Spell for indoor flowers. Conspiracy to make money for indoor flowers Conspiracy to make indoor flowers bloom

In order for a plant to become protective, you need to choose one that grows better than others and feels great in your house or apartment. And the main thing is that you love this plant more than others. When you choose your home green amulet, water it, loosen the soil in the pot and say:

"My little green one, my little green one!
Don't be thick, be long-legged,
Don't be stocky, be my protector.

Spell on aloe so that your beauty does not fade and your love is preserved

Aloe is a wonderful amulet for protecting happiness in the family. This plant promotes long life and prosperity for the inhabitants of the house. When you water it (in winter no more than 1-2 times a month, and in summer 1-2 times a week), say the following words:

"Water for the fish, cabbage for the hare,
and my flower is a red sun.
Grow higher, grow more beautiful,
to me, the servant of God (name),
for a peek, for treatment,
yes to written beauty, but to love of the heart.

A mint spell to bring peace and harmony to the family

There is a spell on the mint leaves that are placed in the tea leaves so that there is harmony and peace in the family. Before picking mint leaves for brewing, you need to stroke them and say:

How the Green King was meek,
how Tsar Mint was quiet,
how King Bushy was calm,
so let the servant of God (name)
with his wife, servant of God (name)
life will be meek, quiet and calm.

Spell on sprouted onions so that the young woman does not grow old and is beautiful

If onions grow in the house, then you can speak it to the young woman so that she does not grow old and is always good-looking. After you read the plot, you need to eat one onion feather. You can also cut it into a salad or put it on bread:

Onion - long, high feathers,
take away old age from the servant of God (name),
take the villain away from all your veins and hearts,
so that I am more beautiful than the sun, clearer than the month,
pure as water, strong as a young woman.

Read the plot no more than once a week. But this does not mean that you can’t just eat onions. Of course it is possible.

Spell on ivy so that wealth does not transfer in the house

If there is a climbing plant in the house, then you can slander it for wealth and financial well-being. It could be ivy, hops, lemongrass, etc.
Read this plot when you feed or fertilize the soil that feeds your climbing amulet:

How I feed you, how I love you,
so you grow - curl,
climb to the sky
find me wealth there,
bring me to my house,
purer than pure silver,
louder than red gold.

The key is in the water, and the lock is in your hand.

Cactus spell to protect your home and yourself from enemies

The main protective power in these plants lies in their needles, which scare away evil spirits and all evil from the house. A spell for a prickly cactus to protect your home should be carried out once a month on the waxing moon. Don’t forget to thank your plant, praise it, say your kind words to it, and then say the spell:

“Like Yegory the brave flood, he pushes away the fire with brooms,
how brave Yegory shoots his enemies with arrows,
how the brave Yegoriy stabs evil spirits with a spear,
so you, prickly color, protect my house from evil,
from a storm - a hurricane, from every flaw,
from thirty-three misfortunes and seven troubles.
Protect us from the thief of the night, from the uninvited guest.
Castle in the sky, key in the sea.
Be my words strong and sculpted.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

A spell with a golden mustache so that the health in the house does not deteriorate

The golden mustache can protect health throughout the house. You just need to say a special spell when watering. They start talking about an adult golden mustache, which has gained healing power, i.e. a plant in which the mustache has at least 9-10 joints. The mustache contains all the healing power of the plant.

In order for your golden mustache to be healthy, you need to water it three times a week with warm water or try to spray it with water at room temperature every day. When spraying, you and your golden mustache talk quietly, praise him and ask him to protect health in the house:

"Drink some water, my color, bright angel,
grow without pain, protect from troubles - illnesses,
help me regain my health
and preserve it forever.

A spell for a violet so that it blooms and keeps love at home

If a violet blooms in your house, it will protect love, prosperity and harmony in the family. In order for the violet to bloom and fill your home with its love, pour water into a glass jar or bottle. For the growing month, in the evening, light a candle and place it behind the jar. Look through the water at the fire and read the plot slowly:

“No matter how water flows down your face,
not salty tears, not watery drops,
and it poured out like a stream and turned into dew,
sprinkled the roots, stems, gained strength,
so that the color rises,
I, God's servant (name), got it.

After this, pour water into the saucer under the violet. You can’t pour it into the ground, otherwise the flower may rot.

Spell on birch branches from the evil eye

If you place birch branches at home, it will bring good luck and protect you from the evil eye. When you are waiting for guests to arrive, go into the forest, find a young birch tree, bow to it three times and pick a few branches. At home, put them in water and say:

"All the apostles, all the saints,
take a twig
along the green, along the birch,
and walk on damp ground,
look around the world,
from the white eye, from the gray eye,
from yellow eye.
Lessons came from the wind,
go into the wind.
Be my words strong.
Amen" .

How do spells for indoor flowers, for example, differ from spells? The thing is that there are flowers in our house. And, we see them every day. And this is a huge plus for almost any ritual (especially for money ). + such a conspiracy will “work” every day, and its result will “last” for a very long time. So, a plot to make money for indoor flowers: what is needed for the ritual and how to carry it out.

Conspiracy words

Take a small red thread. And looking at her, say these magic words:

Knot of one, spell started
Knot of two, I make it true.
Three-strand knot, prosperity.
Node four. Bring me more.
Node five, the spell is alive.

How to choose an indoor flower

You can use any plant for this spell., including even the most ordinary cactus!

What is needed for the ritual?

  • Any indoor flowers
    A pinch of patchouli herb

Do not perform this ritual with a half-dead plant. The flower must be healthy and thriving. Sprinkle some patchouli onto the potting soil and press the edge of the coin into the dirt in the same spot.

The spell for money for indoor flowers is very simple. You don't have to bury the coin. Its edge should “stick out” a little from the pot. Whenever you receive

In Rus', conspiracies have long been considered the most effective and widespread magical rite. With their help, it was possible to cure a loved one, or it was possible to kill an enemy. Spells for money could ensure a comfortable life, and a love spell guaranteed mutual love. But spell rituals for a certain thing, for example flowers, including indoor ones, were considered especially effective.

Whether we like it or not, notice or ignore such facts, magic is present everywhere in our lives.

Every nation in the world has its own magical rituals and ceremonies. They have different names and are designed to solve different problems, but in each individual case they are inextricably linked with the religious beliefs of people.

Magic in Rus'

In ancient Rus', conspiracies were considered folk magic acts. At their core, they represent a specific text, accompanied by necessary actions and designed to achieve the result a person needs.

Conspiracies were strongly associated with religious rituals and were often carried out in the presence of Orthodox icons. But, despite this, the church at the beginning of the eleventh century classified these rituals as the most serious sins against God. Which, in turn, did not reduce people’s love for conspiracies.

The most widespread were conspiracies that were committed on a specific subject. This made it possible to add some properties to a thing, make it a powerful amulet, or transfer negative aspects to it (for example, the illness of the charmer).

Flowers occupied a special place in such a system, even if they were not grown for sale.

Folk spells for flowers

It was flowers, both indoor and garden, grown for sale, that became the best object of the conspiracy. This happened because any plants have correctly directed, living and warm energy, which enhances the rituals performed on them. In addition, plants are present in almost any home and never leave it, which makes them excellent amulets.

Such conspiracies are divided into those aimed at the flower itself (for example, so that it becomes unfading or grows faster if it is planted for sale) and those using the flower as an amplifier of the effect of the ritual (for example, to attract money to the house).

If we classify according to the type of conspiracy, we can distinguish the following categories of magical rituals:

  • For a flower, so that there is money in the house;
  • When planting a flower, so that they grow quickly (this is especially true for those gardeners who grow flowers and plants for sale);
  • On flowers that should become unfading;
  • For a rich and generous harvest;
  • For a plant that you want to turn into a home amulet;
  • On a flower to preserve youth and strength of family ties;
  • On the plant to maintain the health of all family members.

It should be noted that any conspiracies aimed at a flower or plant, even if these are not magical rituals used when planting flowers, must be spoken strictly at the moment when you are caring for the flower. If you are going to water an indoor flower, you can immediately loosen the soil for it, using the spell you need.

If you are gardening in a vegetable garden or greenhouse, then any work in the ground with a plant can be combined with a magical ritual. Don’t forget to hang the icon in a similar place.

But keep in mind that it is not recommended to carry out such actions more than once a week. This advice does not apply to rituals when planting a flower. In this case, each procedure for replanting a plant should be accompanied by a corresponding spell. In this way, you will provide the flower, including the indoor one, with rapid growth and make it unfading.

Spells for indoor flowers

Houseplants in pots lend themselves well to spells that require the presence of flowers in the house on an ongoing basis. Such rituals usually focus not on the flower itself, but on the well-being of the family. Although many cast a spell on a flower to make it unfading, even if it is grown and not for sale.

In this case, not every flower is suitable for performing a certain magical ritual.

For example, if you want to cast a spell on a flower so that it becomes your family amulet, then choose the most beloved and well-groomed flower. In this case, he will give you no less energy than you put into him.

When the indoor plant is chosen, begin the ceremony. To do this, you should carry out the standard procedure for caring for the flower (water it and lovingly loosen the soil), while reciting the following text:

“My little green one, my little green one! Don’t be thick, be long-legged, Don’t be stocky, be my protector. Amen.”

After completing the ritual, your favorite indoor flower will also become a talisman for your home. But besides this, he will gain immortality.

And in order to prolong the effect, place an Orthodox icon near this indoor plant.

Spell for an indoor flower for money in the house

In order to carry out a conspiracy for money in the house, not just any plant will suit you.

In this case, choose an object based on two factors: firstly, the flower must grow in a pot and stand in the house itself. Secondly, it should bloom with white flowers.

In addition, an icon must be placed next to it.

Before the start of the ceremony, the oldest woman must set out on paper her goal, what this house needs most of all in material terms. This can be expressed not only in specific terms of money, but the wording “so that the food does not go to waste” or “enough new expensive clothes” is also suitable.

Then you need to burn the list, mix the ashes with holy water and add seven drops of church cahors. Adding wine will make the flower unfading.

“From water with water, From ashes with fire, From hands with strength, From head with mind. From the mouth with the tongue. Eat, flowers, grow, curl! Come, little money, accumulate, multiply! Key, tongue, lock. Forever and ever. Amen".

When finished, swipe the highest denomination banknote you have in your home in front of the flower.

Spells cast on flowers, especially during their planting, have a very effective effect. If you choose the right plant (it can be indoors) and pronounce the correct magic formula, the result will not be long in coming. It is very good if there is an icon near you during the ritual.

Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina



There is one old spell that is done on flowers in pots; it attracts money to the house. Not every plant is suitable for this plot: it needs to bloom with white flowers.

On Sunday you need to go to church and take some holy water. At home, the eldest woman in the family must sit down and write on paper what she wants from life: a new house, or many new things, or that there is always enough food in the house. You need to write with all your heart and without being distracted by anything. After this, fold the sheet into four, place it on a saucer and set it on fire. The remaining ashes must be mixed with church water; if there is red church wine in the house, add seven drops of wine to this mixture.

You need to water a plant with white flowers with this mixture (it is not necessary that it blooms at this moment) and say:

From water to water,

From ashes to fire,

From the hands by force,

From the head to the mind,

From the mouth with the tongue.

Eat, flowers, grow, curl!

Come, little money, accumulate, multiply!

Key, tongue, lock. Forever and ever. Amen.

Place the pot of this flower in the sun and wave the highest denomination banknote you have over it.

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