DIY file knife. Features of making a knife from a file with your own hands

Some people want to make a knife from a file with their own hands. However, today there are many different ready-made products on sale, so not everyone understands why waste time hewing and grinding a homemade knife. Those people who still want to build such a product with their own hands will learn many nuances of processing and hardening during the manufacturing process.

Knives made from files have fairly high strength and wear resistance.

To make a knife from a file, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  • material for making the handle (you can use wood, leather or metal);
  • staples;
  • ferric chloride;
  • epoxy resin;
  • ordinary magnet;
  • saw;
  • a grinding device that is available at home;
  • vice for clamping workpieces;
  • sharpening device.

Forging a knife from a file: preparatory work

The process of constructing a knife from a file is extremely educational, since the file itself is an ordinary piece of steel, which is suitable specifically for such tasks. If it is possible to find Soviet instruments that are made of U10 carbon steel, then the result of the work may greatly surprise the master.

The first step is to fire the device from which the blade will be made.

It is best to keep the part for about 5-6 hours in a burning stove or stove, and then let it cool with it. However, you can also use an ordinary gas stove. The point of firing is to allow the steel to warm up under the influence of a temperature of 650-700 ° C, and then slowly cool.

It should be noted that only the element that will be used as a cutting element will need to be burned. Therefore, if you plan to use a gas stove, then this point must be taken into account.

The stove can produce a low temperature, so certain tricks will be needed. In this case, you cannot do without making a heat shield.

You can do this with your own hands very simply: above the file you need to prepare a small hill of screws and nuts on which you can install an iron plate. In this case, the temperature from the combustion of the gas will practically not enter the air, and the file will be able to heat up more.

If the salt does not melt, then the heat shield is not at sufficient temperature.

Be sure to sprinkle the area that is being heated with kitchen salt. This will serve as an indicator: if the salt melts during the heating process, this means that all actions were performed correctly. If the salt does not melt, then the temperature was not sufficient.

In the latter case, you need to repeat the same steps again. During heating under the strip, the part should have the color of heated metal. The device must be kept for at least 2-3 hours.

After the main firing, the temperature should be reduced slowly. First you need to reduce the burning force by ¼, and after 30 minutes you will need to tighten it up a little more. Such actions must be performed until the device has completely cooled down. This nuance cannot be ignored, because all this is done for a specific purpose. It is important to know that steel that cools sharply will quickly crumble.

Creating a mold, hardening and tempering of the manufactured device

At this stage, you will need to clear some space in the workshop and prepare the vice. First of all, the workpiece is clamped in a vice. Then you need to cut off or cut off unnecessary elements. There is another option - you can grind the workpiece on an abrasive disc with large grains. In this case, the file can be given the desired knife shape. If you plan to decorate the device with wooden elements or overhead parts, then you should remember that you will need to prepare recesses for staples or make a groove in the handle.

The next stage after formation is hardening. Most craftsmen make a significant mistake when they base their level of hardening on the glow of the hot metal. The real picture can only be seen using a magnet. If the red-hot workpiece does not react in any way to its presence, this means that the hardening has been brought to the required level.

When firing a workpiece, you need to calcinate the metal to 650-700° C.

The device being manufactured must be heated evenly. The only exception is the handle section. In this case, it will be necessary to warm up a small area of ​​6-7 cm at the base of the cutting element. To accomplish this, you will need to use a burner that can produce a suitable temperature.

You will also need to prepare a tank with ordinary water in which the metal will be cooled. When the same glow of the metal is obtained, and the magnet does not react to the workpiece, the part should be heated for another 3-4 minutes.

After this, it will need to be quickly dipped into a reservoir of liquid. If you follow the entire process, then using this metal device you can leave scratches on the glass. This is how good hardening is determined.

Due to the increased pressure, the metal that is being hardened may break or crumble when sharpened. Therefore, it will be necessary to perform tempering - a process that will relieve stress with a slight decrease in the hardness of the steel.

Metal drills are made using the same method. The process is not complicated - you just need to place the part in the oven and bake it for approximately 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 200 ° C. The workpiece must cool together with the oven.

How to process the cutting element and handle yourself?

After sufficient calcination, the workpiece must be cooled.

In this case, you can use any available elements that are suitable for grinding. This could be a metal brush, vulcanite wheels, felt, a special grinding machine, and so on. However, you should not be overzealous - after this you will still need to perform the etching process. At this stage you need to make the cutting element smooth.

Before etching, it is recommended to attach the handle pads from the material that has been selected. In this case, you can simply wrap a strip of leather around the metal blank; here everything will depend on the preferences of the master. In the first case, processing should be done after etching. However, wrapping under the skin can be done at this stage. If you want to do this, you will need to prepare a solid piece 0.5 m or more long. First of all, you need to wrap it to check how a throwing knife or any other knife in this design will look, whether the piece of leather is the right length, and how the product will feel in your hand. If the craftsman is satisfied with everything, you will need to unwind the handle and apply an adhesive solution, which is designed to work with this material, on the back side of the leather strip. Next, you will need to carefully wrap the handle, applying considerable effort.

A wooden handle will take longer to process. The recesses for the staples will need to be filled with resin. After this, you will need to clamp the handle with staples and secure it in a vice until the resin has completely cooled. You will need about 2-3 rivets. Once the resin has hardened, it will be possible to shape the handle.

However, you should not rush into final processing. Before this you will need to perform etching. If there are stores selling radio equipment nearby, it is recommended to buy ferric chloride, in which you will need to etch the cutting element until the workpiece receives a gray tint. It should be noted that at this stage the part should not shine.

The film that ultimately forms on the cutting element can protect it from corrosion. Therefore, you need to try to preserve it. If it is not possible to buy such iron, etching can be done using the following means: lemon juice, potatoes or vinegar. It is imperative to clean the cutting elements from dirt, since during etching fingerprints may appear on them, as a result of which you will have to remove the film and repeat all the steps again.

Forging a knife: how to sharpen the cutting element?

Once the etching process is complete, the epoxy resin will harden. After this, you will need to process the handle and sharpen the cutting element. If the handle is made from wood, it needs to be given its final shape, sanded and waxed. When the pen is ready, you can proceed to the most important stage - sharpening. This process is best done with a regular hand-held sharpening stone, since using an electric sharpening tool may overheat the metal workpiece.

It is worth noting that some craftsmen like to perform the process of making a knife over and over again. If making a knife with your own hands is done correctly, the device will be able to cut well.

It will be possible to sharpen a high-quality product even on an ordinary stone. Such a device can also be used in a workshop and can be used to perform all the work that would quickly wear down and dull knives sold in stores.

It’s not difficult to make a knife from a file yourself; to do this, you just need to prepare all the necessary elements.

If you strictly follow the instructions and do not violate the order of actions, you can get a high-quality product that will serve for many years.

Making a knife with your own hands is not so easy. Many people don’t understand why do this if you can buy a finished product. But the ability to make a knife can come in handy in completely unexpected ways. In addition, this is a very interesting and unusual process, once you understand it, you can create a high-quality instrument. Next, about the intricacies of creating a knife from a file.

Making a knife from a file is a rather difficult, but interesting process. In order for the result to be high-quality and effective, you will need a considerable amount of skill and strength. Carbon steel is considered the best option for a file knife, so it is advisable to choose it for the job.

In addition, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • ferric chloride;
  • epoxy;
  • rivets;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood/leather (to create a knife handle);
  • grindstone.

The first step in creating a knife from a file is the process of firing the workpiece. This process is very easy to carry out. It is necessary to place the metal workpiece in the oven for 5 hours (if there is none, you can use a regular gas stove).

It is necessary to immediately prepare the tools

After a long stay in the oven, the file should be well calcined. Then you should let it cool just as well.

Attention! Only that part of the file that will later become the knife blade is subjected to the firing process.

In cases where a gas stove is used for firing, it is necessary to achieve suitable temperature conditions. For this purpose, a special heat reflector is created. It is necessary to make a small lift of several nuts above the file and place a metal plate on them. The part of the file that will be fired should be sprinkled with salt. When it is completely melted, the firing process can be considered complete.

When the firing process is nearing completion, make sure that the metal is heating evenly. When this happens, you should gradually reduce the temperature over 2 hours. If you turn off the gas immediately, the steel will simply crumble.

Formation of the finished product

The pre-fired workpiece must be properly shaped. To do this, it is placed in a vice and all its excess parts are cut off. You can do it differently by cutting off all the excess on a sharpening machine. Holes are also prepared for the future knife handle.

After this, you can proceed to the next stage - hardening the semi-finished product. The workpiece is heated evenly, while the part where the handle will be attached should be avoided. For such a procedure you will need a burner. It is important to catch the moment when the metal is sufficiently hardened. A magnet is used for this purpose: when it stops reacting to metal, the knife must be immediately dipped into water.

Sometimes there are cases when steel is destroyed after hardening. This occurs due to high internal pressure. Therefore, after hardening, it is imperative to temper. This is the process of so-called voltage reduction. The semi-finished knife should be placed in an oven heated to 200 degrees for approximately 1.5 hours. After this, the oven turns off. The product is taken out only after the oven has completely cooled down.

Finishing and sharpening

Finishing the product at home is carried out using one of the following tools: felt, metal brush, grinder. Finishing the blade must be done very carefully. At the end of the work, the blade should be absolutely smooth and neat.

The next stage is preparing the handle. It can be made from leather (the trim must be at least 0.5 m long) or a piece of wood. Making a wooden handle is somewhat more difficult, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with detailed drawings of such elements and photo instructions for making a handle for a knife from a file before starting work.

To ensure that the knife blade has a pleasant matte gray tint, it is etched. To do this, you will need ferric chloride or (if it is not available) potato/lemon juice, vinegar. During the etching process, a protective film is formed on the surface, which prevents corrosion.

Advice. Metal etching can be carried out only after the blade has been thoroughly cleaned of any stains, since, otherwise, any contamination (including fingerprints) will certainly appear on the knife blade during the etching process.

Sharpening is the last, but no less important stage in creating a knife. First, the final preparation of the knife handle is carried out (if it is wood, it is sanded and waxed). Then you should definitely sharpen it using a regular sharpening stone (it is not advisable to use a power machine, since it can cause the metal to overheat).

A handmade file knife will become a reliable helper in the house if it is made correctly, according to accurate drawings and with inspiration. Good luck!

How to make a knife from a file: video

Greetings to hobbyists, today we will make a simple knife for household use from an old file. We will need an old file, since in those years files were made entirely of high-quality carbon steel, and not as they are now. The knife is made quite simply, without hardening or forging; the author just tempered the blade in the oven. Such a knife will be strong and reliable, the blade will remain sharp for a long time. Of course, to get the job done efficiently, it would be nice to have a belt sander. If you are interested in the project, I suggest you study it in more detail!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- old file;
- wood for overlays;
- wood oil;
- epoxy adhesive.

List of tools:
- belt grinder;
- Bulgarian;
- grinder;
- oven;
- sandpaper;
- clamps;
- jigsaw machine.

Knife making process:

Step one. Knife profile
Before making a knife, it is recommended to break off a small piece of file; the metal should be a uniform silver color. Good steel will crumble, this is normal for a file.

Draw the desired knife profile on the file with a marker and start cutting. The author works using a grinder; we press the file to the table with a clamp.

After rough cutting we begin sanding work, we need to grind off the excess. To solve the problem, the author uses a sharpening machine. The profile of the blade is quite simple, so there should be no problems when processing it.

Step two. Descents
When the blade profile is ready, you can make descents, but it is better to do this work after tempering the steel, since releasing thin metal is not very good; it may release too much.

The author makes the descents by eye; the tool used is a grinder with a thick grinding disc, as well as a sharpening machine. The author applies the finishing touches to the sanding using a belt sander.

Step three. Vacation
The file steel is hardened too much, it is hard but brittle, if left as is, the blade will break. To solve the problem, the steel must be released, then it will become flexible. For the procedure, we need an oven; the temperature should be about 200 degrees Celsius. You need to heat the blade until it becomes straw-colored. Darker colors may indicate that the steel has been tempered too much.

After proper tempering, you should get an excellent blade, the steel will be springy, and the blade will be able to hold an edge for a long time. Finally, we sand with fine sandpaper; you can work with water.

Step four. Handle
Let's assemble the handle; for this we need two boards of suitable thickness. The author cuts out two blanks approximately in the shape of the handle using a jigsaw, but it can also be done using a hand jigsaw.

Now the handle can be glued; to do this, we first wrap the blade with adhesive tape so as not to smear it with glue. The author uses epoxy glue for glue. We coat the pads well and press them to the handle using clamps; you can also use a vice.
When the glue has dried, we give the handle its final profile using a wood file, and then switch to sandpaper. We sand the handle until it is perfectly smooth, this will make the wood beautiful and the handle will be pleasant to the touch.

We must protect the wood from moisture and saturate it with wood oil. Now the handle and knife look great.

We sharpen the knife; good steel can be sharpened to the point of a blade if you need it. Sharpening stones are usually used for sharpening.
This is the end of the project, I hope you

The market for knives is quite extensive, but the desire to make a knife from a file with your own hands quite often appears among home craftsmen. The reasons are that there is a convenient workpiece with high hardness and strength.

Having an old file on hand, you can try to make a steel helper out of it for work, hunting, fishing and for home use.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you begin, it is advisable to consider the positive and negative characteristics of the product. The obvious advantages should be recognized:

  • high hardness of the metal used;
  • the workpiece can have a very different shape, so the finished knife can be given any suitable look;
  • if the thickness of the blade at the butt is more than 6 mm, the finished knife is not recognized as a bladed weapon;
  • The blade holds its edge for a long time.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages:

  1. A rather labor-intensive process, it is necessary to perform a number of heat treatment operations, as well as metal removal. It will take quite a lot of time to make the handle.
  2. The metal is quite fragile; if the load is applied unsuccessfully or if there is an impact, chipping occurs and breakage is possible.

As can be seen from the presented analysis, a knife made from a file has its pros and cons.

Where to begin?

A homemade knife can be made according to different designs and purposes for:

  • home use for cooking;

Knife for home use. It is distinguished by its small size and comfortable handle.

  • applications in wood processing and production of wood and plastic blanks;

Knife for utility purposes. It has a small blade and a comfortable handle. Such products are used in DIY workshops.

  • hunting and fishing, cutting game and poultry, cleaning fish before salting and other work outside the home;

There is a convenient sheath. With the help of such a product, while away from home, you can perform preparatory work, refresh the carcass and gut the fish before salting.

  • sports use, for example, throwing at a target with and without turnover;

Throwing knives. Diamond-shaped files were used for them. Part of the handle is welded from other blanks. The handle is wrapped with steam cord (special twine).

  • protection from attack (use on the verge of legislation);

Knife for protection. It is distinguished by the presence of a bolster with an emphasis. It is difficult to perform any work with such a tool.

  • gift or souvenir with appropriate design.

Options for gift knives in wooden sheaths.

You should decide on the shape of the future product, dimensions and additional options.

Brief characteristics of the feedstock

When choosing a target, the shape of the file must also be taken into account. They are released:

  1. Flat, which allows you to process the surface of flat and convex parts.
  2. Triangular - using a similar tool, they sharpen or process grooves, recesses and cut teeth.
  3. Diamond-shaped ones are most often used by toolmakers. Such files are used for removing metal in difficult places.
  4. Skilled craftsmen use rounds to process holes and concave surfaces.
  5. Needle files are used to fine-tune miniature products.

When selecting a workpiece from which you want to make a knife, you need to pay attention to the size of the tooth. There are tools with large teeth, they use U8 or U9 carbon steel.

For files with small teeth and small cuts, steel U10 or U11 is used. Here the number indicates the presence of carbon, expressed in tenths of a percent. Such materials after heat treatment are characterized by high hardness, HRC 58...64.

If you have a tool manufactured in China, then you may not use carbon tool steels, but bearing steels or complex alloys alloyed with manganese and chromium. They are distinguished by an average hardness value, HRC 40...55.

Attention! There may be files in which only the outer surface is chrome-plated. It can reach up to HRC 54…58. When performing work, the applied layer may wear off, and below there will be metal that may belong to the class of structural steel.

What does a knife consist of?

It is customary to distinguish the components of a knife:

  • The blade, this part is subject to special requirements for strength, wear resistance and sharpness.

The blade of the future product.

  • The handle is needed for comfortable holding of the product. The design can be very different. They produce typesetting, wooden plastic and other types of handles.

Collapsible handle. The blade, bolster, handle base, and nut are visible.

Removable handle for the original knife.

Typesetting pen.

  • Bolster is an auxiliary element with which the handle is connected to the blade. He can be persistent and unrelenting. The stop prevents the fingers from moving when delivering a direct thrust.

Bolster is unstoppable.

Bolster is persistent.

  • The sheath is included with portable products. In some designs, they are made with special devices for cutting wire; more often, only one function is assumed - the convenience of wearing on the belt or on the hip. Sheath options are available for carrying the knife on the chest or in shoes.

Leather scabbard.

Deep sheath without fixing strap.

Tools to get the job done

To get started, you need to have certain tools and equipment on hand.

  1. New files will be used to give the desired profile to the future product. You will be working with steel, so it is convenient to use a tool with coarse and fine notches.
  2. Whetstones for sharpening blades. A lot of work will have to be done removing some of the metal on the descents. Large grain bars are used here. Fine grinding is performed with fine grain stones.
  3. The sharpening machine will help, if necessary, to sharpen the edges and give the overall shape.
  4. A grinder is not necessary, but if you have one, it is much easier to give the knife a special shine.
  5. An angle grinder (angle grinder) with cutting and sharpening wheels will help you perform work related to metal removal.
  6. A forge or muffle furnace is used for annealing, hardening and tempering. Heat treatment helps to give the material the necessary properties.
  7. Drilling equipment: A machine or electric drill is useful for drilling holes in the right places.
  8. Sandpaper, GOI paste, polishing wheels are used to bring the blades to a mirror shine.
  9. Measuring tools, pencils, and scribers are needed to draw the shape and mark the workpieces in the process of preparing the workpiece.
  10. Masking tape is used by craftsmen to hold the product by the blade while working on the handle. For a while, you can seal individual fragments with it, protecting them from damage.
  11. Epoxy glue, mineral and vegetable oils are used to glue the cheeks of the handle and give it a richer look.
  12. Welding equipment and thread cutting tools will help you make original handles.
  13. Leather and thread, punching devices are useful for sheaths.
  14. Brass or steel (stainless steel) rivets will help give a special style to the future product.

Getting started (firing)

Making a knife from a file begins with preparatory work. To make it easier to process hardened steel, its hardness is reduced. In practice, the workpiece is fired.

Based on the study of the properties of steel, it was established that there is a temperature at which the properties of the metal change dramatically. This process was called austenitic transformation. It occurs at temperatures above 728 ⁰C. The structure of the iron-carbon alloy changes. The steel stops responding to the magnet.

Attention! Many people believe that they have reached the required temperature and can proceed to cooling. In fact, the workpiece needs to be heated for 15...25 minutes. The process must take place throughout the entire thickness of the metal.

In order for the resulting large grain to be preserved, it is necessary to slowly cool the workpieces. Therefore, turn off the power and the oven slowly cools down.

Firing in a muffle furnace. Typically, such devices are equipped with thermometers that help determine the heating temperature inside.

If there is no furnace, then you can make a simple forge in which firing is carried out.

  • The stove is made of brick and must be equipped with a blower (you can use a regular vacuum cleaner to supply air).
  • Light the coals and place the workpiece in them.
  • By supplying air, they create intense combustion.
  • When the workpiece is heated to a bright red glow, the condition is checked. They bring a magnet on a long wire and check its reaction to the metal.
  • If the magnet does not react, then maintain intense combustion for another 15 minutes.
  • Allow the coal to burn to the end, the entire oven should cool to a state where the workpiece can be removed with your hands (with gloves).

Firing in a conventional oven.

Attention! It is possible to create a product without heat treatment. However, when doing work, it is easy to burn through the metal and tempering will occur.

Step by step guide

You can make a knife from a file at home if you follow the algorithm presented below.

First, it is advisable to take a sheet of paper and try to draw options for the future knife.

If the workpiece is long enough, the handle will be machined from the main part of the file. If a short file is used, then a triangular shank is used for the handle. Sometimes a threaded rod is welded to it. Then it is possible to make a composite handle from colored plexiglass.

The drawn outline of the future product is glued to the workpiece using PVA glue. The species is assessed. At this stage, you can make adjustments, change the shape and the ratio between the length of the blade and the handle.

Using a marker, it is easy to draw lines along the pasted contour along which the excess metal will be cut off.

After firing, the remaining metal residues that remained after using the tool burned off the surface. The contours left by the marker on the surface are visible quite clearly.

The workpiece is fixed in a vice. Now the excess metal can be cut off with a cutting disc mounted on an angle grinder. If the metal is annealed, then it is even better to use a jigsaw. Then less metal will have to be turned into sawdust. You can cut along the contour.

Having cut off the main part of the metal, you can compare the correspondence of the workpiece in metal and the drawing on paper.

The grinder is especially convenient for work. The presence of a cylindrical part allows you to carefully process the depressions.

The blade is processed on the flat part of the grinder. Using this tool, the desired shape of the product is achieved.

So that the lines left by the scriber can be seen during operation, the end of the blade is blackened. When forming descents, you will have to focus on the planes reaching “zero”.

The contour of the slopes is drawn on the future knife. Most knives use a single-sided sharpening. Therefore, descents are planned only on the main cutting part. Options are possible when a product with two slopes is being worked on. Then the marking will differ from the picture presented.

To better see the difference between the treated surface and the base one, it’s easy to blacken the metal using vinegar essence. It should be borne in mind that the blackening process is quite fast, so it will take no more than 15 minutes to obtain noticeable differences from the original color.

The slopes are turned on a special machine. Its design will be shown below. It can be seen that the desired surface on the knife blade has been obtained. If necessary, it is easy to sharpen the knife.

The slopes are processed on both sides. Their shape corresponds to the accepted drawing.

Aluminum tubes were purchased to attach the overhead cheeks. They will serve as decorative rivets.

Beech board has an interesting texture. After processing, the hard wood will serve as a high-quality handle.

To obtain the required hardness, hardening is performed. To do this, the workpiece was heated to a temperature of 850 ⁰C. We kept it at this high temperature for 15 minutes. Then they quickly took it out and hardened it in mineral oil. To remove residual stresses, low tempering was carried out at a temperature of 200 ⁰C. The workpiece was kept for 10 minutes in a heated oven, and then allowed to cool in air.

To install the rivets, we had to drill holes with a diameter of 6 mm for them.

Many people like a blued blade. The bluing operation is being carried out. Acetic acid with a strength of 9% is used.

The outline of future false cheeks is drawn on wooden blanks.

Cutting is done on a band saw. If the master does not have such a machine in his arsenal, then you can use a jigsaw.

There are cheeks. They still have to be drilled and then processed. Only then will a product be obtained that will satisfy the user.

By inserting the rivets, you can grind both cheeks together. In this case, they are processed simultaneously. This results in a very good surface treatment.

Rough assembly completed. Now the non-working part of the blade and handle is grinded. It is necessary to level the surface of all parts.

Rounded shapes are given. It will be a pleasure to pick up such a pen.

The customer wanted to see a cool knife with cut serrations, so markings were made for future serrations.

When working on the handle, you need to protect your hands from injury. The blade is wrapped with paper and electrical tape.

It’s better to try it on several times than to redo it later. Another rough assembly of the product.

A working solution was prepared by mixing epoxy resin and hardener. Surfaces are greased. It remains to wait for polymerization. To press the cheeks more tightly to the metal, clamps are used.

Attention! Before gluing, the metal surface in the gluing area is degreased.

After polymerization, the vice is removed. You need to cut off the excess from the rivets. At the same time, the surface of the handle is polished. Excess epoxy glue is removed.

Impregnation with oil-based varnish better reveals the grain of the wood. She looks much more attractive. Tinting enhances the internal pattern.

A typical beech tree. The texture looks quite attractive.

When working with varnishes, be sure to wear latex gloves. Then the master’s hands will remain undamaged. Safety comes first.

The sheath is made of leatherette. Wide stitches provide additional decoration. There is a strap for belt fastening. The knife can be worn on a trouser belt.

Finally, the product acquired a marketable appearance. This knife can be given as a gift or used in household chores.

How to make descents

Often, novice craftsmen who are just mastering the intricacies of craftsmanship do not know how best to make descents. If forging is involved in the manufacture of the blade, then it helps to form the vanishing surface from the width of the butt to the cutting edge.

But for such processing you need to have a forge in which the part will be heated. You will need an anvil and a hammer. Few workshops have such extensive equipment.

For stitching, use devices that can be attached to a circle.

A device for uniformly grinding knife edges.

There is an emphasis. It is needed for smooth movement relative to the grinding wheel. A vice is installed on the extension handle. The blade is clamped in them.

When working, you need to slowly move the blade over the stone. Uniform grinding at a constant angle will occur.

The final processing of slopes is carried out using abrasive stones.

Machine for final finishing of slopes.

There are special vices. The blade is attached to them. A series of holes are drilled in the vertical post of the vise to ensure that the specified angle of descent is obtained. An abrasive block is attached to the holder. All that remains is to move the block along the surface from left to right and vice versa. By pressing the tool against the product, they actively remove excess metal.

Finishing is done using GOI paste. The block is removed and a flat fabric-covered support is installed in the cage. All that remains is to achieve a mirror-like shine of the blade with consistent movements.

Video: a simple complex knife made from a file.


It is not difficult to make a knife with a hard and durable blade from a file.

Every craftsman needs a high-quality knife; it is possible to make a good knife at home. In the last century, when there was a shortage of knives, cutting tools were made from scrap parts. A file is made of hard metals that can withstand increased loads; it is from this tool that a knife is made.

Required tools and materials

The process of making a knife involves many difficulties, including the selection of materials. For manufacturing, you need to select a file more than 3 cm wide; it is advisable to look for a Soviet-made tool. The cross-section of the file surface should be flat or diamond-shaped; if the latter is found, this will be the best option, since the shape of the steel is stronger and will withstand loads.

The manufacturing process will require the following tools and items:

  • Rivets made of brass alloy.
  • Etching is performed with ferric chloride.
  • Magnet for checking the degree of hardening.
  • To process surfaces you will need sandpaper.

Processing is carried out with a grinder or grinder. You also need to decide on the material of the handle of the future knife. A file knife can have a metal or wooden handle, its weight and purpose depend on this. Before manufacturing, it is worth preparing a sketch of the future product; usually it is drawn on paper.

Firing the workpiece

The files are made from U10 steel, which is enriched with carbon; a file made from this steel is fragile and can easily crack under load. In order for the metal to be hard and not crumble when struck, it must be hardened. Usually the procedure is carried out in a special oven, the temperature of which reaches 700 °C.

To harden a knife made from a file, which you made yourself, you can use a regular gas stove.

The combustion temperature on the stove is not high, reaching no more than 300 degrees. To achieve the required heat, you need to use a kind of screen. In the absence of a special thermometer, you can use ordinary table salt, its melting point is equal to the hardening of knife steel.

Hardening of the file is necessary only in the cutting part. Checking for uniform hardening occurs visually; after reaching the temperature, the knife should be uniformly reddish in color. The product must be kept at maximum temperatures for at least 4 hours. Cooling is done smoothly; if you cool the part right away, it will simply crack. Cooling of the part occurs through a gradual decrease in temperature; heating decreases every hour by a quarter of its initial intensity.

How to harden a knife from a file

After firing, you can begin to form the future product. The workpiece is secured in a vice, the parts are processed with a grinder and all excess slag and layers of metal are removed. The sharpening machine is used with a coarse-grained abrasive wheel. The degree and shape of sharpening is carried out according to the prepared sketch. On the handle compartment you need to drill one or two holes to attach the handle.

After the tool is hardened from the file, it is necessary to treat the entire surface except the handle. A burner can be a tool for hardening, since the temperature is higher and the knife will harden faster. Uniform tempering of a knife from a file will give strength to the future product. The correct hardening of a knife made from a file can be determined with a magnet; if there is no reaction with the metal, then it is suitable for further use. After the process, the metal needs to be cooled, just put it in a bucket of water.

There is such a thing as metal stress. With this action, the metal crumbles and crumbles. To avoid adverse consequences, it is necessary to heat the instrument in the oven at the maximum temperature for several hours.

Making the handle

Before making a handle for a product, you should decide on the appearance, materials and shape. You can use any material that is at hand. A wooden handle is considered a harmonious option.

The process includes several stages:

  • Selection of materials, it is possible to use different types of wood for a unique design.
  • It is necessary to make a bolster, the lower part of the knife. The remainder of a file or other metal is used.
  • Wooden pieces are placed on top of each other and glued together with epoxy glue.
  • To glue the pieces together better and faster, you need to use a press.
  • The excess parts are trimmed with a saw, after which they are processed with sandpaper to the required shape.
  • When finished, the handle is varnished for greater preservation; it is possible to use stain to darken it.

It is important to understand that all knives, regardless of category, are considered edged weapons. However, a cutting product whose blade length is no more than 90 cm and whose thickness is more than 6 mm can be removed from the category of edged weapons.

Sharpening is done in the usual way on a grinding machine.

The handle can be made of leather, deer antler or other materials. Installation depends on the form; each type requires an individual approach. The leather belt is tightly placed over the handle area, glued with special glue.

Proper processing

The initial processing of the knife blade is performed with any available tool. Sharpening a knife from a file can be done on a grinding machine, which will speed up the process and make the blade more uniform across the plane. The initial sharpening does not require ideal parameters, since the etching process occurs after it.

Etching occurs chemically using ferric chloride, which can be purchased at radio components or hardware stores. It is necessary to completely lubricate the product with the solution, or lower it into a flat container with it. The process will give the blade a film formed on the blade, which will provide protection and it is highly not recommended to remove it. At home, you can use citric acid mixed with vinegar for etching.

After all the processes carried out to process and produce a knife from a file, it is necessary to carry out final processing. The blade is carefully sharpened on a grinding machine to give it sharpness. The handle is polished with a solution of wax and turpentine or varnished.

File knife pros and cons

Making a homemade knife may seem impractical given the various choices on the market. The knife is made for uniqueness, studying the production process. The drill part of the drill or any other material can be used as materials. For a hard and high-quality knife, steel is used, which contains carbon.

There are several disadvantages in manufacturing.

  1. A labor-intensive manufacturing process that requires care and compliance with technical condition. It is not recommended to make mistakes, as the workpiece may be damaged or not strong enough.
  2. It will not be possible to make a flexible product from the selected material. The structure of the metal is such that when bent it can crumble and damage other surfaces or a person.

The advantages include steel parameters, technology and manufacturing process.

  1. The durability of properly hardened material will give you confidence when performing difficult tasks.
  2. The available material is a file, which can be found in any household or garage. The complex process can be worth the cost of the finished product.
  3. The thickness of the structure is more than 6 millimeters, which does not classify it as a bladed weapon.

A homemade product made from a file will make everyday work unique. Manufacturing, if you follow all the instructions and steps, is not so difficult, and even interesting. Fans of cutting materials should definitely make a knife themselves.
