Realist - who is this? “Realists” and “idealists” (Attitude towards “as is” or “as it should be”) Philosophy about realism.

A realist is a person who adequately perceives his surroundings and reacts to reality.

If we approach this term not from a scientific point of view, but in a free interpretation of the concept. But very often the ordinary understanding of the term not only does not help to reveal the content, but also leads to its false interpretation. Let's understand this common concept and try to reveal its true meaning. What does this word hide? Does realism lead to the comprehension of truth?

Who is a realist?

Ozhegov's dictionary gives three meanings of the word: a student of a real school (before the Revolution), a person who takes into account the conditions of reality in his activities, and the third meaning is one who follows the direction of realism.

The concept reveals content in different ways depending on the areas of humanitarian knowledge. In literature and art, this is a representative of a movement that strives for the absolute reproduction of reality in artistic forms. Often, depending on the degree of correspondence to the original, the artistic value of a work is determined. A realist is a follower of realism.

In psychology, a realist is a person who is adequate to his surroundings. This word means mental. The most ancient origins of this term lie in philosophy.

Philosophy about realism

The concept in its etymology goes back to the term “realism”.

A direction in the philosophical understanding of reality that recognizes the existence of a universal reality, regardless of the process of cognition and human awareness of them. Realists in philosophy are followers of natural scientific approaches to the study of nature. Derived from the Latin word realis - “real”, “real”.

The other extreme is nominalism, or the position of skeptical empiricism, whose representatives claim that concepts are derivatives of our spirit, that by definition there are no concepts in things. Nominalists and realists during the period of scholasticism later provided the basis for a materialistic and idealistic interpretation of reality.

The opposite of a realist

Upon first examination of the content, it seems that it is the realist who has reliable consciousness about the world around him. It is realism that holds the truth in the history of the development of creativity. Is it so? And in that case, the opposite direction to realism - is this the road to untruth? Misconception in relation to the real state of affairs?

An idealist is a person who replaces reality with some personal ideal idea of ​​it. Romanticism and realism in artistic creativity symbolize two opposing principles. A realist is a person of everyday life, standing firmly on his feet, knowing the value of things. Some image of a pragmatist.

Realism and romance in literature and art

Realism as in fine art. He considers his goal to be the reproduction of the surrounding reality as close as possible to its natural beginning. The more precise, the higher the value of the masterpiece.

Despite the photographic nature of the effect, in this direction one can always read the position of the author: the place, the conditions of “lighting”, the position and individuality of the author. It is in this part that the work becomes a masterpiece of art. A realist is a master of presenting material.

Romanticism, due to the illusory nature of reality, at the cost of an ideal vision, achieves value precisely in the falsity of the perception of the environment. But this untruth reveals reality as an ideal possibility of “being.” This is the essence of the development of the artistic form of romanticism and its value. Therefore, it can be said that both the realist and the romantic bring value through their level of personal mastery in the process of comprehending the real world.

Realist or idealist? Who is closer to the truth?

The meaning of the word in the modern sense connects the concept with a person who perceives reality as it is.

Unlike the idealist, who, in pursuit of the ideal, does not notice the beauty of the world around him.

A realist is an idealist of the real world. In the case when a person perceives the surrounding reality through the prism of a positive view of things and comprehends beauty in its pristine state, conveys his skill in objects of art, we can say that he achieves his destination in nature. Just like an idealist, in his quest to comprehend perfection, finds materials in the world around him. The ability to see beauty, the idea of ​​beauty in the real world and translate one’s vision into an object of art is the purpose of an artist. There are trends, such as abstractionism, that cannot be connected with reality in any way. However, the reality in this case is the very combination of colors and the color scheme of the emotional state. In this meaning, a person becomes a creator with a capital C, regardless of school, direction, position in relation to the world.

More about the “idealist” and his historical “time”. - An “idealist”, in principle, is not completely a “son of his time” (“century”, “epoch”, “period”), because the truth, which alone is suitable for him as a personal life guide, is itself, by definition, timeless (whereas any “time” is constituted precisely by its characteristic collective delusions). “As is” - because it means “as is” Now"; “as it should be” means “as it should be” at all", "it should be Always”, and at the same time - “how it should be in this particular case” (“truth is concrete”). The Eternal is infinitely wider and infinitely narrower than any “time”. And therefore, with the change of times (for example, the death of rotten socialism and the sprouting of wild shoots of democracy), nothing can change in the “idealist”, in his attitudes. He is far ahead of any time, more precisely, above any of them (and this is simply a due and natural position, since it is fitting for a reasonable person to be the judge of what is happening, and not vice versa, what is happening - the judge of man) - at the same time, he is an “idealist” , does not have time to “catch up” with his own! Moreover, the “idealist” does not have time to look after minute, because the scale of truth is the scale of eternity.
With a radical change of times, healthy and successful “realists” change just as radically (remaining unchanged only in their “realism”), since, with their main life task of adapting to the environment, they constitute it, the environment, - and as a result “idealists” may well find themselves, subjectively, as if in an airless space: they were already accustomed to the old man in the street and knew how to deal with him, it even seemed to them that they understood him, but they were not used to the man in the street of the latest type, he for They seem to be from another planet...
(But the average person - in the sense in which we use this word here, namely “realist” - really does not seem to fully belong to the earthly genus sapiens. That is, he does not want to relate to it. His most characteristic reaction is to prefer the accepted to the true - completely illogical, unreasonable, incomprehensible to the mind. True, here the “idealist” could say for the “realist” in his justification: “truth is relative, and what is accepted, at least somehow, has already proven itself.” But it is unlikely that the “realist” himself needs for himself in such rationalistic apologetics; after all, he prefers what is accepted to his own taste, and this is certainly irrational, since in matters of taste only one’s “like” is what matters.)
Let me emphasize again that everything that has been said does not mean that, along with some social breakdowns, something may be broken or blurred in the “idealist” himself. Just the opposite. We are talking, at most, about the external discomfort he experiences, the feeling of distance from it that intensifies as the environment changes, the growing isolation that cannot be pleasant for anyone, even for a person who is extremely independent and, moreover, let’s say, unsociable; perhaps the rapid change of social scenery does not isolate the “idealist” from his society, but only makes him feel this isolation more acutely! In any case, unless the new experience experienced unwillingly leads the “idealist” to new conclusions that would force him to consciously correct his ideas - from the mere fact of a change in the environment in the life attitudes of the “idealist” not only nothing will change, but, on the contrary, these attitudes will emerge in him even more clearly and definitely. A vacuum outside is still preferable for him than a vacuum inside, which would only allow him to accept attitudes from the outside, adjusting to “modernity” or (which is the same thing) fashion. If he does not consider it necessary for himself to be “like everyone else,” he will certainly not want to be “like everyone else now.” His identity with himself will only become more conscious.
...But what is characteristic: such an “idealist” will always remind the “realists” of their brother the “realist”, but who was unable to adapt to the changed realities (for example, due to age-related inability to adapt to the new) and therefore the old man “hissing” at the whole world -a reasoner who makes himself disgusting or funny. The “idealist’s” references to some eternal truths, at least the truths of logic, regarding which certain new attitudes may simply be false and dangerous (as in the previous attitudes something else was false and dangerous) - of course, to “realists” will not work.



3. A person who is guided in his activities by strict consideration of the conditions of reality, practitioner (book). Sober realist.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “REALIST” is in other dictionaries:

    - (French; this, see previous word). 1) an adherent of realism both in literature and in the arts. 2) student of a real school. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. REALIST French. realiste, German Realist;… …

    realist- a, m. realiste m. 1. Representative of realism in literature and art. BAS 1. Pisemsky remains the first Russian realist artist. Pisarev Mosk. thinkers. I am starting to get acquainted with the works of contemporary French realists. What a... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    In philosophy he is a follower of realism. In a broad sense, a realist is a business person who accepts things as they are, as opposed to an idealist who sees his desires, ideas and ideals in a shining halo. Difference between… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Materialist Dictionary of Russian synonyms. realist noun, number of synonyms: 3 materialist (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    REALIST 1, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    REALIST 2, a, m. In Russia before 1917: student of a real school. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    REALIST, huh, husband. 1. The artist is a follower of realism (1 value). Great Russian realists. 2. A person who correctly takes into account the conditions of reality in his activities. Sober r. | wives realistic, and (to 2 meanings). II. REALIST, huh, husband... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1) a follower of realism; 2) * a person who takes into account the conditions of reality in his activities, a practitioner; 3) a student of a real school in pre-revolutionary Russia. Large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    REALIST- follower of realism; in a broad sense, a realist is a business person who takes into account the conditions of reality in his activities, accepts things as they are, as opposed to an idealist who sees his desires, ideas and... ... Professional education. Dictionary

    realist- REALIST1, a, m A person who embodies the principles of realism in his work. I don’t understand, said Sokolov, Chekhov is a realist, but our decadents get it (V. Grossman). REALIST2, a, m A person of a sober, practical mindset, clearly and prudently assessing... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


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21.12.2017 23:05

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