How to quickly grow a hedge. We select spectacular shrubs to create a hedge

A fast-growing perennial evergreen hedge can be an excellent solution for a summer cottage or a country estate. Such landings are not only an original decoration, but also have a very practical function. They will protect from prying eyes, as well as from dust and extraneous noise. Of course, initially you will have to make some efforts, but then the hedge will grow completely independently, and its maintenance will not require much work.

What are living fences?

Throughout the world, hedges have been used in horticultural art since ancient times. Both in the countries of the East and in stiff England, such plantings were an integral part of the park culture. This landscape design technique has many variations.

The height of the hedge is the main parameter by which they are classified. Depending on this factor, they are divided into:

    border hedges. Green living fences (up to 1 m) perform a purely decorative function, which consists in highlighting paths and paths, separating lawns and flower beds.

    Internal hedges. A fence with a height of 1 m to 2 m is designed to zone the site.

    outer hedges. Plantations with a height of more than 2 m act as a fence that limits the external space.

    green wall. An almost impenetrable park structure, reaching a height of 4 m. It is an excellent replacement for traditional fences.

By design features, internal and external fences are conditionally divided into:

    open - are purely decorative barriers that perform the function of a conditional division of zones;

    semi-open - visually protect the object, but do not become a mechanical barrier;

    closed - not only visually protect the territory, but also represent a real physical barrier from plantations.

The plants themselves can be planted both in one and in several rows, in a different order. Multi-row hedges are simple, that is, all plants are the same in height and variety. There are multi-row cascading plantations in which plants of different heights.

plant varieties

By the type of plants used to create living fences, the following groups are distinguished:

    evergreen plants. Remain decorative throughout the year. This includes coniferous crops and some deciduous plants.

    deciduous plants. Leaves are shed for the winter. At this time of the year, the hedge becomes bare and transparent, which is not always convenient. But on the other hand, the rest of the time it pleases the owners with a seasonal change in the coloring of the leaves, and some also with colorful flowering. This group includes various trees and shrubs.

    perennial plants. Such fences are created for several years.

    annual plants. Allow to equip the fastest growing fence. But she lives only until winter, then the plants die. Usually annual vines are used.

fast growing hedge

Fast-growing shrubs are ideal material for creating such plantings. Shrubs grow quickly enough and in relation to trees and vines they have a number of advantages, which are as follows:

    it is easy to carry out zoning of the site with a shrub fence (garden, garden, recreation area, playground, etc.);

    allow you to equip borders near paths, flower beds and in other places;

    ideal for creating any shape by cutting and trimming (ball, square, pyramid, etc.);

    among the shrubs there are species with different shades of foliage, which allows you to transfer accents to some details;

    such fences, thanks to the dense foliage, perfectly protect the owners of the site from street noise and dust.

Consider some fast-growing shrubs that are not particularly difficult to care for, which do not lose their decorative effect from the first days of spring until late autumn.

From the barberry, you can quickly form a perennial evergreen hedge. Due to its plasticity, it allows you to form low hedges-curbs. Handles haircut well. If you plant bushes less often, then you can get completely impassable, impassable and very thorny thickets. Uninvited guests in the form of neighbors' cats and dogs will not penetrate through such jungle. Grows quickly, very well increasing the green mass.

It looks very decorative, as it changes the color of the leaves at different times of the year. Shades range from bright green to yellow-crimson and almost burgundy. Dark red edible berries ripen in autumn and adorn the bush until frost. It looks impressive both as a monoculture in a single-row planting, and in compositional solutions with other shrubs.

The culture is characterized by unpretentiousness and good frost resistance. The most common fast-growing varieties of barberry are small warty, boxwood, Juliana and Thunberg. Evergreen varieties prefer partial shade, deciduous varieties develop better in full sun.

Privet is very loved by landscape designers and gardeners for its extreme unpretentiousness and very fast growth. Among perennials, it is considered almost the fastest growing. It tolerates decent frost and drought. It grows on absolutely any soil. Feels great in both sunny areas and in the shade. They will allow you to form fairly high fences up to 4 m high.

The wall of this shrub is formed dense and dense, requires regular shearing due to rapid growth. Privet is an excellent object for creating garden sculptures from shrubs. It can be given almost any shape.

The berries of this plant cannot be eaten, they are considered poisonous. But the birds are happy to feed on them. In dense thickets, various small birdies like to build nests and raise offspring. For the winter, privet always sheds foliage.


An ornamental unusual shrub that has many varieties with different leaf colors. It grows very quickly, during the summer its branches can stretch up to 40 cm. The culture is very winter-hardy and resistant to various diseases. Even in severe frosts, the tips of young shoots only slightly freeze near the bushes. Prefers to grow in sunny open spaces. But it will survive perfectly in the shade, although it will lose color saturation.

The leaves are very unusual and decorative, resembling the leaves of maple, viburnum and currant. Coloring can have cardinal differences, depending on the variety. There are varieties with a yellow-golden color and purple-red. Plants that have leaves of 2 colors at once look very original: burgundy and gold.

The bush has the ability to grow simultaneously in all directions, while it is usually almost perfectly round in shape. In height and width it can exceed 3 m. It allows you to form any bizarre shapes from yourself by cutting. In late June and early July, the plant is densely covered with umbrella-shaped inflorescences, consisting of a large number of small whitish-cream flowers.

evergreen hedge

Such plantings remain equally decorative at any time of the year. They do not shed their foliage and cannot please the owners with a variety of colors. Evergreen hedges always look a little gloomy, especially coniferous plantings. To avoid this, it is recommended to combine coniferous crops with deciduous crops in one plantation. Coniferous shrubs and trees will not only decorate the site, but also purify the air of harmful impurities thanks to the phytoncides contained in the needles.

Evergreens must be selected in strict accordance with local climatic conditions, since most heat-loving crops are not able to survive harsh and snowy winters. Planting them anew every year is not very reasonable, and quite expensive.

Such a hedge always looks great and goes well with other garden plants. It will suit any garden style and design. Even in winter, covered with snow, such a fence looks extremely impressive. Many owners believe that green spaces grow very slowly and require enhanced care. But it is not so. By choosing the right evergreens, you can get a green fence in 2-3 years

Norway spruce

In the first years after planting, spruces grow very slowly, but after that they significantly accelerate their growth. A large number of ornamental varieties have been bred. Most of them have very dense dense branching and impenetrability. Look good in group plantings. The culture is resistant to extreme cold. It is not very demanding on the composition of the soil, but does not grow well on heavy clay soils. Does not like lowlands with stagnant water.

All conifers require good lighting, with a lack of it, the branches are drawn out and exposed. Spruces with golden and blue needles grow better in sunny areas, and with dark green needles they prefer partial shade.

The crown starts right from the ground and lends itself perfectly to formation, which allows you to create curly hedges. The height of plantings can reach 30 m, the life expectancy of plants is about 250-300 years. Such a hedge always looks great and goes well with other garden plants. It will suit any garden style and design.

Boxwood ordinary and thuja western

Boxwood is one of the oldest ornamental shrubs. This evergreen plant has about 30 varieties, each of which has its own uniqueness. This is a fairly thermophilic culture, it does not tolerate frost well and requires careful shelter for the winter. In the northern regions, it is practically not used. Common boxwood is a rather unpretentious shrub that grows on any soil. Easily tolerates shade and transplant at any age.

The branches are covered with small shiny leaves. When pruning, it does not lose its decorative effect and allows you to realize any fantasies. It does not grow very fast and does not require frequent haircuts. There are dwarf varieties, and there are varieties that can grow up to 3 m under favorable conditions. The better the conditions, the faster the boxwood will grow.

Thuja is an evergreen shrub, but at the same time it is able to change its color depending on the season. In summer it is green, and in winter it acquires brownish hues. There are a lot of varieties, and they are very different from each other. There are varieties of a spherical shape of a light green color that do not require a haircut. And there are columnar thuja up to 7 m high, which have a rich dark green color. Fast-growing plants of some varieties are able to create a hedge in 3-4 years.

The culture tolerates frost well and does not require additional shelter. He likes regular pruning, from which it is better to bush. Densely planted seedlings look very good, growing, they turn into a solid green wall.

Plants for hedges can be very different. When choosing them, many factors must be taken into account. With the right selection of planting material, proper planting and proper care, the green hedge will allow you to enjoy its magnificent view for many years.

Living fences are conditionally divided into high and low. They are created from coniferous or deciduous varieties of shrubs. "Build" single-row or multi-row fences. All varieties to a single perform a decorative function.

Evergreen varieties in the hedge are the most effective solution. They do not lose their bright colors all year round and easily tolerate a haircut.

Bushes are selected for a living fence in accordance with the future purpose. Tall bushes are suitable for outdoor options, undersized - for indoor decoration. There are also mixed options, but they take up a lot of space and are therefore used less often.

evergreen shrubs

A green hedge all year round is what every gardener dreams of. The environmental friendliness that these shrubs create is already recognizable in the coniferous aroma.

Popular in our conditions are such non-deciduous:

  1. Coniferous. For example, thuja and juniper.
  2. Fast growing. For example, turn and cotoneaster.
  3. Undersized. For example, cypress and hydrangea.

thuja- This is the most popular coniferous tree. The evergreen plant perfectly takes root in the Russian climate. In nature, it can reach huge sizes, but in fences they maintain a height of up to three meters.

Pyramidal and columnar crown patterns plus bluish-green to dark green coloration in a living fence give a huge decorative effect. Thuja is regularly sheared, creating various forms.

juniper hedge formed in the form of impenetrable thickets. Bushes, depending on the variety, grow from one and a half to two meters. Juniper loves moist soil and sunlight. It is durable - can live for more than 200 years.

The color of the shrub is blue, yellow, yellow-green and green. Often juniper is planted in company with thuja.

Cotoneaster is an evergreen fast growing variety, it has many varieties and all of them are grown in our climate.

Shiny, dense. Belongs to the number of fast-growing shrubs up to two meters high.

chokeberry dogwood matures only at the age of five.

Whole-edged dogwood. The shape of its crown is rounded, the leaves are wide, large.

Multi-flowered (semi-evergreen) cotoneaster reaches three meters. Its leaves are larger compared to other species and are able to change color with the change of season: from gray in spring to burgundy and red in autumn. They are green in summer.

creeping view- These are undersized bushes up to half a meter from the ground, it has horizontal branches with dense leaves and small fruits.

Pressed. Its open crown, as it were, is pressed to the ground, and its height is only half a meter.

cypress perennial has many varieties. In the natural environment it grows up to 60 meters, and in our conditions for a green coniferous hedge, Lawson and pea-like are more often used.

Bushes grow up to two meters. The crowns are cone-shaped, spherical and ordinary. They are planted both one by one and in a company, creating reliable fences. Grows well in shade and sun.

Yew in a hedge characterizes its owner with excellent taste. At the stage of formation of such a fence, yew requires special attention. Bushes are planted at a distance of more than 20 cm from each other.

Yew grows quickly, beauty is maintained by regular haircuts. The natural protection of the territory can have a color from blue to dark green. Berries add contrast to the color.

Euonymus applies to both evergreen and deciduous. Bright fruits against the background of green foliage create a real spectacle. Following the berries, the foliage begins to “burn” in red and this makes the hedge more colorful.

boxwood more often they are used to create low independent fences up to one and a half meters in height or to decorate a site in tandem with another species planted with it in adjacent rows.

With the help of haircuts, boxwood hedges are given various unique geometric shapes and forms.

Deciduous trees and shrubs

Willow. An excellent option for creating a hedge is holly willow, belotal, blackthal and purple. Willow is unpretentious in the choice of soil - it grows equally quickly in dry and moist soil.

Varieties of weeping willow: goat, purple and holly have elastic soft branches that are easy to intertwine. Even before complete landscaping, the fence will be decorated with an ornament of the weaving itself.

Barberry- This is the fastest growing plant, has tall and short varieties. Barberry makes an impassable hedge

Such a living fence is replenished with the function of fruiting. The decorative effect is expressed first in flowers, then in fruits. Jams and conserves are made from edible berries. There are many varieties, the main ones for this purpose: Golden, Ordinary, Ottawa.

The plant is prickly, but it is easy to cut it to any style. For lovers of bright colors, the deciduous Thunberg variety is suitable: shades of flowers from pink to red and brown. The fruits of this shrub are inedible.

Derain white. The main advantage of this deciduous shrub is the speed of its growth in any climate and with any soil moisture. Bushes can grow up to three meters. Basically, its height is maintained at the level of 120 centimeters.

Some gardeners create picturesque fences in several levels. A hedge of white deren indicates the status of the owner. Arbors are created from this shrub inside the yard. The color of the foliage is green and silver.

Vesicle viburnum perennial. He earned popularity among gardeners due to the ease of cultivation and the fact that he is not picky about care. It is equally adaptable to drought and frost. Bright multi-colored leaves and flowers in such a fence create a beautiful design.

Lilac also grows rapidly in width and reaches two to three meters in height, tolerates a haircut well. Trimming its branches is not difficult even for an inexperienced gardener.

It is perfect for any climate. She freezes for the winter, but the entire flowering period of the lilac will not leave indifferent any look. The color scheme of the shrub has more than 20 shades, from which, when alternating, beautiful decorations are created.

forsythia has long been loved by our gardeners. It blooms before the leaves appear. At first it looks golden, then green leaves come to replace the flowers. The shrub reproduces easily in both heat and cold.

Alpine currant allows you to create a beautiful curly fence of two meters in height. The color of the fence is green due to the leaves and light green flowers. Tasteless fruits are red in color when ripe.

The shrub perfectly tolerates any climatic conditions: frosts, winds and heat. Dense foliage creates reliable protection for the garden. For the fence, variegated, glossy and marbled currants are used.

thorny bushes

Blackthorn- This is a densely branched, prickly shrub, reaching a height of four meters. It does not need careful pruning. A powerful and impenetrable fence made of thorns will protect from wind, dust, from prying eyes and even from thieves.

It can be compared to a real building structure, so such bushes are used instead of an external fence. Growing such a fence is easy. It is absolutely undemanding neither to the ground nor to weather conditions.

The leaves of the shrub are dense. Ripe fruits have a beautiful blue color. They are edible and have many health benefits. They need to be harvested after the first frost.

Rosehip and tea rose. A hedge from this pair is often called healing and colorful. Shrubs are unpretentious to climatic conditions. Such a fence grows up to two meters.

It is attractive with a variety of colors. Initially, these are double flowers from white to all shades of crimson and yellow. Then - bright red and brown-black fruits. Such a contrasting combination with green foliage creates a unique scenery. Fruits from such a fragrant fence are used to make delicious and healthy drinks.

The following species are planted for fencing: ordinary, Resonance, brown, Mont Blanc and wrinkled.

Sea ​​buckthorn- prickly shrub with bright orange fruits in autumn. The leaves are small gray-green. The branches are tough. The fence of berry bushes turns out to be impenetrable and gives a large crop of sour, healthy fruits.

Caring for sea buckthorn is easy - it is unpretentious. With the help of a haircut, they give the fence a neat appearance.

mixed hedge- this invention is increasingly used by gardeners to give the fence originality. In this solution, all the original functions of a hedge are fulfilled, but due to the play of colors, an unsurpassed decorative effect is created.

Thuja, gooseberry, barberry, wild rose and other shrubs can participate in this design.

How to care for a hedge

As all living things need care, so for the longevity of such a hedge, care is indispensable. Every gardener cannot just plant a green fence and forget about it. In order for the fence to develop properly and become thicker, it must be cut regularly.

Pruning can be curly - new shoots are cut by 10-15 centimeters. Such a procedure for evergreen bushes is done once a year. The rest are pruned twice, and sometimes thrice a year when new shoots ripen.

The first years it is necessary to carry out pruning in the dry season of spring or autumn. With age, pruning to give shape is done monthly. Sections should be carried out between the shoots and performed obliquely. The more often pruning is done, the more often shrubs are fed.

A living fence is a multifunctional solution. A high and dense wall of shrubs, created by man together with nature, brings to the site not only a beautiful design, but also a favorable microclimate. It protects it from gusts of wind, noise and dirt.

Solid green fencing is a great alternative to a traditional fence. If you use fast-growing varieties for this purpose, the names and descriptions of which have long been known to gardeners, then the result is obtained in a shorter time. And you can confirm your preferences by the photo.

A hedge is a great alternative to a regular fence. This is a wonderful element of landscape design, which hides the site from prying eyes, serves as a screen from dust and wind, and performs a security function. The evergreen hedge is not only pleasing to the eye, but also makes the space more harmonious.

When choosing plants for hedges, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • Desired fence height.
  • Appointment.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Features of the site (soil type, illumination, humidity).

Fast growing shrubs for hedges: elderberry, forsythia, euonymus, currant, mock orange, cotoneaster, honeysuckle, blackthorn, privet, hawthorn, roses, broom, Thunberg barberry. If the choice fell on a single-tier high hedge, you can choose trees - maples, poplars, willow, linden, mountain ash, derain, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, hazel, lilac and others.

TOP 10 Hedge Ideas

border fence

Such a hedge should not be higher than 50 cm. Choose dwarf plants (lingonberry, Lawson's cypress, Thunberg's barberry, dwarf caragana, boxwood and others). The alternation of evergreen and flowering plants looks interesting. For example, boxwood with wild roses or climbing roses.

Important! The border fence will be a wonderful frame for any element - a flower bed, a fountain, a pond or a playground!

Fence for zoning space

The idea is especially relevant if the site is small, but you want to separate the economic zone from the garden and vegetable garden. Shrubs up to 1 meter high look best - they will not obscure the area and at the same time look very colorful. They can be planted both symmetrically and in wavy lines.

Unusual hedge shapes

Of course, only professionals can cut a mammoth or dinosaur out of a bush. However, elements in the form of a cube, wave, arch or rectangle on the site will also look great! And caring for them is a feasible task for beginner gardeners.

colorful hedge

Layered designs are now in vogue, your trick may be in choosing plants for hedges. One row can be formed from red-leaved boxwood, the second from green juniper, the third from gray spruce. Your site will acquire unexpected color and contrast.

blooming wall

Choose fast-growing shrubs for hedges - hawthorn, spirea, blood red currant. Their flowering lasts 3-4 weeks, and border flowering plants can be planted at the foot of the hedge - so your garden will delight the eye all season.

original mix

You can alternate plants with other elements. It will turn out a kind of chess, which looks very interesting! The hedge can be supplemented with wooden modules, brick pillars, wickerwork, gabions, large boulders and other elements.

Improvisation with an old fence

Suppose you have an ugly old fence. It seems to be a pity to demolish, and the view of the site spoils. With the help of a simple wire construction, you can form a support for weaving plants and containers with plants. Pots can be filled with seedlings, flowers or herbs. From climbing plants we can recommend climbing roses, grapes, hydrangea, clematis, honeysuckle, wisteria. Why not a living fence?

"Living" walls

An evergreen hedge doesn't necessarily take up a lot of space. Install wooden or mesh supports as you wish and plant creepers, ivy or grapes near them. The "walls" located at an angle look great. By the way, behind them it is quite possible to hide a recreation area or a sandbox.

wild garden

The stereotype that the fence should be cut to the ruler, to the nearest millimeter, is hopelessly outdated. If the size of the plot allows, you can give preference to an unformed hedge. Its width can reach 1-2 meters. A combination of plants with different flowering periods looks spectacular. For example, in one hedge, combine barberry, wild rose and mock orange.

hedge of fruit bushes

We combine business with pleasure! Felt cherry, gooseberry, blackberry, currant, chokeberry, barberry! The distance between bushes is 40-50 cm. Beautiful and tasty!

Photo of hedges

We also offer a selection of beautiful and fashionable hedges. Some of them are landscape design classics, while others are the most fashionable trends.

A hedge is not just three trees standing in a row! This is an opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer and bring your ideas to life! This decoration of the site will surely please you and your loved ones!

Hedges are still not common enough in summer cottages: many believe that their creation requires a lot of effort and time.

In fact, there are many options for vegetation that will very quickly acquire the size you need, in addition, many plants will delight you for many years without losing their bright colors.

So it remains to deal with the ideas of growing a fast-growing perennial hedge, study their photos and remember the names - and you can start improving the fence on your site!

Pros and cons of green hedges

Perhaps the most important advantage of fast-growing hedge plants is their decorative function. And evergreen hedge plants will delight you with greenery in any season.

Thanks to the variety of suitable vegetation, you can decorate the hedge to your taste, provide it with splendor and the required height.

Hedge fast-growing perennial evergreen, photo

Advice: to decorate the landscape with bright colors, choose a flowering hedge with colorful inflorescences.

In addition, such a fence will play a protective role on your site. First of all, we are talking about the possibility of creating shaded areas.

Make a high hedge in the country with your own hands - and the bright sun will not spoil the rest of the vegetation. A barbed fence will protect your site from unauthorized persons.

Proper selection of plants will allow you to maintain the original state of the hedge in any season and in any climatic conditions. Therefore, you can even make a fast-growing perennial hedge in Siberia, but the nature of the trees and bushes used will be different.

Fast-growing bushes for hedges, photo

Keep in mind that a beautiful hedge of vegetation is the result of constant care, pruning, removal of excess branches and weeds. Some plants need to be looked after every 10 days, so be patient if you want to maintain such beauty for a long time.

Hedge of annual plants with support

When choosing what to plant for a hedge, decide for yourself which of its properties will be the most priority. If you are interested in the possibility of creating bright flowering accents, it is better to stay on annual plants.

Perennial plants are not so attractive, but they will delight you year after year.

The fastest growing hedge is made from climbing annuals. Many plants of this type can reach a height of three meters in just a few months. But it is important to understand that they need support. Firstly, it will allow weaving plants to keep on weight. Secondly, it will prevent their unlimited increase in height, since at the top they will change direction.

Fast growing hedge plants, photo

Curly hedges don't always survive the cold season. Most likely, in a year you will have to create it again. You can plant such plants from April: then by the end of the summer season a lush and beautiful hedge will be ready. And you will be delighted not only with thick leaves, but also with bright flowers.

Good options for a fast-growing annual hedge include sweet peas, morning glory (which grows as blue flowers), kobe (blooming with purple bells), dolichos (with long twigs and small pink-purple flowers) and ornamental beans.

Unlike bushes, which need to be periodically cut and tied up, such hedges do not require specific care. Even without pruning, they will look neat and pleasing to the eye.

hedge bushes

If you want to make the fence lush, you can choose fast-growing hedge bushes. This option is suitable for those who have enough time to prepare. Because tall shrubs will get the size you need in about a couple of years. But the beauty of undersized bushes for hedges can be enjoyed much faster.

One of the simplest options that act as an analogue of bushes and weaving annuals is ivy. It has broad foliage that will cover free space.

note that ivy is a finicky plant: in constant shade and under the summer sun, it quickly deteriorates.

And here are some of the fastest growing shrubs for hedges:

Fast-growing shrubs for hedges, photo

Attention! Most of these plants bear fruit only a few years after the start of growth. For good splendor, periodically trim the bushes: this will enhance their growth and the amount of foliage.

And here are a few more fast-growing hedge shrub names that will take a little longer: rose hips, roses, yellow locust, golden currant, as well as clematis (purple, pink and white flowers) and honeysuckle (white flowering).

Such bushes do not bloom constantly, so you should monitor their well-groomed appearance and, if necessary, cut off wilted inflorescences.

Selecting trees for fast growing hedges

Fast-growing hedge trees are also pruned so that their height does not exceed the dimensions you need. Eucalyptus, willow and aspen seedlings are suitable for creating a fence.

Eucalyptus is suitable only for warm climates and does not withstand cold weather. Therefore, in winter it should be sheltered from frost.

Constantly trimmed spruces and cypresses of several varieties, western thuja, juniper for hedges will grow more rapidly.

note that it is not always possible to align the sides of such a fence. But you can give the plants the appearance of small bushes by cutting the trunks and thus stimulating the growth of side branches.

Also don't be afraid to use conifers for hedges. They will fill the site with a pleasant smell and become a major green attraction during the cold seasons.

Since the trees are taller than other suitable hedge plants, plant them outside to provide extra protection to the site. Another functionality of such plantings is the masking of small construction objects on the site.

Ideas for combining plants

Combinations of trees and shrubs for hedges will look best. Experienced professionals in the field of landscape design will be able to give maximum charm to such fences.

A high hedge can have unusual shapes, so it can emphasize the individuality of the owners. Often, such perennial fences and hedges are made in the form of labyrinths, thematic figures and ornaments, passages to the main buildings of the site, pyramids and many other items.

Hedges of perennial vegetation can have several levels. In this case, green trees and bushes should be planted in two or more rows parallel to each other. Give each row an individual height, and for more variety, give your own personal shade (this effect can be achieved by proper selection of plant varieties).

For example, start by planting tall dark-leaved and coniferous plants. They will form the first row. When the next season comes, complete the composition with low bushes with lighter leaves.

Advice: to create a stylish fence, you can use the same vegetation with different colors of leaves and inflorescences. For example, for these purposes, a barberry of a greenish and purple hue or a vesicle with bright colorful flowers is suitable.

For a hedge in the Urals, compositions from spirea bushes, chokeberry, willow and coniferous plants are suitable for you. A universal option that will look harmonious with any vegetation - thuja for hedges.

Thanks to the huge variety of plants for organizing such fences on the site, you can create creative compositions to your taste, combine colors, shapes and sizes of plants. And if you decide on varieties that do not require constant and thorough maintenance, it will be enough to periodically cut and water the green hedge so that it remains bright and attractive in the right season.

By the way, one of the successful examples of plants that do not even need watering and cutting individual branches is parthenocissus.

Wide and lush leaves will add greenery or red hues to your site, and the vine will make such a fence more spectacular. Such a hedge will last until the onset of frost and will delight you with reddish colors in the autumn.

When creating compositions from several plants, we recommend paying attention to plantings that are beneficial in everyday life, since they are used for medical purposes. These are dogrose, dogwood and other varieties.

But it is better to refuse plants like raspberries. Despite the attractiveness, the presence of berries and the possibility of creating a thorny protective fence, such a plant will grow rapidly, and you will have to constantly trim unnecessary parts.

We advise you to approach the choice of perennial plants for the hedge responsibly in order to enjoy the results for more than one season. Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the climate and make sure that the plantings will take root with each other. And to ensure an excellent decorative effect, look in advance at a photo of a perennial fast-growing hedge.


We offer you to watch an interesting video review of a specialist on the criteria for choosing the best plants for hedges:

All plants on the site play a certain role and are selected by the gardener in accordance with the task. Fast-growing bushes for hedges are the best suited to simultaneously hide the territory of the garden from prying eyes and ennoble it. For quick landscaping of the site, plants are needed that will harmoniously fit into the overall composition, will not require constant care, and will be resistant to frost and a short haircut.

To make the hedge unpretentious and decorative at the same time, you must first select a photo of the plants, study the descriptions of the groups, make possible combinations, and only then proceed to planting. Gardeners prefer to purchase fast-growing varieties so that in a couple of years the green fence will take on a presentable appearance.

Advantages of green fences:

Plants are selected very different: coniferous, deciduous, ornamental, flowering and even fruit. Suitable perennials that are resistant to adverse conditions, plus they should have a dense crown, uniform growth, resistance to pests and frosty winters.

Types of fast growing shrubs

Deciduous crops are actively growing, some varieties give an increase of up to 1 m per year. Ornamental seedlings with small foliage are suitable for a living fence. Many of them delight with flowering for several months. Priority fast-growing shrubs for hedges are vesicle, spirea, turf, barberry, mock orange.

  • Vesicle and spirea

Vesicle Diabolo

Bubbleweed viburnum - sprawling bush up to 2-4 m in height. There are also dwarf options for borders. It is valued for its decorative foliage with a jagged edge, snow-white inflorescences and small bubble fruits that distinguish the vesicle from other plantings. Depending on the variety, the crown may change color to golden or reddish by autumn. For better growth, it is recommended to use top dressing, suitable for him, rotted manure, compost.

This is an ideal plant that requires minimal care. It grows on dry soil, does not impose special requirements for sunlight, adds 40-50 cm per year, and is beneficial to haircuts. A colorful combination can be achieved by alternating Diabolo varieties with a brownish-green crown and hard-leaved Luteus.

Spirea is a shrub that makes a magnificent flowering hedge. Of these plants, they do not form clear boundaries, but allow them to grow freely. Attracts attention with lush snow-white flowering, which is set off by rich green foliage. Both single-row and multi-row plantings are possible. In some plants, the lower part of the trunk is exposed as it grows. In this case, a number of undersized flowers are planted in front of them, it does not hurt to use organic matter here too) for active growth and flowering.

  • Cotoneaster brilliant and derain white

Cotoneaster brilliant - the best specimen for growing a dense fence. The height can reach 2 m. The decorative value of the cotoneaster is in the foliage, which by the fall changes its rich green hue to burgundy. The fruits are small black or red peas that adorn the shoots at the end of the season. It grows in one place for more than half a century, well tolerated by drought, pruning and frost. To form a dense curtain, it is recommended to remove annual shoots by 1/3.

Derain white - the owner of decorative leaves with a light border. Tall derain shrubs grow up to 2.5 m. The plant is shade-tolerant, not afraid of dampness, in spring it is covered with elegant creamy inflorescences. With proper care, repeated flowering in the fall is possible. White Derain changes its outfits several times during the season, and each time they are magnificent. At first, abundant flowering pleases, then variegated foliage and autumn crimson, and in winter, reddish shoots are full of reddish shoots against the background of a snow-white bedspread. From the crown it will not be difficult to create balls, cubes, hemispheres and columns.

  • Tree hydrangea and mock orange

Tree hydrangea has a more restrained growth, but it is absolutely unpretentious, grows and blooms in almost any conditions. Its leaves are egg-shaped with jagged edges. The buds are formed on the shoots of the current year, so she is not afraid of a short haircut in the fall and in the spring before the juice begins to move. Inflorescences, reaching 15-20 cm in diameter, delight with their beauty from July to frost.

Mature plants in the middle lane hibernate without shelter.

Pairs well with hydrangea. On sale there are both tall varieties reaching 3 m (Airborne assault, Flight of moths), and undersized up to 0.7 m (Moonlight). Beautifully flowering unformed hedges are made up of the crown mock-up, Caucasian and large-flowered. A strong aroma is peculiar to Lemoine and Airborne. When planting in a single row, seedlings are recommended to be placed at a distance of 0.5 m. In severe winters, shoots may freeze, but after pruning, the crown is quickly restored.

Evergreen shrubs: beauty throughout the year

Evergreen hedges are formed from coniferous shrubs, as well as joint combinations with deciduous plants.

The advantage of coniferous plantations:

  • perfectly tolerate pruning;
  • purify the atmosphere;
  • have high sound insulation;
  • retain decorativeness throughout the year;
  • grow in one place for tens or even hundreds of years.

Popular types of conifers for creating a hedge:

The minus of evergreen specimens is slow growth compared to deciduous plants, but some varieties of conifers meet the necessary requirements and allow you to grow a green fence for several years.

Popular deciduous evergreen shrubs for hedges:

Prickly bushes guarding the backyard

Thorny bushes give the advantage of protecting the site from unexpected guests and animals.

Landing options:

Idea video for beginners.

Hedge growing tips for beginners

It is important not only to know which plants are unpretentious, but which ones they create problems as they grow. Several factors should be taken into account:

  1. The smaller the needles and foliage, the thicker the bush looks.
  2. When choosing a place for a hedge, you need to determine the possible shadow from it, whether the plantings will shade unwanted places, including in the neighboring area.
  3. The optimal height of the fence for visual isolation of the site is no more than 2 m. To delimit the site into zones, a bush height of 1.5 m is sufficient.
  4. Over time, the landings will begin to get out of the territory allotted to them. The gardener needs to know how to restrain growth and concentrate the bulk of the bush in a certain place. The most popular technique is to limit planting trenches by burying slate sheets to the depth of the root system.
  5. If the bush is well formed, it can be given not only a horizontal shape, but also cut it in the form of waves, zigzags, geometric shapes.
  6. Too dense plantings that do not let the wind through have a side effect: air currents pass over them, creating turbulence, which negatively affects nearby trees. For dense hedges, bushes are selected that do not limit the minimum ventilation of the site.

You can grow a curtain of greenery in the country in a few years, if you know which types of plants develop most quickly and do not require special care. A beautifully designed living fence can create a unique comfort in the garden, protecting it from neighbors, noise and excess dust.
