease of significant areas and warehouses. With new construction being carried out in significant volumes, as a rule, on the outskirts of the city, the cost of renting a room will not be very high. However, the price directly depends on the city of work and location in it.

For work, you will need to purchase special devices for applying polyurethane foam. There are two ways to apply polyurethane foam, in connection with which high or low pressure installations are used. However, recently it has been recommended to use exclusively high-pressure installations, because they provide better application of the material, lower consumption and higher productivity.

It should be noted that the polyurethane foam itself is obtained by mixing several components in the installation itself, so it is advisable to purchase only the recommended raw materials for the purchased device. Currently, there are many manufacturers of such equipment, and some of them are also engaged in production in Russia, which significantly reduces the cost of equipment. The method of supplying the nebulizer can be varied, and there are pneumatic, electrical and hydraulic installations. These are inherently different classes, and they differ in their performance, performance and price.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For small businesses, inexpensive equipment is suitable that does not have very high performance, but is easy to transport, is easy to use and maintain, and also costs somewhat less than professional installations. The price of one device starts at about 50 thousand rubles, but can be much higher if you need a powerful installation. For the direct process of applying polyurethane foam, only equipment equipped with a hose of the required length and raw materials will be required. Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for the application of polyurethane foam insulation must offer their customers training in the use of the equipment.

The process of applying polyurethane foam cannot be called complicated, but some practice is required for better performance of the work, therefore, after purchase, it is advisable to insulate any surface on your own in order to gain experience. In order for the insulation to be effective, the help of an experienced builder (if it is not the installation operator) is required, who knows exactly all the features of the design and connections of the elements, pointing out shortcomings or difficulties in the work of the operator. In general, before carrying out insulation by applying polyurethane foam, it is desirable to draw up a full-fledged project for future work, in which all parameters will be calculated and features indicated, which will significantly increase work efficiency. In this regard, the team must have experienced technologists, engineers and builders who will avoid mistakes in their work.

However, the staff does not have to be large, because design work can be performed by 2-3 people (they are not difficult for a professional), and in cooperation with a construction company, the entire project, including insulation, is coordinated immediately in the complex of all works. The most important workers are plant operators who have received special training in the use of the equipment or already have similar experience. The team may consist of a different number of people depending on the complexity of the project and the design features of the surface to be treated, on the size of the order; usually it is at least two people, one of whom is directly the operator, and the second assistant.

To protect employees, it is necessary to purchase special protective suits that cover the entire body, preventing contact with sprayed particles. It is advisable to work in a respirator so as not to inhale substances that are not the most beneficial to health. Safety precautions in such production are standard, because polyurethane foam does not have high toxicity or poisonous properties. In some cases, you can find people who handle polyurethane foam without special protection at all, using standard work clothes.

The actual need for such a production is also the purchase of a working vehicle in which the installations can be transported, only if one of the employees has his own sufficiently spacious vehicle, you can agree with him to transport the equipment. In the future, with an increase in the number of orders, it will be necessary to purchase vehicles for each team, because they will work in different places at the same time. The cost of the simplest car is 200 thousand rubles, and for this amount you can only buy a used car, but it will work for some more time before being repaired. It will be practically impossible to transport the unit without a car, because it is a fairly large product, and in addition to it, it is often necessary to transport large volumes of raw materials. Therefore, we are not talking about a light vehicle, but a small van that can carry several people in addition to the device and raw materials.

As already noted, polyurethane foam is a fairly expensive material for insulation, but this is completely redeemed by its durability and good performance. Currently, many different components are produced, which ultimately give insulation with different indicators, including special components that provide excellent waterproofing (due to the inclusion of polyurea in the composition). These are the most expensive materials, their cost per 1 kilogram reaches 900 rubles, while standard consumables for spraying polyurethane foam cost about 150 rubles per 1 kilogram. Just keep in mind that these are prices for the purchase of large quantities of products, in other words, these are wholesale prices that are available with the simultaneous purchase of several hundred kilograms. Cost is also affected by the density of the raw materials, and low density products can be orders of magnitude cheaper.

It should be noted that up to four kilograms of material can be used per square meter of the treated surface, so you will have to buy a large number of consumable components. In general, it is necessary to have about 50 thousand rubles more for the purchase of the primary batch of raw materials.

The cost of work for the client varies greatly depending on the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer, its density and the ambient temperature at which the application takes place. Usually, companies that deal with polyurethane foam insulation make a small mark-up directly on the material itself, but the cost of processing 1 square meter is on average 700 rubles.

For better insulation, the appropriate material is used, and it is applied in a thicker layer, which ultimately significantly increases the cost of surface treatment. With a sufficient number of orders, processing with polyurethane foam can become quite a profitable business, but for this you need to have orders for definitely large areas of processing. On the other hand, polyurethane foam can be applied to almost any surface, as long as it is dry and clean, because polyurethane foam has good adhesion.

Such a business is a good undertaking for a person who understands and wants to engage in construction or construction ancillary work. However, given the seasonality of this direction, it is advisable to look for additional ways of income in the winter season, because it is impossible to apply polyurethane foam in some regions for 4-5 months. However, as part of an existing construction business and its development, polyurethane foam insulation can be a good solution.

Matthias Laudanum

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