Super farmer board game rules. Board game super farmer

Box dimensions: 270x190x35 mm. Weight: 366 g. The game is perfect as a travel game. In the photo there is a box next to an 18 cm doll.

The game Super Farmer from GRANNA is available in two versions - simpler (as in this review), completely with cards, and deluxe - there are figures (dogs), the rest is also cards. I only found out about the deluxe option now, otherwise, of course, I would have chosen it. But a simpler option is also excellent, especially since it’s not so important whether it’s dog figurines or cards. After all, everything else is the same both there and there.

The game is very good - children are very interested, and children of different ages! Kids can simply lay out the cards, older children can play according to the rules.

The game features a wolf and a fox who are hunting the herd; if there are no protective dogs, then the wolf and fox drag the animals away (when they appear on the dice). This is very upsetting for babies, so it is better to play with small children without these harmful predators. :-)

Economic game "Super Farmer"

Super Farmer, game from GRANNA, Poland. A whole sea of ​​cards with animals!

The game is based on interesting mathematical rules. You raise animals and want to become a super farmer. The number of animals is increasing, profits are growing. You can exchange some animals for others if you see fit. However, all plans can collapse due to negligence: a wolf and a fox are hunting nearby. Your animals may be easy prey. Don't forget that you can protect yourself from these villains by owning dogs!

The winner is the player who is the first to collect a herd that includes at least one horse, cow, pig, sheep and rabbit.

The beauty is that you can continue the game as long as you like.

Super Farmer is an economic game that teaches you to count, outline and plan events in the future, and assess risk. All these skills are very needed nowadays! The game helps to consolidate mathematical skills and apply them “in practice”, develops logic.

Manufacturer: GRANNA, Poland.

Players age: 7 years and older. In fact, you can play much earlier.

Number of players: 2-4 people.

2 large beautiful 12-sided animal dice

120 cards with images of animals: 60 rabbits, 24 sheep, 20 pigs, 12 cows, 4 horses

4 small plastic dogs - this is in the deluxe version, in the simple version there are just dog cards instead of figures.

2 large plastic dogs are also in the deluxe, in the regular game there are no figures, everything is on cards.

Made in Poland.

Before you start the game, you should bend the exchange table along the designated fold line, /see figure/.

Board game "Super Farmer Deluxe"

Each player becomes a cunning Polish farmer who decides to gather a herd of rabbit, sheep, pig, cow and horse.

The one who is the first to obtain such a set of animals by exchanging some for others and breeding will win. But not everything is so simple: the wolf and the fox really want to interfere with the brave farmers and steal animals.

Each turn, you roll a die with a different animal on it: if you get an animal that's on the die, you get another one (or a whole generation of rabbits, if that's what they are). Moreover, if you don’t yet have such an animal, then the throw will do nothing - to fill the herd you need to have at least one of each!

The wolf and the fox live in the forest, from where they sometimes attack farms. The fox is not very scary; a small dog can protect you from it. But the wolf is a real predator, and to protect against it you will have to exchange a large dog.

There is just one subtlety: large dogs are very rare animals, and therefore there definitely won’t be enough of them for all the players. You need to think about protection in advance.

Game contents, deluxe package:

4 fields on which animal pyramids and exchange cards are drawn.

On these fields you will need to place your livestock, 2 twelve-sided dice to determine growth, plus wolf and fox exits from the forest, 120 animals on thick cardboard: 60 rabbits, 24 sheep, 20 pigs, 12 cows and 4 horses (by the way, even if several if you get lost, it’s not scary, because it’s rare to post all the animals at once), 4 small plastic dog figurines, 2 plastic figurines of adorable large dogs, rules in Russian.

Super Farmer, game from GRANNA, Poland

2 large beautiful 12-SIDED animal dice.

Super Farmer, game from GRANNA, back of the box.

On the side of the box.

Opening the box...

Cards with animals need to be squeezed out.

Super Farmer, game from GRANNA. New game, sheets have not yet been sorted into individual cards.

Super Farmer, board game from GRANNA - RULES of the game. Sheet 1 of 4.

Super Farmer, board game from GRANNA - RULES of the game. Sheet 2 of 4.

Super Farmer, board game from GRANNA - RULES of the game. Sheet 3 of 4.

Super Farmer, board game from GRANNA - RULES of the game. Sheet 4 of 4.

Booklet with other Grann games.

The dimensions of the cards are in the photo next to the 18 cm doll.

The cubes in the game are large, weighty, very unusual, 12-sided.

Cubes next to an 18cm doll.

If you are a livestock farmer and want to become a super farmer, then you breed animals to make a profit. You can exchange your animals for others if it turns out to be beneficial for you. To win you must be the first to get the herd
consisting of at least a horse, cow, pig, sheep
and a rabbit. However, all your plans may not come true if
You won't be very careful! A wolf and a fox are hunting nearby, and your animals may be easy prey for them.

The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. One of them
if he wants, he may not directly participate
in the game, but only to play the role of guardian of the herd and carry out
all animal exchange. At the beginning of the game, players have no
animals. All cards are in the main stud, i.e. better
everything in the box.

ATTENTION! A player who does not have a horse or cow cannot
as a result of the roll, get such an animal if on one
one cube represents a horse, and the other a cow. Getting the first
a horse or a cow can only come about through exchange.

Exchange table.

Animal exchange rules.

Exchange examples.

Loss of animals. If a player gets a fox on the die, he loses all his rabbits to the herd.

If he gets a wolf on the die, he loses all his animals,
with the exception of a horse and a small dog (if he has them).

END OF THE GAME. The super farmer is the player who has at least one horse, cow, pig, sheep and rabbit on his farm. The remaining players can continue playing.

Animal cards.

This is a game that was created in 1943 in Warsaw. Then it was called Livestock. The author of the game is the famous Polish mathematician, Professor Karol Borsuk. When the Nazis closed the University of Warsaw, the professor was left without a job... The professor's idea to save the family budget was to sell the game. The sets for the game were prepared at home by the professor's wife... Very quickly the game became very popular... Not only children played the game, adults also liked it, helping them spend sad, wartime evenings.

Authentic copies of the game burned down along with the city during the Warsaw Uprising in August 1944. By a happy accident, one of the copies was preserved outside of Warsaw and returned to the Borsukov family many years after the war."

This is what the game looked like Livestock in 1943. The sets for the game were made by the professor’s wife Sofya Borsukova. The author of the drawings was Janina Slivicka. The game Animal Husbandry became very popular, first among the professor's friends, and then in wider circles.

Characteristics of the board game Super Farmer Lux:

Number of players: 2-4 players

Players age: from 7 years

Box weight: 1150 grams

Box size: 262x262x80 mm

Manufacturer: GRANNA, Poland

Contents of the board game Super Farmer Lux:

4 game boards;

2 cubes;

120 round cards with images of animals (60 rabbits, 24 sheep, 20 pigs, 12 cows, 4 horses);

4 small plastic dogs;

2 large plastic dogs;


To become a Super Farmer, farming players must breed animals, take care of them, protecting them from the wolf and fox. Farmers may trade animals if they believe it will benefit them. The Super Farmer is the farmer who is the first to gather on his farm a herd consisting of at least a horse, a cow, a pig, a sheep and a rabbit.

The dog needs to be protected.

We need a dog for wolf protection,

And fewer fox hounds.

Our player will throw the dice,

The rabbit fell out - be healthy!

And then more and more

Two in the count - one in the standings.

Don't forget to change the schedule,

Exchange tiles on your turn.

So the game will end the circle -

When there was a herd boom.

Super Farmer - whole game:

Cube, tiles and fields!

Avdeeva N.

Preparing for the game

Each farmer player is given a game board - this will be his farm. All dog figures are placed in the center of the table. Cards with animals can be left in the box, or you can arrange them by type of animal and put them in the center of the playing table - this will be the main herd. Players determine who goes first.

Now the farmer needs to get the first animal on his farm. This can be done by rolling 2 dice. If, after rolling the dice, 2 identical animals appear, then the farmer takes the dropped animal from the main herd in the center of the table.

Example : If the dice show 2 sheep, the farmer takes 1 sheep and places it on his farm. The turn passes to the next player.

Animal breeding
When a farmer has at least 1 animal on his farm, the breeding process will go much faster. Now, after rolling the dice, the farmer receives 1 animal from the main herd for every pair of animals of the same species, including animals on his farm.

Example 1 : the farmer has 1 sheep on his farm (obtained on the first turn), now he rolls the dice and they get a rabbit and a sheep. The result is a pair - 1 sheep on the cube and 1 sheep on the farm, the farmer takes 1 sheep from the main herd.

Example 2 : the farmer has 6 rabbits and 1 pig on his farm, the dice show a rabbit and a pig, the farmer gets 3 rabbits and 1 pig.

Dogs are brought into a farmer's household only through exchange.


Before each roll of the dice, the farmer, if he wishes, can make 1 exchange - with the main herd or with another player (if the second player agrees to such an exchange). The exchange table is shown on each player's playing field. You can't haggle! If there are few animals in the main herd, then the farmer, as a result of the throw, can only receive the number of animals that remain in the herd.

Example 1 : for 6 rabbits you can get 1 sheep; for 1 sheep you can get 1 small dog; For 1 cow you can get 1 large dog.

Example 2 : the farmer has 6 rabbits, 2 pigs and 1 sheep; the farmer can exchange them all for 1 cow, because 6 rabbits equal 1 sheep, 2 sheep equal 1 pig, and 3 pigs equal 1 cow.

Example 3 : the farmer has 6 rabbits and 2 cows; however, the farmer cannot exchange them for 1 sheep and 1 horse in one exchange.

Loss of animals

If a fox appears on the die, then the farmer loses all his rabbits (they go to the main herd); if a wolf appears on the die, then the farmer loses all animals, with the exception of a horse and a small dog (if, of course, the farmer has them).

A good farmer must take care of his herd and protect it from predators roaming nearby: the wolf and the fox. What is needed for this? Well, of course, get dogs! A small dog will protect the rabbits from the fox, and a large dog will be able to protect the farm from the wolf. Dogs can only be obtained through exchange.

If a farmer has a small dog, and the dice show a fox, then the farmer's rabbits remain intact, but the small dog goes to the main herd.

If a farmer has a big dog and the die shows a wolf, then the farmer’s animals are in no danger! The big dog itself goes into the main herd. A large dog does not protect rabbits from fox attacks.

Dynamic version of the game

The rules also describe the dynamic version of the game. This version proposes 3 changes to the basic rules. The game goes faster in this version.

We recently got to Santa Claus' gift - the Super Farmer board game in a deluxe version.

The game is quite simple, but the 8-year-old child liked it. Her grandparents, to whom he took her, also liked her. And so do my husband and I. In general, Santa Claus pleased with the gift. Now Leshka always takes this game with him when he goes to see his friends.

The rules of the game are quite simple. Each player is given a field on which he will place animal tiles. The field shows a table of animal exchanges. On his turn, a player can take 2 actions:
1. Before rolling the dice, the player can exchange animals once - with another player or with the main herd.
2. The player must roll 2 dice (by the way, the dice are twelve-sided, quite large) and after throwing, get animals into his herd, if possible.

To get the first animal you need to have the same animals on both dice - 2 rabbits or 2 sheep, etc. - this is the most difficult thing. And then everything will be much simpler - now an animal is given for every pair of animals, counting the animals on the die and the animals on the player’s field. Those. if a player has 1 rabbit, and the dice show a rabbit and a sheep, then the player receives 1 rabbit.

The winner is the player who collects at least 1 animal of each type in his herd.

But not everything is so simple: there is also a wolf and a fox on the cubes. The Fox eats rabbits, and the Wolf eats all animals except the horse and the small dog. But dogs are precisely needed in order to protect themselves from foxes and wolves. A small dog will save you from a fox, and a big dog will save you from a wolf. By the way, the dog figurines are so cute.

02/16/2012 15:07:34, Mash

Yes, they are so attractive now → Yes, these games are now so attractive that I really want to talk about them and insert photos. 02/16/2012 16:50:59, Etagerka

Yes, the game mechanism is simple, but there you need to → Yes, the mechanism of the game is simple, but you have to be constantly on guard - always keep dogs with you, because without them you can lose everything. My son loves both Zooloretto and 100,000 BC, but he also liked this game: everything is quite simple here, and you can play with friends (the rules are quickly explained), grandparents also quickly understood everything - here This is exactly what I liked about the game: it’s beautiful, simple, and for the whole family. 02/16/2012 21:10:27, Mash

We have played the game many times already, and the wolves → We've played the game many times already, and wolves and foxes always appear quite often (well, maybe it's just our luck). So we like the game. But how many people - so many opinions. 16.02.2012 21:34:42,

Board educational games for children have recently appeared - oh, so many. I will gradually talk about those of them that have settled in our home, and which I myself don’t mind playing with my child sometimes. And I’ll start, perhaps, with economic games. So, among this huge number of educational games - exciting and exactly economic- not so much. Basically, they all come down to one or another version of Manager / Monopoly, well, perhaps with minor variations. However, there are two completely unusual games that are not like all the others. The first of them is the game “Marrakesh” (aka “carpets”), and the second is “Super Farmer”. Well, I’ll tell you about Marrakech separately, but now I want to talk a little about Superfarmer.

The story of its appearance is quite tragic: in 1943, in order to somehow feed himself and his family in German-occupied Warsaw, the famous a Polish mathematician came up with a game that was one of the first to use not ordinary six-sided cubic cubes, but twelve-sided dodecahedral cubes (probably, they can only be called cubes by tradition). Karol developed the rules (a mathematical apparatus that makes the game fun and unpredictable), Janina Borsuk née Śliwicka (honestly, I don’t know who she was related to him) drew images of animals, and his wife Zofia cut and glued cards and cubes. The game was called “Animal Husbandry,” and it turned out to be so interesting that orders for it exceeded all expectations. Unfortunately, almost all of the game's source code was lost or destroyed by the end of the war, and only by some miracle was it possible to find the only surviving copy, taken from Warsaw shortly before the end of the war. And so, in 1997, on the 90th anniversary of Sofia Barsukova (and on the 15th anniversary of the death of Professor Borsuk), the game was re-released, and ten years later, a second one was released. the deluxe edition, which is also registered with us (and this is what I recommend buying - even though it is twice as expensive - the chips are colorful, the dogs are figurines, the cards are a sight for sore eyes, and the box is simply excellent).

The game can be played by 2 to 4 people. In principle, the rules indicate six - but in reality more than four direct players - is not very interesting, the remaining ones will simply be leading due to the lack of cards. Despite the fact that the minimum age for the game is 7 years old, our children played with their five-year-old friends, and they handled both strategy and tactics quite well.

But what is the essence of the game? As it’s not difficult to guess from the name - of course, become a Super Farmer! What does an ordinary farmer do? Breeding animals. How are animals bred? As soon as a pair of identical ones is found (for example, sheep - one is on the player’s field, and the second appears on the die) - they immediately give birth. The easiest way, of course, is to breed rabbits - they are most often found on the dice (and, accordingly, appear more often), and each player usually has the most of them on the playing field. But naturally, if everything was only limited to the theory of probability, everything would not be so interesting.

And this is where the economic component comes into play: all animals can be exchanged for each other. But not just like that, but in a clearly defined ratio, for example - six rabbits per one sheep, and two sheep per one pig, and so on. And here - the theory of probability is again superimposed on this economic component: on each of the cubes there is an image of a wolf or a fox - and depending on which of them falls out - you can lose both the entire herd at once and part of it. But don’t get upset prematurely - this fate can be avoided if you exchange a certain set of animals in time for a dog that protects the rest of the herd! Thus, the broadest opportunities open up for building your tactics - you can accumulate and protect rabbits, preventing your opponents from collecting them, and then exchange them en masse for the rest of the necessary animals, you can quickly strive to get to the horse, since it is the only animal that no one can eat, or you can have a set of other animals to increase the likelihood of them reproducing offspring.

We first tried to play this game with our friends, who brought it almost from Poland (well, at least from Ukraine). After which they were so excited that they wanted to buy it here too. But that’s a bummer - for a long time it was not supplied to the Russian market at all - there was only an economy version! And only about a year ago, it appeared in one of the Moscow stores (at first I wanted to suggest typing the phrase Super farmer buy in Yandex so that they wouldn’t think it was an advertisement, but then I thought I’d give a direct link, since they were so good at bringing it here, and from them - I’ll borrow one of the pictures in exchange :) - and by the way, I highly recommend going to their website - there are about ten more excellent photos of her, and not what I have).

An excellent family game that will not leave your family indifferent. Simple rules, wonderful design and an exciting process are what makes you constantly order this game from manufacturers. If you have the opportunity to order it, don’t hesitate. The game will be an excellent gift for a child or his parents. You don’t have to read the descriptions - just click “buy” :)

Description of the board game Super Farmer

Oh, and this is not a simple matter - farming. Either feed the pigs, then milk the cows, then harness the horse... Yes, and keep an eye on the rabbits, otherwise they will dig holes and breed. Feeding in the morning, milking in the afternoon, mowing in the evening and everything would be fine, but wolves and foxes showed up in the forest - and at any moment they would carry away the farm animals. You can't do without Polkan and Tobik! In addition to all these worries, we still need to generate income and expand the economy... The assortment includes a travel version of the board game Super ranch style farmer and mini versions of Super Farmer Mini

About the game

In the board game “Super Farmer,” players take control of a farm (ranch) and begin to learn the difficult path of animal husbandry. Having received one rabbit, players, move by move, begin to increase the number of their animals, while exchanging some for others at the stated exchange rates. How much to change and when - this depends solely on the skillful farmer's instincts, which will determine the most successful in this difficult business.

Shall we begin?

Give each player a personal tablet - this is a farm plot. In addition to the pen in which you will keep, breed and exchange your animals, it shows hints - the exchange rate between your pets. Two twelve-sided cubes with images of animals: a rabbit, a sheep, a pig, a cow, as well as two predators - a fox and a wolf, which will in every possible way prevent your herd from growing.

Rules of the game Super Farmer (Super Farmer)

Each player's turn involves rolling two dice and calculating the consequences of that roll. It is worth noting that animals are represented on the sides in different numbers: the simpler the animal (lower its level), the more it is represented on the cubes, for example: on the sides of two cubes there are 12 rabbits, 5 sheep and only one cow. Each pair of animals that you have on your farm, taking into account the animal rolled on the dice, gives birth to one more individual.

For example: you have 3 rabbits, 2 sheep and one pig on your farm. On the sides of the cube: 1 rabbit and 1 pig. The result will be an increase in the number of rabbits by 2: (3+1)/2 and pigs by 1: (1+1)/2. Sheep do not produce offspring this turn, since more than one sheep did not appear on the dice.

After completing the actions, we pass the turn to another player.

What to do about a rabbit infestation?

With each move the number of rabbits will grow more and more. How to get rid of them you ask? It's simple: before rolling the dice, you can exchange several animals for one or one for several. You can exchange with the general herd or with other players.

In addition, exchange is the main component of the game, since you can only win in one case - by collecting at least one animal of each type. And since the first cow and horse can only be obtained through an exchange, the importance of this action cannot be underestimated.

Old friends - the fox and the wolf

In addition to the animals that we so expect on the sides of each throw, a fox and a wolf can appear on the sides of the cube. These “friends” are just waiting for the moment to look into our estate and profit. The fox will take all the rabbits, and the wolf will take all the animals except the horse. It's a pity? What can you do?... Although there is an option

A dog is man's friend!

To protect yourself from uninvited guests, you will have to get dogs. And our dogs are of two different breeds: a small (white) dog is an excellent fox hunter, and a larger (brown) dog is effective against wolves, but useless against foxes. After meeting with the inhabitants of the forest, our dogs do not return, and they will have to be exchanged again.

Many ways to achieve a goal.

All the basic truths have been voiced, but how each farmer will manage his farm is a separate matter. Someone will take a risk and breed rabbits in incredible quantities, someone will focus on protecting their herd and protect themselves from forest “friends”, someone will quickly get a horse that is not afraid of forest troubles and will wait for an opportunity to exchange it to simpler animals. Everything is in your hands and on your site :)

Video review of the board game Super Farmer
