How to plant bulba orchid from Vietnam. How to grow orchids from Vietnam at home? Replanting an orchid after purchase

The orchid does not like frequent transplants. She perceives each of them as stress, so this operation must be approached with special attention. Quite frequent replanting of orchids is due to the fact that the substrate in which they live is very short-lived. Made from sphagnum moss, it loses its quality within two years. Substrate with peat - after three. It thickens, its acidity changes. It is already difficult for air to penetrate to the roots in order to supply them with useful substances. In addition, the orchid's root system grows, and after a few years it no longer fits in the old pot. The growth of leaves and flowers slows down.

But sometimes you have to replant an orchid more often. This can happen with improper care, presence, or too much watering. In this case, the roots rot, and only transplantation can save the flower. Sometimes problems happen with the substrate. It starts to smell unpleasant. This smell also indicates the need for a transplant.

It is better to replant an orchid in the spring.

Flower transplant rules:

  • The dishes are the same, but with a slightly larger diameter. Disinfect it. Prepare or buy a substrate. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. This must be done so that the roots are not damaged. To do this, water the flower well and wait about half an hour until the moisture is absorbed. If even after this the root system is not removed, the pot is sacrificed. The plant is lowered into a bowl or bucket of warm water so that all the old soil comes away from the roots. This usually takes about half an hour.
  • Inspect the root system. If damaged roots are found, cut them off and disinfect the cut site. You can do this by treating it with charcoal. Damaged leaves are also removed.
  • Carefully examine the roots of the orchid to see if any pest has grown on them. They are quite small, so they are not easy to notice. If pests are found, soak the root part in a disinfectant solution or filtered warm water.
  • Remove dried leaves and old dried pseudobulbs. The cut sites are disinfected. Dry the root part for about 8 hours.
  • Immerse the orchid in a new container, at the bottom of which a layer of drainage and substrate is already poured. Carefully add the remaining substrate by shaking and tapping the pot. This will help fill all the voids. Do not compact the substrate too much. As a result of replanting, the root collar should be a centimeter below the edge of the pot, but not in the soil, but above it. There is no need to immerse all aerial roots in the substrate.

Place the pot on the east window, away from direct sunlight. Maintain the room temperature at about 22°C. After transplantation, the orchid is watered after 4 days. Make sure that moisture does not get to the top, where the growing point is located.

Orchids from Vietnam grow well in high temperatures and high humidity. The place where they are located should be sunny. But in summer, direct rays of the sun should not hit the leaves. Therefore, an orchid located on a south window needs to be shaded in summer. It’s even better to place it some distance from the window. When growing in a north-facing window, there will not be enough light in winter. Therefore, you will have to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.

For an orchid, you need to create conditions as close as possible to the tropics.

You need to grow an orchid at a temperature not lower than 18°C. At the same time, at night it should not rise above 20°C. The air must be moist. It is advisable to keep humidity within 60°C. Feed the orchid once a month with a special product for orchids. Water the orchid only after the substrate in which it grows has dried completely. You can see this thanks to the transparent container in which it is grown. If you water more often, the roots will rot.

Watering is best done in the morning. Then by evening the stem and leaves will have dried out. Watering is carried out by sprinkling. Transfer the orchid to the bath, irrigate it with a stream of water at a temperature of about 40 degrees under low pressure until the entire soil becomes wet. Leave it in the bath for a while so that excess moisture escapes through the holes.

More information can be found in the video:

An orchid can be watered differently. Place the pot with the plant in a tall bowl or bucket. Water should cover the top holes in the pot. Leave in the bowl for some time. Through the holes, moisture will penetrate inside and moisten the substrate. Then take it out and place it in a bathtub or at the bottom of an empty bowl to drain off excess water. Installed in a permanent place.
It is not recommended to take orchids out into the fresh air, even in summer.

Orchids from Vietnam can be affected by pests common to other plants:

  • Thrips. The lesion appears in the form of light streaks, which eventually merge into spots. Isolate the plant, wash it with a stream of water, then treat it with an insecticide.
  • Nematodes (roundworms), which cause leaves to dry out and become deformed. Leads to the death of the plant.
  • Ticks that leave points where the leaf blade is punctured. The leaves turn brown and die.

You can detect pests that have settled in the substrate by dipping the pot with the plant in soda. Some insects will float to the surface.

One of the most beautiful indoor flowers is the orchid. Often tourists visiting Vietnam bring bulbs of these plants home as souvenirs. However, to grow such a flower at home, you need to have certain knowledge. This article will tell you how to grow orchids from Vietnam in an apartment.

Vietnamese orchid comes in the following types:

  • aboveground. Plants grow in places where there is an accumulation of humus or debris on the ground;
  • air. They can be found on tree posts. Orchids grow into them with their roots. At the same time, flowers and stems hang in the air.

Naturally, bulbs of above-ground varieties are imported into our country. This material can be planted at home in a regular flower pot. However, to do this you need to know certain rules.

Aboveground orchids from Vietnam differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • flower coloring;
  • flower shape;
  • inflorescence sizes.

Most often, the following varieties of Paphiopedilum orchids are brought from Vietnam:

  • Siamese. Only one lilac-green flower is formed on the peduncle. The inflorescence has one lower petal that is brown;
  • bearded. It has a very unusual appearance: dark spots form on the light green leaves, which resemble the symptoms of the disease. The flowers themselves have a lower red-brown petal. The remaining petals have a light border;
  • Vietnamese. Characterized by a wide variety of flower colors. Their petals have a kind of pocket that looks like a shoe;
  • Beautiful. The formation of large orange-green flowers is characteristic. The petals have well-defined green veins and inclusions of black;
  • Appleton. The plant forms fairly large inflorescences that are brown-purple in color. The orchid exudes a pleasant aroma;
  • Elena. This variety produces single yellow flowers that have a waxy coating;
  • single-flowered. Blooms earlier than other varieties. It forms two large and quite fragrant flowers.

Growing orchids of these varieties is carried out almost identically.


To understand how to properly grow orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam, you must first find out how the planting material is planted.

If you need to plant seedlings, they should first be maintained for some time in the container in which they were brought. Seedlings are planted when there is not enough free space in the container. Usually, brought orchids are transported in bottles.

The question “how to plant an orchid bulb” is very relevant for those who will be breeding this indoor flower for the first time. In order to plant bulbs in an apartment, you need to choose a transparent container. Through it you can easily observe the growth and development of the bulb.

Large pebbles should be placed at the bottom of the selected container, which must have holes for draining water. This increases the durability of the pot. Next you should perform the following steps:

  • pour a drainage layer of expanded clay;
  • The substrate is poured onto it. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. But it’s better to use a store-bought mixture;
  • then the substrate is watered;
  • then the tubers are placed. It is best to grow one plant in one pot. Orchid bulbs should be planted in such a way that they are slightly buried in the substrate (about 1 cm). To make the tuber stable, it is supported with a stick.

When planting is completed, the pot is placed in a well-lit place. Now you know how to grow an orchid from a bulb. However, in addition to knowing how to properly plant orchids from Vietnam, you also need to know the rules for caring for them.

Growing and care

The Vietnamese orchids that the lover brought from her trip have fairly simple care, but with reservations.

Caring for indoor flowers begins immediately after the first roots appear. At this time, the plant is watered for the first time. After about a month, the tuber that has taken root is transplanted. During this time, he will have time to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and development.

Orchids from Vietnam love sunlight and moist, warm air. Therefore, the plant should be placed on a windowsill on the south side. However, you need to avoid exposing the flower to direct sunlight. In winter, if the orchid is located on the north side, it will have to be additionally illuminated with artificial lighting.

The flower needs to create the following conditions:

  • air temperature – +18 degrees and above;
  • humidity – not lower than 50%. The optimal level is 70%.

Caring for an orchid brought from Vietnam includes the following steps:

  • monthly feedings. The compositions should be purchased at a flower shop;
  • Watering is carried out only when the substrate dries. In hot weather in summer, watering should be done every day, and in winter - once every few weeks. Watering the plant is done only in the morning;
  • From time to time you need to organize a shower for flowers.

As you can see, caring for this flower is really simple, especially if you know all the intricacies.


Bulbous varieties of indoor flowers must be replanted at certain intervals. Frequent replanting of orchids is due to the fact that the plant quickly depletes the substrate. When grown on sphagnum moss, this procedure is carried out every two years. If bark was chosen as the substrate, then after three years.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring. At this time, the flower shows maximum activity in terms of growth. Transplantation is carried out according to the same rules as planting. To minimize the risk of root damage, the plant is watered abundantly before transplanting.

Now you know how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, as well as how to grow it in a house or apartment.

Video “Paphiopedilum. All about care”

From this video you will learn everything about caring for the Vietnamese Paphiopedilum orchid.

Orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam must be carefully examined without listening to the seller’s laudatory speeches. What to pay attention to:

  • buy fresh onions, not dried and overly light ones;
  • choose a medium-sized bulb, since a small one will take more time to grow, and a large one will most likely die;
  • the bulb shell should be brown with a greenish tint;
  • the tips of the bulbs should be slightly dry, which indicates compliance with the storage technology;
  • it will be great if the bulb already has a bud or sprout.

By choosing such a bulb, you won’t have to wait long for positive results.

As usual, sellers place the bulbs in black plastic bags. You can take the bulbs home in these bags, remembering to regularly open the bags to let in air. Otherwise, they will sap and lose the ability to germinate.

Substrate: composition, percentage of components, properties

Purchased Vietnamese onion we need to drop him off soon. Otherwise, it will dry out and lose the ability to take root. Remembering that the orchid is very capricious, To plant it you need to prepare very carefully. Then you also need to know how to choose and plant the bulb correctly.

can be purchased at the store or. Planting a bulb brought from Vietnam will not bring success.

The main components of the special mixture for orchids are:

  • pine or spruce, without resin - 5 parts;
  • crushed charcoal – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • dolomite flour – 0.5 parts;
  • perlite – 0.5 parts.

You can also add fern roots, sphagnum moss and chalk to the soil mixture.

Composition of substrate for orchids.

Advice! If the substrate retains moisture well, then peat does not need to be added.

All components must be mixed well until the soil becomes homogeneous. When stirred, the substrate is enriched with oxygen and acidification and salinization of the soil does not occur.

Even before planting, the bulbs need to be sprayed, and then pour it into the pot. It does not need to be brought to a wet state, but slightly damp.


Before planting bulbs, an equally careful approach must be taken when choosing a container. Here The following points must be taken into account:

  • pot size;
  • what material is the pot made of?
  • how transparent it is.

The most suitable plastic container. It will protect the roots from hypothermia, drying out and overheating. This container can be a plastic bucket. It is practical in that at the time of transplantation the flower is easily removed by cutting its wall with scissors.

You can buy an orchid pot in the store. Anyway You need to strive to ensure that the walls of the container are transparent. This will make it possible to:

  • monitor the development of roots and find their damage;
  • visually monitor moisture consumption based on the condition of the roots;
  • control soil moisture.

First, select a small pot for the bulb. And when replanting for the first time, you should use a slightly larger container to provide some space for root growth.

If the plant has or has signs, it is better to choose a pot of the right size so that the excess substrate does not favor stagnation of moisture.


When planting a bulb, you must make every effort and knowledge to complete all the work according to the instructions.

Disinfection of planting material, soil and tools

To prevent soil and bulbs from becoming infected with pathogens, it is necessary to disinfect instruments and some components of the substrate.

For example, stones and expanded clay, as well as a support for the bulb, can be doused with boiling water or soaked in alcohol. If you work with gloves, it is also advisable to wipe them with alcohol.

Pots can also be disinfected in a solution of alcohol or potassium permanganate.

Laying drainage and substrate

Having prepared the soil and container, you can begin planting the bulb. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • Place stones at the bottom of the pot, which will increase its stability;
  • place expanded clay on the stones with a layer of 2-3 cm, which should act as drainage;
  • place the prepared substrate on the expanded clay;
  • moisten the soil well with water;
  • plant the bulb in a pot;
  • place the pot with the onion in a lighted place.

The first roots should appear after planting a month later.

The first roots appear within a month.

Installing the bulb

The bulb should be planted so that it stands vertically and is buried in the substrate no more than 1 cm. To give stability to the bulb, it is supported with a stick or small stone. The main part of the bulb should be above the soil surface.

Why can’t the bulb be buried completely?

Proper planting involves germinating the bulb without burying it in the soil. You just need to stick it to the substrate. Typically, flower growers think that this is not enough and deepen the bulb by more than 1 cm. This practice is fraught with disastrous consequences. In most cases such bulbs rot before they have time to form roots and sprouts.


Even if you plant an orchid bulb correctly, but you do not care for it properly, it will die immediately. All requirements must be strictly followed for rooting Vietnamese orchid bulbs.

Watering and temperature

It should be remembered that the plant is not needed immediately after planting because it will rot. Only the roots and sprouts of the plant need moisture, and the bulb has a supply of water for a month.

They begin when the first roots and sprouts appear. This usually happens 30 days from the date of planting.

After planting, the pots need to be removed. But the sun should not dry out the bulb, and condensation should not form in the pot. The flower needs to create the following conditions:

  • air temperature – +18 degrees and above;
  • air humidity is within 50 – 70%.

begins immediately after the roots appear. At this time, the first plant is carried out. After about a month, the bulba has taken root. During this time, she will have time to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and development.

Caring for an orchid brought from Vietnam includes the following actions:

  • monthly fertilizing with minerals purchased in the store;
  • carried out only when the substrate dries. In summer, during hot weather, it is carried out daily, and in winter – once every 2 weeks. plants are performed only in the morning;
  • From time to time you need to shower the flowers.

As you can see, the care work is quite simple, especially if you know all the intricacies.

Possible problems

After planting the bulb, some problems may arise, as described below.

Diseases and pests in the substrate

Neglecting the rules for growing orchids can lead to the appearance of diseases and. Possible problems and their causes:

  • occur when the root system is damaged or the temperature regime is violated;
  • a crack in the middle of the sheet means that there was a sharp temperature change;

Leaves may crack due to temperature changes.

  • drying or rotting of leaves and cobwebs on them - the orchid has been affected by mites;
  • the leaves are dark and have holes in them - the flower is burned by the sun's rays;
  • the formation of mold on the leaves or gray rot deposits - due to spraying at low temperatures;
  • – excessive watering.

At the first symptoms of a plant being attacked by pests, it should be washed in the shower. If this does not help, you need to treat the flower with a chemical. When the root system rots and is damaged, the orchid needs to be replanted.

Prevention measures

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature, avoid excess moisture in the soil, and avoid direct sunlight on the plant.

When the soil is colonized by pests such as thrips or nematodes, the soil is promptly replaced, and the orchid is treated with a chemical.

Monitoring the roots when growing orchids, especially Vietnamese ones, is extremely important. At the slightest suspected rot you need to react immediately and replant the plant so as not to lose it completely.

Transplanting into another pot

About a month after planting, the first roots will appear on the bulb. After some time, the roots of the orchid in the pot become crowded and need to be placed in a larger container. When replanting, you need to carefully examine all the roots and remove rotten and dried areas.

In the future, they will produce once every 2-3 years. All manipulations must be carried out in early spring, when the flower is in the active growth stage. carried out ahead of schedule if:

  • there are pests in the pot;
  • the substrate began to decompose;
  • the roots began to rot.

Nuances and questions from readers

Readers show great interest in Vietnamese orchids and ask many questions about them.

Is it possible to grow a bulba from a Vietnamese orchid at home?

Grow a bulba will not work, since this requires special conditions. Over time, the old onion dries out and only a sprout remains in its place.

After the sprout appears, the old bulb dries out.

How to preserve a bulb before planting?

If a week or more is expected to pass between boarding and disembarkation, The bulb should be stored in the bag in which it was packaged when purchased. To prevent the bulb from burning, the bag must be perforated.

Features of exporting bulbous orchids from Vietnam

When exporting orchid bulbs from Vietnam There are no customs restrictions. You can transport any number of bulbs. It is more difficult to transport an orchid in a pot.

Remember that replanting an orchid is perceived as stressful and it should be done only when necessary, every 2-3 years.

It is better to replant in the spring, during the period of active plant growth. Transplant rules:

  • the pot needs to be taken a size larger;
  • before removing the flower from the old container, it must be watered so as not to damage the roots;
  • it is necessary to clean the roots from the old substrate and cut off damaged roots and leaves, while sprinkling the cut areas with charcoal;
  • If pests are detected, treat the orchid with a special preparation;
  • Dry the roots for at least 8 hours before planting;
  • pour a layer of drainage and soil into the prepared dish and place the plant there;
  • pour the substrate on top so that the root collar is above the surface of the soil and at the same time just below the edge of the pot.

Do not compact the soil and immerse aerial roots in it. After transplantation, the orchid is irrigated only after 5 days.


Video lecture about orchid species from Vietnam:

Watch a video on how to plant orchids from Vietnam:

This video demonstrates what orchids look like after forcing:

This video talks about the problems of growing orchids from Vietnam:


Planting and caring for Vietnamese orchids has some nuances. To grow such an orchid, you need to do everything right and be patient. You will see the first one in a few years. But flowers of stunning beauty and original shape will delight others for a long time and will pay off all your efforts.

In contact with

Many tourists who have visited Asia bring orchids as souvenirs. Today on forums you can often see a discussion of the question of how to grow an orchid from a bulb from Vietnam. In this article we will reveal the answer to this question in more detail.

Description of orchids from Vietnam

An orchid needs careful and careful care; special attention should also be paid to planting. If you plant orchid bulbs from Vietnam correctly, this exotic plant will delight you with its beauty and pleasant aroma for a long time.

There are 2 types of orchids in Vietnam: ground and aerial. Terrestrial ones grow from the ground in places where there is garbage and humus. Aerial ones grow into tree trunks.

Terrestrial Vietnamese orchids are divided into the following types:

  • Paphiopedilum Vietnamese
  • Paphiopedilum siamese
  • Appleton's Paphiopedilum
  • Paphiopedilum beardedum
  • Paphiopedilum is beautiful
  • Paphiopedilum uniflorum
  • Paphiopedilum Elena.

Vietnamese orchids are sold at special flower markets in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Lat. They are inexpensive, which makes this plant a popular souvenir that Russian tourists bring from this Asian country.

How to plant an orchid from Vietnam

When choosing a plant in Vietnam, you should give preference to medium-sized bulbs. At home, it is important to create the necessary conditions for the orchid to adapt well. The flowers of the plant will appear only after 4-8 years.

Before planting an orchid from Vietnam, you need to choose the right substrate. Its composition should include: a mixture of pine bark, sphagnum moss, coconut chips. Rockwool artificial fiber is also suitable as a substrate. It is moistened before planting.

We present to your attention step-by-step instructions on how to plant an orchid from Vietnam.

You will need a transparent pot, substrate and powdered coal. The orchid is not a bulbous plant; its bulbs and pseudobulbs are kept a little differently. Before planting, water the flower well and let it stand for a couple of hours. Then carefully remove it from the pot and, without damaging the roots, place it in warm water for 30 minutes to remove traces of the old substrate. After extraction, rotten roots should be removed and the cut areas should be treated with charcoal.

The bulb should be planted so that only the lower part is attached to the ground, and the main part is on the surface. To prevent the bulb from dangling in the pot, use a stick.

After planting, you need to water the Vietnamese orchid only when roots appear that have grown to the substrate. That is why a transparent pot is used when planting.

Vietnamese orchid: how to replant

This amazing exotic flower has no roots or has dried roots. This feature is taken into account when replanting; in order for the plant to take root, its lower part must be anchored to the ground. It is simply necessary to replant this plant, since after a few years the soil loses the necessary acidity, the soil becomes dense and begins to decompose, which leads to a slowdown in root growth. The death of the plant can also be caused by waterlogging of the soil.

The time when you need to replant an orchid depends on the substrate in which it grew. If bark was used as a substrate, then replanting is necessary once every 3 years, and once every 2 years if sphagnum was used. This operation is performed in the spring, when the peak of plant growth is observed.

The transplant is carried out ahead of schedule if:

  • There are pests in the pot
  • The substrate began to decompose
  • The roots began to rot.

Transplanting Vietnamese orchids is no different from ordinary ones.

How to grow orchids from Vietnam

Reproduction of these plants is possible at home; for this, the bush is carefully divided into parts. The flower should be fertilized with special means once a month using a special fertilizer, but at the same time observing the concentration indicated on the package.

The plant is light-loving, so it is placed on the sunny side of the house. This way it will stretch upward well and grow faster.

The air temperature in the room in which the orchid grows should be at least 17-18 degrees during the day and no more than 20 degrees at night, and the humidity should not exceed 50-70%. You should try to exclude dry air in the room, otherwise the leaves will turn pale and begin to dry out. Open air should also be avoided. If you follow all these recommendations, the flower will bring joy with its beauty for a very long time.

Orchids are tropical plants with beautiful, fragrant flowers of different shades and shapes. In nature there are a huge number of varieties of this flower. Many are suitable for growing at home. Read about some of them in the article.

General information about the flower

Orchids belong to the Orchidaceae family, which includes thirty thousand natural species and two hundred and fifty thousand hybrids. These are ancient plants; they appeared one hundred and thirty million years ago. Translated from Greek, orchid means “testicle”, obviously due to the shape of the rhizome.

People know three and a half thousand species of the Orchid subfamily. Among them there are tiny and multi-meter specimens with different shades of flowers and leaves. But they are united by one feature - the same structure: three sepals and three petals. Each plant has a column with Orchids are classified into ten growth types; gardeners are interested in two: monopodial and sympodial.

Orchids sympodial

Plants of this species have a horizontal growth form, like a vine, with several growth points. When the shoot reaches a certain size, the bud at the very top dies or forms a new inflorescence. The growth of this shoot in length stops, but a new one develops at the base. Subsequently, a lateral inflorescence is formed from the bud located on it.

The stems of sympodial orchids are greatly thickened, due to which they turned into tubers, which are called bulbs, having different shapes: round, elongated, spherical. The tissues of the bulb are filled with mucus. For the plant, they are reservoirs in which nutrients and water are stored, thanks to which orchids are able to withstand prolonged drought. Sympodial orchids reproduce by bulbs. Suitable for home floriculture: Cattleya, Lelia, Oncidium, Miltonia, Cymbidium, Dendrobium.

Orchids monopodial

These plants do not have bulbs, so water and nutrients are stored in the fleshy leaves and succulent stems. Monopodial orchids from Vietnam have one growing point and one stem that grows upward indefinitely. In nature, there are orchids that grow on a branch. During a strong wind, they are torn off, they get caught on some snag, and then straighten out again and grow evenly.

An example is the Vanda orchid. They differ from sympodial ones by the absence of pseudobulbs. This variety includes the following Phalaenopsis and others.

Orchid from Vietnam: home care

In order for a plant to delight with luxurious and long flowering, you need to create comfortable conditions for it, and this is only possible with proper care.

  • It is important to maintain lighting conditions. The orchid needs light, but not direct sunlight, as the leaves can get burned. In order for the plant to develop normally, the daylight hours must be twelve hours. During the winter period, it is necessary to create additional lighting for the flower. For reference: if the leaves are dark green, there is not enough lighting; if they turn yellow, there is too much lighting.
  • For long-term flowering, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature difference between day and night; it should be approximately four to five degrees.
  • provides for proper watering. Growing in the wild, the flower absorbs the necessary moisture from the environment. Therefore, the moisture in the pot should not stagnate, but the substrate should not be allowed to dry out. Optimal watering in summer is twice a week, in winter - once. You need to use warm water, preferably rain or melt water. The orchid prefers top watering.
  • In the room where the flower is kept, the optimal air humidity should be sixty to eighty degrees. If it is below the required level, the plant is placed on a tray with grates into which water is poured.
  • It is necessary to feed orchids from Vietnam. Growing is possible only with the application of special fertilizers intended for this type of plant. Fertilizing should be done twice a month during the flowering period. At the end of flowering and in winter, the plant does not need it.

Cymbidium orchid: propagation by division

This flower belongs to sympodial plants. Hybrid Cymbidiums obtained through selective breeding are very popular. Some of them reach seventy centimeters in height. They bloom for several months in winter. Medium-sized flowers in pastel shades. Peduncles are erect and strong. Only mature plants reproduce by division. Often this process occurs independently. Orchids from Vietnam grow greatly in the spring and need to be replanted. The plants are removed from the pot and freed from the soil.

How to plant an orchid? First, the shoot is cut into pieces between the bulbs with a disinfected knife. Each shoot segment should have up to three pseudobulbs with roots and leaves. To prevent root rotting, the cut areas should be treated with crushed coal. Orchid bulbs from Vietnam should not be damaged when cut.

Each part of the plant is planted in a separate container. The Cymbidium orchid also reproduces by old bulbs without leaves, which should be separated when replanting the plant. There is a belief that Cymbidium has the ability to help people.

Dendrobium orchid: propagation by cuttings

This type of flower belongs to monopodial plants. Fast-growing orchids from Vietnam, including Dendrobium, are propagated in this way. Reproduction is carried out only by young shoots.

They are cut with a disinfected knife above the leaves. The height of the cuttings is twenty centimeters. The sections are treated with charcoal. The cuttings are dried by placing them in a wind-blown place for exactly one day. Planting material is ready for use.

Orchids from Vietnam prefer a light substrate that needs to be watered in advance to swell. To create increased humidity, it is better to place pots with plants in a mini-greenhouse. It is important to maintain a constant temperature in the room, twenty-five degrees. It will take four weeks for the cuttings to root. If after this time new leaves and roots appear, the cuttings have begun.

reproduction by children

On the peduncles of this plant many side shoots are formed, children that can be used for propagation. When a shoot forms on an orchid, the flower needs to be sprayed more often and wait for new roots to appear. During this time, the shoot will grow and become stronger.

How to plant To do this, the shoot is cut off and planted in a new pot. The shoot should be separated with a disinfected knife, and the cut site should be treated. New plants need high humidity and high temperatures.

Note: located on peduncles. To awaken them and form side shoots (babies), you can use a special paste, which is applied to the bud at the end of the plant’s flowering. But first, the kidney should be cleared of scales.
