Types of heating elements in heaters. Warm in the middle of winter: choosing a heater for the house

A domestic heater is a device that is used to heat rooms. There are different types of heaters, but all of them are used in houses, offices and apartments mainly in the form of additional heating. Most of all, they are in demand in the autumn, when the central heating pipes are still cold, but the rooms are already cool. But not every heating device is able to cope with the task, because the room can be large, and the air temperature can be quite low. In addition, not every unit is economical.

Therefore, in order to find out which heating device is right for you and can fully solve your tasks, you should find out its functionality and technical characteristics. Going to the store for a purchase, sometimes you can even get confused, because they differ in size, appearance, device, technical capabilities and other parameters. Some heaters also have additional features that can be incredibly useful.


Oil heaters

Such devices outwardly resemble cast-iron batteries.

The advantages of such units include:
  • The heating temperature in most cases is less than 60 degrees, as a result of which there will be no unpleasant burning smell. Oxygen is not burned out.
  • Such units are able to work for several days without stopping, nothing will happen to it.
  • Fire safety.
  • Silent operation of the unit.
The disadvantages of oil coolers include:
  • Slow heat release.
  • Significant energy costs.
Fan heaters and heat guns

These units have the simplest design. They use a heating element that heats the air, as well as a fan that drives the heated air masses. Thanks to this design, the fan heater quickly heats up the room, distributing warm air masses.

The advantages of such units include:
  • Small dimensions and weight.
  • Fast distribution of heat in the room.
  • Low cost.
  • Profitability.
The disadvantages of fan heaters include:
  • High noise level, which can irritate pets and household members.
  • They burn oxygen and pollute the air.
Fan heaters are suitable for small spaces. They can also be of three types:
  1. Spiral. Here the main element is the heating coil.
  2. Ceramic. Here, ceramic plates are the main element. They are safer, but also more expensive.
  3. Tubular. Here the main element is the tube, which is made of stainless steel. Inside it is a graphite rod or wire. A device with similar elements provides gradual heating and high safety.
Convector household heater

These are one of the most powerful and compact heating devices. They are also used in residential and industrial premises. These devices are very efficient. Most of these heaters have timers that allow you to control the temperature of the air masses and the time period of operation. There are models that have increased insulation, so they can be used even in rooms with high humidity.

  • Safety
  • Simplicity and convenience in operation.
  • Noiselessness.
  • Durability.
The disadvantages of convector devices include:
  • High price.
  • Long heating time.
Infrared heaters

The main element of such a unit is an infrared heater, which is sealed in a quartz tube. It is he who emits heat waves that come into contact with the surface of bodies, give off their energy. As a result, these bodies begin to heat the air masses that surround them.

The advantages of such devices include:
  • High security.
  • Safety.
  • Small dimensions.
  • Ease of use.
  • Relatively low energy consumption.
The disadvantages of infrared devices include:
  • High price.
  • Low mobility.
  • Limited application.
By execution, infrared devices can be:
  • Outdoor.
  • Ceiling.
  • Wall mounted.

A conventional electric fireplace can also be a type of heater.

Oil heaters have the following main elements:
  • A metal tank in which a heat carrier is placed. In most cases, this is mineral oil.
  • A heating element that heats up the oil.
  • Unit body.
  • Thermostat and control panel required for temperature control.
The fan heater has the following design:
  • Housing made of heat-resistant and impact-resistant plastic.
  • A heating element, which can be made in the form of a metal spiral, a heating element or a ceramic plate.
  • Built-in fan.
  • Control Panel.
The main elements of infrared heaters are:
  • Heating element emitter.
  • Reflector, which is made of aluminum or polished steel.
  • Heat resistant metal housing.
  • Fire hazard sensor.
  • Thermostat.
Operating principle
Household heater has a principle of operation depending on the design. So standard fan heater home use works like this:
  • To start working, you need to turn the knob on the control panel.
  • The heating element and the fan that moves the air masses turn on.
  • The degree of heating of the heating element is controlled by a separate regulator, which is located on the control panel.

Principle of operation infrared heater is similar to the operation of the sun. The device generates heat rays, they are absorbed by household items, walls, ceilings. These surfaces heat up, heating the room. The result is exactly the same effect created by the sun.

Convector The domestic heater operates on the principle of convection. Air, depending on the current temperature at different heights, has a different density. Due to this, cold air forces lighter warm air masses to move.

A heat exchanger is located at the bottom of the unit, the air flow is directed to it through the corresponding slots in the housing. Holes are located on top, heated air masses exit through them. They go up, sending cold air down. Cold air is sucked into the convector, the cycle repeats again.


A domestic heater of the corresponding type is used in the respective premises of domestic importance. So fan heaters are often used for local heating of small rooms and premises. Convectors are used as simple, efficient and economical electrical appliances that are used during the cold period for additional heating of rooms. Such units are often found in apartments and houses, including offices and offices.

Infrared devices are often used in homes, health and medical institutions, including in production. They are also successfully used in outdoor conditions, for example, for heating country arbors, balconies, verandas of summer cafes, sheds, and so on.

How to choose a household heater

  • The heater should be purchased wisely. Therefore, before buying, you should decide where and how it will work. For domestic conditions, one type of heater is best suited, for a large house or outdoor garage - a completely different one.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the power of the heater. From this will depend on what area and for how long it will be able to heat. It should be noted that there should be about 0.1 kW of power per square meter for an unheated room. When buying a device for additional heating of a room in a house or apartment with an area of ​​​​20 square meters, power up to 1 kW is enough. If there is an external wall or two windows, 0.2 kW per square meter of area will be required. There are special programs that help calculate the power of the unit for a particular room.
  • A fan heater is best for quickly heating a room. An oil heater with a fan is also appropriate. If safety is important to you, then it is important to purchase a household heater with a thermostat. Such a unit will maintain the required temperature even in the absence of people in the room. However, it must be borne in mind that such a unit will burn oxygen and make noise. If you are not ready for this, then it is better to look at other devices.
  • Convector heaters are perfect for heating a small room. With a built-in thermostat, you can set a comfortable temperature.
  • To heat a specific surface, it is best to turn your attention to an infrared household heater. The device is easy to use, it is also well suited for small spaces. However, it should be borne in mind that such infrared devices cause not quite familiar sensations: the apartment will initially be cool, and the body will be warm, as if it were under a little sun.

We have repeatedly discussed heaters on the VashTechnik portal, we will talk again, we will consider in more detail the classification - what types of heaters for the home are found on the market today.

Oil heaters

An accordion is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a typical oil heater. Sections have a pronounced ribbed structure. With the exception of two sidewalls, they are identical, reminiscent of segments of a central heating radiator. The principle is similar. Oil splashes inside, flowing through the upper pipe, the filler flows down, imparting heat to the section, then flows back to the heating elements through the lower pipe.

To implement a simple algorithm, it took a lot of fresh technical solutions. A typical oil heater consists of:

  1. Sectional body.
  2. One or two heating elements.
  3. Stands with wheels.
  4. Multiple controls.
  5. Pairs of valves to ensure correct oil flow.
  6. Cord with plug.
  7. thermostat.

The control panel usually has three keys. Two to turn on each heating element separately, one serves as a thermostat wheel, smoothly adjusting the temperature. It turns out three global temperature regimes. There are two heating elements, but the spirals are unequal in power. The design will allow you to turn on separately or run together.

Within each global oil heater mode, it is possible to fine-tune the thermostat. By twisting the disk in both directions, the owner slightly reduces or increases the working value. When the temperature is exceeded, the heating elements turn off. As soon as the temperature drops, the oil heater will work again to its fullest.

The bypass valve prevents the oil from breaking the sealed housing, and this happens. If the oil leaks out, replacing it is relatively problematic. To do this, you need to know the pressure, control the level and take into account that not all brands are combined.

It remains to add that the length of the heaters is different, it is not always necessary to buy a full-fledged model for 9 sections. Short oil heaters are cheaper, heat less, but sometimes more is not needed.


  • Great mechanical strength.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Air heating by convection.
  • Low cost.

To enjoy the advantages of the design, take the trouble to operate the device correctly. Do not pinch the product in the corner. On the contrary, try to put the oil heater in the center. Convective currents are formed around, transferring air masses, mixing. It is difficult to heat a large room with an oil heater. It is not intended for this. The mission is to give warmth to small rooms up to 20 square meters.

Important! Imagine coming in from the cold. Hug an oily friend and keep warm. With a convector or infrared, such a number will not work.

Much more advanced models with a fireplace effect. The case is designed in a special way. In appearance, an oil heater with a fireplace effect resembles a convector. The resemblance is not only superficial. Air circulation is increased in the device. Special vertical channels create a small thrust, making the flow move faster. Therefore, the efficiency of these oil heaters is increased.

The story about home heaters is incomplete, don't mention convectors. The name comes from a term that came from physics, denoting the phenomenon of the movement of air masses due to temperature differences. Convection is distinguished between natural and forced. In the latter case, we already see wind blowers.

The convector consists of parts:

  1. Radiator.
  2. tubular heater.
  3. heating elements.
  4. Control Panel.
  5. Power cable.

The fundamental difference from an oil heater is not in the coolant, as it seems. The leading role is given to radiators in convectors. The details are heavily indented, due to this they acquire a large area of ​​​​contact with the surrounding air. The specific structure of the body makes the appliances similar in appearance to oil heaters equipped with the fireplace effect option. It is customary to hang convectors on the wall, like central heating radiators.

The heating scheme has been described for a long time in school physics textbooks, which describes how batteries work. An upward flow is formed at the window, going along the ceiling to the opposite side of the room. Cooled air again rushes along the floor to the heater. Convectors work from electricity, there are also gas models. To use the latter, it is supposed to punch a wide hole in the wall so that a coaxial pipeline can pass through.

It's worth explaining. One pipe is nested coaxially into another. Gas enters the heater through the first, combustion products are removed through the second. Having gone through the types of electric heaters, we will stop at gas if:

  • there is little furniture in the room;
  • the change house is used for work, there is nowhere to put oil heaters that get underfoot;
  • I want to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the room.

It is worth noting that they sell models built under the floor. Special niches are made along the walls, closed with bars, where convectors are placed. In this case, it seems a difficult task to organize the correct circulation of air masses.

Today's favorites, models are gaining a lot of popularity for a trivial reason - they are very mobile. The weight of an infrared heater may not even reach a kilogram. It is worth noting that there are many varieties, not all are easy. Types of infrared heaters:

  1. Quartz.
  2. Halogen.
  3. Carbon.
  4. Mycathermic.
  5. Gas.

As for the dimensions of the first three groups, the dimensions and weight are small, the principle is similar. The heat is radiated by a quartz glass tube filled with a special gas. A spiral of nichrome or carbon acts as an energy source that converts electricity.

The lamp weighs a little, besides it there is a small reflector that directs the radiant energy to its destination. The infrared heater does not heat the air, only objects.

With regard to mikathermic devices, due to the growth in popularity of such, anyone saw in the store. It is not possible to distinguish the device from oil or convectors at first sight. The mesh case helps out, other types of heaters are deprived of this.

The basis is plates covered with mica (mica - English), which gave the name to the devices. Heated to a high temperature (up to 200 degrees Celsius), sheet elements radiate heat. Mica is needed so that the metal does not burn dust from the air.

Gas infrared heaters look different. There are compact models, but most weigh a pood. Despite this fact, the devices are popular. Mobile for small restaurants and summer cottages, the devices are endowed with incredible power, superior to other types of heaters.

The principle is that the gas jet, when burned, heats the ceramic gratings from the outside or the steel pipe from the inside. The first type of devices is called light infrared gas heaters, the second - dark. The latter, like most class devices, can be hung on the ceiling. True, they are mainly used in industry.

Electric fireplaces

The class refers conditionally to infrared heaters, it operates on a 230 V network. Some categories prefer to use gas for heating. A distinctive feature is the stylization under the fireplace. Meet false electric fireplaces that imitate live fire, do not heat.


Spirals of nichrome in the air are red-hot. Naturally, oxygen will begin to burn out under such conditions. If you place a solid turbine behind, the air, passing through the spirals, shocks the temperature. Blowers are based on the described principle. Builders call the devices heat guns, airfield workers - fans.

There are several spirals, usually two. It is permissible to turn on separately or together, adjusting the power of the heater. We consider the lack of prerequisites for self-regulation to be a disadvantage of the scheme. Will work indefinitely. The model will warm you up in a spacious garage; on a cold street, the efficiency of household blowers is zero. Use gas or high power.

With regard to industrial applications, these devices have settled on construction sites. The difference from domestic ones is in the power of the equipment, selected design features that will allow the product to function in conditions of high humidity and dustiness.

When you are at work or just at home, when you are planning a trip or it is a vacation in the country, there are almost always times when you have to look for safe sources of heat. How to choose the right heater this year? Therefore, it is considered easy to use and very affordable these days a conventional heater. After all, today, with a large assortment of a heater for an apartment, absolutely any of us can buy.

This is where the question arises of how to choose the best oil heater, which ideally will meet the needs of any person.

Let's try to analyze and compare the types of heaters. Consider also their advantages and disadvantages, the possibilities of any of the presented types of heaters. After reading this article, you can confidently choose the most necessary and optimal option for yourself. However, before proceeding with the choice of a heater of one kind or another for a room, it is desirable to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits area. More specifically, volume. After all, it is these indicators that will tell you how much power you should buy a heater. It is also desirable to decide on the type of room that is required for heating. Do you need a fireplace for such a room (if, for example, it is a living room) or choose an economy option (for example, a bathroom or kitchen).


Whether we're visiting just one more electronics store or we're about to buy some kind of heater, we usually always have to think about how to choose the right inexpensive heater and how not to make a mistake. Here, of course, we never have a clear answer. Each heater has its pros and cons. Let's look at the types and types of heaters.

Probably the most common and popular type today is an oil heater. Some 20 years ago, this type of heater was considered almost a scarce commodity, and today it is very popular, but its credibility is a little undermined. What is the reason? The answer is quite simple - it has too little efficiency. In other words - the optimal use of electricity in comparison with its efficiency. Moreover, even with such negative reviews, such a heater will remain a long-liver, as it has proven itself practically on the positive side. It is not expensive, and this is the most important factor for buyers. After all, not every one of us can purchase a heating device or a fireplace with a unique design and with the best technical capabilities.

The principle of the oil heater of the operation of such a heater is quite simple. Its design is also just as simple. Almost always it is performed in a ribbed design. This is necessary to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with air. An oil heater may also have a fan to improve the heating itself, and importantly, a thermostat to maintain the set temperature. The metal base of the case, inside which there is mineral oil and an electric coil is installed to heat this oil. In turn, the coil heats up the oil. And it heats the heater itself and, as a result, the latter heats the room itself. Too many activities, right? This is the first advantage.

After all, you can warm up one room an hour after turning on the heater. And if guests suddenly came, and you need to warm up the room quickly? In this case, it is better to buy an electric fireplace just in case. Another disadvantage is its size and weight. Naturally, it should work only in a vertical position, otherwise the spirals may burn out. Its only advantage, which concerns the technical composition of the heater, is its safety. Since the coils are located in a closed case, and the oil that takes heat from the coil practically does not harm it, which allows it to be used for a very long time. Although it is not advised to do this, some people manage to dry clothes on it.

The main thing is that there is an open surface, because the heating temperature can significantly exceed the maximum mark, which is approximately equal to 60 degrees. However, if you still decide to dry your laundry on it, then such a heater provides for the installation of some additional option - special shelves. Even its too long heating can be regarded as a virtue - this is the same long cooling. It is easy to maintain and practically does not dry the air, there is no smell from it and it does not need to be additionally moistened. And most importantly, the oil heater is durable.

Summarize. An oil heater for an apartment or house is very affordable and reliable. It is suitable for those for whom size and appearance do not play a special role.

Electric fireplace

It is also called simply a fireplace. Surely any reader associates it with a spiral Soviet fireplace. In fact, it is, but only the principle of its operation is similar to a classic fireplace with wood. The fireplace has always been and will be in demand, as it can create a unique atmosphere and, as it were, emphasize the wealth of the owner of the house. Soft warmth, comfort of the room, flickering fire. Romantic ... Perhaps the older generation still remembers that fireplace, which looked like a stove, there was even a drawing with firewood or fire. Such a fireplace looked more like glowing coals, or even just ordinary spirals in glass flasks. Now a similar heater with spirals is called infrared. But this is not because they are similar to each other, but because of their principle of action.

We'll talk about this later. Let's go back to the electric fireplace. Why a fireplace, you ask? This is because here the fire can almost be said to be natural, it can quickly flare up or die out, there are no spirals. But in some models, fans are also installed, which were not there before. Buy or not such a heater, it's up to you. After all, current electric fireplaces are not economical and expensive. Naturally, an electric fireplace will fit into your interior much more harmoniously. However, if you are thinking of putting it in a place that is not visible, for example, in the bathroom or behind the toilet, then why overpay for beauty alone. It is better to buy a regular heater.

Floor and wall convector

The converter is a very popular and completely new type of heater. But, not taking into account its relative novelty, the floor and wall convector has already become very popular among heaters. And if we analyze the statistical data, then it is likely that in the future it will be able to replace oil counterparts. After all, there are many advantages. These are both good characteristics and cheap production. This is exactly the option when an affordable price does not affect the lack of quality or poor performance. They are made, as a rule, in two versions - floor or wall. This is very practical for modern homes and apartments.

If there is no space on the floor, then you can almost always hang it on the wall.

Now consider the basis of their work and the design itself. The convector consists of a housing or, as it is otherwise called, a convection chamber, inside which there is a heating element. There are holes at the top and bottom for air circulation. What are they there for? - you ask. Remember the word "convection" - this is when, due to its density, heated air displaces cold air down. This is how air circulates. The conclusion suggests itself: the convector during its operation is not only able to heat the air in the room, but also significantly improve its circulation. Yes, and no matter how trite it may sound, but the effectiveness of this convection has been proven for a very long time.

After all, the operation of a convector is similar to the simple principle of a heating battery. Its efficiency level is almost 99%. But what is most interesting if you compare it with the same oil, then it heats the air immediately, it can take about 5 minutes. This is very practical for those who leave home often. Agree that you do not want to return to an unheated house. And here he immediately turned on the heater, and by the time you take off your boots and outerwear, he has already heated the apartment

You can summarize and point out the advantages of a convector of such a heating system. Firstly, it is an affordable price, secondly, its small size, and thirdly, it is a real opportunity to place it on the wall, because it is light and mobile. No fragile items. Very quiet. Can work continuously. And, of course, he is reliable. It is safe, because its heating temperature does not exceed 60 degrees. It has a beautiful design and can harmoniously fit into almost any interior. The best choice for a family.


Infrared heater this is a completely new type of heater. It is somewhat similar to the sun. A special quartz lamp emits infrared rays, thermal energy that is safe for humans. This is the undeniable advantage of this heater. After all, it does not heat the air, the objects, and only then the heat transfer from the heated object to the air begins. This allows you to place an infrared heater almost anywhere, even outdoors. Also, an infrared heater has such an advantage as efficiency. Compared to the same oil, they consume several times less electricity. Infrared heater also has its disadvantages.

He is very fragile. When heated, the lamp is very hot, about 200 degrees and in the dark it glows. However, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages, so, for sure, a similar version of heaters can be considered. There is an infrared heater in three versions: short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave. For the type of source, there are gas and electric infrared heaters.

fan heater

Perhaps the cheapest of all the above. The principle of operation of a fan heater is similar to that of a hair dryer. Usually his body is made of plastic. A fan is installed inside, which blows on heated coils or ceramic elements, which are still preferable (oxygen is not burned, and the service life is longer). Its plus is that it heats up the room very quickly, it can be used for the purpose of drying the room.

It only takes 5 minutes to warm up the entire room. And don't worry if it's too big. True, the fan heater also has its drawbacks: its efficiency is very low, it is not designed for long work and is very noisy. Therefore, in practice, as a rule, it is taken as an addition to another type of heater. There is also a large fan heater or, as it is also called, a heat gun. But it is already designed to heat a very large room.

Floor standing carbon heater

The floor carbon heater is a novelty among other heaters. The principle of operation of the carbon heater is the same as that of the infrared heater. Instead of a lamp, it has carbon fiber, which is in a glass tube with a vacuum. The difference from the previously considered heaters is in efficiency and power, but in all other respects the pros and cons are absolutely similar. The carbon spiral is very powerful, however, it consumes much less electricity than the same infrared heater.

The cost of a carbon heater is not high. It is also important that the carbon element has an unlimited service life. The heating capacity of such a heater is about 3-4 meters. They say that a carbon heater is capable of heating up to several centimeters deep into the human body. May have a healing effect. It does not dry the air and instantly cools.

As a result, we considered the types of heaters. You already know how to choose the right heater in the new year. Choose based on your needs, capabilities, etc.

The right choice, competent design and high-quality installation of the heating system is the key to warmth and comfort in the house during the entire heating season. Heating must be of high quality, reliable, safe, economical. To choose the right heating system, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, features of installation and operation of heating devices. It is also important to consider the availability and cost of fuel.

Types of modern heating systems

A heating system is a complex of elements used to heat a room: a heat source, pipelines, heating devices. Heat is transferred with the help of a coolant - a liquid or gaseous medium: water, air, steam, fuel combustion products, antifreeze.

Heating systems of buildings must be selected in such a way as to achieve the highest quality heating while maintaining comfortable air humidity for a person. Depending on the type of coolant, the following systems are distinguished:

  • air;
  • water;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • combined (mixed).

Heating devices of the heating system are:

  • convective;
  • radiant;
  • combined (convective-radiant).

Scheme of a two-pipe heating system with forced circulation

As a heat source can be used:

  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • electricity;
  • briquettes - peat or wood;
  • energy from the sun or other alternative sources.

The air is heated directly from the heat source without the use of an intermediate liquid or gaseous heat carrier. The systems are used to heat private houses of a small area (up to 100 sq.m.). Installation of heating of this type is possible both during the construction of a building and during the reconstruction of an existing one. A boiler, heating element or gas burner serves as a heat source. The peculiarity of the system lies in the fact that it is not only heating, but also ventilation, since the internal air in the room is heated and the fresh air coming from outside. Air streams enter through a special intake grille, are filtered, heated in a heat exchanger, after which they pass through the air ducts and are distributed in the room.

Adjustment of temperature and degree of ventilation is carried out by means of thermostats. Modern thermostats allow you to pre-set a program of temperature changes depending on the time of day. The systems also operate in air conditioning mode. In this case, the air flows are directed through the coolers. If there is no need for space heating or cooling, the system works as a ventilation system.

Diagram of an air heating device in a private house

Installation of air heating is relatively expensive, but its advantage is that there is no need to warm up the intermediate coolant and radiators, due to which fuel savings are at least 15%.

The system does not freeze, quickly responds to temperature changes and warms up the premises. Thanks to filters, the air enters the premises already purified, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for maintaining the health of people living in the house.

The lack of air heating is overdrying of the air, burning out oxygen. The problem is easily solved by installing a special humidifier. The system can be upgraded to save money and create a more comfortable microclimate. So, the recuperator heats the incoming air, due to the output to the outside. This reduces the energy consumption for its heating.

Additional purification and disinfection of air is possible. To do this, in addition to the mechanical filter included in the package, electrostatic fine filters and ultraviolet lamps are installed.

Air heating with additional appliances

Water heating

This is a closed heating system, it uses water or antifreeze as a coolant. Water is supplied through pipes from the heat source to the heating radiators. In centralized systems, the temperature is regulated at the heating point, and in individual systems - automatically (using thermostats) or manually (tap).

Types of water systems

Depending on the type of connection of heating devices, the systems are divided into:

  • single-pipe,
  • two-pipe,
  • bifilar (two-furnace).

According to the method of wiring, they distinguish:

  • top;
  • bottom;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal heating system.

In single-pipe systems, the connection of heating devices is in series. To compensate for the loss of heat that occurs during the successive passage of water from one radiator to another, heaters with different heat transfer surfaces are used. For example, cast iron batteries with a large number of sections can be used. In two-pipe, a parallel connection scheme is used, which allows you to install the same radiators.

The hydraulic mode can be constant and variable. In bifilar systems, heating devices are connected in series, as in single-pipe systems, but the heat transfer conditions for radiators are the same as in two-pipe systems. Convectors, steel or cast iron radiators are used as heating devices.

Scheme of two-pipe water heating of a country house

Advantages and disadvantages

Water heating is widespread due to the availability of the coolant. Another advantage is the ability to equip the heating system with your own hands, which is important for our compatriots who are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. However, if the budget allows not to save, it is better to entrust the design and installation of heating to specialists.

This will save you from many problems in the future - leaks, breakthroughs, etc. Disadvantages - freezing of the system when turned off, a long time for warming up the premises. Special requirements apply to the coolant. Water in the systems must be free of impurities, with a minimum salt content.

To heat the coolant, a boiler of any type can be used: on solid, liquid fuel, gas or electricity. Most often, gas boilers are used, which involves connecting to the main. If this is not possible, then solid fuel boilers are usually installed. They are more economical than electric or liquid fuel designs.

Note! Experts recommend choosing a boiler based on a power of 1 kW per 10 sq.m. These figures are indicative. If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, the house has large windows, there are additional consumers, or the premises are not well insulated, all these nuances must be taken into account in the calculations.

Closed house heating system

In accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", the use of steam systems is prohibited in residential and public buildings. The reason is the insecurity of this type of space heating. Heaters heat up to almost 100°C, which can cause burns.

Installation is complex, requires skills and special knowledge, during operation there are difficulties with the regulation of heat transfer, noise is possible when filling the system with steam. Today, steam heating is used to a limited extent: in industrial and non-residential premises, in pedestrian crossings, and heating points. Its advantages are relative cheapness, low inertia, compactness of heating elements, high heat transfer, no heat loss. All this led to the popularity of steam heating until the middle of the twentieth century, later it was replaced by water heating. However, in enterprises where steam is used for industrial needs, it is still widely used for space heating.

Boiler for steam heating

Electric heating

This is the most reliable and easiest type of heating in operation. If the area of ​​the house is not more than 100 m, electricity is a good option, but heating a larger area is not economically viable.

Electric heating can be used as an additional in case of a shutdown or repair of the main system. It is also a good solution for country houses in which the owners live only periodically. Electric fan heaters, infrared and oil heaters are used as additional heat sources.

Convectors, electric fireplaces, electric boilers, floor heating power cables are used as heating devices. Each type has its own limitations. So, convectors heat the rooms unevenly. Electric fireplaces are more suitable as a decorative element, and the operation of electric boilers requires significant energy costs. The underfloor heating is mounted with advance consideration of the furniture arrangement plan, because when it is moved, the power cable may be damaged.

Scheme of traditional and electric heating of buildings

Innovative heating systems

Separately, mention should be made of innovative heating systems, which are becoming increasingly popular. The most common:

  • infrared floors;
  • heat pumps;
  • solar collectors.

infrared floors

These heating systems have only recently appeared on the market, but have already become quite popular due to their efficiency and greater economy than conventional electric heating. Warm floors are powered by the mains, they are installed in a screed or tile adhesive. Heating elements (carbon, graphite) emit infrared waves that pass through the floor covering, heat up the bodies of people and objects, which in turn heats up the air.

Self-adjusting carbon mats and foils can be mounted under furniture legs without fear of damage. "Smart" floors regulate the temperature due to the special property of the heating elements: when overheated, the distance between the particles increases, the resistance increases - and the temperature decreases. Energy costs are relatively low. When the infrared floors are turned on, the power consumption is about 116 watts per linear meter, after warming up it decreases to 87 watts. Temperature control is provided by thermostats, which reduces energy costs by 15-30%.

Infrared carbon mats are convenient, reliable, economical, easy to install

Heat pumps

These are devices for transferring thermal energy from a source to a coolant. In itself, the idea of ​​a heat pump system is not new; it was proposed by Lord Kelvin back in 1852.

How it works: A geothermal heat pump takes heat from the environment and transfers it to the heating system. The systems can also work to cool buildings.

How a heat pump works

There are pumps with open and closed cycle. In the first case, the installations take water from the underground stream, transfer it to the heating system, take heat energy and return it to the place of intake. In the second, a coolant is pumped through special pipes in the reservoir, which transfers / takes heat from the water. The pump can use the thermal energy of water, earth, air.

The advantage of the systems is that they can be installed in houses that are not connected to the gas supply. Heat pumps are complex and expensive to install, but they save on energy costs during operation.

The heat pump is designed to use the heat of the environment in heating systems

Solar collectors

Solar installations are systems for collecting solar thermal energy and transferring it to a coolant

Water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a heat carrier. The design provides for additional electric heaters that turn on if the efficiency of the solar installation decreases. There are two main types of collectors - flat and vacuum. An absorber with a transparent coating and thermal insulation is installed in the flat ones. In vacuum, this coating is multilayer, in hermetically sealed collectors a vacuum is created. This allows you to heat the coolant up to 250-300 degrees, while flat installations can only heat it up to 200 degrees. The advantages of the installations include ease of installation, low weight, and potentially high efficiency.

However, there is one “but”: the efficiency of the solar collector depends too much on the temperature difference.

Solar collector in the domestic hot water and heating system Comparison of heating systems shows that there is no ideal heating method

Our compatriots still most often prefer water heating. Usually, doubts arise only about which specific heat source to choose, how best to connect the boiler to the heating system, etc. And yet there are no ready-made recipes suitable for absolutely everyone. It is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take into account the features of the building for which the system is selected. If in doubt, a specialist should be consulted.

Video: types of heating systems

In such systems warm water transfers heat. It is heated in a boiler room, in a furnace or boiler. From here it enters the pipes and radiators, which heat up and radiate heat into the rooms.

It is possible to heat the house without radiators. A similar method is used in small private houses. In this case the role of the emitter is performed by pipes.

Another option for water heating without batteries - water heated floor. In this system, water pipes are concreted into the floor. The heat from their radiation is accumulated in the concrete screed, which radiates it into the surrounding space.

In the underfloor heating system, water does not move well on its own, which is due to the horizontal arrangement of pipes. Therefore, the system is built circulation pump.

Important! Water heating can be highly efficient or uneven. It depends on the piping layout. Uniform heating of all rooms is achieved with a collector circuit. Less uniform heating - with one-pipe and two-pipe schemes, when water moves from one room to another in series.

System Benefits water heating:

  • The heating device can operate on any energy carrier: wood, coal, gas, electricity or stored solar energy. It is possible to install several different boilers operating on different types of fuel in the system.
  • With the proper arrangement of the heating system, the coolant (water) moves by itself. The exceptions are water heated floors and oily liquid systems. In oil systems, the coolant has low flow rates, therefore it moves slowly and also requires the operation of a circulation pump.

If there is no heating, the water in the pipes can get cold and freeze. This will require further dismantling, disassembly of pipes, batteries. If the house does not provide for permanent residence, it is necessary to drain the water or fill the system with a special antifreeze liquid, technical oil.


This is one of the old ways of heating a house, in which heat from a heated oven is used. The walls and air ducts of the furnace heat up when burning inside firewood, coal. After that, the heat enters the surrounding space.

The main heating is carried out by means of furnace air passages - air ducts. They are laid in the central inner wall of the room.

When laying a chimney in the floor of the room and placing the stove in the basement, you can get underfloor heating on coal or wood. Another option - to heat the walls and air ducts, they are built into the furnace gas nozzles. Thus, air heating can also operate on various energy carriers, solid and gaseous fuels.

Advantages of air heating:

  • Various types of energy carriers are used: firewood, coal, pellets, lumber waste.
  • The stove can be built from clay and bricks. Thus, air heating is the most inexpensive home heating arrangement.
  • Such heating is suitable for heating systems in seasonal residences: in dachas, in country cottages.


  • Need to be able to "heat" the oven, do not close the chimney damper until the firewood is completely burned out, so as not to cause the accumulation of carbon monoxide and poisoning with them.
  • The stove must be melted, cleaned of ash, loaded with firewood- required daily from 1-2 hours. An exception to the rule is long-burning solid fuel boilers; a lot of firewood is placed in their loading chamber. They also have higher efficiency due to the complete combustion of fuel.

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This is home heating. using energy from gas combustion. A device in which gas is burned is called a gas boiler.


  • Possibility of automatic operation- the house will be heated without the daily waste of time cleaning the stove.
  • Relative accessibility Gas is cheaper than electricity.


  • To connect gas supply required.
  • To install a gas boiler need a separate room.
  • Periodic system checks required to detect possible gas leaks.


One of the most expensive home heating options. In him metal heating energy is used, which is formed in the wires when an electric current passes through them. The released heat can be accumulated by a concrete screed, such a heating system is called electric underfloor heating, or accumulated by a liquid heat carrier, such heating is called electric water heating.

Another option is installation of electric heaters. These are devices that generate heat.

Photo 1. Electric heater installed on the wall. The device is connected to a power outlet.

Benefits of electric heating:

  • Possibility of periodic work, use in seasonal homes. At the same time, the electric floors warm up quickly, the room becomes warm already after 1-2 hours.


  • high cost.
  • To connect an electric boiler at home it is necessary to make a new power supply project, sometimes — to replace the wires down the street.
  • In many villages and high-rise buildings electrical wires are not designed for heavy loads. Therefore, with a large number of connections, the power supply system fails.

Infrared film floor

infrared floor one of the options for electric heating. It works from an outlet. The film floor is produced in the form of laminated panels, inside of which the heater strips are built. Carbon plates are soldered inside the strips, which, when electricity passes, emit an infrared spectrum. Radiation from carbonaceous elements heats objects indoors.

Photo 2. The process of installing an infrared floor. Laminate, parquet or linoleum is laid out on top of it.

The advantages of the film floor:

  • Convenience and ease of installation.
  • No floor level rise, as in the arrangement of water or electric underfloor heating inside a concrete screed.
  • Fast heating.
  • If necessary the heating system can be dismantled and install in another room.

Gas, air, water and even electric heating has long been the norm. However, there are innovative methods that few in Russia have heard of. This heat pumps and solar collectors.

Heat pump and geothermal plants - the best in terms of sustainability

Heat pumps are one of the most environmentally friendly types of heating systems. They are used to heat houses use the energy of natural waters, lowering their temperature by a few degrees and at the same time taking away some heat for themselves. So heat pumps accumulate thermal energy, which is then spent on heating the house.

Heat pumps are divided into:

  • For geothermal- work on the energy of groundwater or take heat from the ground.
  • For air take heat from the atmosphere.
  • For secondary heat pumps- Treat sewerage.

The main advantage of heat pumps is their environmental friendliness. They do not create smoke, soot, do not emit carbon monoxide, do not harm nature and humans. Their disadvantage is high price.

Solar collectors - a modern heating option

Another type of heating that could be considered environmentally friendly if it were not for the used batteries with lead and electrolyte. Here is the energy to heat the house obtained through solar panels. These elements are installed on the roofs of buildings. When illuminated, they generate electrical energy, which enters the heating system. Essentially, a solar collector is one of the types of electric home heating.

One of the main advantages of solar heating was considered to be heating the house at no cost. However, this is not entirely true. During operation, there is no need to spend money on paying for gas, firewood, electricity. But the system itself and its installation require significant financial investment.

Photo 3. Solar collectors installed on the roof of the house. Devices should be at such an angle that it is best to catch the sun's rays.

In addition, solar collectors and elements of the heating system are not eternal. They require periodic replacement and costs comparable to paying for electric heating at home.

Combined heating: advantages and disadvantages, is it effective?

Combined heating means use of several heating boilers and various types of energy carriers in one circuit. So, water in water heating radiators can be heated by a gas, coal or electric boiler.

The electric heating circuit of the house can be connected to a common system and additionally fed by solar collectors. This combination of different heat sources allows you to make autonomous heating of a private house uninterrupted

What types of heating systems are best

To choose the right heating for a private residence, various factors must be taken into account: the cost of its arrangement, the reliability of the operation of a particular heating system.

The best choice is a combined system, capable of heating the house from several different heat sources.

Choosing a heating system determined by the availability of energy carriers. Any system can be installed in a private house. In multi-storey buildings, they often use a central heating system, and if necessary, install additional electrical appliances.
