Negative consequences of the use of mineral fertilizers. The influence of mineral and organic fertilizers and other methods of fertility mobilization on the agrochemical indicators of soils The influence of fertilizers on the soil children's encyclopedia

Kuban State University

Department of Biology

in the discipline "Soil Ecology"

"The hidden negative effect of fertilizers".


Afanasyeva L. Yu.

5th year student

(speciality -


Checked Bukareva O.V.

Krasnodar, 2010


1. The effect of mineral fertilizers on soils……………………………………...4

2. The effect of mineral fertilizers on atmospheric air and water…………..5

3. The influence of mineral fertilizers on product quality and human health…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Geoecological consequences of the use of fertilizers……………………...8

5. The impact of fertilizers on the environment……………………………..10


List of used literature…………………………………………………...18


Pollution of soils with foreign chemicals causes great damage to them. A significant factor in environmental pollution is the chemicalization of agriculture. Even mineral fertilizers, if used incorrectly, can cause environmental damage with a dubious economic effect.

Numerous studies of agricultural chemists have shown that different types and forms of mineral fertilizers affect soil properties in different ways. Fertilizers introduced into the soil enter into complex interactions with it. All sorts of transformations take place here, which depend on a number of factors: the properties of fertilizers and soil, weather conditions, and agricultural technology. From how the transformation of certain types of mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, potash, nitrogen) occurs, their influence on soil fertility depends.

Mineral fertilizers are an inevitable consequence of intensive farming. There are calculations that in order to achieve the desired effect from the use of mineral fertilizers, their world consumption should be about 90 kg / year per person. The total production of fertilizers in this case reaches 450-500 million tons/year, while at present their world production is 200-220 million tons/year or 35-40 kg/year per person.

The use of fertilizers can be considered as one of the manifestations of the law of increasing energy input per unit of agricultural output. This means that in order to obtain the same increase in yield, an increasing amount of mineral fertilizers is required. So, at the initial stages of fertilizer application, an increase of 1 ton of grain per 1 ha ensures the introduction of 180-200 kg of nitrogen fertilizers. The next additional ton of grain is associated with a dose of fertilizer 2-3 times greater.

Environmental consequences of the use of mineral fertilizers It is advisable to consider, at least from three points of view:

Local impact of fertilizers on ecosystems and soils to which they are applied.

Outrageous impact on other ecosystems and their links, primarily on the aquatic environment and atmosphere.

Impact on the quality of products obtained from fertilized soils and human health.

1. Effect of mineral fertilizers on soils

In the soil as a system, such changes that lead to loss of fertility:

Increases acidity;

The species composition of soil organisms is changing;

The circulation of substances is disrupted;

The structure that worsens other properties is destroyed.

There is evidence (Mineev, 1964) that an increased leaching of calcium and magnesium from them is a consequence of an increase in soil acidity with the use of fertilizers (primarily acidic nitrogen fertilizers). To neutralize this phenomenon, these elements have to be introduced into the soil.

Phosphorus fertilizers do not have such a pronounced acidifying effect as nitrogen fertilizers, but they can cause zinc starvation of plants and the accumulation of strontium in the resulting products.

Many fertilizers contain foreign impurities. In particular, their introduction can increase the radioactive background and lead to progressive accumulation of heavy metals. Basic way reduce these effects.– moderate and scientifically based use of fertilizers:

Optimal doses;

The minimum amount of harmful impurities;

Alternate with organic fertilizers.

You should also remember the expression that "mineral fertilizers are a means of masking realities." Thus, there is evidence that more minerals are removed with the products of soil erosion than they are applied with fertilizers.

2. Effect of mineral fertilizers on atmospheric air and water

The influence of mineral fertilizers on atmospheric air and water is mainly associated with their nitrogen forms. Nitrogen from mineral fertilizers enters the air either in free form (as a result of denitrification) or in the form of volatile compounds (for example, in the form of nitrous oxide N 2 O).

According to modern concepts, gaseous losses of nitrogen from nitrogen fertilizers range from 10 to 50% of its application. An effective means of reducing gaseous losses of nitrogen is their scientifically substantiated application:

Application to the root-forming zone for the fastest absorption by plants;

The use of substances-inhibitors of gaseous losses (nitropyrin).

The most tangible impact on water sources, in addition to nitrogen, is phosphorus fertilizers. Carryover of fertilizers into water sources is minimized when applied correctly. In particular, it is unacceptable to spread fertilizers on the snow cover, disperse them from aircraft near water bodies, and store them in the open.

3. Influence of mineral fertilizers on product quality and human health

Mineral fertilizers can have a negative impact both on plants and on the quality of plant products, as well as on the organisms that consume them. The main of these impacts are presented in tables 1, 2.

At high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, the risk of plant diseases increases. There is an excessive accumulation of green mass, and the probability of plant lodging increases sharply.

Many fertilizers, especially chlorine-containing ones (ammonium chloride, potassium chloride), have a negative effect on animals and humans, mainly through water, where released chlorine enters.

The negative effect of phosphate fertilizers is mainly due to the fluorine, heavy metals and radioactive elements contained in them. Fluorine at its concentration in water more than 2 mg/l can contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Table 1 - The impact of mineral fertilizers on plants and the quality of plant products

Types of fertilizers

The influence of mineral fertilizers



Increase the protein content in the grain; improve the baking quality of grain. At high doses or untimely methods of application - accumulation in the form of nitrates, violent growth to the detriment of stability, increased morbidity, especially fungal diseases. Ammonium chloride contributes to the accumulation of Cl. The main accumulators of nitrates are vegetables, corn, oats, and tobacco.


Reduce the negative effects of nitrogen; improve product quality; help to increase the resistance of plants to diseases. At high doses, toxicosis of plants is possible. They act mainly through the heavy metals contained in them (cadmium, arsenic, selenium), radioactive elements and fluorine. The main accumulators are parsley, onion, sorrel.


Similar to phosphorus. They act mainly through the accumulation of chlorine when making potassium chloride. With an excess of potassium - toxicosis. The main accumulators of potassium are potatoes, grapes, buckwheat, greenhouse vegetables.

Table 2 - The impact of mineral fertilizers on animals and humans

Types of fertilizers

Main Impacts

Nitrogen - nitrate forms Nitrates (maximum concentration limit for water 10 mg/l, for food - 500 mg/day per person) are reduced in the body to nitrites, which cause metabolic disorders, poisoning, deterioration of the immunological status, methemoglobinia (oxygen starvation of tissues). When interacting with amines (in the stomach), they form nitrosamines - the most dangerous carcinogens. In children, they can cause tachycardia, cyanosis, loss of eyelashes, rupture of the alveoli. In animal husbandry: beriberi, reduced productivity, accumulation of urea in milk, increased morbidity, reduced fertility.
Phosphoric - superphosphate They act mainly through fluorine. Its excess in drinking water (more than 2 mg / l) causes damage to the enamel of teeth in humans, loss of elasticity of blood vessels. At a content of more than 8 mg / l - osteochondrosis phenomena.
Chlorine-containing fertilizers - potassium chloride - ammonium chloride Consumption of water with a chlorine content of more than 50 mg/l causes poisoning (toxicosis) in humans and animals.

Soil fertilization is carried out by every owner of a summer cottage who has a desire to get a harvest from grown crops. What fertilizers are, we have already considered the norms of their soil in our previous articles. Today we want to pay attention to the effect of fertilizers on plants and humans.

Indeed, why are fertilizers needed and how do they affect certain indicators of crop growth, and even on the person himself? We will answer these questions right now.

Such topics are often raised at the global level, because the conversation is not about a small piece of land, but about industrial-scale fields to meet the needs of an entire region or even a country. It is clear that the number of fields for crops is constantly growing, and each field once cultivated forever becomes a platform for growing certain plants. Accordingly, the land is depleted, and every year the harvest is significantly reduced. This leads to expenses, and sometimes to bankruptcy of enterprises, hunger, deficits. The primary reason for everything is the lack of nutrients in the soil, which we have long been compensating for with special fertilizers. Of course, it is not entirely correct to give an example of multi-hectare fields, but the results can also be recalculated for the area of ​​our summer cottages, because everything is proportional.

So, fertilizing the soil. Of course, it is extremely necessary, whether it is a garden with fruit trees, a vegetable garden, or a flower bed with ornamental plants and flowers. You may not fertilize the soil, but you yourself will soon notice the quality of plants and fruits on constant, depleted soil. Therefore, we recommend that you do not save on high-quality fertilizers and systematically fertilize the land with them.

Why fertilizers are needed (video)

Fertilizer application rates

We are used to using predominantly, but their number is limited. What to do in this case? Of course, seek help from chemistry, and fertilize the site, which, fortunately, we do not end. But, with this type of fertilizer, you should be more careful, as they have an increased impact on the quality of the soil for plants, on humans and the environment. The right amount of them will surely supply the soil with nutrients that will soon be “delivered” to the plants and help increase yields. At the same time, mineral fertilizers normalize the required amount of substances in the soil and maximize its fertility. But, this is only if the fertilizer dose, application time and other parameters are performed correctly. If not, then the effect of nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate and potash fertilizers on the soil may not be very positive. Therefore, before using such fertilizers, try not only to study the norms and parameters of their application to the soil, but also to choose high-quality mineral fertilizers, the safety of which has passed the control of the manufacturer and special authorities.

The effect of organic fertilizers on the content of trace elements in the soil (video)

The effect of fertilizers on plants


With the help of practical research, scientists have found out how certain fertilizers affect plants. Now, according to external indicators, you can understand how correct the dosage of fertilizers was, whether there was an oversupply or a deficiency:

  • Nitrogen. If there is too little fertilizer in the soil, the plants look pale and sickly, have a light green color, grow very slowly and die prematurely from yellowing, dryness and leaf fall. An excess of nitrogen leads to a delay in flowering and ripening, excessive development of the stems and a change in the color of the plant to dark green;
  • Phosphorus. The lack of phosphorus in the soil leads to stunted growth and slow ripening of fruits, a change in the color of the leaves of the plant towards dark green with a certain bluish tint, and lightening or gray color at the edges. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the soil, then the plant will develop too quickly, because of which it can go into the growth of the stem and leaves, while the fruits at this time will be small and in small quantities;
  • Potassium. A lack of potassium will provide the plant with slow development, yellowing of the leaves, their wrinkling, twisting and partial death. An excess of potassium closes the pathways for nitrogen to enter the plant, which can significantly affect the development of a plant of any crop;
  • Calcium. A small intake of potassium will damage the apical buds, as well as the root system. If there is plenty of potassium, then no changes should follow.


With the rest of the elements, everything is a little different, that is, the plants will only react to their lack in the soil. So:

  • Magnesium. Slow growth, and possibly its stop, lightening of the plant, yellowing, and possibly redness and the acquisition of a purple hue in the region of the leaf veins;
  • Iron. Growth and development retardation, as well as leaf chlorosis - light green, sometimes almost white in color;
  • Copper. Leaf chlorosis, increased bushiness of the plant, discoloration are possible;
  • Bor. The lack of boron causes the death of the apical buds in the process of decay.

It is worth noting the fact that often it is not the lack of fertilizer itself that makes plants change in appearance, but the weakening of the plant and the diseases that can occur with a lack of fertilizer. But, as you can see, negative consequences are also possible from an overabundance of fertilizers.

The effect of fertilizer on the quality and condition of fruits (video)

The effect of fertilizers on humans

An excess of nutrients in the soil, due to improper fertilization, can become dangerous for humans. Many chemical elements, getting into the plant through biological processes, are transformed into poisonous elements, or contribute to their production. Many plants initially contain such substances, but their doses are negligible and do not affect the healthy life of a person. This is typical of many popular plants that we eat: dill, beets, parsley, cabbage, and so on.


G.N. Cherkasov, E.V. Dubovik, D.V. Dubovik, S.I. Kazantsev

Annotation. As a result of the research, an ambiguous effect of the method of basic tillage for winter wheat and corn and mineral fertilizers on the indicators of the agrophysical state of typical chernozem has been established. Optimal indicators of density, structural state were obtained during moldboard plowing. It was revealed that the use of mineral fertilizers worsens the structural-aggregate state, but contributes to an increase in the water resistance of soil units during moldboard plowing in relation to zero and surface tillage.

Key words: structural-aggregate state, soil density, water resistance, tillage, mineral fertilizers.

Fertile soil along with a sufficient content of nutrients must have favorable physical conditions for the growth and development of crops. It has been established that soil structure is the basis of favorable agrophysical properties.

Chernozem soils have a low degree of anthropotolerance, which suggests a high degree of influence of anthropogenic factors, the main of which is tillage, as well as a number of other measures that are used in caring for crops and contribute to the violation of a very valuable granular structure, as a result of which it can be sprayed or, conversely, clumping, which is permissible up to certain limits in the soil.

Thus, the purpose of this work was to study the effect of tillage, mineral fertilizers and the previous crop on the agrophysical properties of typical chernozem.

The studies were carried out in 2009-2010. in AgroSil LLC (Kursk region, Sudzhansky district), on typical heavy loamy chernozem. Agrochemical characteristics of the site: pHx1- 5.3; humus content (according to Tyurin) - 4.4%; mobile phosphorus (according to Chirikov) - 10.9 mg / 100 g; exchangeable potassium (according to Chirikov) - 9.5 mg / 100 g; alkaline hydrolysable nitrogen (according to Kornfield) - 13.6 mg/100 g. Cultivated crops: winter wheat varieties "Augusta" and corn hybrid PR-2986.

In the experiment, the following methods of basic tillage were studied: 1) moldboard plowing by 20-22 cm; 2) surface treatment - 10-12 cm; 3) zero tillage - direct sowing with John Deere seeder. Mineral fertilizers: 1) without fertilizers; 2) for winter wheat N2^52^2; for corn K14eR104K104.

Sampling was carried out in the third decade of May, in a layer of 0-20 cm. The density of the soil was determined by the drilling method according to N. A. Kachinsky. To study the structural-aggregate state, undisturbed soil samples weighing more than 1 kg were selected. To isolate structural units and aggregates, the method of N. I. Savvinov was used to determine the structural-aggregate composition of the soil - dry and wet sifting.

Soil density is one of the main physical characteristics of soil. An increase in soil density leads, as a rule, to a denser packing of soil particles, which in turn leads to a change in the water, air and thermal regimes, which

subsequently negatively affects the development of the root system of agricultural plants. At the same time, the requirements of different plants for soil density are not the same and depend on the type of soil, mechanical composition, and cultivated crop. So, the optimal soil density for grain crops is 1.051.30 g/cm3, for corn - 1.00-1.25 g/cm3.

The conducted studies have shown that under the influence of various soil treatments, a change in density occurs (Figure 1). Regardless of the cultivated crop, the highest soil density was in no-till variants, slightly lower in surface tillage. The optimal soil density is noted in the variants with moldboard plowing. Mineral fertilizers with all methods of basic cultivation contribute to an increase in soil density.

The experimental data obtained confirm the ambiguity of the influence of the main tillage methods on the indicators of its structural state (Table 1). So, in the options with zero tillage, the lowest content of agronomically valuable aggregates (10.0-0.25 mm) in the arable soil layer was noted in relation to surface tillage and moldboard plowing.

Moldboard Surface Cooling

processing processing

Basic tillage method

Figure 1 - Change in the density of a typical chernozem depending on the methods of processing and fertilizers under winter wheat (2009) and corn (2010)

Nevertheless, the structural coefficient characterizing the state of aggregation decreased in the series: surface tillage ^ moldboard plowing ^ zero tillage. The structural and aggregate state of chernozem is influenced not only by the method of tillage, but also by the cultivated crop. When cultivating winter wheat, the number of aggregates of the agronomically valuable range and the coefficient of structure were higher on average by 20% than in the soil under corn. This is due to the biological features of the structure of the root system of these crops.

Considering the fertilization factor, I would like to note that the use of fertilizers led to a noticeable decrease in both the agronomically valuable structure and the structural coefficient, which is quite natural, since in the first and second years after the application, there is a deterioration in the structure of aggregates and agrophysical properties of the soil - the packing density of aggregates increases , the filling of the pore space with a finely dispersed part, the porosity decreases and the granularity decreases almost twice.

Table 1 - The influence of the method of tillage and mineral fertilizers on the indicators of structural

Another indicator of the structure is its resistance to external influences, among which the most significant is the impact of water, since the soil must retain its unique cloddy-granular structure after heavy rainfall and subsequent drying. This quality of the structure is called water resistance or water-strength.

The content of water-stable aggregates (>0.25 mm) is a criterion for assessing and predicting the stability of the addition of the arable layer in time, its resistance to the degradation of physical properties under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The optimal content of water-stable aggregates >0.25 mm in the topsoil of different soil types is 40-70(80)%. When studying the influence of main tillage methods (table 2), it was found that with no tillage, the amount of water-resistant aggregates was higher than with surface tillage and moldboard plowing.

Table 2 - Change in water resistance of macro-

This is directly related to the weighted average diameter of water resistant aggregates, since no-till increases the size of soil units that are water resistant. The structural coefficient of waterproof aggregates decreases in the series: surface tillage ^ zero tillage ^ moldboard plowing. According to the estimated

On an indicative scale, the criterion of water resistance of aggregates at zero tillage is assessed as very good, and at surface tillage and moldboard plowing - as good.

Studying the influence of the cultivated crop, it was found that in the soil under corn, the weighted average diameter, the coefficient of structure, as well as the sum of water-stable aggregates were higher than under winter wheat, which is associated with the formation of a root system powerful in volume and mass under grain crops, which contributed to the formation greater water resistance under corn. The water resistance criterion behaved differently and was higher in the soil under wheat than under corn.

When applying fertilizers on the variant with moldboard plowing, the coefficient of structure, the weighted average diameter and the sum of water-resistant aggregates increased. Since moldboard plowing goes with the turnover of the layer and is much deeper than surface and, especially, zero tillage, the incorporation of mineral fertilizers occurs deeper, therefore, at a depth, the humidity is higher, which contributes to a more intensive decomposition of plant residues, due to which there is an increase soil water resistance. In the variants with the use of surface and zero tillage, all the studied indicators of soil water resistance decreased when mineral fertilizers were applied. The criterion of water resistance of soil aggregates in all variants of the experiment increased, which is due to the fact that this indicator is calculated based on the results of not only wet sifting, but also dry sieving.

The ambiguous influence of the studied factors on the indicators of the agrophysical state of a typical chernozem has been established. So, the most optimal indicators of density, structural state were revealed during moldboard plowing, somewhat worse during surface and zero tillage. The indicators of water resistance decreased in the series: zero tillage ^ surface tillage ^ moldboard plowing. The use of mineral fertilizers worsens the structural-aggregate state, but contributes to an increase in the water resistance of soil units during moldboard plowing in relation to zero and surface tillage. When cultivating winter wheat, indicators characterizing the structural

The application of mineral fertilizers has a significant impact on pest populations, which in motionless(phytopathogen propagules, weed seeds) or sedentary(nematodes, phytophage larvae) able long time survive, remain or live in the soil. The pathogens of common root rot are especially widely represented in soils ( B. sorokiniana, kinds p. Fusarium). The name of the diseases they cause - "ordinary" rot - emphasizes the breadth of habitats on hundreds of host plants. In addition, they belong to different ecological groups of soil phytopathogens: B. sorokiniana- to temporary inhabitants of the soil, and species of the genus Fusarium- to permanent. This makes them convenient objects for elucidating patterns characteristic of the group of soil, or root, infections as a whole.
Under the influence of mineral fertilizers, the agrochemical properties of arable soils change significantly in comparison with their counterparts in virgin and fallow areas. This has a great influence on the survival rate, viability, and, consequently, the number of phytopathogens in the soil. Let's show this with an example B. sorokiniana(Table 39).

These data indicate that the impact of soil agrochemical properties on population density B. sorokiniana is more significant in agroecosystems of grain crops than in natural ecosystems (virgin soils): the determination index, indicating the share of influence of the factors under consideration, is 58 and 38%, respectively. It is extremely important that the most significant environmental factors that change the pathogen population density in the soil are nitrogen (NO3) and potassium (K2O) in agroecosystems, and humus in natural ecosystems. In agroecosystems, the dependence of the density of the fungus population on soil pH, as well as the content of mobile forms of phosphorus (P2O5), increases.
Let us consider in more detail the influence of certain types of mineral fertilizers on the life cycle of soil pests.
Nitrogen fertilizers.
Nitrogen is one of the main elements necessary for the life of both host plants and pests. It is part of the four elements (H, O, N, C), which make up 99% of the tissues of all living organisms. Nitrogen as the seventh element of the periodic table, having 5 electrons in the second row, can complete them up to 8 or lose, being replaced by oxygen. Due to this, stable bonds with other macro- and microelements are formed.
Nitrogen is an integral part of proteins, from which all their basic structures are built and which determine the activity of genes, including the host-pest system. Nitrogen is a constituent of nucleic acids (ribonucleic RNA and deoxyribonucleic DNA), which determine the storage and transmission of hereditary information about evolutionary and ecological relationships in general and between plants and harmful organisms in ecosystems, in particular. Therefore, the application of nitrogen fertilizers is a powerful factor in both stabilizing the phytosanitary state of agroecosystems and its destabilization. This position was confirmed during the mass chemicalization of agriculture.
Plants provided with nitrogen nutrition are distinguished by better development of the above-ground mass, bushiness, leaf area, chlorophyll content in leaves, grain protein content and gluten content.
The main sources of nitrogen nutrition for both plants and harmful organisms are nitric acid salts and ammonium salts.
Under the influence of nitrogen, the main vital function of harmful organisms changes - the intensity of reproduction, and, consequently, the role of cultivated plants in agroecosystems as sources of reproduction of harmful organisms. Root rot pathogens temporarily increase their population in the absence of host plants by using mineral nitrogen applied as fertilizers for direct consumption (Figure 18).

Unlike mineral nitrogen, the action of organics on pathogens occurs through microbial decomposition of organic matter. Therefore, an increase in organic nitrogen in the soil correlates with an increase in the population of soil microflora, among which antagonists account for a significant proportion. A high dependence of the population size of Helminthosporium rot in agroecosystems on the content of mineral nitrogen was found, and in natural ones, where organic nitrogen predominates, on the content of humus. Thus, the conditions for nitrogen nutrition of host plants and root rot pathogens in agro- and natural ecosystems differ: they are more favorable in agroecosystems with an abundance of nitrogen in the mineral form, and less favorable in natural ecosystems, where mineral nitrogen is present in a smaller amount. Relationship of population size B. sorokiniana with nitrogen in natural ecosystems also manifests itself, but quantitatively less pronounced: the share of influence on the population is 45% in the soils of natural ecosystems of Western Siberia versus 90% in agroecosystems. On the contrary, the share of the influence of organic nitrogen is more significant in natural ecosystems - 70% versus 20%, respectively. The application of nitrogen fertilizers on chernozems significantly stimulates reproduction B. sorokiniana in comparison with phosphorus, phosphorus-potassium and complete fertilizers (see Fig. 18). However, the stimulation effect differs sharply depending on the forms of nitrogen fertilizers assimilated by plants: it was maximum when magnesium nitrate and sodium nitrate were added, and minimum when using ammonium sulfate.
According to I. I. Chernyaeva, G. S. Muromtsev, L. N. Korobova, V. A. Chulkina et al., ammonium sulfate on neutral and weakly alkaline soils quite effectively suppresses the germination of phytopathogen propagules and reduces the density of populations of such widespread phytopathogens. as types of childbirth Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Ophiobolus and loses this quality when combined with lime. suppression mechanism due to the absorption of the ammonium ion by the roots of plants and the release into root rhizosphere hydrogen ion. As a result, the acidity of the soil solution increases in the plant rhizosphere. Germination of spores of phytopathogens is suppressed. In addition, ammonium - as a less mobile element - has a prolonged action. It is taken up by soil colloids and gradually released into the soil solution.
ammonification carried out by aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms (bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi), among which active antagonists of root rot pathogens were identified. Correlation analysis shows that between the number B. sorokiniana in soils and the number of ammonifiers on the chernozem soils of Western Siberia, there is an inverse close relationship: r = -0.839/-0.936.
Soil nitrogen content has an impact on the survival of phytopathogens on (in) infected plant debris. Yes, survival Ophiobolus graminis and Fusarium roseum was higher on straw in soils rich in nitrogen, while for B. sorokiniana, on the contrary, - in soils with its low content. With an increase in the mineralization of plant residues under the influence of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, B. sorokiniana is actively replaced: the population of the rot pathogen on plant residues with NP is 12 times less than on plant residues without fertilizers.
The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers enhances the growth of the vegetative organs of plants, the accumulation in them of non-protein nitrogen (amino acids) available to pathogens; the water content of tissues increases, the thickness of the cuticle decreases, the cells increase in volume, their shell becomes thinner. This facilitates the penetration of pathogens into the tissues of host plants, increases their susceptibility to diseases. Excessively high application rates of nitrogen fertilizers cause an imbalance in plant nutrition with nitrogen and an increased development of diseases.
E. P. Durynina and L. L. Velikanov note that a high degree of plant damage when nitrogen fertilizers are applied is associated with a significant accumulation of non-protein nitrogen. Other authors attribute this phenomenon to a change in the quantitative ratio of amino acids in the pathogenesis of diseases. More severe damage to barley B. sorokiniana noted in case of high content glutamine, threonine, valine and phenylalanine. Against, with a high content of asparagine, proline and alanine, the damage was insignificant. Content serine and isoleucine increases in plants grown on the nitrate form of nitrogen, and glycine and cysteine- on ammonium.
Determined that verticillium infection increases when nitrate nitrogen predominates in the root zone and, conversely, weakens when it is replaced by the ammonium form. The introduction of high doses of nitrogen under cotton (more than 200 kg/ha) in the form ammonia water, liquefied ammonia, ammonium sulfate, ammophos, urea, calcium cyanamide leads to a more significant increase in yield and a significant suppression of verticillium infection than with the introduction ammonium and Chilean nitrate. Differences in the action of nitrate and ammonium forms of nitrogen fertilizers are caused by their different influence on the biological activity of the soil. The C:N ratio and the negative effect of nitrates weaken against the background of the introduction of organic additives.
The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers in the ammonium form reduces the reproduction process oat cyst nematode and increases the physiological resistance of plants to it. Thus, the introduction of ammonium sulfate reduces the number of nematodes by 78%, and the grain yield increases by 35.6%. At the same time, the use of nitrate forms of nitrogen fertilizers, on the contrary, contributes to an increase in the population of the oat nematode in the soil.
Nitrogen underlies all growth processes in a plant. Concerning plant susceptibility to diseases and pests is weaker with optimal plant nutrition. With an increase in the development of diseases on a nitrogen background of nutrition, a catastrophic decrease in yield does not occur. But the safety of products during storage is significantly reduced. Due to the intensity of growth processes, the ratio between the affected and healthy organ tissue changes towards healthy when nitrogen fertilizers are applied. So, when grain crops are damaged by root rot on a nitrogen background of nutrition, the growth of the secondary root system occurs simultaneously, while with a nitrogen deficiency, the growth of secondary roots is suppressed.
Thus, the needs of plants and harmful organisms for nitrogen as a nutrient are the same. This leads both to an increase in yields when nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and to the reproduction of harmful organisms. Moreover, agroecosystems are dominated by mineral forms of nitrogen, especially nitrate, which are directly consumed by pests. Unlike agroecosystems, natural ecosystems are dominated by the organic form of nitrogen, which is consumed by harmful organisms only when organic residues are decomposed by microflora. Among it are many antagonists that suppress all root rot pathogens, but especially specialized ones, such as B. sorokiniana. This limits the reproduction of root rot pathogens in natural ecosystems, where their numbers are constantly maintained at a level below the LL.
Fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers in combination with phosphorus fertilizers, replacement of the nitrate form with ammonium, stimulate the overall biological and antagonistic activity of soils, serve as real prerequisites for stabilizing and reducing the number of harmful organisms in agroecosystems. Added to this is the positive effect of nitrogen fertilizers on increasing endurance (adaptability) to harmful organisms - vigorously growing plants have increased compensatory abilities in response to damage and damage caused to them by pathogens and pests.
Phosphorus fertilizers.
Phosphorus is a part of nucleic acids, macroergic compounds (ATP), participating in the synthesis of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids. It takes part in photosynthesis, respiration, regulation of the permeability of cell membranes, in the formation and transfer of energy necessary for the life of plants and animals. The main role in the energy processes of cells, tissues and organs of living organisms belongs to ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid). Without ATP, neither the processes of biosynthesis nor the breakdown of metabolites in cells can take place. The role of phosphorus in the biological transfer of energy is unique: the stability of ATP in the environments where biosynthesis takes place is greater than the stability of other compounds. This is because the energy-rich bond is protected by the negative charge of phosphoryl, which repels water molecules and OH- ions. Otherwise, ATP would easily undergo hydrolysis and decay.
When plants are provided with phosphorus nutrition, synthesis processes are enhanced in them, root growth is activated, maturation of agricultural crops is accelerated, drought resistance increases, and the development of generative organs improves.
Phosphorus fertilizers are the main source of phosphorus for plants in agroecosystems. Plants absorb phosphorus in the initial phases of growth and are very sensitive to its deficiency during this period.
The application of phosphorus fertilizers has a significant effect on the development of root rot. This effect is achieved even when fertilizing in small doses, in rows during sowing. The positive effect of phosphate fertilizers is explained by the fact that phosphorus promotes enhanced growth of the root system, thickening of mechanical tissues, and most importantly, determines the absorption (metabolic) activity of the root system.
The root system spatially and functionally ensures the absorption, transport and metabolism of phosphorus. Moreover, the value of the root system for the absorption of phosphorus is immeasurably higher than that of nitrogen. Unlike nitrates, phosphorus anions are absorbed by the soil and remain in undissolved form. The plant can get them only thanks to the roots that directly come into contact with the anions in the soil. Thanks to proper phosphorus nutrition, the susceptibility to pathogens from the root system, especially the secondary one, is reduced. The latter coincides with the increased physiological activity of secondary roots in supplying the plant with phosphorus. Each volume unit of secondary roots received (in the experiment with labeled atoms) twice as much phosphorus as compared to germinal roots.
The introduction of phosphorus fertilizer slowed down the development of common root rot in all the studied zones of Siberia, even when nitrogen was present in the soil at the “first minimum” (northern forest-steppe). The positive effect of phosphorus was felt both in the main and in row application in a small (P15) dose. Row fertilizer is more appropriate when the amount of fertilizer is limited.
The effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizers for the vegetative organs of plants varies: the improvement of underground, especially secondary roots was manifested in all zones, and aboveground - only in humid and moderately humid (subtaiga, northern forest-steppe). Within one zone, the effect of recovery from phosphate fertilizer on underground organs was 1.5-2.0 times higher than on aboveground ones. On soil-protective backgrounds of cultivation in the steppe zone, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in the calculated norm are especially effective in improving the soil and vegetative organs of spring wheat plants. Strengthening of growth processes under the influence of mineral fertilizers led to an increase in plant endurance to common root rot. At the same time, the leading role belonged to that macroelement, the content of which in the soil is minimal: in the mountain-steppe zone - phosphorus, in the northern forest-steppe - nitrogen. In the mountain-steppe zone, for example, a correlation was found between the level of development of root rot (%) over the years and the grain yield (c/ha):

The correlation is inverse: the weaker the development of root rot, the higher the grain yield, and vice versa.
Similar results were obtained in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia, where the availability of soil with mobile forms of P2O5 was average. The shortage of grain from ordinary root rot was the highest in the arianta without the use of fertilizers. So, on average for 3 years, it amounted to 32.9% for barley of the Omsky 13709 variety against 15.6-17.6% in the case of the introduction of phosphorus, phosphorus-nitrogen and complete mineral fertilizers, or almost 2 times higher. The introduction of nitrogen fertilizer, even if nitrogen was in the soil in the "first minimum", had an effect mainly on increasing the plant's resistance to disease. As a result, in contrast to the phosphorus background, the correlation between the development of the disease and the grain yield in terms of nitrogen has not been statistically proven.
Long-term studies conducted at the Rothamsted Experimental Station (England) indicate that the biological effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers against root rot (causative agent Ophiobolus graminis) depends on the fertility of soils and predecessors, varying from 58% to a 6-fold positive effect. The maximum efficiency was achieved with the complex use of phosphorus fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers.
According to studies conducted on chestnut soils of the Altai Republic, a significant decrease in the population of B. sorokiniana in the soil is achieved where phosphorus is contained in the soil at the first minimum (see Fig. 18). Under these conditions, the addition of nitrogen fertilizers in the norm N45 and even potassium fertilizers in the norm K45 practically does not improve the phytosanitary state of the soil. The biological efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer at a dose of P45 was 35.5%, and of complete fertilizer - 41.4% compared to the background, without the use of fertilizers. At the same time, the number of conidia with signs of degradation (decomposition) increases significantly.
Increasing the resistance of plants under the influence of phosphorus fertilizer limits the harmfulness of wireworms, nematodes, reducing the critical period as a result of the intensification of growth processes in the initial phases.
The introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers has a direct toxic effect on phytophages. So, when applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the number of wireworms decreases by 4-5 times, and when nitrogen fertilizers are added to them, by 6-7 times compared to their initial number, and 3-5 times compared to control data without the use of fertilizers. The population of the sowing nutcracker is especially sharply reduced. The effect of mineral fertilizers on reducing the number of wireworms is explained by the fact that the integuments of pests have selective permeability to salts contained in mineral fertilizers. Penetrate faster than others and most toxic to wireworms ammonium cations(NH4+), then potassium and sodium cations. The least toxic calcium cations. Anions of fertilizer salts can be arranged in the following descending order according to their toxic effect on wireworms: Cl-, N-NO3-, PO4-.
The toxic effect of mineral fertilizers on wireworms varies depending on the humus content of soils, their mechanical composition and pH value. The less organic matter is contained in the soil, the lower the pH and the lighter the mechanical composition of the soil, the higher the toxic effect of mineral fertilizers, including phosphate fertilizers, on insects.
potassium fertilizers.
Being in the cell sap, potassium retains easy mobility, being retained by mitochondria in the protoplasm of plants during the day and partially excreted through the root system at night, and reabsorbed during the day. Rains wash out potassium, especially from old leaves.
Potassium contributes to the normal course of photosynthesis, enhances the outflow of carbohydrates from leaf blades to other organs, the synthesis and accumulation of vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, etc.). Under the influence of potassium, plants acquire the ability to retain water and more easily endure short-term drought. In plants, the cell membrane thickens, and the strength of mechanical tissues increases. These processes contribute to an increase in the physiological resistance of plants to harmful organisms and adverse abiotic environmental factors.
According to the International Institute of Potassium Fertilizers (750 field experiments), potassium reduced the susceptibility of plants to fungal diseases in 526 cases (71.1%), was ineffective in 80 (10.8%) and increased the susceptibility in 134 (18.1%) cases. It is especially effective in plant health in humid, cool conditions, even at high soil levels. Within the limits of the West Siberian lowland, potassium consistently produced a positive effect of improving soils in subtaiga zones (Table 40).

The application of potash fertilizers, even with a high content of potassium in the soils of all three zones, significantly reduced the soil population. B. sorokiniana. The biological efficiency of potassium was 30-58% against 29-47% of phosphorus and with unstable efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer: in the subtaiga and northern forest-steppe it is positive (18-21%), in the mountain-steppe zone it is negative (-64%).
The total microbiological activity of the soil and the concentration of K2O in it have a decisive influence on the survival Rhizoctonia solani. Potassium is able to increase the influx of carbohydrates into the root system of plants. Therefore, the most active formation wheat mycorrhizae goes with the introduction of potash fertilizers. Mycorrhiza formation decreases when nitrogen is introduced due to the consumption of carbohydrates for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing organic compounds. The influence of phosphate fertilizer was in this case insignificant.
In addition to influencing the intensity of reproduction of pathogens and their survival in the soil, mineral fertilizers affect the physiological resistance of plants to infection. At the same time, potassium fertilizers enhance the processes in plants that delay the decay of organic substances, increase the activity catalase and peroxidase, reduce the intensity of respiration and loss of dry matter.
Trace elements make up an extensive group of cations and anions that have a multifaceted effect on the intensity and nature of sporulation of pathogens, as well as the resistance of host plants to them. The most important feature of the action of microelements is their relatively small doses, which are necessary to reduce the harmfulness of many diseases.
In order to reduce the harmfulness of diseases, it is recommended to use the following trace elements:
- Helminthosporiosis of grain crops - manganese;
- cotton verticillium - boron, copper;
- cotton root rot - manganese;
- Fusarium wilt of cotton - zinc;
- beet roots - iron, zinc;
- potato rhizoctoniosis - copper, manganese,
- potato cancer - copper, boron, molybdenum, manganese;
- black potato leg - copper, manganese;
- potato verticillium - cadmium, cobalt;
- black leg and keel of cabbage - manganese, boron;
- phomosis of carrots - boron;
- black apple cancer - boron, manganese, magnesium;
- gray rot of strawberries - manganese.
The mechanism of action of microelements on different pathogens is different.
During the pathogenesis of root rot on barley, for example, physiological and biochemical processes are disturbed and the elemental composition of plants is unbalanced. In the tillering phase, the content of K, Cl, P, Mn, Cu, Zn decreases and the concentration of Fe, Si, Mg and Ca increases. Feeding plants with microelements, in which the plant is deficient, stabilizes metabolic processes in plants. This increases their physiological resistance to pathogens.
Different pathogens require different trace elements. On the example of the causative agent of Texas root rot (pathogen Phymatotrichum omnivorum) showed that only Zn, Mg, Fe increase the biomass of the pathogen mycelium, while Ca, Co, Cu, Al inhibit this process. Zn uptake begins at the stage of conidial germination. At Fusarium graminearum Zn influences the formation of yellow pigments. Most fungi require the presence of Fe, B, Mn, Zn in the substrate, although in different concentrations.
Boron (B), affecting the permeability of plant cell membranes and the transport of carbohydrates, changes their physiological resistance to phytopathogens.
The choice of optimal doses of microfertilizers, for example, when applying Mn and Co on cotton, reduces the development of wilt by 10-40%. The use of microelements is one of the effective ways to improve potatoes from common scab. According to the famous German phytopathologist G. Brazda, manganese reduces the development of common scab by 70-80%. The conditions conducive to scab damage to potato tubers coincide with the factors of manganese starvation. There is a direct relationship between the development of common scab and the content of manganese in the skin of potato tubers. With a lack of manganese, the peel becomes rough and cracks (see Fig. 4). There are favorable conditions for infection of tubers. According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Flax, with a lack of boron in the soil, flax disrupts the transport of carbohydrates, which contributes to the normal development of rhizosphere and soil microorganisms. The introduction of boron into the soil reduces the aggressiveness of the Fusarium flax blight pathogen by half, with an increase in seed yield by 30%.
The effect of microfertilizers on the development of phytophages and other soil pests has not been studied enough. They are mostly used to improve crops from ground-air, or leaf-stem, harmful organisms.
Trace elements are used in the processing of seed and planting material. They are applied to the soil along with NPK, either by spraying plants or by watering. In all cases The effectiveness of microfertilizers in protecting plants from soil harmful organisms, especially phytopathogens, increases when applied against the background of a complete mineral fertilizer.
Complete mineral fertilizer.
The introduction of complete mineral fertilizer based on agrochemical cartograms and the normative method has the most favorable effect on the phytosanitary condition of soils and crops in relation to soil, or root tuberous, infections, healing the soil and root crops, which are used for food and seeds.
Improvement of soils with the help of complete mineral fertilizer for spring wheat and barley occurs in almost all soil-climatic zones (Table 41).

The biological efficiency of complete mineral fertilizer varied across zones from 14 to 62%: it was higher in relatively humid zones than in arid ones (Kulunda steppe), and within the zone - in permanent crops, where the worst phytosanitary situation was noted.
The role of mineral fertilizers in soil improvement is reduced when seeds infected with phytopathogens are sown. Infected seeds create microfoci of the pathogen in the soil and, in addition, the pathogen that was on (in) the seeds is the first to occupy an ecological niche on the affected plant organs.
All mineral fertilizers that reduce pH on soddy-podzolic soil negatively affect the survival of propagules. B. sorokiniana in soil (r = -0.737). So, potash fertilizers, acidifying the soil, reduce the population of the phytopathogen, especially in insufficiently moist soil.
Increasing the physiological resistance of plants to diseases leads to the improvement of underground and aboveground vegetative organs. Even D. N. Pryanishnikov noted that in starving plants, the proportional development of vegetative organs is disturbed. In zones of sufficient (taiga, subtaiga, foothills) and moderate (forest-steppe) moisture in Western Siberia, under the influence of complete mineral fertilizer, health improvement significantly increases as underground(primary, secondary roots, epicotyl), and elevated(basal leaves, stem base) vegetative organs. At the same time, in arid conditions (Kulunda steppe), the number of healthy roots, especially secondary ones, increases. Improvement of the vegetative organs of plants on a fertilized background is mainly associated with an improvement in the phytosanitary state of the soil (r = 0.732 + 0.886), as well as with an increase in the physiological resistance of vegetative organs to Fusarium-helminthosporium diseases, the predominance of synthesis processes over hydrolysis in them.
For increasing physiological resistance to pathogens diseases nutrient balance is important especially with respect to N-NO3, P2O5, K2O, which varies by culture. So, to increase the physiological resistance of potato plants to diseases, the ratio N: P: K is recommended to be 1: 1: 1.5 or 1: 1.5: 1.5 (phosphorus and potassium predominate), and to increase the physiological resistance of cotton to wilt by fields populated with pathogen propagules above the PV withstand N: P: K as 1: 0.8: 0.5 (nitrogen predominates).
Complete mineral fertilization affects the populations of phytophages living in the soil. As a general pattern, a decrease in the number of phytophages was noted in the absence of a noticeable negative effect on entomophages. Thus, the mortality of wireworms depends on the concentration of salts in the soil, the composition of cations and anions, the osmotic pressure of liquids in the body of wireworms and the external soil solution. With an increase in the intensity of metabolism in insects, the permeability of their integuments for salts increases. Wireworms are especially sensitive to mineral fertilizers in spring and summer.
The effect of mineral fertilizers on wireworms also depends on the humus content in the soil, its mechanical composition and pH values. The less organic matter in it, the higher the toxic effect of mineral fertilizers on insects. The biological efficiency of NK and NPK on soddy-podzolic soils of Belarus, introduced under barley in the crop rotation link barley - oats - buckwheat, reaches 77 and 85%, respectively, in reducing the number of wireworms. At the same time, the number of entomophages (beetles, rove beetles) as a percentage of pests does not decrease, and in some cases even increases.
The systematic use of complete mineral fertilizer on the fields of the OPH of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central ChP named after. V. V. Dokuchaeva helps to reduce the number and harmfulness of wireworms to the level of EPV. As a result, the farm does not require the use of insecticides against these pests.
Mineral fertilizers significantly limit the intensity of reproduction of soil, or root-tuber, harmful organisms, reduce the number and duration of their survival in the soil and on (in) plant residues due to an increase in the biological and antagonistic activity of the soil, an increase in resistance and endurance (adaptability) plants to harmful organisms. The application of nitrogen fertilizers increases mainly endurance (compensatory mechanisms) plants to harmful organisms, and the introduction of phosphorus and potassium - physiological resistance to them. Complete mineral fertilizer combines both mechanisms of positive action.
A stable phytosanitary effect of mineral fertilizers is achieved by a differentiated approach by zones and crops in determining the doses and balance of nutrients of macro- and microfertilizers based on agrochemical cartograms and the standard calculation method. However, with the help of mineral fertilizers, cardinal improvement of soils from pathogens of root infections is not achieved. The return of grain from increasing doses of mineral fertilizers under the conditions of chemicalization of agriculture is reduced if crops are cultivated on soils infected above the threshold of harmfulness. This circumstance requires the combined use of phytosanitary precursors in crop rotation, mineral, organic fertilizers and biological preparations to enrich the plant rhizosphere with antagonists and reduce the infectious potential of pathogens in soils below the TL. For this purpose, soil phytosanitary cartograms (SPK) are compiled and, on their basis, measures are developed to improve soils.
Improvement of soils is at the present stage of development of agriculture a fundamental prerequisite for increasing the stability and adaptability of agroecosystems in the transition to adaptive landscape agriculture and adaptive crop production.

All mineral fertilizers, depending on the content of the main nutrients, are divided into phosphorus, nitrogen and potash. In addition, complex mineral fertilizers containing a complex of nutrients are produced. The raw materials for obtaining the most common mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, saltpeter, sylvinite, nitrogen-fertilizer, etc.) are natural (apatite and phosphorite), potassium salts, mineral acids, ammonia, etc. Technological processes for obtaining mineral fertilizers are diverse, more often they use the decomposition method phosphorus-containing raw materials with mineral acids.

The main factors in the production of mineral fertilizers are the high dust content of the air and its gas pollution. Dust and gases also contain its compounds, phosphoric acid, salts of nitric acid and other chemical compounds that are industrial poisons (see Industrial poisons).

Of all the substances that make up mineral fertilizers, the most toxic compounds are fluorine (see), (see) and nitrogen (see). Inhalation of dust containing mineral fertilizers leads to the development of catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, bronchitis, (see). With prolonged contact with the dust of mineral fertilizers, chronic intoxication of the body is possible, mainly as a result of the influence of fluorine and its compounds (see). A group of nitrogen and complex mineral fertilizers can have a harmful effect on the body due to methemoglobin formation (see Methemoglobinemia). Measures to prevent and improve working conditions in the production of mineral fertilizers include sealing dusty processes, setting up a rational ventilation system (general and local), mechanization and automation of the most labor-intensive stages of production.

Measures of personal prevention are of great hygienic importance. All workers at enterprises for the production of mineral fertilizers must be provided with overalls. When working, accompanied by a large release of dust, overalls are used (GOST 6027-61 and GOST 6811 - 61). Dust removal and disposal of overalls is mandatory.

An important measure is the use of anti-dust respirators (Petal, U-2K, etc.) and goggles. To protect the skin, protective ointments should be used (IER-2, Chumakov, Selissky, etc.) and indifferent creams and ointments (silicone cream, lanolin, petroleum jelly, etc.). Personal prevention measures also include daily showering, thorough hand washing, and before meals.

Those working in the production of mineral fertilizers must at least twice a year undergo a mandatory X-ray examination of the skeletal system with the participation of a therapist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist.

Mineral fertilizers - chemicals applied to the soil in order to obtain high and sustainable yields. Depending on the content of the main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), they are divided into nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Phosphates (apatites and phosphorites), potassium salts, mineral acids (sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric), nitrogen oxides, ammonia, etc. serve as raw materials for obtaining mineral fertilizers. agriculture is dust. The nature of the impact of this dust on the body, the degree of its danger depend on the chemical composition of fertilizers and their state of aggregation. Working with liquid mineral fertilizers (liquid ammonia, ammonia water, ammonia, etc.) is also associated with the release of harmful gases.

The toxic effect of dust of phosphate raw materials and the finished product depends on the type of mineral fertilizers and is determined by the fluorine compounds included in their composition (see) in the form of salts of hydrofluoric and hydrofluorosilicic acids, phosphorus compounds (see) in the form of neutral salts of phosphoric acid, nitrogen compounds (see) in the form of salts of nitric and nitrous acids, silicon compounds (see) in the form of silicon dioxide in a bound state. The greatest danger is represented by fluorine compounds, which in different types of phosphate raw materials and mineral fertilizers contain from 1.5 to 3.2%. Exposure to dust of phosphate raw materials and mineral fertilizers can cause catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, etc. in workers, mainly due to the irritating effect of dust. The local irritating effect of dust depends mainly on the presence of alkali metal salts in it. With prolonged contact with the dust of mineral fertilizers, chronic intoxication of the body is possible, mainly from exposure to fluorine compounds (see Fluorosis). Along with the fluorosogenic effect, the group of nitrogen and complex mineral fertilizers also has a methemoglobin-forming effect (see Methemoglobinemia), which is due to the presence of salts of nitric and nitrous acids in their composition.

In the production, transportation and use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture, precautions must be observed. In the production of mineral fertilizers, a system of anti-dust measures is carried out: a) sealing and aspiration of dusty equipment; b) dust-free cleaning of premises; c) dust removal of the air extracted by mechanical ventilation before its release into the atmosphere. The industry produces mineral fertilizers in granular form, in containers, bags, etc. This also prevents intensive dust formation during the application of fertilizers. To protect the respiratory organs from dust, respirators are used (see), overalls (see Clothing, Glasses). It is advisable to use protective ointments, crusts (Selissky, IER-2, Chumakov, etc.) and indifferent creams (lanolin, vaseline, etc.), which protect the skin of workers. It is recommended not to smoke while working, rinse your mouth thoroughly before eating and drinking water. Take a shower after work. There should be enough vitamins in the diet.

Employees must undergo a medical examination at least twice a year with mandatory x-rays of the skeletal system and chest.
