Stamped concrete - how to do it yourself? Decorative concrete: printed and stamped with your own hands, decor and recipe technology, video and press Decoratively printed concrete with your own hands.

New technologies that are being used in the construction industry today allow you to find amazing design solutions. Today, specialists create beautiful decorative forms, decorating interiors from ordinary building materials and coatings. Such a transformation is possible even when working with a simple material - concrete. The use of special stamps will help make the concrete surface look like paving stones, wood or slabs. These coatings are called stamped and printed concrete. With their help, rooms, paths, walls are decorated decoratively. If you have certain skills, you can create stamped concrete with your own hands.

Features of stamped concrete

Decorative concrete has several features. These include a wide color palette and a large selection of finishes. In addition, the material can withstand significant loads, greater than pavement tiles. He does not care about the effects of acids and other substances. For decorative finishing of premises, builders use fillers of different colors (marble chips, crushed glass).

In addition, a colored cement mortar is sold on the modern building materials market, which can give decorative concrete the desired shade. The need for such concrete arises when specialists are engaged in finishing floors, walls of rooms, paths (shape and dimensions are not limited).

The manufacture of massive structures requires an additional procedure - reinforcement. In turn, the formation of voids in the concrete mixture will help to make it more resistant to low temperatures.

Varieties of decorative building material

Decorative concrete is produced in several types, each of which has a different composition and purpose.

  1. Color. There are more than two dozen pigments that are used in the manufacture of a printed variety of material. The composition of the pigments is designed in such a way that the color is retained for a long time even with negative external influences. Often, for painting decorative concrete surfaces, experts use metal oxides or salts. For example, chromium oxide is added to give the solution a green tint.
  2. Imitation stone. The latest processing technologies allow manufacturers to produce mixtures that look like real stone. On inspection, decorative concrete is almost indistinguishable from natural stone.
  3. Decorative concrete with relief structure. This effect can be achieved by adding special aggregates to the concrete composition. Then the builders remove the surface layer with tools or solutions. Decorative finishing is carried out using crushed marble and other materials. The decorative design of surfaces made using gray and red colors looks especially impressive.

Production technology

Working on building material does not require significant effort, however, to do it, you need certain skills. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite of what you hoped to get. Difficulties arise due to some features inherent in stamped concrete:

  • the concrete mortar hardens quickly, which is why the use of special stamps leaves a fuzzy impression;
  • to make stamped concrete, it is necessary to apply force;
  • flaws on printed building materials are difficult to fix;
  • making the material with your own hands will require the builder to have special skills in handling the tools necessary to create the desired shape and smooth the surface.

There are eight stages of making material with your own hands:

  1. Site preparation.

    First you need to prepare the site. Stamped concrete is made on a reinforced site. It must be done using . Before starting work, it is necessary to mark the boundaries with pegs, a cord. After that, the builders remove twenty centimeters of soil, tamp the bottom, pour a pillow of crushed stone up to fifteen centimeters thick. At the border of the prepared area, a formwork is made into which a reinforcing mesh is laid, raised above the ground by several centimeters. The concrete solution is kneaded in a concrete mixer or manually, then poured and compacted with a special vibrating rail. The surface is smoothed with a trowel.

  2. When site preparation is complete, experts apply the desired shade of hardener immediately after the water has evaporated from the concrete surface. The powder is evenly poured from the middle of the prepared area to each edge. It is necessary to wait until the hardener is absorbed. This will take about ten minutes. During this time, the builder can smooth out the decorative concrete while rubbing in the dye with a trowel. In addition, special trowels are used for processing corners. This helps to give them the desired shape. After that, another layer of hardener is applied and leveled. The hardener allows you to paint the concrete surface, make it more durable. The composition of the color hardener includes pigments, filler, crushed granite and quartz. Particles of the mixture fill the voids in the cement mortar. Due to this, it becomes more durable. The hardener gives the surface a color that does not fade for a long time. There are several dozen different shades on the market.
  3. The next stage of work involves the distribution of the separating coloring component. It helps to prevent possible sticking of the material to metal dies. In addition, the component colors the building material, adding different shades. The components are sold in powder or solution form. In most cases, builders use powder. They apply it with a brush, immersing it in a container with the component in such a way that the maklovitsa is covered with a uniform layer of powder. After that, the cement mixture is sprinkled with powder. After the dyeing procedure is completed, specialists process all corners with textured skins to give them the necessary shape.

  4. Do-it-yourself stamping of a cement surface. Before starting stamping, you should make sure that the decorative concrete has become plastic: the consistency of the material should be the same as plasticine. If stamping is started early, the solution will not retain clear impression lines. And if work starts later, then printing will require great physical effort. On dense building materials, there may not be impressions from stamps, especially at the last stage of stamping. To determine the density, you need to press your finger in different places. If prints remain several millimeters deep, then work can be carried out. There is another possibility to check the density of the applied mixture: it is necessary to place a stamp on the edge of the concrete pad, and then step on with your foot. It is important that the metal stamp support the entire weight of the builder, not elm in the mortar and not slip. After a successful check, specialists can start stamping. For this, metal stamps are laid out. Often, stamp manufacturers number them, indicating the required sequence of location. To make concrete printable, it is enough to put a stamp and step on it. In some cases, rammers are used. Then stamped concrete is left to harden for about a day.

  5. Elimination of defects. At the place where the dies are joined, the cement mixture is often displaced. If the stamped concrete is not sufficiently compacted, the seams in the impression may be blurry. To correct deficiencies at the joints, you need to hold a roller.
  6. Work on shrink seams. Special seams will help prevent cracks and, as a result, the destruction of building materials. Seams are made in fresh cement mortar with a cutter. Also, the seams can be made with a grinder after the mixture is completely dry.
  7. Washing the concrete surface. A day later, specialists wash the cement surface with a stream of water from a watering hose, washing off excess components. The stamped concrete is then washed with acid. Thanks to this, you can achieve a combination of different shades. The acid helps to open voids in the composition of the building material, due to which the concrete and sealant interact better with each other.

  8. Sealant distribution. A day later, a polymer sealant is applied to the material, which helps protect the product from wear, the penetration of oils, and harmful substances. The composition of the sealant helps to give concrete structures a shine: it can be subtle or varnish. Through the use of the tool, the colors become more saturated. The use of a sealant helps simplify basic maintenance. Builders apply the product with a roller, evenly distributing the sealant. However, it must be taken into account that if the texture of the walls or paths has deep imprints, then when processing the product with such a tool, it is better to alternately combine the application of the sealant with a roller and a brush. As a rule, it is necessary to apply two or three layers of the composition. After the product dries, the cement surface is ready for further use.

Stamped concrete - do-it-yourself technology and recipe

Modern technological methods in the implementation of construction activities are constantly evolving. Innovative ideas are replacing old solutions. Stamped concrete technology involves the use of stamps, with the help of which original textures are formed, reminiscent of wood, stone paving or slate slabs.

The method allows you to independently, with the help of simple devices, create an imprint of the original configuration on the concrete solution. Stamped or, as it is called, stamped concrete allows you to imitate natural stone, create a decorative design that harmoniously fits into the exterior of the site, will become a real "highlight" of the overall architectural ensemble.

Decorative, stamped, press concrete and stamped concrete are different names for the same technology.

The process of providing decorativeness to park paths, fireplaces, stairwells allows:

  • realize the fantasies of the developer;
  • get money savings;
  • provide relief.

Let us consider in more detail the technology of forming a decorative printed coating, its features.

How did the technology come about?

The process of formation of the relief surface of a concrete mass takes its historical beginning on the European and American continents. In the US, stamped concrete technology was originally used to give a rough, textured finish to aircraft landing and takeoff strips. Such a printed concrete surface has proven to be a reliable base with a long service life.

The technology that originated in the defense sector has become widespread in urban planning. Thanks to the method of creating an imprint on a concrete mass, the appearance of population centers has changed significantly. A feature of the technology is that such coatings are in harmony with any type of building and, at low cost, make it possible to ensure the naturalness of natural stone.

This is a fairly new technology that allows you to create an entourage of natural stone finishes, but at the same time significantly save time, effort and money.

Technology Capabilities

Pressed concrete is an ordinary concrete mass with a decorative imprint applied, which imitates:

  • brickwork;
  • stone paving;
  • pavement;
  • natural wood;
  • cracks in the ground;
  • decorative coating with the image of traces of animals, leaves;
  • old bridge.

Application area

The spheres of use of decorative design technology are different. Stamping of decorative impressions is used in the decoration of the following structures:

  • Terrace.
  • original sidewalks.
  • Various gazebos.
  • Recreation zones.
  • Floors in recreation areas, exhibition centers, restaurants.

    Decorative concrete is a material that many times exceeds conventional concrete mixtures in terms of strength and chemical resistance.

  • Park paths.
  • Stairs.
  • Car parking.
  • Filling stations.
  • When performing complex restoration activities, stamped concrete technology allows you to reproduce an exact copy of a stone, old brick or road surface that has been worn away over time.

    Types of stamps

    Creation of printed impressions on concrete is carried out using a variety of stamps made of the following materials:

    • light aluminum alloy cast in a special shape. The stamp allows you to imitate patterns on stone and brickwork;
    • flexible polyurethane, the stamp from which is cast on natural materials in order to accurately repeat the original texture.

    The degree of relief depends on the rigidity of the form. The higher the density of the matrix, the easier it is to reproduce a high-quality print using it. When using elastic forms, difficulties arise in connection with the need to apply significant efforts in the stamping process.

    Today, molds are cast from polyurethane directly on the surfaces of materials whose texture is to be conveyed.

    Advantages of the method

    The technology for creating a decorative surface on concrete has many positive aspects, the main of which are:

    • High environmental friendliness of the printing method, the implementation of which does not use toxic components that adversely affect human health.
    • Resistant to natural factors and aggressive compounds.
    • Easy to clean with hand tools.
    • Preservation of the appearance of the coating and performance characteristics in a wide temperature range while maintaining the structure of concrete and colors.
    • Long service life of concrete with a decorative imprint.
    • Low costs for the production of stamped and printed concrete pavement that mimics natural materials.
    • Ease of implementation of technology and the ability to perform all stages of work without special skills.

    If the technology and recipe are followed when performing all activities, then negative aspects are excluded when using the printing method.

    Let us consider in more detail the features of the technology of decorative stamping of concrete.

    Stamping is carried out directly on the cement mortar applied to the surface, which significantly increases the life of the decor.

    Process Specifics

    The method of making a printed impression on concrete is quite simple, but there are some peculiarities that affect the quality of the work results. The occurrence of problems during self-stamping can be caused by the following factors:

    • accelerated hardening of concrete, which does not allow a clear impression;
    • the need to make significant efforts when working with stamps;
    • the complexity of eliminating errors made when embossing a concrete mass;
    • lack of special skills in working with tools and devices for smoothing defects and forming a high-quality print.

    If you are not afraid of problems, get to work!

    Stages of work

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The technological sequence of operations for creating a decorative coating includes the following stages:

  • preparatory activities.
  • Mixing concrete mortar.
  • Application of hardener.
  • Release agent treatment.

    The scope of this technology is immensely wide.

  • stamping process.
  • Elimination of errors.
  • Making expansion joints.
  • Flushing.
  • Coating with sealing varnish.
  • Let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

    Site preparation

    To prepare the site, choose a dry day with temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius. Prepare the base following the sequence of operations:

    • fence the site, mark its contour using a cord and pegs;
    • remove the top layer of soil up to 20 centimeters thick and compact the base;
    • fill the cavity with a sand-gravel mixture with a layer of 10-15 cm, compact the pillow;
    • lay a plastic film, ensuring an overlap between the strips of at least 10 centimeters;
    • install the formwork along the contour of the site;
    • put a reinforcing mesh in the frame, ensuring a distance to the soil level of at least 5 centimeters.


    Perform concreting works in the following sequence:

    • Prepare a concrete mortar based on Portland cement grade M400 and higher, using three parts by volume of sand and the same amount of fine crushed stone.

    The concrete stamping technology provides for the preliminary preparation of the base and the application of a concrete screed

    • Add a plasticizer to the mixture in the form of an aqueous solution at the percentage concentration provided by the manufacturer.
    • Enter polypropylene fiber in a volume of up to 600 kg per cubic meter of the composition. It will prevent cracking, increase the life of the array.
    • Pour the mixture into the formwork, evenly distribute over the volume, compact.
    • Plan the surface.

    Hardener treatment

    Before making a decorative impression, the concrete surface is treated with a hardener, which increases the strength characteristics of the array and is a powdery mass containing special ingredients:

    • coloring pigments;
    • crushed quartz sand;
    • granite in the form of crumbs;
    • binder filler.

    The particles of the composition fill the concrete pores, paint the surface, provide high strength and compact the array.

    You can start stamping only after partial drying of the solution

    Process as follows:

    • Apply three-quarters of the total amount of fixative to the array. After 10-15 minutes of soaking, smooth the surface using an aluminum trowel.
    • Scatter the remaining volume of the component, smooth out the irregularities with a spatula or steel bar. The composition will provide a uniform color of the array, after leveling the surface it will partially compact it.

    Release agent application

    Thanks to the separating component, the concrete is prevented from sticking to the matrix and the concrete is colored in the desired color.

    The composition is offered as a liquid or dry mix. Apply with a brush. After applying the composition, treat the corners of the site with the skin.

    stamping process

    Produce the printing technology after the array has reached the required plasticity, sufficient to provide the print texture, since at an increased density the print may not work.

    Sequence of work:

    • check the density of the array by pressing the concrete surface with your finger. With prints up to 6 mm, you can get to work. It is possible to use a printing stamp, which must remain on the surface, withstanding the weight of the worker;
    • lay out the stamps on the surface and number them in the required sequence;
    • use a rammer or simply press the matrices with your weight;
    • provide the possibility of hardening the array during the day.

    Final steps

    Finishing work, perform finishing operations:

    • Eliminate defects in joints and seams using textured skins or a hand roller.
    • Cut shrinkage seams to relieve residual stresses and prevent cracking. Use a special tool on a fresh array or, after hardening, a grinder.
    • Flush by removing excess release agent with water.
    • Apply no earlier than a day later a sealant that will provide protection from the effects, add shine, enhance the color scheme and simplify the care of the surface.

    After the concrete has dried, the imprinted surface can be used.


    Stamped concrete technology is available and provides guaranteed quality while meeting the requirements for all stages of work. Self-stamping allows you to create a unique texture for you using a wide range of dies.

Decorative printed concrete is a great alternative to paving slabs. With it, you can recreate almost any texture, be it paving stones, stone, or even wood. Paths laid out using this technology look very beautiful, such a variety of colors cannot be achieved using ordinary paving slabs. In addition, the decorative option is a relatively cheap material available for mass use. Knowing the intricacies of this technology, it is easy to make a track with your own hands.

Printed well tolerates any vagaries of the weather.

Preparatory work

Some modern dyes allow you not to be afraid of external damage, even acid.

You will need for the cement mixture:

  • 3 parts of crushed stone of necessarily hard rock, the fraction of which is 5/20 mm;
  • 3 parts of coarse sand, the fraction of which is approximately 2.2 mm;
  • 1 part PC 400;
  • an aqueous solution of C-3 plasticizer - 0.5%, prepared according to the instructions.

For preparatory work:

  • crushed stone;
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Reinforcing fiber (polypropylene) - 0.6 kg per 1 m².

The solution must be of sufficiently high quality, it is on this that the final form of the future coating will depend.

A poor-quality mixture will inevitably lead to the formation of cracks. The brand must be from 300 with the addition of a plasticizer on Portland cement 400-500. It is necessary to lay at a temperature not lower than +5. First you need to prepare the site. A layer of turf is removed, then the site is tamped and leveled. A layer of crushed stone about 15 cm thick is poured, leveled and rammed. A plastic film is laid, which should be 15 cm wider than the intended track. At the next stage, formwork is installed, reinforcing fiber is laid.

Laying a decorative printed base

You will need:

  • Vibrorail (deep vibrator);
  • Aluminum float;
  • Corner trowel;
  • Mixture;
  • Roller;
  • Color fixer As-Tsop;
  • Disconnector (dry mix);
  • Texture matrix;
  • Hard brush;
  • Protective impregnation (acrylic);
  • Flutz (brush);
  • roller.

Decorative will suit any exterior or landscape, because. can take different forms for different styles of decoration.

The prepared mixture is poured into the formwork, then it must be evenly distributed and compacted using a deep vibrator or vibroline. Then they pass over the entire surface with a roller. This is done in order to settle the rubble and allow sand and cement to rise to the outside. Next, the concrete is leveled with aluminum and corner trowels.

Now you need to apply a decorative layer, for this you need a colored fixative. You need to take 2.5 kg of dark-colored fixative per 1 m², and about 3-5 kg ​​of light colors. Before applying a decorative layer, you need to check the surface, it must be absolutely matte. It is scattered by hand, then the surface is leveled with an aluminum trowel, then a layer of fixative is poured again, it is also leveled. Particular attention should be paid to the edge, it is passed with a corner trowel. The technology of laying decorative printed concrete provides for the application of a decoupler. This dry mixture is applied on top of the fixer in an even layer.

Now you need to print the picture using the matrix. You should not hesitate with this, otherwise it will freeze and the drawing will not work. The matrix is ​​laid on the surface, then it is tamped down with feet, rammer or hands (depending on plasticity). The elements of the matrix are laid as close as possible to each other, it depends on how good the side seam and the whole pattern will look.

As an alternative to decorative paving slabs, you can purchase or make printed concrete with your own hands. The technology for the production of stamped concrete allows you to create a decorative surface of a garden path that imitates stone, wood flooring, paving stones or even animal skins.

Stamped concrete thus provides a unique opportunity to match the flooring pattern with the overall architectural design of the building.

History of technology creation

Various concretes designed for decorative purposes appeared in the United States in the middle of the last century. Initially, this development was intended for the design and arrangement of runways for military airfields. But stamped concrete turned out to be a very reliable and durable coating.

He quickly gained popularity among urban planning companies, and after - and among private customers. The production technology of stamped concrete made it possible to transform the appearance of large cities and small towns, reconciling the architectural styles of past centuries with modern office centers and shopping pavilions.

Pros of using

The advantages of stamped concrete are represented by the following qualities:

  • gradual spread of decorative concrete;
  • absolute environmental friendliness of the process. The production technology of stamped concrete does not provide for the use of harmful and toxic substances, and even during long-term operation, decorative concrete coating is absolutely safe for humans and the environment;
  • the surface of the coating, made of stamped concrete, is resistant to aggressive environments and is easy to clean with improvised means;
  • decorative concrete coating is able to maintain its qualities in the temperature range from -50°C to +50°C, while maintaining the brightness of colors and the internal structure of concrete;
  • in comparison with natural materials, stamped concrete has a low cost and a longer service life;
  • the main stages of production and installation are quite simple and do not require special skills and knowledge.

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Stages of manufacturing a decorative coating

If you want to create a colorful and high-quality coating in your yard, then decorative concrete is exactly what you need. But in order not to complicate your life, you should adhere to the established technology in the manufacture of decorative concrete and take into account the advice of specialists.

In order to make stamped concrete, choose a warm, dry day. The air temperature should not be lower than + 5 ° C, the minimum humidity will contribute to the rapid drying of the workpieces. With the help of pegs and a rope, they enclose the area chosen for covering.

The top layer of soil is removed from the selected area. If the coating is intended only for pedestrians, a layer of about 158 ​​cm is removed.

For the site on which the movement of vehicles is provided, the soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm.

A mixture of crushed stone and sand is poured into the resulting formwork. The resulting pillow is carefully rammed. A polyethylene film is laid on top of the compacted pillow with an overlap of about 10 cm, a reinforcing mesh is placed on top.


For the production of printed concrete, Portland cement of the M400 or M500 brand with the addition of various plasticizers is best suited. For a decorative coating, it is recommended to add polypropylene fiber to concrete.

For one cube of concrete, 0.6 kg of this additive is enough. Polypropylene fiber significantly increases the service life of ready-made concrete and prevents the formation of chips and cracks on its surface. To make decorative concrete with your own hands, the following components are needed:

  • three parts of sand;
  • three parts of crushed stone fraction 5-20 mm;
  • plasticizer C-3-0.5% by dry matter. It should be noted that the plasticizer is added to the mixture in the form of an aqueous solution;
  • Portland cement M-400;
  • polypropylene fiber 0.6 kg per 1 cubic meter

The mixture prepared in this way is laid out in the formwork, distributed and compacted. For the smoothness and evenness of the surface layer, a rule is used. It is also possible to roll the surface of the hardening mixture with a roller, this will ensure the removal of small particles of the hardening printed concrete to the surface, and the deposition of large parts of the mixture.

Along the entire perimeter of the formwork, the surface is smoothed with an angle trowel.

Applying a decorative layer

Before applying the top decorative layer, the work surface is treated with a fixer. About 70% of the required amount of fixer is manually applied to the matte concrete surface and smoothed with an aluminum trowel. After that, the rest of the fixer is scattered and the surface is smoothed with a steel trowel.

The next step is to apply the hardener. This component is a blend of permanent pigments, filler and binder. Each coat of hardener is rubbed into the surface until the outer layer of printed concrete is smooth and evenly colored.

Create relief or simulation on a surface

If your task was to make the surface of stamped concrete embossed, imitating stone, boards or bricks, after applying the hardener, the wet surface should be treated with special presses that will give the concrete the required shape.

This operation should be carried out with concrete that has not yet hardened, while its surface is easily amenable to finger pressure.


Prepared matrices are laid on the concrete surface. The first row is usually laid along the outer edge of the formwork. To achieve perfectly even lines, the matrix should be pressed tightly against each other. It will take about two days for the final curing of decorative concrete. After that, the concrete surface is cleaned, excess material is removed with hard brushes with a long pile. The surface is washed and dried.

Application of the acrylic layer

For the final finishing of decorative concrete, a protective acrylic layer is applied to its surface. Such a protection measure will reduce the harmful effects of the environment and significantly increase the life of the stamped concrete.

Forms, tools and all necessary materials can be purchased at Domask -

Making stamped concrete with your own hands will require special attention, careful selection of components and precise adherence to technology. But such a coating will wonderfully decorate the interior of your house or cottage and give the architectural ensemble of your home its own unique flavor.

In the field of construction, more and more new technologies are constantly appearing, which involve the use of familiar materials. Such trends can even affect traditional concrete. Through the use of metal or polyurethane dies, it can look like natural wood flooring, stone paving, or even slate slabs. Such products are called printed concrete, which will be discussed in the article.

Technology Description

Stamped is the most common concrete, on the surface of which decorative embossing is applied using stamps. A drawing can imitate different materials, including:

  • boards;
  • paving stones;
  • brick;
  • animal skins;
  • cracked earth;
  • weathered stone.

Stamps can be matched with leaf patterns, animal figurines and dinosaur footprints. The most popular such solution is when designing areas near swimming pools, terraces, garden paths, gazebos, sidewalks, floors in restaurants and exhibition halls.

Variety of stamps

Stamped concrete can be created using different stamps. The first are massive forms with handles. The matrix is ​​great for imitating stone and brick patterns. However, it is quite difficult to copy complex textures using such shapes. Modern polyurethane stamps are a more cost effective solution. They can be cast on materials whose texture you want to copy. As a result, it is possible to obtain forms with genuine textures.

Finished stamps are sold in sales centers and hardware stores. When choosing them, it is necessary to pay special attention to the degree of rigidity. The denser the stamp, the easier it can be used to make a product with a visible pattern. Flexible and soft forms are more difficult to fill and require more effort to print.

Stamped concrete manufacturing technology

Stamped concrete is quite easy to make. Even the master who does not have the skills to work with this material will be able to do such work. However, it is important to bear in mind that certain difficulties may arise in the process, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • rapid curing of the solution;
  • the need for physical effort to perform embossing;
  • difficulty in correcting errors.

First you need to prepare a concrete platform. The basis for stamping is a concrete surface with reinforcement. Such a platform can be created, guided by a certain technology.

To begin with, its boundaries are determined with the help of pegs and a cord. The top layer of soil is removed 20 cm deep. The resulting bottom is rammed, crushed stone 15 cm thick is poured on it, and then compacted. On the border of the site, it is necessary to install formwork from the boards. A reinforcing mesh is laid inside, which should be raised above the ground by 5 cm using bricks or stones. At the next stage, the solution is mixed, and then it is poured into the formwork to obtain the required level, leveling the bases using a metal rule. Concrete should be compacted, and its top layer should be smoothed out with a trowel.

Application of the hardener

On fresh concrete, it is necessary to apply a hardener, which colors the surface and increases the strength of the structure. The mixture is a powder, which includes coloring pigments, ground particles of granite, quartz sand and binder fillers. The mixture has a dispersion, so it easily penetrates into the pores of concrete and fills them. The base acquires the qualities of strength and density.

When making stamped concrete, the first coat of hardener must be applied and allowed to soak for 10 minutes. The surface is smoothed during this time: the dye should be rubbed into the base with a magnesium trowel. Corners should be treated with appropriate trowels. Then you can start applying the second layer, which is necessary for uniform coloring and compaction of the surface. After applying the composition, the concrete should be leveled with a steel trowel.

Release agent application

When making decorative stamped concrete, care should be taken to apply a release agent, which will prevent the concrete from sticking to the stamps during printing. This will additionally color the surface and give it subtle shades of color.

The components are made in the form of a liquid or dry powder. Most often in practice, the last option is used, which is applied with a wide brush. It must be immersed in a bucket and throw a hand forward to spray the powder. After staining, the corners are treated with textured skins.


Making stamped concrete with your own hands, in the next step you can start the stamping process. Concrete must acquire the desired degree of plasticity. If this step is started too early, the surface will not be able to bear the weight of the workers. Among other things, the texture of the stamps may not be noted at all on very dense concrete.

To determine the degree of density, it is necessary to press the surface with your finger at several points. If you notice prints that are 6 mm deep or less, then you can start stamping. Stamps are laid out on a concrete surface for this. To seal the texture, sometimes it is enough just to step on top, in some cases, manual rammers are used for this. The stamped concrete technology at the next stage involves the curing of the surface for 12-24 hours.

Troubleshooting and work on shrink joints

On the surface, in the place where the stamps are joined together, sometimes there is a displacement of the solution. This may be due to insufficient compaction. The seams look washed out. In order to correct defects, it is necessary to walk along the joints with a hand roller, and smooth out the unevenness with a sandpaper.

If several seams are cut in the slab, this will relieve the stress of the material and eliminate the likelihood of cracks. You can make seams on fresh concrete using a cutter or using a grinder, but after drying.

Recipe and additional technology features

Stamped concrete, the technology and formulation of which you must study before starting work, may involve the use of a concrete mixer. Sometimes fiber fibers are added to cement and sand. In general, 3 parts of sand should be used for one part of cement. A kilogram of plasticizer is needed per cubic meter of concrete.

The mortar is laid slightly above the level of the formwork so that the surface can be leveled with ease. For one square meter of surface, 2 kg of paint should be prepared. Stamps for stamped concrete are laid 5 hours after pouring the mortar. Once the removal of the forms has been completed, the seams should be marked with a marker chisel. After three days, the concrete will gain strength, after this time the separating component is washed off its surface, and after another 5 days the base is treated with a sealant varnish.

Surface washing

After the stamped concrete molds have been removed and the surface is completely cured, it can be rinsed. This can be done with water from a hose, which will allow you to get rid of excess release agent. Then proceed to the acid wash with hydrochloric acid. This will achieve the desired effect of combining two shades.


The final washing with hydrochloric acid makes it possible to open the pores of the concrete. This contributes to a better interaction of the surface with the sealant, which is applied the next day after pouring. This composition helps to protect the surface from wear and tear, as well as the penetration of chemicals and oils. The material then acquires shine and color saturation. Care of the processed base is simplified thanks to this.
