Criteria for transition to outsourcing of industrial enterprises. Manufacturing outsourcing Manufacturing outsourcing examples

Igor Shelukhin - consulting company "SMC Russia", St. Petersburg

Source: KOMPAS industrial restructuring magazine, 2003.

Industrial outsourcing- an element of the company's strategy, in which the company transfers to a third party the entire production function or part of the tasks associated with the production of products.

One day, in a conversation with the director of a foundry, we touched on the topic of outsourcing that had set everyone on edge. The position of my interlocutor was quite tough - no one in Russia can be trusted. If you want to fulfill your obligations, rely on your strength. Suppliers will let you down, miss the deadlines, and there will be unsatisfactory quality. When I asked about the possibility of small businesses participating in the provision of services for large enterprises, objections immediately followed - that small forms of entrepreneurship, in general, are the most unstable structures.

This attitude towards both outsourcing in general and the participation of small businesses in it is quite common. Is outsourcing impossible in Russia? In the course of its work, SMC Russia collects, analyzes and systematizes successful outsourcing experience.

Concepts need to be defined. Industrial outsourcing is an element of the company's strategy, in which the company transfers to a third party the entire production function or part of the tasks associated with the production of products. Outsourcing can be conditionally divided into two types - outsourcing of blanks and components and outsourcing of functions and operations to ensure the production of products. The second group, in particular, includes cleaning of industrial premises, intra-factory logistics, equipment repair.

Why do companies use outsourcing?

Often, to determine the trends in the development of the situation in Russia, we use the study of the logic of the development of this problem in world practice. Outsourcing is much more developed in the world than in Russia. According to Industry Week Census on Manufacturing, 54.9% of US companies use outsourcing in manufacturing, and 43.8% in equipment maintenance.

To assess the feasibility of using outsourcing, in Western practice it is customary to use the following scheme developed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
The main motive for outsourcing for Western companies is understandable - the need to concentrate limited resources on core activities and achieve competitive advantages in this type of activity due to lower costs or more efficient production.

So, according to a survey of 29 production directors of large American, Australian and European companies, conducted by the research company "Plant Maintenance Resource Center", among the reasons for switching to outsourcing, the directors of Western companies name the following:

  • increase labor productivity;
  • reduce costs;
  • focus on core business.

Key Benefits:

  • fast turnaround time;
  • availability of the necessary equipment.

Many managers believe that it is wrong to compare "us" with "them". For a number of reasons. Firstly, their business was originally formed on the basis of economic considerations, hence the principles of organizing production correspond to economic principles. Secondly, the legal environment allows you to establish trusting relationships from the first contacts. Thirdly, the level of development of suppliers, such that in most cases there is a guarantee of ensuring the required quality.

Indeed, the history of the development of production is somewhat different. In Soviet times, the construction of factories was often guided by political reasons. But the trend of development now indicates that we are moving towards Western principles of production.

From subsistence farming to successful business

What remains from Soviet times cannot be called the term "modern enterprise", the term "natural economy" is more suitable. Almost all processes responsible for the production of products are included in the structure of companies.

As part of the formation of "modern enterprises", the most advanced managers realized that, for example, having their own transport, repair, and foundry workshops is not critical for the development of their business. Moreover, in some cases, diverts valuable resources that can be directed to strengthening their position through investment in development, final assembly or modernization of the most significant product components.

If you try to characterize the current state of the domestic industry, then briefly it can be reduced to the following:

1. Subsistence farming is a typical characteristic of the structure of a Russian manufacturing company. Own production of blanks (foundry and forging shops), own repair and transport shops, etc.
2. Fatigue of production - production facilities are worn out, the level of utilization is low, it is difficult to achieve the required quality.
3. Limited resources - costs for retooling are required. Limited resources do not allow investing in a full complex. You have to choose what to invest in.
4. Manufacturing companies will allocate procurement and auxiliary workshops. Leave "In House", i.e. only the most key processes and businesses will be in the structure of the company.

Examples of spin-offs of non-core assets can be found in various industries and companies of various sizes:

  • Lukoil and Yukos have spun off their drilling divisions - Lukoil-Drilling and Siberian Service Company, respectively. Moreover, the latter already has owners not connected with Yukos. It was recently announced that the newly created BP-TNK is going to sell its service division. The oil giants should be the first to use non-core process outsourcing if they are most concerned about operational efficiency.
  • LOMO abandoned its own production of printed circuit boards when an analysis showed that it was necessary to equip a completely new workshop. The production of the existing workshop lagged behind the modern level by 2 generations.
  • "Irbit Motorcycle Plant" sold the blacksmith and machine shop and now buys products on the side. Moreover, according to the statements of the director - Ilya Khait, the cost of purchasing from the side, if it increased, then slightly, and the quality did not deteriorate. But now managers do not have a headache with the problems of equipment breakdowns in the forge shop.
    Thus, the principles of production are changing. Russian companies are increasingly using outsourcing in production, they see certain benefits in the use of outsourcing. So far, such examples are few, but convincing.

Reasons for switching to outsourcing in Russia

From the experience of successful use of outsourcing in Russia, there are six main reasons for switching to outsourcing:

1) Periodically performed work: repair work, maintenance of buildings and equipment. At one enterprise, the loading of the repair shop with the transition to new equipment in the compressor room fell to 20%. As a result, the company began to bear proportionately high fixed costs. It was decided to transfer the repair shop to external owners. As a result, the repair company attracted a second customer in two months, and the main company will soon receive a reduction in the cost of services when the corresponding agreement comes into force.

The ability to get rid of excessive overhead costs is the main motive for outsourcing recurring work.

2) Production of the simplest blanks: cast blanks, hardware, internal minor elements of products. When a new team of managers came to the Volgograd Tractor Plant, which at that time was a typical Soviet enterprise with a complete procurement complex - foundry, forging, repair production, and the production of hardware. The first thing they noticed was the production of hardware, which produced typical products that could easily be produced at any of the same plant, and was loaded by 10%. Almost immediately there was an idea to sell it, because. for the tractor plant, it generated only losses.

3) Workpieces or operations requiring special equipment. In the furniture industry, there are many local manufacturers of kitchens and wardrobes. The specificity in these types of furniture is that the main detail that forms the style and appearance of the furniture is the facade. Equipment for the manufacture of complex facades with milling, decorative elements, moldings is very expensive and can only be purchased by large furniture manufacturers. Local manufacturers produce only the furniture body on their own, and the facades are purchased from large ones, thus winning on the price, obtaining the required level of quality, design and manufacturing speed.

4) In conditions of strong fluctuations in demand. The most pronounced seasonality in demand for ice cream. In summer, average monthly sales rise up to 10 times. In the summer months, large modern manufacturers outsource ice cream in cups, the production capacity of which, since Soviet times, has been left in excess. In addition, during the months of peak demand, rental cars and transportation services are actively used.

5) As a safety net in case of equipment breakdown. Some companies use outsourcing in small volumes, even if they have their own production facilities, so that in the event of a breakdown of their own equipment, they can not stop shipments and lose revenue, but switch to outside production. Outsourcing of this type is used in case your own equipment is very worn out.

6) Outsourcing - as a business model. Some companies fundamentally do not use outsourcing, having initially determined that production will be carried out by third-party organizations. For example, the company "August", which produces women's clothing under the brand name "OGGI", independently carries out the development of design, design training, the purchase of material and the sale of clothing. Production for them is carried out by about 30 subcontract companies. To achieve the same quality, a designer-technologist is sent to each enterprise.

Limitations of outsourcing development in Russia

The very presence of examples of successful outsourcing experience in Russia indicates that this type of strategy will develop. The main task of companies that have chosen an outsourcing strategy will be to overcome existing limitations. At the moment, a number of factors significantly influence the development of outsourcing in Russia:

It is not sad, but often decisions are made in the absence of economic elaboration, or not all factors are taken into account when analyzing the situation. A simple question - which is cheaper - own production or purchase on the side? Often the calculation shows that own production is more profitable, but this calculation does not include the cost of repair and maintenance of equipment, the cost of heating, electricity, garbage collection. If you count everything completely, then the result may change.
But what about alternative projects? The limited funds that go to the purchase of equipment can be more effective when investing in another project, such as a promotion program or the development of a distribution system.

2) Lack of reliable suppliers.

The main arguments against the use of outsourcing are that Russian suppliers are unable to provide the required level of quality. Companies that use outsourcing are required to mobilize managerial, organizational and negotiation resources in order to achieve the required level of quality and stability of supply. An interesting example is the Irbit Motorcycle Plant, whose management decided to abandon the forge shop, sold it to a third-party owner and purchases the necessary parts from the new owners. In addition to their former shop, forging blanks are now supplied by two more enterprises. At the same time, the plant itself did not lose either in price or quality, but it won on the fact that the heads of managers about the problems of the forge shop no longer hurt.

3) Decreased efficiency below the required level.

Many rightly believe that manufacturing on the side takes more time than in-house. One of the arguments for our own production is that for ourselves we can tighten up, mobilize all our forces and do it even in the shortest possible time. Indeed, the process of preparing for production on the side, especially complex items, is very long. But there are opposite examples. Kurt Kellerman SPb, a womenswear maker, says it can be more flexible when placing orders to outsource than when placing in-house. On the side, small factories are ready to take smaller batches into production, quickly reorganize to new materials, which is not always within the power of their own large factory.

4) High switching barriers or potential monopoly on the part of the supplier.

Objective barriers that make outsourcing economically unprofitable are the lack of manufacturers of such products in the region, large dimensions of products, which makes it impossible to transport them. No one will carry air. By separating your own workshop, there is a risk of a monopoly position between the supplier and the buyer. This position is of no benefit to anyone.

5) Increase in costs.

If in the long run the cost of production on the side is more expensive, then outsourcing is not used. Although, if Nike followed only such logic, then Nike's own factories would probably appear in Asia. But for one of the world's largest sportswear manufacturers, the use of contract manufacturing is an element of a strategy that pays off in a more flexible management structure and flexible production.

6) Complication of management.

One of the largest furniture manufacturers in Russia considers the active use of outsourcing as an alternative to expanding the scale of production. Calculations also show that such a strategy is more cost-effective. But such a strategy imposes conditions on the ability of the company's employees and the management system to manage contractual relations, in which the company was not strong at that time. Before switching to the use of contractual relations, it is necessary to answer the question - is the management system capable of effectively managing this?

7) Lack of supplier flexibility.

Suppliers of parts and assemblies are small entrepreneurs who have snatched off production assets in order to "squeeze" everything possible out of them, and they are generally of little concern about investment and long-term development. These are the main claims of large manufacturers to their suppliers. As the domestic market becomes more civilized, billet manufacturing companies will devote more effort to development. Perhaps there will be a situation like in the global automotive industry, where the engine of progress is the suppliers of components, and not well-known automobile concerns.

Key to success in the outsourcing market

Along with the obvious benefits of using outsourcing in Russian industries, there are serious factors hindering its development. Companies that successfully use outsourcing strive to overcome these factors and secure the fulfillment of their own obligations.
Large manufacturers expect maximum transparency from their suppliers. After all, in fact, outsourcing is possible when establishing reliable partnerships. Those suppliers of products or services that can meet the following customer requirements will be the most successful in obtaining orders:

  • following the recommendations of the technical and production specialists of the customer, who are sent to the subcontractor's enterprise to control the production process or adjust the necessary technical process;
  • setting up regular information exchange in order to track the timing of orders, stocks in the warehouse, shipping times;
  • striving to improve a product or manufacturing process.

Areas of use of industrial outsourcing

Summarizing the experience of the development of industrial outsourcing in Russia, as well as world practice in this area, which suggests that even the largest service providers have grown from small businesses, we can expect that in the near future outsourcing in Russia will develop in the following areas (considering that that the potential of small businesses can also be applied in cooperation with large industrial companies):

  • cleaning of premises - industrial and office;
  • carrying out repair work - equipment, buildings, structures;
  • production of simple products (cast simple blanks, internal elements of products);
  • cleaning of industrial waste;
  • disposal of obsolete equipment;
  • local transportation;
  • performance of periodic work at the customer's production, etc.


1. Criteria for determining how strategic a company's position is for a particular type of operation are unique for each organization and are subject to the subjective perception of managers.

2. "Reorganize" - possibly outsource in the short term. But in the long run - should be returned to the control of the company

3. There are many possible solutions to discuss: selling, expanding and providing services to other organizations, outsourcing, expanding the profile and creating a strategic competitive advantage.

Working day Up to 10 people 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 to 50 Over 50
11 o'clock 153 rub. 148 rub. 145 rub. 141 rub. 138 rub. 133 rub.
The presence of the following conditions affects the final cost!
Transfer to the place of work 148 rub. 143 rub. 140 rub. 136 rub. 133 rub. 128 rub.
Provision of accommodation 133 rub. 128 rub. 125 rub. 121 rub. 118 rub. 113 rub.
Providing meals 123 rub. 118 rub. 115 rub. 111 rub. 108 rub. 103 rub.
Provision of overalls 118 rub. 113 rub. 110 rub. 106 rub. 103 rub. 98 rub.

Are you experiencing a shortage of skilled workers? Contact Kronos, outsourcing of working personnel is one of the leading activities of our company.

Highly skilled workers have always been in the price. But their shortage is especially noticeable at the present time, when it is more difficult to find a qualified locksmith than a lawyer. At many enterprises there is a need for well-trained workers of various specialties - turners, millers, locksmiths, welders, etc. And such a service as outsourcing of workers will significantly save time and material costs for staff recruitment.

The advantages of cooperation with an outsourcing company are obvious:

Using the outsourcing service in construction or production, you get a qualified specialist with extensive work experience;
The outsourcer provides you with employees of the required specialty in the required quantity and for the period you need;
At the same time, you avoid “excessive” expenses for vacation and sick leave, as you only pay for the time you work.
Thus, outsourcing at an industrial enterprise allows solving a number of tasks facing the company:
Cost reduction, cost reduction. Outsourcing in an enterprise, as a rule, is cheaper than keeping highly skilled workers in the state, since the cost of outsourcer services is lower;
Increasing labor productivity due to the high qualification of hired workers. Outsourcing of production provides high technical and quality characteristics of products, which allows the customer company to achieve a competitive advantage in the market;
Ability to focus full-time employees on the main activities of the enterprise, while employees take on third-party, operational functions.

We guarantee a professional approach, responsibility and reliability of each of our specialists. The company "Kronos" has been carrying out industrial outsourcing since 2008, and over the years of work in the labor market, we have developed a unique, constantly updated database, thanks to which we can easily find the right workers of the highest qualification for you in various areas of production in the shortest possible time for all the necessary You period.

The emergence of entrepreneurship in modern Russia took place in very harsh conditions, when the methods of competitive struggle threatened not only business, but the life and health of its owners. Therefore, the first task of Russian business has become the task of economic and physical survival.

A new type of activity appears, outsourcing - the performance of certain functions (production, service, information, financial, managerial, etc.) by an external organization that has the necessary resources for this, on the basis of a long-term agreement.

Gradually developing and capturing more and more space on the business map of the world, outsourcing now covers all areas of modern business. The main development in the world, including in Russia, was the so-called IT outsourcing.

Unfortunately, there are no statistical data on ratings for Russia yet, since there is no consolidation of information on the development of this market, but according to experts, the level of the global IT outsourcing market is now comparable in volume to such areas of business processes as the automotive industry, the pharmaceutical industry and production of household, industrial electronics and computer technologies.

A more complete concept: outsourcing (out - external, source - source) - a way to optimize the activities of enterprises by focusing efforts on the main subject of activity and transferring non-core functions and corporate roles to external specialized companies.

Outsourcer - a specialized class organization (B2B), outsourcing service provider. The main features of an outsourcing organization are the allocation in the business of a key process for the provision of services that are auxiliary to other organizations.

Some activities are too costly or burdensome to be carried out by the company, for example, if they require extensive training or the presence of certain tangible and intangible assets, in particular a special corporate culture, motivation, a high level of trust of buyers and suppliers. All this cannot be acquired overnight, but can only be obtained with time and through purposeful efforts.

Acquisition of a company with the necessary capabilities seems to be the most obvious solution to the problem of filling in the missing resources or functions, but this can lead to legal difficulties, reorganization problems and irreversible consequences in case of failure. It is extremely rare for a complete set of missing resources and capabilities to be concentrated in one division of the company being acquired, more often they are scattered across all or several divisions; in addition, they cannot be purchased separately from other resources. An alliance or partnership is more effective in such a situation. Acquisition of another company in a rapidly changing market does not provide the required flexibility, and a strategic alliance can be terminated in the event of an unforeseen change in the situation. This union is understood as "outsourcing".

Today in the world there are many varieties of business process outsourcing, many of which are successfully used in Russian enterprises. Depending on the specifics, industry, goals and objectives in each particular organization, the processes that are transferred to third-party companies may differ significantly from each other.

Among all the diversity offered, there are three main types of outsourcing:

  • a) functional - transfer of management functions;
  • b) operational - transfer of production functions;
  • c) resource - refusal of own resources and their acquisition on the side.

Industries in which the work of outsourcers is most common today:

  • - accounting and tax calculation;
  • - legal support of activity;
  • - payroll calculation of employees; - personnel Management;
  • - information systems and database management;
  • - marketing communications and public relations;
  • - project management from development to implementation;
  • - issues of economic and information security;
  • - management of logistics and delivery;
  • - production;
  • - assembly and testing;
  • - cleaning and maintenance;
  • - transport management, its maintenance and repair (air and sea vessels, road, rail transport)

With the growth of the country's economy, the volume of production and turnover of companies increase. Therefore, they need more time for core activities, and they begin to need outside help to perform auxiliary, nevertheless important functions.

With outsourcing, employees work on the staff of the executing company, and the provision of services to the customer firm is only part of their function. Most often, the customer is not related either to the choice of those who will directly perform the work, or to the organization of their work.

Outsourcing occupies an increasingly significant position in terms of importance, gaining a foothold in the activities of enterprises of any form of ownership.

For manufacturing enterprises, the following can be transferred to outsourcing:

  • - personnel Management;
  • - Accounting;
  • - marketing;
  • - advertising;
  • - logistics.

There is also production outsourcing, which implies that the company gives part of the existing chain of production processes or the entire production cycle to a third-party company. It is also possible to sell a number of own branches to other companies, and subsequent interaction with them takes place directly within the framework of outsourcing.

Production outsourcing allows the company to:

  • - focus on developing completely new products and services to provide a competitive advantage;
  • - increase the flexibility of production - the implementation of the restructuring of the production process and the diversification of products.

The algorithm for introducing outsourcing as an innovative method of quality cost management in the quality management system of an industrial enterprise includes:

  • - formation of the organizational structure of outsourcing management;
  • - determination of the directions and processes of the enterprise's activity, which can be transferred to outsourcing;
  • - search for organizations - outsourcers;
  • - conclusion of long-term contracts;
  • - support for outsourcing (collection of information, formation and storage of documents, etc.);
  • - control and evaluation of outsourcing activities; development and implementation of corrective measures.

The use of outsourcing as an innovative method of quality cost management will allow an industrial enterprise to free up funds by transferring part of the business processes to a third-party organization and concentrate on the main areas of activity in order to form additional competitive advantages.

Thus, outsourcing allows you to increase the efficiency of certain functions of enterprises in the field of information technology, procurement and supply, service, finance, staffing and even production. The practice of outsourcing helps companies solve the problems of functioning and development in a market economy by reducing costs, accelerating adaptation to environmental conditions, improving the quality of products and services, and reducing risks. The customer company can, using the outsourcing of secondary functions, concentrate on those that are peculiar to it, on its own specifics. Unlike subcontracting, outsourcing is a company management strategy, and not just a type of partnership, it involves a certain restructuring of internal corporate processes and external relations of the company.

In order for outsourcing to arise, in any kind of economic activity, an economic impetus is needed. Now there is a mistrust of the market, but are there any prerequisites in the market?

Vladimir Roitman, General Director of the factory-kitchen "Slavyanskaya Trapeza"

- Let's look at an example.

How does production outsourcing arise?

Company A, a physical canteen operator, buys a rather expensive, for example, combi steamer. Company B, a production company located far from the center in areas with cheaper rent (if not in its own ownership), with a completely different cost of operating engineering networks and communications, also buys exactly the same combi steamer.

In the human aspect, there is not much difference between a canteen chef and a production chef. No professional, no other. The only difference is that one produces 100-150 kg per shift, and the other a ton. And the share of wages per unit of output is obviously lower in production at times.

If you have at least 40-45 rubles of wages in a kilogram of "canteen" food, then, of course, there are no such figures in the production, and cannot be. If you ask yourself how many canteens today have borsch in their assortment, they will answer - in all. I admit that 60% of enterprises actually offer borscht today.

I assure you that if you gather all their brand chefs and talk to them, then their tech cards are not very different. There will be a maximum of three or four of these “conditionally different” borschts: with broth, without broth, with meat, without meat. This suggests that there are three or four "conditionally universal" borscht - then it's just a matter of cost and delivery.

In the dining room, they cook 30 liters in a saucepan; in production, they cook in a 1000-liter apparatus. Everything else is the same! There is an absolutely obvious economic feasibility - transferring the preparation of simple typical dishes to production for outsourcing.

First, it is the efficient use of equipment. Secondly, this is a different cost of owning the production facility itself. In any large business center, renting a square meter costs serious money. In the suburbs, it costs completely different money. Completely different cost of engineering networks and communications, the cost of producing one kilogram of product per unit of personnel.

That is, we are talking about the fact that outsourcing in catering becomes profitable if you have much lower costs and at the same time you are comparable in quality.

Where to start outsourcing?

The standard way for many companies is to switch to peeled root crops. Personally, I would never start by peeling vegetables. Because you are recycling a low value product. You cannot, however, control the quality of the incoming raw materials. The quality of vegetable storage in modern Russia is slightly ahead of the domestic automotive industry. That is, it is, but it is better not to use it.

Any business that deals with vegetables will easily give you a schedule for the percentage of waste and cost. The whole country has known since February that everything is ready for import. And we sit down until the end of June - until the first young potato appears with so much chemistry that it’s better not to. In July, potatoes and carrots appear, cabbage is still last year, as it is harvested in September.

In what quality is vegetable storage - we all know. After all, to build a good vegetable complex is billions. It will be built for three years - so we can only dream of import substitution. Our genetics is not in the best place: what is planted grows. All seeds are imported.

Now there have been attempts to build farms entirely on imported technology, but everything has been frozen since the sanctions. Start with products where the actual input cost of raw materials is so high that the cost of error is negated. Although the consumer, who sits in the center of the city on a monstrous lease, feels sorry for him to spend 10 square meters on a root shop, but there is a hot shop anyway. Rootstock, in his understanding, breeds dirt.

Abroad, no matter how many countries we visit, there are no full-cycle factories at all - it would never occur to anyone to peel vegetables and fry cutlets at the same time. A vegetable peeling company buys the heaviest industrial equipment, which makes 100-150 tons a day, and such enterprises are very efficient, they do nothing else.

Food production receives ready-made vegetables - peeled and packaged. At one such production, our technologist had jitters when they opened refrigerators for us - the quality of raw materials is amazing, when asked how they do it, she was told that at seven in the morning they order tomatoes and at nine they are brought directly from the garden.

Here the question of climate still arises, Russia is a northern country, you need to understand the conditions under which public catering exists.

Outsourcing is the transferred cost that is paid for the service provided, compared to the full cost as if you were doing it yourself. If you need to fry a ton of cutlets of 100 grams, the average cutlet is 30-35 rubles. This ton of cutlets costs up to 350 thousand - a ton of potatoes will not cost that much money. The higher the cost of the product for which we provide the service, the lower our cost in the price of the final product.

Enemies of production outsourcing

Yes, here are a few realities, an everyday situation. A smart and progressive chef will come to his director and say: “70% of what we do can be outsourced,” and they will say in response: “Why do you need it then?” The main enemies of outsourcing are the middle and senior administrative and managerial staff.

They are worried, not for the company, but for themselves. Shouldn't you blame them for that? Catering directors and owners need to understand that the chef is not the one who cooks, but the one who is responsible for the final taste. But chefs exist in today's realities and do not want to take risks. I know one brand chef of a fairly large restaurant chain. After all our many months of studying the menu, he suggested outsourcing to his superiors and lost his job.

Risks of production outsourcing and their minimization

The commercial integrity and payment discipline of the contractor is one of the main risks. All economic risks inherent in the Russian economy are present in outsourcing. We live in these traditions of workflow and economic ethics of the country. There are no other practices yet. We are moving towards this, but so far there are no others.

This is called economic evolution. To educate the entrepreneurial community by daily work and make it economically literate, diligent and demanding in professional responsibility. And wait until it becomes. We also need to develop our own economy, science and culture. And there is no other way to develop economic societies. Someone has already spent a hundred years on this and therefore is ahead of us, and we have just begun, but we are doing it in our own way. Let's develop the country, and outsourcing will develop along with it. Competitive environment, free movement of capital and equality before the law - everything. This is the only and universal recipe.

It is necessary to create a quality production. In every possible way to show and prove to your customers that you have come for a long time, and you are interested in them. To give the customer the opportunity to get acquainted not only with the director, but also with the team. A team is an enterprise, not a director. The customer sees the amount of investment. You are asked questions, and you form an opinion about yourself with answers and deeds. Price, quality of dishes and punctuality in the technology of their preparation, a set of valid accompanying documents related to the safety of both products and the production itself. Also, certification of production processes according to international standards would not hurt. It is necessary to provide the customer with the opportunity to conduct the necessary audit of your enterprise. There should be open competitive work with suppliers of raw materials. Our customer can come and check the raw materials from which we prepare at any time.

The Future of Manufacturing Outsourcing

Now the situation of corporate, culinary nutrition is exactly the same as it was in 1997-1998 in supermarket chains. Someone was the first to open, but there is no industry yet. Then the avalanche began. Networks were built, and gradually it all turned into one big industry. There was a state in which there were no civilized forms of trade. Billions of dollars invested. This gave rise to a lot of related industries: equipment, cash registers, security systems, design, packaging. The entire Russian packaging market was made by retail.

The industrial food market is in the same state now. And our task is to contribute to the development of this new industry. Each subject of the federation has its own schools, hospitals, army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, transport, large enterprises - this is all internal corporate food. There are national industrial giants in metallurgy, gasification, and transport. All these systems require 200-250 factories for Russia, such as, for example, ours. This is the future industry. The development of any national new industry creates its own industries. The most annoying thing is to wait. The best part is to participate.

Kirill Pogodin, Project Manager

Of course, outsourcing is a tool to improve business efficiency. One of the main deterrents to the widespread adoption of manufacturing outsourcing in the catering business is the low level of staff remuneration. This situation, it must be said, has changed markedly in recent years. Only unskilled labor still remains really low paid. At the same time, any professional, skilled workers today receive much more than, say, three or four years ago. Also, today, more than ever, businesses are faced with the task of optimizing their fixed costs in terms of rental payments. And the ability to reduce production space is another plus of using such outsourcing. Of course, the same applies to utility bills. First of all, electricity, water. It must be said that the idea of ​​outsourcing is being introduced more and more widely with the active development of the range of semi-finished and ready-made meals offered by suppliers.

Manufacturing outsourcing

Production outsourcing is the transfer to a third party of the entire production function or part of the tasks associated with production.

Outsourcing can be conditionally divided into two types: 1) outsourcing of blanks and components and 2) outsourcing of functions and operations to ensure the production of products. In the first case, this is the share and degree of readiness of purchased units and components. In the second case, we are talking about the transfer to the side of the functions of transportation, equipment repair, preparation of production, the production process itself.

-Land: premium products - "made in China"

Company founded in 1980 eland is a leader in fashion retail in South Korea. eland successfully sold brands in style casual middle price category in Korea. From the very beginning, the company used outsourcing in production and franchised clothing. The corporate priority was strategic planning, merchandising and design.

In 2004, the company decided to enter the Chinese market. In contrast to the strategy used in Korea, positioning as a premium brand was chosen in China. In order to reduce costs, it was decided to transfer production

outsourcing to Chinese firms. There were doubts: the quality of products and delivery in China did not inspire confidence, especially considering that it was a premium product.

However, the leadership eland decided to invest in tracking customer feedback, strict production control and evaluation of each batch of products. All contracts with Chinese enterprises regulated the exact delivery dates and the system of penalties for delay.

Using outsourcing, without large investments in human resources and the creation of production lines, eland concentrated on the design and adaptation of models to the Chinese market. By 2007 eland there were 15 clothing brands, 7500 models were produced per year. The network operates in 100 different cities (500 stores). In 2007, sales amounted to more than 300 million US dollars, which is 2 times more than this value for the previous year.

outsourcing as an effective means of penetrating a new market

Company swatch has set itself the task of regaining the market share it lost as a result of the aggressive growth of Japanese watch manufacturers (for example, Seiko). Key priorities for swatch steel and new style design, brand strength and production efficiency. At the moment swatch regained the title of the world's leading watch manufacturer. Outsourcing (location of production in China) played a significant role in this.

In Switzerland, production control was carried out according to a vertically integrated system; in China, the company applied the same strategy. swatch entrusted import and tax operations, as well as labor management, to highly specialized Chinese firms. Using the knowledge and competence of Chinese experts, swatch increased productivity, reduced costs and developed an excellent market risk management system. Having concluded agreements with the largest distributors, swatch used existing supply chains. All this helped the company strengthen its brand position in the Chinese market and achieve the second largest sales volume in China in a short period.

swatch– brand of Swiss watches, part of the holding The Swatch Group Ltd. The company was founded by Nicholas George Hayek in 1983. A year earlier, the entrepreneur bought from a number of Swiss creditor banks 51% of the shares of the two largest watch companies in Switzerland - ASUAG and SSIH(owned brands Omega, Tissot, Rado, Longines and etc.).

It is believed that the trademark swatch was created as a counter to the rapidly growing Japanese watch manufacturers who were conquering the market with their inexpensive quartz wristwatches. The company's goal was to return the popularity of simple watches, for which modern synthetic materials were used, as well as the latest assembly technologies. In addition, the design has been redesigned. As a result, in 1983 the first watch, combining high quality and quite reasonable price, went on sale.

It is believed that the brand name swatch comes from the phrase "Swiss watch " (Swiss watch), but Nicholas George Hayek claimed that the name actually came from the phrase "Second watch " (second clock), i.e. watches for every day, as an affordable accessory.

Brands swatch group : Breguet, Blancpain, Glashiitte Original , Jaquet Droz Leon Hatot , Omega, Tiffany & Co., Longines, Rado, Union Glashiitte Tissot, Swatch & jewelry, Balmain, Certina, Mido, Hamilton, Swatch, Flik Flak , Endura and Tourbillon.

: outsourcing as an aid in adapting to market realities

Ault developed as a vertically integrated company that itself carried out the production, distribution and sales of its products - AC/DC converters. With the rise in production costs in the US market, the company began to lose its competitiveness.

In 1987 Ault built a factory in South Korea. corporate priorities Ault became strategic management, marketing and product development. In addition, the company sought to create a flexible and efficient organizational structure.

Affairs Ault Korea went well and already in 1990, production operations were started in China, in the city Beijing. A corporation was founded in the capital of China, which was engaged in sales and marketing management, as well as product development in the market. Early stages of operations Ault China focused on the assembly process to reduce production costs, and only a few critical parts were produced locally.

Most of the raw materials were supplied in the form CKD from the division Ault Korea. Import of raw materials by technology CKD led to serious problems in the work Ault China . Ailt produced many product lines, which consisted of more than 5000 components. In fact, problems began with delays in the supply of raw materials between divisions in Korea and China. In the end, it was decided to purchase parts from a factory near Shanghai, which avoided delivery delays and reduced the cost of equipment by 10%.

  • Assembly SKD(from English. complete Knock Down - fully collapsible) is a technology for importing equipment, mainly focusing on bypassing high import duties or excise duties. The technology consists in the fact that a car kit, consisting of individual parts, is imported into the country for further marketing and assembled at a local production facility. The benefit lies in the payment of customs duties on components, the rates for which are usually lower than for finished products.
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