How to make toys for chinchillas with your own hands. Running wheels for chinchillas DIY wooden wheel for chinchillas

In the article I will list a variety of items, toys that can be equipped with a chinchilla home for their entertainment. I’ll figure out how you can make a few simple products with your own hands, attach patterns and please your pet.

Chinchilla paw and tooth toys

Chinchillas lead a fairly active lifestyle between meals and sleep.

These animals will always find something to do, for example, move the shelter, scatter food, gnaw on the bars of the cage. But also pets will be very pleased with interesting things for a tooth test and moving around the allotted territory.

Chinchillas are suitable for the following items:

  • simulators: running wheels, shelves, tunnels, stairs, thick branches;
  • resting places: hammocks;
  • teethers: pendants, balls, special stone.

Products from the first group take up the most space in the cage. You need to plan in advance where to place them in order to leave enough space for living.

The main requirement for all toys that enter the cage is safety, as they can be gnawed. Products soft-filled, rubber, cardboard, coated with paint, varnish, glued will not work. There should be no small parts, sharp corners, jagged surfaces.

Wood is the best material. Suitable birch, apple, poplar, willow, beech. Oak, larch, cherry, conifers are not suitable because of the abundance of resin. You can use plastic, stainless metal, ceramics, wicker. With care to give ropes, ropes.

A chinchilla sometimes needs a few days to get used to and start using a new item. It is better to give out toys in portions in order to maintain interest for a longer time.

Do-it-yourself running wheel and ladder

Pet stores usually offer jogging wheels and ladders made of metal, plastic, and small sizes.

Chinchillas are best suited for wood products, spacious, wide, which can be made to order or at home.

spinning wheel

Necessary materials and tools: thick plywood, hewn semicircular wooden slats, fasteners (thin self-tapping screws, a long bolt, 2 nuts, 3 washers), a car tensioner roller, an electric jigsaw, a drill, a screwdriver.

Making guide:

  1. Cut out an ideally shaped plywood circle with a diameter of 32-40 cm (according to the size of the pet) and the same ring 2-3 cm wide. Clearly make a hole in the center of the circle.
  2. Saw the slats into segments of 12-15 cm. Their length will become the width of the drum treadmill, so the calculation is that the chinchilla is comfortable.
  3. Screw the segments with self-tapping screws: one edge to the circle, the other to the ring. There should be no gaps between them.
  4. From inside the wheel, insert a long bolt with a washer into the central hole, put on the second washer, fasten with a nut.
  5. Drill a hole in a wooden rack or showcase wall, attach a roller bearing to this place with self-tapping screws. Insert a long bolt of the product into the center of the roller, fasten it with a nut and washer on the other side.

It is undesirable to install a spinning wheel in the dwelling of several rodents.

There is a high probability of conflicts between them for the right to run in it and get injured when trying to use it simultaneously.

Bridge ladder with rungs

Materials and tools: tree branches (diameter 15-20 mm), galvanized wire, saw or jigsaw, drill.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Saw the branches into segments 12-15 cm long for the crossbars and 2 cm for the intermediate links. Rinse thoroughly in water and dry in the oven.
  2. Drill small holes in the center of each link and at both ends of the crossbars, 2 cm from the edge.
  3. String the crossbars and links alternately on 2 pieces of wire in the form of a ladder.
  4. The product is ready. The ends of the wire on both sides of the ladder are used for attaching to cage walls or shelves. You can install the structure obliquely for lifting or horizontally, as a bridge between the shelves at the same level.

DIY hammock

Chinchillas tend to favor soft hanging hammocks.

In hammocks, you can swing slightly, relax, hide, go from one shelf to another.

This thing is easy to make from a dense fabric available at home (denim, fleece, felt).

Classic single tier

For manufacturing you will need: a suitable fabric, edging tape, strong threads, scissors, a sewing machine, 4 carabiners.


  1. Cut out 2 identical squares 45 * 45 cm from the fabric with straps in the corners. Fold on top of each other, connecting the edges. Soft filler can be added between the parts.
  2. Baste the tape to the edges of the double square, form loops for fastenings from it at the ends of the straps.
  3. Sew the edging tape by hand or on a sewing machine.
  4. Thread carabiners into the loops (you can replace them with chains, wire) and hang them from the cage lid, or between the shelves.

To make a bunk hammock, you will need 2 more squares of the same fabric, larger than the first ones. This is the bottom tier. The straps of all parts must be sewn together.

The hammock should not sway too much from the movements of the animal, sag deeply under its weight.

You need to attach it not too high so that the chinchilla can jump there.

hammock tube

Materials and tools: unnecessary jeans, 4 eyelets, 4 chains with carabiners, thread, scissors, sewing machine.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Cut off the legs 25-30 cm long at the widest point, rip along the seam. Cut off a little at the expansion points, bringing to a rectangular shape.
  2. Put one piece on top of the other, fold in half and make holes in the corners.
  3. Close the holes with grommets. Sew the details, bending and processing all edges.
  4. Insert chains with carabiners (key rings) into the holes, hang a hammock.

Interesting ideas for arranging a cage

Many owners prefer to equip the chinchilla's home to order or on their own, based on the preferences of the pet.

These fluffy animals are good at jumping with the help of developed hind legs. Therefore, shelves are attached to the walls of their dwellings at different levels for jumping.

The maximum height of the shelf is 80 cm, so that if the animal accidentally falls from it, the animal is not injured.

Between the shelves it is worth making several transitions in the form of bridges, tunnels, stairs.

Tunnels are made of plastic pipes, wood. It is desirable to make the edge of metal, otherwise it will quickly be gnawed. Having worked hard, you can weave a tunnel of willow twigs.

An inclined stick with circles of wood attached to it, a small board with low planks attached to it, is suitable as a ladder.

Chinchillas love chewing toys. They are easily made from pieces of sticks and wooden circles, previously washed and dried. Holes are made in the pieces of wood, then they are strung randomly on galvanized wire, a chain and hung in an accessible place.

To increase interest, a bell can be attached to the hanging toy.

Watching the games and activities of chinchillas is a great pleasure. Especially knowing that joy is delivered with the help of one's own hard work. To diversify the life of pets, to make it more fun - this is the task of a responsible owner.

It is very interesting to watch in a running wheel and, perhaps, each of the owners would like to buy such a toy for their chinchilla. But does a chinchilla need it? What's the use of it? Or are wheels harming the health of chinchillas?

To begin with, not all chinchillas like these wheels. There are chinchillas that do not run on wheels at all, and there are those that do not crawl out of them. Of course, wheels have their advantages. A clear advantage of the wheel is that it allows you to keep your muscles in good shape, physical activity is useful for chinchillas. But, when choosing a wheel for a chinchilla, you should be very careful, some wheel models can be traumatic for chinchillas. The danger from the wheels can also come from if the room is hot. Additional physical activity at high temperature increases the risk of heat stroke.

When choosing a wheel, be sure to consider the size. Running in a small diameter wheel will have a bad effect on the health of the chinchilla. The minimum wheel size for a chinchilla is considered to be a diameter of 32 centimeters, but for some large individuals this diameter is not enough. Of course, if possible, it is better to choose a wheel with a diameter of 40 cm, but it is impossible to find wheels of this size in stores. But, craftsmen who make furniture for chinchillas to order can come to the rescue.

One of the most common options is plastic wheels. Of those sold in stores, in my opinion, they are the safest. But they are also the most expensive.

Wheels with metal crossbars and mesh can be traumatic for a chinchilla. Careless movement and the result - a fracture of the paw or finger. To prevent this from happening, they are sheathed with thick denim, and the sharp edges of the metal parts are sanded.

Be careful, some types of wheels can harm not the chinchilla that runs in them, but the one that at this time may be in the wrong place. Therefore, when choosing a wheel, think about how safe it is, how it is attached to the window, and so on.

When choosing models made of wood, it is worth considering the nature and cleanliness of the chinchilla. Some animals manage to arrange a toilet in them, and since the tree absorbs moisture well .. Then everything is clear.

The most ideal option, in my opinion, would be a solid aluminum wheel with a diameter of 40 cm. Such an example can be ordered from the USA. But this wheel has its drawback - the price. Not everyone can afford this pleasure, although nothing is a pity for chinchillas

And finally, I want to talk about running plates. I've been using this one lately. Safe and convenient. I have a plastic plate, but aluminum running plates are also available. This would have been better, but...

A running wheel for a chinchilla is an important attribute of her daily life, which is also responsible for the pet's health. In cell 3, because the level of mobility in a tight space is very limited. By nature, these pets are quite mobile, and the right hobby will help you get rid of such bad habits as biting your own fur. You can purchase a chinchilla running wheel or make your own by following simple instructions.

There is a need for such an attribute, because in addition to having fun, while the chinchilla runs in the wheel, muscle atrophy does not threaten her. The wheel is purchased together with the cage and no one thinks about its functional features.

What material is preferable

It is possible to use several materials that are perfect for exercising an active chinchilla.


Such material does not absorb moisture, it is completely safe, but it is difficult to find the optimal size product. The size of the wheel for a chinchilla is selected based on the dimensions of the animal itself.

The maximum dimensions of the product are about 32 cm, which is only suitable for a small rodent. Such dimensions are due to the fact that the design is most often used for hamsters.

The plastic wheel is only sized for chinchillas and small animals


First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that such structures are recognized as traumatic. Their bottom is made mesh, so the claw or finger of the animal can get into the cell. Most injuries can be avoided by wrapping the wheel with a thick cloth that will hide the existing cells. An installed metal wheel stand can also harm a pet by simply crushing it.

If there are several rodents, the level of danger only increases, because while one will run, the second may try to stick his head under the structure.

The disadvantages of this wheel is the risk of injury and instability of the structure.

An alternative would be an aluminum structure, which is fixed to the wall, and therefore there is no need to install an additional stand. However, in this case, it will be problematic to choose a wheel diameter for a chinchilla, since the domestic manufacturer does not manufacture them.


This option can be called almost ideal, since such a wooden wheel can be ordered at the nearest workshop. This design will not have sharp edges, as well as mesh cells, which often cause injuries to animals. The disadvantages include the ability to absorb moisture and various odors by the material. It is almost impossible to wash a contaminated surface, and it will not work at all to get rid of the smell of excrement. Chinchillas like to defecate in new places, so you will either have to put up with the smell, or often change the design.

However, the disadvantage can be avoided by covering the surface with an auxiliary layer of paint or varnish. But here, too, one must take into account the moment that the chinchilla will gnaw the wheel. Getting pieces of paint or varnish into the esophagus is unlikely to benefit the health of the pet.

Wooden wheel can be custom made to your desired size

What should be the size of the wheel

The size of the wheel depends on the size of your pet. The wheel diameter must be at least 32-34 cm. The width of the treadmill must be at least 15-17 cm. Accordingly, the larger the chinchilla, the larger it should be. The wheel should not be small, this leads to the fact that the chinchilla in such a wheel will stumble or bend, which in turn can lead to spinal injuries, dislocations of limbs or fractures.

How to make a do-it-yourself running wheel for a chinchilla

Such a device can be designed independently. For this, it is customary to use wood, as the most affordable and environmentally friendly material. Even if the pet is inclined to grind his teeth on his favorite toys, if he has a wooden wheel, he will not harm himself.

The chinchilla in the wheel will feel calm and, if necessary, gnaw on the rim of the circle, which can be replaced later. This option is the most economical, but if desired, you can make a metal rim that will extend the life of the product.

From the materials you will need:

  • drill;
  • electric jigsaw for woodworking;
  • compass and ruler;
  • a set of screws;
  • bolts;
  • a set of screws;
  • small boards (width 3 cm, length approximately 15 cm).


  1. First of all, we cut out an even circle. To do this, take a sheet of plywood, use a jigsaw to cut a small hole, use a compass to draw the required radius.
    Then, thanks to the hole made, we fasten the jigsaw to the table with a bolt.
  2. Plywood is sawn by turning it around an axis along a drawn circle. This is the only way to get the right circle of the desired diameter.
  3. After that, a ring with the same outer diameter is cut out. We take thin screws and fasten the planks to the inside of the wooden ring. To prevent the wood from cracking, the holes should be carefully drilled with a drill with a 1.5 mm drill bit. In order for the ring to have good strength, it is attached to the plywood circle from the outside.
  4. After we make a knot of rotation and fastening. To secure the fastening, you need a bolt with a length of at least 150 mm. In order for the bolt not to put much pressure on the plywood and not damage it, a steel washer with a diameter greater than the diameter of the bolt is put on it. The bolt must be inserted inside the structure, and secured on the outside with the same washer.
  5. The tensioner put on the bolt is fastened with screws to the wooden plank. What is a good tensioner? Its plastic clip does not make noise during rotation. That's all - the design is fully assembled.

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself wheel with a wall mount

The cage toy can be installed in several ways:

  1. The design is installed on the bottom of the cage and can be attached to a plank or plank with two self-tapping screws, but the width of the plank must be at least 100mm, otherwise the chinchilla can easily turn the toy over.
  2. A bar with a tensioner can be screwed to the cage wall with a wire. This option is more acceptable, since the rodent is no longer able to move or turn over the simulator.

Video: how to make a wheel for a chinchilla with your own hands, which is installed on the floor of the cage

How to teach a chinchilla to run on a wheel

If the dimensions of the wheel for running are chosen correctly and high-quality material was used, then the pet should show at least some interest in the new unit. The wheel must be fixed and installed correctly. However, if due interest was not shown, then you should not get upset ahead of time. To begin with, the rodent must be introduced to the new piece of furniture. The wheel can be twisted, thereby making it clear what can be done with it.

Having understood the meaning, the chinchilla will certainly want to ride on a new device. If the structure is wooden, then the animal will inevitably begin to gnaw it. Nothing can be done about this, because in this way he will get used to the changed environment in the cage.

You can teach a chinchilla to a wheel, but in this case the animal will think that you are playing with it. To begin with, you will need a favorite delicacy of the chinchilla and some free time on the part of the owner.

If interest alone is not enough, you should put the animal in the wheel and slowly turn it back and forth. The entrance can be temporarily covered with a hand so that the pet does not try to escape. If everything is in order, then during the day the rodent will begin to independently study the installation, sometimes even tasting it. If there is no activity over the next few days, it is recommended to use a treat that is placed inside the running wheel. After the first round, the pet should be rewarded, and so on for some time. If none of the methods used work, you should leave your plan, because the rodent can simply be lazy by nature.

How to choose or make your own chinchilla running wheel

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How to choose or make a do-it-yourself walking ball for a chinchilla Chinchilla care at home Homemade and purchased houses for chinchillas
How to play with a chinchilla and what toys can be used

Many people think that having bought a chinchilla, it is enough just to put it in a cage on a warm bedding. Such a vision of the content of these rodents is fundamentally wrong. For a happy life of a pet, it is important to take care of comfort, safety and the comfort of the animal.

To do this, you will have to purchase a sufficient number of accessories that must be placed in the cage.

Before you start buying a rodent dwelling, it is important to decide what will be the essentials and what will provide leisure for your pet. This will avoid wasting money, as well as provide the baby with really necessary accessories.

Essential items are considered to be:

In addition to all of the above, chinchillas definitely need toys:

  • tunnels;
  • wooden fixtures.

If rodents have nowhere to put their energy, then bad habits may appear in their behavior.

So it was noticed that the animal, unable to move, began to gnaw out scraps of its own fur out of boredom.


All toys are usually divided into two categories: moving and static.


The name speaks for itself. Such accessories can be moved inside and outside the cage. There are several different options for such entertainment:

walking ball

This simple device allows the animal to walk around the apartment without the risk of getting lost, crushed or injured.

In addition, the owner of the chinchilla can be calm about the wires, wallpaper and furniture in the house. The toy is made of durable transparent material, which has many holes for air to enter.

But ventilation is still not able to provide a sufficient supply of oxygen, so you should not leave your pet in it for a long time.


Chinchillas use them to grind their teeth. It is easy to make them with your own hands from wooden parts by stringing them on a tourniquet or wire. For variety, you can give each detail its own shape. Toys are hung inside the cage using a special mount.


In pet stores, you can find a variety of models of running wheels for chinchillas. They are plastic, metal and wood.

Such an attraction is especially necessary for a chinchilla living in a small cage, where there is little space for running. It is important for the animal to move a lot so as not to acquire obesity, and the wheel will be an excellent simulator for the release of excess energy. It is best to choose an accessory made from natural materials.

Bell toy

Chinchillas love jingling toys. But they have one drawback: extra noise. Since the animals are active at night, it would be better to remove it from the cage at this time. This will allow you to relax not only for yourself, but also for your pet.


These toys can rather be called interior items, as they are more like furniture. But they allow chinchillas to be as active as their nature requires.


These are designs that allow you to train the animal's paws. Chinchillas love to jump on them, moving quickly from bottom to top. It is best to install shelves at a height of about 70-80 cm. In addition, rodents sharpen their teeth about them.


Chinchillas love to play hide and seek. in pipes. You need to install tunnels at least 30 cm in diameter, otherwise the animal may get stuck inside.

You can make such devices yourself from plastic pipes. In pet stores you can find whole labyrinths of passages that are disassembled and assembled at the request of the owner of the animal. It is best to choose tunnels from their transparent materials, so that you can always find a chinchilla.

Chinchillas love toys in general: from tunnels and pipes to noisy bells and relaxing hammocks, some more, some less, depending on the nature of each individual pet.

Ladders and sticks

Ordinary wooden sticks laid out in a cage can also delight your pet. Chinchillas roll them, gnaw, climb them up. Ladders perform the same functions as sticks. Often the animals scratch their backs on vertically installed structures.


Chinchillas like to swing in a hammock like on a swing. For the manufacture of wood, fabric, durable plastic. There are single tier and double tier options. In them, the animal hides, sensing danger, or cools down on hot summer days.

Additional accessories

In addition to items that can diversify the interior of the chinchilla cage, you will need to purchase additional accessories. It can be carriers, leashes or clothes for a pet.


An essential accessory, especially if you like to travel and plan to take your pet with you. For transporting a baby, they are best suited from opaque plastic. They are light, easy to clean, resistant to the absorption of foreign odors, and protect the rodent from drafts. The size of the tank should not be less than 15x20x20 cm.

Leashes and harnesses

Perhaps the strangest and most controversial item for chinchillas, which is offered to breeders by pet stores. Pets are not allowed to walk on the street. The most important reason is that rodent fur quickly deteriorates under a leash. In addition, chinchillas are afraid of a sudden change of scenery and unfamiliar extraneous sounds.

If you still decide to acquire such an accessory, then it is not necessary to rush to buy it in the store. You can easily and quickly make it at home yourself.

To do this, you need to take some fabric, two trident clasps, two regulators, a carabiner and a ring to fix the leash. In addition, you need to measure the girth of the neck and chest of the chinchilla. Don't forget to add two centimeters for the seams.

Make an X-shaped pattern so that the upper part corresponds to the girth of the neck, and the lower part corresponds to the size of the chest. You need to sew “tridents” on the edges, and on the upper part of the back - a ring to which a carabiner will cling.

For a leash, you need to choose a strong tape. A carabiner is attached to one end, and a loop is made on the second. The carabiner must be hooked onto the ring. The harness for your pet is ready.


The variety in clothing also amazes the layman. Today you can find a variety of undershirts, shorts, jackets, overalls and dresses. You can use such household items only for photo shoots. Leaving a dressed animal in a cage is strictly prohibited.

A chinchilla will quickly gnaw through anything it can reach. Plus, eating tissue can get food poisoning. And not every owner will be able to persuade his pet to try on clothing that restricts movement.

How to make a toy from improvised materials

You can surprise your pet with toys made with your own hands.

Sometimes you don’t even have to do anything to entertain the animal, you can give him a rustling object that he will gnaw or roll. For example, put a walnut in the cage, it will entertain the rodent for a long time, with its roar.

Various wooden sticks or balls are also suitable. They need to be strung on a tourniquet or a thick thread and hung in a cage. Do not rush to throw away the wooden bobbin of thread, it is better to place it in a cage. This simple toy will become an excellent sharpener for your teeth.

Safety and Item Requirements

When giving toys to chinchillas, it is worth remembering that there are rules and regulations regarding these accessories. First of all, you need to pay attention to the material from which they are made. It is contraindicated for rodents to give items made from:

  • rubber;
  • low-quality plastic;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • glass.

Besides, some types of wood are harmful to chinchillas. For example, oak, cherry, some conifers.

It is worth avoiding small objects that the animal can gnaw off. and swallow. Choose unpainted toys or neutral colors. It is important that the objects do not have sharp corners or nicks that can cause injury.

Every loving owner wants his pet to have only high-quality and safe toys and household items. Everything you need today can be purchased at the pet store. But some owners prefer factory-made accessories made with their own hands. So you can avoid getting into the cage of low-quality materials that can cause poisoning of the animal.

It is best to have a large supply of various toys that will brighten up your chinchilla's leisure time. But, in order to avoid littering the free space of the rodent's dwelling, it is best to put the accessories in the cage alternately. Also, this technique will help to make sure that every time the animal has a new entertainment and he will always have fun in his cage.

In contact with

Chinchillas are very active animals. Nature is arranged in such a way that they need to constantly move. In order to add variety to the life of a pet, many owners try to equip the cage with all kinds of toys.

If a chinchilla lives in a small cage where there is no possibility of moving a lot, then the presence of a running wheel in it is mandatory. With it, the animal will be able to maintain physical activity.

The size of the running wheels should be selected taking into account the age and size of the chinchilla. In pet stores, a simulator with various diameters is presented - from 28 to 45 cm. The material of manufacture can be:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood.


Wooden simulators are most often made to order, as they are an expensive pleasure.

The average cost of a custom wheel is 4000 rubles. They are mainly installed in showcase cages. A distinctive feature is their noiselessness. But they have certain disadvantages:

  • chinchillas gnaw on wooden parts, thereby disabling the simulator;
  • the beast can arrange a toilet in the wheel, which will also spoil the structure.


These trainers have a number of advantages:

  • chinchillas have no desire to gnaw on plastics;
  • compact design;
  • easy to clean and disinfect;
  • has a low price - in the store you can find wheels from 200 rubles for small chinchillas and up to 3000 rubles for an adult.


Very strong designs, resistant to rodent teeth. They are easy to disassemble and disinfect. Pet stores offer two types of simulators:

  • with a small notch;
  • with parallel bars.

Wheels that have parallel crossbars are a danger to the chinchilla. There is a risk that the animal will step between them while running, and, failing to remove the paw, will injure its limb.

Wheels, the basis of which is made in the form of a small notch, will save the animal from the possibility of injury. The paws do not fall into small holes, you can stop the movement at any time. If desired, the inner surface of the simulator can be secured by sheathing with a soft cloth.

The cost of such toys varies from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Treadmills for running

An excellent alternative to the wheel will be the track. There are two options: aluminum and plastic. They are safer for the health of the chinchilla, as they do not overload the spine. Absolutely silent and do not threaten the animal with injury.

Do it yourself

If all the wheel options available in stores are not suitable, and making a custom-made exercise machine is expensive, you can try to make a running wheel for chinchillas with your own hands. At the same time, it is possible to choose the material and size based on your own preferences. This will save money and make your pet happy.


To make a wooden simulator you will need:

  • plywood sheet about 1 cm thick;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • bearing;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • bolts;
  • small boards measuring 3 × 15 cm.

Manufacturing process.

To get a perfectly even circle, you need to cut a hole in the middle of the plywood with a jigsaw. From the center, we begin to measure the desired diameter of the future wheel. Having drawn a circle on plywood, you need to cut it out along the contour with a jigsaw.

After the circle is ready, you need to make a ring with the same diameter. The planks are fixed inside the received ring with the help of small self-tapping screws. Before that, they need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1.5 mm in order to protect them from cracking. We fasten the ring from the outside of the plywood circle. This will give the structure strength.

To attach the wheel you will need a fifteen centimeter bolt. You need to put a steel washer on it, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt. It is installed in such a way that it is inside the structure. From the outside, it is attached with a washer. A bearing is put on the bolt and it is attached to the bar with self-tapping screws.

There are two ways to install a wheel in a chinchilla cage:

From the pan

Making a running wheel for a chinchilla from an aluminum pan is a less laborious process. To do this, you need kitchen utensils of the desired diameter. Since the height of the pan is larger than necessary for the simulator, you will have to saw off the excess, leaving about 13-16 cm. Edges must be sanded after cutting. to remove burrs and protect the pet from possible injuries. After that, the wheel is attached to the tensioner roller. The toy for your pet is ready to use.
