Installation for the production of building blocks with your own hands. Manufacturing of building blocks

In low-rise construction, cinder blocks are increasingly being used as a worthy alternative to traditional wall materials. The cinder block differs from bricks primarily in size, which allows construction to be carried out as soon as possible. In order to save money, many people prefer to make a cinder block on their own, without spending money on buying it, and someone has formed a small business for the production of cinder blocks.

How to make a cinder block machine

First, let's decide what goals we set for ourselves. If we need to build a small utility room, a barn, a summer kitchen or a temporary hut, this is one thing. In the same case, if we are going to sell a cinder block, then the approach to its manufacture should be completely different. Firstly, the mass production of cinder block requires the stability of the recipe, otherwise it will be simply impossible to produce a high-quality cinder block. Secondly, the machine for making a cinder block with our own hands, the drawings of which we have given right here, is not intended for large-scale production for obvious reasons.

The reliability and performance of a machine assembled from just about anything is incomparable to a machine made in a production environment where there is even a hint of quality assurance. However, no one is forbidden to make a couple of hundred cinder blocks yet, so we present drawings with dimensions for a vibrating machine.

Do-it-yourself cinder block manufacturing technology

You can also make a cinder block in a chicken coop, depending on what quality requirements you impose on it. The general principles and manufacturing technology of a cinder block are no different from industrial ones. The cinder block has standard dimensions, shape and characteristics. We can achieve forms on our own, depending on the level of skill and the degree of proficiency in welding, a lathe, a grinder and elementary metalwork tools.

Be that as it may, the cinder block should be 39x19x188 in size, have three holes in the body. These are only linear characteristics. If we talk about physical and technical, then there is no guarantee that the garage cinder block will meet the standards. In any case, it will be different from the industrial one, good or bad.

For the manufacture of a mixture for cinder block, the following materials are used:

  1. Slag.
  2. Sand.
  3. Cement.
  4. modifying additives.

The correct cinder block will be obtained only by vibrocompression, which is worth familiarizing yourself with in more detail.

What is vibropress

Roughly speaking, a vibropress is a powerful table, the tabletop of which is suspended on springs or in another way. The vibration of the tabletop occurs due to the displacement of the center of gravity in the eccentric, which is attached to the output shaft of the electric motor.

There are several types of vibrating plate suspension - spring suspension, on rubber cushions, but with cables. A solid bed must stand securely and steadily on the ground, while the vibrating plate compacts the cinder-concrete mixture. In machines manufactured industrially, a balancer with a displaced center of gravity is installed directly under the vibrating plate, and is rigidly attached to it. Homemade vibrating tables use different balancer drive schemes, but basically, it is a belt drive, and this design is reliable and the quality of cinder block manufacturing.

How to make a matrix with your own hands

The form for the manufacture of cinder block is the most important thing in the process and the most important thing in the configuration of the machine. Without the right shape, the whole point of making your own cinder block turns into a useless circle of skillful hands. The more irregularities and voids there are in the cinder block, the longer the wall will be built, and the poorer the masonry will be. During the manufacturing process on a vibrating table, slag concrete tends to shrink, and this is quite natural, since the whole point of the vibrating table is to compact the solution as much as possible, driving all the air out of it.

If the matrix does not take this into account, the cinder blocks will be of different sizes, and it will be very problematic to perform normal masonry from them. Therefore, in professional machines, a press is also used to quickly stabilize the mixture. The drawings of the matrix and the step-by-step process of its manufacture do not require explanation. Everything is perfectly visible in the photo, and observing these dimensions, you will get the perfect cinder block.

The composition of the mixture for cinder block

There is no single universal composition. The most important component of slag concrete is cement. Slag can be any material:

  • coal ash;
  • blast-furnace slag;
  • expanded clay;
  • granulated slag;
  • boiler slag;
  • processed sawdust.

As well as a wide variety of mixtures of these slags. Cement is taken, as a rule, grades M400, and sifted quartz sand is preferable. Without fail, plasticizers are added to the solution, modifying additives that change the properties of slag concrete, depending on specific circumstances. The proportions when mixing are recommended to comply with the following:

  • slag - 7 parts;
  • cement M400 - 1.5 parts;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • water - as needed, but not more than 3 parts.

As you can see, with the manufacture of a cinder block with your own hands, everything is not so simple, but if you try and show patience and skill, everything will definitely work out.

Among the many concrete products on the market, cinder blocks stand out. They quickly gained popularity among private developers, thanks to a set of advantages. The increased dimensions and low weight of the products greatly facilitate the laying of walls. By making cinder blocks on your own, you can significantly reduce costs. A cinder block production machine designed for domestic use can be made on your own.

Cinder blocks - characteristics and purpose of the material

One of the reasons for the increased popularity of slag-filled concrete blocks is the low cost of the material. It is associated with the use in the production process of waste from metallurgical enterprises - slag.

Along with traditional components, Portland cement and river sand, various aggregates are used:

  • brick fight;
  • crushed stone screening;
  • granite chips;
  • various slags and ashes;
  • expanded clay particles.
The use of cinder blocks in construction can reduce the cost of building walls several times

The manufacturing process is carried out in various ways:

  • industrial method at specialized enterprises with the processing of products in drying chambers;
  • at home from available raw materials, using a self-assembled machine for making blocks.

On home-made equipment, you can produce various types of cinder-concrete products:

  • full-bodied, with an increased margin of safety. They are used quite rarely, as they retain heat worse;
  • hollow, characterized by high thermal insulation properties. To ensure strength, the volume of cavities should not exceed 1/3 of the total volume of the product.

Dimensions of products are determined by the size of the form. With independent production of products, the size of the molding box can be any. However, many prefer the standard dimensions of 19x18.8x39 cm.

The increased volume of the cinder block can significantly reduce the duration of various types of construction work:

  • erection of capital walls;
  • construction of internal partitions.

It is perfect for the construction of utility buildings, sheds, storage facilities.

If you need to make a cinder block yourself, the machine allows you to quickly solve the problem. The resulting material has many advantages:

  • high thermal insulation characteristics. Due to the reduced thermal conductivity, the material prevents heat loss;
  • increased dimensions and low weight. This makes it easy to transport products and quickly build walls from them;
  • resistance to the development of microorganisms. This is achieved due to the properties of the slag included in the structure of the block;
  • low price. Do-it-yourself cinder block machine allows you to make products that are cheaper than purchased blocks.

The advantages also include the fact that slag-filled blocks can be easily machined, effectively absorb various noises, and are not afraid of high temperatures.

The material also has weaknesses:

  • low durability. The period of operation of cinder-block buildings is up to three decades;
  • reduced margin of safety. The characteristics of the material allow the construction of buildings with a height of no more than two floors;
  • the appearance of cracks under the influence of shear forces. During shrinkage, cracking occurs along the cinder block array.

To ensure an attractive appearance of buildings, the cinder block surface needs an external cladding. These shortcomings do not stop developers who wish to build an outbuilding or a small building in a limited time at low cost.

You can use homemade cinder blocks a month after they are made.

Choosing which machine to use for the manufacture of cinder blocks

After deciding on the manufacture of block products on their own, the problem arises of choosing a unit for their production. Many decide to make their own machine for the production of cinder blocks.

When deciding on a device, it is worth considering the following design options:

  • a simplified device that provides the ability to manufacture block products at home;
  • an improved unit, the design of which provides for a mechanism for tamping and extracting finished products.

The choice of the optimal option is carried out depending on the need and availability of funds.

Simplified cinder block machine with your own hands - drawings and recommendations

With a small need for material, there is no need to manufacture a complex unit equipped with a vibration motor and special mechanisms. A simplified method allows the production of products in special molding boxes.

The technology provides for the following works:

  1. Assembling molds and oiling the surface inside the box.
  2. Pouring into collapsible containers of cinder block mortar.
  3. Exposure for 5-6 hours until the composition sets.
  4. Disassembly of the box and careful extraction.
  5. Drying of manufactured products under a canopy or indoors.

To build this kind of machine, you should have the skills to work with a welding machine and a plumbing tool

The use of wooden or metal inserts, as well as glass containers, allows the production of hollow blocks. It is not difficult to make a simplified machine for cinder blocks with your own hands - it is a metal or wooden container, the size and shape of which correspond to the parameters of the product.

An improved machine for the production of cinder blocks with your own hands - drawings and device

For the manufacture of the upgraded unit, drawings will be required. You can study the existing machine for self-development of sketches. Before starting design work, it is important to make sure that the device is working. It is advisable to manufacture complex equipment with an increased need for cinder blocks. In any case, when planning to assemble a professional cinder block machine with your own hands, you need to develop the drawings yourself or purchase ready-made ones.

In such a machine there are special mechanisms:

  • ramming device. Compaction is carried out by a vibration motor. It is an engine with a power of up to 1.2 kW with a load placed eccentrically on the shaft. You can use a purchased vibration motor. As a result of vibration action, air pores are removed, and the material is evenly distributed over the mold box. The result of ramming is an increase in density and strength properties;
  • lifting mechanism. It facilitates the removal of cinder blocks from mold boxes. From a variety of designs, you can always choose the right option. The simplest solution is a U-shaped handle welded to the side surfaces of the container. By lifting the molding box by the handles, you can remove the hardened cinder block.

The size of the mold must correspond to the dimensions of the cinder block, exceeding its height by 50 mm. This will allow you to load an increased volume of the mixture, which, after compaction, will acquire the required dimensions.

To make a cinder block with your own hands, small-sized vibrating machines are used, which are capable of producing small batches of this material.

We assemble a machine for the manufacture of cinder blocks with our own hands

If you want to make a homemade cinder block machine with your own hands, you need to draw or purchase ready-made sketches, as well as take care of the materials and tools necessary to complete the work.

Getting ready to assemble a machine for cinder blocks - preparation of materials and tools

The arsenal of home craftsmen usually has the required equipment and tools. Catalog of the necessary equipment and materials:

  • electric welding device;
  • grinder with a disk for cutting metal;
  • a set of locksmith tools;
  • vise;
  • sheets of three-millimeter metal;
  • cutting steel pipes;
  • electric motor or ready-made vibrator;
  • bolts, washers, nuts for fastening parts.

The amount of metal for the manufacture of the device is determined in accordance with the drawing or sketch, which shows all dimensions.

First of all, workpieces are cut from a sheet of metal 3 mm, work with a grinder should be done carefully

How to make a mold for a block machine with your own hands - drawings and assembly

In order to make a home-made machine for a cinder block with your own hands, drawings and diagrams will be required both for the molding box and for the unit itself. Let's start with the mold.

Make it according to the following algorithm:

  1. Mark the contours of the parts on a metal sheet, cut the blanks to make a molding box.
  2. Weld the shell of the future container, check the observance of right angles.
  3. Cut off pieces of pipes with a grinder, the length of which corresponds to the height of the cinder block.
  4. Make cuts along the axis from opposite sides of the pipes, give the blanks a conical configuration.
  5. Weld them to the base of the box, connect them with a transverse jumper to increase rigidity.
  6. Weld the base with conical inserts to the shell, fix the plugs on the end of the pipes.
  7. Make two handles for moving the mold box, fix them on both sides of the structure.
  8. Make the cover of the molding box, make holes in it that correspond to the dimensions of the technological inserts.
  9. Fasten the stops inside the box at a level corresponding to the height of the block. They act as a stopper for the lid.

The use of a group molding box with increased dimensions will increase the productivity of the equipment, and the use of a collapsible casting mold will facilitate extraction.

Do-it-yourself drawing for making a machine

How to make a block making machine yourself

As a material for manufacturing, use the metal profile available in the household.


  1. Weld the sidewalls of the bed, connect them with jumpers.
  2. Prepare a work platform and secure between the uprights.
  3. Attach the vibration motor mounting studs to the platform.
  4. Fix the eccentric balancer on the motor drive shaft.
  5. Prime the surface of the metal, then cover with paint.
  6. Connect the power cable to the motor and carry out a test run.

Having carefully studied the previously developed project and drawings, it is not difficult to make a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands.

How to prepare a solution for a machine for the manufacture of cinder blocks

It is important to properly prepare the solution so that the cinder block made at home has the required properties. Necessary materials:

  • coal ash or metallurgical slag;
  • sifted sand;
  • fine-grained gravel or screenings;
  • cement M400 or M500.

The name itself speaks for itself what this block is made of, and it is made from coal slag, which remains after the boilers are fired in a coal-fired boiler house

It is allowed to introduce additives that reduce the duration of hardening and increase strength. The ratios of the ingredients affect the characteristics of the finished material.

Use the following recipes:

  • mix ash with cement in a ratio of 7: 2, add water to a plastic consistency;
  • mix ash and screenings in equal proportions, add 10–12% of cement from the total volume, dilute with water.

When mixing, be guided by proven recipes.

We check the machine for the production of blocks - we stamp cinder blocks with our own hands

Consider how to use the machine for the manufacture of cinder concrete products:

  1. Install the unit on a solid base, connect the voltage.
  2. Prepare the cinder block mixture according to the manufacturing technology.
  3. Fill the mold box with mortar and turn on the vibration motor for one minute.
  4. Add solution up to the upper mark.
  5. Install the cover, turn on the vibration motor.
  6. Tamp until it touches the cover with thrust elements.
  7. Carefully remove the forming container.

When the fresh block has set, remove it from the box. Dry the building material in a dry and closed area.

What to look for when making a cinder block machine

When building a house, a bathhouse or an outbuilding, you can save a lot by using a machine designed for the manufacture of cinder blocks. It is not always necessary to purchase a machine made in the factory. It is not difficult to make a machine for making blocks yourself. Pay attention to the use of proven drawings, as well as study the recipe and understand the technology.

There are various types of concrete blocks on the building materials market, including cinder blocks. They are characterized by low weight, increased size, which allows you to build a building at an accelerated pace. Wanting to reduce the estimated cost of work, many developers do not purchase block building materials, but make it on their own using a block production machine. Not always industrial models of vibration machines differ in quality and performance. It is easy to make a homemade unit, guided by the recommendations given.

Cinder blocks

Types of concrete blocks for construction

Despite the fact that brick is often used in the construction industry for the construction of buildings, it is difficult for it to compete with block building materials made of concrete. To build a house, it is easy to pick up blocks that differ:

  • increased dimensions;
  • reduced weight;
  • filler used;
  • production technology.

The manufacturing technology of block products provides for the use of the following filler:

  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • slag;
  • brick fight;
  • dropouts.

Expanded clay blocks

Block-type wall materials are divided into the following types:

  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • arbolite products;
  • foam concrete building materials;
  • aerated concrete products;
  • cinder blocks.

The use of cinder blocks, the cost of which is lower than other block building materials, reduces the cost of building a building. Making cinder blocks on your own is easy to do at home using a block production machine. Consider the characteristics of cinder block building materials.

Cinder blocks - building material properties

Cinder blocks are a building material obtained by vibratory pressing technology. Along with cement and sand, the following types of filler are used for manufacturing:

  • slag, which is a waste of metallurgical enterprises;
  • screenings from granite and gravel;
  • brick waste;
  • river gravel;
  • expanded clay particles.

Brick waste is one of the components for cinder blocks

The manufacture of cinder block products can be carried out in various ways:

  • according to industrial technology, providing for heat treatment and steaming;
  • at home using a homemade block machine.

By making cinder blocks on the block machine, you can get products with the following advantages:

  • improved thermal insulation properties. Slag concrete has low thermal conductivity and retains heat well;
  • increased dimensions. They allow you to quickly build a cinder-block building, an outbuilding or a garage with your own hands;
  • resistance to microorganisms and damage by rodents. This is ensured by the filler used and the structure of the cinder block array;
  • reduced cost. A home-made cinder block is cheaper than, for example, a foam block purchased in a distribution network used for construction.

In addition, cinder-concrete material is fireproof, easy to process and dampens external noise.

Along with the advantages, slag concrete has a number of disadvantages:

  • limited service life. The durability of the cinder concrete structure does not exceed two and a half decades;
  • reduced strength properties. Only one-story and two-story buildings are erected from slag concrete;
  • cracks when sheared. In the process of shrinking the box, cracks do not go along the seams, but directly along the blocks.

Slag concrete has low thermal conductivity and retains heat well

Slag concrete also has an unpresentable appearance and needs external finishing. In addition, slag concrete cannot be used for foundation construction.

Despite the weaknesses of the material, it is preferred in situations where it is required to quickly build a small building or outbuilding at minimal cost.

Which is better to use a block machine

Before developers who decide to independently produce cinder blocks for building walls, the question arises of choosing equipment. It is not always possible to rent a machine for the production of building blocks, especially in small towns. Many decide to make equipment on their own. Depending on financial capabilities, you can stop at the following options:

  • the simplest design that allows you to make wall blocks at home at minimal cost;
  • a modernized version of the unit, equipped with a sealing device and additional mechanisms.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer which machine for the production of blocks is preferable to use. It all depends on the number of blocks to be produced and funding opportunities. Let's take a look at the features of each unit.

Simplified Block Machine

For the manufacture of cinder blocks on your own in a reduced quantity, it is not necessary to manufacture a mechanized unit, use a vibrator, as well as additional mechanisms. The manufacturing process using simplified technology can be carried out in special forms.

Simplified Block Machine


  • Assemble the molds and coat their inner surface with used oil.
  • Pour the cinder block mixture into collapsible forms.
  • Leave for 3-4 hours until the solution hardens.
  • Disassemble the containers and carefully remove the blocks.
  • Allow to dry indoors.

If it is necessary to manufacture hollow products, it is advisable to use ordinary beverage bottles to form cavities. A simplified block machine, which is a container of the required size made of wood or steel, can be made at a minimum amount of effort.

Upgraded building block machine

With an increased need for cinder blocks for the construction of a large building, a more complex block production machine can be made, equipped with special devices:

  • vibration mechanism. An electric motor is used as a vibration motor, on the drive shaft of which an eccentric is located. The drive power depends on the size of the form, the mass of the slag concrete solution and is 0.5–1.5 kW. Under the influence of vibration, the cinder concrete mass is compacted, the material is evenly distributed throughout the mold space, and air inclusions are removed. As a result of compaction, the specific gravity and strength of cinder block products increase;
  • lifting device. It is designed for accelerated extraction of finished products from molding containers. There are many design solutions to speed up and facilitate the excavation of blocks. In the simplest version, it is enough to weld handles of arbitrary shape to the molding container, by pulling which you can remove the hardened block. Using ready-made drawings, you can independently assemble the lever mechanism from improvised materials.

Upgraded building block machine

The form used in this unit must correspond to the dimensions of the cinder block that is planned to be made. In most cases, products of standard dimensions are manufactured - 0.4x0.2x0.2 m. The molding container must have a height increased by 4 m5 cm so that the molded block after compaction has the required dimensions. To simulate cavities, cut pipes of the required diameter can be welded to the bottom of the tank.

We make a machine for blocks with our own hands - a sequence of actions

To perform the assembly of the vibrocompactor, it is necessary to prepare. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • steel sheets 2.5–3 mm thick;
  • metal pipe with an outer diameter of 7.5m8.5 cm;
  • electric motor with a power of up to one kilowatt;
  • apparatus for electric welding with electrodes;
  • grinder complete with a cutting wheel for metal;
  • locksmith tool.

Before starting production, you should prepare drawings and deal with the design of the machine for the production of blocks. It is necessary to determine the dimensions of the blocks that will be manufactured - the size of the mold depends on this. It can be welded for standard products or made in an enlarged size.

Drawing machine for cinder block

When everything is prepared, we make a machine for the production of block products, observing the sequence of operations:

  • Cut a steel sheet into a rectangular shape to weld a molding container of the required size.
  • Grab them with electric welding and assemble the side edging of the molding box for pouring the cinder block mixture.
  • Check the correctness of the tack, with an equal length of the diagonal, finally weld the mold elements.
  • Cut tubular blanks, the length of which is equal to the height of the form and make diametrical cuts on the side surface.
  • Provide a cone-shaped tubular elements and weld them to the bottom sheet of the future mold box.
  • Weld the transverse jumper to the cones, install the plugs on the ends with a smaller size.
  • Make the final assembly of the forming box by welding the bottom with inserts to the edging.
  • Fasten two handles on opposite sides for lifting and transporting the forming container.
  • Install the vibration motor screw fasteners and screw the vibration motor with balance weight.
  • Cut out the top cover to match the dimensions of the inside of the box and have holes for pipes.
  • Apply an anti-corrosion coating, assemble the unit and check its operation.

The use of an oversized group tank allows you to increase the productivity of the vibrocompression machine.

Drawing. Vibroforming machine

Independent production of cinder blocks - recipe

Do-it-yourself cinder block making machine

For the manufacture of cinder blocks on self-made equipment, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Portland cement marked M400 and above;
  • screenings or small gravel;
  • slag or ash from coal combustion;
  • sifted sand;
  • water.

Special plasticizers are also used, which increase the strength of the cinder block mass and accelerate hardening. To prepare an increased volume of slag concrete mixture, a concrete mixer is required.

The following formulations of slag concrete composition are used:

  • mix Portland cement with slag in a ratio of 1.5:8. Gradually dilute the mixture with water, the amount of which should not exceed half the volume of cement;
  • mix crushed stone, cement and coal ash in a ratio of 4:1:4. Add water to the concrete mixer until the mortar is plastic.

Recipes are possible that involve the use of granulated slags, plasticizers, quartz sand and brick slaughter.

Portland cement marked M400

We manufacture products on our own, using a machine for the production of blocks

Using a self-made machine for blocks, carry out work according to the following algorithm:

  • Install the equipment on level ground.
  • Connect the electrical supply.
  • Prepare a cinder block solution.
  • Pour the prepared mixture into the mold.
  • Turn on the vibration motor for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add cinder block mixture to the top level.
  • Replace the protective cover and turn on the vibrator.

Compact the array. The lid should come into contact with the stops located according to the height of the block. Then remove the box and let the molded block stand until the array sets. After careful removal, dry the cinder-concrete products in a closed and ventilated area.

Summing up

When planning the construction of a cinder block building, you can reduce the amount of costs by making a machine for the production of blocks yourself. It is important to use proven documentation for the manufacture of the unit and carefully understand the design of the vibration compactor. To obtain quality products, study the recipe, as well as understand the technology.

There is no shortage of materials for construction - today you can buy everything. Prices, however, are such that any construction "flies a penny", so the independent production of building materials is not a whim, but a necessity. In recent years, serious competitors have appeared for bricks: blocks of gas silicate and foam concrete, porous ceramics, expanded clay, polystyrene. All these materials are made on production equipment, but one type of wall stone can be made at home - this is a cinder block. We will tell you how to make a machine for the production of cinder blocks with your own hands.

Cinder block is an artificial stone of a rectangular shape and strictly defined sizes. The type and dimensions of the cinder block depend on the purpose. Most often, this is a block with technological voids (about 30% of the volume), providing a relatively small weight and reducing the thermal conductivity of the material.

Depending on the purpose, the cinder block is:

  • hollow or monolithic;
  • whole or half;
  • ordinary or facial;
  • load-bearing or partition.

Decorative (front) cinder block can be of different colors, the surface on the front side can be chipped, torn, corrugated, polished. The material is used, as a rule, for the construction of decorative hedges.

Several basic block sizes and weights:

  • ordinary standard 390x190x188 mm, weight 20 - 28 kg;
  • ordinary half 390x120x188 or 390x90x188 mm; weight 10 -14 kg;
  • partition wall 390X120X188 mm, weight 10-15 kg.

Materials for the production of cinder block

The composition of the cinder block includes a binder, filler and water. The name of the block was given by blast-furnace slag, which was once in abundance and was used as a filler. Today, slag is not common, and as a filler for cinder blocks, they use:

  • granite screenings;
  • brick chips;
  • crushed stone;
  • river gravel;
  • sand;
  • crushed expanded clay;
  • clay;
  • sawdust.

The binder is cement grades 300 - 600. The grade of cement depends on the required strength of the block - the higher the grade, the denser the stone.

Characteristics of the cinder block. Benefits of industrial production

There is no strictly defined recipe for the manufacture of cinder block, so its characteristics are not constant. Depending on the filler, the cinder block has:

  • Density (750-1450 kg / cm 3).
  • Strength M30 - M150.
  • The coefficient of voidness is on average 0.3, not more than 0.4.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.27 - 0.65 W / m 2
  • Service life (depending on climatic conditions) 30 - 150 years.

The main difference between the industrial production of cinder block is the processing of the molded stone in the steaming chamber. During the day at a temperature of 80–100 ° C and humidity up to 100%, the material gains up to 70% of maximum strength and can be immediately used in construction. The strength characteristics of a factory cinder block are about twice as high as those of a home one. But the material made on a do-it-yourself cinder block machine is much cheaper and also quite suitable for construction.

How to make a cinder block at home

The principle of production of cinder block is simple - it is pouring the concrete mixture into the formwork:

  • To prepare the working mixture, cement, fillers and water are mixed. The fillers are pre-screened to remove large and foreign fragments. The volume of water should not be too large so that the mixture has a semi-dry consistency (in professional slang - “carving”). An example of a typical proportion for a high-strength cinder block: filler - 7 parts, coarse sand - 2 parts, gravel of medium fraction or granite screenings - 2 parts, one and a half parts cement, and 3 water.
  • The form (matrix) is loaded with the working mixture, compacted as much as possible by vibrocompression or packing. After compaction, the mixture is filled up to the desired volume and re-compacted.
  • The formed block is carefully released from the mold.
  • Dry the cinder block in natural conditions. After a day, the blocks can be carefully moved from the molding site to the storage site, after 5–7 days the blocks will be ready for use in construction. The use of a plasticizer allows you to accelerate hardening - after 6-8 hours the cinder block can be moved to the warehouse. The blocks acquire maximum strength in a month, the preferred conditions are high temperature and humidity.

Equipment for the production of cinder block

The main advantage of cinder block production is a wide choice of technical equipment. You can choose and independently make the desired machine for home production of cinder block.

For the simplest production of cinder block, you need:

  • materials;
  • cinder block matrix for molding;
  • ventilated indoor area with a flat floor.

The level of mechanization depends on the desire of the manufacturer and the required number of blocks. I offer three production options:

1. A small amount of blocks for your own use can be made by hand using a simple matrix, which is easy to make from a wooden board.

Here is what the further process of making a cinder block looks like

2. The process can be facilitated by using the simplest machine for cinder blocks at home - a matrix for one block with vibration. Turning on the vibrator for a few seconds after filling the matrix and after adding the mixture to the full volume will speed up the process and reduce labor costs.

Instructions for the manufacture of the machine and its drawing can be found on the net. Machine operation

3. The machine for the manufacture of cinder blocks with two dies allows you to significantly simplify production and produce material not only for yourself, but also for sale.

The cinder block machine is simple and can be made at home. To make your own machine, you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • angle grinder, she is also a "Bulgarian";
  • ruler and chalk for marking.

The main parts of the machine for the manufacture of cinder blocks do it yourself:

  • Matrix

Molding boxes with guides and apron.

  • Press

Two handles made of pipe, two walls made of sheet metal t. 3 mm and four clamping planes.

Two bases, two guides, crossbars and four wheels without brakes.

  • Lever arm

Three pipes, ears and two rods.

To visualize how to make a machine and see the drawings, I recommend watching two videos:

  • a video in 3d format tells in detail about the design of the machine and the principle of operation.
  • the video gives a complete specification of the cinder block machine, a general drawing and drawings of each individual element.

You can see the work of the machine for the production of cinder blocks here (VIDEO 5)

What can be built from cinder block

The production of cinder block did not begin yesterday - in regions where coal slag is in abundance, this building material has been used for a long time. If the advantages of the cinder block are well known (low cost and ease of manufacture), then the disadvantages are often hushed up. The disadvantages of this material include:

  • environmental insecurity

If industrial slag is used in the production of cinder block, it is likely that the material will have an increased level of radiation. Be sure to use a dosimeter when choosing a material.

  • Instability to high humidity.

A cinder block wall must be insulated from natural moisture. Plastering a cinder block is not easy due to poor adhesion of the mortar with slag.

  • Limited durability.
  • Unpresentable appearance

Another reason to do cladding.

The use of cinder block is limited - it is suitable for construction:

  • outbuildings (sheds, garages, utility rooms);
  • one-story industrial buildings;
  • baths (with careful waterproofing);
  • fences and barriers;
  • summer cottages;
  • outbuildings, etc.

Cinder block making machine updated: November 10, 2016 by: Artyom

The availability of materials and the ease of production of cinder-block mounting blocks allow you to make them yourself. Cinder blocks can be made manually, or you can make a home-made machine for this purpose, which will significantly speed up the production process. Before creating a working drawing of the machine, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. For the construction of small structures and outbuildings, 1-2 molds will be enough, which will be required for the manufacture of mounting blocks. If you need a much larger amount of cinder block for 1 working cycle, then you need to think about manufacturing more powerful and productive equipment (for example, 4-6 or more molds per cycle).

How to make block molds

And also its physical characteristics make this material attractive for the construction of various architectural structures. Acquiring ready-made equipment for its production is quite troublesome and costly, but making a machine with your own hands is quite realistic. First you need to create a drawing of forms, taking into account the dimensions of the cinder block - 390 × 188 × 190 mm. Then you need to decide on the number of blocks produced.

It should be borne in mind here that if the cinder block will be produced on a vibrating table, then the forms must be made single, since otherwise it will be quite difficult to install them on the table for shaking. It is possible to make a double container for with a gap of 5 mm between the same sections, where the separation plate will be installed. It is necessary to take a steel sheet of the same thickness (from which we will make molds). The process of making them is quite simple:

  • make a markup of a metal sheet;
  • cut out the desired size of the part;
  • by welding, we connect the pieces of steel together;
  • in the middle we weld a plate and cone-shaped cylinders, which will play the role of void formers.

Foreman's advice: it is necessary to weld the sheets together with a spot tack on the outside so that the metal does not lead, and inside there is a solid and even surface.

After making the structure, you will need to make a metal pallet, which then needs to be welded to the mold, and then 50 mm must be retreated from its edge, and 200-300 mm along the long side (there will be excess solution after loading it). The height of the side should also be 50 mm so that the solution does not spill out when loading.

Design features of the machine

As we have said, you can cook with a machine. The simplest design can be made as follows:

  • as the base of the vibrating table, we will use two channels of the same size, to each of which it is necessary to weld two metal pipes. They will serve as table supports;
  • springs must be welded over the free ends of the pipes, which will provide the proper level of vibration to shake the working composition in the molds. Old motorcycle springs are perfect for this purpose. They will also act as shock absorbers;
  • vibrating table top can be made of thick-walled steel. A rectangular canvas must be welded to vertically arranged support springs. Then, on the canvas, strictly according to the seats of the electric motor (you can use the motor for a grinder or from a household “washer” for this purpose), it is necessary to weld the bolts and secure it tightly. To ensure vibration, an eccentric must be installed on the motor output shaft (you can use an off-center nut or weld a bolt).

You can check the operability of the equipment by connecting the electric motor to the network. If the machine starts to vibrate, then you can start making cinder blocks.

Foreman's advice: to facilitate the production process, it is possible to make a machine design with a lifting frame, which is able to lift the mold, after which the finished product remains on the floor. The frame itself has wheels for easy movement of the equipment.

We also note that for small private production, it is machines with a lifting part that will speed up the manufacturing process at times.

