A complex sentence with heterogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Features of attaching subordinate clauses to the main

The clause in NGN does not have to be one. There may be several of them. Then it is worth considering all the options for what kind of relationship develops between the subordinate clauses and the main one.

It is also worth clarifying that the scheme of a complex sentence can be not only linear ( horizontal) as in the examples above. In order to visually demonstrate the dependent relationships between the main clause and several subordinate clauses, flowcharts are better suited ( vertical).

So, for several subordinate clauses, the following cases are possible:

    Homogeneous submission. All subordinate clauses refer to the main (or to some word in its composition). In addition, they answer one question. And among themselves the subordinate clauses are connected according to the same principle as the homogeneous members of the sentence.

The children stamped their feet with impatience and could not wait until it was time to set off, when they would finally see the sea, when everyone could run along the shore to their heart's content.

    parallel submission. All subordinate clauses belong to the main clause. But they answer different questions.

When it was her turn to choose, Olya took the box that first came to her hand.

    Consistent submission. One subordinate clause is attached to the main one (it is called the first degree clause). Another subordinate clause, of the second degree, joins the subordinate clause of the first degree. By the way, with this type of subordination, one subordinate clause can be included in another.

The guys decided that all together they would cope with the difficult task that Misha courageously decided to take on his shoulders.

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence

A reasonable question may arise why all these NGN schemes are needed. They have at least one applied purpose - an obligatory part of the syntactic analysis of a complex sentence is the compilation of its scheme.

In addition, just the scheme of a complex sentence will help to correctly analyze it for analysis.

SPP parsing scheme includes the following tasks:

    Determine what the sentence is according to the purpose of the statement: declarative, interrogative or incentive.

    What - according to emotional coloring: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

    To prove that a sentence is complex, it is necessary to define and designate grammatical foundations.

    Indicate what type of connection of parts of a complex sentence is present: allied connection, intonation.

    Indicate the type of complex sentence: complex sentence.

    Indicate how many simple sentences are included in the complex one, by what means the subordinate clauses are attached to the main one.

    Designate the main and subordinate parts. In the case of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, they should be indicated by numbers (degrees of subordination).

    Indicate with which word in the main clause (or with the whole sentence) the subordinate clause is associated.

    Mark the way of connecting the predicative parts of a complex sentence: union or allied word.

    If there are any, mark indicative words in the main part.

    Indicate the type of subordinate clause: explanatory, attributive, adjunctive, adverbial.

    And finally, draw up a diagram of a complex sentence.

The section of the science of our language devoted to the structure of sentences is fraught with a lot of interesting things, and parsing can be an exciting activity for those who are well versed in the rules of the Russian language. Today we will touch on the syntax and punctuation of a complex sentence, in particular the case when there is not one subordinate clause, but several. What are the types of subordination and why is a sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses interesting? About everything in order.

Complex sentence and its parts

Complicated (C / P) is such a complex sentence in which it is possible to distinguish the main part (it carries the main semantic load) and the subordinate clause (it is dependent on the main part, you can ask a question to it). There can be two or more adnexal parts, and they can be attached to the main, main part in different ways. There is a consistent, homogeneous, heterogeneous, parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. To find out the type of subordination, you need to pay attention to whether the dependent parts answer the same question or different ones, refer to the same word in the main part or to different ones. We will consider the material in more detail in the next section.

Types of subordination of subordinate clauses

So, there are four types of submission.

  • Sequential subordination - subordinate parts depend sequentially on each other, and one of them depends on the main one. I know (about what?) what to do (for what?) to get there (where?) where I need.
  • Homogeneous - subordinate clauses answer the same question and refer to the same word. I asked (about what?) what time it is, where we are and how to get to the airport. There are three subordinate (dependent) parts in this sentence, all of them refer to the word “asked” and answer the question “about what?”.
  • Heterogeneous subordination - subordinate parts also refer to the same word, but questions are asked about them differently. I have to go to this city (why should I?) to fulfill all my plans (why should I?) because there are a lot of things to do.
  • Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses - dependent parts refer to different words of the main sentence and answer completely different questions. (For what?) In order to catch the train, I have to leave the house early for the station (what?), which is located in another part of the city.

Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses

What is the difference between different types of submission, we found out. By the way, in some sources, heterogeneous parallel subordination of subordinate clauses is distinguished as one species. This is because in both cases the questions to the dependent parts are different.

If the sentence is complex with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses, then most often one dependent part is located before the main one, and the second after.
It is necessary to highlight the main, main part of the sentence, determine the number of subordinate clauses and ask questions to them. Only in this way will we be convinced that we really have a parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. If the questions are different, and we will ask them from different words, then the subordination is really parallel. When I went out into the street, I suddenly remembered that I had been going to visit my friend for a long time. In this sentence, from the predicate of the main part "remembered" we ask a question "when?" to the first subordinate clause, and from the complement "About" ask a question "about what?» to the second. So, in this case, a parallel method of subordination is used.

To be able to determine the boundaries of parts of a sentence and correctly ask questions from the main part is necessary in order not to make mistakes when arranging punctuation marks. Remember that subordinate parts are separated from the main part by commas, which are placed before the union or allied word that connects parts of a complex sentence.

Summing up

Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses is one of the four types of subordination in Russian. To determine the type of subordination, you need to highlight simple sentences as part of a complex subordinate, determine the main part and ask questions from it to dependent ones. If the question is the same, then this is a homogeneous subordination, if different from the same word - heterogeneous, if different questions from different words - parallel, and if the question can only be asked to one subordinate clause, and from it to another, and so on, then we have a consistent submission.

Be smart!

In a complex sentence, hereinafter referred to as NGN, all subordinate clauses can refer directly to the entire main sentence or to one of its members. In this case, they indicate a homogeneous subordination of dependent clauses. With homogeneous subordination, we indicate its main features:

  • all subordinate clauses refer to the main clause or to the same word in the main clause;
  • clauses have the same meaning and answer the same question, that is, they are clauses of the same type;
  • are interconnected by coordinating unions or unionless;
  • pronounced with enumerative intonation,

for example:

It is not known where she lived (1), who she was (2), why a portrait of her was made by a Roman artist (3) and what she thought so sadly about (4).

Unknown (what?). To all subordinate parts, regardless of the fact that they are attached to different allied words ( where, who, why, what), we ask the same question: what? In this NGN, there is a cascade of explanatory clauses that depend on one word in the main part - the predicate of an impersonal sentence expressed by a predicative adverb. Therefore, this is a NGN with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

, (where ...), (who ...), (why ...) and (about what ...).

Between subordinating sentences with enumeration, as in the above example, commas are placed, except for the last two subordinating sentences. If a non-repeating connective or disjunctive union is used between homogeneous subordinate clauses ( and, or, or), then the comma is not put, for example:

We understood that it was already late_ and that we had to hurry home.

Linear scheme of the proposal:

, (what…) and (what…).

Examples of sentences with homogeneous subordination of clauses

I understood that I was lying in bed, that I was sick, that I had just been delirious (A. Kuprin).

In spring, the oriole appears late, when the groves are already covered with foliage and all the songbirds have long flown in (I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

Auntie interestingly told that her first husband was a Persian consul and that she lived with him for some time in Tehran (F. Iskander).

Since the birch trees have undressed and different grasses have grown under them with spikelets and cones and necks of different colors, much, much water has flowed from the stream (M. Prishvin).

In the morning, the grandmother complained that all the apples in the garden were knocked down at night and one old plum was broken (A. Chekhov).

Subordinate clauses that refer to the entire main clause (time, concessions, reasons, conditions, etc.) or to one of its members (definitive, explanatory, measures and degrees, places, modes of action) may be heterogeneous, that is, different in value and belong to different types, for example:

When the fishermen gathered (1), Ivan Ivanovich already somehow deduced in his own way that by the evening the wind would drive the ice to noon (2) (M. Prishvin).

Two subordinate clauses depend on the main clause:

  • one - adjective of time ( when the fishermen gathered);
  • the second is an explanatory clause ( that in the evening the wind will drive the ice to noon).

Linear scheme of the proposal:

(When what…).

Examples of sentences with parallel subordination of clauses

But although they were neighbors all their lives, Ulya never saw Anatoly except for school and Komsomol meetings, where he often made presentations (A. Fadeev).

As soon as the heat subsided, it began to get colder and darker in the forest so quickly that I did not want to stay in it (I. Turgenev).

When I have a new book in my hands, I feel that something new, speaking, wonderful has entered my life (M. Gorky).

The river along which we went turned sharply every now and then, so that its gleaming mirror rested in the distance either against willow thickets or against a sandy cliff (V. Soloukhin).

When I peer, it even seems to me that I begin to see hundreds, thousands of kilometers around (M. Bubennov).

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, the field where winter rye was sown is covered with lush greenery (L. Leonov).

Proposals with sequential submission

Complex sentences with sequential subordination are discussed in detail with examples in this article.

Let us give more examples of sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

The time of our journey has expired, although we managed to pass only half of what we planned (V. Soloukhin).

Everything is available to a person in this life, if only one passionately desires, so passionately that one does not feel sorry for life itself at the same time (L. Leonov).

There is a knot on the trunk on which you put your foot when you want to climb an apple tree (V. Soloukhin).

If every person on a piece of his land would do everything he can, how beautiful our land would be (A. Chekhov).

And everything connected with it is studied in the school course of the Russian language, and is also included in the examination work.

Variants of subordination of dependent parts (successive subordination of subordinate clauses as well) will be discussed below.

Complex sentence: types of subordinate clauses

A complex sentence is a sentence where there are two or more grammatical bases, one of which is the main one, the rest are dependent. For example, the fire went out(main part), when morning came(dependent part). Subordinate, or dependent, parts can be of different types, it all depends on the question that is asked from the main sentence to the dependent. Yes, when asked which the dependent part is considered definitive: the forest (what?) in which we walked has thinned out. If the question of circumstance is attached to the dependent part, then the subordinate part is defined as adverbial. Finally, if the question to the dependent part is one of the questions of indirect cases, then the subordinate clause is called explanatory.

Complex sentence: several subordinate clauses

Often in texts and exercises there are several subordinate clauses. At the same time, not only the subordinate clauses themselves can be different, but also the way they are subordinated to the main clause or to each other.

Method of subordination of subordinate clauses
Parallel subordinationThe main clause includes dependent parts of various types.When the ice broke, the fishing began, which the men had been waiting for all winter.(Main sentence: fishing has begun. First adverbial adjective: started (when?); second adjective: fishing (what?).
Homogeneous submissionThe main clause includes dependent parts of the same type.Everyone knows how the BAM was built and how dearly the people paid for it.(Main sentence: everyone knows. It includes both subordinate explanatory clauses: how BAM was built and how dearly the people paid for it. Clauses are homogeneous, as they refer to a single word - known they ask one question: it is known that?)
Sequential submissionThe main clause has one subordinate clause, on which other subordinate clauses depend.He guessed that they didn't like the movie they saw.(From the main sentence he guessed one adjective depends: that they didn't like the movie. From the subordinate clause related to the main clause, something else depends: which they saw.

To determine the parallel, homogeneous, sequential subordination of subordinate clauses is a task that causes difficulties for students. Solving this issue, it is necessary first of all to find the main sentence, and then, asking questions from it, determine the nature of subordination.

Subordination and sequential subordination

In complex sentences, in which there are several predicative stems, there may be subordination of subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses are subordinate clauses that depend on a single main clause. Sequential subordination is different from subordination. The fact is that in compound sentences with sequential subordination, not all subordinate clauses depend on the main clause, that is, they do not have subordination.

It is not an easy task to determine the types of subordinate clauses, especially in sentences with sequential subordination. The question is how to find the consistent subordination of the subordinate clauses.

  • Read the offer carefully.
  • Highlight grammar points.
  • Determine if the sentence is complex. In other words, find out whether there are main and dependent parts, or parts of a complex sentence are equal.
  • Identify subordinate clauses related directly to the main clause.
  • The subordinate clause, which is not related in meaning to the main clause, will refer to another part dependent on the main clause. This is the sequential subordination of subordinate parts.

Following this algorithm, you can quickly find the sentence specified in the task.

The main thing is to know the answer to the question, the consistent subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it? This is a complex sentence, where such a subordinate clause depends on the main clause, which is the main one for another subordinate clause.

The structure of sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

Structurally, the most interesting is a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. A chain of interdependent clauses can be located both outside the main clause and inside it.

The day they spent in the sunny city, where there are many historical monuments, they will remember forever.

Here is the main suggestion they will remember the day forever encircles related subordinate clauses. The subordinate clause depends on the main clause which they spent in the sunny city. This subordinate part is the main one for the subordinate defining part. where there are many historical monuments. Therefore, this is a consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. In another sentence He saw the owner scolding his cat for catching a chicken the main clause is located outside the subordinate clauses.

Examples of sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

Consistent subordination of subordinate parts is used both in colloquial speech and in writing. Such sentences are found in works of fiction. For example, A.S. Pushkin: Natalya Gavrilovna was famous at the assemblies as the best dancer, which was ... the reason for the misconduct of Korsakov, who came the next day to apologize to Gavrilo Afanasyevich; at L.N. Tolstoy: He remembered how once he thought that his husband had found out and was preparing for a duel ... in which he intended to shoot in the air; from I.A. Bunin: And when I looked up, it again seemed to me ... that this silence is a mystery, a part of what is beyond the cognizable.

And everything connected with it is studied in the school course of the Russian language, and is also included in the examination work. Variants of subordination of dependent parts of a complex sentence (successive subordination of subordinate clauses as well) will be discussed below.

Complex sentence: types of subordinate clauses

A complex sentence is a sentence where there are two or more grammatical bases, one of which is the main one, the rest are dependent. For example, the fire went out(main part), when morning came(dependent part). Subordinate, or dependent, parts can be of different types, it all depends on the question that is asked from the main sentence to the dependent. Yes, when asked which the dependent part is considered definitive: the forest (what?) in which we walked has thinned out. If the question of circumstance is attached to the dependent part, then the subordinate part is defined as adverbial. Finally, if the question to the dependent part is one of the questions of indirect cases, then the subordinate clause is called explanatory.

Complex sentence: several subordinate clauses

Often in texts and exercises there are complex sentences, where there are several subordinate clauses. At the same time, not only the subordinate clauses themselves can be different, but also the way they are subordinated to the main clause or to each other.

Method of subordination of subordinate clauses
Parallel subordinationThe main clause includes dependent parts of various types.When the ice broke, the fishing began, which the men had been waiting for all winter.(Main sentence: fishing has begun. First adverbial adjective: started (when?); second adjective: fishing (what?).
Homogeneous submissionThe main clause includes dependent parts of the same type.Everyone knows how the BAM was built and how dearly the people paid for it.(Main sentence: everyone knows. It includes both subordinate explanatory clauses: how BAM was built and how dearly the people paid for it. Clauses are homogeneous, as they refer to a single word - known they ask one question: it is known that?)
Sequential submissionThe main clause has one subordinate clause, on which other subordinate clauses depend.He guessed that they didn't like the movie they saw.(From the main sentence he guessed one adjective depends: that they didn't like the movie. From the subordinate clause related to the main clause, something else depends: which they saw.

To determine the parallel, homogeneous, sequential subordination of subordinate clauses is a task that causes difficulties for students. Solving this issue, it is necessary first of all to find the main sentence, and then, asking questions from it, determine the nature of subordination.

Subordination and sequential subordination

In complex sentences, in which there are several predicative stems, there may be subordination of subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses are subordinate clauses that depend on a single main clause. Sequential subordination is different from subordination. The fact is that in compound sentences with sequential subordination, not all subordinate clauses depend on the main clause, that is, they do not have subordination.

It is not an easy task to determine the types of subordinate clauses, especially in sentences with sequential subordination. The question is how to find the consistent subordination of the subordinate clauses.

  • Read the offer carefully.
  • Highlight grammar points.
  • Determine if the sentence is complex. In other words, find out whether there are main and dependent parts, or parts of a complex sentence are equal.
  • Identify subordinate clauses related directly to the main clause.
  • The subordinate clause, which is not related in meaning to the main clause, will refer to another part dependent on the main clause. This is the sequential subordination of subordinate parts.

Following this algorithm, you can quickly find the sentence specified in the task.
The main thing is to know the answer to the question, the consistent subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it? This is a complex sentence, where such a subordinate clause depends on the main clause, which is the main one for another subordinate clause.

The structure of sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

Structurally, the most interesting is a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. A chain of interdependent clauses can be located both outside the main clause and inside it.

The day they spent in the sunny city, where there are many historical monuments, they will remember forever.

Here is the main suggestion they will remember the day forever encircles related subordinate clauses. The subordinate clause depends on the main clause which they spent in the sunny city. This subordinate part is the main one for the subordinate defining part. where there are many historical monuments. Therefore, this is a consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. In another sentence He saw the owner scolding his cat for catching a chicken the main clause is located outside the subordinate clauses.

Examples of sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

Consistent subordination of subordinate parts is used both in colloquial speech and in writing. Such sentences are found in works of fiction. For example, A.S. Pushkin: Natalya Gavrilovna was famous at the assemblies as the best dancer, which was ... the reason for the misconduct of Korsakov, who came the next day to apologize to Gavrilo Afanasyevich; at L.N. Tolstoy: He remembered how once he thought that his husband had found out and was preparing for a duel ... in which he intended to shoot in the air; from I.A. Bunin: And when I looked up, it again seemed to me ... that this silence is a mystery, a part of what is beyond the cognizable.

Lecture 75 Types of subordination of subordinate clauses

This lecture discusses the main types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Types of subordination of subordinate clauses

This lecture discusses the main types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Lecture plan

75.1. Consistent subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.3. Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses.

75.1. Sequential subordination of subordinate clauses

In lectures 73 and 74 we talked about the complex sentence, about various types of subordinate clauses, but basically paid attention only to sentences with one subordinate clause. Much more often in the texts there are sentences of three or more parts in which several subordinate clauses are used.

Depending on how these subordinate clauses are attached to the main one, complex sentences (CSS) are divided into:

1) NGN with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses;

2) NGN with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses;

3) NGN with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses;

4) NGN with various types of subordinate clauses.

Let's analyze the proposal:

The arrows show where exactly we ask the question to the subordinate clause (from the end of the previous part, from the beginning or from the middle). In this sentence, we ask a question to both subordinate clauses from the end of the previous part.

Consider a few more sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses.

It can be seen from this diagram that the second part breaks the first one, since the question is asked from the middle of the main sentence.

I want to draw attention to another type of complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. This case is quite complicated, so pay special attention to it.

[I thought] 1 , (that later it will be difficult for me to get rid of his guardianship) 2 , (if I don’t argue with the old man at this decisive moment) 3 .

Now try to draw diagrams of several sentences on your own. To do this, you need to drag and drop various elements from the bottom field into the table.

1) She wrote to him that she had decided to hasten her departure from Dresden, because her aunt's health had completely improved.

2) Mechik could not believe that Levinson was really the way Chizh portrayed him.

3) She looked at him as one looks at a person in whom they saw what they had long expected.

75.2. Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses

About homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, we say if in a complex sentence all subordinate clauses

  • refer to the same word of the main part,
  • are of the same type
  • connected with each other by a non-union or coordinative connection.

Let's look at a few examples.

In other cases, the homogeneous nature of the clauses may not be so obvious:

[She went with him, pleased] 1, (that she pleased him) 2 and (now she can stay on the shore and take a break from nursing the bored Pavlik) 2 .

Between homogeneous clauses there is a connecting union, but in the second clause the allied means (the union WHAT) is omitted, but it can easily be restored:

[For the medieval reader, it is predominantly important], (what the work is dedicated to) and (by whom it was created).

And now try to assemble complex clauses with homogeneous subordination from scattered simple sentences. Pay attention to the meaning of the sentence.

75.3. Parallel subordination of subordinate clauses

Parallel (non-uniform) subordination of subordinate clauses occurs in two cases:

  • if subordinate clauses are attached to one word of the main part, but are different in semantics;
  • subordinate clauses are the same in meaning, but refer to different words of the main part.

Let's look at both cases with examples.

(Because we never kept birds) 1 , [then I understood] 2 , (that this cage belongs to the new tenant) 3 .

In this sentence, the second part is the main one, both subordinate clauses depend on the same word, but at the same time they are different in meaning: the 1st part is the subordinate clause of the cause, and the 3rd part is the explanatory clause. Let us now represent this proposal schematically.

Please note that the scheme is very similar to the scheme of a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses, but the questions are asked differently.

Now consider a sentence with subordinate clauses that have the same meaning, but refer to different words of the main part.

Both subordinate clauses in this sentence are explanatory, connected by the same conjunctions, but at the same time they depend on different words.

Indicate the numbers of complex sentences with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. In case of an incorrect answer, be sure to read the pop-up comment.

Date: 2010-05-22 10:47:52 Views: 25279
