What should an underground miner know? Underground miner What an underground miner should know.

Suitable educational specialties: Underground miner; Operator of mining excavation machines; Underground installation operator; Master Blaster; Stem; Underground electrician.
Key items: Geography; Mine.

Tuition cost (average in Russia): 440,000 rubles

Job description:

*Tuition fees are indicated for 5 years of full-time undergraduate studies.

A worker who extracts minerals underground, i.e. in mine.

Features of the profession

The general name for blue-collar jobs associated with working in a mine.

Miners include:

Longwall miner(GROS) - one of the two main mining specialties. This worker (in professional jargon, a miner) directly extracts coal from the longwall face (longwall face)*. One of the highest paid professions in the mine.

The miner performs a whole range of work on the clearing of mineral deposits, strengthening the face vaults, installing spacer posts, drilling wells, etc.
* stope- the surface of a coal seam or ore body.

Prospector- one of the main mining specialties. Paves the way into the depths, carrying out preparatory mine workings for subsequent mining.
Performs the full range of excavation work in mines, mines and other industries related to open-pit mining, as well as the construction of subways, tunnels, and various underground structures.

Miner underground(GRP) - a laborer in a mine. The initial specialty with which the underground experience of each mine specialist begins: GRAZ, miner, MGVM, MPU, electrician, mining foreman, etc.
Everyone who gets a job at a mine for the first time is required to work in this specialty for at least a year.

The deepest mines

The deepest mines in the world are located in South Africa, where gold is mined:
"Tau-Tona", "Witwatersrand" - depth more than 4500 m, "Western Deep Levels Mine" - 3900 m (De Beers company), "Mponeng" - 3800 m.
At this depth, the heat reaches 60°C, and there is a constant threat of explosions and water breakthrough.

The deepest mine in Russia is Komsomolskaya (Vorkuta) with a depth of 1200m

Mining machine operator(MGVM) - a worker who maintains and works on underground machines that destroy rock mass (coal, rock) with a cutting tool and load it onto a conveyor or into a special machine. There are two main categories of mining machines - tunneling and mining.

Underground installation operator(MPU) - a worker servicing belt conveyors, pumping and coal pumping units, pushers, compressors and other mine equipment.

Master Blaster - a worker carrying out blasting operations in a mine. Explosion is the most radical way of splitting rock. But it is associated with special danger, and the lives of the people with whom he works depend on the qualifications of the explosivesman.

Stem- a worker who works underground near a mine shaft and is responsible for loading the cage with lava (rock) or people before lifting it to the surface (mountain).

Electrician underground- a key figure in maintaining the operation of the mine. Not only labor productivity, but also the lives of many people depend on his qualifications (as in the case of a bomber). An electrician at a mine works in cramped spaces, high humidity, heavy dust and in an explosive environment.

An electrician, as a rule, is assigned to a specific area and is responsible for the performance of all local power lines and devices: starters, AFV, AV, local substations, conveyors, combines, winches, pumps, etc.
There is an unofficial division and specialization of underground electrical mechanics: “drivers” - responsible for the operation of conveyors, “hydraulics”, “electricians”, “computer technicians” (if computer control is used).
In addition, an electrician is also entrusted with the duties of a simple mechanic. You need to be able to adjust the bevel gear, determine the wear of bearings and gear teeth. Know the machines and mechanisms used on the site, be able to install, dismantle and adjust them.

Mines producing coal, rock salt, gold and other minerals.

Important qualities
Physical endurance, strength, courage, responsibility, perseverance.

Knowledge and skills
The required amount of knowledge depends on the specific specialty.
For example, the professions of a blaster or an electrical mechanic require serious technical knowledge.

Where do they teach
Colleges, special courses.

Miner- a worker who extracts minerals underground, i.e. in mine. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and farming (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Miner- the general name of blue-collar professions associated with work in a mine.

Miners include:
Longwall miner(GROS) - one of the two main mining specialties. This worker (in professional jargon, a miner) directly extracts coal from the longwall face (longwall face)*. One of the highest paid professions in the mine.

The miner performs a whole range of work on the clearing of mineral deposits, strengthening the face vaults, installing spacer posts, drilling wells, etc.
* stope- the surface of a coal seam or ore body.

The most dangerous peaceful profession- miner's profession. Every million tons of minerals extracted costs an average of four human lives.

Prospector- one of the main mining specialties. Paves the way into the depths, carrying out preparatory mine workings for subsequent mining.
Performs the full range of excavation work in mines, mines and other industries related to open-pit mining, as well as the construction of subways, tunnels, and various underground structures.

Miner underground(GRP) - a laborer in a mine. The initial specialty with which the underground experience of each mine specialist begins: GRAZ, miner, MGVM, MPU, electrician, mining foreman, etc.

Everyone who gets a job at a mine for the first time is required to work in this specialty for at least a year.

Mining machine operator(MGVM) - a worker who maintains and works on underground machines that destroy rock mass (coal, rock) with a cutting tool and load it onto a conveyor or into a special machine. There are two main categories of mining machines - tunneling and mining.

Underground installation operator(MPU) - a worker servicing belt conveyors, pumping and coal pumping units, pushers, compressors and other mine equipment.

Master Blaster- a worker carrying out blasting operations in a mine. Explosion is the most radical way of splitting rock. But it is associated with special danger, and the lives of the people with whom he works depend on the qualifications of the explosivesman.

Stem- a worker who works underground near a mine shaft and is responsible for loading the cage with lava (rock) or people before lifting it to the surface (mountain).

Electrician underground- a key figure in maintaining the operation of the mine. Not only labor productivity, but also the lives of many people depend on his qualifications (as in the case of a bomber). An electrician at a mine works in cramped spaces, high humidity, heavy dust and in an explosive environment. An electrician, as a rule, is assigned to a specific area and is responsible for the operability of all local power lines and devices: starters, AFV, AV, local substations, conveyors, combines, winches, pumps, etc. There is an unofficial division and specialization of underground electrical mechanics: “ drive operators” - those responsible for the operation of conveyors, “hydraulics”, “electricians”, “computer engineers” (if computer control is used). In addition, an electrician is also entrusted with the duties of a simple mechanic. You need to be able to adjust the bevel gear, determine the wear of bearings and gear teeth. Know the machines and mechanisms used on the site, be able to install, dismantle and adjust them.

The deepest mines

The deepest mines in the world are located in South Africa, where gold is mined:
"Tau-Tona", "Witwatersrand" - depth more than 4500 m, "Western Deep Levels Mine" - 3900 m (De Beers company), "Mponeng" - 3800 m.
At this depth, the heat reaches 60°C, and there is a constant threat of explosions and water breakthrough.

The deepest mine in Russia is Komsomolskaya (Vorkuta) with a depth of 1200 m.


Mines producing coal, rock salt, gold and other minerals.

Important qualities

Physical endurance, strength, courage, responsibility, perseverance.

Knowledge and skills

The required amount of knowledge depends on the specific specialty.

For example, the professions of a blaster or an electrical mechanic require serious technical knowledge.


« Profession: miner ».

For senior students

Compiled by: Kushcheva N.N.


Children's home "Unity"

Profession: miner!

Target: acquaintance with the main professions of underground coal mining.

Profession miner – one of the most dangerous and harmful professions in the general list. No matter what precautions are taken by engineers and technicians, an unforeseen or emergency situation may occur at the mine face. And if on earth the chances of escape in such a case are high, then underground the probability of a favorable outcome decreases sharply. Only stronger and more seasoned individuals become miners.

A miner is a man of a heroic profession

Miner – a worker who extracts minerals underground, i.e. in mine.

Dangerous working conditions are a daily reality of a miner's work. Coal dust, the possibility of collapses, and gas explosions have long become commonplace for these people. According to statistics, 1 million tons of coal was paid for with the lives of 4 miners. Those who lack adrenaline in everyday life can become miners, because the mining profession is the most dangerous among peaceful professions.

Miners include:
Longwall miner (GROZ) is one of the two main mining specialties. This worker (in professional jargon, a miner) directly extracts coal from the longwall face (longwall face). One of the highest paid professions in the mine.

The most dangerous peaceful profession - miner's profession. Every million tons of minerals extracted costs an average of four human lives.

The miner performs a whole range of work on the clearing of mineral deposits, strengthening the face vaults, installing spacer posts, drilling wells, etc.
* stope – the surface of a coal seam or ore body.

Production coal at the Raspadskaya mine

Prospector – one of the main mining specialties. Paves the way into the depths, carrying out preparatory mine workings for subsequent mining.
Performs the full range of excavation work in mines, mines and other industries related to open-pit mining, as well as the construction of subways, tunnels, and various underground structures.

Miner underground (GRP) - a laborer in a mine. The initial specialty with which the underground experience of each mine specialist begins: GRAZ, miner, MGVM, MPU, electrician, mining foreman, etc.
Everyone who gets a job at a mine for the first time is required to work in this specialty for at least a year.

The deepest mines

The deepest mines in the world are located in South Africa, where gold is mined:
"Tau-Tona", "Witwatersrand" - depth more than 4500 m, "Western Deep Levels Mine" - 3900 m (De Beers company), "Mponeng" - 3800 m.
At this depth, the heat reaches 60°C, and there is a constant threat of explosions and water breakthrough.

The deepest mine in Russia is Komsomolskaya (Vorkuta) with a depth of 1200 m.

Mining machine operator (MGVM) - a worker who maintains and works on underground machines that destroy rock mass (coal, rock) with a cutting tool and load it onto a conveyor or into a special machine. There are two main categories of mining machines - tunneling and mining.

Underground installation operator (MPU) - a worker servicing belt conveyors, pumping and coal pumping units, pushers, compressors and other mine equipment.

Master Blaster - a worker carrying out blasting operations in a mine. Explosion is the most radical way of splitting rock. But it is associated with special danger, and the lives of the people with whom he works depend on the qualifications of the explosivesman.

Stem - a worker who works underground near a mine shaft and is responsible for loading the cage with lava (rock) or people before lifting it to the surface (mountain).

Electrician underground – a key figure in maintaining the operation of the mine. Not only labor productivity, but also the lives of many people depend on his qualifications (as in the case of a bomber). An electrician at a mine works in cramped spaces, high humidity, heavy dust and in an explosive environment.

Today IQR brings to the attention of readers the story of a miner at one of the enterprises of the MMC Norilsk Nickel holding company. For those who have never seen a mine or a metallurgical plant, and have worked all their lives in a warm office, solving mainly the problem of killing time, even reading a story about the profession of a miner working the face of a metallurgical plant will be strange - as if you find yourself in a parallel world where people really you have to study and work to get paid.

7 troubles - one answer. How I combine 7 working professions at the coal mine

My name is Denis, I am 30 years old. Since birth I have lived in the Far North in the city of Norilsk. And as often happens with indigenous Norilsk residents, after serving his military service in the army, he went to work at the city-forming enterprise NMMC (Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine), namely the Skalisty mine.

My speciality - " complex longwall miner» (fixer, tunneler, hatch operator, blaster assistant, mine clearer, scraper winch operator). In 2005, the plant decided that it was more profitable for it to train one person in several professions at once, thereby reducing the future workforce and associated costs, as well as assigning the responsibilities of different specialists to one employee.

As we joke in our team, “you work for seven people, but you get paid for one, so that it’s easier to carry.”

What are the functions of a miner in each specialty?

Profession miner

Mine cleaner

Working at the face requires strict adherence. Any work underground begins with making the workplace safe. This implies a number of measures, including the removal (using a special crowbar) of pins (pieces of rock mass, ore separated during blasting and rock pressure) from the sides (walls), roof (ceiling) and chest of the face (dead-end part of the mine workings) ).

This work (excavation of mine workings) is taught first of all at the mine, since the main danger comes precisely from the pins, which, having different sizes and weights, can both cripple a person and kill several at once. After trimming the pins, an inspection of the workings should be carried out in order to detect “failures”. A failure is an unexploded explosive charge. If there are any, then you need to inform the shift mining foreman about it.


In order to have something to breathe in the mine face, it is necessary to install and, if necessary, expand a ventilation hose through which the mine fan, which is then turned on, will pump air. The fastener must be able to build various types of support (an artificial structure erected to prevent the collapse of surrounding rocks in mine workings), make a batch for fastening (know the proportions of sand, cement, water and calcium), be able to work safely with vessels under high pressure (in mines and mines, the main work is carried out using pneumatic tools), making formwork and reinforcement.


As a miner, I have done and do a lot of work related to drilling holes intended for fastening and blasting. A jackhammer, a hammer drill on a pneumatic feeder, a telescopic hammer drill and an electric drill (weighing 20 kg - not at all the drill that the average person might think of) are the main tools of a miner, which he must be able to disassemble and repair, lubricate, and Naturally, be able to use it.

The miner must know from memory the main (and additional, preferably) technological passages, safe exits, the direction of the air ventilation stream, a map of the entire underground field (in case of accidents, fire, landslides, etc.)

Several times my flashlight went out completely, and from memory, by touch (it’s dark in the mine - the level of darkness reaches 100%) I got more than 3 kilometers to the so-called “capture”, where there are people and light.

It is imperative to thoroughly know the drilling and blasting project passport (drilling and blasting project), which has a lot of different nuances and meanings. There are a lot of types of such passports, but the main ones that are often used are 8-10. Such a project specifies in detail: the type and properties of fasteners, drilling order, angles, location, diameter and depth of blast holes, mine ventilation parameters, types of explosives used in a particular face and much more, down to a safe place for the blast master.


The main responsibilities of the hatch operator include the shipment of mined rock and ore; it is he who, using a special pneumatic device (ore pass or hatch), fills underground trains with ore, which, in turn, transport it either to the central ore pass, or directly to the surface (“to the mountain ", as we say).

Bomber Assistant

The blaster's assistant must be able to charge the face with granular explosives using a pneumatic loader, know which and where series (the charges explode in turn, since detonators have different speeds of operation - a series) of charges are used, after charging the face he must dismantle the ventilation hose (so that the explosion does not rupture ) and open the vent pipe (a four-inch metal pipe through which compressed air blows) for ventilation.

Scraper winch operator

I never worked as a scraper winch operator (although I passed the exam with 5 points) - this is an anachronism, this specialty at the Norilsk Nickel enterprises was successfully replaced by loading and delivery machines of various sizes and capacities, now they are engaged in the shipment of rock mass.

The work of a blaster in a mine

Blasting works in progress

Also, a year ago I completed courses and completed an internship in the profession of “explosive master”. This is the most responsible profession underground.

What a master blaster should know

It takes the longest to study to become a bomber, the exam is the most difficult, you need to know a lot of information by heart:

  • MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of toxic and explosive gases;
  • all existing types of BVR passports;
  • various properties of rocks and explosives;
  • methods of explosions (belts, faces, chambers, bringing to the design section, disposal of explosives, explosion welding, overhead charges, etc.) and installation of an explosive chain;
  • methods for eliminating “failures” and “freezes” (rock plugs) in ore passes.

The exam also included separate questions on articles of the criminal code, economics and history, chemistry and physics, drawing up sketches of BVR passports and questions on knowledge of special documentation.

In addition to theory and practice, the future master blaster must undergo an appropriate medical commission and a polygraph procedure, where he will have to answer many tricky questions. The polygraph is a kind of filter, after which people are often expelled from school or removed from practice.

Applicants with a criminal record are not allowed to train as a blast master. On my own behalf, I would like to add that the profession of a blaster often, as they say, involves work from the “don’t hit him when he’s down” type of work - that is, it is much easier physically than the same work of a fixer or a miner. During 3 months of practice and internship, I almost never got tired. The salary of a blaster is comparable to the salary of a tunneler. There's probably an extra charge for liability.

How to build a career in metallurgy

Miner's helmet

My experience working underground is 8 years, of which as a trainee student (program “ Work shift") I worked for a cleaning lady's salary for the first 11 months, the first monthly salary in 2006 was 6,400 rubles, and even then I worked like an adult uncle and often, in order to show my good side, did someone else's work. This is another – very profitable – invention of the top managers of Norilsk Nickel, the savings are fabulous!

How to get an education to work in the face

Plus, according to corporate laws of 2006, the “Work Shift” did not include seniority. This matter has now been corrected. He studied professions in Norilsk, at the Corporate University (Personnel Training Center) in the direction of the mine itself, away from production. That is, secondary education was enough, and special knowledge, skills and abilities were given and acquired in the process of work.

You can receive a referral for training by simply talking with the head of the site, or by submitting a written application. But this is not always so simple, sometimes management speculates on this, and if relations with management do not work out, then you can completely miss your studies for years, remaining with the 3rd or at most 4th category of a tunneler or a fixer.

During the entire time I worked at my tunneling site, there was practically no period when someone did not study or take advanced training courses. But if you want, you can always grow both in the leadership direction and in the work area.

Interview at the enterprises of the MMC Norilsk Nickel group

Even when I was getting settled, the first question to me was whether I served in the army and where exactly, in what position I went into the reserve. The HR department pays special attention to this, since work at the mine is very difficult, responsible and dangerous. They also asked if I had a judge, if I had any sports titles or achievements. Athletes who compete in competitions from the enterprise are entitled to bonuses, which then have a good impact on their salaries.

What is the salary of miners

Remuneration consists of basic payments: a tariff, various bonuses (collective incentives, a site manager’s bonus, for leading a team, working on holidays, etc.), additional payments for work at night and in the evening, additional payments for travel time, additional payments for length of service, harmfulness coefficient (harmfulness of the production itself and the conditions of the Far North).

Some professions pay quite well. The salary of a LDM (loading and delivery machine) driver is now about 120 thousand rubles, and a borehole and well driller receives approximately the same amount.

Career growth at a metallurgical plant

Still largely dependent on the “shaggy paw” and the ability to “correctly” communicate with superiors. Therefore, it is difficult to give specific dates. Some protégés reached the head of the mining (or tunneling) site in a year and a half, some worked that long on the “Work Shift”, while others did not stay there for even a month. There are simply lucky “flights” when a young specialist ends up in the right place at the right time.

Pros and cons of the miner profession

Iron and Steel Works

I consider the procedure of passing the annual medical commission, which almost everyone who works at the plant hates, to be a very big disadvantage. My specialty has the first category of harmfulness (according to the harmfulness grid) and has 14 points of factors harmful to health, such as:

  • low light;
  • vibration;
  • poisonous gases;
  • reduced oxygen concentration;
  • very high noise level;
  • increased atmospheric pressure, etc.

Let's add to this the polar night lasting one and a half months and the Arctic winter - 9 months.

Therefore, to work in such conditions, you need to be at least as healthy as an astronaut. Therefore, approximately 95% of the plant’s employees from year to year pay (through established channels) those medical workers who have “litigated.” I personally am a “cash cow” for a surgeon and ophthalmologist.

It turns out to be a very interesting thing - people pay bribes to doctors so that they are recognized as fit for health, for a job where this very health is ruined. And you can simply be given a commission - that’s the whole career. And this chaos has been going on for decades.

The social package is standard for enterprises of this level. Once a year, paid leave is provided, plus travel (round trip - no more than 45 thousand rubles, the monopoly airline, which is the property of the director of the polar branch of Norilsk Nickel, sets prices in this range - very profitable!). Once every two years they give you a trip to Sochi or Belokurikha (depending on your luck). Sick leave is paid (but it’s better to forget about illnesses altogether and live a healthy, happy life - it’s not profitable to be sick).

If you are looking for a job in a mine or metallurgy

For those who want to follow my path, I will write the main thing - don’t even try to do this!

65-70 thousand rubles a month is nothing in the Far North, where a kilogram of potatoes costs 300 rubles, and utilities for a one-room apartment with one person registered are 6,000 rubles. These pennies are not worth the wasted, at best, health and time. And at worst, there is at least one death every month.

For the first time, in September 2015, the central TV channel showed a group accident at Norilsk Nickel. Why this was done is not clear, because before this, thousands of people died. The country knows nothing about this, and should not know (unprofitable).

A few more words about the work itself. The face is often very humid (water is used during drilling) and stuffy (+35°+40° C) due to the oxidation of cuprous ore with its subsequent sintering, oxygen level is 19-20%; during the night shift, workings are often supported with using shot concrete.

Now imagine that you are in the dark, terrible stuffiness and lack of oxygen, for 6 hours throwing dry cement and sand with a shovel into the rattling bunker of the installation for fastening. Now multiply all this together by 12 tons of batch, which, with your help and a shovel, will ultimately end up in the hopper of the sprayed concrete machine. I worked like this for 9 months in a row - I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy. Working in a “pit” (that’s what we call a mine) is very harmful and dangerous.

A miner is a specialist in extracting various minerals underground. Most often these are coal, oil, iron, copper, silver, gold, diamonds.


25,000–35,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The immediate place of work is a mine.


The responsibilities of a miner are varied; in fact, it is a whole team of workers with different ranks and specializations. The salary of a specialist depends directly on his qualifications. Activities:

  • A longwall miner (GROZ) extracts coal: drills wells, installs spacers, and performs a range of work on the mining of minerals.
  • The miner carries out preparatory work for passage into mines and tunnels.
  • An underground miner (UMG) works directly in the mine.
  • The blaster carries out blasting operations. The most dangerous position.
  • The stemman is responsible for loading rock or people onto the conveyor belt.
  • An electrician maintains the functionality of the entire shaft and the mechanisms in it.
  • The Mining Extraction Machine Operator (MGVM) and the Underground Installation Operator (UMU) service the main mechanical working parts of the mine.

Important qualities

The miner's profession requires physical endurance, good health, courage and responsibility.

Reviews about the profession

“Miners are a special category of people who love their work and their region. These are very organized people who know how to take responsibility for their actions and are always in a collected, mobilized state. Random people do not stay in mining groups. The mining profession is a strong-willed profession. Therefore, the assessment of their work is adequate to their courage and dedication, especially in difficult periods for the country.”

Vladimir Fedorovich Panibratchenko,
Honored Miner of Ukraine.

Stereotypes, humor

It is generally accepted that miners are people of a special character, tough by nature, they do not like to stand on ceremony. A whole series of anecdotes is associated with this quality. “My husband, who worked in a mine for ten years with a jackhammer, cradles our son in four seconds.”


To become a miner, you need to graduate from a technical school or college in the relevant specialty. In the future, for career development, it is necessary to obtain a higher education in a mining specialty.
