How are the fittings on a plastic window. How to choose high-quality PVC windows: fittings

When ordering a plastic window, buyers pay attention to its functional and operational features - heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities, external data. Buyers are extremely rarely interested in the quality of window fittings.

Window accessories for a plastic window provide tightness of the window structure and reliable protection against burglary. Fittings account for about 15% of the cost of the structure itself, so the choice of such elements should be approached seriously.

Modern window fittings are a complex set of mechanisms and elements. The assembled structure must be wear-resistant, durable and reliable (it is allowed that only decorative elements are made of plastic, all other parts must be made of high-strength material).

What is the fittings and what are its basic elements?

Perimeter is called all the fittings that are installed in modern plastic windows.

Depending on the type of opening, various product kits are offered.

Perimeter fittings in the fitting groove along the sash perimeter. It can also be mounted in a window frame socket.

Window pins(adaptation of fittings) when closing windows in several places along the perimeter, the sash is pressed against the window frame.

Important fittings are:

Locks are movable devices with built-in locking pins.

Hinges are connecting elements that ensure the closing and opening of windows - they connect the sash to the frame.

Handles and levers are elements that also serve to close and open the window frame.

Protective elements. These include: tilt blocker, opening limiter, sash rotation blocker. The slot ventilator is also of great importance - it is able to hold the sash and allows you to form a gap 5 mm wide.

Read about triple glazing for plastic windows.

To learn how to improve soundproofing in an apartment, follow the link.

The variety of kitchen countertops is so great that choosing a countertop becomes a real torture. as important as its functionality: after all, it must fit into the overall interior of the kitchen.

Window fittings differ in the direction of opening, the method of opening and applicability to sashes that have different weights.

According to the opening methods, the fittings are divided into:

  • rotary with horizontal placement of loops;
  • rotary with vertical placement of loops;
  • tilt-and-turn.

Anti-burglary fittings

This is a security element that will make it difficult for thieves to enter the apartment through the windows. Such fittings are equipped with special mushroom pins.

The trunnions cling to the anti-burglary strips and prevent the sash from being squeezed and lifted.

Three steel trunnions are included in the basic set of anti-burglary fittings.

Fittings for metal-plastic windows: an overview of offers on the market

Below we will present brief characteristics of the most famous and common fittings of the domestic market.

Roto - Germany

Accessories for Roto plastic windows are reliable and durable. The German company is currently the only one who gives a ten year warranty quality for their products. It also differs from analogues on the market with a flat locking tongue.

Advantages of the Roto product:

  • when locking the window, a lot of effort is not required due to the reduction of friction of the locking tongue;
  • the force on the locking parts is distributed over the entire contact surface.

Maco - Austria

The company produces hidden fittings for tilt-and-turn and rotary opening. Accessories for plastic windows Mako allows you to improve the appearance of the window. It can also be used for outside opening.

The range includes anti-burglary fittings, which provide greater protection against burglary when using additional pins. They perform two functions: locking and protection against burglary.

Depending on the number of locking elements, fittings has 6 degrees of protection.

Aubi - Germany

This company offers customers high-quality and reliable fittings for PVC, aluminum and wood windows.

The most important distinguishing feature of the company's fittings is the use of a rolling roller with adjustment in three directions. It means that the device can be adjusted not only to the left or right, but also to push up.

This mechanism does not require additional gaskets.

One of the leading developments of the company was the sash lifting device. Fixing spikes are also patented, which fasten the fittings in the fitting cutout before fastening with self-tapping screws.

Siegenia - Germany

Siegenia has been on the market since 1914 and its products are distributed all over the world. It is a universal product that can be installed on a variety of structures - from wooden windows to PVC windows.

It is also possible to install fittings on left-hand and right-hand windows. The range of the company includes fittings for windows of non-standard design.

Winkhaus – Germany

Founded over a hundred years ago (in 1854). Today, the products of a well-known company are distributed in 40 countries around the world. The main difference between the company's fittings is ease of adjustment. It is achieved due to the special design of the rollers, which are located on the elements of the product.

It is possible to order tilt-sliding structures of various types of opening.

Fittings can be used for a variety of designs that differ in size and configuration.

The presented products are of excellent quality. The buyer is left to make his choice.

In what cases do homeowners become interested in the quality of fittings in their modern PVC windows?

When it turns out that in the cold season the windows "cry". Or "groan", set in motion by the owner's hand. When the window is difficult to open and close, or when, after another manipulation with it, a window handle remains in the hands. The problems are different, but the essence is the same - the low quality of the fittings.

It is difficult for a person who does not have special knowledge about the features of fittings for plastic windows to understand its assortment. How to choose the one that will ensure that there are no problems with tilt-and-turn processes and will last a long time?

How to choose?

If you want to expand your knowledge about fittings for PVC windows, then we suggest that you study a small educational program on this topic.

When choosing accessories, follow these recommendations:

  • Stop your choice on goods from a reliable manufacturer. Yes, they will cost more. Moreover, in the amount of 300 rubles and more. But this is the best prevention of expensive repairs and headaches due to poorly functioning windows.
  • To make it easier to navigate, first familiarize yourself with the products of leading brands.
  • Remember that product variants from different manufacturers operating in the same country may have different prices, but similar quality.
  • Do not save on purchases, purchase goods taking into account the reputation of the plant and the territorial location of the production of this organization.

From the German manufacturer Siegenia-Aubi

The brand can be safely called "Rublevskaya", since the product is one of the best options for elite cottages. Each element in the fittings is made in Germany, so the products are impeccable.


  • mechanisms allow you to change the height of the sash, turn it left and right;
  • does not give drafts a single chance thanks to 7 pressure points (2 more than competitors);
  • the maximum load is up to one and a half tons, so the fittings belong to the class with excellent defensive characteristics.
  • suitable even for windows of non-standard shape (round, triangular, oval).


  • cost (one of the most expensive market offers);
  • needs service 2 times a year (lubrication, etc.).

Accessories Maso from the Austrian manufacturer

Products Siegenia-Aubi the manufacturer is more focused on use in private homes, and Austrian products of the Maso brand are preferable to use for windows of offices and apartments in high-rise buildings.

The brand's production facilities consist of two factories located in Austria.


  • special wax as part of the outer coating, provides resistance to corrosive processes;
  • 6 levels of protection against burglars;
  • excellent appearance;
  • the function of the fittings is to protect windows from damage during inaccurate use in everyday life (for example, due to hitting a jamb);
  • a variety of positions when moving the window frame.


  • violation of the algorithm of use becomes the cause of inevitable breakdown;
  • difficult to set up without the help of a specialist;
  • cost (much more expensive than many competitors' offers).

About the quality of accessories from Maso in the video:

From the brand Winkhaus

The brand owner has been on the market for more than 150 years and today owns production facilities in 30 countries. Including in Russia, and with full quality control of products. The range of goods is wide and able to satisfy buyers with different budgets, which is very beneficial from the point of view of marketers.


  • universal, does not fail with minimal maintenance;
  • has 5 levels of anti-burglary protection;
  • modularity of structures;
  • extended operating period due to a uniform load on the component elements of the fittings;
  • suitable for replacement in long-installed PVC windows;
  • details are not afraid of moisture.


  • it was oriented towards the automatic installation process, but it has to be installed manually;
  • it does not provide stiffeners, so excessive zeal during installation can cause a hard move, noise when opening and closing;
  • in the basic configuration there is no blocker-lifter;
  • after a while it is problematic to perform full lubrication.

Buying Winkhaus fittings will not cause heavy spending, but its performance cannot be called absolutely perfect.

From ROTO company from Germany

A very well-known and popular brand with a variety of product variations, which simplifies the process of selecting the required products for consumers.


  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • warranty service 10 years;
  • allows the use of a block to rotate the window so that it can be washed without problems;
  • it implies the possibility of choosing a complete or partial configuration, taking into account the domestic needs of the client (blocks for the safety of children, alarm, burglary, etc.);
  • reinforced anti-corrosion coating.


  • the stamp is often counterfeited;
  • individual models can be installed on windows weighing no more than 80 kg;
  • possible overpricing by the seller of products.

Judging by the reviews, it is better to avoid Chinese-made ROTO products, since, apparently, the quality control department there also allows defective models to be sold.


Do not be afraid to choose accessories yourself.

So that the purchased products for PVC windows do not fall off, do not impede the operation of the vents and do not creak, follow a number of recommendations:

  • give preference to products of a well-known brand;
  • decide on the necessary options and functions;
  • Familiarize yourself with the purpose of basic elements in structures;
  • do not be greedy when choosing the right product - the cheapness of the product can turn into an expensive repair;
  • read the instructions;
  • follow the rules of operation;
  • choose a model with a long service life.

About fittings from ROTO in the video:

Window fittings for plastic windows: how to prevent possible problems?

Window fittings increase the functionality of plastic windows, but they are the last element that inexperienced buyers pay attention to when choosing a new double-glazed window. But in vain - the service life of the entire product and the convenience of its operation depend on the quality of small mechanisms.

Standard view of the basic configuration of window fittings:

  • compensator;
  • loops (lower and upper);
  • sash lifting mechanism;
  • fittings groove clamps;
  • reinforced loops;
  • scissor bracket;
  • mechanisms for tilt-and-turn maneuvers.

If you want to purchase an extended package, you can add:

  • slot ventilator;
  • lock to complicate potential hacking;
  • latch for setting the sash at the desired angle;
  • turn limiter.

What materials are used for production?

Manufacturers are limited in the choice of metal by the strength characteristics of materials. Most often used aluminum, brass. Steel is used to give double-glazed windows increased strength and reliability. If you come across an offer of plastic fittings, it is better not to be tempted by the low price of the product - it will not last long, since such material is not able to withstand serious loads. When getting acquainted with the technical description of the fittings, make sure that it has an anti-corrosion coating.

What are the requirements for window handles?

The window handle is the most used visible part of window fittings.

Without this part, you can neither open nor close the window, nor fix it open at an acceptable angle.

When choosing a pen, pay attention to:

  • whether it will be convenient for the hand to control this element when turning;
  • whether it is strong (the part will be stably subjected to loads).

In matters of handle design, be guided by the general view of the interior. Unusual shapes and materials (wood, copper) are appropriate if, for example, a retro atmosphere was sought when decorating a room. Otherwise, I recommend choosing plastic or metal handles of a simple geometric shape - it is easier to take care of them, it is easier to find a replacement.

When small children grow up or periodically visit the house, it is better to equip the dwelling with windows with lockable handles - the child cannot overcome such an obstacle on his own.

Window fittings and security issues

The topic of security is the most relevant for the residents of the first two floors. Do you want your windows to be an impregnable barrier for those who like to profit from someone else's good? Then buy locks and mechanisms for blocking windows only if you use double-glazed windows with impact-resistant outer glass. Otherwise, all additional protection measures will not be able to withstand the onslaught of thieves.

What should the buyer pay attention to?

When selecting fittings for an existing window or studying an already installed one, judge the quality of the elements based on the following:

  • you can count on a long service life of products if you have a certificate and a guarantee;
  • the more reliable, stronger the material from which the fittings are made, the less problems will be caused by repeated changes in the positions of the valves, handles;
  • accessories with anti-corrosion coating are not afraid of temperature changes, high humidity and any precipitation;
  • if initially the product works intermittently, catches somewhere, rubs in motion, then over time the problem will not disappear, but will worsen.

Kit cost

The average cost of one basic set of fittings for a simple window, including handles, is about 25 €. A simple window should be understood as a PVC product of two wings, one of which is deaf, and the second is tilt-and-turn.

If you want to equip the window with additional elements in the form of ventilation, a lock, locking parts, the price of the kit will be higher. Since it depends on the number of products that provide additional functions.

Customer Reviews

Many people talk about how convenient it is to use windows with modern fittings. But only a few pay attention to a really important nuance: the mandatory prevention of products. Therefore, only rare owners of modern PVC windows twice a year clean the fittings from dust and dirt, after which they lubricate it with machine or other technical oil. Without such care, the mechanics begin to fail, which can lead to the need to replace all window hardware. I think that spending money on a jar of oil for lubrication is still a more rational solution.

When choosing PVC windows, consider the conditions for their installation.

In a private house, it is preferable to install two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows. Then there will be no problems with condensate. And in order for the purchase to serve for a long time, also choose a high-quality profile.

Why do you need

The phrase "window accessories" means a set of mechanisms for various auxiliary purposes. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the appearance of the first PVC profiles on the market of plastic windows. Today's products differ significantly from their "ancestors" in both the locking system and fittings.

Window fittings: structure and classification

Professionals know how important it is to install high-quality fittings in PVC windows. After all, the duration of the operational period of the plastic profile, the ease of handling the doors, the ability of the package to withstand climatic tests depend on the reliability of its functionality.

The design of window fittings is made in compliance with the modular principle. In addition to the drive and hinges located in the horizontal sections of the window structure, it includes angular mechanisms involved in ensuring the movement process.

One of the types of classification of window fittings is associated with the method of opening the sashes.

Based on this, the following profiles are distinguished:

  • tilt-rotating;
  • swing;
  • deaf;
  • sliding;
  • swing-out;
  • others.

For windows of various shapes, a separate classification is provided.

As you can see, window fittings have several classification features. Its main elements include mosquito nets, handles, anti-burglary mechanisms, hinges, strikers. Let's talk about each of them separately in order to clearly understand the purpose of a separate position.


Brake bushings, blocker-microlift

Available in every window with tilt-and-turn sashes. Many of the users do not even realize that the standard sash weight range is 20-40 kg. So that it does not sag, a micro-lift-blocker is used, which is necessary to support the sash in a perfectly straight position, regardless of whether the windows are open in it or not.

To prevent the functionality of the window from degrading over time due to friction processes, brake bushings are used. Thanks to them, rotating metal elements are not subjected to direct contact and the leaves move smoothly.

mosquito net

With the onset of the warm season, the relevance of this type of fittings increases, saving us not only from mosquitoes, but also from other flying or crawling insects that love to visit human dwellings through windows. With it, you are reliably protected from annoying flies, you can not be afraid of an accidentally flown wasp or bee. Using autonomous blocks of a mosquito net, it is possible to protect not only the space of an apartment, house, but also a garage, a summer house from insects.

About anti-burglary window handles in the video:

window handles

When studying window fittings, it would be a mistake to deprive handles of attention. This familiar element of the window construction is ergonomic and reliable, it lasts a long time and does not cause any complaints, if during the production process its base was created from high-quality material.

Users can order a handle with a 45-degree lock, allowing the sash to be adjusted in a second for micro-ventilation. To turn a window into an impenetrable zone for thieves, you can use a handle with an anti-burglary button or a key-locked one. A variety of paint materials, provides the ability to order a pen of any color.

window hinges

This piece of furniture has the following functions:

  • flawless fixed installation of the sash to the frame;
  • smooth movement around the axis when manipulating the sash when opening or closing the window.

If a mistake is made in the production of hinges and these fittings do not meet the required parameters, then the entire window structure will be at risk.

The main types of loop classification:

  • taking into account the design, rod and planar are distinguished;
  • in accordance with the purpose (for sashes made of metal-plastic, aluminum, wood, steel, glass).

In the corresponding store you can easily purchase angled, two-, three-piece hinges, leaf elements with a ball bearing ring and a pin.

When purchasing hinges, indicate how you see the sashes of the window you need:

  • allowing full opening;
  • designed only for opening up;
  • allowing for micro-ventilation.

Ventilation elements

Adjusting the sash for micro-ventilation is achieved through the presence of hinges and handles.

But these are not the only elements of window fittings involved in the process of setting up comfortable air circulation for you.

The tightness of PVC windows is their advantage and disadvantage at the same time, because due to poor air permeability, condensation can form inside the window. The use of a climate valve located on the top panel of the moving sash will help to avoid the accumulation of moisture. It is almost invisible, allows you to achieve maximum sound insulation, resists drafts and condensation.

About the possibilities of tilt-and-turn fittings in the video:

steel hook

By installing double-glazed windows in an apartment on the first or second floor, residents want not only to protect their apartments from street noise and provide comfortable ventilation, but also to exclude the possibility of thieves entering the house through the windows. So that balcony and window frames can withstand the pressure of intruders, the products are equipped with an alloy steel hook. When installing a double-glazed window, a metal element is included in a special frame bar. Thanks to this, the window will protect your apartment just as reliably as an armored door to your home.

Medium constipation

An anti-burglary element is also a constipation with a counter-movement, consisting of a pair of mushroom-shaped trunnions, entering a special bar from two sides.

With forced action from the outside of the window, the locking mechanism does not allow the burglar to complete his plan.

strike plates

With their help, the sashes are pressed against the frame around the entire perimeter of the structure. Due to this, the compression of the window seal increases, which makes it even more difficult to crack the window.

Anti-burglary pins

Special window fittings that complicate the illegal dismantling of double-glazed windows. It does not need to be constantly adjusted as it self-adjusts to the clearance. To enhance the function, standard locking and strike plates are used.

Folding scissors

A wonderful idea of ​​inventors seeking to improve the quality of manufactured windows. The installation of "folding scissors" is an additional preventive measure against sagging of the window sash and improves the smoothness of movement when manipulating it.

Ambitirm spacer frame

Designed for users who value individual style, even in the elements of the interior and exterior of the home.

The distance frame increases the attractiveness of the double-glazed window and contributes to its separation from the mass of others.

It also has a more practical purpose - it lowers the level of mechanical stress of the frame.


Blinds do not require additional care if they are built into the double-glazed window. They provide additional comfort to the atmosphere of the house in any weather, protect from excessively bright sunlight or street lighting, and hide an unsightly landscape.

Hardware installation

The duration of operation of a double-glazed window structure is based on two things: the quality of the composite materials and the professional installation of fittings and the entire product in a permanent place.

Competent strapping, the so-called method of mounting individual elements on the sash and frame, guarantees high-quality locking, evenly distributes loads and the action of compensating mechanisms. There are locking points around the entire perimeter of the frame and sash, but are subject to the movement of only one handle.

If a simplified harness is chosen, then the clamping mechanisms are installed opposite the side with loops.

Fittings by types of window structures

European-made fittings are perfectly combined with double-glazed windows made of aluminum, plastic, wood.

Important technical details

Hardware groove

This element is necessary for installing fittings in the profile sash. Standard European plastic profiles have a groove for fittings equal to 16 mm. The actual parameters of the element are 16.2 mm, i.e. there is an allowance of 0.2 mm.

When choosing fittings, the standard size of the fitting groove is taken into account. The most popular sizes: 12/20-9 and 12/20-13. The numbers reflect the ratio of profiles (frame and sash) under the condition of closed sashes.

Sash rebate

Seam clearance is understood as the distance between the folds of the sash and the frame, while the depth of the fitting groove is not taken into account.

Overlap/overlap width - the length in mm of the segment between the sash rebate and the end of its overlay.

The axis of the hardware, in other words, the center of the hardware groove, is an indicator of the distance from the inner surface of the frame to the axis of the hardware groove of the sash.

According to this indicator, it is possible to determine the degree of resistance of the entire structure to burglary.

About the advantages of fittings for plastic windows from Maso in the video:

Dornmass fittings

The distance from the axis of the handle to the fitting groove is called backmass. Depending on the type of locking mechanism, the backmass can be 7.5-80 mm. For a professional, this indicator indicates the degree of reliability of constipation and locks.

Hardware handle height

For some residential areas, double-glazed windows with a standard window handle placement are not suitable.

The level of the window handle determines the length of the gap between the lower fold of the sash and the hole for this very handle. Based on this indicator, they will find out the height of the hardware handle - it is identical to the length of the specified gap.

Leading locks with a hole for the control handle can have a fixed or variable location of this hole:

  • using the main hardware locks, designed for a permanent location of the handle, its height is calculated taking into account the standard size of the locking element, so it will not work to place the handle in a non-standard place;
  • using the main hardware locks, designed for a variable position of the handle, it is permissible to change the point of its installation according to the customer's order, shifting the element above or below the typical level.

Tips for adjusting the pressure of the PVC window sash in the video:

Hardware for plastic windows is a set of elements with which the window is opened and closed. That is why when choosing a window, you should pay special attention to the quality of the fittings used. The more reliable the design, the more time it can last without repairs and replacement.

What is included in window fittings

The design of window fittings provides for the presence of such elements as:

  1. window handle that controls the entire operation of fittings from one point;
  2. corner element, with the help of which other structural elements are connected;
  3. a striker plate that presses the window against the sash with the help of adjacent rollers;
  4. scissors, an element necessary for tilting the window sash;
  5. window hinges that allow you to attach the window to the box and smoothly open and close it;
  6. additional scissors necessary for strengthening and increased performance of element 4;
  7. additional corner bar to enhance the work of the structure;
  8. a reciprocal plate located on the window frame and allowing the rollers to work to achieve the best connection between the sash and the window frame;
  9. trunnion or roller, providing the most tight pressing of the window sash to the frame;
  10. an additional set of locking elements that allows you to tightly press the window to the frame.

Additionally, the accessories may include the following elements:

  • anti-burglary window protection against penetration from the street;

  • child safety locks.

Types of window fittings

Plastic fittings for windows differ in the type of opening. She may be:

  • rotary, that is, the window opens in the standard way;

  • folding, opening the window up or down;

  • tilt-and-turn, that is, opening the window in two positions. As a rule, to the side and down;

Swivel fittings are optimally suited for balcony doors, tilt fittings for roof windows, and tilt and turn fittings for windows in rooms.

The main manufacturers of high-quality window fittings

Window fittings are produced by a large number of companies, but only a few of them can be distinguished:

  • Roto company (Germany). The only company that gives a 10-year warranty on manufactured elements. Fittings are of high quality, reliability and a wide range of products that interact with each other;
  • Maco company (Austria). It mainly produces secret fittings, that is, hidden inside the window, and also specializes in the production of anti-burglary security elements with at least 6 degrees of reliability;
  • Siegenia (Germany) produces universal fittings suitable for both PVC windows and wooden products. At the request of the consumer, fittings for windows of non-standard sizes can be manufactured;
  • Winkhaus (Germany) produces fittings according to its own patented design, which differs from competitors in the special design of the rollers, which allows you to easily and smoothly make the necessary adjustment.

When choosing a manufacturer, you should be based on the quality of products and the range of the company.

Window fittings should be selected according to the following rules:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to decide how the window should open;
  2. measure the dimensions of the window and select sets that clearly match the main parameters;
  3. it is more expedient to buy accessories of the widespread firms listed above;
  4. it is not recommended to purchase plastic products (they have a very short service life). It is better to buy metal components, and in visible places close them with overhead caps;
  5. on high-quality fittings there should not be any “burrs”, that is, the metal should be even and smooth;
  6. a high-quality fitting must have at least two holes for subsequent fastening.

Installation and adjustment of window fittings

After selecting fittings for metal-plastic windows, it is necessary to carry out its installation and final adjustment.

Do-it-yourself hardware installation

Installation or replacement of plastic window fittings occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. if there is a replacement of fittings, then at the first stage the old structure is dismantled;
  2. a new set of accessories is laid out on the table in the required order (the diagram of the mutual fastening of accessories is shown in the figure at the beginning of the article);
  3. fittings fastening begins with the main and additional corner strips;
  4. further along the perimeter of the window sash strikers are installed;

  1. now you can move on to attaching the main and additional scissors;

  1. hinge components are mounted on the window sash and frame. The hinges are connected and the window is suspended;

  1. strikers are installed on the window frame;

  1. the handle and the necessary additional fittings are mounted.

The set of window fittings includes not only the main elements, but also the necessary fasteners, and the installation diagram.

Window hardware adjustment

After installation, the final adjustment of PVC window fittings is made. This process will require the following tools:

  • screwdriver of the right size;
  • hex key;
  • pliers.

You can adjust the position of the window sash in three directions:

  • up down;
  • back and forth;
  • right left.

The fittings are adjusted according to the standard scheme:

  1. decorative caps are removed from the necessary fittings;
  2. adjusting screws are tightened or loosened until the problem is completely eliminated.

If the sash is not correctly installed in the upper or lower part, then the adjustment is made by the screws of the upper and lower hinges, and the bolt is tightened at the top and loosened at the bottom. It is necessary to adjust the horizontal of the sash gradually, making several turns of both screws and checking the correct position.

If the window sash does not fit snugly against the frame on the side, then the position must be adjusted using the screws located at the bottom of the hinges.

To adjust the fit of the window to the frame, loosen or tighten the fit of the pins.

A strong clamp ensures a snug fit of the window and is mainly used in the cold season. Weak pressure is relevant for a hot period.

Before purchasing window fittings, special attention should be paid to the quality of products and the required dimensions. You can install the structure yourself, using the recommendations of specialists and the instructions attached to the kit. Any fittings require periodic maintenance, consisting in cleaning and lubrication.

Good afternoon

I am always pleased with clients who know what they want and adequately understand the issue.

The other day I had the pleasure of talking with just such a person. After discussing the configuration of the window and other working moments, we talked about fittings.

He not only imagined the gradation of fittings according to the opening methods, but also substantiated why he was interested in hidden hinges, why a turn blocker was needed on the window to the nursery and anti-burglary handles on all products.

Simply put, the client saved the manager from the main part of his work, which involves a detailed story about fittings from various manufacturers, their advantages and possibilities.

Selection instruction

Therefore, I hasten to conduct a brief but informative educational program for you, dear readers, on the topic of fittings for PVC windows.

Is there a handle left in the hands of the window or does it creak at the slightest change in the position of the sashes? And you have just moved into a new house, and the plastic windows, which seemed reliable and beautiful in appearance, have already disappointed. It's all about low-quality fittings.

In the philistine understanding, fittings are the "insides" of the window, thanks to which it functions. Everyone wants a beautiful appearance, durability, tilt-and-turn functions, ease of adjustment and use from a plastic window.

To get all this, the buyer should build on the following important points in his choice:

  1. Accessories from reputable manufacturers differ in cost from brands that are one step lower in quality. The difference is from 300 rubles. It seems like nonsense, but you will spend much more on the repair work of the master.
  2. Before making a choice, you should at least superficially familiarize yourself with the main brands on the market.
  3. Products of the same manufacturing country, but different brands do not differ much from each other. One market, similar products, one quality, but the cost may be different.

German fittings Siegenia-Aubi

This German manufacturer of the "ruble" class is ideal for elite cottages. All brand products are made exclusively in Germany, which means impeccable quality.


  • mechanisms allow you to adjust not only the height of the sash, but also its turns to the right and left;
  • parts for the left and right wings are interchangeable, which makes it easier and faster to schedule maintenance;
  • the design has 7 sash pressure points (other brands use 5 points as standard), which guarantees complete protection against drafts;
  • fittings withstand a powerful load of up to 1.5 tons, which provides it with high defensive characteristics.


  • requires mandatory service every six months, for example, lubrication;
  • one of the most expensive fittings on the market.


Siegenia-Aubi fittings are an ideal option for a cottage also because they can equip the most unusual house project with triangular, round and oval windows. At the same time, the quality will remain high.

Austrian fittings Maso

If the first brand fit perfectly into the project of a private cottage, then this one dominates the segment of prestigious offices and residential skyscrapers. The brand has two production facilities in Austria.


  • has 6 degrees of protection against hacking;
  • very presentable appearance;
  • parts are covered with special wax, which gives the structure high resistance to corrosion;
  • accessories are equipped with various limiters, fuses, for example, from hitting the jamb;
  • There are many positions for opening and closing.


  • inept use of such a window design will lead to inevitable damage;
  • the complexity of self-regulation;
  • high price.

It can be summarized that Maso is considered the No. 1 brand for prestigious office space and elite skyscrapers.

This is a German brand with a long history of 162 years, which has production facilities in 30 countries around the world. And this is the only company that was able to establish high-quality production in Russia with full control. This option is affordable for people with average incomes. The company produces lines for any budget, and this is a great marketing advantage.


  • 5 degrees of anti-burglary protection;
  • durability even in the absence of service;
  • modularity and versatility of designs;
  • uniform distribution of the load on the mechanisms, which prolongs the service life;
  • anti-corrosion properties of parts;
  • fittings can be installed in windows that have been used for a long time.


  • technically, the fittings are designed for installation using an automatic line, but in reality they are installed manually;
  • there are no stiffening ribs, and the human factor leads to a “pinched” bar, which is fraught with the appearance of various noises and a hard move;
  • over time, it will become more and more difficult to lubricate;
  • the basic configuration does not require the presence of a blocker-teacher, as it is offered for a fee.

It can be concluded that Winkhaus fittings are available to the average wallet, but with a reduction in cost and the main performance characteristics are lower.

German fittings ROTO

This brand is one of the most popular in the world. Products are available in various variations, which gives a wide choice to the consumer.


  • durable and reliable parts;
  • products are guaranteed for 10 years;
  • has a special option for throwing the window, which makes it easier for housewives to wash;
  • has a full range of options: child lock, burglary protection, alarm sensors, electronic elements, etc. When installing, you can choose everything separately;
  • has a special anti-corrosion coating.


  • some models cannot be installed on window structures weighing more than 80 kg;
  • a large percentage of fakes;
  • there are cases of overestimation of the initial cost.

Helpful advice!

When choosing ROTO fittings, you should still pay attention to the originality of the proposed product. A well-known company has production facilities in different parts of the world, including in the Middle Kingdom. But quality control is not the same everywhere. Consumer reviews of Chinese fakes are very unflattering.


It is not so difficult to choose high-quality fittings. In order not to be tormented by squeaks and torn handles, you should take care in advance of choosing the right “stuffing” for your PVC windows. For this you need:

  1. To study the main structural elements and their purpose.
  2. Choose from a list of well-known manufacturers.
  3. Pay due attention to all the options and functional characteristics you need.
  4. Don't chase economy.
  5. Carefully read the terms of use and service conditions.
  6. Estimate service life.

Be careful when choosing!

Window fittings for plastic windows - answers to questions

Window fittings are a set of connecting elements that ensure the correct and convenient functioning of the window.

When choosing and buying a new window for installation in an apartment, we, as a rule, pay little attention to such seemingly insignificant details as hinges, handles, mechanisms, without realizing that how long it will last directly depends on all these elements. window, whether it will stick - in general, whether it will be convenient to use it.

What is included?

The standard set of window fittings usually includes the following parts:

  1. top and bottom loops;
  2. compensator;
  3. fuse of arbitrary slamming;
  4. sash lifting device;
  5. clamps for the fitting groove;
  6. scissor bracket;
  7. reinforced loops;
  8. swing-out mechanisms

In addition, among these necessary components there may be additional ones that provide some kind of “bonus” functions. For example, turn limiters, the main function of which is to fix the sash in a certain position, slot ventilators, as well as window locks that protect the window from breaking.

What are the accessories made from?

Window fittings are made from various alloys of aluminum, brass, etc., as well as steel - and the last option is the most durable and impressive.

The worst option is the operating parts of the fittings made of plastic. This material should be used only for the external design of parts, but not bear any load - this is fraught with a very quick failure of the window.

Whatever metal is used for the production of fittings, it is very important that the surface of all parts be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound that will protect them from the negative effects of weather conditions and natural temporary destruction.

What should be window handles?

The window handle is, metaphorically speaking, the “public representative” of window fittings: it is with it that you contact every day, opening or closing the window.

  • Firstly, the window handle should be ergonomic, comfortable - it should be easy to grasp, easy to turn.
  • Secondly, it, like all other fittings, must be strong, solid, and not “flimsy”, which you will once again be afraid to touch.

As for design, it is easiest to choose a simple classic geometric handle - made of plastic or metal. If your window (especially unusual wooden or aluminum windows) is a highlight of the interior, then you can always find unusual, interesting handles - for example, in a retro style, antique copper look, etc.

Another important side of the locking function can also be realized with the right window handle.

Helpful advice!

If you have a small (and curious) child in your house, and you are afraid that he might open the window and fall out of it, just purchase handles with locks in the hardware kit.

This system works simply: you just lock the window handles with a key - and after that it is simply impossible to open the window.

Is it possible to protect a window with fittings?

This issue often worries residents of the first and second floors, because in this case, additional protection will never hurt.

Window locks blocking the window block are quite reliable in this regard, but here you need to remember that the locks will not help you unless you install an impact-resistant outer glass - tempered or "triplex". Therefore, experts recommend combining measures to protect your window, implementing them in a complex.

What to look for when buying?

Regardless of whether you chose the fittings in the store or, on the contrary, saw them already installed, after installing a new window, you should pay attention to some characteristics that will help you appreciate the window fittings set.

  1. Wear resistance is perhaps the main advantage of fittings. A high wear resistance indicates that by opening and closing the window several times a day, you can hope for a long service life of your window and all its elements. This parameter most of all depends on the material from which the fittings are made.
  2. The presence of a guarantee and a certificate speaks for itself.
  3. High resistance to corrosion is also the most important characteristic of window fittings, because all its parts are exposed to adverse weather conditions every day - excessive humidity, precipitation, temperature changes, etc. Such stability can only be guaranteed by a special anti-corrosion coating, coupled with the high quality of the material from which the fittings are made.
  4. Convenience and aesthetics are more than an obvious parameter, which is embodied in smooth running (nothing gets stuck, does not cling to each other, does not grind, does not rub excessively) and in external beauty and ergonomics.

How much does a window hardware kit cost?

The estimated cost of a simple set of fittings (double-leaf PVC window, one sash is tilt-and-turn, the second is deaf), including window handles, is from 20-25 €.

All additional elements (locks, locking parts, ventilation) are paid separately - and their price can vary in a fairly wide range.

Customer Reviews

A lot is being written about the hardware itself. But almost nowhere is it mentioned that the fittings in modern windows need to be prevented. So all locking mechanisms need to be cleaned and lubricated with oil at least twice a year, it can even be simple for sewing machines. If this is not done, after several years of operation, problems begin, sometimes you even have to change the entire mechanics of the window, which is much more expensive than one bottle of machine oil.

When choosing windows, you must first think about what room you need it for. If the House, then it should be at least two-chamber. This is necessary so that there is no condensation on the window. Then you need to choose a profile. The durability of the window itself depends a lot on it. And still not enough attention should be paid to locks.


To begin with, it should be noted that the word "accessories" in itself is a prefabricated term that implies a certain set of auxiliary mechanisms for completely different purposes.

Since the time when the market of plastic windows in its primitive sense was replenished with the first copies of PVC profiles, a lot of time has passed.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that windows with their entire locking system have been significantly changed from that very historical moment until today. The same applies to window fittings.

What is the difference between window fittings: purpose, design, classification

Particular and careful attention is often focused on fittings. Moreover, she is subject to many of the requirements for modern plastic windows (meaning the requirements that relate to quality, reliability and durability, first of all).

If we move from abstract reasoning to specifics, it must be said that high-quality fittings are at least half of a successfully built-in and functioning plastic profile.


Fittings guarantee the window structure a greater degree of endurance to everyday loads, a high degree of protection against burglary and, of course, ease of use. Therefore, we can conclude that the quality of window fittings and the quality of window operation are directly dependent.

Window fittings in their design are created thanks to the modular principle. Therefore, it includes the drive itself, groups of hinges that are located in the upper and lower sections of the window structure, as well as corner mechanisms designed to carry out movement.

It is worth noting that window fittings have their own classification. In many cases, it is classified depending on the way the sash is opened (right or left). In addition, there are classifications for different types of window opening.

They mean:

  1. sliding
  2. swing
  3. deaf
  4. swing-out
  5. obliquely rotating and other window profiles.

And also there is a classification for windows of various shapes.

It is clear that window fittings, based on the classification features listed above, are of different types and for different purposes. So, among the most important elements of fittings are handles, mosquito nets, hinges, anti-burglary mechanisms, strikers and much more. To understand the purpose of each of these elements, it is worth talking in more detail about each of them.

What are the types of window fittings

Microlift blocker, brake bushings

As a rule, each tilt-and-turn window has this mechanism. The fact is that we are used to seeing a window already in its built-in and working condition, but hardly anyone realizes that each of its standard sashes has a weight in the range of 20 to 40 kg. Not surprisingly, under such an impressive weight, each sash is prone to sagging.

To prevent this from happening, a special element called a microlift blocker was developed. It prevents the sash from sagging, and therefore it does not touch the window frame at the moment it is opened or closed (this is especially true for large window structures).

The process of friction, unfortunately, concerns not only the sash and frame of the window. Friction is a destructive factor for any of the operating window mechanisms. That is why there is another element of fittings - brake bushings. These plastic parts almost completely eliminate the possibility of direct contact of rotating metal elements, and therefore the operation of the window structure becomes smoother.

The relevance of this element of fittings is especially evident during the periods of the summer solstice, when the annoyance and, one might even say, the arrogance of modern Russian and not only mosquitoes, it would seem, crosses all boundaries.

Using a mosquito net, you provide reliable and autonomous full protection against flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other insects. By the way, it does not matter at all where you are at this moment - at home, in the country or even in the car, since the mosquito net of modern manufacturers provides reliable protection everywhere.

window handles

Speaking of fittings, one cannot help but pay attention to the handles, since today they are the central element of any window design. As a rule, modern technologies make it possible to produce handles that have a well-thought-out, and therefore reliable base design, so their operation becomes comfortable, and most importantly, long-term.

So, you can always purchase a handle with fixation, for example, at 45 degrees, which will provide comfortable micro-ventilation. Moreover, today you can pick up a window handle in almost any color. Concerned about your safety, today you can purchase window handles with a key or a button to provide burglary protection in advance.

Window hinges

This piece of furniture performs two main functions:

  • secure fastening of the window sash to the frame;
  • ensuring comfortable rotation around the axis during the opening and closing of the window.

In this case, the materials used in the manufacture of hinges and competent design solutions are of great importance, since the quality and guarantee of the operation of the entire window structure depends on the quality of the hinges.

As a rule, hinges are classified according to two main features: by design (flat and rod) and by purpose (for metal-plastic, wooden, aluminum, steel and glass doors). Today, the window products market offers three-element and two-element hinges, corner hinges, sash mechanisms with a pin and a ball bearing ring, and more.

You can purchase hinges that will allow you to adjust the position of the window handle in three main phases:

  1. opening up
  2. full opening
  3. a small gap for micro-ventilation.

Ventilation mechanisms

It has already been said earlier that window micro-ventilation can be achieved using handles or hinges. However, it is worth noting that in addition to these elements of fittings, there are others designed to provide comfortable ventilation and air circulation.

The high degree of tightness of plastic windows today is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. Often we observe condensation on the inside of the window structure (this is due to low air permeability).

To avoid these unpleasant moments, another piece of fittings was created - a climate valve. It is installed almost invisibly on top of a moving window sash and can achieve complete sound insulation, as well as avoid drafts and condensation.

steel hook

If your goal is not only comfortable ventilation and sound insulation, but also the reliability and safety of property, then you should pay attention to anti-burglar fittings (this is especially true for the windows of apartments located on the first floors, since, as practice shows, they are most often victims of burglars).

So, a steel hook for windows and balcony doors, in fact, is a lock. As a rule, this element is made of alloy steel. The hook “enters” from above or below into the corresponding bar on the frame and is securely fixed in it. Due to this, the window can even be compared with the front door in terms of protection!

Medium constipation

It should be noted that the steel hook is far from the only element of anti-burglary window fittings. Another important element is the middle constipation with counter-movement.

It consists of two mushroom-shaped trunnions, which simultaneously “enter” the reciprocal bar from both sides. If a burglar attempts to forcibly break the window by moving the perimeter fittings, the middle lock will prevent him from doing so.

strike plates

This piece of hardware is used to press the sash against the frame in several places around the perimeter. As a result, the necessary compression of the window seal occurs, which makes the anti-burglary protection even more reliable.

Anti-burglary pins

I must say that this is a special type of window fittings, which contributes to an increased level of protection against burglary. Moreover, it is one of the most modern examples of window security systems. Such an element does not require constant adjustment, since it itself adjusts to the clearance.

The cams can be combined with standard strikers as well as with modern plastic window strikers. In addition, thanks to the high-strength material and smooth shape, the movement is light and smooth.

It is impossible not to say a few words about one of the modern inventions of window craftsmen.

“Folding scissors” is a very convenient and, one might say, irreplaceable detail. If the sash sags due to increased load, the “scissors” help lift it. Using this element of fittings, you do not have to make any more efforts when closing the sash.

Ambitirm spacer frame

This piece of furniture was created specifically for those who love individuality everywhere and in everything. The spacer frame will be able to give the window an attractive and even, in a certain sense, exclusive look, which is beneficial to distinguish your window from the general “gray” mass. In addition, the use of a distance frame will reduce the degree of mechanical stress, and therefore improve the quality and durability of the double-glazed window.


This is also an element of fittings, without which it is already difficult to imagine a modern window system. However, few people know that modern innovative technologies have made it possible to create blinds inside a double-glazed window. The system of such blinds guarantees full protection of dust, dirt and various weather conditions.

Consider what types of fittings for plastic windows are provided by the supplier of window systems:

  1. A system that limits the rotation of a window is used to fix the window in the open position and in a certain position.
  2. The latch helps the sash hold the window during strong winds or drafts and not break.
  3. Decorative overlays. Are established on front parts of accessories, forming unique design. But there is a trick - if the supplier offers a large number of them, therefore, the product is not of high quality.
  4. Detail to lift a sash that has sagged. Reduces the weight of this sash and the pressure from the hinges when it is closed.
  5. Folding scissor mechanism. When the window is open, it helps to turn it or slightly open it for ventilation;
  6. Children's castle. A kind of restraint for children. Fixes a window in a certain state and prevents it from opening completely;
  7. Locking mechanism when opening the window. Prevents the window from swinging open more than necessary;
  8. Castle with multiple locks. They produce locks with and without latches. This fitting also applies to hooks and pins;
  9. Window handle. Its design includes such details: a wrap with fasteners, an overlay and the handle itself. Available in plastic, aluminium, brass or wood. A variety of colors are inherent in this species. Also, manufacturers pleased with a wide range of removable handles, with a lock, with a burglary protection button. The shape of the handles can be curved and flat.
  10. Seals. The main purpose is to keep warm. The most popular types of construction are brush, rubber, silicone, thermoplastic elastomer, ethylene propylene, chloroprene and PVC.
  11. Hinges for windows. Their range is diverse: detachable and one-piece, swivel and with burglary protection, screw-in or hidden hinges.
  12. Pins and slats for windows are part of the locking system. Helps parts fit snugly together.
  13. Angle mechanism switch. Needed to move the locking mechanism over the corner.
  14. Window locks. Needed to open, close, recline. Distinguish additional, average, basic.
  15. Rollers. Needed, as a rule, for windows that can move apart. Presented in the form of wheels. They are nylon, metal, plastic or rubber. It is better to purchase rubber ones, as they are silent.
  16. Stop system. A kind of pads that are located on the floor or handle, preventing any damage.
  17. Valves for ventilation. Special elements during ventilation. Do not allow condensation to collect on the window.
  18. Mosquito net. The mesh is either fixed or mounted on special hooks. Mosquito nets are glued on adhesive tape, sliding, rolled.
  19. Window sills. An additional function of this window fitting is thermal insulation. Made from wood, stone, PVC, aluminum. There are options from MDF and chipboard, which are laminated on the outside.
  20. Window slopes. They are created for the final completion of the image in the window opening. This part of the fittings for the window includes: platbands for profile design and slopes for the window.
  21. Low tide. Protects the integral structure of the window waterproofing. Installation is carried out in the outer part of the window. They are produced from copper, steel, aluminum, plastic and ceramics.

The high-quality and durable operation of the window system is half dependent on proven window fittings.
