Work sleds. Master class on making decorations "Do-it-yourself winter sleigh Wooden sledge drawing

How great it is to ride on a clear frosty day from an ice slide or on a flat snowy surface with a breeze! For this wonderful winter entertainment, reliable and functional sleds are needed. It happens that among the huge store selection of sleds, it is not possible to decide and find a suitable model. Either the quality is not satisfactory, the size is not suitable or the safety leaves much to be desired. These nuances can be solved at once by making a sled with your own hands. So, the availability of free time, correct and understandable schemes, patience and desire will help to make a unique and practical thing for winter entertainment.

There are many options for making winter sleds with your own hands, they make wooden sleds, plastic, metal, inflatable. How much imagination and ability is enough.

Homemade wooden sled

Wooden sleds are a common home-made model; they are less traumatic than metal counterparts. However, for their manufacture, it is necessary to take high-quality material so that the sled does not swell from moisture. Coniferous trees are considered the most suitable, most importantly, a high resin content, solid boards must be taken. They are held together with waterproof glue, and aluminum strips are suitable as skids (for better glide). When designing wooden sledges, a small woodworking machine is useful; a carpentry workshop can replace it. When the boards "turned" into spare parts for the sled, you can begin to work independently.

The sequence of actions when designing a sled:

There are certain nuances in the design of the sled:

  • If an elongated model of the sled is being made, it is better to use boards 5-6 cm wide instead of round transverse sticks in front and behind. And for a more comfortable position of the legs, it is advisable to install the straps at an angle of 15 degrees;
  • For seating in longer sleds, it is better to use 4 boards rather than 3;
  • The longer the sled, the longer you need strips of aluminum that serve as skids.

After the wonderful sled is made, a rope can be tied to the front transverse stick, as in all sleds, or even better, make a hole and thread the rope through, so it will not roll to one side.

How to make your own sled scooters

What kind of sled did not come up with people! From primitive two-lane sleds to the latest snow scooters. But sled scooters are rare. And the model is interesting and doubly nice that you can design such a sled yourself, they are suitable for both a child from 6-7 years old and an adult.

The uniqueness of the sled is that it can be ridden without anyone's help, they glide with the help of human effort. The propulsion mechanism consists of a pair of bars, the bottom of which is attached to the nose of the skids. The upper section of the bars is connected by a transverse stick, which also serves as a frame, which the rider tilts either towards himself or away from himself, which leads to the sliding process. This design requires the usual material: plywood, wood and a couple of metal rods.

The sled manufacturing technology is as follows:

Seat includes:

  1. base with two sidewalls, in which the front corners are inclined;
  2. 2 plywood bars 75 cm long;
  3. backrest in the shape of a rectangle, 30 cm long and 18 cm wide;
  4. the back with the bars are fastened with small nails.
  • The size of the seat of the sled is 26x33 cm. Before starting construction, you need to put a rectangular transverse board measuring 35x5 cm to the side parts, and then connect the seat to the base. And the crossbar will provide the seat with the necessary tilt.
  • On the back section of the carrier board, you need to make a contour of the holes for the base of the sled seat. Using a hand cutting tool, a pair of elongated grooves is made into which the base of the chair is inserted, before that it is imperative to anoint the side boards with special glue. After the glue has dried, you can proceed to the rear frame, located below.
  • The diagram shows that the closing section of the rear frame of the sled, when sliding, directly touches the snow or ice. It resembles a skateboard, where the rollers are replaced with washers. The corner sections of the frame below are tightened with M10 bolts.
  • In order to effortlessly push off and slide on snow or ice, large screws are screwed into the corners of the frame.
  • The whole product is fastened with M6, M10 bolts, wood glue and nails.

After all the actions done, you can do the appearance of the sled. Details are carefully sanded and polished, furniture varnish is also useful, they can cover parts of the sled that are not in contact with snow. The master of this design decides which external design to choose.

So, having learned a couple of options for making sleds on your own, you can make sure that, if you wish and with the right approach, making a sled that suits you in all respects is not so difficult. But the result obtained will allow you to please your children and spend the winter time fun and interesting together.

The harsh and cold winter in the memory of each of us is still associated with a festive and bright time. The reason for this is not only the most important holidays, but also the childhood that all of us loved to spend on the street, sledding, skating or even skiing. If you want to plunge back into childhood, then we suggest you make such a sleigh with your own hands.

What to do?

If the material of manufacture itself does not raise questions, then there are many unclear points about the shape, length, thickness and type of wood that will be sorted out in this article.

It is best to purchase ready-made small boards of processed wood, but if it is not possible to purchase them, then you can cut them out of wood yourself using a woodworking machine. To process wood, you will also need a grinder, a jigsaw and a drill.

In addition to a block of wood, you will also need metal strips, aluminum strips are best suited for sleds.

For drawings and applying various marks, you will need to take a standard set of schoolchildren: a ruler, pencil and paper.

Wooden spikes, screws, round crossbars, and glue are small but important parts that cannot be assembled with children's wooden sleds.


Below is one of the options for assembling a wooden sleigh for children with your own hands. The whole process is divided into the following steps:

  • The first stage is the preparation of the drawing and the main details. First you need to draw a drawing of the skids on paper. They should not be small, but should correspond to their true size. After completing the drawing, you need to transfer it to the tree with a pencil. Marked future skids must be cut with a jigsaw. It is important to remember that the drawing must be drawn up for each of the skids separately and also cut out according to a separate pattern. After that, you need to use a grinding machine so that the runners become usable. If you plan to make large sleds, then extension strips must be glued to the runners on both sides (front and back) with glue and screws.

This process must be taken very carefully and patiently, as not dried glue can lead to breakage, and improperly installed screws will interfere with subsequent grinding of the entire new elongated skid structure. At this difficult first stage can be considered completed.

  • The second stage is the fastening of the skids. This stage is highlighted separately, as it will require, as usual, accuracy and will take some time. First you need to use a drill to drill holes in the middle of each of the runners, then the same must be done with the crossbars. At this stage, it is important to coordinate the holes of the skids and crossbars correctly so that they can be fastened together.
  • The third stage is the preparation of the seat. You can cut the seats to your taste. They can be from narrow boards, from several wide ones, or even in the form of one solid seat. The distance between the boards in this case should not be less than 5 mm. The main thing is to dock them with the dimensions of the runners. In order to do this, you need to drill holes in the places where they will be attached with the latter. Boards for the seat are fixed with spikes.
  • The fourth stage is the final one. Skids, like any wooden products, must be protected from any external influences. For this purpose, metal (aluminum) sheets are attached to the lower parts in contact with the surface. This is done with screws. On this hand sled can be considered ready.

What else do you need to know?

Some necessary tools can always be replaced with cheaper and disposable ones. You can avoid unnecessary spending, for example, on a grinder just for the sake of one sled. Sandpaper will replace it.

Wooden blocks also do not have to be purchased separately, it is enough to use the remaining wood from other buildings or repairs.

For homemade sleds, any hardwood is suitable.

Screws can be replaced with nails, and a hammer drill. You just need to purchase good stainless steel nails.

There are a lot of options for sled schemes. They may differ both in design (with a back, with a seat, with thread, with boards, with additional skids), and in design.

The most important thing is that the new sled should not lie idle, at the first snowfall they should be tested, so you will not only have fun, but you can also clearly see if additional processing or repair is required.

After you can make a sled with your own hands, even for children, winter will become an even more welcome and fun time for you. Good luck!

See how the sled is made in the next video.

This winter's trend is a return to basics. Therefore, Progorodsamara offers to forget about laziness and Chinese plastic and get down to business. Making carved wooden sledges!

In childhood, that same childhood, when there were no fashionable gadgets and smartphones, young people in yards and parks rode down a snow hill. To do this, they used any means at hand - ice cubes, pieces of cardboard, or even a torn bag.

This is a lesson for the Russian man is a traditional pastime in winter. What could be more fun than the whole company to climb onto the sled and, clinging to each other, rush down the slope. We decided to go back to the roots and make our own sleds for winter fun together with carpenter Sergey Pimakhin.

In order to make a sled, we need a few steps and a lot of patience, as well as templates, pine blocks, boards, glue, euro screws, a drill and a jigsaw. All this can be bought in the store.

The first step is to make a template and trace the outlines on the tree with a pencil

The template is the shape of the future sled with all the curls and holes. When we have redrawn the template on the tree, we can start creating slotted elements. With a drilling machine, within the boundaries of future voids between the curls, we drill round holes. For this, a Forstner drill is used. Those who do not have a machine can do it with a drill.

The second step - cut out the contours

Then you need a jigsaw with a T244D file. The file is designed specifically for curved surfaces. She cuts through the contour marked with a pencil. In order to saw off without chips, you need to cut along the fibers from two ends to a meeting. Thus, the wood fibers will not bulge.

The third step is gluing the parts

For the convenience of using the sled, you need a special wooden lining. It is glued to the two sides of the sled at the top. D3 waterproof adhesive must be used. The glued parts are connected with clamps and dry for 15-20 minutes in this form.

Fourth step - skids to give the sled slip

The runners are cut out of two long bars, they are also glued to the base of the future sled. Then they can be sanded to give a smoother shape.

Fifth step - making a jumper for stability

In our sled there will be two wooden jumpers with roundings. Draw their outline with a pencil and cut them out.

They will need to be fixed with euro screws. To do this, we mark points for future holes so that the euro screw passes through the tree and hits the jumper. In total, we make 8 holes, 4 on each side.

We drill deep holes into which we screw the euro screws

Sixth step - attach the seat

We decided that for this we can use a board that does not cover the entire surface of the sled, so that it is convenient to hold on to them. The board can be put on glue, but it is better on self-tapping screws so that it is more resistant to falls and bumps.

Now our carved sledge is ready! You can safely take them and go for a ride. We thank Sergey Pimakhin for the master class. You can evaluate his work on the website www.carved-platband.rf.

By the way, not so long ago we talked with Sergei Pimakhin about carving on wooden houses in old Samara. Fascinating

Whatever devices for winter recreation are invented, sleds remain leaders. They have gone through so many modifications, they are made from so many different materials, including with their own hands, that you can get confused in them. We will try to tell you more about wooden sleds.

History reference

The progenitors of the sleigh are the sleds, which were used by the people even after the invention of the wheel. The first sled was the simplest device: a seat and skids tightly fastened together. To interconnected poles, people tied bulls, horses, dogs, while the back of such a sleigh dragged along the ground.

Russia in the pre-Petrine period had rather bad roads, which is why sleds were popular not only in winter, but also in summer. Moreover, sleigh riding was the most honorable, so sleighs were especially often used for special occasions. Their appearance resembled a boat, which had edges bent at the back and front, or a long box tapering towards the front edge. The sleigh was carried by one or two horses and one driver. The king's wagons had shelves (ledges), on which two stewards were placed at the feet, and on the backs? two boyars.

In Russia, the sleigh was called? carried?,? Firewood?,? Kaptans? and?huts?. To date, the following types of sleds are known:

  • firewood? sled without a body, used by peasants;
  • cart? these are covered sleds with a back;
  • sledge, otherwise move? low, wide sled;
  • toboggan? this is a sled without skids, which today are used for skiing on special. gutter by athletes;
  • kerezhka? it is up to two meters long sled with a hole in the nose for straps;
  • sled? hand sledges made of wood;
  • buer? these are sleds used in sports, equipped with a sail and designed to ride on ice;
  • skeleton? sleds without skids and steering used in sports;
  • bean? sleds that have steering are used in sports.

Were sleighs made of wood before? beech, birch, linden, ash, oak? and covered with varnish. The runners were also made of wood, but to protect them from wear they were reinforced with metal overlays. Today they are made, including completely from metal, plastic and so on. However, most craftsmen make them with their own hands from wood.


Sled? it's not just fun for kids. It is, first of all, a vehicle. They are still used, for example, in rural areas for the transport of goods (horses are harnessed to them). Was it customary for peasants to make sleds for a special purpose? manual rolling, universal (transportation of people and household needs), cars with the collapse of skids, manual household, ordinary cars. Naturally, they had no decor, and in themselves they were simple.

Also the sled? it is an important luge equipment. They are made of wood, but using a special technology to develop the appropriate speed.

Also in the cities you can find decorated, carved or painted Khokhloma-style sleighs that can be rented for a walk, for children to ride, or ordered to celebrate an event.

Today, not only horses or dogs are harnessed to the sleigh. With the development of mechanical engineering, snowmobiles and motorized towing vehicles appeared. Despite their diversity, hunters and fishermen cannot do without drag sleds (including those made of wood) for them. Modern sold models are distinguished by reliability, frost resistance, durability, safety and comfort. They try to make the skids made of iron to protect the bottom and extend the service life. Some craftsmen make such sleds with their own hands.

The lineup

There are many types of sleds, among which the most popular and popular are:

  • wooden folding, which save space during downtime due to the folding mechanism. They have a very solid construction;
  • wooden vintage. Their main advantage? stability due to their heavy weight. By the way, thanks to the latest downhill is provided;
  • wooden for two children, close in age. What is the real joy for parents? no disputes in the struggle for a place. Just a perfectly calm walk;
  • wooden with long handles, with a back. The best option for walking with children whose age is from one to three years.

In principle, the material for the manufacture of sleds has not changed today? birch, ash, any conifers. The main thing? original quality of wood and its correct processing.

So we buy?

Some people may have a question: what is the best way to do it? buy a sled or make it yourself, with your own hands? In principle, the question is rhetorical, and it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to it.

You should proceed from your capabilities. For example, the simplest wooden sled, without decorations and additions, can be bought for an average of 1000 rubles. What if you already have the material? wooden planks? it speeds up and makes things cheaper. If there is no material, then you can buy it on average up to 500 rubles. It remains to measure, cut out the details and connect them. If there is a desire, there will be no problem in how to make a sled with your own hands.

For the process of self-manufacturing of the sleigh, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • the material itself? wood;
  • self-tapping screws or glue for wood;
  • sandpaper fine-grained paper;
  • drill and jigsaw.

Before you start making homemade sleds, you need to calculate everything. To do this, on paper, you should draw the details of the future sled in full size, and then adjust them in accordance with the size.

On a wooden base for the runners, you need to draw a circle using a compass, and then cut it out. To secure the crossbars, it is necessary to drill a blind hole and use round spikes. Having fixed the crossbars, it is necessary to mark the center in them. Then re-drill the blind hole. When the glue is completely dry, all the tips of the spikes should be cut, then sanded.

At the seat on the sides, it is necessary to cut grooves for docking with the runners. The pieces of wood must be glued to the back of the skids, but exactly where the edges of the skids will enter. In those places where the runners will be connected to the seat, it is necessary to re-drill the holes for the round spikes.

If you want to make runners with strips of steel or aluminum, you need to drill holes for the screws in the places where they are fastened. The necessary elements at the child seat can also be made from plywood, for example, by attaching it using the same round spikes.

If you decide to make the sled longer, you should not use round crossbars in front and behind, but planks of wood. To make the seat, you will need to use not three, but already four strips and put them on round spikes. If you decide to make strips of aluminum or steel, they should, accordingly, be longer than the previous version.

It's so easy to make a sled with your own hands from wood, spending literally one day on it.

Winter always comes unexpectedly, even if you really expect it: one morning, waking up and looking out the window, we will see the long-awaited snow, which so beckons the kids to frolic! And adults are usually not averse to merrily throwing a couple of snowballs, enjoying inhaling the clean frosty air and squinting at the sparkling white, still untouched snow cover.

It will not be a mistake to say that the main attribute of winter children's (and often adults') games are sleds.

Not without sledges and parents who have to carry the kids to kindergarten; An important help in the household is the sled, adapted solutions for various tasks. As a rule, any sled can be bought in a retail or online store: the choice of models is huge, the price range is very wide, the set of used materials and colors is also, as they say, for every taste. But what if you are a creative person, and artisan hands miss the tools? Of course, get down to business! And the money saved, the feeling of satisfaction with the result and the pride of the child for his father, who “can do anything!” Will be a well-deserved reward.

So, before you get down to business, you should choose the type of sled, think over their design and device, and also decide on the materials. Let's be honest, on your own (“on your knee”) you can assemble a classic-type sled
or Finnish sleds, which are distinguished by the presence in the front of the seat with a back and elongated runners with small anti-slip foot platforms.

As an option, you can consider a snow scooter with a front turning ski and a steering wheel, but this is somewhat beyond the scope of this article and, in the strict sense, they are not sleds.

The design and arrangement of children's sleds can be very diverse - from simple, aimed at solving strictly utilitarian tasks, to carved, using openwork elements and parts made of bent wood, usually in a pseudo-traditional style. It will not be a secret that every home master chooses a design according to his capabilities and technical skills, often based on the materials available.
