Brief biographical information about the members of the board of Russian Railways. The unlucky "daughters" of Russian Railways Where does Alexey V. Vorotilkin work now

"Stand on the rail"

Why the change of leadership of Russian Railways will not make the natural monopoly "closer to the people"

Photo: / Oleg Belozerov President of Russian Railways

It will not be easy for the new head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, to increase the profitability of the state-owned company - resignations in top management only spurred corrupt officials of Russian Railways and lured "partners" oligarchs into the struggle for power.

Today, Russian Railways has 65 subsidiaries (with a stake of more than 50%) and 62 dependent companies (with a stake of 20 to 50%). The holding accounts for 42% of all cargo transportation and about 33% of passenger traffic in Russia.

At the same time, the efficiency of the state monopoly leaves much to be desired. Recently, Russian Railways proudly reported an increase in the average daily speed of delivery of goods in Russia to 14.5 km / h - approximately the same figures were used by US railways in 1890. Nevertheless, for the purchase of new locomotives, Russian Railways has already exceeded its own plans for several years ahead.

"Invisible" railroad

Numerous subsidiaries and funds through which state funding is provided not only for the Lokomotiv football club, but also for the elite village on Rublevsky Highway for the company's top managers, are necessary for the development of budget funds. For example, the turnover of the Russian Railways Trading House (where only 25% of the shares belong to Russian Railways, and the rest to private individuals) is more than 100 billion rubles. in year. At the same time, the trading house receives 10% of the turnover simply for mediation. It is through this organization that purchases for the needs of railways of locomotives, wagons, transformers, poles and sleepers go. Recently, Russian Railways has been actively promoting the purchase of a supposedly high-performance fireproof cable. It is several times more expensive than usual, and does not differ in particularly outstanding characteristics, however, according to the railway chiefs, it is vital for the state-owned company.

One of the curators of the Russian Railways Trading House is the head of the traction directorate with the rank of vice president of the company Alexei Vorotilkin. In addition to the trading house, this inconspicuous railwayman is in charge of the entire locomotive economy of the country, including the distribution of funds and relationships with private suppliers and partners.

Vorotilkin got into the chair of the vice-president of Russian Railways in 2011, and before that he headed the East Siberian Railway (VSZhD) for a long time. During the leadership of Vorotilkin, the Eastern Railway did not lose its reputation as one of the most dysfunctional railways in the country, and corruption scandals and accidents did not decrease there. Among his subordinates, Vorotilkin won the epithet of a tyrant-administrator who, for the sake of fictitious discipline and accountability, is ready to sacrifice both people and efficiency. Among business colleagues, Alexey Vorotilkin was known as a smart merchant. For a long time he headed the NP "Commodity Producers and Entrepreneurs of Irkutsk", which actively lobbied for the interests of businessmen close to Vorotilkin. They were also engaged in not quite legal transportation of timber, oil and metal to China.

Dagestan traction RZD

In the late 2000s, Vorotilkin became close to the influential businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. He owns the Summa group of companies, which owns large seaports, oil transportation and grain companies, as well as telecommunications and construction enterprises. It is interesting that it is Magomedov who may be directly related to the recent resignation of Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin.

Natives of Makhachkala, the brothers Ziya and Magomed Magomedov started the business in the 90s. In 1993 they graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. While studying at the university, the brothers' dormitory neighbor was the future founder of Troika Dialog, Ruben Vardanyan, where they met Arkady Dvorkovich.

After graduating from the university, the Magomedovs create the Interfinance company, taking their cousin Akhmed Bilalov (later known for stealing at Olympic venues) as a partner. According to Ziyavudin Magomedov himself, the business went so briskly that in a year he managed to earn about $15 million of his own funds, and more than $50 million was under his management.

In 1995 the Magomedov brothers buy the Diamant bank. Alexey Frenkel became the chairman of the board of the bank. The bank quickly entered the top twenty largest - in particular, thanks to cooperation with state-owned companies. Six years after the acquisition of Diamant by the Magomedovs, the Central Bank revoked the bank's license "for repeated violations of the law" On Banks and Banking Activities, "and five years later, Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Andrei Kozlov was killed. Alexei Frenkel was accused of organizing this murder and convicted for 19. And the Magomedovs continued to develop their business.

In 2006 the Slavia company, controlled by Magomedov, bought a 76% stake in Yakutgazprom for 628.5 million rubles. This acquisition attracted the attention of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - AK Alrosa, which had recently spent more than 17 million dollars on the acquisition of the company, accused the management of Yakutgazprom and Summa Capital that, having agreed, they carried out an illegal additional issue and diluted her share. The DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation issued a resolution on the implementation of operational-search measures in connection with the revealed fact of fraud in the acquisition of shares in Yakutgazprom. Soon, however, the case was hushed up, and Ziyavudin Magomedov was recognized as the owner of the controlling stake.

During Dmitry Medvedev's presidency, the Magomedov brothers entered the president's inner circle and managed to increase their capital to $1.4 billion. Zia's brother, Magomed, was a member of the Federation Council from the Smolensk region for 7 years, and, according to some sources, played an important role in the conflict with Lukoil over the construction of a highway through the Smolensk region.

Ziya Magomedov has developed close and mutually beneficial contacts with Russian Railways managers - shortly after Alexei Vorotilkin was appointed to the position of Vice President in 2011, the Stroynovatsiya company, which is part of the Summa group, won the Roszheldor competition for the construction of the first 147 kilometers of the railway line Kyzyl-Kuragino in Tuva and offered to build a site for 44.306 billion rubles. However, in January 2013, Roszheldor announced the end of funding for the joint project and the termination of cooperation. But Magomedov's firm not only managed to sue an advance payment of more than 5 billion rubles, but later in court exacted compensation of 3 billion! However, the railroad was never built.

New partner plans

A relatively new project by Ziya Magomedov, which is simply impossible without the participation of Russian Railways, is the construction of a "dry port" in Chinese Hunchun - at the junction of the borders of China, North Korea and Russia. In the "dry port" ship cargoes will be formed and passed through customs, which will then go by rail to the new cargo port "Zarubino", also owned by Magomedov. Investments in the project amount to about $350 million. Today, the section of the railway line from the Russian-Chinese border to Zarubino is an antediluvian non-electrified single-track railway - without government investments, the project does not seem so profitable. However, thanks to the efforts of Alexei Vorotilkin, the reconstruction project is successfully lobbied by Russian Railways officials.

The European influence of Ziya Magomedov is also growing. After the construction of an oil terminal in Rotterdam came under the control of the Summa group, Magomedov's transport firms strengthened their positions in the port cities of the Baltic states. However, the former president of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, actively interfered with the development of Magomedov's port schemes.

At one time, Russian Railways had a conflict with the Summa group over the reconstruction of the railway line to the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), one of the co-owners of which is Magomedov. Also, Vladimir Yakunin abandoned the idea of ​​building a railway line to the port of Primorsk in the Leningrad region, which was part of NCSP, in favor of the competing port of Ust-Luga and did not allow Magomedov to consolidate in his hands 100% of the shares of TransContainer OJSC, the company that owned half of the container transportation by Russian railways.

Big "base"

In August 2015, criminal proceedings were initiated in Latvia against the former chairman of the board of the state railway holding Latvijas Dzelzceļš, Ugis Magonis. Magonis is suspected of receiving a bribe in the amount of half a million euros in connection with the LDz ritošā sastāva serviss tender for the purchase of diesel locomotives from Skinest, owned by Estonian millionaire Oleg Osinovsky.

By a strange coincidence, Ugis Magonis is the husband of Vladimir Yakunin's niece, Anastasia Bakulina. She is the deputy general director of the Business Dialog company, which organizes forums for Russian Railways. Together, the spouses are co-owners of the Russian railway operator Third Freight Company. Of course, this firm is a longtime opponent of Ziya Magomedov's companies. And the very fact of the arrest of the head of the Latvian railways, according to experts, looks like a clear “setup”:

“The last straw to Yakunin's resignation may have been a scandal when the Latvian anti-corruption bureau detained the head of the country's state railway company, Ugis Magonis, who is married to Yakunin's niece. Soon followed by a statement by Russian Railways to stop the transit of goods to Latvian ports - allegedly due to the poor condition of the railways of the Baltic state, ”writes Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky.

According to the Estonian weekly Eesti Ekspress, millionaire Oleg Osinovsky, who is suspected of giving a bribe to Magonis, was just a pawn in a big game. And 500 thousand euros in paper bags, which were found in the car of the head of LDz, were intended for Yakunin, while Magonis himself was just a courier.

Immediately after the detention of Ugis Magonis, the Russian side announced that the railway in the direction of Latvia would be put under major repairs for several months. Shortly thereafter, the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, unexpectedly resigned.

And soon, Oleg Belozerov, who graduated from Ventspils School No. 2 and has many good friends in the Baltic countries, was appointed to the post of President of Russian Railways. But that's a completely different story...

* * *

At the end of July, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Igor Artemiev, said that the system of tariffs for rail transportation in Russia "comes to madness." Because of it, long-distance transportation by trucks is more profitable than transporting goods by trains. The current RZD tariff manual needs to be replaced as the cost of transportation has reached the highest levels in the world.

Already in September, the head of the FAS was more categorical: “First, Russian Railways wanted 17% indexation, now they want 10%, and also multi-billion subsidies from the budget. We say: this is wrong, this is too much, reduce your costs, learn to save, refuse from expensive mansions, football teams, own TV, stop spending money left and right." He added that the FAS has its own, "much more stringent" proposals, which are now being discussed in the government.

The near future will show how the new "favorites" of Russian Railways are able to do business and "not confuse their personal wool with the state." The only pity is that the system of decisions on Russian railways, built on “kickbacks” and vulgar embezzlement of state money in favor of close businessmen, is almost impossible to reform.

Belozerov Oleg Valentinovich was born on September 26, 1969 in the city of Ventspils (Latvia)

  • In 1992 he graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in economics, industrial planning.
  • In 1998-2000, he was Deputy Commercial Director, Commercial Director, Head of the Logistics and Transport Department of JSC Lenenergo.
  • In 2000-2000, he served as Deputy Director of JSC Cargo Motor Transport Enterprise No. 21.
  • In 2000-2001, he worked in the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District, was the head of the financial and economic department.
  • In 2001-2002, he worked as Deputy Director for Corporate Property Management at LOMO OJSC.
  • In 2002-2004, he served as General Director of JSC Russian Fuel Company.
  • From July to November 2004, he was Deputy Head of the Federal Road Agency.
  • From November 2004 to March 2009 - Head of the Federal Road Agency.
  • In March 2009, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
  • On May 11, 2015, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
  • On August 20, 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Oleg Belozerov to the post of head of Russian Railways.
  • Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, Class I (2011).
  • He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st Class (2006), the Order of Honor (2010), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th Class (2014), as well as commemorative medals and insignia.
  • He has a letter of commendation from the President of the Russian Federation (2006), honorary diplomas from the President of the Russian Federation (2014), from the Government Office of the Russian Federation (2011), from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (2013).
  • The amount of declared income for 2014 is more than 10.5 million rubles

The fact that Alexei Vorotilkin is a hereditary railway worker is known to many. His father started with a children's railway. “I am proud of my father. Now he is retired, I often call and talk with him on various issues, often about the railway, ”says the head of the All-Russian Railways. The atmosphere in which he grew up influenced the choice of profession. He lived in the city of Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, where everything is tied to the industrial giant - Korshunov GOK. Even the names are associated with it: the Gornyak House of Culture, the Magnetit Hotel ... “It played a role: like everyone else, I didn’t want to be a miner,” recalls Vorotilkin. - Therefore, before the army, I worked as a fitter in the signaling and communications distance. Then he joined the army, served in the communications troops. When I returned, I realized that the connection was not mine, and became an assistant driver in the locomotive depot.

- When did you realize that the railway is yours?

Hard to say. When I started working as a machinist, I realized that a railway worker is a good profession, a reliable piece of bread, because by that time I had already married. I was offered to take the first command position quite early - at the age of 27, to become an instructor driver. I remember then I said to Anatoly Sysolyatin, head of the Korshunikha station depot: “Yes, it’s early. This is a position where there should be a certain authority, the driver-instructor should have life baggage. He replied: "Who, if not us?". I thought and agreed. It was a completely different time then. My candidacy was discussed by the party meeting of the locomotive depot, a lot was said. I remember the machinist Kochanovsky got up and said: “Isn’t it too early for him?”

When I was offered to become the head of the depot of the Korshunikha station, the bureau of the district committee of the party had already approved the candidacy. I became the head of the depot in 1989 with only six months of experience in a command position. It was the most difficult period for me. Now I understand that it is impossible to appoint a person with practically no experience as the head of an enterprise. You need intermediate steps. I do not want to say that I am a child prodigy, but it was hard to cope with that amount of work and with that responsibility.

- Under what circumstances did you find out that you would become the head of the All-Russian Railways?

After the President of Russia proposed the candidacy of Alexander Tishanin for the post of governor, the question arose of who would work in his place. I know that not only my candidacy was considered. On September 1, Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin called me to Moscow and asked if I was ready to take this position. If such an offer is received, there simply cannot be conversations like "I will - I won't, I want - I don't want." There are only 17 heads of railways in Russia. To be among them is not only an honor, but also a very responsible one. At that moment, I had to weigh everything, evaluate my own strengths and those who would work in my team. Believe me, even getting used to this idea was not easy at first.

Who was first told about the proposal?

He told his wife when he flew to Moscow. She is also a railway worker and kept asking: “And who will be our head of the road?” But at the moment when I was going to Moscow, she guessed everything herself.

How would you describe your leadership style?

It is largely determined by the specifics of the enterprise. The road is iron and discipline must be iron. This is where the style comes from.

- Do you maintain relations with Alexander Tishanin now?

Alexander Georgievich Tishanin is the highest official of the region. VSZhD is one of the most important infrastructure enterprises in the region, besides one of the basic taxpayers. According to the results of 2005, the railway was just recognized as the best taxpayer in the Irkutsk region. 4 billion 600 million rubles were transferred to the regional budget. So we have a strong constructive relationship with the governor.

There is also my personal attitude to Alexander Georgievich. It would be inconvenient to let down the person who recommended me for this post. And if something suddenly went wrong in the well-functioning system of the Higher Railways, I would think that I let him down in the first place. The road after the change of the head kept the leadership position. And the region, as time has shown, only won with the advent of a new governor. The proof of the latter is the successfully held referendum, the budget policy is being more clearly built. We find optimal solutions for problems important for the region and our company. However, that is how it should be. This is fine.

The family has a spartan lifestyle

If Aleksey Vorotilkin willingly talks about relations with the regional authorities, then he is not used to talking about his family with journalists. At first he answered all questions sparingly and did not want to delve into the topic. And only by the end of the interview he opened up and said that he met his wife, Anna, at a dance. “Before, where you could get acquainted - at dances and at the movies. I remember that a brass band played in the park, - recalls the head of the All-Russian Railways. “Now the young people get to know each other in clubs, but who do you see there?”. But he immediately adds that it is not worth saying that in our time the youth was better: “Today we can say that on many issues we have lagged behind our children. They are much better oriented than us, for example, in technology. If you give your son a cell phone model that is unfamiliar to him, in 10 minutes he will fully understand it. I need to read the instructions,” our interlocutor smiles.

The eldest son, Anton, is 23 years old. He recently returned from the army and is now working. The youngest, 15-year-old Oleg, studies at the Lyceum of the All-Union Railway. Who wants to become, has not yet decided. In this matter, I'm not going to put pressure on him. It used to be that if you are a railroad worker, then the children should be railroad workers. And now everything is different. You can't force it. For what? Suddenly, at the age of 30-35, he will say that this is not his? Although it so happened that we all work on the railway - my brothers, wife and wives of brothers, their children study at the railway institute, lyceum.

- The eldest son consciously decided to serve in the army? After all, now many are trying to "slope" ...

All right, let him go. Serviced, now it works fine. You can’t deceive life: today you can “slope” from the army, tomorrow something else ... And the day after tomorrow, when there is no father’s name, what should I do? We must prepare for life from childhood.

- Do you often spend time with your family?

Unfortunately no. Today is Saturday, I'm at work, and there's still a lot to do. In general, the family has a Spartan lifestyle.

Do you see them only in the evenings?

Basically it is.

- And on Sundays?

And that is not always the case. I am always at work, even on vacation. It simply cannot be otherwise: the railway is not the right structure, here the chief cannot be just a representative.

- And where do you spend the New Year?

In Irkutsk. The last holiday was celebrated by the three of us: me, my wife and my youngest son. The older one was in the army at the time. At home they decorated a Christmas tree. It was good!

- What kind of vacation do you like?

Active. I got a lot of impressions from rafting on a mountain river in Tofalaria. I prefer to rest in Russia - there is so much unknown here ... By the way, in Tofalaria I was in a cave of a primitive man, I experienced special feelings that cannot always be expressed in words. But even on vacation, I can’t give up the usual rhythm of life: on the third day I still get up at six in the morning - at least start, at least don’t start an alarm clock!

- They say that you are a fan of mountain skiing ...

Four years ago I tried it for the first time, I liked it. Now the whole family is riding. This year I've been to Baikalsk four times, but it didn't work out any more.

- Representatives of power structures have a new fashion: to spend the weekend with the family in the country.

I am an opponent of dachas. As soon as dachas began and people in household plots began to solve their food problems, active social life ended in the country. On Saturday-Sunday, everyone works in the country instead of resting, and on Monday they come to work tired. I had a dacha when I was the head of the depot. I came there a maximum of three times a year: when I planted potatoes, hilled and dug. It is necessary to decide: either a cottage, or something else. If you work in this position, for you rest is work, your favorite pastime is work. Otherwise, leave.

- Do you have time to read books? What are you reading now?

Remains. I read newspapers and magazines during my lunch break at work. In the evening - fiction. I like the historical works of Valentin Pikul. Now I'm reading "Favorite". I have a complete collection of Pikul, Yulian Semyonov, Aksyonov at home.

- Traditionally, men are good cooks. Do you love to cook?

I love it, especially in a cauldron. I can cook anything in it: meat, chicken, fish. In general, I know a lot of different recipes. We have this family: the wife is a first-class cook. At the time, I studied. She cooks everything very tasty.

Chief and President

A few months ago, Alexei Vorotilkin had a new hypostasis. Now he is not only the head of the East Siberian Railway, but also the president of the Non-Commercial Partnership of Commodity Producers and Entrepreneurs of the Irkutsk Region. Although this was to be expected. It just so happened in the Irkutsk region that the chiefs of the road traditionally lead the partnership.

- What does it mean for you to be elected president of the partnership?

This is an additional duty and a huge responsibility. When you are only responsible for the railway, you see one side of the coin in partners: the more you produce, the more I will take away. Now we need to look from the other side: to do everything for the development of the region's economy, and above all - for small and medium-sized businesses. And it will develop only around the big business that we represent. For example, today the Eastern Railway provides a number of sewing companies in the Irkutsk region with its orders for the tailoring of overalls. Beneficial for us and our partners. It is necessary to make sure that other large enterprises of the region use the local potential to the maximum. It's about resources and manpower. And this is additional taxes to the regional budget.

It has been repeatedly stated that the railway plans to increase the volume of oil transportation to China up to 15,000 tons per year. What has been done in this direction?

Everything we say we do. Moreover, today we are able to increase traffic volumes by 30-40%, and our customers, by the way, have no doubts about it. But today, 40% less is transported than last year. At the same time, the railway is not a limiter, but rather, the oil companies themselves limit the volume of oil supplies to the domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, this question is not for us. We fulfill our obligations to increase the throughput capacity: the Kuzbass - Far East program adopted by Russian Railways provides for billions of investments. We are extending the Bolshoi Lug station, expanding the neck of the Slyudyanka station, and investing in the Sukhovskaya, Mysovaya, and Angarsky junction stations. Our infrastructure is constantly evolving. If earlier, at the Sukhovskaya station, in order to bring a wagon under oil loading, it was necessary to divide the train into two parts, because there were no long tracks, but now 90 wagons enter the track. In September, new diesel locomotives will appear on the Eastern Railway, which will run from Ulan-Ude to Naushki. The Naushki station was reconstructed, almost 700 million rubles were invested in two years. In the future, this will be one of the best Russian border crossings.

The problem of unprofitable passenger traffic remains relevant for the Eastern Railway. Are there any plans to solve it or will it remain forever?

On July 1, the Federal Passenger Directorate was created, it is a separate business structure with its own budget. But it must be said right away that this problem cannot be solved without the help of the state, do not create various structures. And this is not a Russian problem. In all developed countries, the state subsidizes passenger transportation from the budget.

In the course of the reform of Russian Railways, there is an organizational, legal and financial separation of freight and passenger traffic. Therefore, no one, except the state, will compensate for losses from passenger traffic.

Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin convinced the President of the country, the government and the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the need to subsidize passenger transportation. The 2007 federal budget provides for 10.7 billion rubles to cover losses. It can be said that the beginning of the solution of the issue of national importance has been laid.

Do you know how much money will be allocated to the Irkutsk region? Will it be enough?

It is impossible to solve the problem of unprofitability at once, but at this stage of reforming the company, there will be enough funds. Do not forget that the Passenger Directorate itself, and in the future the company, is interested in developing and expanding services to passengers, optimizing their costs.

Almost a year has passed since you became the head of the East Siberian Railway. What do you think is the most important thing you have done?

I think the most important thing is the trust of the team and the fact that the road works stably. You can tell a lot of things - and there they handed over the path, and built a house there. Let those who come later evaluate. Go to the line and ask what the head of the road did. This will be the real score.

The first task that I set myself when I became the head of the road was to maintain a normal rhythm of work. After all, changing the leader a month before the onset of winter involves certain difficulties. We have worked steadily through the winter. According to the results of the first half of the year, the financial and economic indicators of the road are quite strong. In a number of key areas, we have gone ahead - in loading, sectional speed, as well as in the use of rolling stock. There are indicators according to which the Eastern Railway is the best in the entire road network. For example, the mileage of a locomotive now exceeds 800 km. So far, we have not reached the level of 1988 (this year is usually used for comparison because it was the most successful for Russian railways. - “Competitor”) only in terms of loading.

The East Siberian Railway works stably and efficiently thanks to the efforts of our workers. Despite all the difficulties that we have to face in our work, the railway workers are dedicated to their work.

The railway transport system is protected at several levels: if one chain does not work, another will protect; if the second does not work, the third, fifth, tenth will protect. The reforms that are taking place in our industry are phased, unhurried, thoughtful, stretched out in time. At the same time, they will never be carried out at the expense of passengers - we are strictly guided by this.

On the eve of our holiday - Railway Worker's Day - I would like to wish all employees of the railway, their families, veterans of the All-Russian Railways, good health, success in work and happiness!

Railway transport has always worked stably - both during the "perestroika" and in the years of the formation of democracy. No wonder they say that the railway is the steel arteries of the country. The trains go in any weather, at any time of the year. All residents of the region have a firm belief that the train will take you to the place, and the cargo will arrive safe and sound.

Alexey Valeryevich Vorotilkin was born on May 7, 1961 in the town of Zima, Irkutsk Region. He served in the army, graduated in absentia from the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport. He started working as an electrician at the signaling and communication distance of Korshunikha-Angarskaya. In 1997, he headed the locomotive depot of the Lena station, a year later he became the chief auditor for traffic safety and deputy head of the railway department. In 1999, he was transferred to the management of the Eastern Railway to the position of chief auditor for the safety of train traffic of the Severobaikalsky section of the Eastern Railway.

In October 2000, he became the first deputy head of the locomotive economy service, and less than a year later - the chief auditor for train traffic safety and deputy head of the Higher Railway. Since October 2002 - Deputy Head of the Railway for locomotive, wagon facilities and power supply. In September 2005, the management of Russian Railways appointed Alexei Vorotilkin as head of the East Siberian Railway.

Married, has two sons.

President of Russian Railways

Yakunin Vladimir Ivanovich

Yakunin Vladimir

President of Russian Railways

President of Russian Railways

Yakunin Vladimir Ivanovich

In 1972 he graduated from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute, Doctor of Political Sciences. Since October 2000 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since February 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since October 2003 - ; since June 2005 - President of Russian Railways. Yakunin V. I. is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center of National Glory and the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, the founding chairman of the WPF "Dialogue of Civilizations", the co-president of the Association "Franco-Russian Dialogue", the scientific director and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Problem Analysis and State-Administrative Design under UN RAS, Head of the Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Spread Your Wings Charitable Foundation for Social Assistance to Children, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the Commission on Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Visiting Professor of the Stockholm School Economics, Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Chairman of the International Union of Railways (UIC), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gefco.

Morozov Vadim

First Vice President of Russian Railways

MOROZOV Vadim Nikolaevich

Born in 1954
In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Operations, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1971. Since June 2000 - First Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; since February 2002 - First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since October 2003 - Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since July 2004 - executive director of NPF Blagosostoyanie; since August 2005 - First Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Misharin Alexander

First Vice President of Russian Railways

First Vice President of Russian Railways

MISHARIN Alexander Sergeevich

Born in 1959
Graduated from the Ural State University of Communications in 1981 with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport, in 1997 with a degree in Economics and Management at an Enterprise (Railway Transport), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1981. Since July 1998 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since July 2000 - First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since February 2002 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since May 2002 - head of the Sverdlovsk railway; since May 2004 - Director of the Department for Integrated Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; since June 2004 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation; since March 2009 - Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation; since November 2009 - Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region; since December 2012 - First Vice President of Russian Railways.

Gapanovich Valentin

GAPANOVICH Valentin Alexandrovich

Born in 1955
In 1992, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Management of Railway Transportation Processes. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1974. Since January 1998 - Deputy Head of the West Siberian Railway; since November 2000 - Chief Engineer of the Oktyabrskaya Railway; since November 2003 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since June 2008 - senior vice-president of Russian Railways.

Mikhailov Vadim

Senior Vice President of Russian Railways

Senior Vice President of Russian Railways

MIKHAILOV Vadim Valerievich

Born in 1969
In 1992 he graduated from the State Financial Academy with a degree in Finance and Credit. Since May 2001 - Director of the Banking Audit Department of ZAO Arthur Andersen; since April 2003 - Director, General Director of LLC Ernst & Young - Business Consulting. Since September 2009 - Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Reshetnikov Valery

Senior Vice President of Russian Railways

Senior Vice President of Russian Railways


Born in 1952
In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute with a degree in Automated Control Systems, an engineer - systems engineer. From July 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Baltonexim Bank; since February 2002 - Head of the State Institution "Department of Economic Protection of the Ministry of Railways of Russia"; since October 2003 - Head of the Security Department of Russian Railways; since August 2004 - Advisor to the General Director of OAO Severstaltrans; since September 2005 - Advisor to the President of Russian Railways; since March 2007 - Vice President of Russian Railways, since March 2010 - Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Craft Galina

Chief Accountant of Russian Railways

Chief Accountant of Russian Railways

Born in 1950
In 1973 and 1983 she graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Automation, Telemechanics and Communications in Railway Transport and Economics and Organization of Railway Transport, respectively. Doctor of Economic Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1973. Since November 2003 - Vice-President of Russian Railways - Head of the Investment Department; since August 2005 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since December 2005 - chief accountant of Russian Railways.

Epifantsev Sergey

Born in 1953
In 1975 he graduated from the Ufa Aviation Institute with a degree in Electrical Machines and Apparatus, Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Psychology. Since October 2000 - Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; since May 2004 - Chief Federal Inspector for the Rostov Region of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District; since December 2008 - Advisor to the President of Russian Railways; from April 2009 to February 2012 - Secretary of State - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Meshcheryakov Anatoly

Secretary of State - Vice President of Russian Railways

Secretary of State - Vice President of Russian Railways

MESHCHERYAKOV Anatoly Anatolievich

Born in 1966
In 1988 he graduated from the Kiev Higher Military Aviation Engineering School with a degree in Aviation Radio-Electronic Equipment, in 1998 - from the Institute of Modern Business with a degree in Finance and Credit, candidate of technical sciences. From January 2004 - Deputy General Director for External Relations, Director for External Relations - Head of the Department for External Relations, Director for Human Resources and External Relations, First Deputy General Director of CJSC Transmashholding; since December 2011 - Senior Advisor to the President of Russian Railways; since February 2012 - Secretary of State - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Akulov Mikhail

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

AKULOV Mikhail Pavlovich

Born in 1960
In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport. He has been working in railway transport since 1982. Since December 2000, he has been the head of the South-Eastern Railway; since May 2002 - Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since December 2003 - First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since March 2004 - Head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; since December 2005 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since July 2009 - Vice President of Russian Railways - General Director of the Federal Passenger Directorate. Since November 2009 - General Director of Federal Passenger Company OJSC.

Atkov Oleg

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

ATKOV Oleg Yurievich

Born in 1949

In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute. I. M. Sechenov with a degree in General Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Hero of the Soviet Union. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Since May 2002 - Head of the Health Department of the Ministry of Railways of Russia; since October 2003 - Head of the Medical Support Department of Russian Railways; since August 2005 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.


Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

Born in 1955
In 1978 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Operations. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. From February 2001 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; since February 2002 - Head of the Center for Corporate Transport Services; since November 2002 - Head of the Volga Railway; since November 2003 - Vice-President of Russian Railways - General Director of the Center for Corporate Transport Services; since August 2005 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since October 2007 - General Director of JSC Freight One, Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways concurrently; since March 2011 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Bobreshov Alexander

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

BOBRESHOV Alexander Sergeevich

Born in 1965
In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in Instrument Engineering, mechanical engineer. Since April 2000 - General Director of Expert Plus LLC; since February 2004 - Deputy Head, Head of the Security Department of Russian Railways; since August 2005 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Vorobyov Vladimir

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

VOROBYOV Vladimir Borisovich

Born in 1949
In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1969. Since June 1998 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway; since July 2002 - Head of the North Caucasian Railway; from December 2006 to June 2012 - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Vorotilkin Alexey

Vice President of Russian Railways, Head of the Traction Directorate

Vice President of Russian Railways, Head of the Traction Directorate

VOROTILKIN Alexey Valerievich

Born in 1961
In 1988 he graduated from the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport, Candidate of Technical Sciences. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since July 2001 - Deputy Head of the East Siberian Railway; since September 2005 - head of the East Siberian Railway; since June 2008 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since February 2011 - Vice President - Head of the Traction Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways.

Illarionov Alexey

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

ILLARIONOV Alexey Viktorovich

Born in 1966
In 1989 he graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Applied Informatics. He has been working in railway transport since 2005. From November 2005 - Head of the Corporate Informatization Department; since March 2007 - Head of the Department of Informatization and Corporate Management Processes; since November 2012 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Kornilov Georgy

Vice President of Russian Railways

KORNILOV Georgy Viktorovich

Vice President of Russian Railways

Born in 1953
In 1976 he graduated from the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers with a degree in Ship Machinery and Mechanisms, a mechanical engineer. Since September 1980 - service in operational and leadership positions in the bodies of the KGB of the USSR, the FSK, the FSB of Russia; from March 2004 to November 2012 - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Krasnoshchek Anatoly

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

KRASNOSCHEK Anatoly Anisimovich

Born in 1959
In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Management of Railway Transportation Processes, a railway engineer in the management of railway transportation processes, Ph.D. in Economics. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since September 2002 - Deputy Head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway for Transportation; from June 2004 - First Deputy Head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway - Chief Auditor for Train Safety; since March 2005 - First Deputy Head of the Oktyabrskaya Railway; since July 2008 - head of the East Siberian Railway; since December 2011 - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Saltanov Alexander

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

SALTANOV Alexander Vladimirovich

Born in 1946
In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Relations, a specialist in international relations, a referent for the countries of the East. Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation. Since December 1992 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; since February 1999 - Director of the Department for the Middle East and North Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; since October 2001 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; since May 2011 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Tishanin Alexander

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

TISHANIN Alexander Georgievich

Born in 1966

In 1993, he graduated from the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Management of Railway Transportation Processes, a Railway Engineer in the Management of Railway Transportation Processes, in 1999 - Ural State University of Railway Transport with a degree in Economics and Management enterprise (railway transport)”, economist-manager. He has been working in railway transport since 1984. Since April 2004, he has been the head of the East Siberian Railway; since September 2005 - Governor of the Irkutsk region; from September 2008 - Vice President of Russian Railways, from March 2012 to November 2012 - Vice President of Russian Railways - Head of the Traffic Safety Department.

Tony Oleg

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

TONY Oleg Vilyamsovich

Born in 1964
In 1986 he graduated from the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering, in 2003 he graduated from the North-Western Academy of Public Administration with a degree in State and Municipal Administration, Ph.D. in Economics. Since March 2004 - First Deputy Head, Head of the Capital Construction Department of Russian Railways; since April 2006 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Shaidullin Shevket

Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of Russian Railways

Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of Russian Railways

SHAYDULLIN Shevket Nurgalievich

Born in 1961

In 1990, he graduated from the Kuibyshev Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Technical Operation Management of Locomotives, Candidate of Technical Sciences. From September 2002 - Head of the Gorky Railway; since May 2004 - head of the Sverdlovsk railway; since April 2007 - Advisor to the President of Russian Railways; since December 2008 - General Director of CJSC "South Caucasus Railway"; since February 2002 - head of the Kuibyshev railway; since December 2012 - Vice President - Head of the Traffic Safety Department of Russian Railways.

Shakhanov Dmitry

Vice President of Russian Railways

Vice President of Russian Railways

SHAKHANOV Dmitry Sergeevich

Born in 1961
In 1988 he graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR with a degree in jurisprudence, a lawyer. From November 1999 - Deputy General Director of JSC "Lenenergo"; since October 2005 - Deputy General Director of OAO Territorial Generating Company No. 1; since October 2006 - Deputy Director, Director of Roszheldorsnab; since April 2009 - Vice-President of Russian Railways.

Tselko Alexander

Vice President - Head of the West Siberian Railway

Vice President - Head of the West Siberian Railway

TSELKO Alexander Vitalievich

Born in 1956
In 1978 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Operations, a railway engineer for the operation of railways. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1978. Since November 1999, he has been the head of the South Ural Railway; since May 2000 - Deputy, First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; from February 2002 - Head of the West Siberian Railway, from November 2012 - Vice President of Russian Railways.

Bynkov Vadim

Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways

Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways

BYNKOV Vadim Ivanovich

Born in 1962
In 1985 he graduated from Kalinin State University with a degree in jurisprudence, a lawyer. From June 2002 - Head of the Legal Department of OAO Investment Group ALROSA; since April 2004 - lawyer of the Law Office of Bynkov V.I. Bar Association of the Tver Region; since October 2005 - Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways; since December 2007 - Secretary of State - Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways; since April 2009 - Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways.

Gnedkova Olga

Head of the Corporate Finance Department of Russian Railways

Head of the Corporate Finance Department of Russian Railways

GNEDKOVA Olga Eduardovna

Born in 1960
In 1981 she graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Accounting, Ph.D. in Economics. He has been working in railway transport since 1981. Since May 2002 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway - Head of the Financial Service; since September 2004 - Deputy Head of the Moscow Railway for Economics and Finance; from November 2004 - Head of the Financial Management Department of Russian Railways, from September 2005 - Head of the Corporate Finance Department of Russian Railways.

Lapidus Boris

Senior Advisor to the President of Russian Railways

Senior Advisor to the President of Russian Railways

LAPIDUS Boris Moiseevich

Born in 1947
In 1973 and 1984 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in Railway Transport Electrification and Railway Transport Economics and Organization, respectively. Doctor of Economics, Professor. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1967. Since March 1997 - Head, Head of the Department of Economics of the Ministry of Railways of Russia; since November 2003 - Vice-President of Russian Railways; since August 2005 - Senior Vice President of Russian Railways, since March 2010 - General Director of JSC Research Institute of Railway Transport, senior adviser to the President of Russian Railways in combination.

Mikhailov Sergey

Head of the Corporate Communications Department of Russian Railways

Head of the Corporate Communications Department of Russian Railways

MIKHAILOV Sergey Vladimirovich

Born in 1971
In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Journalism, an international journalist with knowledge of a foreign language. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation. Since June 2004 - Advisor to the President of Russian Railways; since May 2005 - Head of the Public Relations Department of Russian Railways; from July 2006 to September 2012 - Head of the Corporate Communications Department of Russian Railways.

Starostenko Vladimir

Advisor to the President of Russian Railways

Advisor to the President of Russian Railways

STAROSTENKO Volodymyr Ivanovych

Born in 1948
In 1975 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Railway Operations, a railway engineer for the operation of railways. Honored Transport Worker of the Russian Federation. He has been working in railway transport since 1966. Since February 1997, he has been the head of the West Siberian Railway; since May 1999 - Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation; since September 1999 - Head of the West Siberian Railway; since February 2002 - Head of the Moscow Railway; since November 2009 - Advisor to the President of Russian Railways.

The work of the Traction Directorate will be based on contracts
Julia Gorova

Alexey Vorotilkin, Vice-President - Head of the Traction Directorate of Russian Railways JSC, talks about the tasks and prospects for the development of the company's locomotive complex.

- Aleksey Valeryevich, being the company's vice-president for locomotive and railcar facilities, you are now also in charge of the Traction Directorate. In connection with what was such a decision made?
- I would like to emphasize that nobody relieved me of the duties of the vice-president and, according to the order of the President of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, everything that I was responsible for before the appointment remained. These are the wagon complex, Zheldorremmash plants, wagon repair plants, supervision of a number of roads in preparation for winter, and some maintenance units. Now the direct management of the Traction Directorate has been added to my duties.
This decision is the result of systematic work to reform the Russian Railways locomotive complex. Recently, a lot of questions and claims have accumulated regarding the work of the company's traction facilities. Now we already see the target model of the reformed complex - these are the Directorate of Traction, the Directorate for the Repair of Traction Rolling Stock, factories, service structures.
At the same time, we single out a single center of responsibility for the entire locomotive economy - the Traction Directorate. And this is the most difficult section in the complex, therefore, it must be managed clearly, quickly, without buildups, especially during the formation period. The leader in this situation cannot waste time studying issues, principles of work organization, etc.
The existing experience will allow organizing rational work, promptly launching a new model, and proving its effectiveness. Here it is very important that the responsibility for the work of the entire locomotive industry is unified, and now it lies entirely with the vice president of the company. That is, we removed the intermediate link, and in six months we need to create the Traction Directorate as a center of competence and responsibility.

- Will the Traction Directorate be the main balance holder of the Russian Railways locomotive fleet?
- Yes, and all conditions must be created for this. We already have the main program concept documents, and we are guided by them. The main assignments at the final board of last year, as tasks for 2011, were given by the president of the company, now we must implement them.
And here it is necessary to note an important point: the system must prove its effectiveness not only from the point of view that the Traction Directorate is responsible as a balance holder. No. It requires a whole range of measures and building a certain ideology.
In particular, we need to have a single customer for locomotive traction services in the Russian Railways system, which would work on the “one stop shop” principle. We assume that this should be the Central Directorate of Traffic Control, which will order the required number of locomotives and crews to organize operational work and ensure transportation, according to the plan.
Obviously, for the correct distribution of resources, planning repairs, maintaining the contingent of locomotive crews in the right quantity, etc. all this needs to be concentrated somewhere. And this will happen just in the Traction Directorate.

- What do you see as the main principles of the work of this unit?
- Today, for example, we work with plants that are not part of the Russian Railways structure, on the principle of contracts. Exactly the same system, in my opinion, should be built in relation to our repair complex, Zheldorremmash plants, and service centers. That is, interaction should be built on the basis of agreements and mutual financial and economic responsibility.
The Traction Directorate will have to distribute plans, on the basis of which the Zheldorremmash plants, the repair complex, and service centers will prepare their budgets, which they will have to defend in this Directorate. In turn, the Traction Directorate itself will defend the budget against the main financial and economic block of Russian Railways. It will be necessary to provide justifications why such a budget is needed, for example, for the maintenance of a locomotive.
And after we have defended this budget, we must be responsible for the fact that there will be no shortage of locomotives, repair facilities, spare parts and other necessary resources.

- To what extent was the practice of such a combination of positions used in the company before? Do you see any positive example in this sense for further work?
- Here it is worth considering also the fact that the administrative resource of the vice-president is much higher than the resource of the head of the directorate. Also, the fact that the vice president is a member of the board of Russian Railways plays a significant role. This, of course, will also contribute to a more efficient result. Plus, certain knowledge and experience of my work in the locomotive industry. On the whole, the combination of the positions of vice-president and head of the directorate is, first of all, an increase in responsibility for a specific case.
As for the existing practice, my appointment is really not a test of the pen. The company already has such experience and continues to practice. Mikhail Akulov, Vice-President of Russian Railways, was appointed General Director of Federal Passenger Company, and in the course of work, this decision showed the correctness of the chosen management method. Firstly, unnecessary management links are removed, which I have already mentioned. Secondly, the role of the vice-president and his responsibility to the company are increasing.
I think that based on the experience of Mikhail Pavlovich, and, I hope, my own experience, similar actions will be possible in the future to improve the efficiency of one or another area of ​​the company's activities.

- What will be your next steps in the new capacity?
- The primary task facing us is the creation of a functioning living organism, that is, it is necessary to decide on the governing bodies. Taking into account the fact that I am fully familiar with the locomotive theme, there should not be any fundamental changes, although, of course, some reorganizations will be carried out. Some staff units may be removed as having not proven their effectiveness, and some, on the contrary, will be added.
Obviously, the responsibility of some individuals will change. Given the workload of the vice president, it is necessary to additionally consider the distribution of responsibilities of managers within the directorate. For example, who exactly will be responsible for the block of locomotive crews. After all, this is the main block - 120 thousand drivers and assistants. This is a very serious job, for the implementation of which today a whole staff is involved on each road. Therefore, here we need to show very great responsibility and not miss the moment. All organizational and technical measures have already been planned. But I don't need to meet people. Thanks to my experience as a vice president, I already know them all.
Although the Russian Railways locomotive complex was previously under my control, there is still direct control, and there is direct control. More attention will now be paid, for example, to issues related to social life, from the manager here at the central headquarters of the Traction Directorate, right down to the ordinary engineer.
And these duties are not at all a burden. On the contrary, the leader needs to know who breathes what. And employees, in turn, need to understand that they are waiting for a lot of hard work and serious responsibility.

All these years, reforms have been going on in railway transport. The Russian Railways company was created, and then the main business blocks were formed within it. Much has changed in the locomotive complex - the structure, development and management strategy. How the traction service lives today, what problems it solves - this is our conversation.

Alexey Vorotilkin, Vice President of Russian Railways

- Alexey Valeryevich, what is the locomotive complex today? What fundamental changes have taken place in it?

The outgoing year is a very important milestone for us. Today we can say with confidence that the reform started in 2009 has been completed, the structure, the logic of internal relations and the financial model of the locomotive complex have been formed. There is still a lot to be done, but this is more of a fine-tuning of the created mechanism.
The most important thing is that the whole work of the locomotive complex has changed dramatically. But this did not happen in a year, it was preceded by at least five years of work. After the government made decisions to reform the entire industry and the creation of Russian Railways, there were many reformist ideas. On the one hand, it was necessary to get away from all the dogmas that had been established since the time of the People's Commissariat of Railways, and on the other hand, previous generations laid down many good traditions, and I wanted to keep them.
We started with a thorough analysis, identifying all the advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage was that the boundaries of resource possibilities were not defined. All profits and expenses were cooked in a common pot, there used to be even such an expression: expenses “sit on the wheel”. That's how it's been going down the ages. The administrative system was very strong. But the consciousness of people who survived perestroika has changed very much, another generation has come, with a different worldview. That's when the understanding appeared that cardinal changes were needed, that the traction economy should be divided into repair and maintenance components, that it was necessary to understand the cost mechanism in order to manage it pointwise.
As a result, the structure of the locomotive complex was built as follows. The Traction Directorate has become the sole center of responsibility for the provision of locomotives and locomotive crews and is the balance holder of traction rolling stock. And the Directorate for the repair of locomotives remains the balance holder of buildings, structures, machinery and equipment of repair locomotive depots. In addition, the latter has assumed the role of a service provider for the repair and maintenance of security devices and microprocessor systems. The design bureau of the locomotive economy PKB TsT is a center for engineering support, analysis and methodology. Responsibility for the current maintenance and repair of locomotives lies with the service companies - LLC "TMH-Service" and LLC "STM-Service", and for the average and factory repairs - at the locomotive repair plants of JSC "Zheldorremmash". And locomotive-building plants are engaged in the production of locomotives, the introduction of new engineering solutions, technologies and materials.
Today, the locomotive complex is a system of independent units united by the logic of contractual relations. And the main thing has been created - budgetary management of this entire process, regardless of the form of subordination and ownership. The head of the directorate, signing financial documents every day, manages all these structures not by force of order, not by administration, but through money. When you do not pay for work not done or poorly done, the effect is completely different than from a disciplinary sanction order. This is a completely new form of management in the Russian Railways system.

- And, undoubtedly, effective: the signature on the payment document is much more weighty than all persuasions and orders. But how is this method of management implemented in practice?

- Let me give you an example: the diesel locomotive TEM14 of the Lyudinovsky plant did not provide the specified parameters. Instead of 20% savings in diesel fuel in real operation, it amounted to only 6%. And we stopped purchasing these locomotives. And here is the result: they were finalized in six months, and since the second half of 2014 we have been buying these cars again. Or here's a fresh example: at the Bryansk plant, after discussing the quality of products, it was decided not to purchase EP20 in the quantity that was planned. This is a good locomotive, but it is necessary to bring it to such a technical condition that will allow it to work without defects in passenger traffic. The new approach allows us to influence the quality. Thus, Zheldorremmash plants reduced the percentage of equipment failure by 21%. Previously, when they were part of our structure, we paid up to 2 billion rubles. for worn, damaged or missing parts. And this year we spent a little more than 300 million rubles. Financial mechanisms discipline all participants in the process much faster and more strictly. They also apply to us when, due to the fault of the locomotive crews, the operation technology is violated and we are presented with monetary claims.

- And how have the technologies of the locomotive economy changed? And do you manage to provide traction for transportation needs today?

Among the main achievements of the current year, it should be noted the transition to polygon technologies for the operation of locomotives and locomotive crews. We have created five traction resource control centers on the road network. This made it possible to meet the needs for transportation and, at the same time, save the number of locomotives and locomotive crews used. Unproductive losses decreased by 1.7 million hours, or RUB 191.8 million, and overtime work decreased by 5.2 million hours, or RUB 1,496.5 million.
The new technology is making a big difference. If earlier the locomotive traveled only 300-400 km per day, because it was spinning within the boundaries of the road, now it travels an average of 1200 km at the landfills in the same day. Yes, and locomotives can now be purchased not on the basis of "dividing among all", but based on the needs of the landfill. As a result, electric locomotives of the 2ES5K series, operating on a system of many units, successfully drive trains weighing 7100 tons along the entire length of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Mezhdurechensk to Smolyaninov. "Ermaks" provide traction for the entire Eastern range. The fleet of diesel locomotives 3TE10 operating at BAM was completely modernized by replacing diesel engines 10D100 with D49. The fleet of locomotives of the Ural-Siberian test site is replenished with electric locomotives of the 2ES6 and 2ES10 Granit series.

- In previous years, the great wear and tear of the locomotive fleet caused great concern. Have you managed to stop this negative trend? What new locomotives will guarantee transportation in the future?

We managed to overcome the wear and tear of the locomotive fleet. If in recent years it has reached 80% for individual series of locomotives, now a turning point has come: for diesel locomotives this figure has dropped to 68-69%, for electric locomotives - up to 60%. The park is being renovated, and the company's management supports us in this. The modernization of locomotives with the extension of service life and the optimization of the fleet also make it possible to reduce the rate of wear and tear. This year, we completed the formation of the entire line of locomotives that we need to ensure any transportation within the borders of Russia. There are 20,800 locomotives in the Russian Railways fleet, of which almost 11,000 are diesel locomotives. Of the total number of 7 thousand shunting, the rest are trunk. As for new locomotives, the industry today offers us equipment with completely new technical parameters. Recently, the Bryansk plant pleased us - it produced the main diesel locomotive 2TE25AM. He has improved all the characteristics. And most importantly, it is good because it was built in Russia. From now on, we are not dependent on anyone, no matter what cataclysms occur in neighboring countries.

- The locomotive fleet is used more and more intensively. How has this affected operational performance? And what changes did it cause in the locomotive complex itself?

In the current year, the average daily performance of the locomotive amounted to 1965 thousand tkm. gross, or 106.8% of the plan, the average train weight is 3928 tons, or 100.4% of the plan. At the same time, the sectional speed indicator was not met - 99.7% of the plan, or 37.6 km / h. But it depends on many factors, including the throughput of the section, the size of the traffic, the condition of the track. The park is heavily used. Such work requires a different planning of the construction of maintenance shops and rest houses. Previously, a turnover point appeared, with it there was a rest house for locomotive crews plus a rehabilitation center. And today we are building administrative and amenity complexes. The cost of each is 300-350 million rubles, such a complex is launched in a year and a half. The driver there can wash after the trip, change clothes and go home in a civilized manner. Previously, one ABK was built on the road, and now several such facilities are commissioned annually. Recently they have been opened in Vanino and Nyandoma.

- New technologies also require a new model of personnel policy. What is it based on?

- First of all, the attitude towards the driver and, in general, towards locomotive crews is changing. We somehow calculated that the responsibility of the driver is mentioned in 353 (!) Instructions. It turns out that he did not have time to go to work - he had already violated something. Let's break it down. Now there is a rule: if you violate the instructions, go and learn. There is everything for this - classrooms for technical studies, simulators, and tests are accepted through a special automated knowledge testing system - ASPT. By the way, simulators are created on the basis of the equipment that is operated in this depot.
It is time to reconsider and one of the main elements on which the management inside the locomotive depot is built is the driver-instructors and the system of columns. They do not give the desired effect, because everything has changed. The instructor often becomes a young machinist with a higher education. On the one hand, this seems to be correct, but on the other hand, he is no longer the “father of his own,” whom they unconditionally believed. It's just an illusion of guidance.
Now an experiment is underway: in each directorate, in one of the depots, an impersonal system for securing locomotive crews has been introduced. And the instructors were divided into driver-inspectors and those who should teach. The inspector can check any team, his task is to identify all violations, but the driver will not be punished for them, but forced to study. Others will teach - a training engineer, driver-instructors in brakes and heat engineering. The driver can engage in self-training or study remotely, but then he needs to pass the test. Even at the initial level, such a system gives a noticeable effect. Where this experiment is carried out, there are fewer violations, and relations in teams are changing for the better.
As for punishments, I believe that it is impossible to deprive a person of a bonus in advance - until the end of the month, it turns out that he has not worked yet, but he has already been punished. You can only be punished for the trip in which the violation was detected. It's time to move away from such a repressive ideology. But the incentive system has to be imposed by a volitional method. Today, there are 17 types of incentives in the traction service, not counting industry and state awards. This year, the highest award of the Traction Directorate - "Honorary Worker" was introduced, a bonus of 40 thousand rubles is due to it. There are badges "The best machinist" of three degrees, it's like the Order of Labor Glory.
And I want the whole network to say: exactingness is not a reprimand to a person to declare, exactingness is to force him to do the job correctly.

- You say that the new ideology is hard to implement. But after all, its advantages are obvious - this is respect for the working person, increasing the prestige of the profession of a machinist, leading in railway transport. Who can resist this?

The old administrative system resists, the force of habit in the localities interferes. After all, it’s easier to punish a person than to teach, he announced a reprimand - he seems to have fulfilled his leading task. But the situation is slowly changing. If for 11 months of 2013 23447 disciplinary sanctions were announced, then this year - only 9101 (more than two times less!).
We will get rid of the old approaches in everything. You know how the locomotive workers perceive the medical examination - they are afraid that they will not let you on the flight. More than a thousand people are suspended from work every month - but doctors save their lives! If a driver has a heart attack or a stroke on a flight, not only his own life, but also traffic safety will be at risk. Therefore, we instructed: to identify the most picky doctors and encourage them from the management with a valuable gift. The driver's potential is higher than in other professions, and the attitude towards him is special. Therefore, it is important to increase its awareness of the transformations that are taking place in the locomotive complex, and of the decisions that the management vertical is making. In this regard, we are starting a new project - the publication of the newspaper "Machinist" together with the editors of "Gudok". The name speaks for itself - who is it more focused on and what status do we give to this profession. We need a live response, feedback. I would like us not only to hear each other, but also to have a dialogue. What is being done now for the driver has never been done. There are meetings of machinists, meetings with the president of the company, where the most pressing problems are discussed. The Machinist newspaper should conduct a business-like, constructive conversation about everything that worries both the leaders of any link and ordinary workers.

- What is your wish to the machinists and all employees of the directorate in the new year?

I wish health, prosperity to you and your loved ones, and let the green light on the “weekend”!
