Like a man of two summary. Retelling of the work "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.

“Yes, there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, they soon, at the behest of a pike, at my will, found themselves on a desert island.”

Previously, generals served in the registry. They served all their lives. “They didn’t even know any words, except:“ Accept the assurance of my perfect respect and devotion. And then they ended up on a desert island, "woke up and see: both are under the same blanket." At first they did not understand anything, but then they became convinced that they were actually on a desert island. “In front of them, on the one hand, the sea spread, on the other side lay a small piece of land, behind which the same boundless sea spread.”

"The generals cried" and began to think what to do now. There is no benefit from the reports ... The generals decided to go in different directions, and then converge on the same place. Only now they could not find the countries of the world - they served in the registry all their lives. Then they decided to go one to the right, the other to the left.

They went, only they can’t pick an apple from a tree, or catch a fish. So they both returned empty-handed. True, one of them found an old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti.

“... I still thought that rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!” one of the generals said. And then suddenly they began to rush at each other. But then they came to their senses.

“I heard from one doctor that a person can eat his own juices for a long time,” one general began again. To distract from thoughts about food, the generals began to read Moskovskie Vedomosti. And again, they come across all the articles about food. They decided to find a man. It's just that there's nowhere to take it here. The generals began to walk around the island.

“... Finally, the sharp smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin brought them to the trail. Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and in the most insolent way shied away from work. There was no limit to the indignation of the generals.

They pushed him and forced him to work. He gave them apples and potatoes.

Are you satisfied, gentlemen generals? meanwhile the couch potato asked.

Satisfied, dear friend, we see your zeal! - answered the generals.

Will you let me rest now?

Take a rest, my friend, just tie the rope first.

So the man did not rest, until the evening he wove a rope. But time passed, and the generals got bored. The man built "such a vessel that it was possible to cross the ocean-sea all the way to Podyacheskaya." And all this in order to "introduce the generals there."

The generals set off on a vessel with a peasant. And how much they scolded him for “parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale. And the peasant rows and rows and feeds the generals with herrings.

And when they got there, they raked out their entire pension from the treasury during this time. “However, they didn’t forget about the peasant either: they sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

Two frivolous retired generals found themselves on a desert island. “The generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; there they were born, brought up and grew old, therefore, they did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words, except: “Receive the assurance of my perfect respect and devotion.” Once the generals woke up - lo and behold, they were lying on the shore and there was nothing on either one or the other, except for a nightgown and orders around their necks.

The general who served as a calligraphy teacher was a little smarter than the other one. He suggests walking around the island and looking for food. But where to go? The generals cannot determine which is west and which is east. The island is abundant, there is everything, but the generals are tormented by hunger, but they cannot get anything. They only find Moskovskiye Vedomosti, where, as luck would have it, sumptuous dinners are described. From hunger, the generals almost eat each other.

A former calligraphy teacher came up with an idea: we need to find a man who will take care of them. “For a long time they wandered around the island without any success, but at last the sharp smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin brought them to the trail.” They look, a lazy man is sleeping under a tree. He saw the generals, wanted to run, but they tightly clung to him. The peasant begins to work: he plucked ten ripe apples for the generals, and took one sour apple for himself; dug in the ground and got potatoes; rubbed two pieces of wood against each other - and got fire; made a snare from his own hair - and caught a hazel grouse. And he prepared so much food that the generals even thought about giving the “parasite” a piece?

Before lying down to rest, the peasant, on the orders of the generals, weaves a rope, and they tie him to a tree so that he does not run away. Two days later, the peasant got so good at it that he “began to cook soup even in a handful.” The generals are full and satisfied, while their pensions are accumulating in St. Petersburg. The generals are sitting and reading the Moskovskie Vedomosti. But here they are bored. The peasant built a boat, covered its bottom with swan's down, laid the generals down and, crossing himself, swam away. “How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and different winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - neither to describe with a pen, nor to tell in a fairy tale.”

But finally, Petersburg. “The cooks threw up their hands, seeing what kind of generals they had become well-fed, white and cheerful! The generals drank coffee, ate buns, went to the treasury and got a lot of money. However, the peasant was not forgotten either; they sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

Option 2

There lived two middle-aged generals who had reached retirement age, who were born, educated, lived to old age in some clerical institutions, who understood absolutely nothing, and not only in military affairs. Even their vocabulary was incredibly narrow and consisted of assurances of devotion and reverence. Once they woke up on the shore of a desert island, in nightgowns, having only an order around their necks.

One of these generals, who once served as a calligraphy teacher, was somewhat smarter than the other and suggested that his comrade walk along the shore in search of possible food. But where is the best place to go? Neither one nor the other is guided by the cardinal points, and can get lost. The island is full of food, but the starving generals cannot get anything for themselves. They come across a piece of the newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti" with descriptions of various gourmet dishes. The generals are ready to eat each other, they are so hungry! A former calligraphy teacher comes to an unexpected thought: it is necessary to find some peasant so that he can take care of the generals and feed them. For a long time they wandered around the island in search of such a thing, until they smelled freshly baked bread and, having passed through this smell, they stumbled upon a peasant sleeping in the canopy of a tree. The man, waking up, tried to run away from them, but they did not allow this to be done, but demanded to feed them. The peasant picked apples for them and gave them to the generals, taking only one himself, digging in the ground, got potatoes, made a trap and caught a hazel grouse, lit a fire and prepared food for the lordships. He prepared so many different kinds of food that the generals even had the idea to give the “lazy man” a piece.

The generals tell him to weave a rope to tie the peasant to a tree with it so that he does not run away from them while they are sleeping. After a couple of days, the man learned how to cook soup for them incredibly quickly. Generals for the sake of and live happily ever after. In St. Petersburg at this time, the amount of pension due to generals is growing. And they only read newspapers. Then they start to get bored. A peasant builds a boat, covers the bottom with soft fluff, puts the generals on it and sets sail from the island. During the journey, the peasant had a chance to listen to a lot of curses addressed to him for “idleness”. After some time they reach St. Petersburg. The generals ate soft buns that they missed so much, drank coffee, which they had not drunk for a long time, received their due money, and the peasant who rescued them was given a nickel and a glass of vodka. That's all gratitude!

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary The story of how one man fed two generals Saltykov-Shchedrin

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Summary The story of how one man fed two generals Saltykov-Shchedrin

Two frivolous generals lived without grieve. Once, at the request of the author, or at the behest of the pike, they both ended up on an uninhabited island.

Woke up. They pleaded not with their own voice. They scratched their heads, crossed themselves, and decided to go - one to the east and the other to the west. But the stupid generals who were born, grew up and grew old in some kind of registry did not know anything. On that they decided, they went to the right, but to the left.

They circled the island. Many dishes met there:

  • all sorts of fruits
  • hazel grouse, black grouse, hares
  • whole pond fish

The generals returned with nothing. They understood one thing, that the beast, but the fish needed to be caught, and then cooked. And earlier they thought that rolls are born in the form in which they are served for breakfast.

The officials grieve, grieve, and go to bed. Spinning, spinning generals, they dream tables full of food.

So they were carried away by delicious dreams that they pounced on each other, but let's tear clothes to shreds. The general from the office tore off the order from the chest of a comrade and swallowed it in an instant. Only the blood running down the shirts stopped the hungry registrars.

The generals decided to distract themselves by talking, but only all conversations about food and boiled down.

The friends thought about it and decided that there must certainly be a man on the island who would feed them.

You never know, how much time has passed, the search was not crowned with success. The generals were upset, drooped, when they suddenly see a huge man lying on his fist under a tree, shirking work. They got angry, shouted, stamped their feet, waved their hands. The kid wanted to run, but only ranks high clung to him with a stranglehold.

The peasant got the loafers and ripe apples, and delicious potatoes, and various game.

The couch potatoes lived for their own pleasure, they started talking about the Babylonian pandemonium, about the global flood, and about the pension that accumulates in their absence.

They lived and lived, but only the generals became bored, they began to yearn for the St. Petersburg cooks, for life in Podyacheskaya.

They began to force the man. Ask at the registry office.

A peasant made either a boat, or a ship, or a vessel. He covered her with swan fluff, laid down the generals, crossed himself, yes went across the ocean- the sea.

And the storms raged, and the winds rose with storms, and the peasant waved his oars. How much fear for the distant way the generals experienced. But everything passed as soon as they saw:

  1. Mother Neva
  2. Catherine's glorious channel
  3. Bolshaya Podyacheskaya

They ran to the reception desk, got a lot of money they had accumulated, but they didn’t forget about the peasant, poured vodka, and granted a nickel of silver.

This work tells about how two generals, accustomed to living without worries and not knowing how to do anything, ended up on a desert island. Hunger overcame them, they began to look for food, but since they were not adapted to work, they did not get anything to eat. One of them suddenly remembered that it was possible to find a peasant peasant to arrange a delicious treat for them. The man was found and immediately fed them and began to work for them. The generals ordered that the breadwinner take them home. After the peasant delivered the generals home, he was immediately awarded a silver nickel and a glass of vodka.

A fairy tale teaches the right relationship between people. You can not humiliate and take advantage of others, you should respect and appreciate those who provide assistance in difficult life situations.

Read the summary of the Tale of how one man fed two generals Saltykov-Shchedrin

The story was written during the oppression of the peasants. The author contrasts the people and the ruling elite. The people are presented in the form of a downtrodden mass, and the dominant force is shown as powerful and merciless in relation to ordinary people. The gentlemen treat the people as an exploited class and do not take into account its interests.

In the fairy tale, two generals are ridiculed, who ended up on a desert island, where there were no comfortable conditions for them. They woke up on the shore in the same orders and nightgowns, wrapped in the same blanket. The generals served in the same institution throughout their lives and did not know how to do much. They only learned to repeat the same phrases. They retired and lived happily ever after.

The frightened generals were convinced that they were not dreaming of all this, they began to wander around the island and explore it. While wandering, they had a brutal appetite. The search for food brought good results: there are a lot of fruits on the trees, game runs and fish splashes. Only one bad luck: the generals do not know how to get their own food. They got used to eating all the food cooked, and the fact that the food, before it is cooked on trees, and runs through the forest, was a miracle for them. They found only the newspaper Moskovskiye Vedomosti, began to read it, and everything about plentiful meals was written there. From annoyance, the generals almost swallowed each other alive, waved their fists, but realized that nothing could be changed by a fight. They calmed down and began to think about how to be.

They talked among themselves, but all their thoughts were only about food and every conversation came down to something edible. One of the generals, who shone with intelligence, as in the past he worked as a calligraphy teacher, the thought came to mind: we urgently need to find a peasant. The generals decided that the peasant was hiding somewhere from work and went to look for him. After all, a peasant can do anything, and cook food and fry game. They walked around the new habitat, looked for a man, but all to no avail, they suffered even more.

Suddenly they smelled bread and sour sheepskin. The generals wandered towards the smell and saw that a peasant was sleeping under a tree. They approached him and began threateningly demanding that he feed them. They scolded the peasant how he could sleep, a loafer, when the gentlemen had not eaten or drunk for two days, but staggered from hunger. The man wanted to get away from them, but he could not, they managed to grab him. The peasant began to work for the generals. He picked ripe apples for them, hid one sour one for himself, dug up potatoes, then caught a hazel grouse with a snare woven from his own hair. He kindled the fire and prepared the prey. The peasant tied a rope to himself, the generals tied him to a tree so that he would not run away from them. And they themselves lay down to rest after a hearty dinner.

The peasant fattened the generals, they became even denser than they were. And the man is glad to please them, he does everything for them that they ask, he even adapted to cook soup in his palms. Everything would be fine and life would be successful for the generals, but longing found on them and they missed their cozy houses with servants. A new order is presented to the peasant, so that he delivers them home, to St. Petersburg.

The man built a boat to sail from the island. For softness, he spread swan down for the generals, made stocks of food in order to regale the servicemen on the way. They set out on their journey across the vast ocean. The peasant got it for both sea storms and severe motion sickness. The generals were frightened of large waves, and bad weather, because they had never seen anything except their papers in the registry. And the peasant is already accustomed to such an attitude, he does not take offense at the generals and does not hold a grudge. He sits, pays no attention, rows with oars.

They arrived in Petersburg. The generals came ashore, their servants, and the cooks are surprised at what kind of generals they have become. Immediately they began to drink coffee, and bite into sweet buns - they became happy. During the time the generals were on the island, they received a good pension. Their joy increased even more at this news. The man was thanked for helping them. They sent him to the island, a silver nickel, and a glass of vodka. A man for such a gift, in their opinion, should have fun and be satisfied.

Picture or drawing The story of how one man fed two generals

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“Yes, there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, they soon, at the behest of a pike, at my will, found themselves on a desert island.”

Previously, generals served in the registry. They served all their lives. “They didn’t even know any words, except:“ Accept the assurance of my perfect respect and devotion. And then they ended up on a desert island, "woke up and see: both are under the same blanket." At first they did not understand anything, but then they became convinced that they were actually on a desert island. “In front of them, on the one hand, the sea spread, on the other side lay a small piece of land, behind which the same boundless sea spread.”

"The generals cried" and began to think what to do now. There is no benefit from the reports ... The generals decided to go in different directions, and then converge on the same place. Only now they could not find the countries of the world - they served in the registry all their lives. Then they decided to go one to the right, the other to the left.

They went, only they can’t pick an apple from a tree, or catch a fish. So they both returned empty-handed. True, one of them found an old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti.

“... I still thought that rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!” one of the generals said. And then suddenly they began to rush at each other. But then they came to their senses.

“I heard from one doctor that a person can eat his own juices for a long time,” one general began again. To distract from thoughts about food, the generals began to read Moskovskie Vedomosti. And again, they come across all the articles about food. They decided to find a man. It's just that there's nowhere to take it here. The generals began to walk around the island.

“... Finally, the sharp smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin brought them to the trail. Under a tree, with his belly up and his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and in the most insolent way shied away from work. There was no limit to the indignation of the generals.

They pushed him and forced him to work. He gave them apples and potatoes.

Are you satisfied, gentlemen generals? meanwhile the couch potato asked.

Satisfied, dear friend, we see your zeal! - answered the generals.

Will you let me rest now?

Take a rest, my friend, just tie the rope first.

So the man did not rest, until the evening he wove a rope. But time passed, and the generals got bored. The man built "such a vessel that it was possible to cross the ocean-sea all the way to Podyacheskaya." And all this in order to "introduce the generals there."

The generals set off on a vessel with a peasant. And how much they scolded him for “parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale. And the peasant rows and rows and feeds the generals with herrings.

And when they got there, they raked out their entire pension from the treasury during this time. “However, they didn’t forget about the peasant either: they sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”
