Do-it-yourself pile foundation - step by step instructions. How to mark the pile foundation for the house with your own hands? How to make markings for screw piles materials

Our company provides services for driving reinforced concrete (RC) piles and installation of a pile field. We accept applications from companies and individuals. Guaranteed high quality work, low prices. The main task of designing a pile field is to calculate the maximum design load on each pile and the optimal size of piles and grillages before starting earthworks. Reinforced concrete piles should be hammered after laying out the pile field in an open pit.

Pile field preparation

Pile field marking

Information useful to you:

Stages of marking a pile field

  • Drawing up a plan with the determination of the exact size of the piles and the distance between them.
  • Determination of geometric parameters - determination of diagonals and right angles between piles.
  • Installation of marking pegs.
  • Stretching the cord and setting the corner marks for the piles.
  • Work begins with corner piles.

Carrying out all the necessary work is accompanied by a special control of the accuracy of the geometry of structures and buildings using geodetic surveys.

Basic principles for calculating the number of piles

For the accuracy of arranging the foundation, it is necessary to determine the number and size of piles. The choice of pile length depends on the type of soil on which construction is planned. The number of piles is calculated taking into account the size and weight of the future building. To do this, you must have the following data:
  • Plan of the first floor of the house.
  • Calculation of the number of piles for each internal side of the building. The distance between piles should not exceed 2 - 3 meters.
  • The designation of the corner points of pile driving will make it possible to determine the external corners of the building.
  • The calculation of the bases of pile foundations is carried out according to the strength of the pile material, the bearing capacity of the bases of the foundations and the characteristics of the soil.
  • The calculation of pile structures is made depending on the planned loads that the foundation will receive from the constructed building.
Materials for you:

Pile field cost

It is easy to calculate the cost of work on the pile field, using the customer's data on the number of piles and their length. The company's website has a convenient section, an electronic calculator. Using the necessary data, you can independently calculate the cost of installing a pile field in each specific case. For example, if it is necessary to drive 45 piles 15 m long each, it is easy to calculate that the cost of such work will be 202,500 rubles.

total cost work when concluding a contract for the work performed consists of a number of parameters, such as:

  • Distance to the construction site.
  • Features of the soil at the work site.
  • The total amount of work to be done.

Prices are calculated by the calculator, depending on the size, design features. Application can be made online.

Reasons to contact our company

  • The company has many years of experience in installing piles in a wide variety of construction conditions.
  • Qualified staff works quickly and efficiently.
  • Let's execute the order in any volume.
  • We work with both large construction organizations and private developers.
  • Flexible pricing policy.
The presence of modern high-tech equipment for driving piles allows you to install piles of various lengths and sections. High performance production facilities - score for a shift up to 45 piles.

Contact us and we will do the work

Our company is engaged in the supply and driving of piles, both reinforced concrete and screw. We will carry out pile foundation work. We work in the Moscow region.

We do the run-down in such a way that the lower board is the level to which we will display all the pillars, and the second is the upper level of the grillage. Align both boards of all cast-offs at "0" horizontally relative to each other. That is, the bottom board under the pillars of one cast-off should be on the same level with the bottom board of other cast-offs. The same is with the top boards under the grillage.

Marking a columnar (pile) foundation

We stretch the twine in such a way that their intersections are the centers of the pillars (wells). Angles of 90⁰ for a rectangular foundation are found according to the Pythagorean point by constructing a triangle with dimensions of 3x4x5m. How to do this we read in the article: Rules for building a rectangular foundation. The distance between the strings is equal to the distance between the posts according to the project. The distance from the cast-offs to the contour of the foundation is 3 meters.

At the intersection of the strings, we lower the plumb line, which will show us the centers for drilling wells under the poles.

Insert pegs at plumb points. And we temporarily remove the twine so that they do not interfere with us while drilling wells.

Drilling wells for poles.

The next step is to stretch the removed strings to bring all the pillars to the general level. This method has several features. Since the strings on which we found the centers of the pillars (holes) will interfere with us during the formation of the pile, we will no longer need this marking arrangement. We will need to move the twine to a distance equal to the radius of the post (using a tape measure), that is, the twine will already pass next to the post, and will be a guideline for the overall level of the piles. See the picture for how to do this.

We bring the pillars to the general level according to the markup. The level, we remind you, is displayed in "0".

Grill markup

The next operation is the marking of the grillage. For this purpose, we will use the old markings for the centers of the piles.

And so, we have a self-tapping screw, along which strings were pulled to find the centers of the piles.

From this self-tapping screw, using a plumb line, we make a mark on the top board of the cast-off, designed for the level to which we will bring our grillage.

From the mark in different directions we mark the same distance, equal in total to the width of the grillage. In our example, we will make a grillage 40 cm wide, therefore, we measure 20 cm in different directions and screw in the screws. That is, we will get 2 self-tapping screws for the outer and inner contours of the grillage.

We make markings for the grillage. We stretch the strings on the screws of the upper board of the cast-off board.

We bring the grillage along the twine.

What is important to know when marking the pillars and grillage in the way indicated in this article.

Task. It is necessary to build a grillage with dimensions of 6x8m and a width of 40cm. It is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the rectangle under the piles.

Solution. For this grillage, we need to build a markup in the form of a rectangle with dimensions of 6 by 8 meters, which will be the outer contour of the grillage.

In our pole example, we are stringing strings that will run down the center of the piles. Piles, in turn, must pass exactly in the center of the grillage. Therefore, to build a rectangle for piles, we need to retreat from the sides of the 6x8m rectangle by an amount equal to half the width of the grillage, that is, in our case, 20 cm from each edge. As a result, the rectangle built for the pillars will turn out to be 5.6m by 7.6m in size.

Let's see how it will look in the picture.

From the author

In this article, we examined one of the ways to mark a columnar foundation. There can be many layout options. The main thing is to observe the dimension, level and right angles.

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SK "Bogatyr" provides services for the installation of reinforced concrete pile foundations. We are ready to carry out pile work of any complexity in a timely manner, using highly productive pile driver equipment and qualified specialists for this. To cooperate with the firm, fill out the "Submit Request" form located at the bottom of the site.

This page contains information about the pile foundation marking technology. You will learn what tools and materials are needed for its implementation, and how the process of marking pile and pile-tape foundations is carried out.

Pile foundation marking technology

The marking of the foundation consists in transferring the scheme of the pile field provided for by the project to the construction site. In the process of implementing the technology, three types of work are performed:

  • Transfer of base lines of the foundation (contours of the future walls of the building);
  • Transfer of pile driving points;
  • Altitude transfer, according to which the piles will be aligned upon completion of installation.

Rice. 1.1

The implementation of the marking is preceded by preparatory work on the construction site, which consists in leveling the terrain of the site, removing debris, surface vegetation, stones and other elements that interfere with the construction process.

Equipment and materials for marking

To carry out marking work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Roulette;
  • Reinforcing pegs;
  • Twine or construction cord;
  • Materials for creating a cast-off (planed boards and bars);
  • Square, laser or bubble level, hydraulic level;
  • Self-tapping screws, electric drill.

Initially, it is necessary to make cast-off boards. They represent P-shaped frames, consisting of two horizontal jumpers 40-50 cm long, fixed on bars parallel to each other, and reinforced with side slopes.

Rice. 1.2

The height of the bars must be taken with a margin so that after driving into the ground, the position of the lower horizontal board forms the level at which the piles will be aligned after installation. The distance between the horizontal boards is taken according to the design distance between the upper contour of the grillage section and the head of the pile support - a high-rise piping line will be stretched along the second board.

Rice. 1.3

How to mark a pile foundation

Initially, the future building is bound to an arbitrary object of the construction site or its border. The fence with which the building site is fenced is optimally suited - we lay two equidistant points from the fence along the width of one of the walls of the future building and install reinforcing pegs in them.

Further, based on the position of the peg, two scrap boards are installed, which are removed outside the contours of the wall at a distance of about 2 meters (so that the scrap does not interfere with subsequent work). As a result, we get the finished first markup baseline.

Fig 1.4

The second wall of the building is marked, adjacent to the already installed one. To do this, by means of a square, a straight goal is laid off from the installed reinforcing peg, the length of the wall is measured with a tape measure, and a reinforcing peg is hammered at its extreme point. Next, the cutting boards of the marked contour are installed and a construction cord is pulled between them.

At the intersection of the first and second walls, the twine is fastened with a bracket or electrical tape, then the perpendicularity of the right angle is checked. This is done using the rule of the Egyptian triangle - step back from the intersection point of the laces 3 meters and fix a mark in the form of a piece of electrical tape on one of the strings, make a similar mark on the second string at a distance of 4 meters from the intersection.

Rice. 1.5: Checking angles according to the rule of the "Egyptian triangle"

Using a tape measure, measure the diagonal distance between the marks, at the right angles it should be 5 meters. If the distance does not converge, it is necessary to adjust the position of the cast-off boards until the required diagonal is obtained. After checking the corners, you get two perfectly marked base lines of the foundation. The remaining contours are split in a similar way.

Having received an even rectangle, it is necessary to mark the inner contour of the wall of the building, for this, a distance equal to the width of the grillage recedes from the outer twine, a self-tapping screw is screwed into the cast-off and a second marking line is laid.

Rice. 1.6

Next, the marking of the pile insertion points is carried out. To do this, from the corner pegs, at the intersections of the twine, distances equal to the pitch of the piles along the outer walls of the foundation are set aside and reinforcement is installed at the installation point of each pile.

Rice. 1.7

The installation of cast-off boards, taken out 3 meters from the contours of the foundation, is being carried out. The cast-off is placed according to the layout of the piles along the inner perimeter of the foundation, a construction cord is stretched between it (along the level of the first horizontal board, indicating the zero level of the support), at the intersections of which, using a plumb line on the ground, the pile immersion point is determined, marked with a reinforcing bar. Using a similar technology, all supports located inside the pile field are marked.

Features of marking a pile-strip foundation

The marking of the tape grillage is carried out upon completion of the installation of the supports. When they are immersed, the construction cord, which determines the basic contours of the foundation, is dismantled, only the reinforcing pegs at the driving points and the cast-off boards carried out beyond the base of the board are left intact.

Rice. 1.8

In the process of laying out the piles, two self-tapping screws were screwed into the run-out boards to break out the inner and outer contours of the base lines of the building. The marking of the tape grillage is carried out on their basis - it is necessary, using a plumb line, to transfer the points of the self-tapping screws to the upper jumper of the cast-off and lay the construction cord between the installed boards.

The squareness of the corners of the foundation strip is re-checked using the above Egyptian triangle method, since during the installation of the piles, the displacement of the trim boards could occur.

Fig 1.9

After the breakdown of the outer perimeter of the tape, according to the preliminary marking, the inner contour of the strapping is laid. To do this, according to the design drawings, the distance from two internal corners of the base lines is measured ( v.5 and 7) to the contours of the grillage belt ( v. 9 and 11), temporary reinforcement is clogged and, according to its position, remote ramming boards are installed, between which the twine is stretched.

There is no need to hire additional, expensive special equipment, an ordinary mini drilling rig capable of screwing a pile of the desired length is suitable. The design of the pile is such that it can be screwed in without much effort and at a time. At the same time, the integrity of the soil is not violated, it is not loosened.

To determine the prevailing type of soil on the site.

The bearing capacity of different types of soil is given below (from wet to dry):

sands coarse to medium fineness → 4.4… 4.8 kg/cm2

sands fine → 3.7… 4.4 kg/cm2

sands dusty → 3.1… 4.2 kg/cm2

sandy loam plastic → 1.7… 3.0 kg/cm2

loams semi-solid → 1.9… 2.2 kg/cm2

loams hard plastic → 1.4… 2.2 kg/cm2

loams soft plastic → 1.0… 1.7 kg/cm2

clay semi-solid → 1.6… 2.0 kg/cm2

clay hard plastic → 1.5… 2.0 kg/cm2

clay soft plastic → 1.1… 1.7 kg/cm2

* An increase in soil moisture reduces its bearing capacity by several times. Only large sands and sands of medium size do not change their properties with increasing humidity. Excessive soil moisture is most likely associated with a high level of groundwater.

To find out the bearing capacity of the soil it is not necessary to turn to geologists for help; in the case of self-construction of a house, you can determine the type of soil by eye. To do this, with a simple earth drill or a shovel, you need to go deeper by 2 m. At the same time, it will immediately be clear what kind of soil is at this depth and how moist it is. It is not difficult to distinguish sand from clay: individual grains of sand are clearly visible in the sand; when rubbing sandy soil with palms, they are clearly felt. Coarse sand has a particle size of 0.25 to 5 mm, such particles are clearly visible to the naked eye, and medium-density sand has a grain size of up to 2 mm. Sandy loam contains no more than 10% of clay particles, in a dry state it crumbles, if you roll a ball out of it, it crumbles with light pressure on it. Loam contains from 10% to 30% of clay particles, has greater plasticity than sandy loam. If you make a ball out of loam and crush it, then it turns into a cake with cracks along the edges. Clay is the most plastic soil, if you crush a ball made of clay, it will turn into a cake, on the edges of which there will be no cracks.

Soil moisture can also be seen by eye. If in a dug hole or a drilled well it is dry (wet, but without a puddle), then the soil can be considered dry. If water accumulates at the bottom of the well after a while, then the groundwater level is close and the soil should be considered saturated with moisture. Moisture and plasticity of clay can be defined as follows: if the shovel enters the clay easily and the clay adheres well to the shovel, then it is plastic and wet. Otherwise, it can be considered dry.

Ground density different at different depths. Deep underground soil will be dense because the layers of soil above it are pressed against it. When drilling a well, the soil extracted to the surface of the earth becomes loose and has a bulk density, which is much less.

When calculating the bearing capacity soil located at a depth of about 1 m or more can be considered dense. Soil research does not always take place, and even with professional design of a house, such data may not be available. Therefore, for simplified and approximate calculations, the bearing capacity of the soil is often assumed to be 2 kg / cm2, which is quite suitable for the reliable installation of a heavy house on a screw foundation.

Seasonal freezing of the soil. We must not forget about such a very important natural factor as seasonal freezing (or thawing, for permafrost) of the soil. Data on seasonal freezing in your area can be found in standard reference books.

Pile field marking.

The next step is to create (mark) a pile field according to the required bearing loads and the plan of the future home. When preparing the layout of the pile field, it must be borne in mind that placing screw piles further than 2 meters from each other is not recommended according to the norms of screw foundations + it all depends on the type of building and type of piping, for example, for a bathhouse or a summer kitchen you can increase the step to 2.5-3 meters without severe damage to the bearing capacity of the foundation.

To begin with, the markup can be drawn on a piece of paper, marking the future piles first in all corners of the house, then at the intersections of the load-bearing walls, then check the distances between the piles and if spans of more than 3 meters are formed, add piles in the necessary places.

This is necessary for the installation of screw piles.

If twisting of piles is expected do it yourself, from the tool we may need:

Shovel(for a small alignment of the place under the pile)

1..2 levels on a magnet 20-30 cm long (attached to a pile to control the level during twisting)

Hydraulic level at least 10 - 15m or Laser level(required for setting horizontal marks)

Roulette 10 - 20m (for site measurements)

fittings or even pegs from 9 pcs + hammer (for marking the level, twine is wound on them)

Small garden drill(to facilitate the entry of the pile for self-screwing)

Knife, gloves (optional)

C should know.

1) To get started need to find the "first" point, from which the pile field will start. As a rule, this is the highest point in the level. From it we create a second point, thereby creating a line of the house. Pay special attention to this line and try to set it as accurately as possible relative to the building plan or, for example, parallel to a fence or road. It is from this line that the entire geometry of the foundation begins.

2) If you don't have a level, you can set the level using a rope or twine fixed on reinforcement or pegs along the perimeter of the lines of the house. The reinforcement or pegs themselves must be driven in with a "removal" beyond the perimeter of the house, this is necessary so that they do not interfere with the screwing process. If special equipment will be screwed, it is also necessary to develop a strategy for its movement along the pile field relative to the stretched twine. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is large, the twine will have to be tied in stages to enable the car to approach the place of the future pile.

3) Can prepare shallow holes using a small garden drill, it will be easier to guide the pile along the desired path.

4) If it's winter outside, playground for pile installation snow removal is not necessary! A cap of snow holds back freezing, so it will be easier to spin.

5) As the piles are twisted, tie with twine, thereby creating a level for new piles, but we must not forget that the strapping will be slightly lower than the site (head) of the pile itself!

6) The level of the pile at the highest point of the site, above the ground, should be such that even with strong seasonal heaving of the soil pile head always been above the surface by 15-20cm.

7) It is better to screw the pile in one go, when twisting it is not recommended to "adjust" the level by twisting it back. The main rule is to measure seven times.

8) After twisting the last pile, you can start building a house immediately, there is no need to "let stand" the foundation. In the event that wooden construction from lumber is planned (log, timber, panel house, frame house), then the lower strapping crown of the house, which is placed immediately on the heads of screw piles, will play the role of strapping, and is attracted to them. No other strapping, including metal not required. Now you know the basic rules for how to screw a screw pile. If you have any difficulties associated with the installation of a screw foundation, our experts will help and suggest the right solution!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments or

in the Questions and Answers section, or contact us using any other contacts.


Hot dip galvanizing (DIN EN ISO 1461, formerly DIN 50976)

To be galvanized screw piles after final preparation are lowered into molten zinc (approx. 450°C). As a result of chemical reactions, various alloys are formed that are firmly connected to the steel base. These alloys are separated from the "pure" zinc layer. Depending on the reaction rate, the composition of the steel, the length of stay in the bath, the cooling process, etc., the resulting alloy is “raised” to the surface.

Surface appearance varies from light glossy to dark gray matt, while the thickness of the zinc layer and its resistance to corrosion remain unchanged. Further, slight corrosion can take place in a humid environment, especially on freshly galvanized surfaces, in the form of deposits of zinc hydroxide carbonate (so-called "white rust"). However, it does not have any negative effect on the anti-corrosion coating. Cut surfaces should be treated with zinc paint (G4 of the Catalogue). According to DIN EN ISO 1461 the average coating thickness is not less than: 45 µm for materials with a thickness of less than 1.5 mm 55 µm for materials with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 3 mm 70 µm for materials with a thickness of 3 to 6 mm.

Zinc coating damage in the process of cutting, drilling holes, etc., does not subsequently lead to corrosion, since the zinc adjacent to the damage site dissolves under the influence of atmospheric oxygen and moisture and forms a brownish layer of zinc hydroxide on uncoated cut surfaces. The chaotic movement of zinc ions protects bare surfaces with a layer 2.0 mm wide.

Carbon steel ISO630

This standard applies to carbon steel of ordinary quality, intended for the manufacture of hot-rolled steel: sections, shaped, thick sheets, thin sheets, broad strip and cold-rolled thin sheets, as well as screw piles, ingots, blooms, slabs, piping, rolled and continuously cast billets, pipes, forgings and stampings, tape, wire, hardware, etc.

Fe360 A: Quality category: A B C / Rolled thickness, mm: Up to 16 St. 16 .
Mass fraction of elements (not more than,%): Carbon 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.17 0.17 / Phosphorus: 0.060 0.050 0.050 0.045 0.040 / Sulfur: 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.045 0.040 / Nitrogen: 0.009 0.009 0.009 / Degree deoxidation: E CF / Mass fraction of Manganese is not more than 1.60%, Silicon is not more than 0.55%.


PVC coating

PVC coating or called polyethylene, this is a polymer layer that has proven itself as a protection for metal structures. The layer thickness reaches 2 mm. After completion of the fabrication of the welded mesh fence, the product is evenly heated for approx. up to 300 ° C, after that it is lowered into a container filled with a PVC polymer composition made of polyethylene pre-painted using color schemes in the desired color. Pigment (paint) and polyethylene particles, sticking to hot metal, form a thick layer. Then the process of polymerization (“solidification”) takes place, as a result of which the metal surface is densely covered with a layer of a monolithic coating, which prevents any adverse conditions, damage due to deformations, and especially activation of corrosion reactions due to contact with water.

Spot welding

The basis of technology this is the thermal effect of electric current according to the Joule-Lenz law and the compressive force of the parts to be welded. During welding, current passes from one electrode to another through the metal of the workpieces. Electrodes for resistance spot welding are made from alloys with high electrical conductivity, so that the resistance in the electrode-workpiece contact is minimal. Therefore, at the points of the bar-bar fence contacts, the greatest heating occurs due to the highest electrical resistance. Heating and melting of the metal under the action of an electric current leads to the formation of a cast core of a weld point, the diameter of which is usually 4–12 mm.

Strength welding connection of fence bars - high, good appearance at the joints of the mesh panel. Joints obtained by resistance welding are not subject to aging, the structure of the metal in the welding zone practically does not change, with the exception of a slight increase in the grain size.

The pile foundation is a structure of supports immersed in the soil and a grillage (reinforced concrete tape monolith or slab) located along the perimeter of the future building. To build this type of basis, you need to make the appropriate calculations and draw up a project, because the pile field, the device of which at first glance seems simple, has many nuances.

General information

Due to the undeniable advantages, including strength and long service life, pile foundations are especially popular among professional builders and beginners. The use of such bases is especially effective:

  • During construction on unstable, weak soils prone to seasonal heaving;
  • When laying a supporting structure on heavy soils, in order to reduce the number of earthworks, reduce physical, time and financial costs.

One of the most important elements of the pile foundation is the pile field (made of screw piles, bored supports, etc.), which is the area of ​​the site on which the supports are placed in accordance with the project. The stability of the structure under construction depends on how well the calculations and markings are carried out.

In the supporting field, piles can be buried not only in rows, but also in a checkerboard pattern. The supports are installed in such a way that the distance between the outer design boundary of the grillage from the center lines of the supports is similar to the pile diameter in plan.


The calculation of the pile field involves the calculation of the number of piles required for the construction of the foundation. The appropriate number of supports is determined by:

  • Calculation of the total load on the basis of all elements of the future home;
  • Determining the bearing force of each support;

The total load includes not only the mass of the walls and roof of the future building, but also the weight of the finishes, building materials, and interior items.

Having made the calculations and received a specific value, you should begin to calculate the operational load on the building. To simplify the task, it is enough to refer to the GOST data. The operating load is:

  • 200 kg per square meter - for industrial buildings;
  • 150 kg per square meter - for residential buildings.

The next stage of calculations involves determining the load from snow in the cold season. The indicator depends on the region in which the building site is located. The normative weight (a layer of snow per 1 square meter) is multiplied by the surface area of ​​the roof.

Ultimately, all the data obtained are summarized and multiplied by the reliability index (1.2).

To calculate the bearing capacity of each individual pile, it is worth considering the qualitative characteristics of the soil located on the site, since it is almost impossible to find out the real strength of the support from the material of its implementation. The bearing power of a pile is often greater than the soil resistance force, and therefore the properties of the supports are determined by the soil into which they are buried.

Having received all the necessary values, the total load from the building is divided by the bearing capacity of the pile. The result is the number of supports required for the device of the basic structure.

When the calculations are completed, proceed to the compilation of the executive scheme. It depicts a pile field (drawing), outlines the order of placement of piles along the boundaries and load-bearing walls of the building.

Product markup

One of the main stages of the construction of the foundation on the supports is the breakdown of the pile field. This procedure consists of three phases:

  • Transferring the contours of the reference field (base lines) to the territory for development in accordance with the project;
  • Marking of dive sites for each product;
  • Setting the zero boundary of the pile field (marker by which the piles are leveled after deepening into the soil).

To perform the breakdown, wooden pegs are used (steel reinforcing bars can also be used) and strong twine (wire, nylon thread).

The first pin is installed at the location of the corner pile, since it is impractical to start marking from the internal supports. From the hammered peg, measure the size of the first side with a tape measure in order to hammer the second pin. A string is stretched between the pegs. The rest of the sides are marked in a similar way.

During the implementation of the markup, a document called the act of breaking down the axes is drawn up without fail. All schemes and drawings are attached to it, notes are made about the distance between the piles, the height of the supporting elements and the position of the lines.

Reference field device

The actual construction of the pile field begins with the preparation of the site, building materials and equipment. You need to make the following preparations:

  • Deliver all equipment to the construction site;
  • Transport, unload and stack the required number of piles in a certain place;
  • Dig a pit (if its development is provided).

Upon completion of the preparation, the supports are buried in the soil by means of a pile driver. It is worth remembering that the executive scheme of the pile field is an example and an indicator in accordance with which all work is carried out, so there should not be any improvisations. The reference field is set up in several steps:

  • The pile driver is placed at the place of driving, the supporting element is fixed with a winch and moves to the point of penetration;
  • The excess load is removed from the pile, it is lifted and placed in a vertical position at the dive site;
  • The pile is fixed on the mast of the pile equipment and joined with a special hammer. The position of the support is checked again - it must be strictly vertical. If the driving is done at an angle, then the slope must correspond to the norm;
  • The fixed product is struck with a pile hammer. This manipulation lasts exactly until the moment when the pile enters the ground to the mark corresponding to the project and the executive scheme.
  • After driving the support, the pile driver moves to the next intended location.

Each new pile is buried in the same way.

Breakdown of the pile field in theory:

On practice:
