Hnk now. Is there life after GosNarkoControl? What does FSKN do?

At the beginning of 2015, it became known about the liquidation of the largest state structure - the federal drug control service of the Russian Federation. The news caused a lot of discussion. First of all, the employees of the department, whose further fate remained completely unknown, were indignant. No less questions were raised by the decision to transfer all powers and affairs to law enforcement agencies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is already not happy with the results of its activities, and now there is an additional burden. What is the reason for the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service and how it will affect the fight against drugs in the country will be discussed below.


After the entry into force of the presidential law of September 26, 2002, the State Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed. The reason for the creation of the new department was the increase in cases of manufacturing and distribution of drugs in different regions of the country. Law enforcement agencies could not cope with the task, so a structure was needed, the purpose of which would be to track distribution routes, identify a network of organizers and manufacturers.

In 2003, the committee was transformed into the State Drug Control Service, headed by Police General V. V. Cherkesov. The new department received a large staff of employees, previously reduced from the tax police. In the same year, a regulation was approved that regulates the scope of the organization's activities, the rights and powers of officials. In 2004, the structure received its final name - the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN).

In 2011, the service even received its own banner, approved by presidential decree. But already in 2015, they started talking about the imminent reorganization of the two state structures of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. The reason was a protracted crisis, massive cuts were required to stabilize the budget.

Direction of activity

The tasks of the department are regulated by the Regulation of 2003. The activities of employees are aimed at preventing and detecting cases of illegal drug trafficking. The structure was not engaged in criminal prosecution, its duties included a preliminary investigation with the transfer of cases to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the prosecutor's office. According to the orders of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, officials had the right to conduct administrative proceedings with their subsequent transfer to court.

One of the goals of the service was to coordinate with various structures and state bodies on issues of control over the circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances. The primary task for the organization was to establish relations with similar structures in other countries to obtain data on the import or export of prohibited substances. For 13 years, a single database was created, where data were entered on the persons involved in the commission of the crime, their connections, and others. From 2008 until the liquidation, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service was Viktor Petrovich Ivanov.


In 2007, in order to optimize work in the field of drug control, the State Anti-Drug Committee was formed. This body did not perform any executive functions, its tasks included coordinating the actions of other departments in the process of combating drug trafficking. It included ministers and directors of the most important state structures of the Russian Federation, headed by an aide to the president of the Russian Federation. Organizes the work of the anti-drug committee management of the Federal Drug Control Service.

The federal service consists of 10 departments:

  • administrative;
  • operational-search;
  • own security;
  • international legal;
  • investigative;
  • cooperation with other departments;
  • logistic support;
  • forensic;
  • personnel.

In each city of the country, regional departments were formed, which were subordinate to the central offices in the region and in Moscow.

Public opinion

Oddly enough, the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service among the ordinary population either went unnoticed or found support. Over the years of the service, a rather ambiguous opinion has developed about her. According to statistics, more than half of the convicts in Russian colonies are serving sentences under Art. 228, that is, for drug trafficking. And many cases of detention and indictment raise doubts about the legality of the actions of employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. Most dealers were arrested during test purchases, when a person is sometimes deliberately led to purchase illegal substances.

Therefore, public opinion about the structure was negative. In all sorts of forums, you can find stories of people who were charged for not wanting to share information or because of personal hostility. It is difficult to judge the correctness of certain statements, but the fact that the system required changes was clear to many. True, no one expected that they would be so dramatic.


Another cause of public dissatisfaction was the unexpected and sometimes strange initiatives of the leadership of the Federal Service. In 2004, a big scandal was caused by a decree banning the use of the drug "Ketamine" in veterinary clinics. This drug is used for anesthesia and anesthesia of animals. This decision caused a heated discussion in society and among veterinarians. At their own peril and risk, they did not stop using Ketamine, because of which many criminal cases were opened.

The ketamine wars continued until 2006, when the Plenum of the Supreme Court authorized the use of the drug in the treatment of animals. One of the veterinarians, A. Shpak, received the most serious term; he was sentenced to 8 years for attempting to transfer a prohibited substance. This case caused a great and long discussion in the press.

Public criticism

According to experts, the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service was caused not only by financial difficulties in the country, but also by the extreme distrust of the population in this department. Over the years, the activity of narcotic drugs has increased several times. There are no fewer drug addicts either, according to the public, brothels exist and will continue to exist, since law enforcement agencies simply turn a blind eye to most of them.

The indignation of the population is also caused by all kinds of corruption scandals and information about abuse of power. For example, a loud scandal erupted around a strange incident in Veliky Novgorod, where the deputy head of the local branch of the Federal Drug Control Service pointed out to a local resident the place of laying a batch of amphetamine in exchange for a gadget from a well-known company. There was also a case with the death of two employees from a drug overdose in a sauna owned by the department.

Throughout the country, synthetic drugs have become widespread, causing much greater consequences for the human body. For several months they could not draw up and issue a law prohibiting this type of drug. Along with this, doctors are sounding the alarm, because today, terminally ill people who experience terrible suffering must go through a series of bureaucratic obstacles to obtain permission to use strong painkillers.


In 2014, Russia was on the verge of another crisis. The fall in oil prices, as well as the depreciation of the ruble, led to a serious budget deficit. As part of the new anti-crisis program, the Ministry of Finance of Russia presented a new direction for saving public funds - it was proposed to abolish two federal services.

The liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service entailed the dismissal of 27 thousand employees throughout the country, only 7.5 thousand are planned to be transferred to a new department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Initially, the deadlines until July 1, 2017 were called, but in a recent statement, Dmitry Medvedev announced the extension of actions to reorganize the structure until October 1, 2017.

The fate of employees

As planned by the government, the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service was supposed to affect the highest ranks, it was planned to significantly reduce the administrative apparatus. But according to the old Russian tradition, ordinary employees suffered the most. In 2016, during a direct line with the population, V.V. Putin assured the audience of the groundlessness of fears about the dismissal of a large number of people.

Former employees express angry indignation at the ongoing reform related to the reduction of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. According to No. 156, any person who is willing and suitable for training can transfer to serve in another department without a probationary period. But more than 16 thousand people turned out to be unfit for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for some reason. And those who moved did not receive monetary compensation for months of forced inactivity for several months. The courts of various subjects of the Russian Federation constantly receive claims for reinstatement or payment of due funds.

Consequences of the reduction

But the truth, as always, was different. The massive Federal Drug Control Service and the transfer of cases to other structures will have a very painful effect on the entire fight against drug trafficking. Prosecutors and analysts are already seeing a significant slowdown in efforts to detect and prevent the illegal sale of narcotic drugs. The situation is even worse with organized groups, which, having felt freedom, even lowered the prices of goods and do not hide much.

Dealers celebrated the liquidation of Gosnarkokontrol in the same way as bandits celebrated the collapse of the RUBOP in 2008. It took place due to the coincidence of many factors, the main of which were nurtured within the service itself.

The first two opium wars were unleashed in the 19th century by Britain in China. Today, the "third opium" has unfolded in Afghanistan, and its beneficiaries are somewhat different, and the losers may be all of us.

From one police to another

To date, according to the UN, about 200 thousand people die every year from drugs in the world. The blatant transparency of the Central Asian borders allowed the drug wave to overwhelm Russia.

In the 1990s, drug addiction became the scourge of young people - state institutions were powerless against its growth.

At the beginning of the 2000s, during the reforms of the state apparatus, the president decided on an ambiguous move - instead of the tax police, create a structure to combat drug crime. Moreover, most of the tax officials, who turned out to be forty thousand people, had to be retrained for a new specialization.

Considering that the original department was assembled according to the principle of Noah's Ark, all this motley audience from the former military, Chekists, police, prosecutors in one stroke became drug police.


The professional composition of the new service, although it was of various origins, was impressive. The new service was headed by the former first deputy director of the FSB, Viktor Cherkesov, who had extensive experience in investigative work.

And the already mentioned forty thousand former tax officers were joined by about three thousand policemen from the then disbanded OBNON (departments for combating drug trafficking).

The State Committee for Drug Control, or in common parlance Gosnarkokontrol, began work in July 2003, but it took about a year and a half to get on its feet and begin to bring results.

“The operational backbone was formed by 2005, - says the former deputy director of the Federal Drug Control Service, Police Lieutenant General Alexander Mikhailov. — And the main task then set before the service was to reduce the demand for drugs. Without this prevention, other functions simply did not make sense.

“In 2006, we reported on the level of drug use in the country, ranging from two to three million people,” Mikhailov continues. - During the work of Cherkesov, this figure has not increased, even managed to achieve a slight decrease.

According to him, if before 2005 the annual increase in registered drug addicts was 25%, by 2008 it had dropped to 1.5%.

One of the former heads of the Federal Drug Control Service at the district level, let's call him Sidorov, on condition of anonymity, told Reedus how the work of the service was built on the "ground".

As it turned out, it was there that the first “cop wars” in the history of the new service began to develop - conflicts between law enforcement agencies.

“Since I worked in my hometown, I was not indifferent to the situation, unlike many colleagues, — recalls a former district leader. — Therefore, in the first six months of work, almost 3 kilograms of heroin were seized, which was a decent figure for the district level at that time.”

I must say that the Federal Drug Control Service, unlike the police, did not have a cane system. The latter worked according to the “APPG (the same period last year) +1” scheme, that is, a constant increase in indicators was artificially created.

“For this, the most diverse set of tricks was used, including completely inhuman ones, - the interlocutor says. “For example, gypsies were brought to the serviced territory, who started selling drugs, and the valiant police tracked the buyers and took them away until the required figure was reached, while receiving bribes from criminals.”

But there were cases and "funny".

Once, the duty unit received a call from a fitness club, where they found a bag with white powder and a pack of dollars, - again, on condition of anonymity, says a former employee of the central office of the Federal Drug Control Service, let's call him Petrov. - It turned out that almost a kilogram of heroin and money belonged to the son of one of the Central Asian diplomats. As a result, the powder turned out to be washing powder, the money turned out to be joke bank tickets, but the case was not opened, but the entire department, whose employees spent time, used mobile communications for free for a year, ”the law enforcement officer recalls about non-standard gratitude.

The bad reputation of the OBNONS led to the fact that many heads of the FSKN subdivisions deliberately did not take former policemen into their team, preferring people “from the street” to them, who, although they did not give results earlier than a year later, were not noticed in discrediting connections.

“For the sake of fairness, I’ll say that there were a lot of“ protectors ”among ours, - notes Sidorov. — There are plenty of examples when, in the early morning, special forces took the apartments of death dealers in other districts and regions and found only traces of hasty gathering there. The local chief, either ours or in the police department, was in the know and warned, so relations deteriorated as soon as it became clear who was who.”

Quite a few in the Federal Drug Control Service, according to Petrov, turned out to be "temporary workers" who saw in the service a source of income.

The operatives managed to sell the confiscated goods right on Lubyanka Square, not in the least embarrassed either by the “big brothers” looking out of the windows of the buildings opposite, or by police colleagues from the Kitai-Gorod police department.

However, the ex-drug police themselves are sure that the police will not be able to replace the FSKN, no matter how bad or good it may be.

"Reform of any special service, - says Sidorov, - or the creation of a new one always entails at least a six-month pause in work until everything settles down.

According to the interlocutor, “It will take a couple of years for the new head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be able to work more or less at the level, but drug crime is always international, and the threat comes from outside”.

With the abandonment of many experienced employees, a huge layer of operational capabilities has been lost. In general, if it were necessary to create a combat-ready structure, it would be possible to take a couple of issues of the FSB Academy, and there would be no this motley crowd that dragged the service in different directions, like a swan, cancer and pike, the law enforcement officer is sure.

“Or it was necessary to transfer the functions of the FSKN to the FSB, and not to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since drug crime is international. In order to successfully counter it, the FSB, the border guards, and the Foreign Intelligence Service need to work together,” summarizes the interlocutor.

“The question of the liquidation of the structure has been periodically raised since its inception, - says the ex-deputy head of the Federal Drug Control Service. — But I think the decision to terminate the existence of the department is wrong. It was just necessary to change the tyrants back to professionals. The country needs a service that would coordinate countering the drug threat.”

It is hard to disagree with the general, given that, according to statistics, one sixth of the working-age population of Russia is made up of drug users.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has reshuffled the leadership of several regional departments of the Federal Drug Control Service, dismissing seven heads of the Federal Drug Control Service.

On September 24, 2002, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was established.

On March 11, 2003, the State Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Controlling the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Gosnarkokontrol of Russia) by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

On March 9, 2004, the State Drug Control Service of Russia was renamed into the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Controlling the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

July 28, 2004 The Federal Service of the Russian Federation for the Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances was renamed the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for the Control of Drugs by Presidential Decree.

The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of countering their illicit trafficking.

By a presidential decree of July 28, 2004, the maximum staffing of the Service and its territorial bodies was set at 40,000.

According to the instructions "On the procedure for recruitment, testing when hiring, appointment to positions, concluding contracts for service, dismissal from positions and assignment of special ranks in the bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", approved by order of the Federal Drug Control Service dated 8 October 2009, citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, but not older than 40, who speak Russian, who are capable of their personal and business qualities, existing professional education and state of health to ensure the fulfillment of the functions assigned to the drug control authorities.

In order to recruit citizens for service in the drug control bodies, they are selected and studied.

The selection and study of citizens for employment in the drug control bodies is carried out by the leadership of the drug control bodies and their structural divisions in cooperation with the Personnel Department of the Personnel Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, personnel and educational work divisions of territorial bodies, organizations of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia.

The study of citizens for admission to service in drug control bodies, including citizens from among employees of federal executive bodies that provide for law enforcement service, and military personnel for admission to service in drug control bodies in the order of transfer, is divided into:

a) preliminary study, which consists in studying the business, professional and personal (personal) qualities of citizens selected for service in drug control bodies, as well as information and documents submitted by citizens for admission to service in drug control bodies;

b) medical examination of citizens in order to determine their health suitability for service in drug control bodies;

c) verification of information and documents submitted by citizens, the presence of which may prevent admission to the service in the drug control bodies.

For a citizen entering the service of the drug control authorities for the first time, a test lasting from three to six months may be established, depending on the level of his professional training and the position to which he is appointed.

During the test, further study of the business, professional and personal (personal) qualities of the trainee is carried out. During the probation, the trainee performs duties and enjoys the rights in accordance with the position he fills and the terms of the employment contract.

Trainees hired by the drug control authorities who do not have the skills and abilities to perform the job duties stipulated by the job description for their position are mentored.

Based on the results of the test, the immediate supervisor draws up a certificate of test results. In the event that the probation period has expired, and the citizen continues to serve, he is considered to have passed the probation.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

    Flag and emblem of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia). The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) was established on July 28, 2004. Until March 11, 2003 ... ... Wikipedia

    The emblem of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The flag of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) The Federal Service of the Russian Federation, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the President of Russia. The main goal ... ... Wikipedia

    The emblem of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The flag of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) The Federal Service of the Russian Federation, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the President of Russia. The main goal ... ... Wikipedia

    Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia)- 1. The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) is a federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, ... ... Official terminology

    The Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that exercises control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, over the correct calculation, ... ... Wikipedia

    The emblem of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The flag of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN of Russia) The Federal Service of the Russian Federation, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the President of Russia. The main goal ... ... Wikipedia

    The federal service is a kind of federal executive bodies of Russia. Main function: control and supervision over the implementation of legal norms in a certain area, as well as the provision of services. The status of federal services was ordered in 2004 in ... ... Wikipedia

    Emblem of the Federal Penitentiary Service Flag of the Federal Penitentiary Service, 2005 The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of Russia (formerly the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments (GUIN)) is a federal executive body ... ... Wikipedia

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “Issues of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation”, the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is headed by a director with the rank of a federal minister, appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia introduced the positions of four deputy directors appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, and 10 departments in the main areas of activity. The total number of employees of the central office is determined in the amount of 1400 units. The structure of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia includes the following units:

    Federal Drug Control Service of Russia - the central office;

    regional departments for federal districts;

    management in the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    organizations and divisions that ensure the activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia

Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (central office) consists of the following departments: organizational and regional activities; operational-search; interdepartmental and informational; investigation department; international legal activity; staffing; operational support; special and forensic support; logistic support; administrative apparatus.

The structure of departments includes management, taking into account the nature of its activities. Thus, the department of organizational and regional activities includes seven departments according to the number of federal districts and an organizational and inspection department; in the operational-search department - three departments: for combating drug crime, undermining the economic foundations of drug crime, controlling legal drug trafficking - and the department of inquiries and administrative practice.

  1. Organization of FSKN activities

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is headed by the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The director is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity.

The director organizes the work of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and manages its activities on the principles of unity of command.

The director has deputies who are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The number of deputy directors is established by the President of the Russian Federation.


    establishes the powers of his deputies, distributes responsibilities between them, establishes the powers of other officials of the drug control authorities to resolve operational, organizational, staffing, personnel, financial, production and economic and other issues related to the competence of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;

    informs the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation about the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity;

    represents the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in relations with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state bodies, as well as with the competent authorities of foreign states, international and other organizations;

    develops and submits, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, proposals for changing the staffing of drug control bodies, their financing and logistical support;

    approves, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the established staffing and payroll fund, the structure of the central office and the staffing table of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, its territorial bodies, organizations and divisions, as well as the cost estimate for their maintenance within the limits of the appropriations approved for the corresponding year, provided for in federal budget;

    approves the regulation on the collegium of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;

    forms collegiums in territorial bodies and approves their composition;

    approves the charters of organizations included in the system of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, appoints and dismisses their leaders, concludes, amends and terminates employment agreements (contracts) with them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    issues regulatory legal acts of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, organizes verification of their implementation;

    cancels acts that contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, issued by the heads of drug control bodies;

    submits, in accordance with the established procedure, for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of normative legal acts and proposals concerning the improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation on issues related to the established field of activity;

    submits, in accordance with the established procedure, for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation proposals for the approval of members of the collegium of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia who are not members of it ex officio;

    submits proposals for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of positions in the list of positions of the highest commanding staff of the drug control bodies, as well as on the appointment of employees of the drug control bodies to the positions of the highest commanding staff and on conferring the highest special ranks on them;

    approves, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the established staffing, the list of positions in the central office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, except for the positions of the highest commanding staff, as well as the list of positions filled by persons of junior, middle and senior commanding staff of the drug control bodies, and the special ranks corresponding to these positions;

    determines, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for recruitment to the service (work), testing for admission to the service, appointment to positions in drug control bodies, conclusion of service contracts, dismissal from positions, dismissal from service (work) in these bodies, and also suspends service in them; dismisses from service (work) employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control bodies, as well as appoints and dismisses the indicated persons, with the exception of persons replacing the positions of the highest commanding staff;

    organizes in drug control bodies the protection of information constituting state and other secrets protected by law;

    determines the list (nomenclature) of positions in the system of drug control bodies, appointment to and release from which is carried out by deputy directors and heads of territorial bodies;

    determines the procedure for the use of real and conditional names in drug control bodies, assigns conditional names in accordance with the established procedure;

    assigns special ranks up to and including police colonel to drug control officers;

    assigns, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, class ranks to federal state employees of the drug control authorities;

    submits for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation proposals on awarding state awards of the Russian Federation, a Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation to employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control bodies, persons assisting these bodies in solving the tasks assigned to them, as well as declaring them gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation Federations;

    establishes departmental awards (medals, badges, certificates of honor) for awarding employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control bodies, as well as persons assisting these bodies in solving the tasks assigned to them, approves the provisions on these awards and their descriptions;

    awards nominal firearms and edged weapons in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as departmental awards, valuable gifts or cash prizes;

    determines, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure and conditions for paying bonuses and rewards to employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control authorities, establishes other additional payments within the limits of funds allocated from the federal budget for the maintenance of drug control authorities;

    resolves issues of encouraging employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control bodies and applying disciplinary measures to them;

    takes decisions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the extension of the service life of individual employees of the drug control bodies who have reached the age limit for service, with the exception of employees in positions for which the assignment of special ranks of the highest commanding staff is envisaged;

    assigns employees of drug control bodies to federal state authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state bodies, as well as organizations in the manner and on conditions established by the President of the Russian Federation;

    makes decisions on receiving delegations from the competent authorities of foreign states and sending delegations of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia to foreign states within the funds allocated from the federal budget for the maintenance of drug control bodies;

    resolves, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, issues related to the secondment of employees, federal civil servants and employees of drug control bodies abroad;

    decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service, issues related to the passage of the federal public service in the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;

    determines, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for the transfer of operational information and special technical products by the drug control authorities to the competent authorities of foreign states;

    manages, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, financial resources allocated from the federal budget for the maintenance of drug control bodies;

    approves, in accordance with the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the norms for the regulation of military hand-held small arms, cartridges for them, edged weapons and ammunition, means of communication and protection, special equipment and special means, auxiliary equipment and apparatus, material and technical and vehicles for drug control authorities;

    approves the range of special equipment and materiel, in respect of which the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia performs the functions of a state customer for placing orders, concluding, paying, monitoring and accounting for the implementation of state contracts for the state defense order;

    determines the norms and procedure for spending financial resources for carrying out activities related to the implementation of operational-search activities by drug control bodies;

    manages the material and technical means of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and makes decisions on the write-off and (or) sale, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of surplus, unused, obsolete and worn out material and technical means;

    approves, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, estimate documentation for capital construction, reconstruction and overhaul of objects of drug control bodies;

    determines, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procedure for conducting official checks in drug control bodies;

    solves issues related to the provision of residential premises from the official housing stock of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;

    manages the activities of the State Anti-Drug Committee;

    exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, a collegium is formed consisting of the director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (chairman of the collegium), his deputies who are members of it ex officio, as well as other persons.

The composition of the collegium of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (except for persons included in it ex officio) is approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

Financing the costs of maintaining the central office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, its territorial bodies, as well as organizations and divisions created in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia is a legal entity, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, as well as accounts, including foreign currency, opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


During the course of the training practice in the department of inquiry of the Regional Directorate for the Altai Territory of the Federal Drug Control Service of Rubtsovsk, he was personally present during the interrogation of the victim, the accused, witnesses, to make sure of their effectiveness and legality, to study the interrogation procedure. All investigative actions are recorded. The record of an investigative action shall be drawn up in the course of an investigative action or immediately after its completion.

The organizational and structural improvement of the internal affairs bodies management system is a constant, ongoing process, which is explained by the changing operational situation in our country and the modification of the tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies. Such a process is objective not only for internal affairs bodies, but also for all social systems that are affected by objective factors that are constantly changing both in content and in their influence on the systems. In the light of the Concept for the Development and Improvement of the Activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, it can be noted that certain areas for improving the activities of the department have already been significantly changed by now. Such a conclusion can be drawn, in particular, about the legal support, improvement of the organizational and managerial sphere.

On the basis of the educational practice passed, it can be concluded that the assimilation of theoretical material on questions of inquiry, criminal and criminal procedure legislation as a whole is more complete and voluminous, if it is possible to actually see its application during practice.

The overall impression of the training practice passed is positive. I believe that the purpose of the work done - deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge, gaining practical experience - has been completed.

The purpose of the introductory practice - to give future lawyers a clear idea of ​​how law enforcement agencies are built and what functions they perform, how they interact with each other, other state and public organizations, what their social purpose is - has been fully achieved. The knowledge acquired in the process of practical activity will undoubtedly be necessary for future lawyers.
