How to deal with moth c. How can you deal with moths in an apartment? Professional ways to deal with moths

How to deal with moth? This question arises when a gray butterfly of an unpleasant appearance is found in kitchen supplies or traces of its activity on clothes.

Simply catching an insect and destroying it is an ineffective method, because a completely harmless male will be the victim.

Moth: a real disaster for things and products

The greatest misfortune is the gluttonous caterpillars, which actively destroy household products and mercilessly spoil things in cabinets. All day is enough for such a larva to gnaw through a hole in a woolen sweater. In everyday life, about 30 types of moths are distinguished, and all of them are harmful to humans. How to deal with moths in an apartment?

The moth that lives in closets does not like fresh air and bright light, so it does not touch things that are worn often. But with regard to winter clothes, she is not picky, she eats felt, wool, natural velvet, and fur. In an effort to get to food, it easily gnaws through plastic bags and synthetic fabrics encountered on the way. Caterpillars of the “fur coat” moth can withstand temperatures as low as 0 ° C and can go without food for a whole month.

How to deal with moths at home

There are many ways to deal with moths: both time-tested folk methods and modern drugs are effective. At one time, naphthalene was considered the most famous anti-moth agent. However, the large-scale use of such a tool has led to the development of resistance to it in some moth populations. In addition, it was found that the drug causes great harm to human health, because it is a carcinogen - a factor that causes the occurrence of malignant tumors. How to deal with moths in other ways that do not pose a threat to health?

Folk remedies against moths

How to deal with moth folk remedies? Of the folk remedies, tobacco is effective, the pungent smell of which is absolutely not tolerated by insects. In a live flowering form, this plant should be kept on the windowsill, periodically placed in a closet with moths.

Or use dry leaves, which are placed in fabric bags and hung (or spread out) in places where moths are present. An analogue of tobacco in the fight against moths is dried lavender. Additionally, in order to enhance the result, it is recommended to place pieces of laundry soap in the pockets of clothes. Fresh orange peels are used to protect kitchen furniture and food.

Living geraniums growing indoors will also scare off unpleasant butterflies with their smell. Fresh leaves of the plant are recommended to be laid out on the shelves of lockers.

However, such natural remedies are just repellents - repellents. With the mass presence of moths, chemical preparations should be used, the range of which on the consumer market is represented by various forms.

Against moths - aerosols

How to deal with moths with chemicals? Aerosols and sprays ("Antimol", "Clean House", "Armol", "Raptor", "Ekstramit") are solutions of powerful insecticides in a cylinder under high pressure. Sprayed in a room or wardrobe, they have a toxic effect on the larvae and adults of the moth. Easy to use, such drugs are characterized by rapid action and low cost. True, insecticides during and after treatment will have to be inhaled not only by moths, but also by humans. It is especially difficult in this case for allergy sufferers.

The use of aerosols in comparison with other antimoles is perhaps the most time-consuming. When destroying moths, in addition to the surfaces of cabinets, it is required to process all clothes, furniture upholstery, and carpets. Often, one bottle with the drug is not enough for such a volume. After a few hours, the room needs to be cleaned, and things should be washed and ventilated with high quality. Processing, performed in full accordance with the instructions, will allow you to fully get rid of clothing, furniture and fur coat moths.

In the kitchen, the use of aerosols is very limited. They can process cabinets and bedside tables, previously freed from products. The places of concentration of larvae in food stocks themselves cannot be treated with such insecticides.

Simple and durable fumigators

Fumigators (DiK-3, Raid, Mosquitall) are quite easy to use: you just need to plug the drug into a power outlet and forget about it. An extension cord can be pulled into the cabinet. The action is somewhat extended in time: the effect occurs over a period of 3 days to 2 weeks. But the accumulation of insecticides in the air will be several times lower than when treated with aerosols. The principle of operation is to heat the aromatic insecticidal plate and evaporate the poisonous substance when the fumigator is plugged into the outlet. Sometimes the plates are replaced with special fluids that act in a similar way. The dimensions of the fumigators are relatively small, approximately 95*60*50 mm; action area up to 30 m 2 .

The advantage of this method is its low cost and long service life. In canteens and kitchens, the fumigator should be used carefully, avoiding the accumulation of chemical vapors in cabinets where food is stored.

Sections against moths

How to deal with moths in an apartment? In addition to aerosols and fumigators, there are special sections for moths (Mosquitall, Raptor). They are characterized by a preventive effect and are intended more to scare away adult insects than to destroy their larvae. Therefore, the use of such devices is recommended before the appearance of a winged pest in the house. Available in the form of hanging and attached plates with various scents that repel insects: chamomile, tangerine, lavender. The antimolding effect of 2 sections extends to ½ m 2 of the cabinet area. Replacement with new ones is made after about 4 months. It is recommended to store the chemical agent out of the reach of children, separately from food.

How to deal with domestic moth to get rid of it forever? In combination with natural and chemical methods, it is required to get rid of moths in a physical way. Fly traps are used to catch butterflies. If insects are wound up in the cereal, and their number is not terrifying, then the grains can be sorted out and heated in the oven at 60 degrees for 40 minutes. The nest found in the closet should be eliminated, its location thoroughly vacuumed, shake all things out of the closet and placed in a cold place for a day (for example, on a balcony).

Food moth: how to get rid of

Food (grain) moth settles in cereals, flour, dried fruits; its larvae in the caterpillar stage are capable of spoiling almost all edible stocks. Adults do not have a mouth, so they do not feed at all. Despite the short lifespan (no more than a week), butterflies manage to lay up to 100-150 eggs. Under favorable conditions (high humidity, warm temperature and lack of ventilation), insect reproduction proceeds in a continuous cycle. How to deal with food moths in the kitchen?

To get rid of food moths should be very carefully, in several stages. It is necessary to check all stocks of cereals, flour, sugar. If an insect with damaged products is found, you will have to say goodbye or ignite in a pan and sift.

  1. Treat food storage areas with fumigators and anti-moth aerosols, put repellent preparations on the shelves: garlic, lavender, orange peels.
  2. Hang sticky tapes from flies, and destroy flying moths by hand.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the appearance of moths in the household, it is recommended:

  • Store all groceries in tightly closed containers.
  • Ventilate and clean the room regularly. Once a month and carpets using disinfectants.
  • Winter clothing should be washed and cleaned before storage. Moth prefers to wind up on things with sweaty and dirty spots. After cleaning, woolen and fur items are recommended to be placed in plastic bags, fur coats - in thick paper cases, sprinkled with anti-molding preparations beforehand. Some items intended for storage can be wrapped in newspaper: moth butterflies cannot stand the smell of printing ink.

How to deal with cabbage moth

Outwardly, inconspicuous outwardly, it inflicts significant damage to garden crops, in particular cabbage, outdoors, in summer cottages. After hatching, caterpillars feed only inside cabbages and other cruciferous crops. Gnawing through intricate tunnels, they infect the plant and are able to completely destroy it.

How to deal with cabbage moth? It is required to deal with it comprehensively, because the pest is characterized by the ability to develop resistance to drugs that were effective in the previous season. Chemical treatment is required. The best means are:

  • "Actellik". Available in 2 ml ampoules, toxic, has a 2nd hazard class. Spraying is carried out with a solution of 30 ml of the product diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • "Bitoxycilide" and "Lepidocid". The result is evident after 2 days from the moment of processing the garden crop, the protective effect lasts about 2 weeks.

In parallel with the chemical treatment of caterpillars, it is required to collect manually. This method will protect against the mass appearance of adults laying eggs. It is imperative to remove weeds and dig the ground well in the place where the cabbage grows. This is necessary in order to prevent overwintered individuals from getting to the surface of the soil.

The fight against mining moth

There is also such a type of moth as a miner. The small insect got its name from the ancient word "mine", which implies the creation of hidden passages. It is in this way that the caterpillars of the mining moth damage the leaves of plants from the inside. Moreover, it is very difficult to identify the pest externally: only the death of the plant indicates its presence.

The caterpillars of the mining moth feed on almost all types of fruit and berry plantations, flowers, weeds, ornamental and medicinal plants. If a mining moth is found on the site - how to deal with this pest? What methods should be applied?

In the fight against "miners" the use of chemicals is effective, namely: "Bi-58", "Karate", "Dimilin", "Confidor maxi", "Aktara", "Aktofit". In the presence of several generations of mining moth, spraying should be carried out repeatedly.

How to deal with moths during the summer? To do this, in greenhouses and open ground, it is required to hang plates, boards, pieces of yellow plastic smeared with glue, placing them at the level of the main leaf mass along the rows of plants. Before the start of the flight, attach adhesive belts to tree trunks. It is also important to remove the affected plant parts and then destroy them manually. In autumn, it is imperative to clean under the tree and compost the fallen leaves, and carefully dig up the tree trunks.

How to get rid of moths in the house forever professional and folk remedies will be discussed in this article, because moths can sometimes appear even in the cleanest house.

Moth can ruin clothes and food, so it must be disposed of without fail. However, in order to do this, it is necessary to determine which type of moth will have to be fought. In this article, you will learn how to get rid of it quickly at home from different types moth and what methods and means to use for this.

Where does the mole come from in the apartment and house

Most often mole in the apartment and the house appears when she has something to eat:

  • Clothes moth can appear in the house after buying fur or wool items. They most likely contained moth larvae, which had already turned into insects at home.
  • Also, clothes moth can be brought into the house with furniture, especially not new. Pets can also bring moth larvae into the home on their fur, although this is extremely rare.
  • Food moth appears in the house with food. Most of the time it starts in groats that has not been sealed or floured. Moth can move to you from neighbors in the ventilation system.

Species that live in residential areas

It doesn’t matter where the mole came from in an apartment or house, it is important to get rid of it as soon as possible before it has time to ruin natural carpets, fur coats, clothes and even sofa upholstery. Most often, the following types of moths start up in an apartment:

Fur coat (woolen) - a gray-yellow butterfly with small black dots on the wings. She settles in wardrobes. Where clothes are stored. She can even gnaw through a plastic bag to get to fur products. If there is no fur in the house, she can eat books, pillow feathers and felt.

Furniture. Yellowish butterfly with a golden sheen on the wings. Settles in upholstered furniture and eats furniture fabric, sometimes it can spoil furs and woolen products.


Butterfly with yellow wings, sometimes they can be purple. Likes dark wardrobes. Eats any clothes indiscriminately.

Food (grain, fruit). A small butterfly with gray speckled or brown striped wings. It eats food (cereals, legumes, tea, flour, nuts, sugar), leaving traces of its vital activity in them, particles of the skin, caterpillar husks. These products are no longer usable. By eating them, a person can get poisoned.

Wax moth.

She lives in bee hives and does a lot of harm. But the tincture on its larvae is very useful.

Important! The adult moth does no damage as it has no mouth and cannot eat or digest food. She just lays eggs, from which hungry caterpillars emerge.

What to do when moths appear in the apartment

To get rid of moths fast a comprehensive approach is needed.

  1. Having found a mole, it is necessary to inspect the entire room. Moth rarely settles in the house alone. If she appeared in the kitchen, go through all the products, especially cereals. Also inspect cabinets and textiles throughout the house.
  2. Having found the nest of larvae, it must be destroyed with a vacuum cleaner. Next, this place is washed with a sponge and water with the addition of a detergent with chlorine.
  3. If the moth wound up in the closet, throw out all the clothes, including synthetics.
  4. It is better to wash all clothes in hot water with powder. Large wool sweaters can be put in the freezer for several hours. Not a single larva will survive from such a procedure. Clean outerwear with a brush, special attention should be paid to folds, pockets, lining. If you have a steam generator, treat heavy jackets, fur coats and coats with it.
  5. Do a general cleaning. Launder curtains, carpets, curtains, throws and blankets. If there are things that cannot be washed, take them outside on a sunny day so that direct sunlight shines on them for several hours. From such a procedure, all the larvae will die.
  6. The kitchen will also need a thorough cleaning. Affected cereals, dried fruits and nuts must be discarded. All cabinets, containers and hard-to-reach places are wiped with a solution of chlorine or vinegar.

These actions will help you find and destroy moth nests. However, this is not enough, since one unnoticed larva is able to multiply at a rapid pace.

Watch the video! How to get rid of moths in the apartment

How to get rid of domestic moth - household (clothing, fur coat, furniture)

To combat moths, you can use pesticides and folk methods. Of course, it is better to give preference to folk remedies that cannot harm the residents of the house, but will help get rid of the insect.

Important! Before using any moth remedies, you first need to carry out a general cleaning in the apartment, ventilate and wash all cabinets well, clean carpets and upholstered furniture, books, pillows, blankets. Outerwear is best taken to the dry cleaners.

Folk remedies:

How to get rid of moths in the kitchen - food (grain, fruit)?

It is impossible to fight food moths with chemical means, since we are talking about food and kitchen processing, which prepares food for all family members. In this case, it is necessary to resort to folk methods of dealing with moths:

How to get rid of moth larvae?

  1. Remove all clothing from a closet infested with larvae.
  2. Vacuum the entire cabinet thoroughly, especially the corners and the shelf.
  3. Wash the shelves and the entire cabinet with hot water and laundry soap.
  4. Spray a special moth spray.
  5. Wash clothes in hot water. It is better to do this in the washing machine, setting at least 50 degrees and wash for at least 30 minutes. Those clothes that can not be washed in hot water, put in a bag and put in the freezer for a day. Then take it out and wash it in warm water.

Watch the video! How to get rid of moths folk remedies

Professional ways to deal with moths

There are household chemical insecticides that quickly and effectively fight moths.


Such funds in the form of sprays are sold in special cans, which must be used clearly according to the instructions. The poison is spread into cabinets and hard-to-reach areas of carpets and furniture. The treatment is carried out in a respiratory mask. Close all vents, windows and doors. For several hours, the room should be free of people and animals. After the specified time, everything is washed well, and the clothes are washed thoroughly. Aerosols help fight adults and larvae. The most popular aerosols:

  • Dichlorvos - designed for the treatment of exceptionally hard surfaces.
  • Antimol is one of the most effective anti-moth remedies.
  • Armol - textiles can be processed with this tool.
  • Raptor - kill adults and larvae, safe for humans.

Important! Many aerosols are forbidden to use in the kitchen.

Also effective are sprays such as Clean House, Morimol, Phoksid, Maskitol, etc.


A fumigator is a device that is plugged into an outlet. It heats special plates or insecticidal liquid, which begin to exude into the air into special components that kill insects. The fumigator is considered safer for people than an aerosol. Most often, manufacturers offer insecticides in different forms, so everyone chooses for himself which agent to use.

The fumigator has a small affected area, but it is convenient to use it to get rid of moths in the closet. This kills all the larvae and there is no need to wash all the clothes.

Pheromone traps

Traps are considered the safest and most effective chemical moth control.

The traps are a small piece of cardboard that smells like the pheramones of the female moth.

The male flies to this smell and sticks to the cardboard. Since no one else can reproduce, the life cycle stops.

Advice! It is recommended to use only one trap in one room, as excessive scent will disorient males.


The plates are also made from a small piece of cardboard or organic material that has been impregnated with special moth-repellent insecticides. Such plates are usually placed in a closet or bedside tables. These funds are considered the most durable, as they last for several months.

the most popular and effective means of getting rid of moths and larvae were described above. However, before using chemical agents, it is recommended to try folk methods of dealing with this insect.

Prevention of the appearance of moths

In order not to fight the moth later, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

  • Install mosquito nets on all vents, windows and ventilation outlets.
  • Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room and use fragrances.
  • Store tea, cereals, and nuts in glass jars with tight lids. Buy only fresh food.
  • It is better to store clothes in airtight bags or cases for things. It should always be clean and ironed.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to sort through all the things in the wardrobe, clean the cabinets and wipe them with soapy water.
  • For preventive purposes, you can use aerosols, plates and sticky tapes from moths.
  • Do not forget about folk remedies, use orange peel, lavender and spicy seasonings.

By following simple prevention methods, you will never know what a mole is. But if the insect nevertheless entered your apartment, start fighting it immediately so that it does not spoil your favorite things.

Domestic insects (moths) have been annoying people for a long time, damaging carpets, furs, clothes and furniture. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of moths in an apartment is still relevant.

Biological features of the moth

Before you learn how to deal with a pest, you need to figure out who we are still dealing with. In nature, there are a huge number of varieties of moths, but only a few of its species start up in an apartment next to a person. The moth quickly adapts to different conditions of existence, so this insect can be found on any continent. Adults and larvae, depending on the species, differ in size and color - some are large and bright, others are small and unsightly.

moth species

Adult moths (imagoes) do not harm humans, since they no longer eat anything. The damage is caused by the larvae that emerge from the eggs. They are distinguished by enviable gluttony. Therefore, solving the problem - how to deal with moths - means, first of all, the destruction of larvae and egg-laying. An adult female can lay up to 100 eggs at a time.

At home, the following types of moths are most often found:

  • fur coat;
  • grain;
  • furniture;
  • wardrobe;
  • rye.

What does the pest eat

A domestic moth can cause as much harm as no other insect can bring. A new fur coat, hat, woolen goods can be damaged in just a few weeks. That is why, upon seeing this insect, most of us try to immediately destroy it. Moth larvae can gnaw through felt, feathers, fur, cotton and even synthetic fabrics in search of nutrients.

Insect control methods

Food heavily affected by moths will have to be thrown away, and those in which there are few insects can be sorted out and dried in the oven at a temperature of 60-75 degrees for half an hour. Heat treatment can also be done in the microwave. The closet where the moth "hunted" must be washed from the inside with warm soapy water, and then with clean water. For the treatment of slots and grooves, you can use a 3% solution of acetic acid.

You can also get rid of annoying insects with ultraviolet radiation. To do this, you can use sunbathing or special quartz lamps. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, coagulation (coagulation) of proteins occurs in the body of insects.

Affected items are best treated with dichlorvos-based preparations. There is no more effective remedy against moth larvae yet. In addition, dichlorvos containing preparations are the best remedy for kozheed.

Moths are very sensitive to high and low temperatures. Affected items can be treated at home with steam and, if possible, boiling. It is possible to destroy an insect at all stages of development with the help of freezing. Hypothermia is detrimental to eggs and larvae of skin beetles, they die within a day.

You can fight annoying pests with the help of essential oils and medicinal herbs. It has been proven that the moth does not tolerate strong odors, so lavender or fir essential oils can be used as a repellent. It is also worth noting that the moth does not tolerate the smells of camphor and pieces of cedar wood. You can also get rid of insects with table vinegar.

Domestic butterflies do not like the smell of garlic, tobacco, kerosene, pepper, dry orange peels and strawberry soap. Caucasian chamomile (feverfew) powder can help get rid of flying moths. For one square meter you will need about 5 g of this product. The fight against moths is also carried out with the help of domestic repellant plants (fragrant geranium, coleus). Fresh leaves of these plants are placed in the closet from time to time to replace the old ones. It should be remembered that all herbal remedies are repellents, they only scare away adults, while they do not affect eggs and insect larvae. Therefore, an effective fight against moths cannot be carried out without the use of modern chemical anti-moth preparations.


The markets of our country offer a full range of products that help get rid of moths or prevent their occurrence in our home. Modern preparations against moths are sold in the form of sprays, tablets, aerosols, sections, briquettes or plates.

The cheapest remedy against moths is an alloy of naphthalene with camphor. Tablets and briquettes of the specified drug must be placed in the upper part of the cabinet. Heavy vapors of naphthalene and camphor descend, preventing sexually mature females from laying eggs on clothing. The presented method of insect control is very effective, but at the same time it is dangerous for human health. Scientific studies have shown that naphthalene is a strong carcinogen, that is, a means that provokes the development of cancer in the human body.

You can also fight domestic moths using the following drugs:

  • Desmol;
  • Antimol;
  • Supromit;
  • Molemore;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Suprosol;
  • Trap;
  • Raid antimol.

Innovative anti-moth preparations are devoid of an unpleasant odor. Manufacturers claim that with the help of their preparations, you can get rid of not only moths, but also skin beetles and carpet bugs. Antimolny means shows effective action within half a year. Before using the repellent, read the instructions for the drug, because it indicates how long it takes to ventilate the room and how to get rid of moths as soon as possible.

Many experts claim that the most civilized form of anti-moth preparations are sections from moths. They can be scented with lemon, chamomile, lilac, mandarin or lavender. The tool is specially produced for the delicate protection of children's things. Before use, remove the protective tape from the drug, and then place the product in the upper part of the cabinet. The instructions indicate that in small rooms (up to 15 m2) you can use no more than two sections of repellent.


The fight against harmful insects can be done with the help of fumigators. These products work more slowly than aerosols, but they also have the advantage of not requiring labor costs, minimizing the occurrence of allergies. In order for the fumigator to start working, you just need to plug it into a power outlet. The most popular fumigators are:

  • DiK-3;
  • Raid;
  • Mosquitall.

How to deal with moths in an apartment? This question has been relevant for many years, because insects can cause great harm to clothing and other property. They have the ability to multiply rapidly, respectively, and the amount of damage they cause is imperceptibly, but rapidly growing.

The food source for insect larvae is keratin, which is contained in the composition of the pile of carpets, woolen items and the hairline of fur coats.

The source of nutrition for insect larvae is keratin, which is contained in the composition of the pile of carpets, woolen items and the hairline of fur coats. During the day, the larva is able to make a through hole in a woolen or fur product. In search of food, the insect gnaws on other materials, such as silk, cotton fabrics or synthetics.

The development of a moth occurs in several stages: first an egg, then a caterpillar, then a chrysalis and, finally, a butterfly. As a rule, butterflies are meant by moths, but they just do the least harm to things. Wool and fur are commonly eaten by caterpillars. That is why it is necessary to start fighting moths in the house, focusing on the destruction of caterpillars and larvae laid by pests.

Naphthalene has been used to protect things from pests for many decades. Indeed, it is very effective in scaring away butterflies, but it is not capable of causing the death of caterpillars. Also, experts characterize naphthalene as a carcinogen, which contributes to the development of malignant tumors in the human body.

If you notice eaten patches of fabric or fur on your clothes, you should think about how to deal with moths in the apartment. Small moths can cause great harm if they are not destroyed in time.

Traces of their activities can also be seen in containers with bulk products. We will study the features of winged pests and methods for their destruction.

In nature, there are several dozen. But at home, only two groups annoy us: the kitchen and the wardrobe. How to distinguish them in order to choose the most effective method of struggle?

  1. with clothes, under carpets, in furniture. Insects are attracted to more natural materials that can be eaten. So, do not be surprised when linen, fur, cotton and other fabrics are hopelessly damaged.

Representatives of the species are yellowish in color and have purple tints. An adult individual in size reaches 5 mm, and a larva - 10 mm. For 8 - 16 days of life, the female lays up to 200 eggs, therefore, if you do not react in time to the appearance of a moth, you can suffer serious damage.

  1. planted in food storage areas. She likes bulk products: cereals, flour, ground coffee. But also will not give up dried fruits, nuts and other foods that are rarely ventilated.

The moth is easily recognizable by its gray-yellow color and brown scales. In the wingspan it reaches 11–20 mm. Translucent larvae, while waiting for the transformation into a chrysalis and a butterfly, eat out the insides of grain and other products.

Due to the ability to spoil food and things, moths are not happy to see in the house. It does not harm human health.

Even cereals can be consumed after her life. But it is better to destroy the affected areas. They contain the remains of eggs, excrement and dead larvae.

A winged insect does not spoil anything, but it cannot be called safe. It is the adults who are able to reproduce.

They drink only water and eat nothing due to their poorly developed jaw and gastrointestinal tract. But the larvae, gaining strength for rebirth, do not disdain human food.

If you find a small moth in your apartment, immediately go in search of its offspring.

Inspect clothes and kitchen cabinets, pantries. If you ignore one individual, then you will have to deal with moths in the apartment for a long time.

Where is the pest in the apartment?

The chaotic movements of the moth show that it has a weak ability to fly. So it can fly in from the street in rare cases. But then how did he get into the room?

Although both species are outwardly similar, they have a different path to human housing, as well as a way of life. Let's consider them separately.

Kitchen pest:

  • arrived from the store in a bag with groceries;
  • moved through the ventilation from the neighbors;
  • flew during pest control from a retail outlet on the basement floor of a multi-storey building.

Clothes pest:

  • brought along with new or used clothes from the store;
  • brought by movers along with only purchased furniture;
  • snuck into the room on the fur of a pet.

Veronica, 23 years old: “I bought two packs of millet at a promotional price in a reputable hypermarket. At home, I noticed that the tightness of the polyethylene was slightly broken. When I opened the first one, I found larvae in it, very similar to small worms. Checked the second - the same story. I had to throw away both packs. That's the cost of saving."

Prevention measures

In order not to worry about the safety of food and clothing, prevent the appearance of insects. This does not require a lot of effort and financial resources. Simple but effective ways to confront domestic moths will help you.

  1. Carefully inspect items that you bring from stores. Warehouses can be home to a large number of pests, and they are only too happy to move into a room where there is more room to breed.
  2. Pour food into plastic containers. Do not store them in cardboard or plastic bags, as it is easy to get to food through them.
  3. During cleaning, wipe even the farthest corners of the surfaces with a damp cloth. Add a little vinegar to the water - it repels moths.
  4. Periodically wash sofa covers, dry-clean them.
  5. When you wash the floors, lift the carpet and wash it too. Don't forget the vinegar.
  6. Treat skirting boards and furniture with a solution of laundry soap. It is also used for the wrong side of corridor paths and rugs.
  7. Install mosquito nets on windows and ventilation system.
  8. Buy only fresh produce. If you purchased cereals for a promotion, and you have concerns about laying eggs, bake it in the oven at a temperature of over 60 0.
  9. Ventilate the room regularly, until drafts appear. Domestic insects love comfort and musty air. For this purpose, also periodically hang folded clothes that are waiting for the next season on the balcony or street.

Keep in mind: it is the larvae that harm you. They are always more difficult to detect than adults.

For this reason, prevention alone may not be enough. You will need more drastic measures if pests are suspected.

Lyudmila, 48 years old: “After I noticed three little moths in my bedroom, I realized that it was time to go through my winter wardrobe. And it turned out to be right. I found larvae in the folds of the collar of a mink coat. All things had to be carefully examined and gutted. I bought an aerosol, sprayed it and the problem disappeared. Now I store clothes in special cases.

Chemical methods of destruction

There are many chemicals on the market for pest control. How to deal with it most effectively? Consider popular means.

  • Nerve aerosols will help get rid of the insect family. Before use, put on a respirator, mask and gloves. After treatment, leave the room for 3-4 hours. The balloon should be used twice a week until completely destroyed. Among the effective users, Combat, Antimol, Difox and Raptor are distinguished.
  • Fumigators work from the electrical network. They are plugged into the socket and do not harm the health of people and animals. In 3 - 4 weeks you will get rid of domestic moths. The most popular are Raptor, Mosquitall and Raid.

The benefits of chemistry in a quick result. The price of drugs varies depending on the manufacturer and the form of the drug.

Leonid, 35 years old: “My wife periodically uses an anti-moth aerosol even for prevention purposes. Just one day her favorite coat got hurt. I have nothing against. At the time of pest control, we leave the apartment and spend time together.

Folk ways of fighting

You found a flying pest in your apartment, but there is no time to go to the store for chemicals? It's not scary. You can always use improvised means. Which of them will help?

  • Moths are vulnerable to temperature changes. Therefore, put contaminated products on the windowsill. The larvae will not withstand temperatures of -10 0 in winter. In summer, use the oven, because the winged pest tolerates heat of 40–50 0.
  • Place peeled garlic cloves in food containers. The spice will not spoil the taste, and will also scare away the insect.
  • Frightening functions are also performed by bay leaf, allspice, rosemary, thyme, cloves.
  • Wormwood, tansy, chestnut, dill and Caucasian chamomile exude a strong repellent smell. Grind the grass, and sew bags into which it needs to be filled. Place them in moth habitats.
  • Grate the zest of an orange or other citrus fruit and spread on kitchen surfaces.

After self-treatment of the premises, the insect population will decrease.

Folk methods for the destruction of moths are no less effective than chemical ones.

But their application requires increased attention. You may not notice the larvae, and then the fight against the moth will go down the drain.


To prevent adult insects from reproducing, there are traps to kill them. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in a specialized store.

In any case, it must be used until possible larvae turn into a moth and die.

  • Glueless traps attract insects with scent. After getting into a special compartment, the pest cannot get out of there.
  • Glue baits do not harm human health, because they do not contain chemical components. When the moth sits on the sticky part, it will not be able to tear itself away from it. Manufacturers enhance the action with pheromones, because. they attract insects. Pay attention to Global, Natural Control, Raptor and Aeroxon.
  • You can make a device with your own hands, but its duration of action is extended over a long period of time. Stick double-sided tape in cabinets and nightstands or make small holes in a plastic water bottle so that the pest arrives to feast on it and cannot get out.

Traps based on pheromones are more effective, it is precisely on their smell that the pest flies specifically. In other cases, you will have to wait until it gets caught by chance, so the fight against moths in the apartment is delayed.

Don't overdo it with the placement of pheromone traps.

Do not use more than two in one room, otherwise there will be an overabundance of the substance, and the insects will become disoriented. This will lead to more of them.

Flavor effectiveness

Like other household insects, moths are sensitive to odors. We will take advantage of this and place sprigs of plants, essential oils in the apartment to scare away the winged ones at home. Which of them are the most optimal?

  • Lavender is feared by larvae and adults, so its extract is often included in the basis of repellers. Just do not treat clothes with plant oil, because. it may contain palm oil, which is harmful to tissues.
  • The smell of needles and cones is pleasant to the tenants of the apartment, but do not moth. Place oil in containers on cabinets and nightstands.
  • The smell of tobacco is not tolerated by insects. Leave cigarettes in your coat pocket.
  • Add vinegar to water when wet cleaning and mopping. You can also use patchouli or mint oil.
  • Fresh printing ink adversely affects unwanted neighbors. Place pages of fresh newspapers in the dressing room.

Using ready-made essential oils is better than just sprigs of grass. They have stronger concentration and stamina.

Keep in mind that domestic moths can get used to the same smells: change them periodically. Especially if the larva at birth felt the aroma, it develops a kind of immunity.

Naphthalene and shag have a strong pungent odor. It repels moths, but at the same time pollutes the air of the room. Better choose other flavors.
