Do-it-yourself breakfast table in bed. Breakfast table: a cozy and comfortable attribute (27 photos)

Breakfast in bed is a pleasant surprise for a loved one, which cannot be realized without bedside table . This item helps to make such surprises with enviable frequency and competently complements the interior of any home.

If you've never had breakfast in bed - think about it, maybe you just don't have a bedside table?

Today, breakfast tables in bed are presented in a wide variety in almost every furniture store. Manufacturers of such an accessory are made from different materials. However, a surprise for a loved one or loved one will be much more pleasant if you make do-it-yourself breakfast table in bed.

In this article, we will look at all the features of this process.

Markets and furniture stores are full of bedside tables, it is easy to choose a similar accessory for your home. Why do homemade products have more advantages?

Breakfast table: features of use, types and materials

Breakfast in bed is not only romantic, but also very convenient, especially for those people who find it difficult to get up in the morning without drinking a cup of hot coffee. In order not to leave crumbs or spill coffee directly on the bed, it is better to use a comfortable.

Making such a piece of furniture is quite simple, if you clearly follow the instructions and listen to professional recommendations.

To make a table yourself, you must definitely decide on a few key points. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Characteristics of the future product. When making a tabletop for a bed, first of all, you need to consider not the design, but its stability. Hot coffee spilled on your feet will definitely not leave good memories of the surprise. Ease of use should also be considered.

    The tabletop should have small sides and handles.

  • Functionality. The table for the bed can be used in the morning for breakfast, and in the evening replace a full-fledged workplace. Its functionality may be different, which should be taken into account when developing a product model.

    Folding legs make the table more versatile and mobile, it can be folded into an ordinary tray.

  • Product type. The stand can have a different size, shape, height adjustment. It can be made with or without handles. Also, such products are classified by style. It will be correct to manufacture the product in the design direction in which the bedroom is equipped.

    All of these aspects need to be determined in advance.

  • Material. Beautifulcan be made independently from different materials. The most commonly used wood, glass or plastic. Wooden coasters have a luxurious appearance and can last for a long time. They fit perfectly into the classic design. Glass countertops are suitable for a bedroom decorated in modern and progressive styles. They are durable and strong.

    Plastic products are cheap and readily available.

Comparative characteristics of the listed materials are presented in the table.

Materials and tools

In this article, we will look at the process of making a simple table model from a furniture board.

This is a very reliable, beautiful and relatively inexpensive material.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Furniture board (600x400 and 18 mm thick);
  • 4 strips for sides (2 pcs. - 600 and 2 pcs. - 400);
  • Punch;
  • 2 strips 550 mm long and 2 strips 314 mm long - for the side;
  • PVA glue;
  • Nails;
  • 4 strips 245 mm long - for legs;
  • 2 strips 278 mm long - for the crossbars;
  • Drill;
  • Screws 35 mm long;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Varnish.

By preparing these materials and assembling the countertop using the instructions, you can get a neat product with a height of 260 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We make blanks.

To make the process of making and assembling the table quick and easy, you must first prepare all the wooden blanks. First you need to cut the furniture board.

It will have the shape of a regular rectangle with sides 600 and 400.

The thickness of the shield should reach eighteen. When the shield is ready, all its sides can be cleaned with sandpaper. Next, you can proceed to the manufacture of limiters. For the front and back sides, you need to cut out the sides with a length of 620, and for the side - with a length of 400.

The height of the limiters should slightly exceed the thickness of the furniture board.

We cut the blanks with a hacksaw and a miter box.

And finally, we start cutting out the legs. You will need to make four blanks. The length of each is 245 mm.

Leg manufacturing.

  1. Installing the boards.

When the blanks are made, you can assemble the structure. To begin with, we fasten the sides with nails and a hammer. The sides should protrude slightly above the surface of the table. We embed the nails with a punch.

We nail the side.

  1. We collect the box.

To do this, you can use ordinary PVA glue. We connect four blanks, coat the joints and fix the box with the help of improvised means. The adhesive must be well cured.

We glue, with the help of clamps we connect the parts to be glued.

  1. Glue the box.

To do this, it must be symmetrically set on the back of the table.

We glue the box with the same glue and let it dry.

  1. We fasten the legs.

When the box is glued to the table, you can begin to fix the legs. To do this, in four blanks, we first make holes for fasteners.

The legs are almost ready.

We attach the legs to the box with screws. Their length should not exceed 35 millimeters, because otherwise the screws will come out on the other side.

Fastening legs to the box.

  1. Finishing.

When the design of the breakfast table top in bed is fully assembled, it must be carefully processed with sandpaper. And then you can varnish.

Let's start with the paintwork.


We examined step-by-step instructions for making the simplest version of a table for a bed.

Comfortable breakfast table with stable legs.

It can be slightly modified and supplemented with various details. And if you still decide to make just such an option, then at the end you can decorate it in an original way.

And then it will become a very beautiful addition to the interior of the house.

How can you decorate a wooden table for a bed? The easiest option is painting. To do this, you need to choose any high-quality paint for wood.

The table can be painted in one color, or make an original drawing.

If there is a small piece of beautiful fabric at home, then it can also be used to decorate the product. For example, you can cut a strip of fabric and glue it to the side surface. Also, flowers can be made from fabric and attached to the side surface using PVA.

The tabletop of such a table is a field of activity for the imagination of designers.

VIDEO: We make a breakfast table with our own hands.

Breakfast tables - 50 photo ideas:

How sometimes you want to lie in bed longer on weekends or holidays with a cup of aromatic coffee and a croissant in your hand. You can pamper your loved one by serving him or her breakfast right in. But a cup and a plate of sandwiches, standing on or a bedside table, is not the best option, since the dishes can easily tip over and get dirty. To be able to comfortably drink morning coffee and read your favorite newspaper without getting up from a cozy one, you should purchase a special breakfast table in bed. In today's review of the HouseChief editors, we will tell you what these designs are, what varieties they are, what they are made of, and how to do something similar with your own hands.

Read in the article

Varieties of tables

Breakfast tables in bed vary in design, materials used, functionality and applications. They come with or without sides, with legs or just in the form of trays and trays. Consider the varieties of bedside tables, so that in the future it will be easier to opt for a suitable design.

Designs with and without sides

Breakfast in bed is, of course, romantic and convenient, but it's hard to be in a stationary position for a long time. You can accidentally push the structure with dishes. Bedside tables with small sides are the most convenient, since the fence around the perimeter of the tabletop prevents the cup or glass from slipping and tipping onto the bed. For greater comfort, manufacturers equip it with handles, thanks to which you can easily transfer the design from and back.

Tables without sides are just as convenient, but when using them, you need to be careful not to overturn the cup, plate or glass. Such designs can be used not only for serving breakfast in bed, they can be used. These are simple bedside tables that you can make yourself from almost any material.

Folding tables

Bed structures, in which the possibility of folding the legs or the tabletop itself, have many advantages and are very popular. There are models that are adjustable in height and width. Such tables allow not only to eat while sitting in bed, but also to work on a laptop. Some products can be folded in half and transported to the kitchen using handles.

Trays and trays

Trays and trays for serving breakfast in bed are the simplest designs. The first option is the most common, and the second usually has a U-shape with a tabletop length slightly more than the width of the hips. Trays can be equipped with sides of various heights or not have them at all. Some manufacturers produce models installed on, which makes the design more convenient and comfortable.

Other varieties

In addition to the above breakfast tables, furniture manufacturers offer other types of designs. For example, an attached model on wheels, which is highly maneuverable and stable. Such devices are often used to make life easier for bedridden patients. These tables are spacious and, as a rule, have high sides that prevent various objects from tipping over onto the bed. Attached models are a great option for a couple.

With a lifting tabletop - a convenient option for breakfast in bed and working with a laptop or tablet. The possibility of tilting the working surface allows you to ensure normal air circulation and prevent overheating of the mobile device. Some models of such tables are equipped with coolers, trays for newspapers or napkins.

Bedside table on a mobile base, installed on the floor. Thanks to the rollers, the design can be easily moved and the position of the tabletop can be adjusted to your needs. There are models in which the breakfast table is part of the bedside table. Such structures are very reliable and stable.

Functionality of breakfast tables

Bedside tables can be used not only to serve breakfast in bed, but also, for example, serve as a compact workplace or serve as a stand for a laptop or tablet. Some models have small compartments or drawers for various small items. You can store newspapers in the baskets on the sides. Furniture manufacturers offer a wide range of bedside tables, which will allow you to choose a suitable and practical model that suits your personal preferences and needs.

Breakfast table in bed: selection criteria

Before heading to a furniture store or company to order and purchase a breakfast table, there are a few things to consider. Knowing the nuances that you need to pay attention to when choosing a design, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.


First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need a bedside table. The design of the model, materials and, accordingly, the cost of the product depend on this. If you are not supposed to work on a laptop or read an e-book while drinking coffee, then opt for a simple table or tray with handles and sides.

Dimensions and structural stability

The dimensions of the breakfast table in bed must be chosen individually. They can be designed for one or two people: it all depends on your preferences and needs. In any case, a two-seat table is preferable, as it provides more options.

Equally important is the stability of the structure. It is not very pleasant if the table topples over from an accidental push, and coffee or juice spills onto the bed. When choosing a suitable model, you need to pay attention to the reliability of the supports and the ability to withstand loads without deforming the structure.

Materials for manufacturing

For the manufacture of bedside tables, almost any material can be used: wood, metal, plastic, MDF, chipboard, plywood, as well as their various combinations. Such a wide choice of materials allows furniture manufacturers to create models that can easily fit into almost any interior design.

natural wood

are the most expensive designs. They can be produced for any interior and have a variety of designs: from carefully sanded and varnished models with strict clear lines to exclusive products with rich carving decoration. Tables made from a single piece of wood and having a unique texture are very popular.

Looks great breakfast tables in bed, made of. They are strong, durable and, at the same time, light and airy. Such designs are an excellent solution for ethnic and eco-friendly interiors. Bamboo and matting tables are also popular.

Plywood, MDF and chipboard

Usage allows you to create original, lightweight and stable structures, while differing in affordable price. Wooden-framed models with plywood tops are often offered, which are not inferior in terms of aesthetics to tables made entirely of natural wood. In addition, such designs are easy to make with your own hands at home.

tables from, the cheapest, but more bulky than other models. This material is more suitable for creating double and bedside structures. The same applies to models from . Products from these materials, thanks to a wide choice of colors and textures, will fit into almost any interior.


Models of breakfast tables made of metal are quite in demand due to the strength and durability of the material. Chrome or powder coating serves not only to decorate the structure, but also to protect the product from various scuffs and scratches. Metal tables are easy to design, are relatively inexpensive and, depending on the design, are suitable for both classic and. In such structures, only the frame is made of metal, and the countertop is made of other materials.


They look very nice and airy. Due to their transparency, they do not clutter up the space and fit perfectly into interiors decorated in modern styles. This material, despite the apparent fragility, is quite durable and, with proper operation, completely safe. Glass tables can have a matte, transparent, colored or sandblasted surface. In combination with a frame made of metal or natural wood, they will become an independent and original decor element.


The simplest and most affordable tables are made of plastic. They are lightweight, easy to care for and resistant to overheating. Similar models are suitable for travel lovers. Manufacturers offer folding designs that can easily fit in the trunk of a car, and recesses for glasses, plates, sauces and napkins will provide additional comfort during operation.


The choice of bedside table design depends directly on the stylistic decision and, of course, on the personal preferences of the future owner. Tables can have a different configuration: square, rectangular, round, one- or two-tier. Modern furniture manufacturers offer models in classic, ethnic and modern styles.

Making a breakfast table in bed with your own hands

A table for serving breakfast in bed to a loved one can be bought at a store or easily made with your own hands and from a variety of materials, even plastic. It all depends on your capabilities, preferences and ability to handle the tool.

Tool and material preparation

To make a bedside breakfast table, you will need a grinder or sandpaper with a different size of abrasive, chisels, clamps, and a chain saw. You will also need plywood, glue (PVA or carpentry), a pencil, a tape measure, a mallet and a square.

Step by step instructions for making a table

We will make a table with a tabletop length of 600 mm and a width of 320 mm. Sidewall parameters - 320 × 270 mm. If desired, you can make bumpers around the entire perimeter of the table, but, in this case, you will also need a wooden one of the appropriate section.

Consider the stages of work.

Illustration Action Description

We take a wide and thick unedged board to create shields. We mark and cut the wood into blanks of the desired size.

We trim and process the board with a planer or planer. We glue together and fix the details of the sidewalls and countertops with the help of clamps.

We make a sidewall template from plywood and, using double-sided tape, attach it to the workpiece.

With the help we make grooves.

We cut a hole in the middle of the side racks. After milling, we remove the templates.

We bring the grooves with a chisel.

On both sides of the tabletop, across the entire width, we select wood for the spikes.

Using a hacksaw, cut out the spikes to connect with the sidewalls.

Since we have a wood defect in the form of a crack, we select a butterfly-shaped groove in its place, as shown in the photo.

We insert into the groove a similar blank, smeared with glue. After drying, remove excess and sand.

Lubricate the spikes on the countertop and the grooves in the sidewalls.

We connect the parts together.

We fix the parts with clamps and leave to dry completely.

Carefully sand all surfaces of the table.

We remove the chamfer on the tabletop spikes peeking out of the side racks.

We impregnate the wood with teak oil.

After drying, the table is ready for further use.

Breakfast table decoration

We have impregnated this handmade table with teak oil, which serves not only as a protection but also as a decoration. But designs for serving breakfast in bed can be decorated in a different way. The surface of the table is decorated with

Almost every woman dreamed of getting coffee in bed, and in this case it would be completely out of place if coffee gets into her in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, many will agree that a table in bed on the farm will be very useful. This type of furniture will also be indispensable for a sick person who finds it difficult to move around or needs to stay in bed.

On sale, you can often find an option that combines these two functions, it can be used as a breakfast table, as well as a laptop stand. Since the bed table performs fewer functions, in this case you can save money and do it yourself. How to make such a table, we will consider in this article.

If you decide to make a breakfast table with your own hands, then let's initially decide on its design. Its main elements include:

  • countertop;
  • sides;
  • legs.

In fact, the main detail in this piece of furniture is the countertop. Its volume is of no small importance.

The main part of the table - tabletop

It is on it that all cutlery is placed. For its manufacture, you can use the following materials:

  • plywood;
  • mosaic panel;
  • frosted or tinted glass;
  • plastic;
  • Other materials.

However, the most common is the option that provides for a wooden countertop. In this case, such wood species as maple, cedar, pine, ash, oak are most often used. In this case, the tree must undergo special treatment to facilitate surface cleaning. The best option would be to varnish the countertop. However, there is a certain drawback, namely the resulting model with a wooden tabletop will be heavy and bulky.

To date, rubber wood has become quite often used for the manufacture of countertops, which, even without a varnish coating, is characterized by increased resistance to moisture. At the same time, the lightness of the product and strength should be noted.

The next element of the table in the bed can be called bumpers, which are attached to the sides of the tabletop and are designed to prevent crumbs and drops of liquid from entering the bed.

And finally, there are legs. They can be of two types:

  • motionless;
  • folding.

The use of folding legs gives the finished product more mobility. And also the fact that you can change the size by removing the legs, makes the product more compact. When folded, the table can also be used as a tray.

But, if you consider the option with fixed legs, you can also find its advantages. One of them will be greater stability, which is especially important for a coffee table.

Manufacturing technology

With a strong desire, you can make a breakfast table in bed at home with your own hands. You can decide on the design yourself, relying entirely on your own taste.

If you decide, then it is best to start work with the development of a drawing, which will present all the elements, as well as their dimensions. If there is no time to draw details, then a diagram can help you.

Breakfast table layout

As noted above, the main element is the countertop. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to make it large. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that you can simply have breakfast at this table, that is, it is enough to provide a place for a couple of cups and a plate with sandwiches or other snacks. If you decide to make the table top smooth, without any protrusions or patterns carved into the wood, then this table can later be used for a laptop.

You should also focus on the height of the legs. Their height should not interfere with the free movement of a person. For ease of use, the table can also be provided with handles. It is best to keep them small. The easiest way is to simply cut them out either in the countertop or on the sides.

The optimal dimensions of the countertop are:

  • height - 260 mm;
  • length - 620 mm;
  • width - 420 mm.

For the manufacture of sides, it is better to use bars measuring 25 × 10 mm. If desired, you can use wider slats. To assemble a finished product, it is best to use wood glue. Some prefer to fix the elements with nails. If you nevertheless chose to fasten with glue, then at the time of setting it is best to fix the parts with clamps.

Simple legs for a table are best made from a board measuring 50 × 18 mm. At the same time, it must be cut into blanks, the length of which should be 245 mm each. In this case, it is necessary to provide a bevel to a depth of 10 mm. An axial hole is provided at the opposite end from the bevel. The optimal distance from the edges to the center of the axial hole is 25 mm. Using a compass, a circle is drawn in the middle of the hole, and the hole itself is made using a jigsaw. To ensure the stability and strength of the finished product, it is necessary to connect each leg to each other using jumpers, which are made of the same material as the legs themselves.

At the final stage, varnish should be applied to the finished product, and then you can decorate the table in accordance with your taste. The decoration of tables with the help of woodcarving, decoupage and other types has become widespread.

Thus, the article considers the possibility of manufacturing this type of furniture, which in the common people is called a breakfast table. Good luck to you.

Many people like to lie in bed in the morning, have breakfast and drink fresh aromatic coffee. Here, a special table for breakfast in bed will come in handy. Below, experts examined in detail how you can do it yourself. Such a piece of furniture is not bulky and can be easily folded.

Pine table: step by step instructions

To make a pine table, we need:

  1. processed plywood. It is recommended to use pine, as it has a beautiful structure and is considered durable (you can buy it ready-made in a specialized store). The bar should be of the following dimensions: 40 × 55 cm.
  2. Pine bars with a section of 20 × 60 mm.
  3. Wood paint and water-based stain.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • square;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • metal brush and brushes.

First of all, we saw down all the workpieces in the required size. It is important to immediately align the first edge of the workpiece. Next, we will cut out the long sidewalls of the table. To do this, we apply the bar to the workpiece and put a mark with a pencil. Then we draw a line with a square at an angle of 90 degrees. According to this markup, we saw off the first part. We make the second long part in a similar way.

Next in line are the short details of the table. To do this, we attach long blanks to the table and in the same way we outline short blanks, after which we saw them off. The sides of the future table are ready.

Attach them to the main cover to make sure everything is done correctly.

Next, we make the legs for the table. The length of the legs is enough to make twenty centimeters. Since the legs in the table are located at an angle, the workpiece must be cut at an angle of approximately 20 degrees. All blanks are ready. Now we carefully grind them with a grinder or sandpaper, remove dust.

Using glue, glue the side walls to the countertop and fix them with nails. In order for the dishes to not slip off the table, we leave a small side (about 5 mm). First, we drill small holes in the legs for self-tapping screws (so that the tree does not crack) and glue it to the back of the table with glue, fix it with self-tapping screws. To give the table a beautiful look, we paint it with stain, which fills all the pores well. Let the table dry - an hour will be enough. From above, for reliability, the product is covered with plaster paint. At your discretion, you can add pens, paint or cut out some kind of pattern.

Laminate table: step by step instructions

First, we make a countertop from the floor covering. For one countertop, you need to take one strip of laminate. On one side of the strip on the router, remove the film and divide the sheet in half. We remove one edge from the strip (on one half we remove the left edge, on the other half - the right one), after which we connect both pieces along the edge. If there are irregularities somewhere along the side faces, it can be processed with a sandpaper (sandpaper).

The table needs to be framed in a circle. To do this, you need a wooden block, the dimensions of which should be 2 × 4 cm. Using a router, we make grooves into which the laminate will be inserted. If desired, the edges of the bar can be rounded or cut out some kind of pattern - it depends on your imagination. The groove for the laminate must strictly correspond to the thickness of the laminate with an interval of approximately 1 mm. It should fit into the groove easily, but tightly. The corners of the bars must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

To make the legs, we prepare a wooden block 3 × 1.5 cm thick. Carefully process all sides. With a pencil, mark the places where you will make the rounding of the legs. Such roundings are made on both sides of the bar. We drill blind holes in the legs 5 cm from the bottom so that round slats can then be inserted there. We connect the legs, install a rail between them. The dimensions of the assembled legs should correspond to the voids on the back of the tabletop so that they can be easily and freely folded.

Before assembling the countertop, carefully and carefully paint all the details in advance. Lubricate all parts that will be joined with a thin layer of glue, hold for 2 minutes. We fasten the legs with the help of self-tapping screws, on which washers are put on. The breakfast table is ready.
