How to use black magic correctly. White magic spells for beginners: how to charge water and make a real amulet

There are people in the world who would give a lot to learn how to learn magic on their own at home. At the same time, there are many who consider such practices to be empty quackery. Few people know how to learn magic in the modern world. To have any chance of successfully practicing witchcraft, you must accept the first condition - to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

Only by accepting the possibility that the material in the world is just a shell, you can touch the unknown. For an adult, changing one's worldview can be difficult, but a child is still open to seeing what is hidden from the eyes of mere mortals. Some people have special sensitivity and the gift of foresight, which brings them closer to understanding the metaphysical causes of what is happening in the world. With such awareness, ways of indirect influence on the world around them become more accessible to them. Those who have not yet discovered their talents for secret teaching can also learn to master magic.

In real life, sometimes there are people who can teach you a few lessons. But if there is no desire or opportunity to look for such things, you can start on your own. They say that a real teacher will appear when the student is ready. Esotericists have written many books for beginners, but not all of them will qualitatively answer your question of how to learn magic. The best mentor in the occult sciences is your own inner instinct, which in moments of uncertainty will tell you the next step. . Let everything happen naturally, not through force, then you will come to success:

Representatives of different religious denominations (those with the most open view of the world) often say that behind different religions there is one God. It's the same in the world of magic.. Some religions include in their doctrines occult practices or simply rituals that can be compared to the practice of magic. Esotericists say about this that groups of people create a so-called collective egregor, which they feed with their rituals and their faith. And this is true both for people of spiritual sciences and for shamans. An egregor can also be individual, and not collective: faith alone can be enough.

There are different ways. Common to various schools are the practices of lucid dreaming, fortune telling, entering altered states of consciousness or trance, appealing to the forces of the elements, and rituals to realize one’s intentions. Some people want to know how to learn black magic. Beginners should understand that the world of subtle energies has its own laws, and according to them, black magic spells will turn against the caster himself. In some schools it is believed that a black sorcerer will suffer triple damage. The concept of karma exists not only in the eastern directions of magic.

When sorcerers use black magic, they take into their own hands enormous responsibility for the fate of those with whom the spell is connected. The retribution for practicing such things will overtake a person already in this life or after it. Sometimes shamans enter into alliances with spirits in order for them to increase their magical potential and help in their craft, but the spirits may demand too high a reward for such intervention. It is they who sometimes persuade neophytes and even experienced adepts to practice black witchcraft, which usually leads to undesirable consequences. Necromancy, which uses parts of the bodies of the dead and contact with them, is also dangerous.

More about prohibited species

Black magic includes curses and spells that are aimed at causing harm to someone or something. These can be love spells and lapel spells when they serve to destroy someone's happiness. Rituals of black witchcraft are found in the Western European tradition, and in northern paganism, in the eastern tradition of Taoists, in the southern teachings of voodooism and African shamans. We pay for our intentions with karma, and black magic can lead to sad results. It's often quite simple. Essentially, here, as in any other occult practice, you need your faith in the result of witchcraft and your abilities.

Having decided to conduct a ritual for your own purposes, you should choose its form. To do this, esotericists turn to various traditions or to their main one in order to determine the most suitable option for implementing their plans. To enhance the effect, a sacrifice may be needed, often the blood of the practitioner. Sometimes the hair or nails of the target are used. A person’s personal belongings can also help; through them it is easy to establish contact with the soul of the owner. Some adherents sacrifice animals. But remember that for such treatment of the bodies of living beings, their souls may haunt you and take revenge in the future. It is very important to remember:

Before practicing black witchcraft (if you are really sure that you want to get involved with such a dangerous craft and accept all responsibility and possible consequences) , you should practice in more accessible areas. Esotericists say that it is better to exclude black magic from your sphere of interests altogether. Which path did you decide to take towards the world of subtle matters? They say that deep knowledge in magic will be gained by those who renounce the intention of harming others. One of the principles in different schools of magic is to do whatever you consider necessary until you cross the boundaries of the happiness of another.

The human shell of flesh and bones is permeated with energy meridians. The human subtle body consists of seven main chakras. Different schools identify different numbers of these energy centers, but there is no mistake here, since the division of chakras is relative and conditional. The systems of energy meridians (from different schools) actually repeat each other, the differences between them are insignificant. To learn magic on your own, the first step is to open your energy centers. In esotericism, the traditional chakra system recognizes the Indian model:

After reading the description of the chakras, should work on opening them. At the same time, they begin to work through each of the seven from the bottom up, one after the other. To practice magic, it will be useful to learn proper meditation. Sitting in the lotus position or simply crossing your legs, the person closes his eyes. From this moment, you should imagine a beam of energy of the desired color at the location of a specific chakra, and experience the feelings that are associated with it. In everyday life, you should take care of yourself and avoid actions that lead to blocking energy centers.

When the neophyte feels that the first six chakras are open and energy is flowing through them, one can meditate on the seventh chakra, visualizing in the mind the channel that connects the Sahasrara with the cosmos. Such meditation is an energy boost. A mature adept visualizes the entire energy column with seven bundles and energy feeding the subtle body from the Universe. At this level, the practitioner of magic will achieve a deep understanding of the world, and knowledge can now be drawn directly from the Akashic chronicles. This source contains any areas of knowledge that may be of interest to the wizard.

Having gone through the stage of connecting to the consciousness of the cosmos, an adept of the occult sciences can successfully practice the acquired knowledge by choosing one of the existing traditions. Usually from this level of perception a person sees How dangerous is practicing magic?, which is white as soot, and he makes his choice in favor of white or gray sorcery. Another truth revealed to initiates: the less often we use magic for selfish purposes, the more we learn about the nature of the world. It turns out that a strong person is one who knows a lot, but does not attack, does not abuse his capabilities.

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For a long time people have been looking for a way to solve their problems, and one of the solutions for them is magical power, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Despite this, there have always been and will be those who want to master magic. And since some have psychic abilities, you can try to become a magician.

Magic and people

Since ancient times, people have wanted to become magicians. And it is worth defining the difference between sorcerers, wizards and magicians. A magician is a more noble status because, in addition to strength, he possesses knowledge and constantly improves it. The sorcerer is presented in a negative way because his specialty is black magic. Wizards do not harm people, but they have much less power and knowledge compared to a magician. The magicians themselves are black and white. But they are all united by the presence of a great and unknown power.

The secret of magic is in the power of human thought. But developing this power will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people give up training because the results do not come immediately. But this is the natural order of things - you always need to invest a lot of effort to achieve something. And magic is no exception.

Magicians must keep their emotions under control, directing them in the direction they need. Those who stimulate positive emotions in themselves will become white magicians, and those who stimulate negative ones will become black magicians.

It often happens that black magicians go crazy, as they are forced to constantly stimulate emotions such as the desire to kill, hatred, envy, lust and others.

White sorcerers

Both black and white wizards were equal at the beginning of their journey and did not know what would await them next. Only after completing the training, when the initiation ritual takes place, do some separate and devote themselves to serving the darkness. Others act for the benefit of people. White magicians are divided into several categories:

Stimulating positive emotions helps them do good and help people. You can distinguish a white magician from thousands of other people by the feeling of power that emanates from him. You want to be close to such a person on a subconscious level, and it often happens that people feel calm next to a white magician. A white magician differs from a black one only in that the light one uses his abilities for the benefit of people, and the evil one uses his abilities to do terrible things. But the mechanism of operation is the same.

The division can also be carried out according to initiation rituals. Someone may choose a dark initiation ritual for themselves in the hope that it will make them omnipotent. But this is not so, since these magicians are equal in strength, it’s just that the dark ones can harm a person, destroy his life, and therefore everyone thinks that they are stronger.

Black magicians

Just as you can pick out a white magician from a crowd, you can spot a black one. He smells of darkness, people feel bad around him, you always want to look down when such a person passes by. Black magicians constantly live in a terrible emotional state. Hatred, anger, lust - this is what dark wizards accumulate in their rituals, because without them magic will not receive its power. They are divided into the following categories:

Now dark magicians are only a shadow of the great medieval warlocks, not to mention the black magicians of the ancient East. The powers of magicians are weakening because they are driven not by a desire for knowledge, but by satisfying their own needs.

It is quite possible to learn how to become a magician in real life. You don’t need to go on a pilgrimage or leave civilization for this. Rest is certainly required, but everything can be done at home. The main thing, as already said, is to be patient, because this process is difficult and long. You need to learn to control the power of thought, which is not so easy to do given its speed. First of all you need to know A few things to help with the learning process:

Energy flow

The main component of magic is the flow of energy, which is controlled by the power of thought. This flow of energy is like a beam that must be directed at an object in order to have an effect on it. There are light and dark energies, which differ in their effects. First of all, you need to learn to meditate.

With the help of meditation, you can keep your consciousness and thoughts under control and direct them the way you want. A common mistake that beginners make during a ritual is that they think sequentially using linking thoughts: “So, now I’ll take this knife, then I need to read the spell, then hit my hand with it and drip blood onto the photo. And you have to get angry before you start reading...”

This is fundamentally wrong. Thought should not interfere, but, on the contrary, help during rituals. Its purpose is to support emotional control. You need to combine thought and energy into one stream for the magic to work. If you think about something else for even a minute during the ritual, it will not work.

Emotions, which are supported by thoughts, play an important role. To cause harm to a person, you must really want it, enjoy his suffering. If you need to cure someone, you need to evoke compassion and an altruistic desire to help. Therefore, dark magicians suffer from mental illnesses, which are caused by constant stimulation of negativity.

There are certain rules, following which you can learn magic at home. For example, at first there is no need to carry out any complex rites or rituals, since there is not enough experience, but gradually the power will increase and the rituals will become more and more complex. To master the magic of home, you must adhere to the following rules:

These are the basics you need to follow to learn magic.

Rite of passage

In the literature devoted to magic and witchcraft, one can often find references to a certain inauguration rite that a neophyte must undergo in order to become a magician. The ritual is divided into black and white. Black - strictly specialized. But, in fact, most black magicians went through a white initiation ritual, and only then realized that white magic would not help them achieve what they wanted.

This ritual is the first serious undertaking for a beginner. In the white ritual, it is necessary to heal the disease. In a black ritual, this disease must be caused. That's why they are held almost together. Those who fail these tests must dedicate more time to studying. Those who successfully complete initiation will become full-fledged magicians from neophytes. But this is practiced only among those who study with a mentor. You can arrange such a ritual for yourself if you study alone.

Most of the ancient knowledge disappeared along with its bearers. Perhaps this is even good, because now information spreads very quickly, and everyone would know about such opportunities and want to have superpowers. There is no denying that modern magic is inferior to ancient magic, but if now people receive the kind of knowledge that was available to the magicians of the Ancient East, it is unknown in what direction this knowledge will be directed. This could be the end for humanity, so let the majority remain ignorant for their own good.

In the minds of modern people, such phenomena as magic and witchcraft seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond belief. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. And today you can learn magic, become a fortuneteller or clairvoyant, and master the basics of witchcraft very easily. The only thing it is advisable to have for this is the right mentor. The role of a mentor can be anyone or anything: from a competent literary guide or an innate great talent for magic to a wise, experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is, in essence, the same everyday practice, profession or specialty as other traditional types of human activity, but the aura of mystery around it is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals dedicated to or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out on a subtle level. This is why not everyone can undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimum set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be performed purely mechanically, without talent for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the act decreases sharply if the individual performing it is not involved in the process with his whole being. What does a future magician need to become a professional in the field of witchcraft?

Hereditary Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and magicians come from those who inherited a gift of this kind from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such areas as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that a magician should only be hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then he simply has nothing to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to master complex witchcraft technologies. They search the Internet for rare videos of rituals, collect and learn incantations and whispers used by various healers in all corners of the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, etc.

If an individual has a strong desire, which becomes meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable destiny and, without any special talent for magic, become a good wizard.

If you have never understood how to cast a spell, and magic itself seemed only an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in your family, this is not yet a reason to claim that the minimum magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, absence? This can also be done at home, since basic tests are usually used (however, they cannot be carried out independently; you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is asked to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of establishing magical abilities). There is also an option to distinguish in photographs people who are now living and have already passed on to a better world, to consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, such testing should be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a true Master can easily say whether the test results were a mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Teacher of magic and witchcraft

The importance of a teacher on the path to becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that secret information and special energy are transferred. The mentor invests part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience, in the student.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we undergo training in witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge we gain from books, but also on the experiences that other people have had. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs a good mentor who could dilute the book information with his own comments from practice. Only in this way can dry words and numbers come to life and turn into the background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the topic about teachers of magicians, one immediately remembers horror stories about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the magician’s profession, they, in their general mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in the real world there is no reason to be afraid.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on the topic of how to learn to conjure, how to master the magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, a lot of such books were published, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells, written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an ancient tome, and a manual for novice magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who shows interest in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or your own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding “your book” and hit the road. If the stars are favorable and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often handwritten with a pen on ancient paper, and its pages sewn together with black thread, it is both a powerful source of information (providing true knowledge) and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the “correct magician’s book”? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only of literary and historical value, but is also a powerful artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, a collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes a strong assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

Witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, on memorizing spells, magical texts and the features of certain rituals) is only an extremely small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of the witchcraft craft, since teaching is one side of the coin, but practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for carrying out magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercise in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest decent result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard for something to start working out as it should. And given the specifics of the craft, one cannot make mistakes here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved may suffer, but also the unfortunate magician himself, who has not coped with his work.

First witchcraft

In order to practice primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced ones offer special witchcraft for beginners, which does not have any risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult task. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to whom it is attached.

For example, you can train using a universal spell. It must be done in the dark, with extreme concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow) and bring it home.
  • Light two candles and turn off the lights.

After this, you need to say the following words to the water:

“Water, water, help me learn. What I tell you will be woven into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say an event that is about to happen). You are the connection between heaven and earth. Let it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast a spell with your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting a spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what was said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activities!

For example, you can practice various spells for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing your own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out, how to cast water, then it will be possible to master many witchcraft techniques at once in one fell swoop. After all, water is a strong energy concentrator. Using this concentrator, you can record and transmit any information and energy to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first spell, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, you have special abilities for this).

Experts also advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for humans: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - must be done by a Russian (or Slav),
  • German magical rituals will be the ideal beginning for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, etc.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of indigenous, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that a sorcerer has developed at a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.

Fascinating, mysterious and frightening - all this can be said about magic. For a new person, the world of magic is a dense forest. And now we will talk about magical basics.

In order to start using the tools of magic, you must first understand them. There are many types of witchcraft. Such as palmistry, clairvoyance, various fortune-telling, conspiracies, rituals, spells and a lot more.

What is palmistry?

Let's start with palmistry. This is a very interesting science that studies the fate of a person according to the lines on the palm. As in the case of rings on stumps in the forest, one can determine not only age by the hand, but also how long a person will live; the hand can tell about intellectual indicators and matters of the heart.

To practice palmistry, you need to study the names of the lines and their meanings. In the modern world, fortunately, there is a sufficient amount of literature on this topic. After all, palmistry, among other things, is also a very fashionable science.

Different types of fortune telling

1. Fortune telling from the “Book of Changes”. This is an ancient Chinese fortune-telling that came to us along with the science of Feng Shui. You will need 3 coins of the same rank and the book itself. You can also easily find it on the Internet; there are also online fortune telling.

The meaning of fortune telling is that you ask a question and toss 3 coins 6 times, write down the values ​​​​described in the book. You should get a 6-character icon. You look for this pictogram in a book and read what it means.

2. Fortune telling with calling souls. This is another fortune telling with a book, but this time this item will be more of an inventory. Take a book, scissors and string. You need to insert the scissors with the tip between the pages into the middle of the book, and the rings should stick out. We secure all this splendor with a rope.

To carry out fortune telling, you will need at least one more person besides you. Sit opposite each other. Both extend your index fingers towards each other. Place the scissor rings on them so that each of you gets a ring.

After this, call any deceased character and ask yes and no questions. If the answer is yes, the rings will begin to move along with the book in your hands.

3. Well, the easiest way to find out something is to flip a coin. But in our case, there is no need to look at heads or tails. The answer will come on its own while the coin is in the air. The first thing that comes to mind is the answer to your question.

White Magic Spells for Beginners

Practical white magic is a serious step. To successfully perform witchcraft, some people train for years. Therefore, we do not recommend actively casting spells right away. Especially if you do not have a gift from birth or do not have a sorcerer in your close circle who will help you figure it all out.

Let's take the basics. White magic spells for beginners that will allow you to develop the necessary skills:

  • Prepare the charmed water. To do this, we use a simple spell that charges with energy. We take a jug of clean drinking water, bend over to the water and quietly whisper: “The water will charge you with positivity, it will allow me to get drunk and then sparkle myself.”
  • We make ourselves a talisman. Choose your favorite small item. It could be a pendant or bracelet, or a stone. Basically, anything that you could put in your pocket or wear. The following spell will help charge this thing with powerful protective energy: “I’m walking under the dome, I’ll push all troubles away from me.”

It is difficult to fit a huge mountain of information into a small article, so if you are seriously interested in this topic, stay with us and we will tell you more!

Video on the topic of the article

In the minds of modern people, such phenomena as magic and witchcraft seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond belief. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. And today you can learn magic, become a fortuneteller or clairvoyant, and master the basics of witchcraft very easily. The only thing it is advisable to have for this is the right mentor. The role of a mentor can be anyone or anything: from a competent literary guide or an innate great talent for magic to a wise, experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is, in essence, the same everyday practice, profession or specialty as other traditional types of human activity, but the aura of mystery around it is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals dedicated to or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out on a subtle level. This is why not everyone can undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimum set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be performed purely mechanically, without talent for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the act decreases sharply if the individual performing it is not involved in the process with his whole being. What does a future magician need to become a professional in the field of witchcraft?

Hereditary Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and magicians come from those who inherited a gift of this kind from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such areas as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that a magician should only be hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then he simply has nothing to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to master complex witchcraft technologies. They search the Internet for rare videos of rituals, collect and learn incantations and whispers used by various healers in all corners of the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, etc.

If an individual has a strong desire, which becomes meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable destiny and, without any special talent for magic, become a good wizard.

If you have never understood how to cast a spell, and magic itself seemed only an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in your family, this is not yet a reason to claim that the minimum magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, absence? This can also be done at home, since basic tests are usually used (however, they cannot be carried out independently; you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is asked to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of establishing magical abilities). There is also an option to distinguish in photographs people who are now living and have already passed on to a better world, to consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, such testing should be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a true Master can easily say whether the test results were a mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Teacher of magic and witchcraft

The importance of a teacher on the path to becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that secret information and special energy are transferred. The mentor invests part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience, in the student.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we undergo training in witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge we gain from books, but also on the experiences that other people have had. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs a good mentor who could dilute the book information with his own comments from practice. Only in this way can dry words and numbers come to life and turn into the background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the topic about teachers of magicians, one immediately remembers horror stories about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the magician’s profession, they, in their general mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in the real world there is no reason to be afraid.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on the topic of how to learn to conjure, how to master the magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, a lot of such books were published, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells, written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an ancient tome, and a manual for novice magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who shows interest in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or your own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding “your book” and hit the road. If the stars are favorable and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often handwritten with a pen on ancient paper, and its pages sewn together with black thread, it is both a powerful source of information (providing true knowledge) and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the “correct magician’s book”? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only of literary and historical value, but is also a powerful artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, a collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes a strong assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

Witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, on memorizing spells, magical texts and the features of certain rituals) is only an extremely small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of the witchcraft craft, since teaching is one side of the coin, but practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for carrying out magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercise in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest decent result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard for something to start working out as it should. And given the specifics of the craft, one cannot make mistakes here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved may suffer, but also the unfortunate magician himself, who has not coped with his work.

First witchcraft

In order to practice primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced ones offer special witchcraft for beginners, which does not have any risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult task. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to whom it is attached.

For example, you can train using a universal spell. It must be done in the dark, with extreme concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow) and bring it home.
  • Light two candles and turn off the lights.

After this, you need to say the following words to the water:

“Water, water, help me learn. What I tell you will be woven into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say an event that is about to happen). You are the connection between heaven and earth. Let it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast a spell with your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting a spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what was said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activities!

For example, you can practice various spells for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing your own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out, how to cast water, then it will be possible to master many witchcraft techniques at once in one fell swoop. After all, water is a strong energy concentrator. Using this concentrator, you can record and transmit any information and energy to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first spell, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, you have special abilities for this).

Experts also advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for humans: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - must be done by a Russian (or Slav),
  • German magical rituals will be the ideal beginning for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, etc.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of indigenous, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that a sorcerer has developed at a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.
