Homemade unch for 200 watts. Finalization of the circuit on STK4050

Comments (15):

#1 Vladimir January 08 2017

Collected this device. By mistake, when I first turned it on, I connected the wrong polarity, one 4001 D4 diode flew out and the capacitor 220uF 63v C11 jerked, replaced, the transistors all rang working 100 pounds. The result, when turned on, is a constant at the output (a 12v light bulb burns brightly (24 volts with reverse polarity)) and the resistor R4 heats up and capacitor C2 puffs out. People, if anyone knows the solution, respond, maybe the circuit is not working? who collected?

#2 root January 09 2017

After such a case, it is worth starting the test with the power source disconnected from the amplifier, ringing the rectifier diodes and measuring the output voltage for each arm (+ and ground, - and ground).
After that:

  • Checking the installation, whether there are any unnecessary connections, whether all parts are well soldered, whether the connections on the printed circuit board correspond to the circuit diagram of the amplifier;
  • Checking the ratings of all parts - it is advisable to check the resistance of resistors with a tester, ring diodes and transistors;
  • It is advisable to replace all electrolytic capacitors, some may already be damaged and without external signs of malfunction;
  • Before turning on the amplifier, each power line can be temporarily connected to a light bulb rated for supply voltage, or a 2-3A fuse.

#3 Vladimir February 26 2017

Thank you very much, I thought no one will answer. Everything is well soldered, all the details rang. Maybe it's the power supply, I took 2 windings of 12 volts from the computer power supply, as a result of rectification I got +30 total -30 volts, maybe that's a lot?)))) Well, or maybe I have the wrong transistors, TIP142 and TIP147, but here they are nifiga not like the ones in the photo (larger in size). The most interesting thing is that when I measure the voltage on the basis of one of them (TIP), then one has 2 volts and the other has even around 50 volts. I'm not mega rummaging around in the radio business, I just saw it and decided to collect the board, etched it from the printer, so there can be no mistake. I even went to a service center with my device, shrugged it off, they can’t understand the principle of this scheme. Sorry for the waste of time and money. I understand that my mistake was that I was in a hurry, but damn it, I changed the faulty parts and everything does not work exactly. It is a pity that there is a small probability of the work of schemes from the Internet. I think maybe it's all 241 transzyuks to blame or small 556. But I changed them too))) So ........

#4 root February 27 2017

As for the computer PSU - in this case the idea is not very good, it most likely needs a more serious alteration than just winding / unwinding the windings. And yet, about the 12V power lines that are initially present in a computer PSU - one of them (blue wire, -12V) is designed for a very small current (0.3-0.5A).
Here it is better to use at least 4 batteries of 12V (24 + 24V) or get / make a transformer with two secondary windings for a voltage of about 30V and a current of 4-6A. After rectification with a diode bridge and smoothing with electrolytic capacitors, we get a voltage somewhere in the region of 2x40V.
Check the diodes D2, D3, D4 with a tester, they must be of the same rating as in the diagram, this is important.
It is possible that you are one step away from a working scheme, who knows ...

Scheme of a bipolar power supply:

#5 Andriy August 07 2017

yake advancement in ohms can be given

#6 root August 07 2017

4 Ohm, 8 Ohm...

#7 Alexander Anatolyevich March 05 2018

This amplifier is NOT to be assembled! It burns like good morning. I don’t know what is perfectly balanced in it, but it’s better to make some other circuit, for example, the Bragin 1 amplifier, Troshin (modernized) Laikov, Hood, etc. etc.

I even went to a service center with my device, shrugged it off, they can’t understand the principle of this scheme ***** bypass this "service" .. ignoramuses there .. the classic version of unch .... it's not for them to change the module and capacity .... for unrealistic money .. without understanding how it works ..

#9 Pasha March 14 2018

I assembled it works fine, my friend still works on s90 4om no complaints easy circuit and 100% repeatability works without tuning!

#10 CcbikyH March 14 2018

The signet is crooked, the output offset is small, there is no temperature stabilization - it will burn out.

#11 ALEXEY June 02 2018

Collected. Runs on 40 volts input. The power is pretty good. But I tested it without radiators, and as a result, after a minute of operation, all transistors burned out. So it's not even worth trying to run it without additional cooling.

#12 Master April 06 2019

Collected on TYPES. He played cool, the power supply was about 36 volts +/-, together 72 volts was to make it clearer, he took power from an old VCR. TYPES burned down even with a radiator ... Changed and installed 2 coolers from a computer. I made a separate switch so that they do not make noise when you need to listen quietly. In general, good airflow is needed at high volume. The scheme is great. The lightest and most powerful. Even without experience I managed to collect for the experiment.

#13 ANATOLY June 23 2019

Please tell me what the D5-D8 diodes are for, what function they perform by shunting resistors R9-R10.

#14 Seawar June 24 2019

Anatoly. Pevno, at low pressures, resistors work, ensuring linearity and stability until wake-up, and at high signals, such a resistor value will lead to great heat losses, falling maximum tension, so the resistors are shunted by diodes. For now, the line is getting worse, but on the great equals, the signal is already becoming incomprehensible.

#15 ANATOLY June 25 2019

Thank you Seawar. I caught the general meaning, but if someone who speaks Russian explains a little more, and answers the question: Is it possible to turn on diodes like in the D5-D8 circuit in the Odyssey u-010 UM. I will be grateful.

Hi all! In this article I will describe in detail how to make a cool amplifier for home or car. The amplifier is easy to assemble and set up, and has good sound quality. Below is a schematic diagram of the amplifier itself.

The circuit is made on transistors and has no scarce parts. The power supply of the amplifier is bipolar +/- 35 volts, with a load resistance of 4 ohms. When connecting an 8 ohm load, the power can be increased to +/- 42 volts.

Resistors R7, R8, R10, R11, R14 - 0.5 W; R12, R13 - 5W; the rest 0.25 W.
R15 trimmer 2-3 kOhm.
Transistors: Vt1, Vt2, Vt3, Vt5 - 2sc945 (usually c945 is written on the case).
Vt4, Vt7 - BD140 (Vt4 can be replaced by our Kt814).
Vt6 - BD139.
Vt8 - 2SA1943.
Vt9 - 2SC5200.

ATTENTION! The c945 transistors have different pinouts: ECB and EBK. Therefore, before soldering, you need to check with a multimeter.
The LED is ordinary, green, exactly GREEN! He's not here for beauty! And it should NOT be super bright. Well, the rest of the details can be seen in the diagram.

And so, let's go!

To make an amplifier, we need tools:
- soldering iron
- rosin (preferably liquid), but you can get by with the usual
- metal scissors
- medical syringe, any
- drill 0.8-1 mm
- drill 1.5 mm
- drill (preferably some kind of mini drill)
-and a multimeter.

- one-sided textolite board measuring 10x6 cm
- sheet of notebook paper
- varnish for wood (preferably dark color)
- small container
-baking soda
-lemon acid

I will not list the list of radio components, they can be seen on the diagram.
Step 1 We are preparing a fee
And so, we need to make a board. Since I don’t have a laser printer (I don’t have any at all), we will make the board “the old fashioned way”!
First you need to drill holes on the board for future parts. Who has a printer, just print this picture:

if not, then we need to transfer the markings for drilling to paper. How to do this you will understand in the photo below:

when you translate, do not forget about the fee! (10 by 6 cm)

something like that!
We cut off the size of the board we need with metal scissors.

Now we apply the sheet to the cut out board and fix it with adhesive tape so that it does not move out. Next, we take an awl and outline (by points) where we will drill.

Of course, you can do without an awl and drill right away, but the drill can move out!

Now you can start drilling. We drill holes 0.8 - 1 mm. As I said above: it is better to use a mini drill, since the drill is very thin and breaks easily. For example, I use a screwdriver motor.

Holes for transistors Vt8, Vt9 and for wires are drilled with a 1.5 mm drill. Now we need to clean our board with sandpaper.

Now we can start drawing our paths. We take a syringe, grind off a needle so that it is not sharp, we collect varnish and go!

It is better to trim the jambs when the varnish has already hardened.

Step 2 We charge a fee
For board etching, I use the simplest and cheapest method:
100 ml of peroxide, 4 teaspoons of citric acid and 2 teaspoons of salt.

We stir and immerse our board.

Next, we clean the varnish and it turns out like this!

It is advisable to immediately cover all the tracks with tin for the convenience of soldering parts.

Step 3 Soldering and tuning
It will be convenient to solder according to this picture (view from the side of the parts)

For convenience, from the beginning we solder all the small parts, resistors, etc.

And then everything else.

After soldering, the board must be washed from rosin. You can wash it with alcohol or acetone. On kraynyak it is possible even gasoline.

Now you can try to turn it on! With proper assembly, the amplifier works immediately. When you first turn on the resistor R15 must be turned in the direction of maximum resistance (we measure it with a device). Do not connect the column! The output transistors are MANDATORY on the radiator, through insulating gaskets.

And so: turn on the amplifier, the LED should be on, we measure the output voltage with a multimeter. There is no standing, so everything is fine.
Next, you need to set the quiescent current (75-90mA): to do this, close the input to ground, do not connect the load! On the multimeter, set the mode to 200mV and connect the probes to the collectors of the output transistors. (marked with red dots in the photo)

Kit for self-assembly of the bass amplifier. The set was sent cash on delivery. Everything came in a neatly packaged plastic box. The printed circuit boards are well made. A set with a detailed description.


Purpose and application

The audio power amplifier module can be used for a variety of purposes. Large power is needed, for example, primarily for celebrations and discos. Sufficiently powerful disco speakers can just as easily be made in amateur settings using speakers of sufficient power or a set of identical speakers of lower power. High output voltage (up to 35 Volts) allows the amplifier to be used without a transformer in 30-volt local radio broadcast networks, for example, for a school radio center. At home, you can use the module to boost the sub-bass signal in the recently popular sound systems with a single low-frequency channel. To create a stereo amplifier, you need to use two amplifier modules. In addition, having two such modules, you can turn them on in a bridge circuit and get 400 watts of power at an 8 ohm load. The power of the module is enough to "build up" almost any modern speaker in terms of power. By increasing the number of identical modules, you can create multi-channel and multi-band sound systems of almost any power. The high power of the amplifier allows you to use it for professional purposes, which allows you to quickly recoup the money spent on it.

To create a complete amplifier, you can add various additional devices to the amplifier module, such as overload indicator, output power indicator, load connection delay, overload protection, output short circuit protection, output DC voltage protection, etc. You can find diagrams of these devices. in many popular publications.

The amplifier is supposed to be sourced from a standard mixing console, which is commonly used by musicians and DJs, and which has a standard output voltage of 775 mV.


  1. Supply voltage - + (24-60) V, - (24-60) V,
  2. Current consumption - 3.5A,
  3. Input voltage - 0.775V (OdB), (0.1 - 1V)
  4. Output sinusoidal power at a load of 40mA - 200W,
  5. Output sinusoidal power at a load of 80m - 125W, (400W per bridge),
  6. Frequency range - 20-20 000 Hz,
  7. Nonlinear distortion - no more than 0.05%.


The circuit diagram of the amplifier contains 4 main amplification stages: an input non-inverting differential amplifier DA1, an intermediate current amplifier on transistors VT1 and VT2, a terminal voltage amplifier on transistors VT3 and VT4, and an output emitter follower on transistors VT5-VT8. Only stages 2 and 3 are inverting, therefore, in general, the amplifier is non-inverting, which is a prerequisite for a professional amplifier that provides common-mode operation of different types of amplifiers in one complex. The circuit is fully symmetrical, which ensures simplicity, high reliability and low distortion. A low level of distortion is provided by two feedback loops, local and general.

The input capacitor C1 prevents any DC bias from entering the amplifier input. In this case, the resistor R3 ensures that input 3 of the DA1 chip, and therefore the entire amplifier, is tied to zero supply voltage. Elements R1 and C2 form a filter that prevents random high-frequency (ultrasonic) oscillations and very short switching surges from entering the amplifier input. On the inverting terminal 2 of the DA1 microcircuit, a general feedback signal is started through the resistor R2. Feedback reduces non-linear distortion, stabilizes the operating point of the amplifier and sets the overall gain. It is determined by the formula (R2+R4)/R4=(47+l)/l=48. Thus, 0.775 V x 48 \u003d 37.2 V. By changing the resistor R2, you can change the sensitivity of the amplifier. But increasing the gain leads to a proportional increase in distortion, and vice versa, if you add an additional input amplifier and reduce the gain by half or four, you can get better sound quality. Capacitors C4 and C5, which form a non-polar electrolytic capacitor, serve to provide 100% DC feedback. Those. if for alternating current only 1/48 of the output voltage is supplied to pin 2, then for direct voltage, due to the fact that the capacitors “take R4 out of the game”, all 100% of the output voltage is supplied through the resistor R2. This provides a very high DC stability of the amplifier, in other words, the almost complete absence of DC voltage at the output.

The use of an operational amplifier at the input greatly simplified the amplifier circuit, but required a stable supply of +/- 15V for it. This problem is solved by the elements VD1, VD2, R9, R10, C3, C6.

Further voltage amplification is carried out by a cascade on transistors VT1-VT4. The initial current of the first two transistors is provided by resistors R7 and R8. The current they create forms the necessary voltage on the diodes VD3, VD4, applied to the bases of the transistors. Diodes serve for temperature stabilization of the preterminal cascade. The collector current of the first two transistors is the base current of the terminal transistors. Their collector current, in turn, is additionally stabilized by resistors R19 and R20. The quiescent current of the terminal transistors is approximately 1-5 mA. It can be controlled by measuring the voltage drop across resistors R19 and R20 and dividing it by 10. If necessary, the current can be changed by selecting resistors R5 or R6. The gain of these two stages is determined by the feedback, which is provided by pairs of resistors R17, R13 and R18, R14.

To ensure sufficient power, the final stage is made on two pairs of complementary transistors VT5-VT8. Transistors operate without quiescent current. This greatly simplifies the circuit, eliminates the need for their thermal stabilization, facilitates their thermal regime, and increases the efficiency of the amplifier. A partial bias at the bases of the transistors is created by the voltage created on the VD5 diode by the quiescent current of the preterminal stage flowing through it. But this voltage is not enough to open the transistors. Step-type distortion is prevented by the high speed of the DA1 operational amplifier. Low-resistance resistors in the emitters of the terminal transistors equalize their currents to ensure their uniform loading. Diodes VD6 and VD7 protect the output transistors from reverse voltage, the surge of which may occur due to the inductive nature of the load. Elements LI, R27 and C12 ensure the stability of the amplifier in the high frequency region. Moreover, the coil is designed to neutralize the capacitance of the connecting wires between the amplifier and the speaker. If the amplifier is located in the column and connected to the speaker by scattered wires, then there is no need for it. And vice versa, if the amplifier works, for example, without a matching transformer for a radio transmission line, this coil should have four times as many turns and is installed separately from the board.

To turn on the amplifier in a bridge circuit, point "2" is used. At this point, the amplifier of the second, antiphase, arm is fed through a resistor equal to R2 (47 kOhm) signal from the output of the first arm. Elements C1D1 and C2 can be omitted from the amplifier of the second arm.

With a large signal and a limitation occurs, the feedback circuit breaks and at point “1” pulses with an amplitude of 15V appear. These pulses can be used to operate a peak indicator by applying them through a 10-12-volt zener diode to its switch.

Points "3" and "4" can be used to connect the output short circuit protection circuit.

Assembly instructions

Before soldering, the leads of all elements must be cleaned and molded. Perform molding according to the distance between the holes on the board for this element with “shoulders” or “zig”. Large elements are recommended to be installed above the board or vertically for better cooling. It is better to put electrolytic capacitors on rings cut off from a thick-walled PVC tube of suitable diameter. When mounting, pay special attention to the correct polarity of all diodes. Some are marked with a plus, some with a minus. A polarity error in any of the 7 diodes will lead to the failure of expensive terminal transistors when first turned on. Diodes VD3 and VD5 are installed above the board at a height of 5-10 mm and glued with a drop of glue to the radiators of the terminal transistors, and after the glue dries, they are soldered. The terminal transistors are also first attached to the board and radiators, and then soldered. Before installation on the board, their conclusions are bent with a radius on the body of the MJTT-2 resistor. The contact pad of the transistor must be lubricated with heat-conducting paste or, in extreme cases, with any lubricant so that air does not remain in the gap. The nuts must be on the transistor side.

The ratings of some elements may differ from those indicated in the diagram by 20%. Other types of semiconductor devices with similar characteristics can be used for acquisition.

In the case of the amplifier, the board must be positioned so that there is free access of air for cooling or so that it is in the cooling air flow when cooled by a fan. Mounting wires should be as short as possible. All common wires must be connected to one point in one place at the connection point of the electrolytic capacitors of the power filter. It is unacceptable to use the housing as a common wire. The housing must only be connected to the common conductor at one point! The wires from the collectors of the output transistors must also be connected to the petals of the power filter capacitors.

Checking and setting

After assembling the module, it is necessary to carefully wash off the remains of rosin from the board. Ego improves the appearance of the board and allows you to control the quality of the soldering. It is better to wash off the rosin with a cotton swab dipped in acetone or solvent 646. Using a magnifying glass, make sure that there are no short circuits between adjacent closely spaced pads. Check the correct positioning of all elements and the correct polarity of all diodes and electrolytic capacitors.

When you first turn on between the amplifier and the power supply, it is imperative to turn on two 50-100 Ohm resistors with a power of 1-2 W. This will prevent the terminal transistors from failing as a result of a wiring error. The heating of these resistors after switching on indicates just such an error. The first power-up and test of no-load operation can be carried out without output transistors, they only work when there is a load.

First of all, check with an avometer the absence of a constant voltage at the output, and then all the other constant voltages indicated in the diagram. The voltage drop across resistors R19 and R20 can be corrected by selecting resistors R5 or R6. Increasing the resistance of the resistor will increase the specified voltage.

In the presence of a generator and an oscilloscope, a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 1 kHz is applied to the input and the quality of the sinusoid and the symmetry of the limitation of the sinusoid with a large signal are checked on the oscilloscope screen. Next, you can remove the protective resistors and connect a load resistor PEV-25-3.9 Ohm placed in a glass of water and also check the quality of the sinusoid and the symmetry of the limitation now with the load.

In the absence of an oscilloscope, after checking the DC modes, you can immediately remove the protective resistors and test with a real signal on a real ear load. The heating of the resistor R27 indicates high-frequency excitation. It can be removed by installing a 10pF capacitor between points 1 and 2.


Radiators for cooling the output transistors are not included in the radio kit. This is due to the fact that the module can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, when used in an active speaker, the radiator should be in the form of a flat plate with ribs mounted on the rear side of the speaker, and when used in an amplifier, these can be radiators installed inside the amplifier and blown by a fan or radiators installed on the back wall or on the side walls of the amplifier . When using an amplifier with only an 8 ohm load, only one pair of terminal transistors is sufficient, and accordingly the heatsinks can be smaller. And, on the contrary, with bridge connection, 4 output transistors can be installed on one radiator. In addition, the absence of radiators in the kit makes the designer more affordable.

power unit

The amplifier is designed to work with the simplest bipolar power supply with a typical circuit, consisting of a transformer with a winding with a midpoint, four diodes and two capacitors with a capacity of at least 10,000 microfarads each. The open-circuit output voltage of 2x56 V is obtained after rectification at a voltage of the secondary winding of the transformer equal to 2x42 V. Considering that the sound amplifier does not really produce continuous full power, the power of the power transformer can be only 160-180 watts. It is possible to use two identical 42 V transformers.

Any diodes or diode bridge for a current of 5-10 Amperes and a voltage of at least 100 Volts. A bridged amplifier will require small heatsinks.

A very important condition is that fuses and a current of 5A must be installed at the output of the power supply, for a bridge amplifier - 10 A. This is the necessary protection against short circuits at the output. During adjustment, the fuses are not immediately installed, but the above protective resistors are soldered to the contacts of the holders.

Completed:"Sound Service" - www.zwi3k-serwis.narod2.ru. Questions, comments, suggestions, orders by e-mail -

It is possible to build an amplifier with transistors, but it is much easier and faster to build an amplifier based on Sanyo's STK40xx series hybrid integrated circuit. The amplifier is obtained with high sound quality and low noise.

The maximum output power of the amplifier, for example, on the STK4050 is 200 W!

The sound is of good quality. The amplifier can be used in home theaters, computers, etc. can also be used as a subwoofer amplifier. For the stereo version, you need to assemble two such amplifiers. Load resistance 8 ohms. The chip must be installed on a good heatsink through thermal paste. The power and output traces on the PCB must be as wide as possible.

Main technical characteristics of STK4050:

  • Maximum allowable supply voltage +/- 95 V
  • Rated supply voltage +/- 65 V
  • Rated output power 200W
  • Power dissipation (P out. = 200 W.) 130 W
  • Harmonic coefficient (P vor. = 200 W.) 0.3%
  • Rated load impedance 8 ohm
  • Input impedance 55 kOhm (P out = 1 W, F = 1 kHz)
  • Frequency response (+0, -3 dB) 20 Hz - 50 kHz
  • Voltage gain 40 dB
  • Sensitivity 350 mV

Schematic diagram of the amplifier on STK4050

Peculiarities STK4050:

  • Compact and slim body
  • STK series has 18 pins maximum power per channel from 120W to 200W
  • Simple heat sink design
  • The current application of a mirror circuit reduces distortion to 0.08%
  • Load shutdown for thermal protection and short circuit protection, as well as noise suppression, when power is turned on / off

Power supply and internal circuit STK4050

Amplifier circuit board

Finalization of the circuit on STK4050

Table of characteristics of GIS STK40XX

P O P U L I R N O E:

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    lightsaber(Eng. Lightsaber) - this fantastic weapon is known to many from the fantastic Star Wars saga. It can be found in science fiction films and stories.

Amplifier 2 x 200 watts. Scheme.

This article presents a diagram of one channel of an amplifier capable of developing a power of 200 watts at a load of 4 ohms. The amplifier assembled according to this scheme, in addition to high output power, has a fairly low noise level. The circuit diagram is shown in the figure below:

The input stage of the amplifier is assembled on A1015 transistors. Before soldering them to the board, do not be too lazy to check their current transfer coefficient for compliance with the parameters indicated in the datasheet for this transistor. Link to datasheet below:

At the output of the amplifier, there is a coil in parallel with the 10 ohm resistor. Its winding is carried out on a mandrel 9.5 mm in diameter, 10 turns of wire PEV-2 1.0 mm are wound. The coil is frameless.

The power supply circuit for this amplifier is shown in the following figure:

When powering the amplifier from such a source, the maximum that you can squeeze out is about 150 watts per channel. To obtain a power of 200 watts per channel, it is necessary to use a transformer with two symmetrical windings of 40 volts each, and capable of withstanding a load current of about 10 amperes. But that is not all. It will also be necessary to replace the transistors of the pre-terminal and final stages with more powerful ones, that is: replace the D1047 transistors with 2SC5200, replace the B817E transistors with 2SA1943, change the TIP41 transistors to MUE15032, and TIP42 to MUE15033. The use of the values ​​of the elements indicated on the circuit diagram and the use of a less powerful transformer were carried out in order to reduce the cost of the design as a whole.

Printed circuit board (both amplifier channels are located on the board, as well as rectifier diodes and power supply capacitances):

View of the printed circuit board from the side of the elements:

Scheme of external connections to the amplifier board:
